1 Ï .La it of rith rai it ui agé LAKE. COUTY FARMBUtA R Ildqmat Rikw"pày . uttite for h t ____ HE TWENTY.FIVE 1E« .DAIRV CATTU thet the 8 RUeed a',I~ i. i~ nearffig 1, coaiderng whlc0i are the. bUst wo meO st la eor OUR t> pe~ieçtkn shiaba for sn~gven localfty ou t £ i i t . thSo eeda *t e 'uiba thrd lu te Unlte s4pf t 10 citit1o ut g t 55 .1 . e f e PumV. "se. ana tb*ur Inthe oitedor thi e ti.aatter. o'ls oe to teedlng sa4tip n* 0 et w e oi ! t id favorte, snd a vague digitke grain la thatsca oMM mifat accrdngte n u-for tii.imfunbaiuar. There are ba«k Weo;bbasa r~ es*O today by the Univesiyfa_ W ba trvél teeu, tnwam-oa f grain. 1Penlbae*me* *111*i*.wh t 2w81 la4 1te. 514V131 Cva the* "«1a ~~~8g la,180 Cag&vtOStt 5I. **« ebam Sat Wbemuer they wnt Ittli u am.3.8 d.n.Assoelation coirs - ±T w> lntopoetthesit auuPpyfratb.5 ____ a40d ý'bô%ùd ne b. beather. "ev lot tat8,ai1 au 1u f ..,______ ;~~~~~~~~~~o 1oodduui 0. aub loI u lnl . A. A. WOOL POOL. SOLO suranc » 4,000 mw ds 0fto &boum me »If. qtiolu tien to iu 40mpefat. f *ty lu corhlfatl.lim oruy.la tihe779,0W PSUfds In thei 1921 Tin =ty n enjuctjon ithIllinois Agrcultunai Asooclatlon w@ol of apffl ties et the tate . sa pool, 698,900 pounds have no« beex en g assoclation " 101*teu poe1r78wdatVii. ch vin average 10T2 fm flteehaln ths.aso-cents a poumd net. The total sum l odd i&# »à e.0 Se*uet *edreeetvad fbr the irool wua i,4 rî Sien I therepot &SThrea th6u8"xd oeuelundred mlxi>'-Th01 EaWb<*OW.WItb 8meI ~ nefarmera In 89 coirnty Farm fUfliS t Maootpin, jiffigham, Rd- Bua EOIIBuok15. Xe«Oraffl.g, El- BIureaua contlbuted to tii19211I. AA..à-va"n 8 i*t- Adams,. Carrol.Rock b dMp oup fle:r m4O# Ol Poolnt',M x, hltsld, DlCab, nb. *1.wmu, Tre ~ The pice recaived for the pooIed Per CeSt ýWasgê,Cook,. Stephen- mda jri4'ýw *re'5111spires, pr00 oie ëla fnt as large sau the1. ter mi>-mni ~ae J Paiss oitie», Oi ies oWii.n'0y Cor- >y, ket quotstions.if 1la, liomeyer. more Ploir -lainwn aglgl.~~a" JOI11 roi la almoat every linatalCe thun grOirera a cash:N lii. MadIs0'1, Clark. Effiflg- lIUgh Busi Creaberry>, Snowbail. moud bave received by Individual sale figures1 rin, Warren, JO Davie0s. rrow WooltTuxàkWeiaela. at thelme of tiie clip. Pastar sue and Whlteslde couu- àmong mis am e f oumi tèhe The. coet of marketing the wool In cash rat mont heautful of 0cr faut dimSaple.>- cents par Pound iras found to ea « or a litt %k. count>' Nuruber 1 as-lng native ahebi, and aise mont 0f .<llow: Storage, .030046; f'lght, .rgaiae lu191, h. Jiet ur ltiUrn gadesfavorites. loved .015375: Inteboat on Prelht, .000417; yg ias alxth ypar's work. for their flairers or decorative frit-AL Settleensot, .005;lnee0.n I rear the average vas 8,561 - ________tequettiemnntres.000010. ,fMilk and 322 ptiUids COf O1.FEATS FRE REDMOVE Âcy0dlug o qetyF iifRAsn I an average feed cot- oet t. tut Fri Bieuse l < a reenu abya f ed 0f o ~ Amr~ War B~c.I ng gromers received trmtr .0tUe a tru aol bove hudr0f cteAmren ar ueucents a Pound more than would have - eomaWIB er teSted Fdrainntenainl ain2U Ugot 1»' tOUviduai sale. I tea-may be given a large'ahane lo! thre lnoir ssving wuea a!ected te AUis Au hrda le he '-reditforgaving tax pal'ers $860e- 2,700 farinera lu hblanketo made fr011 ib*U tbe workfibyt srted0f0 outhe elhmlUaon In thie8sonate the. pO9Oed VOQI mmibmore d9Iivered Expeci <lie mok firota -thead appropriation for f ree s ledSat tiie cost price of manutacture' he brde *cotalfed Pue te ha aent out b>' campalgnlUg CODi- ' 1 la anaouce that a reuci ,acret 0$a ppebredyear thee are -gcemen tu their nrura tDtlU eVt< aitacent a Pound ilu tihe baud- c i4 arbraa I tif' af Thén Ainerican .Pamrin Uau lilng chargea for the i922 ooî pool ;dvser bae o.oeraederation wotk*d abinst the. free 0edd I ml b, made. The. laMer frelght rates B adviser bu avr e prxat 01 the grotnd that the>' -vereso0little if maati.ned afttr June 80, i-ll sia<LÇ ~lx iewat7 o Illnos lu the or no us.1ta fariner ansd were luntthe 1iring about a conuldevable saving. oUmra ,OgwnWblg and malaintnil 1921 ca s'are undthedirect d'W, a:;. ,by irbiclithey gai the Doye r aes areou ofle toern.Jand the nitrogen aud Minstata ~ n~u mo hve ad - Alite aais froin thelesa exbensive fod- W.F.4 ______________ders, lu b>' ait odds the cheaper of agricult the tiro methode of horie-feedlng, ftalleu >4'u TELIeSasd uis this xprlmhntWituts 00U6 YStic. mai' seai te hava taught littla the pri - Hp sette ua I.AO pt. deba &eseton lu méa. Indeed, It snt' u1 Mayx- c etqck !ewh lng haei=t madequestion N Ilis eson t ol Ifo heten0j g 4" 1 g'Iither&cbulletinordtheed forety ork e a$«%a ros ejn-bl, mas elected dIrek tectradîtionaite horné a withthe W $pEGÏoutl Salas'.cur 10u#efroin Ie2norud. u etpoe ba or ninte e- eld e, l.ansrMent Outmothyon the=rincraltha> sud ~,ijte<1 -dcol miie aplt h ueue s ii orce 0f ws nigeia 1. pl1.Ooni *Pm ndHtreorud *atmluer part ludo- ptetitbheéapl noegom nîii. la bogTetact ethe could bead.tuanI o au oa ridltdfrl MMpra$eu te t e I a o ut dbaed qestonin 12 > .S.Bok dpr I Mta Fpss .aaor lha zo' diegr#tq eIng Ithlasthe qastPlin N l. f»tyflis f2 et *htercon ilspoin fe vlm. for ousws bac mehe. ttl ~eh ~ cu itiofarmrl Kibo~rne eWiscnslnar-su> aag is enf hsafnt lu,à. c hr 01 o orhr idiret&a ase fon ris.Ifoet ua r er . 1>.cote teînoat 10rd t-ew s, ad.espeoli> lghuraédaoafrI o es scoo B u t mehya therionlceitpetae ret xintaihl Wu, 'utai.careany. lu thesouitue panIt 7 prt okd.--n 0 o vitedý90o weeos aaent ci rIcou the .11e egtaen g rie fn Ibas JI1Is$IoerOtI.I, ef abo&ls, l>e ýil muelaidti se,_18fut' pay u an at5rs liaIo 14 .olhld durin tr hoieerbu1. la nedessa nto th1922i.be ol.S.Bokdprena'POn XvalynMose ii.rn ountir e" th no feedvie ttesat vrinaO B ro5*f4i4 &Uh wf a do ntaxili tIalo euéhr aPKPs frou. rm rvsscoma en fron theh doe sud sfafain rt i.il hep- hEV mt hos.CU OL o in nKKete mposbeit.onic PUar new ptularcae tatousecl formr i )icbiu, l»gn#i, Nr- yndmage oa beeWs~n ftao foth.ar com a Site fed orge, eseC Rbe nt Jas rale u iot udruitla er- wber ou% ae nt mch row crn t te m eretfa et the for tii. «ulaedof aU, pecall muee I th cae, mme, Beloayng uip orgaisatnhae duig h owvit1 ncsryt ind hebeu orm e gLçad uek aýuItr"=Tand , Lemienérale rom au4q Tii. pupila ! tiiui ad of eicted pobrt elden su ior and eultforeire- l'bouee tpem4et aehI Ifor th AboIuteIy rueorie tobNaMari .lo m ls 0f nipJ, buietT. Conelsli uegasudLon#adLuels W= mofr .An=te a 0004,rgteS4ce Do "ors il Tos sionTus Lapo Sdlr 'ntue #tbW st ap dam atest. jp> bglàoblIw 21n.119Ëtii. W " e ! ý fi For 8.h Dy bonoiety Pf ""~" ri ll *,éfhte> be' 0V o&PSeoidmt <riena fausielles lu te t Lob lafthlet o Ihrd Wé thfllat19 te >ervice It pays to owzi the Hupmnobile EVerone S~MM tÔ kéowî that it is oepecially long- lived, especially faithfuli service. It's almnostaproverb aniongskilledrepaiflfefl that the Hupmnobile je bette- built, and that it stays out of the shop far more corisistently. Owners have found that yearly repair and replacement costs,barring accidents,are nex t to nothing. It is a remarkaÉly fine perforiner when-it's new; and the same fine performer when *it's old. It isn't strange or unusual-isit?- that every- one believes àt pays to own the Hupmobile. Touruîd Car, *1250;'Roadater, $1250; JRoadatoe-Cbupe, 0145; Coupe, $1835; Sedan, #195;-COd Tir..on &Hi 4mod.1.-Prioea F. O. a. Dtroit. Repenu. Tax Extra. OasMiid Ath. in Theinc m Iudpde l oerencuit v.tk à Wd$dy Zb m"Mdv v i h n glv. ca«Wtg- IR E SAPER the GreatIN rt Sk eUn tation, andl air service, Euoyyour net Chiagotrip,--on a Swift E lectic Train IHR OUGH the beautiful Isake Shore Adistrict you rideii rest com.f rt over the electric route. Past and relia.ble -êrvoe st all hours. For business tripe or pleasure jannta the North Shore Une oUeérs every advautage 01 comfort and couvôflience. Traîne leave Làibertyville st thirty minute inteîrval from 5-:48, A. M. to 10:48 A. mi., thon st il :48 A£ M. and every half hour thereafter uni il, 8:48, P. M.9 thon 0:481>. IL «ud GveBry hour thièafter uùig12:.48 A. M. '1!h.me lr' ae rmtcon- nections sat ik if o h~.~ Ail Limited fr-ahi to Chica"' operate direct to 63e'd & Dorchester and do pot amide the Loti> - - - TÛZET W~E PAUL STAIlGE 4 John D. 1 just berm Ia aM evet Close Vn màn be Aitho Physi even>' a years t strons. the do% At sa bis nain -wrnlc 'outlock S mlghty Reinli the moi give lit .Dn' tamponâ Il ail i The speech. during meuts, tAon, ah Once. mas mal An o1 ha supp to the r It wai moulAi i Importa "Tyoc mho hi mines. To thi turne 1.0 ludustri deprets go'wn." Dr.C that the 'E 18 r mé~S74 SE»IOUE No. 8. UBERTYVUiI, E Ilupmfobile. Ah'ays. FaitIhW in~