ýr bkffiIng PrfwThat Instinct la Net Intahlibte. ito Deth BocaueNo On of Them Hail An>'Initiative Lt six oclock In thé mornlng 1 was 4 tarllag for sas'wlm las a British aulansi jungle vhon, t the foot o! thé l5bietoristeps 1 saw a sîvftly tmov- Jue .bioa lne oé f émnîanis cu slfari, »psslng tbrouigh thé compounl 10 thé i'béao. 1 tracél tliem back unlar theé îmrvap&e quartera through two clumpe lot bambou,. te an outhosea. Later 1 tolewed aong lié columo. deva b to thriver sund, througb a dens, mass t underbrPsb. tlsrougi a buov wiog up the bank. hsck tbruugh lgtîgsijungle-to lIse puthoilsé atain; ud on a large fatian lot, a fév geaI beyol thé spot vhs'. thir nét Md 4bie, th iods of the cireactu- *l17 Came togtber. Il vas thé Mot' iatouisbicg thhlg. and 1 hait te vfrIfy Si a*gain snd egain her. 1 coulil hé- 11Va"tIse evidence if My eyes. U wuva amont colurai. sr niet villetaamay places, said the enta ft11' billeved tht theY vire-on chir --are sané bomne; for' mout ers isiflisif eggs et larma, altlsongtb manY lied oit.For su Ibeur, t nome, IUlng beuvv niln, lb. elunun veakénel aMd aimaitdilsappeonid t but vbin the aMM thune.le Uine« rejolned, and tlis' revolution oft h.vdcio«s cîrcie cn- Carefu mésurement o« the gréaI étroit bowI a circuiiriO. NIZX ;La.We limed th sle M &tÇ itl béunI tint théy averagel tw,*t t ed brée-quartera incIases a I 2 à givéis Indivilual voptit .isPielé the round lu about tva heurs an &s aLX AIu tihe aternoon -ltheinsane circ,* vivolvil, aetmjIdnbg t i bubota vii, «iImoving; the econd mornint MAni Ïail Weakened and diropped thair bus'- desinasd thé générai Pao. had vean spproclably siackené. Eut sdUIt h. bilaI grip of Istiné beld them. On. ou n, he imet gel AIisys beboré ins their némallo 11f. thaeebal bien * goal-j sanctuari of heiiov trie. mag bearlof bambho; oereithibi terrible. grinil musItcendaambev. TIrough =sun ad cloul, la>' andl kSgbiheuraller bour ~the- vas roud ne snt.vith Indtviuat lutlattve geefi bte tursi &ide an ant's breadth iront *aecirci t hé be ad traveMi penbaxu 13 tisais. Pvieer sud baver Dov cMame Ien tb.evolt-vomi path: burdens Iltieri o« lino et marc4i 1lire arma-send smcptnasésts Ibroun divaby a e.' ui'alng amii &t i lesta mant I"aigl Ue truled peat-tinl. hCQPiesa, bW vildered, Mde an sd thoughtlesa tithe Thes osma hai-liait ast stmte4 fia. lIse irote *long Ote b ansd Sw thle lin behiaitbilu Intcou- insm Thedespigaion of totale- ialmbail accspflabieirvIat ne- unim endopprtfan d norsud M hcood nef.Baerai lothers tel. lewmeIt tua10mbintalit f thatlea&- tu ba& tovard tbhe othou;and ui m esu amoeba graduallI lo- a ttio - tef liaoum peiidpeli5 ai lie torore. bffl et the c réai EcIon -ryv 1?d alswly dcvi ithe bechsuddacebInte thse fengle. Would tbev diealoian sd lu ba- w ildere greusa, or vuld th rein. mtia drav togethér, m-. âgaia gulit. id bX th.1suPerminit Of Ita menLtor, lu the foundation cf 5nothir amy, ansi *gala coenéto nusailu m outhouse- Willim Bébe in th Atlantc Mnti. 4North Chicagoj 0f JULY PLANS Hiave been granted a lease en Foss Park; Big time la antWopated PARK BOARD HAS MEETING The Foas Park Board hed their rég- lar meeting at the auditorium lest ev- ening. A communication vas recelvei f rom lhe Modern Woodmen et North Chica- go aakng fer the park for thé Fourtii of July. The réquest vas guantéil andl thev viii have charge of thé celebra- tien on liat day. Direcior Smth repurted that the. park hail been rentaI atreadr, for a larg number ef dates for the' menthe et Ju ail Augut' also for orne lu Jua.. This belng the annmal meeting tie aurxt order ef businesswasthe lectio of officeri. Y. W. CooL vas rWeetef presidenta illWiam Behauman a treasurer. M. C. Decher vho bus heldj tb. office <1% secretari *ver ince tbe park borîrvas organiged recénly n- moved te Waukgan and he maile the ptstsmt chat be fet tIsat hi vas no loager ntIte te lb.ecBlce, Mar Fra- lybersk vastbirefore.electal to fil] tie plsce. The board showed their ap- preclaticu et lb. vork et Mfr. Décker Sa ecretery a£ lie commiaioners b>' rotuc a resolution of thanks and ap- Dreclation for, the services rendered. 60- YEAR -0,10 GRANDMOILER- FJNDS4 FUIINTAIN 0F TOUT! MIlS. MARG.AÜET JOSXPHINE BLAIR Fouîd-the fountamn of youth by a 60-yewii -old grand- mother I The woman who lias made this discovery le Mns. 'August Josephine Blair, of Los Angeles, whio bas1 startled New York by acting like a 16-year-old. In this article written especially for NEA Serývice, she tells the secret of it. Fat? Flabby? S11h? Cheir up. go vas . But nov at 60 1 cau turo a band sprlng. dancé for hours. Induise lu att kInda of sport, sud enjoy évri min- ute o! My lite. .Fer 55 veraasurgéons, peliole- gbsa ,neurooglati a4& plau famly Physicienss av fe mi their undivIl- dd attentkib. Doctara announcel me Incurable. 1 zuffeel tram a spinal curvatureansd rbumatisif. I vas overveitgIt-185 Pounla. I decilel that luey eye aitwrong. 1 deiedelthat 1Iwuvaizy. 04 I Jumped up fros a alck bel litterel vth prescriptions and lancel 10 tb. $train et a phenograpl. EiscIsaa>'of m body lu cadence le the rhythic mlmêer o! thé munie brought laIe ppeay muscles vhlch bal emainél dormant se long liaI they bail cea"eilte fonction. Dr. 301ey, F. n. Deyoe, Chares Gart- le, and Kart Nélson wçre appointed resolutloh committée. Mr. Deker. the. aacrtary. reliorted ibat a mistake bail been madeln luthe *èlectidu of ih. Park com iaonér li yesr for aceording to a nev law no commisaloner shonld have bien elected but one should have been appointe byh the board for thé perloil of eue year. An election bail becu bell and Frank Kachutski vas electeil. Due to ibis tact tbe boardl ap- ponted lmn for the pérloil of one Year. The presldenttbél appointeil lhe fol levlng committees fo the comini yéar: Grounds coanmittee. Kart Nel- Bon. 71mr.a XiiuMU and F. E. Diyoe Hou». cmrnttee.bDr. 30e, P. E. Dis, yoe snd F. W..-Cook. Leslie Davi, préident of the recru- ation committee vas presént and aak-, id for the use of th. Park and pavllon for two nlghts a month wheu flot refit- ed tu, other parties for commnintv gatherIngi. The requet vas graâtéil CITY BRIFS Dr. A. E. Bulle of 1Mth treel bas purchasél a nev Oveisul coupe. Hl. Mackintoich of Chicago la visit- ing lu lii cty for a fév laya ou bus- iness. W. O. McKinney o! thé MeKinue3N iIarringtoii comfauy vas a vister lu Chicago yeeterdsýy. The Ladie' Lbreni club cf tis cty entétinel thé vachers of lie Matt. Barvel drivée t lliuer lest.evenlug eit thé Çhamber of Commerce roomm. Tue Remration assocIation vii- méél on FidayI venilug, Apil 2ut at the aduitorlum. The falving, mina bers vii lu ncharge of lb. prgrain: lira. Leviu Wétch, Mra. Erneat Anti, Miss Edllh Jausonmm. Barri MMe Kinnei, Mrs. John Tlly sud Miss Est ban Nelaon. A veyn ntersallng meeting in belug planuel snd aul muasr»ea their friands aranInvitaI te, attend. A veri îxciting electloip vas bell Ir North Chicago îenléndif, eletixif Po lice Magistrale an Aldermen for 1h9 ths'e yards. Poli detilla cf sane ie l hé touaI ou suother pagé of iis pet ès--. r Thé Fcss park board met lest avez Ing lu their reguler ksssion, at thé ci des of thé auditorium building. A verl Intéeeting meeting*vllh couslîerabl Important busines belng transacled il be'lng th aunaimeeting. MrinC Décher vho buhein aiCietari and a tornie et tb. board for a nénbér o irs*aa Prseut i4tthse flhibu&ns rslgUO lébispoililuc. ald Max Pisi Y"" -4ýt. hi Thé schéma varkéd. 1I seancor- récteil thé curvature oethle aline. ter- gel ail about my rbeumatisrA sud -bé- gan to haie lie spirits et a 16-ear. cl. My veight came lavu ta 118 pouahs. I sleep eight haurs every nlgbt. t exèrcisé réglarl-to. thé atrain of dance music. w AY TO MUMORY Shio -keeper of naval roerve Post teils how he associates néw members with objects CETS MENTAL PICTURE Reutenbering one hundreil and svt-fv namense80that ho cou ea éci- uvidua by bis Ovu cog- x0lneIn the tank Nlrk Keller, a1tP keeper orf-the 1ocal naval re- go"* s etablishmenlt at'Madigon snd OMkmRosI, hbamasterel. Net on»-- thèse men, but lueur friends ,Whe accoznpany the members te Ow establshment areknown by »Aimete toKeler. ,&#X" boy li eembered se »*synMes, se that hoécua l * m* ge waf ithout hésitation. Keller -U 1ai a simple méthod usedlnl uftfga mental picture of thé men n asaatng their narnes wlth 1efamillar oblet Sorne of thé narnesb.hoassoclates '511h people vho have bien men- ttiohed pteminently iu local publie lits. vith bis former -irork,!t the *Wirt mliiand li uMe Instance, ai- aoceat. the name of a naval réaerve *5eulvthan ocI l uai of years as.This hé unes to maké the newvrecifuit feet at hogme ln the na- var reservé establishmenlt xeller's receipt for a good mern- ony of names la t0 gain a mental pictursetc thé mans face and lien associaI. thé name vitb aonsthlng vlth vflicli you havé heen associaI- ail. on reineraer lu yeur ovu lite. Pracie, o! course. muicés perfect according to the ries of teler's methoil. This-vas bre uglit out last nlght vhen thé naval reserves ver. en- rollilg nome new recruitil. sud Kel- les', vha lbas een active lu the ré- prutlng vox k ;ust . closel, called esub recruit by naine for Lieutenant Henning, comxanling officer of thé pont. He gave e number etlune- tratons vîihwhich, hé rememberéil naesa*vth théecese of a form- er aveetheart, vhose nama vas similar te that ef a recrult, and a forSer feflow emploie. vIsa name ho could llnk Vlth nia mental pic- tur. Eeller siates thAt ha bas aiseer attenupted te Émmlv ani Of the »gtent memory courses idvii' Ilsél lu thé magazines. "MRIURE BOOTs Y L41aWXD91gg nc fUrICD 1 est wlv WitIIinton-raely evér iUUp - ut nm tu toschlug méat sud neyer bée!. I1tiré- fer nuls, nmookel prunes aldolives. Wbeu desponléncy overtakes me 1 The. Waukega police bavé béen driai a gallon ai vater a lai ta vasi uee te be M thle lookout for thé ava>' lie absitov. "bootle penfunse venlor vhe bas This regulas-t>'lu satlna,.slee iein reklathe nrli ahore sud sud lu an everjiuai echilule -sofIM Who hm videima. dig-*as bninge a bom tu ane's face that la . lseting. I'inUel alt-et a abotlele b vIai thé "pérfwxse bootlegger" la llsposing Anicué e n ed lt-man or vomal. of te clrks lu office buildings lu Mil- AUt that la neel ta a relliais'. vaukse. Relias&laI sévirai viclfis to hecomé helhy-pleuty cf vatér, lu liai cbty, adl Ibis ela a chance o! soe lance muale sud a sensible det. ishsittineb#l oprations te Wauke- gan et su>' lime. lli etfthe -Valey anl tar e! roses Iento e ié"ord fer e number af tri hia favorite Perfumes." sud bis veans va relectél 10 thé chair. Fo i-esicala alvay% e & baIlle. It vcuidu't tevlug lie busIness session thé merc- i. yhlm 1tecixral«et aI ncis léssalien bers adjourned to thé Ssukiévlcz Drug ihat for thé réasent Iat hé la taking store wheré tbevy ene gis-en a tra a chance of landlug ilu "limbe." by thé fermer secrtany. Whilé the polie havé no knovledge o! is having contérnpted îopérations Thé Northi Chicago club met leut ev- in thls olty. Il bubaheéu recorîed rimne enlug et thé club rooms, auditorium x, gi uplce reporta, that building, lu théir regulgr veskly hus-.racks oliemteit "final luMilveukee inésa seéssion vita lange muunbér ofet pulhea lu Waukeg=l or seme ner- thé membéra priseat. Arrangements There la à Uablltii ef bis operations yere mule for thé coming of lue tom- bingbeokél juil that iva>'. sud the pitte 10 thé Grand Loilge vho yull be police alvaîs adieliat preecaution on présent ai thé meeting on nént Tue»- lb. part otfpiijchàsars Of env article lai évenisg. troam a ho»e4bose «"représentatîv. Eart W. Basa ct Cictago visitad ie of a perfame houai." friendsinlu lis cil>' toley. The 'Woma-'O Auxbiu etfthé AMn- Rc - ,ppied. enýcan Liglon vltl bl a bunco iarli Correspondent inquinres if ve vfll suad lance aethle audiîth n n prl kîeli praI n eper ftaickets aci. 28th. A gool time le belug plannîl su d flwe w I.fory thnàr liceacnd e a ieueral Invitation ta extenlel ta tethe d o efoi, analier abholI pubic.-Bost-xi Trxx"' - Thé Young Ladies' clul, 0f thé Prés. _------- ___ bytérlan chuncli met et Luéelhome,, lt Mrs. flerry McKlnneyTuesilay evé.tl aiy eedi csns.niptiofl. ing. A very enjoyable evenlng vas ixe %waid oses W$ v',xiuvexiiiiu ot S,- spent 0. 'cllea a -. I j' i i 1- t- i e 1, il if I r. ASuc .cessf ul mani Âmoug ltenotable profeoual in eit Ibs r.ima wh aheved gréat succees aong Stricuygtjy maté inis w-sDr. Pferctu voting bis attnton to 1h. Cilty of women's diemasu,4m be CIlam e -iaaýtii i that linesEa, oký IM mon Seifta. del d isor" uoin aremfi ,1D e intDt ditrict inu Oog&n ovr fifty e%*% " , bi uOtéd - pini ih i. mi«er bien equaledfor thé. Vikfl*w% t -of women. Mazsy vommini vihmeVtto'pr City Winlgel testify that Di. Piercé'b Favori rsrptoddthm ua 2wol Vol. Anothea' of thi ow" ueee est ,medais lé k="w' as Dr. Pieré -oû ew md~ au, 3k. th Pem,. tionis noelbw iht v.yaein bt lq.mid tables. ThéelatOf me it4muàt>a ~aovettb4 ire*hoabane Suceuffly mad lIter 1nigut$ t as %îblood toe and 3 builder, imkssau alesg i<Iet thousazidi Iftyotx dWe & acloth-bound cpyof àa 11edition cet tà,"Medle 'Adrur b P. Pierce e, Il eue dollar ta té Invalia' ottkr -Dufalo, N.Y 'tîtb6ok et 1000 ot4:oi"uie.Yr B - DENTIST RY WITHOUT PAIN Li thie past xnany people negicté zt r teeth ütougbfear ô6 en, bttdy thanks te the age' of science and proress in whichwe live, any optt dentiat <éan perfonni any operation on the teeti practically without pain. 0f course -we know that many people do not believe this -even nuany dUentists do not believe if, but they ar%5only sadiy behind the- trnes. In fiais office we cari extract a tooth wvith no more pain to you than the removing of a glove frorn your halld, or a shoe front your foot., How is if done, you ask 1 By means of a harmless local anacsthetic which surely_ blocks the nerves which supply sensation-to the tootia and its socket. If is just like an electnie switch, the opcning of which blocks the current so tht it cannot'flow to the lamp at the end of the -%wirc. By the sainé netia- od we cari remoye fthc pulp of a tootia which contains the living nerve with no pain, because the nerve current is off. Ou-r charges are reasonable and we charge evcryone alike. Nothing for exarninations. Set ot Teeth, up from .......... $10 ?Bidge'work, per tooth--------..$6 Gold or Porcelain Crowns .....$6 Pillifgi, up trom..........:..$1 TEN YEAR WRITN GJARANUE kWe- mae a specialty. of rcstoring lost teefli. Ourn bridgcwork le reintorced on the cutting surfaces to make Af strong, and our plates are mnade by an ex- pert ,ef many years expenience. Our ail pink plate cannot be told froni na- ture'-a teeth, roof or gtuns. Open Eveningis andi Sunday Porenoons. CA n.Dz,'T--ILLAC BRANCHt IN -EVANSTON Change of Location- A more dvsirble andi prmnent location havùr been secured, the Ca=ilacEvamson Brandi bas been moved to i82o Ridge Avenue, where both sales and service depatme-nts are now established. 11whi at once makes rgnedCadlflac Service easily available to NothShore owners, as both steam and electric stations are close at hand and cars may be left for repair while en route ix, the City. The service department is manned by experienced Cadiflac workmen with longtnng in our Chi- cago Brandi and te under our rect supervision.- An invitation is extended to cail at this new Cadlllac headquarters. Telephone Evanston 7848 CADMLAC MOTOR CAR COWPANY- CHICAGO »RANCHI CADIJLLAC TW&&WO e V Iii a a came ali ta get im fair vomi cries igi the firat E Thé dr tisB eauo Plietti of o! tabrlc beadlng, maies th4 al vear a for tb. l Chantili black, brt ah-uer 1 liai te i died te govu. 0 eIa o! CI lace floua - jet b., mIneet fr0 Mazi affi WA Mr. an( e1 toilai lu Ftorldi viea Ut lu thé e. A marn lai te It vas liquor Ci Counti c Thèe of Chuis night et of thé CI Ilequepted TIser. urdai ne Goodtello Mias Ce A. K. liteE Aquitanla a year. mise olive Ce country The Lu hell au ternoofi Coma thé Coni day éveil feibovahi The .8 wlndow novel pic burning exdil ase most bei Thesa pl hi W. J who hm A compl éscli pic The E ail day Trhuraa PaSsO Temple ai 6 p. at 8:30 lime -B pek o will hé «Strange E. Good chant. mobile tomobile Thé I tional cl of Mus. avenue, The li o! Chrfi ceroful formerI3 Tlle & 1 ti a 1