Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Apr 1922, p. 5

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LI&ERYVI LL LAKMi COlI'Y INDEPENE!MJ2 CIy Y~ *odaoei INDEPEN-DE NTý -s BigWeky W KEANWEYSU VOWUME XX.-NUMBER 1 6-. . BERfYVILALKE COVMY~ILUNOIS, THURSDAY, APRII, 20, 1922. $1.5* A YENJ IOARD CORMI4TS INfi RmRY VOTE Canvass w4s oompfleted Fr1- day afternoon;. no material ohanges made Thea Lake County Canymaing Board, headed by County Clrk Lew Hendea -comploied ls vork Fridsy afternoon of caavasglng rbh' rasult of the pri- mialles h1ed on April Il. Thare vera sevaral rinnor changea la the figuras ovar tbos returned unofflcially on lbh. nlght of elaction but the changes nad ne mataîlal affect on the resuits. The~ Independent prInts the offi- ciai sietilon figures as returned bY the canvassing board. listing not ouly the county but the stata ticket as wali as much Interest wss exPressad ln some of the ôfftWa5: THE~ REPU BLICAN VOTE For BaIs Treasurer: Oscar Nelson -----. - 9406 For Buprltendent of Public Instruction Addison M. Shelton ----.............. 3294 Francia G. Blair ......... . 7376 For Representatlves In Congres* BtaatLarge Benamin Micbaiek...........------- Henry R. Rathbbne ........... ...6457 Richard Yates_.......... ........ -----691 John J. Brown.... ................. 2489 Winnfred Mazon Huck ........... 2450) For Reprsentive in Con- gre@IisaBte atLarge. <To FUI1 Vacancy) Stephen A. Day _...............47 Wlnnlfri-d Maion Huck. Benjamin Micbalek..................421 William Walter-.Scott Mary Bell Spencer .. John J. Brown. Fer Rsproeantive In Congr eTnth District CarliEL. Chiniublom lbniai . Biai.......«------- 1914 RaiDh W.(oflie ___ ..... 21 JameW. UUuk .. . ............. 1143 Fer va" C001111ai01Ce-. M-1 srnos lmChDistrict DIght J. iAlmWom 4M catbetae A.o5ui Fer ftgeoei*Uvsla Gos. eràai Aosesai" iUIOsrict1 Willam IF. Weiu"...... ..1.4 charie IL Fancais Jamies Muaroe G-tlhop .---------.-2310 William I4Pioe ..--- per Ceunty .ludge PegI L. Pensons . ---- ---- .-l.U89 Fer CossaI CIerk Les A-. HLd: ------ ------- 10,679 For ProbatS .Judo* Charles E. Jack.............-----------5764 Martin C. Docker...........-.-------65860 James G. Welch.............--- __2,623 For Clark oft1h Probate Court John R. Bullock -------- - 9443 For Sharlff Elvin J. Orifflu..----...... ........ 5,201 Edwin Abstrom...............------ý__9041 For Cosinty Treasuror Ira E. Pearsal..............----- .9,616 William J. Obeea-..--.------ ....-2,836 For County Superintend- ent of chools T. Arhur Simpson............7,4 Alica E. Smith . 6.818 Meémbr*f. e*estori2I Conu- mittee Eighth District William B. Susth ........9,188 THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE For Cat. Treasurer William P. Murpb. 140 Edward F. itysu Pster Sa Izen 5 lamas J. Brady 4 W . C. Clifford . ............ 41 William S. Dunderdale ---- .-----_ llarry S.Hiamer __ . ..... ... 21 C'harles P. Leech.............---------- ----10 Robert Bell McKaudry . .. 19 For SuperitCSdetoflhc Public lnstruction James A. Murphy............... -- -- -184 Pter S. Rysu.................----------107 John Duda .....................---------- 48 For Reprosentatlve in Coni- gress tite at Largo Alen D. Albert ......................_87 Michael H. Cleary............... -- ----88 Smon J. Gorman...............----------66 William MurPhy ...... .---90 C. S. Schneider ....................... 4 Willis R. Shaw.................------------44 John b. Sweeney...............----------122 For Representative in Con- grass State at Large For Reprasentative in Coni- gra:s Tenth District Bernard Moultan Wiedinger ......103 C'harles Burke Stafford ------ --- For Shte Central Committee- man Tenth District John P. Dougherty ..... ........-- --192 Peter J. Angsten........-----.... ...._64 For Reprosentntiva in Gerneral Asaembly -Elghth District Thomas E. Graham -------- - 1,168h Charles F. Hayes............ 23% Member of Senstorial Com- mittes, Elghth District Chailas Pj. Jorgausen............. 178 William Ferry, 39 years nid, Ap peton, Wis., wasi arrestad by tise Waukegin police Iis mornlýsg t 3:30 o'clock vhen ha vas fouud seeping In a North Wster~n ialnoad coach àt tha local yards. HRe fl liarut.ot the ight in IL-&nd Iis eoreint W» relesed upon h i -mi teo "kee .tsrelug*,- STU~D 0f BO~ARD Banri Thomua, son of Rlghway Conunssioiier Thoma, Warreuton. sawed is uittle finser off lait week. Harry wanted té saw a board and taok the hand'saw and coéinenced work. Before h. wasavaare of it he haît saw- ed hiesUile finger completely off at the second joint. The first that young Thomas knew of the accident w"a wben ha saw the dismembered finger faîl to the ground at hie fest. The hand was dressed by a doctor and ta reported te be healing ln good shape at the present time. STRATTON ELECTED CIIAIRMAN 0f Co. CENTRAL CON. Re-election was in apprecia- tion of the splendid work done Iast year The Republican County Central o mttee met lait Monday for the pur- pose of organisation and appolnted deligates to attend the State Conven- tion et Springfield Frlday, AW-iI Zlst. L. A. Hendee was electod temporary chairman and Ed. Mauman temporary secretary. The committee on creden- tiais vas Ray Paddock, H. M. Scott and Emil F'lcke. Resolutiona commit- tee J. D. Morse. J. D. Thomas and John Spelimann. W. J. Stratton was thon re-elected permanent clirm as a an apprecia tien of the work he bau dons thbput year and Conrad Hoilteizs e secrotany . J . Walach of DeerOed vas elewdtrrmr.A#» exoecutive~ committao omaftlaiagof tii hairman socret*ry snd gaz PMubo-ki. John UdeI snd Irm Hodrdgs wu» nmd. Twleo tg-eIe»WMd *b 5*10. were named lé attAd the %1s0&éê. at boaut 17 of *hdm *Mi gui W. J. Strattasi, Geo. IL. Bar@tov. Max Prsyborski, Ed. Mawmafl4 Ira Holdridge, Robert ConnoUly, John de Thomssa Ray Paddock. John Udel, I»rd Kirucbae. MI B. Huson, 9. M. innyard, Conrad Boautain, I. A. Hen- des. W. . Sainion. H. C. Litchflold atid T. J. Stahi. The alteraates are J. D. Bas, J. B. Mofte. Alidro Pucin, Ralph Pibi, C. E. Russell, H. L. Scott, *Scott Lavoy, R. V. Watson, C. L. Doolittla. F. A. Wc'b!. John Nelson, L. O. Brockway. F. C Smith, H. J. Foley, Geo. Lewis, Chaile: Crapo and Mancel Talcott. Dainocrateaclorganise The Democratic County Central com mittea met today at the Salvation ar- my hotel in Waukagan ami elected the following officers: Chairman. John OKeefe of Hîgli ]and Park. Secretary, Edward H. White of Fox Lake. Treasurer. Abert G. Maetber of Pi-ai rie Vjew. The following were selected as dele- gales to the étate convention: Thom- as E. Graham, Edward H. White, John OKeefe. C. J. Wlgbtman, James Q%- connor and A. G. Maether. $1OOOO BREACII 0f PROMISE SUIT IS1 FILE» M4ONDAY' Helen Mae Hill brings suit against Henry P. Suhling of Libertyville Hani-y P. Sulllug, garage swuer et Lîbartyvilla. vas made deiand sot in a $10, 000 braach ut promise suit ffled In Circ'uit court St Wau kegan Monday by attarneys repraseut- lug Miss Helen Mae Hill o! Milvan kea., sud allai-neyasiield sud 'Block ni Waukagan. Meraly the praecipe o! the. suit were hl;ad. Miss HiIli, il la said. uasa emplay ed by Mr. Suliug -m boukkeaper lu ils garage at lihaertyvîlle when tbh- yong womnan's parants reslded lu thît village. Miss HIII's fatîter la s conductor on the St. Paul iail road. T wo inottha agu Subliig usa un lied lu merriage l tiaaMargaref Desier of \auconda. Miss Hill came ta Wsukegau last Friday sud swore out a warrant ba- toi-e Police Magistrale Waltaer Tay. lor- againat Sublltug. assarling that 311e la In a daicate condition aud chergiug Subfnlg wlthb bg ie spousIble..- Subliug vea bald :o the Oouty court 1lu bonds of 82.000 whicb be suluplled. At tbat lime it. vag reparted tiait Miss 0111 plsnned lu tart breaclî Just Now the Baék Yard'isNo Place for a Front Porch Guy - .-~ $IZIPAViif ICvMi~ C0~TACTAWML~ I AT LAi Rest, ED>IN LÀKlCO. Kallileen Wbeelei-. acniptreaa. bas - nsedigsm im tteJo- spb Cndahy plâce' in Lake Forest Supt. Russell E*ects Work on engaged in makiug tbe portraits of 9 Mies f Paingta Sart two distingulshad members of the Firs 0f ay - and Nanturia are drawIng to a close -is o a but thair taitbfulnesa sud baauly v ill ha immortalized tu bronze en That the state iigbway departinent 1thatwhurmicntovesin bas formaliy avardad ta tise Wite lui-ns la their piaise ou vintar aven- Construction company o! Chicago tisa lngeafster îbey bave gone. their crjtiact for pavlng sections 1 and 4 portraits will prove tu siteptical n.Route 21 lu Lake County. csIin.g strangers; that Tim vas a wondertul fo. nieandoafu bmlsOf pav- Irish setter sud Nanîpria a eplen- ing. vas the Information raceived tu- dii mare. dav fromt Springfield by Chqrles Rus- lowgMisCdaysxmpe spl11 county superintandejit of h111gb Mrs. rs. Cuy bs-euagadc wa. Mr-. Russell la o! the opifin IM'. helr ,d rozso e thai s.ork on the pavila ylatarI i-a.her tdo bt«ronze o!be about the i-st of!«May. Ha salil thse hunIe r sd helr iatsv htland- ri- weather viii pi-avent !ta being uy Mc \belrb nsp-o slaried aoy sonner. I gressed as rapidily vitb Ibis vork section une etends frontI Wbealig s ha would like, bovever, bacause tetetoulofVro nw vhib srfa-bush animals refuse 10 i-e- titree miles north ut Hait Day, a dis- moya their wlter coats, sdte tance of about i'eten miles, ai-eflot gond modela witi thani ou. Section tour starta visera Section 21 crosses Grand avenue iLk il înd exteuda soutb Ivo and ure miles, bae'"i~FRED DUSSE FAM Otva w sections o! road the AF right ut way bas beau obtaludad L K I this. accoi-ding ta SupL Russell, vas A O m L wbat led to their bing selacted as smong tbe tiist sections to ha pavad. S L IK$ 0,0 Mi. Russell said that thé tact that O DF R9 * W the ilgbt of way bas nul beau obtain- ed tbrough Libertyville vas vbat héld back theawaarding of the coui-act forBe tiu frm o frerC - tbat part of the work. Wisen al 0of euilfamore C - Route 21 bas beau saved il vîllîex- cago mayor bought by tend completely tbrough Lake County ruuuiug ftram Wbeellug ta Liberty-' Otto Lehmarin ville, thanca 10 Grayalaka. Lake Villa aud Antioch. 1 psqn (li nirp ~ vLe CUUULLY tý IIIKIN4i COWBOY PASSES TIIROUfiII 'WAUJKEGAN TODAY Fred Girange. a covisoy tram El Fe, su, Taxas, raacbed Waukean today after hiking irani El Peso to New York Ciy sud then back as far as Wauke- gan. Ha la on is vay ta Alberta, Can- ada, ta juIn thé Mfunted Police. On Novamber l6tb Grange léfI lie home lu El Peso lnleudlug tb go 'ta New York City ta jalu thé stat poIlicé cubher of Nev Toi-k state or go on ta Peunsylvanle and jolu théra. Ha vas ual able lu enter the state policé, boy. éver sud sa ls maklug hie vay on foot ho Canada nov. Ms. Grange vas for 12 yoats employed by tire Canaden MOnuaId police tateaet Fox Lake o! tisa laie Fred Busse e iortnerly mayor sud ,post- master of Chicago vas consumuset- éd Frlday îhrougb thé offices of.T. J. Stabi & (Co..Wajkegan brokera. Thé astate comtprises 333 acres and lucludes te Alvail tai-mo! 120 uacras vith 8o acres frouliug ounlb'. eastslIda ni Fox Lae. Otto Lah- mann ai the 'air store, Chicago, la the purchaser aud thé cunsideratian la given a $100,00). Sanie feu utietis aega40 scies off of the lake frontage iitcludioc the summer hoima, vas aold by tis fi-m to Victoi Wilmot o! Chicago sud the sale today complétas thé sala o! the f utire holdings ln tIsai viciuity. This mak's, thé Léhnsan's aver 1000 acres o! land in Ibis couuty. The Fas Lakea.district is fa-t groviug la le the figh naseansd fashîomable aummer home teriitory o! thé Chicaga ,veaitheir class. Beauliful homes biave beau arected adjolniug this tract h$' red Luis- din, Daerngs, ffer KeIa, Thornns and! othersf. Illinois body to régulate traffW on highways; bar general police duty The code o! thé Illnois stata bighvsy bas beau formulahed. AI. tbough oly a few patrol offIcers bave beau appoluteul snd the sys- tam auhhorlzed by the Fifty-secoud general assembly bas net beau placed lniuoperatian. i-nIes foi- the officiaIs have beau laid - dovu by the division of highways sud sent la, the meu wbo ifi-m the nucleus ofth taste aforce.'Tise arders i-e- qui-e ail officars tu report daily ta their chiai. John M. Stack, et Kan- kakee. Duties Are Definad. The Illinois highway partaila l e a toi-ce for genaral police dutiis. The rulas spacifically Instruct eacb officar tae. conflue bis activitias ta enfui-cament o! the motai- vablicla lave. Ha must ual avarstap thase bounda unless callad upon by law anforcement authoritias sud orders froin bis chia!. Until the foi-ca la incraased Sud more tborougbly organized, the pa- ti-olinen bave beau ordel'ad ta con- cern theniseivas chiefly wltb an- foicamant ut the lava rlating ta ovarloading ti-ucks. WMen a bighvay patrolman an counters a truck vbich appareutlY la overlaaded, bis orders requira him to stop tha drivai- vhile the truck lF; examiuad sud wigbed by the tise ot loadomters. Baforeans overloaded truck shall ha permit- ted ta procead, the driver shall ha requirad, t0 lightef l is load. Other dutias !alllng, upon the ps- trulmen lnclude that tif lkapin6 t-adtorsansd traction engluas vltb lIugged" wheals off the paved roads. 'Pite urders suggest that highwayP patrolMan are not ta devale theirt enargias...±o ar-esting apeadars. Thal work has been left la thé regîtlarr 'see oPa.' Howéver, driverst who babtualîr or recklassly violatec thasa pi-avisions abould ha waruedE sud if thaY persist tbay shoîîld be arrastéd, thé rulas say.1 The rules. caution thé patrolment su ba caurteons lu Ihair deatlînga witb thé traveling public sud ho aId motorias by giving thain routeq directions, roadu conditions sudi Cther information. SO oxoxoKOXOKXe sox o0 TME INDEPENDENT la t»» 0 x meet wkidly read nowpfflr In' I.Lake eesaty. FOUR PAY Fis 0 OF $w00EACII FOU Judge Persons ln county court ~RA J heard the pleas in saveral liquor~s0 cases. In a numbar of cases pleas of "not guilty" were returned and balO urd r wasfized. The followinÈ men plead- Oers a st ed "gullty" and were flned $100 and Frn cots each on a charge of violatingKr.l m Mfika Jaros, Frank- Strelter and Ig- natzGeze. .Frank Kennedy, drivinga mobile on the Five Point r6 SÇMALL CASE IS lnt a oreanwgo W CONTINUED MR ligo te orsewa b:JÂ ANOTJER uNVI3EKary to Iàlî thé animaL. 1;91% Constable Fred Pet*fia j kagan vas raturning *'Bb', Proectin aprve d l-tarry Hoyt fr...LbeW Proscuton appove deay as the accident b*ppesiesl figuring M»stable, after seeing tint ýt iurn much.time W'11 be 118sufftaig fi-rn thelu saved later drew bis gun snd abat the put it out of lsie xajryý Court House. Waukegan, Il, uKennedy expIained..-.ha4 APrl 7.Thetralnable 10 sea the apu Apil17-Te riiOf Len Small ai the time of!thea r Governor of Illinois, chargad vlth vas too late to swoswoi6 cOnspiracY to embessa state Inter-, ta the dItch and pt'eY&- est tunda totalling $819.691.31, vas dent. i today Poslponed until neit Monday iliKeneeld hoei~ whan the prosecution forces agreed ed on the dlmniers Of bi*. to the proposai of the defense a 0 rmahn. rJ delay the triailta permit the vork- nte mcie iug out Of a plan wbereby -sUch on lu hi& path vasU tima ln the actual trial vould -eland he did. Dot 50. it mU".f saved. t. -Attoruey C. Fred Mortimer or the Ti ome vsi throw4U state legal staff, vben court con- lator of -Kednedy'a car-M vened Ibis atternoon etaeed tbat the ed alonxg for twé huaê*i ý state forces Would usenIt to the wagon wau da lê .* plan. The delay la court promed- dWben tise ;a lngs, ,. e said. vould be nscgsary enth cr , p»« h la order tisat the avidence Age~ «thsdot-% mliht bo gene over careful¶y by or bQ ar ca "AaOU representatîvea 0f botb doenensand Proetxte fusa 09 tii, The pian ta ueWhereby *tii. Ai ý xm0wg w f booe settheIaOrst WPut sMi KAW de- emel t pot -conau ýre . ln the. dsfussmd and partinnd o! the. reamd as not gdiau.. v b. %trlckienout. Attoruey C. C Forgea. adreos gthe Court, de. lafed It to e h habQUlel liat (ros thrseweks téa amontb woffl * saved ln lhe he*rint of the, tiee Jndgo Bdvarda thon itated that ho vonildpermit. lthe uéstponement À of the. trial until Monday. April 24. and excused *the juron pi-oent 1un, tii that date. rTlie ofe- The court declarad that faiboins the opening of thse tria next wev fato fi long "ssalon o! court vill be held té make possible the apaeding up or action. NI3ED 0F PAVE» ROADS I S SIOWN Necessity -neyer has been shown in state-so much as at present Neyer isefara lu tise bstory oa!theai sts.te bas the nacassity for bard sur- facéd bîgbvays beau go farcibiy im- prdssed on the citîzans of Illinais as lu the lest montb or go. The central part of the state bas beau literally swirmlug lu mud. Wbea oua bas gone off the bard surtscad roads ha bas beau out of luck as a i-nIe and tai-mers vltb bai-sas hâve rescued many a nisrooued tourist. oua motarist relatas bow heaet- tempted ta negotîatea ehighway tbru e the central part o! the state recenlly. e Ha vas up ai l nihi trYlhg ta bave u bis car extricated fi-unitisa mire aud t iinally snccaadad lu baiug pullad ouI e wlth tisa help o! tItre'. taea !fhors-e as. Practlcally aIl the dirt roada ln the tlaoded area wo-e labeled "im-a passable."a "Illunois, or the ranI r4l part a!fl., bas cei-taiuly beau stuck lithtis mud."c .i-ites Russell B. Miller troni Blaoom-f lugtau. "Not lunieuny yaars bas thea condition of aven the oiad blghvaysc beau so bad. -Tley are virtually lm-( passable and ona bas not daîed ga offc the pavement. Automobile bus ser-1 vice trçm Bloomington ta Colfax. L&_ 1 roy sud otiser places vas discantin- neti ntil road canditionis shoulil b'-c coma impraved. Bloomngton ln evrery J1 sansa of the word vas lsolatad go tar as automobile roads vere concerned. - Il bas beau naxt su impossible tlu traval east ta Chanipaiga. south to De-i catur sud Springfield. vest to Delavan' sud Paonsa, and nortis ta LaSala. The1 ciaseat bard roed ltoo10mlugtou fer1 thriougis t-aval la tho Chidaga-Peoria-1 Springfield ighvey. vischis lforty- "Twisristt.ofva 1or. C 1ag 9 T e misdIto-ant. r te, b Boomningtoix-Speineld aud St= oi sroad bas about ail beon s.curo4"dt1 ,contracta bhaeboenQlote noim'&]ta IPontions." cil of Waukegan may do ou the "'daylight sstilg tien , a maJority o! I this city sud North 011 .aopt the uev tinueon day oi May visen l go fect lu Chicago. Thtis fè kpovn tday. Tl~~ tise round lta taka est_ the pruposittou tihe hegda baer utlocal plants bave to Sacratary E. H. C11 theli- concerna vilI *Pmr nav lima. The concerna vblch b bhis action up te the PIN Griess-Pfiegar Tanueri.' Chicago Hardware Ib*u Ganaral Bolers CPQte Blatchtord Cal! Màal O0 cyclone Waucaj consva F'rauklyn R. Moller A Alshuber wrapper or David S. QoldsteW 1 ( Tuiple-meats8l5 « ed hlm that Ihê$ l w uoderconsidou'utfinet ' urme. In sante of th"«s propositon la hen$ ut~ employer, for a vote. Lest yaar tisai-O VOS abletdelsy laie « 1i6 saving lu WaukqSls 0 plants suffenod ý ortufune vitb Chict0à, facturaBassert- tlmt,:t olosely ailiod vlth 100M cagoeia tha i cuanCaI*, # si-ate on ny 11Y o l* - g rity commissiondffav 'dayllxht air t -' i-equird ttrlia ! teut» vonk an hour imear.S 1 close in boUr. Oatiibi-. ,Tl vas ex~ooed hmt- ail up-i by the Clit? night but Dne 4m whén aled about -t1 lb. Mayer ai r» ha taban lu a-"* A PalttIén 40 il ý 1

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