LI TYVILLE LAK -E COUNT INDEPENDENT houâe an~ s land, 1W' F. ab; bolae aew 7-room n Areja; hot rln i2Eprove t; balance Phono 184-3 ling te beSt le, nsmeli, [ne. 1 hoTs Uvn. C. P. 25 1usd of' Ântlocb, IIL - 18-4t n fine condi- me. viii Bell srtyvlie. 13-tf artre wagon tience nosd- rite promptly mponi, Wln- Black, Span- ng of 15. W. Lve.. LibertY- 14-4C i. Cal. 7.65 ney bock, for ). Wendiand ;lle st., Chi- 14-4t andotte eUs 5c for 15. J. 15-it ýf owner. me. ood neighbor- good of cd rent and a yznent for op- s Renter, cars 15-tf m andi chi"ke lati. 100 fout »ES treet for r buUduug lobs 300.00 Ver lot. ocke, Lubrti- 'j-st adt onRe CetIE. rt. 120 mab. $29 West ia- 16-lt rk rmre four cheap if tak. *-w-i. à- J. 18-2t .NICS. i car aincere Lad neigidlors n us dtrrng i r fuar dear gars andi alec Nidi Take Tibe Place of Police- men Laid Off Trugh De- f eat of Bond Ism* qr~ 4 4 4 I-NDE.PENDEFý WAUKEGAN WEEKLYSI $1.-50A LIBBZKN'YVILLE U XECOU&fY. ILLIOIS, THURSAY. APRIL 27,1922. The. Augointmn: or vigilantes te AUMNaT 5. W@WN URFV4AUT take tira- place cfttepolice <ipart- III SUlI T Fm t S»m DAMA8 somtwihwl o ot o! ezist- eaioutCWaegn '" RIN E L M taco on Ma 1 as a resuit of hue A smit for $30000 <lilliges wm F I LA1IYI of a »OAO00 bond issue, hase boe ('lurul*y moraing. by Lfatex-B. at upon by Northt Chicago city of-WIU%» attorney for Abert C. Jack- fcliii as Cie malt fissible solution U SI N AR N son it, sit ÂItBo . Brown, M. D. o! Chir financisi probiont. -Jackson la an humae o! theoLake Co. T4e planCila tePermit hu var- faim, a&M hoe siigea hat soVOrol tos, aldermen to appoint vigilantes Attorneys for slayer hope ta montits agohle vas itiricken vithr aW David E. Sodeo of Wf front he varions varda. Thezo viliiayiadwett h aeCut le substantial residenti who eau get new trial on latest Geel os i uetl f w LahDr. CouaC, gan idite oFr d bce trustedt toroughly andti v i ii evidence Lisa superintonde'C, for treotinent. Je~k- Dallas, Tex. jury agree te serve vithout compensa*soie seye hat Brown refusodteCcaccord tion. Thte nameseto! hse vigilanCes The slartling charge by Attorney- lm itrete pniNilegeo o! an Institution ~ esayn fa rnîi a-h bupreunttita hu ounhi fiLester Williamis. local coulisel for buîIt anti poit for hi Cthe People o! ln Dalles, Texas, by David Eb May 1. Tiese men thon wvi iho Igiaatz Jot.z. convicteti o! laying ni 1 Laite county. and Infornted lm <oi( mnofackk-, osC evoro i as spoler policemen and William Petenson, Winthrop Harbi,. son) thure vas nothlng temtter mfan eernal tranl, w hE wlil ie supplied viit stars. TitoY moorcycie policeman, hat pujunedti vilmt.Dr. Brown lias beunlindtero Iptbs ehgbr wil av fllPli-bpoer.Citepb evidence playeti an important par itfire for anme tinte, eaidte ah < 0Soderman hes heen cirargeti naines viii bu suppliSi tCthepub-lnhu conviotioni of hie client, anrd ie lhhne a fcnut lic an hat people viii knov viotoeCO hat criminel action charging per matns aL Lite hoapîtel. The ontcome iy viCli murder anti la bel oeil in case of an emurgeiecy.l- juy robahiy viii bu lnveetlgatud oft tiis aes case viii he vatcitetiiCity Ci te police o!> Dallas. icl di bttepa ilntpreipîtateti a ruai sensation laIn nteresl. Sodermis a ebrotber or wokou s ucesulYashvigWaukegan Monday. Soderemo vito recmt;~y o apaiti depertoient but hey sey it nrersn Cin o tt.Wite Central Bowling alîeys la he esttha co bewored utlam tht le bs UJt eceveA.liser avenue. Ho sIten, le hubuC Catcai h vnkt otant InCh aton whIreloi im i- Wauiregan scitools but loft under he circunesaesO. V! AR U&'t59VL D At te courril meeting lest nîgitt a few years ago vîth thChu tetrenev lire were s ste incorporete in bis motion fori1~~ ~ of seuking is fortune el Cînru aidnlirea 59Ofli trial, Jutge Edwards in Cir 'tUs in an boom hrhum spats. Thter a eu a 9A I Y I asi hth r cit court totiay granted te plea Texas vher n - b bcanie cc names are. tin a continince and gav e aller - SthIAR flrraTof Franîk Archer-First vend, neya fen POUz untilinuxt Saturdayi.u<'ivttCt iviPultO î.,ours 'Wulanli file 'a-ir'im ndeh mtion. ihflOt .'~a.. R ' IDla.T exas, ,Aptl 22.- John Bittuer Third yard. aruet wil lie matie a week___ anc nlIghtbyhi"Code of hi --_______arenet ii ite mai v.hoenvaiateS ier, Nelîre F. MeJames. a pretty val viliebutbb defensu o! D. i Dir 4r. Wiliams waî nor prepareti bride, trougit Attorney Chenues man lor sboting J. 'Ca THIEF IDESLu state l4ondey te exact nature a! Jackt le seeing to have hier Mer- u vwas ndcatend Caday. Si - te nov evidunce b heca uneartitet inage ta Bet 1. Wyatt set caille on îoticted. yesterday, vil fil e btstatedti hat itbaticuetoCaId.limte groundti haC WyaCteti ad vife NMay 8, for te siooClng ch I N DRU4STODRLÇ,* viitin te lest foty-eight hours. living ai hu ime lie marniet iebo place in telobby of!aebh SHo said hie oveidence contes froue lu Waukegan on June 9, 1918. Tuetiay. te vicinitli o! Kennehe and tende According te he bihllMiltiln court A sensationnel letton. seli THUNROUSIT b place an entirely different phase today Wyat ook out te tannage heaun receiveti front Soderr -on te slaying. Ho fuels, confident licence hure ude~r te nante a! vnrcon i vie. is sîpectei ,t hat te Court wiii grant te plea Neile F. Hunt and Benjamin P. in te defense. Int hia lei Lws& detdu tr no.te or sa nwtra lien te evidence Wylis, glving bie atidrese as Camp saîi Mrs. Soderrnan cier, Genesee St.,,Waukegln, 'vas rbidl matie publie.1 Doris MaJesku, 22 samue. Povurs e li er love" FnIday night a! faunitain ensuna d Attonneys fbr te state id nt Grent andti hat iis bride Co bue as aftonite bonibbtin drugi pentus Cte an c9timated value o! $6W interpose any objections toeCite de- Rockford. Ho avare hat, he vas vine site avoke te finiti bu IL- lethe llo! of tht- proprtors that ley for Cie reason hat thte layer uninarrieti. rpom vwiti Powere. tire hie! musC have hitiden lon Cite coulti net, bu sentenceti legaily et Miss Mclame ,asert tat site, District Attorney Maury tore hefone il vas locked up for hueieslime. The 1ev statehat not i as i tavare o!fte dceptîon aC declanedti odnny ho bellt nîglir mnd thon vas able Ce carry one mare titan 25 days shahl elapse ie-ite ime nimmetiateiy after * the -love tiuft" ltter a "fren bIs 'nork vittiaut interrupttion. Theu tweeo te ime sentenee la LmpoSed manriage Wyat as sent overseas Soderman anti Ioweersa hrrgtnry vasfnt dierovereti util teanti le carnieti out-it la stateti fur-vitere lbu remaînoti ln service two le knawn hmm, lied elwý stbore vas ereneti et sovun-thirCYilCier titan an exucution muet net yeara. . Upon is returru site eys close frinîs and hat ieh o'clock Sturday ntornihg. Thon It vos conte sooner titan en dais aftur buievent ta lier hume ant iinfunnietiecteti ien anuluhor of ho foundt hat te rer tion vwas stand- te opeiig o! hu neareet Surrumu lier- tlat h lie d a vife living anti Povurs. a nîerber of a1 lng ajar. Mr. Levitç le positive hat court terni. The next tenniettire hat bue couidne ot liveu ville vfe Kentuicky linîiiY. vas vt hie boiteti anti haret il eefreii lest Supreme court starta dune 6, 90 No. 2. ie says lie thon ilsappear- as an nînro anti piaywri niglît vitn lie 'Içnee th ie tone Tire une 16 lete eariliet date on0 uni ant ileciteIas nt spen hlm sinco vasana i rothrin o f Tom front timonvaS looket iatiis Mornlng. vhich Chue hangios onuin akle place. anti douant koaw lits preàent stage cîelinen. Thutt, te Iltef eiher itall te have a Tiis makus itlMPnBsIeitiotoson- virereaboute. k,'ý7 viich it rl' have eoabieq hlm te tencOe P4z ntil Cire, ta".zr part o!f________ enter thi' Jronbt Oor anti louve ity thP Niav. DIETZ WILLYS LIGHT ESSAY YV ruar. or fie lin th ie store. Tire pro- ---------- CONTEST 1$ EXTENDED O ERRULES DE= pritars i--e irlned btesRhare te let- On account cf tUeo bai onditiqà of tr ellefttconeistetioro!h195stA13 weMURRERai Th e ossel ofte5iiefai C'AVC itrodaforCiNpa Mew ees, rit liU DA~Uing It Impossible fer people ta é puna valued ti etheen $2.50and te EDarount te country, vu have decideti $15 eacit, and 50 Eversherp pencie s teH exteidthlie tinte limait for submttjng Thte speci demurrur hy valued ti et eleen $1 anti $6 each. A D S R E E essayeaie tire Delz Wiyll '1ht lE55y for tie eity O! Zibnilie h fev dollars ie ntaîl change vas stol- - Cotest, viicitas announc eti a o- action brouglit by the ment on frouete cash regiaiter. # pire April. lOCh. ESs W e vi orticelx-- Indopundunt citurci lie Mon tLibyes apperentiy tônIt nothing aise. Mns. Mary Keser o! Highliandi Pk. et up te anti lnciuiling April BOUeh. CliP ruleti hi Jutige Etivarde The nancotci, cigara anti liquora vero Saturdait filet a bllfor divorce ln oIr- te coupon e cixclao an.d mail "me0 court saturday snd thre ateo untoucliet. cuit court eginst lhen hushedOtto01 te t he Dltz Wlllys tÂlgit CO.lbeilY- giron fîfteen tiays III vhiél About tvc months ega a dayliglit Keiser, oitanging hlm vîit desetieli. vile Ill. Remeniber prizseof $00 lie A fov iaysaega hCit ourt0 hie!tct Cvto dosen f!ountain pens Titey voie marnieti April 13, 1889. cash vwiii ho ovrded for bout essaya. genonai demurrer te, hCli froineaule 5f drugstore. Pli maya ho ieft ber ln 1913. 17-lt tiletz Wulliya Ligit Co. special demurrur today foll NAN Afauke- er by Lnt man E. Soei he resuit the text Cej odai. f ormal- ng held )rArthtur cnducted Son Me- ndod the te City Intention esewhere. Wered ln connectedi oil wells. ,-A Tex- môor' to his home, E. Soder- yPowers. Soderman, fce trial .ich toolt âotel bore dto have rnan's di- to figUre tter it is *ges that and Chat gged viti rself lna -YHughes leved ther me riP." so 1er as aye abeen Len inter- tel deait. prominent tiil knon rigitt. He nPowers, 300 CO1ýTRACTORS ÀSKED TO ýBIl ON CO. ROM) WORK Bids Wili Be Opened Next Monday Afternoon; To Award Contraot Then Thet Lake county should obtein a n unusuelty gond bld for the put- ing in of fifteen miles o! cernent roeds titis sommer la lndlceted front lite thet notices of the propos- ed lettqrg of bide have-iteen sent out to over bree itundred paving Icontractors. Bfds are to be opened In thCe office of Supt. Charles Ras- I eli In the court house here nuxt Monday afternoon et 2:00 o'clock, at which Lime it le expected hat t hec roed andi bridge committee of the coun ty board will awerd the contracte to the loweet resportnibe bitiders. The prnpneed pavtng work l*dl- vided intotitree perteite Rock- land road, te Weuconda- Lake Zner- loh road endi te Leke VillaAntiocli jroad . Already some oi tite contrectars have heen hure to look up deteils and go over te ground î,reparator, to putting In their blds. Supt. Rus- sell lookB for ids coneidereltly 1 under 830,000 e mile. LAKE COUNTY TO SI3ND 25 TORMY -TRAININ( CAMP Capt. E. H. Clifford requetts that applications be made to him at once l".e county la enutfled Cc tvtp five repressitaihs Itire CiUBW4~ coiltow"wvia-bai s a lioiflW« M ciolinUm for Latke CoattY. The. sIxtitdistt. of vhicli Wau- kegan antiLake COmUtCYare a part, arm entifltie b200 mSi at Uheo cap, oocortlg tu CaPt. Clifford, andi ho estimtnier hat Lake Coont3es quota vfll ho about tv.aty-five- Captalie Robent P. l)ark, lu charge of- the milta" r xaiing course at tire Waukfgon, ovnabtp higlu ichool anti E. G. Hindert. a veterai of tirs Spanîsi Amoican van, have cousent- sti ta asaiel Catit. Cliftard ln iklhg a selection o! lie Laite Couity con- didates. "'Tlose via are deairous o! titis montirs free trainting uioulti commun- Icato viit me et once," CapC. Clifford saidt odai. 11f have Cie nucesisry ap- plication blants vicit musC ho fite nut. 'i!he candidates &Ise musC subinit ta a letilcai eamnzatioie antimust ho veocineteti againal mmalipox anti ypitolt foyer. Appicants shouiti Insu nd tinte." HOQLDINGi YOUNGi IPEOPLE'S MEUT I INIWilILÀND PK. e e iODAY yAttorneys mandamusi abons ofte ,n vas aven. lue Circuit nnnueys vert ëh to pleoti overruied a blU anti the iloveti. Eloquent epeaVers have hobeaucs - eti for te Tirrt Annual Young PLn pl's Con ferencu o! Lakte couiti vici vili bo helin lie CHiighlandiPart Presbytertla cheurci ail dày ,Satur- day. Âpre 29Ci.' Preston G. Orvig ln asaQcbté super- intendant of Cie Tqung Péopies Div- ision ini Lie Internaticuai Sundaî Sohoot association. Ho viii pruent or- anti deliver hu ciosng etdrees Cto re boys' section. It la unusuai !fr an In- ternational vonkur to go le, a countY confenence. Lake cnunby le fotunateu lu havlng secureti Preston G. Orwig. Hu lsa afoi.cefui speaker full a! "pp Young people tike. CIrs. H. C. Nantir- coLt, cae ginls vonker viii deilver cuverai atidressea ta te girls e!fte confenence. Site bas been on canfer- ence prognante aIl over theo satu o! Il- ilitros ant in s ure te bu an appealîng spekertuore the girls. Rev. C. H. Me Cre, D. D.. Etiltor o!fte Northwuat- umn Christian Ativocete yull delîver an inspirallonal atitnes in the aftet-irnt session. Ruv. S. B. EtindtsoOl paston of te Lake Florest M. R. citurcit, vill alan bu on te pragrant. He is e speal un vitwo grips Chueiteants o! ynung pe ple. Some o! Lake county's niost out stantiing 'Yong people vîli alanhae 3tirir places on lte' oogrant. ThonE Sehouiti bu a lerge enovd o! Young put n pie to greet thils errai o! tlent. CI ra. lRobert Plots vas seenietly In e jured onu ti» lest vek, viile OsIs 1izlg lieur leband viCi tome o ont! a Cie farit. XI some o inor uR au tel sa on hert mi It reqilrod eeriI Etitoire la dreeing the 'wmtfl. * 0V. SMAL.L APPEALS * * FOR CONTRIBUTION$ TO * * A8SIST FLOOD VICTIM8 * In a Proclamation issued et Weu- kegan titis efternoon Governr'Len Small ennounced te eppointment of a commttee to bu Xnown as te Illinois Flood Relief committue te assiat the verivus cities ln te state witere flonode have exlsted.- With the stete heiPless to aPPropriatte funds for the relief of tite varions communitles the governor makes an eppeal for contributions from ail organizallons, civic, rèliginus andE fraternel. The Proclamation, the inst of the kind ever lesued itgre, follows: E BY THE GOVERNOR 0F ILLINOIS1 A PROCLAMATION. 1 TO THE PEOPLE 0F ILINOIS.1 Greutings: Whureas, e great disaster ites1 been vlslCud upur, a consiticrableg number of te people Or' Illinois trougit flood conalttnne causard by unprecedented higit vater and eev- eral of our citles and villages, arei n0w uhder water toe deptit 0f froue1 one ro sixteen feet, neces3sitating te remo val of itundreds of familes from tîeir homes to tents upon itigh gryound and enteilng mucit serions ilineàs -among tpeo-ple g0 evlcted f rom their homes; and Wheras, in addition to ite great ProPefty los$to Our state andi Its cîtizens, Intense surferyng, sickneas end ebsolute 1 vent nov fect the people of he lnundated districts; and Witeres. generous response to appeale for relief has been received titrOugi thCe efforts cf Public spir- Iteti citlzena, varions nevapopere andi different commtteels in munie- lpalties adjacent to the inundated districts, andi auci relief, thoue exceeding lin volume ail expect Li01n1,4cân assaiue te sultering and *elie-e tohen4t 0! but a sinal Part of ti epl ethe4-; ý ad but theO OpIropriailon et $W,06.~ kuovie as tUe ibace, vliich vas made bhitelutst do. oral Aisemblly etfinoieis iras boaS foundte Cc hounicstutonaI, 1«0- lng thre Ouate vithut fonde for tise Ppose;s*i wbsreas tire state e1 Illinois yin fornisirto communitee ithalit ox- pense tté,expert todmiicl services Ci of civil and iaetary eligiueoro. flceol0f tUe Mllitary depsitinent and Medicol ofilerite, uëist in re- Poiring Cthe dacmgefb property anti te Public vont andti te rstore coin- munitios lu tue afteeted district& ce te a saie andi sanitary condition lu th conJunction viti local relief Som- vt MIttooes. vith a vtov ta proventing oi accidents anti epienici of teue M whinh ntey naturaliy lie expectedte ta j follav Che Injury ta buldings,tUe te destruction of sevage ayetems, B] te contamination of food, i. iU andt$ weter supplies snd the gonerel pe-T relysis of local goveriementel fune- D tiens; snd Whereas, further immediate ne-i, lief ln te wey -o! supplies of ail n kinds, Includlng foodi suppies, mua i hoe furnisliedtie cicr unfortunaeuanti destitute feilow citîzens ln the floodi ares; I Now, Cherefore. 1, Len Smnaîl. L Governon ofllinois, lu viev of Che cntttttaaabVn«-1wt;fax-Ch, do hure- by designate snd appoint a commit- Cee Cte bu knavn as the IllinoisC RoetefCommitteu uomposed of te folloving nsmud pensons: 1 k Cheirman. Howera K. .Weber, president of First National Baenk of Springfield.c Louis L. Emmerson. president 0f C- he Tiird National Bank of Mt. Ver-F - non.. y iqseph P.'Bunn. vice president 0fC Lte Springfield Marine Bank. e V. y. Dallmann o!ftellinois StaeuRegister. S. Lelgit Cali o! the Illinois Stete yJ ournal, andi 1 ctpcal Lo ail te peo- F epIe of Illinois and Ca ail oounCY. Mui- e.nicipal. religiaub.' civic and fraiter- .nel bodies Chrougliout te Stato for icontributions 0f money f0 meet te -r urgent oueds of our destitute tei- low citizensinl teflioodidistricts: and 1 suggest titthCe fonds so con- tributeti be forverdedtie te diair- mnuofte ebove nemeticmAtu by chreck made payable to hts or- der. And 1 furtiter tiesignate Brigadier m Genurai Carlos R. Blackt, tIhe Adjtit- rn aot Geoural of Illinois, as iixecu- )r tive anti Fscal officer 0f Cthe'cnm- [lmiltee to aet roder its direction ,knln te vork o!relief endbin te 0_ proper dieburement anti accouuting it O! funde vhitcit mey hedonateni foi floodi ruief purpoues. Ve in Witness W'hereof, 1 have hore. e unoaset tMY henti ana caused te 0- Great Suai of te Stete o! Illinois te bue ffixuti. DoueetaiWeukogan Ciis24Cth daY Lu !o April li e eyar of eur Lord st- onu Thousenti Nine IHundred anti on Tventy-Cvo anti of the State O! ll Minois te lO3rti. Le LIN SMALL, Dy te Orernor. STTON ATBi mNS VOLUME XXX.-NUMBE 17 Ilinois Commerce Commission serves notice on Telephone Company Springfield. Il., Aprt 23.TIxO llUiloI cooi. ContulwIoII"Y t 0W igaidO ta- tion on Chicago Toéiplow Ce., cow the Illinois Bell Tlephone Company,. to appear a et ii f fe. Of teo COli miiion in Chicago, et ten 'cIOck on cause why li rates and Charges out- should flot beroduced, and diacrimin- ation, If any. removed. The commis sion isi acting on Ils owfl initiative lu the mtter. Members of the commission take tho position that the taiephone com- pany la oontiniiing tu maintan the rates It put into effect during the wer viien the-clo f labor andi materials vas much igher than It l aet the prosont ime. By ordering the offi- ciais of tbe company to appear andi show cause why the rates should nfot be decreased the comnmssion la pac- Ing the company on te defonsive. Just what roductions in rates wiii ho proposed la not known but the thon -anuda of elephoue subscribers in Waukegon andi Lake County viii avat vith considerabie anticipation] the resat of the. hetrini. VI4iILNTES TO &ÇIIVYE S NORTHI CIIICMiO POLKE 30x4lied of sohoul Cloes. Out, t,.Wb=t tiures voeeob4talss& Lx ranked tenue f»M I The hlieet Ur en o0 Blins IsImnd. t4r 5o005 7. lu Woàkogatthe. oafl The lovest sclro*1 t834 Dilon. The rates giveit are tb*O th 1922 »tX coeloci00 iade 10 pursuoliCeo af l10W 921: * Blue Islandi 17.00 Ait= Chilcago l1C's 6.60 MontS elaywoot-650 P"i~i ..atrange A.50 Vllr. U)eefIInes ... .40 $o lerrlsbu w f 110000e- 6.25 st. CI Cicero-----620 Otta" Berwyn-6..20. E5 -Vaukegan ..7 Pni Hlarvey ----5.56 Uaoé Keniliortit .A.50 GoOM )ac Part-5.50 Ih!rvé Winnebka- 8.0 1e i'lore - .5 NPrU . tC. Vernon -6.47 lua Ceotnalla -..42 jouet ..- . Hinstiaie . ...5. Waodstock ...61 -lghland 19L. 5,12 railelvin lle GMflespie 40 MIarlou - . 92 Grnilte Cy.8 Evanetcu. 7,6 4.87 itîveraide .48 Streatar .--f Savano 8 as $9pring Va8li.Y412 .Jet" Robihion -A-4 .Olo Murpitiabora 4.00~IS lialle --s»U Bridigeport .28 MCt qive ~8 tv Ob otr tlifo< rx l*ke]nit vas cet Lake Coue Uy'sBig Weekly QpmGredtortaaEhWSeki. i Gunt mbone Entertains 25Omgu et this moffhW ThteLaike CouhtCyàu edthe Custate ouwW'snIM noon and. Chey are SUl foot hat they were "-t such oalearmonlous ceW In fact viiet fit ok< the convention vould « affeir efter long heours ewO by the leaders, turnotièa proiteity the most hamm«Ïç vention ever itelti ln therj Illinine. The large, Ârmory vas prusent as weil andi a lot cepaclry heru being 1800i ors. The resuit of' the haa meeting a! the tvo fAotog noie Republicen poltims muci Ca simplify tiringg Au it lied lookoti dork for *Ai lican perty the. chances Chat Cthe Repuhliis .wÛt Cie Sali election vICie 0 tory. on the entrancoý of tii.1 anti Mayor ThoMP"eo ut a l0 minute ovation Ob& 't inte Cthe convention un e' mon of the emnvntiMo1W eostratSimla Thre big -andiottn o! te convton vU givon tho Lk by Gaine W&n'ds about 26, .ge,., b long bom çw Feta iy ou___ rwl , 1 ont E. Dyer. O F LAKEe EFOR TH4E t. SA VEAR (, R DIE tstop Cite Iwbat vo -t capsule. chikens.