'~'~ .~8uUaus- dsie-by report iaaite:015(O 14ns"osr n . v ur - y ..pie ........ 3.1 lthe riioners conae* l -aMd Jli for hive yctaku Iis mater Up WM thés. B Wleel s- oAuto Ce. tb* uoa4i lacoM the M *meet Vaýlm" orftRerisc,, sn& have .b 11,8w rur n 14lm at, * wd k ai taeflit*r f- theB. Ment mi ~dfu tci .. ...- 250 West me OBakeY, bces*t . . 61 ours trniy. '»ts Ce., repaiire . 810* H. . liCcila Sous; 8. roc«e. S.N.J. CLELAN>. lm x. fiedee. Agedit. Isur- les exal caat...- . WU8 FPar- ChuM. Clevè&W'.fi Matner- Co,. suppie 10.46 R#ragiC Wast- -& CO, beau supetvises- hiober imoved thaI the..m cmCO.il., 011 & guaolu192S2 etc.. ...............81 Cmmuzcatl e e reed te the Ho CI, Hardware Ce., repairs 24.96 and that all theeep oe uàapkw*s ta Cesmttee.th acar, services ---------..76.@Q autharlsd hy tlii.Couuty Bous-Itu h. Maton carridTfluimeuely, .. c dc ...... ....... 06mploYed te prepo"ra ud sers. 110 The !oioinrig eport *»5ebm- '1aiDiieYScicar, services ._..72-70 food Dfer th* PxUmacnt-l uiju Awk awriht. Supplies 22.60 the moIti eadt* tg ti tedar t oS ?M1. & i&192L.là IL B. lges. doe .. ..... ...-----16.55 CUSSy, A. D, I11 areass ai ollera We, hlinnd.rsigiedI.mesber.or _10 V_ Pester & Sas, do ------- 16.26 t-wt: the Fnance Cosmttteeêof <. es-t 'p.- Chas*. E. Rusesell, cxpenses e4.332 Ms. 5a . Green .36 dayi ...180.00 or Scpesvîsors ct Lsk. Ceut 1»1.C BerbaBeta 34. 2ClYO . 8180 bas, doc es-ebb' ordar RoyW. BVbs', Lk S.$3 14176.98 asie atts e Usbd am a thé biBi; QOuaStyTressAiW f S o anty 5flJ. ..........-.. $2417598roucesud cher eridencèset Pm"ur-lillinois. ta dhrieot* «eti 1264i0 AU 0f ricn le respecttlly suimit- chs, et foo à malp-vlIvss.togéties-whiehheb.now 10.1*.as sZs »ise atte 1 witi a statement orthle ieip employed, mlilondolîit bond i*sne trom Jan:lot. m. à-.mÂRTLN, ciairman. rileme"unts bteichetotal Oum of taMasci 4th te lhe- ,fotitcwiag fucida H. B RGER. $ 33 - ail cf nbidh taunds go le ma"e y> thê 31 C. B. AUSTIN. Ail et , W£kh la refflettul, tub fgiecrsi Cousy fteudt acprvisor FIike umfled t.at ticeso. .11it54. Court Reportere tees ............. "tb c fl a dW&ELM911 J. GiEtS. C.rener's te" lm....-.-. 8' liead Nay vote baba« badl. le Su tein.... ......... gorir*bm Flke's moion ras carried STATE CF ILLINOI , ia i..........s byth e ming ol. . uid1 s........... « Tbs otÏ y a uprieaCOUS"'ITCl'LAiE jCounly Sas-m......... a80 i181tg* Bw=Otable, Craie. DUges-, Eli- 1. Rimer J. Grecs, ICeeer UothleW M té, llner, Fice. lIollstein. Jait fer- the Coqcty atos-ead, docsol Total.................$16W~ IU*OIbM.Meyer. moanB-i.Musph., emaly erear liaItithe odnaud pro- sti IRC3Wl W.rloi4 1Cullough, Naber. OConnor viont reposted as purebased wreA..MATI. 7-ICobd,. Samso, Stratton, Tbemp- purchgftd and uselie.lety for the 5isc omrocelto.. muoi, Wbbr-22. . prioes tu sai J>1an sdtirai;thte ac Superv sar Maethe e d o aI laithe 8. Vuft sN.,,Noe. conusfer employment lart er o- m- report b accepe and adopta.. SunpasvIsrs Bahstow. Brorwn. Crapo, 'lobyez, auliortaed is tiecs omty Aye. and Nas- vote btflg a Su- Dr".w, oldd.ge, Hutticu.Kiciner, Beard, Il amousting te the Iota]lsum perviar Melier's motlon ras car- Ja ,Impgas. Ma.wa» Obse »sd Vosce. he- of Tirs. HunIrtO, feenty tour and s-ed by lie folloint vole. t bs ent Md mm otvotile. 3U/100 Dollrs,. rhtihmenai tedue Tb.ose voting Aye are larpervlseesCI - Suipesvser BUsmstabis. Chaînmas. of eandunpaid &sies- sioing anl fixaIAustin. Barnssable.-I, Cri ipe,. Dii- 4Y r.lceatite m se ui.ocs, seccitile ce-cts. ger, Elher, Eges-, Efinges, PIck., BoB. th lfoloing report ELMER J. GREWN. Stein, Ulrachuer, MacUser, Monahax, 0' 9TATE OF' ILLINOIS 1 0. K. By Committe.Murphy. Martin. McCulio<igI, Naber, t as T. .MURPIHY. ChaIsmas. Obee, Rîngdail, Sae. &~m,11410, 'LA=U COTJNTY B. F. NABER. TIcompsoci. Wcbb.-4. BoardI of Supervtgos-u.MaeciTerureJ BRNTALtoting go, XMes..IN Mn Waukogan, 111. Fci. th, 1922. Superviseas trtow, Bio>nS. lieu. 1n Ms. Chairman. 8JMggàtk4nen of the. To lie Honorable Board nt isupeigl- Hletridge, Hutton, Lameate. Iawmau, SB Board af Supervisea, sorsm ct Lake County, Ilinis. O'Contor and Versce belain bsent an* Toor Conmlitt en o.Res-ion Claime Total amount,,cf e-pae for net votIci;. A woild beg leave te report liaï; tics food for ppc-hoers tramJs-ai. Ro W. Rischtws. CeunIs Tréslas-55. bcave esamincd Iail afims presanted uary 5SUcte Uelffuaiy U, aubSuttîcthetifoieing stateflaut or w 'thecceand reconcend tic p&ymmit et 1922.....................--------1-- 84.25 fuinds. ticS folceigg. snd tint tic Cleri b. HalD bis-...... 190.....-.200 Ms.-h , 1890. direed le issue crIesjar lthe %av- Dfua Lake, Ccnty fus- boasdIg' 'nhbnd lIState Aid Itoad ss'al accouaIs e he erai cat- Gernimenl prisoners ath Fonu .... _ .............. $ 80.764.90lit ants, to-rit: - et Jiisi&iy ....-..... 376-70 Ont band In State's Attor- - liosPrintixi; Co., supplies t76.60 ELIII J. GP.AEN, ney's PunI .......... -_ 11.7U Do do . .....~...........-64400 Oies-iff of Lake County Illinuois. PunI- .. __ .............. .. . ý.190 J - STATE 0F' ILLINOIS ROY W. BRACIIER. 1819.00 asCaunty Treu.s. Lake Co. Ut, Ail f ricn la respectftuliy submil- LAKE COUNTYT Marri 9. 1152. ted. 1 To Ler. A. Henda.. Clerk cf the. Feovin;t la a slaitisent, sboion J. J. BARNSTABLE, Chais-mss. Coixity Board ocf Lake Colty, Ilii tutouason ounacd ite varis tûfeS. . P. NABER. nets. (wvilc fundi$ comprise lie ges-ti .A Supervser « ans.em osel hat thse 1, Rimer J. Green. Keeper et thc County FSund) an- 1ai]Y Ieductlccsa C. report be aeepted and adepled. sail of the Couuty ai e-sad.lu, pur- have ise made fs-cm ths original ap- -.Ape uadNsa vote belicg bal. Sa. scanne of tic duly imposed>-upon me proruI-ttican d tsaoters oft mse 'N peer5 an #s motion ras cstried iy 18w. do iis-eby repos- t laI lie.bille thase funds. . -by the. toins; vote, fer fod snd provisios for lhe feeling County and Circuit Court E 'ries. votag Âye are Supervis eofthle pstsne ronfined lu salI joli Jury Warrantes ............_$ 4007.90 M Austin, Barsntable, Dlgor, Ris-hies-.for- lie monili exding tic 11h day af Coroners Jury Warrants ..3k1.00 Eger Efluger. F'leke Heâstein. Mac- Marrh A. D. 1922, are as foliowe: Foreign Witness Fes ..... 235.60 I 411rMeyer,. Matau, Murphy, Me- Weat Bide Baker.. bread. .. 60.48 Court Reportere tees ... 116.00 t7ulleenIs Naher. O'Connor, Ringdaisl. . J. Raman &Sons. grucer- Motiere' Peneions ..69-. .. 55.00 S ,Asbma-eon, Stralton. TiompCon. Webb, les and meat.t......... ....... 49.45 Croner's Focs . ...... ........ 721.00 -21. A. Johnusoni, mlii .............. 660 Commissianes8 Fees....3. 20.00 J1 VoUs;g Ne Nons. Norh Shore Fruit C., polstocs 34.00 Biind Peusions ....... ....... N4.00 Supervsera Bais-tor. Browsn. Crain, SPrague Warner & Co., beans Elecîloc Es-penses ...........10600». C-so, 0fIs-tâdge. Hutlos,].Krchner, etc. .._ ....... ... .......... 26.27 Miselclaneous Claime .......~. 25742.J2 Urs-sn, MaVmuan.Oee. s»d Vercoe Peler MeDrmott, boss-in; Public Buildings . ....... ...... 47+ bettga"it ad net voUsge CeunIs Prismser aI Ctly Jai Pior ClIjac ........ ........ .. 1273.47 TM ewmlii. tatemmsts of Mimar s.' rile under quas-ant4ms ..__ 2760 Mantenancé t ofCiuntyXarm 5 843.01 Y~ OrelotKeaffl e the Jsal wre r ps-e a t tiahle expesise fa. emploa«sesau- Roada51an~d goe ........- .26263.80 > sed f and rad; -tieIs-el hi.le Counti. Board te lie Couty Hospital . ~......140w000 $110 O"' F IL.LINOIS1 employi! te prepare and serve lie State Ciarilies .... ..... 581085 asfood for thse prisoners conined In saId Bistii sd Is-ati Certificates 550 ' LAME COUNTY ij lUfor th menti onding t tic S ai. Focs of Cou.nti. Officese... . ....5#20,7t To Lenw. A. Hendee. Cîerr of the ai Masci, A. D., 1922 are as foliors. Probiation Offirers 'Salarie .. 135:60 eeuety 1bard of ,ae County, 111h- to-rit: Salasles- .... 8656.01 nois. Ms-s. E. J. Greens, 28 laye ...80.00 Stntloucry and supplies _.. 4940.07 I. Rîmes- J. Green, Keepes- of tic Bertia Belinski, 28 daya .....72.00 Delentiace Home.a........... 13401.00 Ccccty Joali flie Couxty atorssail, la and aise attael are ail tie bil,,r s-sins-sof tic lnly imposel spcnvocrssand ochics-evidences of nus-- Total,...........- .....$1645.02 i lan do herchy report liat teliagse ocftod and provisions, toffethes- ROY W. BR4CHEIt, P -. bus for- food and provision% for lis rili a stalement af lhe help employed. Couxty Treas. Lais Ca. lii,b fsedlg or 4the pisouers ronfie In ici amounîs te lie total sure of Superviser luger moei.. tiat tlie *148jWi for lie month ending th i hi$354.70. tatensent be nzcived and piarl on s- ai cf.lusa-yA. 1). 1922 as-c se fol- Al of nies la re.speelfclly suimit- file. Motion cars-led unanlcuh.. Wý e o , o-itt ted. Superviser Bger'moved tat lie Bill West %dc Bais-y, bs-al .. - 5.14 ELMER J. GREEN, of Abes-t E. Epseoin be labil. V-1.. eipan. grocerles and Keeper of tie JRIu. Aye snd ay vot.e hin; Iad. Su- mnt _ ........... .....-. 73.04 . K. Mi. Commilîse. pervisos- Sges's motion rus lest b> X. Johnson. miii . 6.80 T. V. MURPHY. Citais-mas. the icîlnoing vole. s- pfgueWss-ncr & C.. beau,. J. J. BARNSTABtLE. Ticns voUs;g Aye as-e Supervisea- ....... . ......... 1.78 B. F. NABCR. Autsln. Barutaile, Crein. Ages-. Rits- Ab 460 liailsuthe e«penses for cm- STATE CF ILLINOIS 1 gi- Finie, Meye.r Murphy, Nabos-, »»ezo, authoied iy the CunI. j 5selng'.til. Tlompson-11. Boas-Ite ls,em ioyed le prepare andi COUNTY 0F LANE Tiosa 'vots; No are Supesvisra ...LU7tj~. Jqo,0rthe. prisoliers 3 . N-, J- 050ei 1 eos -oetothse T&U lDlger., Crapo, EtneeeHohîstinl, Mas- pie m motI ex fr éîCocmti. aforeal. de o luy IhesÉ.lmaîlan, Mort n, cCuoui Vtbe.It&taý-«( Inuas-y, A. D. 1922 are ai-sas- liaI thifood sud provisions Oie., Sasno-1l. Chais-mas Paddock là- 51 101018.1reposted as pus-niased woeepuschancI voîls; No,-12. MMeILE.J..Grcoc. 28 dsaz ......80.00 nid used solly for lhe prtscoers In Scpusvisos-s Bairslor, Brown, isr, Betha BelIiski. 28 dys...... - 72.00 salIJolil, and liaIt the accounts for 17o11-idge, Hullcnj K.lnhner, Las-son, Xs e »ats.cie(1are au te lahu.etaPloynlent are for cmployea aulisor- Marman, Straîtoxi, 'Conicos- anilVer- rembii andi ohes- evidennes of pur- lzbd by the Cauxty. Boas-d, ail amauxit- ces biug absent und not voling. obus. eif ted sud provisions, logetier ila;te lhe. Icl lsum of Tire. H3uit- Superviser lgor moe4 le defer Se.- mlh a alalemèul cf the belp ore- dred FIfty ris-e and 70/100 Dlollars, lian on Abert K. Epslein's bll until r>00ptl- niai amounts te tic total nus-h la due andupal ailes- allcwntottiosoir mornin; stIil o'ceni. Mo »ni»of3801.56, al Just creis. tion caried. 1 - AU et0 hilchIolurespentfully snimi. ELMeIR J. GREEN, Supervs-brs-Muspi., Chais-man oS lie ted. Keeper of thse J&U a.lsal Committee, suimitel tie follon- ELMER J. G".EN, .CeuntytE... TIT7 g s-port. 1~ O.K.Keeper ofet icsai. Sulscrbcî and amoru te before me STATE OF' ILLINOIS N OKDYCommittee. te his6I day cf Masci A. D, 1922.1 T. V. MURPHY, Chats-mas. LEW. A. HENDBEE LAKE CO UNTY j B. . NÂBET. Counly Ceri. Mr. Chaism-asuad Geim .i thle *J. J. BARNOTABLE. To lie Honoab-ale Boas-I of Supervis- Boas-A et Supos-vios-s STATE CF ILLINOIS ~orsso Lake Cousty. Illinois. Your s-ail Comnnite 10 nom lihe t..,~s Es-pense for boas-ding Ps=ecrs co&suuamUacu f Peter MeDsermot, COÇNTY 0F LAKE J for menti of Februari. te Commistiokies of PublIcile o tiunI L Rimer 1. Green, Keeper ofe oli sail Ms-ti6h...................... 23.70 Safity of lie Ciy of 'Walkegaul, lu .s fe i Cecxay aforsCai. de soiemnly Help is-c................. 152.00 retardI- te guarsataItics StlamAlbdie- .-,, <nes tblaI Icefoo1 and provisions ][ue Lake,'Counti. for boasding ney's Ilome ras reterred, report as lepestuiisapus-cicasol repus-nasel Gos-es-cenent prisosers for lois: 1ýnd se&. for lie prisosers in SamIjoail, Febs-uary .......... ..... . 261.30 W. have lcad lie mate-"ms~s dn * , 1.Itis li acotits or 0spoi.entELMER J. GREEN. fui crelîrtion and -bve disre î» Sos- cmhioyes autiorizel by lie Oiesid aofLaie Counly. Illinisl. nili Mr. MnelrMatt. sudd, t* laI ý!l>y Bcor as-I.amoontlag la lie to- Superviser Meyer mesel tiallie fi-ruAugua ltlit e 0 1~r IletI s$ UMet STics-e Hundre sud one action cf the jlaU Comille, in ai. 1021 Inamen, wen-* flpItd, and ,: O6.100 Dollars, rhIcin ladue and lewis thie Joail BUlISfor food and hlep ffrôn Octoqbes- 3Zd. 92l b Whercary aftlas- a1lns;ail Inst ertdtts. las s-aItllaxid approvel. 28li, 1152, c es"ras empWoa, ut -. EMRR. J. tIREEN. As-e sud Nay voeo eing hal. Su- a best te lb. Ç7ty cf 11840.96. .t ua sornte1biere me perj.moS-Méyes-' motion raca s-s-ed W, ffesi tinthlisqsestoe of the __________day of s-siuas-y. A. D 192j. hi.th. folloing voie. Cot A! âaussing lie ospense sud se- s-. LW. .REDS Tos-t;Aye reSups-iso,1ponliilli.et.-osc__glie-sU- io Board ef superviser, March Terrn. 1 - 1 122. r. *6 iaslMd Getlemien or the set Ye#cemiltsos u deiezT.ClalB sa1dbeg jeai'. te report that Uie« la êxMbIed ait .eya*ms. eeelilsd el et*w tisu and reu.nu*M th ie r ' Men 01 *U. jiiil1ý' MO Ibsithe ert btin0*ed tO bsite %rd toit Am *h aevy&% arnolints te thee nveral 1% teWteey jet& a"V »qa~wet t , vtipm*r 1»* e C, A. Brune, lnx.siub Un- *2~~ ka»& aUaO ew.ra "d r4 i, *m, reta el 'W1 I.sv07 C. Cusn fa4 ê5.2.( Y& viek, -reairs fez 1mué. 4.1ka 'W Gsb d4.sb egka14u01feu ... 2M~ esimuItethciT toft es. a 4,. _ 4. L àlx aU L u en 1-74 e0t Due. #AMe.jsie eS...11.0t Do- --e#argiia . -. 4.08 Fm$I& U esot ece. tet 3Obli W. AClik.services. ....- 5.M De» qg 2214, a*E . ft*orna. Beric esti r 'h. alojodâe W 558 Ford a lnvet)aatr,.do30.0 ty tà NQUCile-ago Uars- a cJ t&. e afmàie i n era ae35.50 a lo o siiwed .GRmith, tUrnkey sUtrvies9.10 i. . e...vie ......-..82 th0 V. >. r,R. oh Toie & ttry,- LLowardL.ioactricmbeance gUerie .......... . 154%0pi lIraz ealo. gasofl 33e o9 =>re9al.e ' cr 3.0 r.kef ls. ire & Bcatte s er- U Do p d. .............2.0 Urib .mcDerntotlt. e poztl 41M y N" tal }owed ta..$904 J. W . Ga, uneETservices 9r-00nt W.1ýGumel],. agoiIL OW. ci SprsertiMoyeru...e.. th-t t0.65 C epcrt liUacbeptdambd aned & eairaMer'e ncanras....-_ar.0riet J. Hp. Dîlger, =sable er Fu Be ( Ftqe, oltl.ehr er .00on. AbertP Mbe 'on . Samson, laotiaso Oe MamnRAOL.raTton sn er' Supervisoryr ienrd t adothe P' repori tooro awoetedad Mis-ci t.L 1D2e and l.0:vot beJ gr ad Su- b prvirk. r M otion a s camenal,. Thoe Bord 0A SupaVre lupervisr$ alrto, 1aa515125. Barnib , CZtana Crapa, Dilger,,M blîe Eger, 8.nger, Maqe Hr, ariS. aet her, M Ior. n &h, Mrtin, McCUIlOtgIi. oaba Ca, OCOdires , ?a44oc.Sason-,ei. Thamvow rton hmen, Webb,-0 Abevosent BS2eVlIrs Ikew, Raid-2 $4;.. a, on*Vesahl- ri4.adV aupevise Ob" c»c np.rte adTeM E 102n appoei yuMiDtû- vols.t ommunicotion t le mi ~.J The Geord of1, 4eeavsed, biè ullst 'sttie uprsutUen rt 'V meve hata li e o c sucs o *66.0 W al ore d 1 1fr, Ceirandw, 311r >otaM Clar Strea, Crlao, ii.r ohlgtJDr Mehr adrMNé, -*t*, blng h O. Sarvsora-ttoWcS. moton raWebbr- 80.e .yliefab1it 10t1 Absetn'g .e"4 85eSupervisa- Aidle AtusW. gsrnit*. lW Ccin. drapet Dem, *berlag es-, son aer, Maat21srms.rrtt oel. on. Geoge 00*. W 33 tmsupvsdr X)ow. Eo*oldrde, a- the um of a 0.00 d UDlOdtes. Chicago,111. , Abe- 1.Eeci en peliii r eSriser %amotionrW"moved !Ui nt tat ti bbtg acI oer T5ou 4 t6gNA" vite lnhkuPerer- Aieux. i vota. lm abo»o" Tmiesa vapI*.4o a-e Servisors, Bréru. Eses-, lolinge ik., lIcit41. "ba. Murphy, Xoaoos-à, Nau" M0fahvc.t y the teluea vortuie. Ri'1 $irî - 13 Thog, a ie *0*a3 ams... beter ah- Lane Oqao - 8hu 'o. 2200c Ltip IesMistel avR4 a liâ tie: s-s-wes-Matin, Dmol rasb"l.on4M swuo litebr Uallan t val.. W et . Pse vllas» as-e SapapeNec, àl a 13 enneils Mt, arsonie, &Bsd ae b fige, hsutell od ontandnu Milles. Mnnan Mnaan Blp S ails, KIrenin Strai3eU.Mr. scIte lt W4tb o a-, irdblhé*e M etamp. eillse al 40*-duh . UMW *-e& se a 4-lbava. boss> Iga,, "*tu e. aukWrtoe b te0W MVIm nI mai sotb -ding.UMt 4 thD ori fte b. ais-e r»ie- cfta 0* m « t refot-MU bS om it MhUOletOiabilmé, ithe 6M jk:o mm beroI va eê ý a& 4- e. acie MOW lIcIlt 101So t W ia bwu cle-lb. tdoIEX@4 - te sâwlle.".8 fl a i ffl ueufl et Ilo fim e, àdoetm Pro. Crot.cl tgae a b mg *çr umihof , 4-00.00.VW i tim »d 1 &imue i igaettss o m&"is . USa- *sgLe 1 oelo 34eMatnelus u<Isis ell,. ci. tIse - Selants. oIe. (lins . e ÎC . scxcr. Rasieibu se m* Vese ing 11058.1 snd *"01 heRosI au Coeenu&wla8eu tram lia Cqmmis- he MM sus'r et Pulie Ulth 0MW Sobaly eoS M I hoCu 06 iiwýkk*m& bctegsRatl ori pw»à l asIe t bwse aI 110e sia-ù, Wfes-,to- Buis-star osel te rotas-h,» *é maattr la lie SiemU. Melbaca- îlb.eSAute. A làb- Ie %il of -the Te"us cfweCRfiriellier sos-oessîes hec BIt" enesieu ras prenenled. AI>WM ApoucaIaecfor. menafit îeADnWUs Blejaoan art RulîsAA ct forth &out P*tty- Relif alo ur, a A ebY A .fer tbe.m na etis- ~ of'M -lsIGnsa Aes.ÂP- TREREFC ýb pri t h Q18c " 5LM5bl, AIl- lt hsetoz i stait Comtin LAKE COUNT j uoucon bi Wuqt DeoAfeld, lu umil Cocels sian c. mb a 3ixte. le soiemnly aneir liaI 1 amrn I, me. UnI; liaI i am cees- lie amoft42 pme n ens-e; ltaI 1 arat, a cierge ef any pse w'cmal IcAs-itabl* institution of tiisîtte <~oer il os- Conty or City tiertof; Usai MY lSa tiorne la bost-ban $M0.00 par anu. cmr; tel I1lbave reMffll couttini- csIy 1cr tie Stale cf 11111nsfuorna (10) neniecuttre yoas-. assilathile clos Couuly of Laie for lis-es (3) yens-s lm- mediately precedlng tliidaIe: liai 1 hesire le avai Woslf of lt ehnêits Fi f a AcIfor lice Relief of the Blind, Yi pmed lis-tic l'os-ty lts-I Gexieral As-A] oemily iliprovel May 11h. 190,1, as cs-tsed hy thse Party uluti Gexieral As- Super+ieor embli' approvel s-uns 251h. 1915. ,elution ie as his Ayeanul FilinM. s- LIgihUtUIpas-viss- i mark tth olotiîa ~Suiscribel snd snern ta before ne Thou vol 5W fb day of Mas-ci. 1922. Austin. Bila (Ses]) RICHARD E.WINTSIB. Elobles- Es STATE 0P ILLIMOtS -al"x. Kirsî ne Meyer. Mani LAIs- COUNTY - 'f Culloengh.1 -X. Mas-lin Ringdlaa resident of tise Riu4ahl. I 'cmwn of l)erfild lnsasld CenIas ndson, Web.- Istte, do solemly"gr&ear liaI IYsam Vatint NÇ vessonu.y srqulltea th'ri Ellis M. Supe-riseo Ugihsll no maues application for Ds-en. 27011 bsimeItfor reliet of tise blinI and I uerv,,,,, e al, that lie la a bons, île resideut et Usis Supervisea 8lase and bas Itved la lia Couti. CitaIs-min 0 aforslil for the tice yaars Immeli- CoatI.CI* atlyeIy~ceding lie filin; cf above ap- ecuhe lu hal -MARLIN RL4GDAHUL for elîclpro lubee-Ibe nul taorn h i, BIb iy cf Laie, la LEW. A. RENDRE. Illinoi. UM Ccusy CirI,. Supervisai %TATE CF ILLINCIS wCeuI. or LAKE CCUNTY j as-nsoa 1, Wm. 3. Oliee a residaulai iepaysth* c s-ows cf D.,s-ld,.in natifCounly snd ps-oDes-0.CI S181., do soemiy amear liaI I amn comitilee. personahly acucasite4 'lillis M. commstt ai Ligitiauli pa mais appîldallon for tneto boýeits -foi rellel aI ltaebiinî an& sutba"CeI )Mts ih. ola a baue lde eildeSI t * »yesud 1)1.1 State,55c1 bas licol in lie Coixnly-vlr"c" R etos-essid for, htbisa y0ftz mmee ie- s-b-tli atty Ireédtg te ililt f ahore 0Toev application. Austin. Bai Wb(. 3. OB££. glecbls-, ER gutaadribed snd sues-nte titis M d A.y ntebs,1ils-' of Marris. 1922, Moyer, Mon LlNW. A, RENDEZ Maie-, -Ob CjOs-L SaslonTi Y iaruisy certhfy. test 1 ha".e .vating 1 aMflnal tha applirsat En,»1 M. LiAgil Supervs-l bail, West DaseelA. d. u fsi tai ha Dror, lhou of the4Blind.s-au. Ili. 12. Supas- andl irI s-t riscs- OiC. maral liaI tho e le*Ulls Stprs hoe ratoesrailth i Fue no&=* ucil.t- oUins; .tué. Mollo., carsuel -uaalouali. option. : »qD4agvlos- Bals- aow osel tics-Ilia '1'at ni mAlW tes ir c aiM thé eui.,Do. ealauce tc hOuA ets. W. Suthaia Md a ULMrîj. bualisi o Luwtxfy. hastet OS 11< ilesf« -il 1id4*ee Dig&bied RatIna- EMPI" oyes IU351b. Os-151ct40, lap Pri.14 1Isccý. ble s-5*csci tet hea iaTenu F11840. CoaMltes ud Ithe speivi As-ilWh, sowo »f berSaldTo*ualp fos-a s-e-.111504uio port ut the, e i5 Bssias o!fliteBoard. P11.1 cas-lie=q4un»asimo>uslr TIREI neblo follbanu> petitien ras ps-e, tiat lie tl soled.sa1l Tonie Ta -tie Boas-I o! Supervises-aof Lake lourd; a4U Cosay. minois. .Asil<IAt 'Volr as-pitioses, Olver HIIOoi, s-es-e-15f5.lis suats Itat h.alise orner o; lt oiler-&tâIe Ai lisc ducs-ibed pmiaes-ly, altustel la RondI>lun Liàe Çoffcny, Illiuola, lie wadosî rAnsa p-asha Il 8een lettesmiiee~-ge-l vi li Mil r8W n UslI nt 80.1 b* MtUe Mdcl nadIn mb aukegm as Colis * by thie oslgisel bond la- %6 Qmicmols, #Jq Wa4#Mi "W« Ibal timisrasé lacto aiIEs, il I.undeseAse le Whtultucv l1111*uau tbal the.Cocnty .«Mset à"c 9=4 mwké. 11n1bi4 ME m gr! 313118014VM AIn lu sin teaa bei t* Bs 10 PublierWarku d 8RulA 1W Md heusm4Itun. mts-ccl e fl à amu l.e . m aaeIulcbu miii Buildwwiagé t sps-Ihb.El&l toi A. WEBB. lie ba aemu&ataomms. bd IA las-idasCotte,, uh- C( teloui. Raoit*os. Bi sitie »rs-orfSupprvi- lii çeui. lu. VWankegua,1BE. at aI lie ses asim eto mistenaloceetd uipso-ed Stale Md Rbals hi. blpd saa Ian, li SERAI., a tas- lmiltd ta ef clercs (1b) cents lia b7 tie Bouc-I te fld ia"angee ut mud ro*Ue.a ORE. BE ITRESOLVUD4 rd epe. aoclilelus mais-C c o he ia uld Ert8666Il b. empavrsel ta prS-eel % malateanse. asd "ait t I..e. acting; rE l ieR.sa aillee, b. am*oweuesete s-i &0 ne-uami-"ad mlailsen- cM de.sy sAit ,001,sse. ma- ,,sW tlieI, nélalasancU4 ûm t et alscda, lU u aeeod- A lhe praclsim graili a I ae«taIy osubaltail. 190 . LBAIR#OW PRE IIRBCSIM.R EA. IIIOWN, md anduBruige <7mmnttsa. 1lIAS. R. RTXSariL. i . o. ui oS Iet lginys. RED RinrSOIFER. 914.10 A. WeEB. &NDRNW EFINOBIT. h Rotd Out lCaMmittee. e- r Fger moved liai tic. Ris-P s-cepted sud ailepted. Nay vote hais; ha& Su- C cr's iantiosn ws carcicl hi. l vote,. iting Aye sre Sapa"sisr lqion, Bs-an. Cruts, Crapo. Éer; ROuge-. Pînko, 2lion- tiles-. Mactie-, Marn. sinus. Murpiy, Mas-tin. 15e- Nahas-, Oha., O'Connor, s -Smut, Sirallon, Tienip- g, Noue. s-e4 larnalable. t>lEger. c Iige, Huttici.Larson, and t;S absent 5and Dot vots;. s- Baissuer mvel tint lthe fI Use Covtnt.Boas-Ianul lie as-k i. aubins-lied la e- thait ai lie Coualy s deed tioa tas- s-cal purpose af )pent! orne-iby hyle Cousit. nthe, Torn t Slibes-yville, îlin cnrs-led unanl60auslY.I s- iisc>,ser mos-elthat lthe1 s-rk be nutho-Isedto lance on lise CeunI. Tresss-e- la m-rouI machine-y bIs upon K. ci thé RosIas il Iuge b, eCousit. mail Outil )andllthe Couly Surerfu- 1 1 lisnways, tise Comzaites te p«rcisso lthe samiqi Nay-s-ote bs-uqin aI. Su- irscner'cs motion ras Car- ie toloint;vole. rots; Aye are Supervisa s-satan. Craln, Crapo, DIlge- cgor, itlnge-. Imeko. Raill ocIme-, XMactier. Marinat, >wains, 3tun-hy, biculîcugi. )bee, OConnos-. Rl5gdahl, itompmac, Webb.-24. No, Mao. sors Barmuble, Es-ows, Es-lIge, Hittiar, Las-sou, Mar- in unI Veos abois; absout ueor Bsts-sÇon suliccil thle retbIutuo* ndiImos-edl Iesad- os-eu, for rssons Sas- cou- ae tic travelling publie anA Df fealure etcfnwstuctioni, co l isabhe la reloce oa aigitel Stale Aid Roldlu cfe Newpor-t. es-eus, tiré es i-ntebave e- es lie leslgnottiou uot ail WORE BE IT REISOLVRD, i*ol ;deslialod s-os-I ln xcf K*wpos-l ho belebi. aban- 1 IatIs AilBoulRoule 21 It the Solonlng rosI b. ddé: a a-etate Mid RosI.' Ij Rad sI Iule- 4 (Os-eaBay lise Towncf est oc, S-m los-b.Is osiotol-y te the IT FURTHEMR REOLVBED, Resolution le prsenteil te 1 . ssiaata.qw131*48 a Ira Istemea. deLi W&.1 bilW lius- maoelA t" w lb. la*» v~r.Ultw e dsoed 5; IsmIsa & belons. dm W5. tiareS r secmad 15 s nfl et b. wvove4 Ail -Of S mu a rlu eatuby anblt. XONAAN. Sae.slam.vicie mov thlaI lice W- bue0000»t" a" alepled. ma.- Salurime Rlssbmar09 b.WFi> af. Omw*t% es scwmatted ia fol., fATE s rxi-1OIP» 91%41841011001t Tos 1lse OIlltetarc "* .03,tos for 'Sif telFuel.Of Ils ML LiataeSioS Dees-livu Ps-. i s, u s t u" £ M d x i ; lom aU h MMuwind by Dir. A. E0. S'eul: bct* ie te inI sut fourIte 'a mi 554heoefes-e ouIlla 1 C .2 ll-ayeA 'by bsn, WIL lthes-oSes-c s-cau a 14 cGUnli.Clos-k be uabstedtv ina»a ellI Pouaionste ail d1111 Lialsit4U -egaaieg Apru lot.à1982. RieltfUly sbuiliel ]FREt> KIR8CiNEB. A. O. MAETRAS.. Sixpereinor Samnoimoal lihaIi te @port b. eAdeph. &Bdal optel. A"i andI Nay vote iCI; bail au- us-riss8m.om'a motion mas carr148 7 the eaelonegvota. 3 n'boae velus; Ai..are Supevieffl ktis, Balimen. Bs-awn. Crois. !rca-p lies.eleas. Eger., Eftager, Fnote. !Qlini, KIssoIas Maste-. Min- mKI. Moyer. àMmcalas, rphy. me- lastil, lamm s trahica, ?ihomp- on. Wabb-21. Patn e; Nono. Bupes-viscrs Barnatabie. Dren. Ifolil- rdge,. llone, tLassMartlin sud Ver- ffl be.a aba.tlsett dot Un Superviss- Yoe*bhU, Cluirmea of la La*e cuaty Ocuaral fouta kulhtht g'emeleoseuittet the fl- crwia; repo-i. BTATE OCF ILLINOIS OUNTY 0F- LAKE Boas-I ut ltuiasvisaoss Mach Tes-u. Mr. ('haisnsd Board tof %lpervi- Tous -tosiiuiîtten osLube Ceaty encurai Nltai Audtieg reulî bac lai5VCo le port ctai ciel have essuis- Id th* bookssud ci mes oscf teSu- asinlenîenenmd ase et h. reag- ires -p pfalI Imliat alndiaIdian, cor-ectEsud liaI aises talt sp,-i lice - ems cf s-es-dpI ndas- lburiemeai sme Otîburuamnss Dreenthis i. 1#21 la Ens-ci 1. 1922. Ames-icas MarSle & Mulue C., Contagbaix, andt Tubas-cala- M- Midingo-. ps-ovisions -- 0.61 Dr-. A. E. bulle, acmstesiiicm--40.Wu) . Bals-sien, hest- --.68,04 ?red Buck, provIions -, 1 4.60 is-. A. E. Br-own, xLtuitmmt.r Gexiersi agnes. enêms-ex.o pense, ps-olWslo. - -- 8' Central Asheto & Maixcesia Ca., bld;,and grds. -- ý-188.00 Chicago Nos-thiwesierp Rallwày Co-, genenal es-pense - .- 2.76 Conosamers Puape- Cc.,do .- 51.00 rred Ciow. Contagionxs Tii- has-cula- Bld1,...........18000.00 Miss Day, nurse ragea ...$4,63 Misx deBoast, de .. .........00.00 H. B. Eger.-, t'0ll5e, Tu- liercuns- Bldgs ... - - 1143.09 cculs Emmesas, goncfca) o- pense ...... ............. '. 2.00 SEuil YFinIne is-sce .. - . 118.00 Punis Bock Sicp, gestesai os- pense ..................... - 1.65 XWla Pu-o- er rages. 4;0,.0» ..- feinle Groom, do ... ....... ..... 10.22 lt-cl Ilann. do --- -... 80.00 Gus-use Lumbe- Coal Ca.. Blîge. & grIs. - ..... - . 59.50 FruniB.Os-avs-caCo., tgenersi 7 es-pense ., ....... Wm. Ilcian & Sou, biîgs. A grIs. ...... .................... 90165 Ilorlick Melud Milii, procvisicns 4.00 ber. A. Hondes, gen.ara si w150.00 Bus-loy Manhinery Ce., equlp- ment .........- ................ 112.1e Rtgginbohtnm&r &Douais,. Ken-,_ tasies-penne -------....--.... 90 Bllinols Bell Telephons Co., do 94.40 r1 Algues Johnson, generai ragea 140.00 Dr. Fr. C. Raligit, genes-al es- pense-----------..--........... 6.00 Paul J. Krens Cae, Contaabous ald Tabeuba-bias...... 6.00 Mro. AnusaCellnes, geste-il mawges------ . .....26.00 Xhsuio K.riss, do........... -. 226.00 A. S. Kennedy, icat. genes-al es-- pae@-----------------.........749.84 Lais is-sase Candi- Kitsheu, genes-al es-pense ........... - 3.80 Ds-. J. B. I4gna-d. anosîlcelica. 10.00 Like County Batte-y Serviels., Co. geno-al es-pense--------....12.40 Lassa & Mille-,lest--------9t.74 K. J. Lasti-ef= cnaeglo& Atu- bercula- bWll;,. ... ..-....--..-1800.00 Luis Wiolaeqae Gocasy Cae.,- Ps-oriois------------------... .....80.01 Ueo. Long,Cocailous A Tuie- Blg.......-......8. pense---~----. e-...---3.06 40s .Meagne-lrgs100 L I-. Prai Piblie Sel x .A. Rail Ress-Ion A Rubins.,g standard Bilas A 'E. BS-bwr- E. R. Es-c os-pense lias isml Smiti-Buel es-pensel Milan Soit standard pense. lies-n 8 S Mary Ohcu E. P. Spai V. 19. Il genersi 17piohu C \Vt1te & Z Waukegsis sicp,O Jamco Wi P. W. W wVIxonaI Ce. con «is BIi Irving Ws 0. B. Wai pense Ansa Von L. J. Yeom Josephine mages 1921 liecr1 Iy D)ec 1 Lake ituiidl,, Lake C rWeC. 17 i. Der 17 d. lie. '7f Pr,' 22 . 1).-C. 291 1922 Jnn 4 ili Jan. 7 Id Jaer. lis c J;.n i 1 Jan. 2.1 .Ianc 23 Jatn,24 1 l-'.-i î1 c Fnb. Il ' Fs--b 16 Foi 16 ' Arnmnt rui. ?l FAl. 21 Fei 25 Fric. 2. As-mou 19-2 .. Sucu(-ri report hi Aye a penvser sieI b- Those Austin. EIs-iler. O*Conno son. Wr xrolitus Super, Las-sou, helng ai lIce Boa mittt. WHE1 nmade p( tain 5h sud beci pr turc la oic tInt ]Public ' THEI liaI lii Vounly tise ne, uponthi ni cons County. Super Besolut Motion lLwn mitlel Boas-Id -upc". a Ausinc Bals-mIa S Crain Crapo Dlges- Bicislec Eger- Etlnge Finis Holleli flatter Klns'i Las-soi Machx Meye