<-q L !I eratsotu gpr4sram.Our tUrneépet 1.toeM tît a1for thé.upbnidUWIn f Deiain H if D yC uc C I' ne uw s of thé comrnunlty. Our abject ln ta d 4» f e ia o Haf D yC uc goond, flt eviil ta aur neigihors, WUs Goai as aur wItaeé. We are flt re- sponaiblo for the raids made la privais SUNDAY AFTEROON-2:30 e- P é i -mlànkd haiones. Everyono la welcame to at- to e II 4 ~tond theso meetings. They are for te Prelude and Pracessional publie The wrk gosand in hn DÉv Sun4ay, Ap4 M 30 wlth church work.o IL is their duty ta Doxology report any violation of the law, but they' must have proof and flot noigh-1 Invocation and Lord's Prayer . Rev. J. R. Nichais, D. D. horhood gossip, hefoire rbey report a"'n hits ri s 0 tel e'oroneto Anthem: "Great is the Lord"..... . ...Choir lie; uo~oc t tIitn.s andt iv le a be ter lirfe, Hymn 12: "Hloly. Holy, HoIy" (Congregation rising). Th( rut of our new.clrurch whiclit Srpue ........ Rv .E ose * ' will bc founti qn aur tedcatipn lttb-, rpte. .........RvC..Wot grain, was taken by Mr. Honeywell. We want t0 OxpfOss our apçrectation Prayer . . . . . . . . Rev. B. J. Trickey t for liii kindiness and may hie be dulyI i -,Ltrtaiti for lis services. Solo....... ........H. B. Pilcher 1103 Stahi la hlreti by tho counity toi ~ ~ taire care of the State Aid Roati fromn Sro........ Rv .S Davis, Ph. D. i- Ifighwood ta Lake Zurch. This will Semn .......Rv0.. i.. take six miles of road fron t(he shoulti Solo........ .......H. B. Pilcher ers o, ,ui« township. Thon Mlwaukee' Avenue wll ho conereted ibtis spring,, Appeal for Building Fund . Rev. J. R. Nichols, D. D. which willrelieve us o! another six miles, So thiat plioslblly vo cao take Transfer of Keys from Building Conixittee to Trustees- (arpeto our remaining roatis vith our tiepleted treasury wifhout voting a, Mr. C. J. Herscliberger, Se'y-Troas. of Building Commttee bond Issue. Mr. Louis Kruger, Chairman of Trustees The beauftblut large family bible do- nated by Mr. Francis Trtpp of Liberty- 1 Responsive Dedicatian Prayer ~ville,' walf used for the tiret Lime and ti1 i tihe irst services in the news church Minilter: 0J my Goti, le(. 1 beseecîr tise., thune eyes be open anti lot (bine Easfer Sunday. Thanks to loyalierars be attent, unte, Ste fttayor ibatitarmatie In triseplace. JO frienis. Congregation: New f Ierefore aise, 0 Lord Goti. Into thy reating place. thou th, On Sunday. Aprif 30. we are goîng and the ark of tby Istrength. let thy priests, O Lord Goad, be clotheti with as Thobeatifl av Cngrgatana co I:if Possible, Mr. Watren se. dedcate he ew çhurcthenme d salvation. anti let tby maints rejaice In goodnfess. n church a Hall DyIt-llet'>one'medcoopteraation ta htlP 1n 1ki.fnister: To taie glary of Goti,our Father, by whose fayot vo have but tibis cht urcha HaîfDari hrieh aedctt epi anif0ssythis the event o! a lifetime anti a sue- bouse; to the honor of Jesus, the Christ. the Son o! the living Goti. our Si for Snta>.Apilthitif , atian This neeing was fieldi only a few f's.OS.Dvs!thCicg Lord anti Saviour; to t he praise of tihe Holy Spirit source o! Ille anti Light. luteroting lrogreinibas beon prepareti teeks beforo tchurccews brnoi T rogic.iS.minarvilt telCio h ogeati:W idct hsbue la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EtI ctneto ibieéetwib in 1919 the cburch wsiruck atitre.ss at (ho dedication service S aan>2as lint8ter: For vorship lunIrayer and song; for the mlnlstry o! the Wordl; for vo pIrnt below. The buildng Commit ht ltgbinulng anti burnedtef the graunti. o'clock in thse a!ternoon, anti Dr. Nicir the qlebratiofl of the boly sacraments; tee of this chu rcb have surniountidThre ,ulpiî, organ anti sorte chairs ls nt o h hcgocnrg-Congregation: We dedicare flia house. 0 may btniie, nt trerefforts have wersv savei.Tbey vere inken Io tire flouai MissIOn andi Extension Societ yMinster: Fur thé coniforf Io tbse who mouro. for the strengtlr to those who been richly révardeti. At this Lime a rowvn hall.,viscre services have heen will give the appeai for (ho buildiing~ are temptoti; for bellriIn riglit living; k bilor> 0fflie church t Haflfay la helti. pouding the building of t he flOw funnd. After this service. the Laie: ('ongregation: We detittate îhis bouse. su fitting, andtfho following vas contrib new church. viIsr relnh ~ rn Minister: To t.he memory of our iseloveti doadtu th(le gentie andti nue o! utoi y mebe o (h curh: On the- Sunday affer the f i"e Plans Cook, Mrs. Bon Cook, Mra v t terson former timos. ta ail wbo bac unlooseti the bonds of ignoranee anti vrong; Rt 'lu the oarly part Of the 1800'8 rér treifo e hrh ih niMs .Sboeraeo h asCongregation: We dedîcate tiis bouse. foi marc definitely. about 1836. thero e e the aid o! ihle City Missionary Society, committee. Sebmi ou thve any Minlhter: 'Ta thé welfare of the living; to (hase whoso ways are goiat (y. Hlsf DyWgel ftI ept le s hyepc be thoso whosé waya arc cvii; to the strong seuls (bat 8soop to share lte of fou péabtn safon't n ak tOti ni ' a conmutte vs intotiythe hel oofra byepc oh b burtien of their fellows. to theo oak andi defeusoleas to (hoetiarkeno ind, th, Dbrc aybeiug OflO da! (hle m,No congr gta, u vugt h bg 0serve about ivo hundreti people anti chrchhat bon rotet atibs tm ,i (ilo!labor anti materlal. IL vr ltae otoaok od bibt the tempitid bart, tbc fie weary anti heavy-latieti.andt oatl human noéd; mo erice wrebeli a be lt i reiredt u put off tbe building ntif witb the auppor o! thre coinmuniy, theyi ongregation: Wo dedicate Ibis bouse. M hbusp. This was an aId log building 'conditions vere btter. vi uceia hyaealgoicaaIMinistmre Te tbe-mloats-y of th,- mrong te oweak; to (ho hntnging of ltgbt Mi locio o Nilauee veue o (ie On Ju1> 3- 1920. Mr.- C-. WWarren anti on lthe Job. We vent ovorybody In darkitoms; to (ho givrng ot hotte, courage anti spiritual healtb toaail St farin owncsi by Henry Sohroedor, Just preachesi is fareweilimsermon, baving to have a lunch anti gooti social time. Suman hoarts; back of (he Hoeftnian blacksmif b shoç. acceptoti e cali ta Sturgéan Bay. Wts.,anityovrfrt eertrymr Congrogation: We dedicate tbis liouse. Wi Tise cburch metuberabiçi st (bis time wbere Se l t liipasteur. vieand (hyoe o evning. Thi viiisho-Minister: To tise proclamation of the f ruti hthet sets mn Il res; to tho liber- ai numbereti faurteen.vieIth vnn.Tswl ba Abot 140 paf ! lnt va grnt July 10. 1920. C. E. Woloted of Ivan- fllowmip meeting et vbtch Urne Mr. ty o! thé on, of God;ti 0tfhoreveronce for al vorth of tho pat; endte thlis Abou 180 aplatof andwas ra ho.bsvas calieti. preaebing (ber. lu the C. Jones, the arcbitéect, Rev. C. S. eager acooptànce of al goot i hthe future may unfolti;W ed or isuchpurase o li. atiirt Imrnitia anti at Half Day in (ho ove- Laiman. Asét Supi. o! Missionay -Conrgtion: Wo edicate ibis bouse.W dlse (hovllgegao! al! Day te hé Utal- aabsvf aigcag !(ociety anti Mr. eeves, Preaidenti of the Minister: For the sanctification o! the famiiy; for the guidance o! chiltihooi: e tiemx ouroatanl hirC. oUW.Sunday 8cbooi In the anornfng, contin- Mssionary Society andsiliters vil for the mavation o! men; a hig f hlm. in 1841. thse tit Cangrega- 'uing wni t(he spring o! 1921,.viten R. pak. Tise Ivaiihoe chair will routier Congrégation: We tiedicate Ibis bouise. v tional church vas organisi sud ser- R. Kethalin vas callei ta takre charge. music for this services. Automobile Minister: For tho !otering of pafriotism; for te training o! conscience; for Mi vices veto hld oiiutl1844 by Il»s nital In thé early spiing o! 1921 It Vas service vilI be nugurated betwe.1n aggresian againat evil; lconv'eem±i"oghurha a!tbla'eten nenmbém. affain décided 'ta tare upi (hobuildngHall Day ant i Kghland Park ta ateét Congrégation: We ietilcate ihis bouse. bc Sf5 n curh at henerctti but plans. The nans of the nov churcl tise Lake Shore eléctric anti North- Minuster: For théeiselp o! (ho needy; for tho promotion o! brothorbooti; for mî ta 1844 tise hat churcis laiVertou. building la Wmhbumn Congréggainal W etrntransfr 12:1. anp . bign n(oKndmo ld knovn as the Union chardh. vms bulilt. churdis o! Hait Day. in iary 7of Seth ter yaoint rme.15 atIvl PaIM.a Co inglon heWo dedcatef(bs hanse Later il vas mavétianti remodeleéi Waahbtu. Whso sve the là" ifor th (ill pauera s ack afniethé ndevlae nln g rfin i : WAs e ite ! gratitue.t oe ravl o!rn !tt4k~( miaa tvu all stndig utonth chrch asvol asthéacholanti cem'.service, for those vha do net Vi to 'gIving anti praiso, from (homo viso have tastdt ho cup o! thy salvation,tu churcis praperty. At théetUme of Ibis etery. Thé churcis mombeiultlplsDa nov r ndeprene h rce f b rS renovai o! thse OUIchurcis. a fruité 61 andi seven rmuners vita Maed Tsta soervicanti ox uderlheéacCUwaOn et heope o! tis grc; "cnrgton orcue building vas erectoti néxt ta the tavif eway, but bavé not vitistravi thelér Ttssrievl oudrtésç- Conga(ouei:W.a(o epled ath thris antibuldngrenatheIt, no f t L bat. This bildfing had i a n unal q ayni ie onr vision o! Chas. J. Hârmohherger, u- ertno.alesnv.ieiat ISsurbidighttoim !tet lai. foroo.equetteamirdTheveing.ig, 1921.re thé e sistéd by Bon Cook andi C. M. GlItian. Father, anti o! (he Son, andi et tise Roly Gitaut. A . j"gat a psr ts, thé cbureh caved ingook PlaCéL OUZO r IbAil thosé e vimsspéétal service vS diiirib hi adû gqb in. t g d th otédb ctasW.pheLeCoviles !Li psase appy tai tme men, atdilau l- Goi anb hi n ogeio the. A buiis nie»o! titsed aaIISiOhO ry Siull nte bB" a bs re mb dS vite vii vluliteer ti>e er-i thée bildnge shol féfl saply Bidrhoehéti.idii t«éi vice of thir c&rm 'wil do lielt Prayer of Dedication . . . Rii. ChAIe W. Winrea bhou by1th seies t~i-~ cacapleteti Mudit crédi la due the *r- For (hase f ro>mabroasti ithost=atay 23 leCucsOeFtlain toftes umtl 186 erics er.belli chteot. Wm C. Jones, 'Md Thea Van' over nlgh(,ve bave a cc.nmittee on HYnM 23 fa hrhaOeFadtoi tU~iutitémily. terwésr'h. tisé main contracter. Thé loding-Bort Setall anti UMm.C.M. Doringthé Inifrvening yéars. lie- aewchut-chwavaussi ote ho tint ie Giman. vho viliose. that yoii aie Beneciction............................ Warren télsc1844-1854. thé cisurchis 0- ~at thée Bsthr servies. at vbich timé ftev. tkenc n.t. warreair trolléti by tbe Pi'ébytétislidenomfina- tvelv ev,mémbens wver. atdéti. Tise poprlytskinét ie o!. Kltly te.SOCIAL HOU R-LUNCI SERVED DY LADIES tioiL ~~~~~~~dedileatissservice va» postpanévid for y Ilr vntaolu thliéev ii ta them.a t avvrol-im eqMtm o t or £fter 1869, andi unit 181, beca5lSébélIer véatsos,. se (bat al friands ofas ~they VI i h o.We W et a estyt oovat.lneaqantSé;ta!r o ititPitU'L (h chrchaise kindlyak aur M<rontiiy tae- ones. ta hé vith un ai oui évsning seryice. Of flamnc Oi fUD&ti0m, ill, thé nith curh ight beprescrit. suit tiis coemttté andi atvise (hmil_____ "pld by a Lihertyville pagtor on t boy mmfy guésa yoit can acanimo- SNA V IG-:3 Sfent unftys The churcis again *000000900090000 dte.00tihv log. 50tisa (be vii wus undér (ho central a! thé Congre-daean Wlog90tttl O gaiiotralimts. 0 Il A L F D A Y 0 lhe in pasition ta place everybady -its- P IAnothr cburchvwaseré(fted In1875 00000000 00000000 Out a bitahIt, w vnt ta open aOur Hymn 22: -Abicle With Met Fast Falls the Eventide" ft éntdddcatédt u 1876. Rev Fax of homos to oui vimting fMentis ani 4 i ..... e.è S àa lvaahoé preached i Ltthe dedicatian Fiday eveuing. April 28tb. tise ROY- tbaw Onur hoplt5ity. go lova ait doeryr.......... Rv .S ada »ervimé. ai Neighbors vfll give e dancoeSIthtiejour share In ibis aise. Old records ai aie that the Rev. A. Hoerschiterger hall In Prairie Viev.1 On monday eveing, May 1, et 7:30. Anthem ... ...... ... Ivanhoe Choir eK ,Coakvas the tiret Congregational Min- Ticket efor gent s. 50t; ladies anti (te 1vohave platuiet a spécial service forb lter to work hLn(the Hal! Day churtis. lunch. f ree. tour former pastorea eih turne (ho Offertory h The fitst finerai belli In tho cburch Raids Steve been matie recetliy. The 1tov. Bon Trickey, o! Albion,. Neb.; Il vas (bat o!f1ev. Ceak's ovn tiaugbter. lav shaulti ho enforcéti, but (bat per- Rv. C. W. Warren. O! &turgOon Bay, Brief Fellowaip Talks by the Following. i The Réveranti Cook preachodt hé fun- soaa a no gentleman or lady who un- Wis., anti 1ev. C. E. Woltd. Of May- tm .Jns r .ERev;Rv .S ada oral sermon hlrnself.tierhaistiétly reports vhet Ste kueva vWoodi,Ifil.. wl speak ta us. This wl W .C oe;Pe.F .Rev;Rv .S ada ln 1881, Lihortyvillo antiMal! DRY notitng about, andti vlves innocent surel> ho a rare (reat, ae they are men Ate vno hi becamp soparate coagregatione, anti people. Lts go on more tban r-timn, o! abilily. vbicb vo wbo kuovfl (hein nhr.............. vno hi te pulpif In the Hai! Day chut-cli anti that petson puts irsimel lu tlire tan béat testify ta, as they useti ta ho s 'mas supplieti by the Rov. Stanley o! Same position vho accuses other pec- aur ,cisums" ai veil as paliers. No one Solo .... ....... Mrs. Charles Krueger Il Lae Forest. pie whon be bas no saaiafactury cvi- eau afford to mi"s ibis opportuitity o!f Betveen 1885 anti 1887, tise churcis dence. Lofas be more cat-eful In wbaf atendîng titis sorvice.-Flymn 277: "Blest Be the Tie Baàt Binds"s vas closoti. Il vas thon re-peneti ve say or* do. This h a co-.mmuitY tetilcatian. Wet aiti eriee S'ee olt fr voyears Mn, anti lra. '7-au Cook, Mr. anti have eretteti a memorial visich wyUl Benfediction_____ anvb ye hoElisherviesfer . tfs, - Ms. lBen Coolk anti Mn. ani MMis. Nak alvaysstand as a tiute to the lalth- continueti. On Fobntsery 26. 1888. tise Mattrn visiteti relatives t Oak Park 'fuiness anti incerity o! the PeopleMNAYE NIG73 chut-ch was given aven ta e Germen l.- Suntiey. hee., Se Jet us al ho loyal anti give Ti evc ilb nloo forfre atradI ilb cangregation vhoac memnbershlp vas tOn, ofthIe a-fi-enjoyabîs ente',tizýn-our- best support.Thssrrc iioluhnr!arfrmrptnsatifylle eonsooé 0f 3 mn, nti n eual tr(ts as fielti las( F'iay niglît. nt R. R. Kothahu anti C. J. Het-scihet- given over entlrely ta (hem. Thé Reverenti B. J. Trickey, 11ev. number af vomen. Tbey designatei Itýer"o's hall. It vas a lante given ger comprise te pulltlty comitittee C. W. Warren anti 1ev. C. E. WolstedviIpe. themelve ai Ste St. Peui's Con- by itle parents of the newlvweti5, Mr.il-I you have any suggestions or criti- DADE8S grmlegao o al!Dy"Tsnacn t'her.Mso.Setaat -T.cam ao(emInv rnteiae.TRUSTEES- ECNS S- greatonofHal Dy.ngageton.it tMr. a ftni Sa(te mucbsie m We ismsmaeho lternownivme onati Louis Kruger-, Chairnan Miss Ette Schroedor tinuet inluibis vise until 1892, vison wa-t t dtefrihte ui n e Ilb la arcle h ,ad Louis Lintistrom Mlis. Gustev Petersan Engllsb services vêt-e again ne-estab- id Il vel. commenta oun(t- beautiful may Goti blesHal! Day for What It Bet Sai CHURCH BUILDING COMMITTEE- liaheti. ihet la, (ho German pastor n usit camne frton! everyaue. u al h-il bas done anti for wbat it I going t TREASURER- Louis Kr-uger, Ohairman & belli services lu bof b langitages for a gondi timo--olti anti yatlf.rt. Hon- do. MOST 0F ALL. H. H. Scbioedor C. J. Henschhenger. Se'yTnoas. (vo years. cyvel (ook pîcturea o! (ho COMrnEY ________CLERK- Bort Smal Folîoving f b. istIe cburch vas anti orchestra. At Tinih camrnigt- Mlre. Menti A. Knoll Ernest Scbrootior egara ciasei for one year. Thou n fufi llunch vas serveti. - <The> >0*> 00o > * > > UNDA SHOL8UT. tph R. Keithahu June 2. 1895.,(te Cangregational apprteietei (te fine entertaintng spîiif Roo o o o oo oSNalpSHO Keitbah chancir vas again organizédth(is tinte shovis andtirot gooti vishes at-e vit fie G R 1IDL EY S CH O OL o DEACO NS- wltb a mensbersbip o! 20. Accordiug (ho nevlyvetis.- iev 0000 0000 0000000000 cari Witt ta tbe retorde, Il continuei untIl 1900. Mr$. Manti' Knoll anti Mna. Mui.rm H. H. Stbroedttt F'on a peioti o! about 14 years tho Caok sang a beatit duet ai cburtb i atilia. P. Péeo anti on, chunch valsaedl,, belng ueti only service lait Suutiey. Atisurýt-atondt hoedance given hby for fanerai aerviceé. ln July o! 1914. Choir practice thie veeli, Welines- W. M. Masoi l iay ntght. 00000000000 ~0o<00 obthpulranti classical, full ! ofp j Mn. Tabman, a wendering preîthet-, day et 7:30. et Grant Cook's. anti Bat- Misées Loua anti Elizabeth Goetz an 0 ti apprecluatoti by ail preseàt. A flue re-opened il fan services, but trouble ut-day et 7 o'olock eit(ho chut-ch. BOY vero visitors at (ho Er-nest Ho!fman 0 PRAIRIE MIEW0 lunch was sorvei, &fiter wvbich M3r. heween hlm antimomne of (ho congre- Scouts Saturtiay ai 7:30 p.tm. home Sunday ooo oo0 000 o o o o o o o Haneyweil nook pictures ef ail proeut. gation Socin arase anti ho let lu Oc- Sinco (ho raiding o! some pivate Mise Helen rockmcn vas a vsitor Tlcy tianceti until tise vo. bout-s tabot-. A ptîtion vas thon sent ta homles Iu Half Day, sonne peoffie aeLt 0tlire Urnoast AHffman borne lait Rov. C. A. Kten retumneti frons (ho en by tire Ladies' Aid vas htghiy açi- the- Chicago Theological somiet-y. accnsing (ho W. C. T. U. Wo finti a Thurstiay. conferonce rtt Nfndot.a Montiay alter-- preciateti b> ail vbo atteudeti. situated ti cthe University ni Chicago. grec! many people at-e ignorant as to William Btockman anti deughter,11no1n.MisFoec atrspnth for a pastor. Students suppliedth ie the -Worth anti gooti vank o! (bis organ- H-elen, visineti the Grstsav Sfoot-p fam'- lis. C. 'M. Gilmant, lits. H. CoonI week cut i S home. pulpi irnil Decembet-, 13, 1914, t wvith ization. Theit- abject la taoeducato (ho ly Suntiey. anti Mrs , A.Vo3ssvore Lihertyvil-te j A. G. Msether t-endodti hoetemo- timieMr. Tickey vas calleti anti Ùe- boys anti girls againat tise evils o! Mn. Schar and NMr. Ketlser have entiersWeiuesday'.let-titSnat convention at Sprni!eldi tante ItS regulan pator until June, drink. Tbey at-e helpiitg (taoacb (ha acrapedth ie toasis agaîn anti have dui Misa Dorotlty Poere o! LibertyvUiO îtrlcyn. 1917. Mn. Trickey otganlizei e chut-ch fotetan vomen Ameritaflismn. Thoy a very gooti Job. Roads are geîting caltoti on Prait le V(ev friands lait Mt's J. W111 anti Miss D. Wolf ai- memberabiçi anti a nov Congregatioli- have built homes for (ho ageti, vIiorc gooti agaîn, anti autos are.on tho go. Saturday. tende I lIre play given b> fthe Ladilea' .I chu-hva_ og__ Nvmbr1. tio> tan spendt hein tieclinlig days NearIy ait (ho fat-more arount thse Mra, A. Vos., andison are speutiing Air Tfrur'd.tlt> VmGINI& BV1RLEY In a new packasge Mhat .fl*tht p*o At a prie #hat fits thse pocket-bÔoâ-é- The same umnatchéd blenti of TuRJ<isH. ViRGINIm miBuRLEY Tobàow~ G.Maxa..d b, bhn Haben. The yrendered two of ------------- h, moet heautiful songe, ef whiohi theM Lssitant write.r did flot catch the ARLIN GT S. E. Kuodier and famtiy spent last înday with relatives at Glencoe. ' O E 1 000000;06000 00000 VOLOs Mr. and Mrs. John Effliger of Wau- (0<ji iMe*,,%, 'gan were visitors ini Dur village lest Mr. antd Mrs. Jack Stadtfield of tunti Lake spent Sunday with the I , riner s mother, Mrs. Ann Stadtfleld. A EG N Mîr. and Mrm. Henry Kruger and sons Y AJE A I ýfWauconda were SUnday viattors ait rt home of John Watton. If Mrs. Molidor entertained Mr. and _____ 01m. 0ftto Molidor of Libertyville, and gr. and Mrs. Dan Welah of Antioeh F 3unday. &Pfl 1 The Ladies' Aid Society wilI meet vIth Mrs. Auggst Towneend ThffldaY ternoon, May 4th. Prank Hironiss andi fansily were Woodstock visltors one day the pust eek. Mrs. Harry Pasafielti and son, Mr. id Mrs. Lloyd E3ddy, Vem and alt ster aaey spent Sunday at Gurnee with r. andi Mm. Lloyd Béiiweil Mesa Maryl Dunker retumnéd ta her ime ln Cryatal Lake fTridatlter liM ui §eudng tihe puit week vitai Miss Thero will ho a My party given Lt the Vola M. IL 3. c l the inéOr fit- - tre. Wateh for date later. Mr. and Mlra. Le«Huson andi daugh. ors ld Mr.ad MUn. Fred rokér of .ibetyville apeut sbids7 t the homne Oro" iéat. ofMr. and Ute. C. J.3 eiwC0UM tRIMF B3y Mayfle Keller WAl2IMUN We hati seool sa*arw ta help on.m . s W. haiti chool Ust atUta"dY ta helD make up for the dffl m1ed. M R1 lAtWednésday We déénétithe YLI scolrooim ad &chi" a >'sad. f puplle are tryiug ta >é theéOt s 1méa ect la apeUIng beetU»e 'M n He"M l ta gire & prise to the buat sPéllPALMrÇ t the éend OC tb6 iitith The ditpqtors rna a short cmii at sc large umber y ppil' ntnu & ave l bemi at o f tseX'oIl Ai OOO ln teportinint. Ïe Ths Lxii «rade IglUUB ève nfhe diM ho year'e work lunoarlly every sub- 01»"»of K .& se oct. *OUgé !WU u We are watchil-g 0ur feth«rOd aspècla1w. friendé ctoééY. One o! tliqI; gjjlieh9-4 WÂUKUGÂN, I4 a 'w'hpperwll singlng as elle W" CM- ng ta schoot r«enetiY. It Bee=rn s -W.W o n unusual ta bear tho,soflg of titta bir, W.JH OND as thero are ouly oafételtat Co=6e ta DU1qTm this part af thé cOUA&tY. Phone 841. 112 No.e. nq ý - Il ý 1, - - - li W Â tJ KE II &N . l L L l Zion Pure Food IProducts Shortening and Beef Ba con IFor Sale At WALROND S j SMarket & Grocery Our Poultry Depat- Sment wants 100 hens a t once. Phone Zion 61 or drop 'us a car d. ZMON IMEAT MARKET Zioan, fIuïa "e D&R. O.F.cul IIW* Vr3TIIR4Y SUfflàm LrBMTYVaJL. UN DR. J. L. TAnM', Moie ln Prist Nationali6" WAMAUKERom Nbrvous and Clircelo 0 suite Io-il, New Cittw LinRTVZ Âoccuntig sytsjý Pouted PertoffloasD1*el do imot néed A P1r m phase l J le!( lait ait, but ten lias- Chicaga- e iii at- lmn Cou- t nvitét the dedl- nt place. or Auti- la thmir hé tract- o Fornt Bek. 0 0 e0é @*go.