Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Apr 1922, p. 9

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T-Y VILLE INDEPEN'DEN 1 Lake County 'si3Big Weekly ckrjdatjoa Qîsgoc d o4 Weeklies in GouiîtyCombined WAUKEGAN -WEEKLY'SUN <VOL. XXXI.-NO. 17. IJýBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, 1 APRIL 27, 1922. $ 1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE ey CON t IIbi MAY DE IpuUU O AT CO. MAR ln the - conferenep I1slm DUc ID TRZ =V O F COMPANY RE HAS MAXES A BIG DIFFE RENCE Relatives *t wn g ' -*ls --. Vilt liç IsGrowing; Many Fairs AS A L[tut mu. GOOD REupSULTBcvola o-Are DeOCply" a ~t y 0t better baby conference ta b. n i r i ~ ~~~~éd aconjauction wItb county faire UU U Iell~ ~fh~ R S O latspriin wideiy tbrougbout the 1 JJD DOfVMWD f ATe v 0su , Tiie dearmen li.ys that aiready A tt TC RU4 they have receIved numerous requcata Enos Shaw Has Been'isn IArs. Johanna Moran LoVeleSs for assistanice la conductlng sc o- udrdafurh Chcg vrAWek ieI n 0f Waukegan CrIticaIty 111 ferencesfront coutt-fair asociationsa1 OR esAdents Now Ask Thatý ln San Francisco illcomatues wbee fairà wili be iieid RsdCt ourse Be Taken Chicago Hospital Thse movenient was sta. ted in con- HUJSBAND MAKES SACRIFICE ocl witb the III:noîs State Fair INT RAIZ TAT M0THER FEARS SLUGGERS -ho Itlànow a yeariy eventMtzcl IONT lEn SRAT Mtî. Jobanna Moran Leveie4s. a weil ltderat wW rnl the conference £ns Shaw, aged 32, residing et 24 lu,ýa nWuk.gan Young vomaula heid haie.las, tai! sud bundreds of Arotsed b> tihe knowiedge that No. (,j' North St. James street bas beeu n is cri: c&iy 111 of Pernîclous Anemia ;j babites er. entered f ront ail over the. Chicago wi havithout a Paid Pc> . Ing train Waukegan for more ttU_ a~ Britis Disease aetlUt. Zion liospitai uisîee îslet e -,-'week and relatives are fearful. tia inliaatFranicisco viiere %lhe and ber ting'lcoufIf the ity in auCesare inbas met with foui pilay. il, la knowis &ubandi. C. P. I.oveles. vwent lrom Iis Stutoe > ôtr iieedi sdabiogatlng ils contraet vith the Pub- .-4.- m Iia e hha isanaidre ont 0f cit>' a few mouths &go ln an effort te cure et babies andi theii tIlots are lic Service compan>-. vbîch condition ,A.moywlnhedsperdnApl recuperate ber bealb. If lirsea. examlsse4 and raieti as toaIlhe condition wu% brougbt about b> tise dofeat at lgth. Weiyhsta ira, recovers abe vili ve ber lifete eto their bealb. Prises am offereti for the pols atew days &go of a $40,000 lira. Shaw saIli elyhsia ber buabauti ubo gave aqar t!bs e raiikingamong lth giesi. bond isaudê ta pa>'olti debtà, hundreds inubhicbangoerllatin. Sarigt blood ta ksep ber aive ater physi--'bierff4ul b.a th» eereufelias of reaident.s of liat it>' are demiand- ouluicaa o er she lSawr anite ciaua oauti It vas a lant resort. &revu steadiui>'La a point viiers theIng that anotber Teferendum vote hohvtiiti.e nTusa fls ~~ae~ ~t '-- ~ had. Tise> expsin tht tbey did nflt lav vateibroTuda 0fas Me. Loveleu,.Iwboemarriage te pnen he ,i dp&tm1en underataudth ie situation. isorough1y, _V,* Lù vk but diti net put lu an SPpeelt5C. bir. Loi-es, tIen attache tatothse ". nie., r'u- bittaxoe'the lbisilt la aud diti not reaîize tht the. it>' vwu. Inlu act b. droppeti front igil c6În val station et Ctet Lakes occurred , meeting the. demande for heip lu con- in such serions financtl %traits. .,' " If,.JJ ,.\pietely. fqw years ago, bld beeu n lu enmt.t tW .- 7J/~ ~ îi ekuowun tShaw, wbo ls em- h alît, for sons Le before elle lft memberâ of tbe rit>- council of tuat ~t '~ ployed as painter anti carpenter hiat Waukegan. Ptystlant expressed theWJ ~cty and Iliere appears ta b. a strong Jus~i mt colecteit $124 f ront a roman ona bfoi- tatth wstrnchisiemigt f#AND IvjvtI Epossibility of tbelr being granteti. C or -re orwo ahi oe d,>~ ler gonud.iaI 15554Melibers f hetiiciî oundaaytw tal: in or.bHshareet f ori b .th oe' 6'be KOd ~ll,~Jc <#fflD possible that anotber eleettosl vil! b. or.Meas en oLagatt t l'r condition couiinued ta grow TIIVES 3ff t11 beid vithin tiirty or tort>- deys-. Tier. ___________________________________________ W. J. Saciman home on North Part e reiovever andi physcians assert- appears tesson ta be1eve that the missioner MeDermott came( up abiout avenue. BIe had itaperedth ie ultiez ',ea ablooti transfusion was neces- ,lfSE lIIC proposition nIl carry tble lime. ti&M V UTltsa time snd tbld Petitclair tîxat if F h Thit fSwlmaon le Bac<. rmoins sud vent lt- . Sacismalifor .î:. ~.r. .ovies imetitel ut- IItL UL J The proposeti plan of havlug ti Lthe 5.1TI I.OUTIJIie vas looking fot troublie a îti The Inliabibant 0 or aite>- vith whly tapurcliase i- i- I at hie b. permitted t o itae lb. cli>' polired b>' vigilantes appointeti have ta gel out. tropieni waters, le sald talie te oui>- plies for the lover reculs. .,erilce. Pbysi luN X eÀuTTtEntsevros ad os o -et E R A1IIIRERV. i.Not a blow waa strucitoon cither nebr<fleSn'tiettsvne Tben lb. dreppetifront slght. r~bio vs iareef ada plveat n IudedPWOso c -vU vilS a majoril>- of resudets snd I ~tI1.L1 ~ ade. and if anyone ouglit t0 lie ar- on Its bocki. MsmteM.JmsNa.214, Ird ln retetiPeditiair lb.ian."Gien Rock avenue, asys that lier soix 'pIth laett u>l.arterles of bis per Wire Taken Near High- on a fiancii bus ville l ii SApTDe>'Tou t Bn> mot arerotn la, oie iad a Condeestr to ocfhe ~~ <' Iand p~~~~~~d,< Earty ~ ~ mi To th l.dring or au adequat. policesIJR IAntrVein.Ibdeeveioero!o-k&flte Ar, iproveannt sas noteti la ber palute"T=. c viiîlo. mbut alieSsoms sufféedr & v-The. cil>-'. ire-figtins afflty ifflLiberty- eits lu proportion te aclleve greataffis aud ss 1 r'mLt hpse. A ev dais agot anotiier opera- POLICE AID IS SOIJGHT net bie Imired t b » as eteut as Joseph PetiWafr Appears Be- w -esî esîriaîuî.--Duniel Webtsaîr. Itile t, the end.-Boston Trsuscrlpt, ToM te agea"Six) i;coftesm »ttew e edthe poltice depaftM anet the the Ati S ear a ~~~ ~ ~ ~ n l- fl.5a aur a emt u recvetiltmri te wo pear cent fore Jof seaZ nd se.r riecessar>' and &&Unl the devoieti buis- À band 0f vire thieves opertinz tire insurance fend le iieari> uffi- Out warrant i. tut gave a Plat of bloo& . er Hfighliand Park Tusestia> morning clent ta psy tie firemen. .an inmeditiImprovement vas fot at 3:00 o'iock strilieti over 100 .-1 iu Mrs. Lovelese condition anti pounda of untusulateti copper wire ACTION FOLLOWS FIGHT pi.. âldIans are bopeful that it nl i b frotta telophoe poies antimainiteïrit Freait Phrase. P-mnnet. Tii.-gay tisat ville tieeee nder cover of tiai-knu. 'Th. At the clb tie ciher evellng te WeliSI.,Ari îV'-t. odiin acrtca.qh~Jijbade of tise telephorie campan>- made conversation turnedte toalindregomesfl.t prti :6 p3ýMzt scoditonincriicl. hibua report te lise Waukegan police as, vords and phrases whlch 1 the A varront charglng Commiasioner lighingchane fr Ile. pel Cari Atterber> vithb assailt sud bat- tlchlng cance or 1f.. el as lb. police dffrtmaents &Iong saine whether 'Sou statt a thse beifr 1ery vs swaoru outlest night behToAi tenorth shaore anti enustetitheir me- ulug oraut the endi. Oneunmber tofr e tieJbV as > ossEveuylilng Ma? ked h I an PlgucsOne <Pnc laiance ln seeking ta rmn dow tise mark-ed liaIt te iet painidrom01e ho etitclalr. Tii. action folioredth 1e R c1l rie e tle n be U b A n u c 11.Mdm PuanTk.5 thieves. hiti et- seen-the bet because Italercation between the. two mien e ee tyA ieaIfýSye na l s n A n u c Atuost Identicainluprînciltîe yu This le the frl ime ln yearsa t saI a Sperfectl>- naturse quusCeo!fth it ît-counclicitambers Mouds>- the. present-di>- gaine kuown PoPulari>- w'ie thieves have operatet inl Lakte sorisll3nu advrttliiet--wat R a ht is 'l'ut sud Take." ta lhe gaine or count>. Forinerl>' lb. telephone com- igu whlci appeared inl a drugt-BWtorelt. Atterberry Ioda>' denieti thal - ' T r u * i , p a - l i c i M i - p o u l a c i y P a > - s t8 1 u n d r e d s o f d l l a r s y e a r i y l u w i i d o w 1m e 1 1 -ly e a s - a g a5 . I t ra s a i a n > ' b l o v ve r . s r u c k . i.ul'iys.Il a aver- at'inîgam deradtiosof111v.a 5curative agent and the palUnditOttc 1bad -promaisedtia place cinders on anti isidt. a ave S eenkon 10jis TIi> teeono he mpn- fica sar igu tan: "Red ][tout Put Up tW OQ. Lewis avenue githougis1I bld hlm____________________________ trti-élanita oa ns. w a ith lTe W fi tise lime o!ftiseiis easder."-itogtou Tanuscript. ropoatedl>- lIaI liaI partcliar part and Rmans abl te t th tim of he teft s of ts il vetas ut iiIUtem T> "TrezideiC la trotta lie Germn nword tht-es O'clOck because lier. are autoe- ad ÏEt t as utie i il>ay 'itba"or tu% ,euban eo le ie fr miitd evimes rlci show the imont No Commisnion on Latter lort- e i ghwavycommimoier, to te toplike Intrumnt wit hl icb littla tise roiuetiona are broken. It aiso la "I r t .4 t vo at-ters Ioda>,-" utoIe tait- It i pointed out liaI veboiti îitîed. explains lie Detroit Neys. Tic able te figure out aimont exact!>' ubere. a enèst saeta10tise publisint firu, more att-sets Ina de WaukOg5fl tissu. trenttel bas lusctibed on Its four %ides the break occurxtd. lnre fur a set et Dicktens sud lhe eoUi. ve Ms take cure of withouî going tite tlebrew, lttera "Itutu." *gimel." il in beiieved tht the thievesa iati r ta ge out -Boston Transcript. otelde of th. city axe t-bw04> the.jebe-y ,f Lased ver>' z*Wy."OM habsperil ed lu bit 5tte1- Itsallett"eOfth s l- ad bleum- -d*'t litaialeltera of lliewargile"Nff gOdOlthbat lie>' drove up lu an automobile On Cold Nefiscion Iet- aru ith bin He pet-- tyo &hein," mesniug " a gret mtscle or $aali ruck, stnippe th le vire vibhI Rosettmes thîs appears te hb ao Ited, empbasalzng hisa remat-ks b>'i îws pertot-meti the." lu PlaYlng thé. Pincer anti matie off wnul It before ieuen citi eorîti -Dallas <Tex) Morli trying ta puai me aro ud 1 merel>- Ctinie the conseculîve mesuings aivenDputitcoulti b. statted log Ne%% S.pushed i hmaway fronMe. Coin- thie&e leblrs are 'nichts." "go=s" "ttlhl" anti "Steli." Thus wiien lie top faits, yultu te "iuhn" upward lie -playe? ltuing thse top gets uothing. -- "gimet" laites viwole pot. "beh" takes hait, a "shuts" caiis for "put. NOTiCE COUNTY BOND ROAD WORM LgÉTTING. Notice 1laisereb>- given liat teai- ed proposaIs- WU' b. recielvott thse offce 0o!the unteraignedtihtie Court Houte., Waukegau, lilinois, unîili 2-eiock, Ma>- loi, 1922, b>'tise Road anti Bridge Cosnmlttpe, forth le improvemient of tour se- ions of State Aid 15-D Ruda, viti ant eigiteenl-toot ernent 'concre î'oadway, witb six-foot esttiiaitoulti. ers, Including vulvertesud drain- age, as foliove: $aotion P and Q Rocidand Road, runulug tlirougis Lbertyville:- 17912 vu. yds. Bat-lirn. 49440 sq. ytis. Coucrete Pavement. 3c55 vu. yds. Cans "A,, Concrete, -etc. Section T, Lake Zurich tu Wau- U30 ru. yds. Eartiv<ork. 52683 lm. yds. Courete Pavement. 10.9 cu. yds. Clan "A" Concrete, 8ectlon tL, Lake Villa tn Antidth".i 1839S vu. yds. E4rMbwonk. 45010 am. yda.Concret@. pave- moent. 304.7 tu. yaCans "A" Con- vreIe, etc. Certlieti oheci for ave per cent of proposa,' gaàytble lu -Roy'W. Br'aci&r, C0lsl#Treasurer, asl - c-- campns, e$iVlt Iigit la regrveti .91. rejeel n> orailbidg. Daledet Waukeau, Mi., tiis S4O&i For futtier J[-0 *0 LEcrthmng Morkea In Plain F% ur--Onc 'Prise T Al Springs Most Charmning Greations are Preèsented A Sale -of 'Coats & Suits A dvantageously Priced At Include a large anti ver>- Intoreat- ing ensemble of Sports au4, vraip>" coats ant imcpe -sete ln In *eed,ber- ringbopespl#gid-backs, etýasis-hair as weil stt-lotiueaanti pile 6sbric.- Belteti and 100e baék itilh raglan, - set-lu anti 100.. aleeves. Ail colore. The ool4eetlou of suite at Ibis prieprovIdas sontmvs'rer ez&kabielus IUMlatise fash- Crepe Knit-Taffetas -Georgette Very Attractlvely Priced At Fashionet inlua itriet>' 0f wlnsome .1tyles tlise. sant dramse* vii -et, e e4 est at suri a vcry rettonabie prive. Ton ma>- choose front a raI.tkt oflteup colores iuicidttg periwitle. nary, black., itile. gre>-, iobark and 4a~a~~ vieveri>- embeliiaied wiIh a unique applicatlilon Ies7g LAKE COU-,, TY---INDEPENDENT ltraw0 oc a. d.Oe.d, th be boWd al ai Court fer LNDÂU, inlt-Stot-. 15, 16, 17 0F LAKE * FOR THI-E o A VEAR 0 týDIIE stop lie nisat vo t capsule. choint. 5.

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