Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 May 1922, p. 1

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LIBEFàRT-YVILLE I9NDEPEýNDEN UnKECOUMrrM PMpgV keco s'sBig Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN wwQ- ;n4 to Qrs LIBEKIILE LAKE COUNTY. ILUNIS, THURSDAY, MAY 4,1922. VOUME XXX-NUMBER t18._~ COUNTY PIIYSICIAN STRJPPED 0f POW- FR BV COMMITTE is Told PlainIy That Hosptal Must Be Run For The poor patients, "ýDoc" A. E. Brown, county phY- silt. bas boeel stripped of hls au- tiiOrty. The newly appointed coun- *ty hoopital comnittpe, compoed. of Supervisors Edward Maftlu, D. A. Hutton and Frank Webb, vaiteti aipfm Dr Brovn atils office BrldaY and presented hlm wth a uew $et of raies whlch lie was lnstructed The admlesabiiity of patients ' shaih be passed upon by the boa- pital committee only excepting thet lu em erg.-ncy cases If &hal l e the duty of the counly physîclan Io ad- mit and administer to emergeuc> M~tienUj 1e must folow ln the future. Thege raies. wblch strlp him of every vestige of authority. maklng hlm'merely -county physcian' are as foliovis: Dmand Hosptal Books. The hosPital committee demanded that Dr. Brown turu oer bis book.s for their Inspection but lie refliseti point blank. He sait! that lie would :fIot turu tbem over outil tbey had been audited by an auditor ltred by the county board. He sali fur- tharmore thbt if the. committee ln- - tend to maintain the hospitai books . at the bospitai that tise>- yul have to purchase a set of their ovu. The. Rut*&. No p.rsoq.hall b. authorited to :lacur any bis or mare any Pur- chase for the Lake CountY General [heepltal excepting the hospital coin- The hospital comrittee shalh*bae .MUl charge of hirtut and dWhisr-- jns cf heip. No MiII &bal b pad excepting those authorts.d by the 1bosPItal comttee. AUl boks, Pa"ersand records of the «VI jab b kept et the. lo.a tb. hooplwi sud shail be DeOctr BMwU yl ibave charge o0f ti Pm sPatmnis Only. Thet of btheo.0- piW inlaSni1matters oshal be the -iuty 0frlth uitai comimttee. Tii. hesd nurse shallibave ful <aid Oomplete charge of ail o! the jUp 10 th% preaefll Ure Dr. iirOWf bs coeducted affaira ai lhe bsPîtal prtty muci as ise pieased. Hoebas blted aud fired employes Of lthe hOs- pia, ithiout consulting anyone- h. ha&s'lncurr*d and pald bis vith- Oit receilflg approval o! anYOne- .iie bas P&Msed On who miglil enter the bospital. Ail thie le chauged under the new order of tiings. He is not xermitted tu assume even the sl4ghtest authority and i l fot ai- Aowedtot toucli one penny of the county funds. He lias been toid pinly that he lae mereiy the 'coUn- ty phyirtaïn" andt taal that le epecteti of hlm h sto take cure of the pour patients.. "Tise (ouniv hosptal bas heen a boarding boUse for 'pay' patients _,kii& 'goggl'.aone MeMIber of the ,cOmmnitte.- asserted "We are golng to see that the hospital la Con- ducteti lor the p)Oor patients as it la luteuded and willi tura down paY' patients if necessry to - mate as, commodatiofls for the pour. "Dr. Brown admnilted today that ie lhas been recelviflg a *filt fity' splt on ail operatiotis perforemd in tise isaptal on these ' psy' pa- tients. He admtted tisat the moneY he receiveti from tiese operattofle vent intohi$ Own pockets lusteati of ieing turned over tu the count COUNTY JUDQiU OR= DURS DION ÀSSESS- MENT I#OLL RECAST Means Another Delay in The PropoSed Paving of Sheri- dan Road in Zion Another delay deveioped tode.y in tise proposeti Sheridan road pavlng lmt provement lunZMon Cty when Judge Persons in tise county court sent iack * tise assesemeut srol to lie recast. He ]sad orderedth&is city tb dx the publie lienefit at $17,o-lnstead of tiat It vas fIxed at $14100. It was pointeti out also that lnsteati of lncreasing the as- sessmnett on one of Volivas lots the ci ty liatidecreaseti 1. 3h la expecteg that a new asseasment rolaill b i lieti lu court wtbln thE uext ten days or tva veeks. AttorneyE Albert Hall anti Herve>' Caulson rep. * resefit the abjectors -wiu are objectîng to the assesmnt as madie. 'IWe dont vsnt to be. piaced i n thE poalion aofvsnting tu kil the lmprovE ment," Atty Hall asserteti toda>', "al v. vaut la e fair monuement. Thti ehould b. the lust .iply."1 GOMMTTEES ARE NAMEI> -R THE BD. 0F SUPER VISORS County Board Meets at The Court House Today to Transact Business The Laie ('outl Board of Super- visors met lu the Court house at Wau- kegan laut Thursday, April 27tli for the î.uspose of organîzatlon wvischl n- <tu(ied lihe rssrlng of committees. FOI- Iowlng lls an tjots-umeut was tait- .yj untîl Iis afrernoon. Tise llowlug cummitl"s were nanreti ('ouuty Fais- and Fas-me'a Institute -Burke, Crapo *er Httn County ar- Ompson. utn E! juger. Coufll> Farma Audltiug-Brown, Me- Cullougli. Samson. Detention Home-Moltahan. McCul- lougis. Bunke, Detention Home Audit- Kelle>', Ficie, Thampson. Educatiou Kirschuer. Oiees -H01- Electlos-Harry Stratn, Ficie, Keliey. Ers-oneaus Assessmeuis - Cralu. La: son, W. J. Strattun. F lnance-!ýteyer, Mawman. Ves-coe. Fees andi Salaries - Eger, Brown, IBurkte. Hospita-Martlin, Hutton, Webb. Hospital Audit-itcCullough, hidi ler Crain. . Jail-Murphy, Hars-> Strattan, Na- ber. Judilciary-Idavman. Eger, Murphy. Jury-Maether, Crain. Martin. Mlilalneouu Clims - Holistelu. Thompeofi, Austin. Poos- (Waukegsn, Shieldis andi Deer- fild)-Aiistlfl, CraPO. Martin. l'oor (Balance of County)-Hold- ritige. fifflgrOConnior. priatiog-beIilee, lioldrldge. Nubex P=urcblg-Webb. Obes, Hoilt4aiL pUbU »*ingsandGrouud- Publie .uffldlan sd Groimda Au- -mts P ~5Uaàgo fil 41 $1 00 Rasel Im amrlo c uerq PAL yS M- -Hurt>'Strattou. Ros4 snd Bridges-licke, Eger, DT111 Road Oulfîts anti Maintenance Efing ehCley. Paddock. Stete Charities-Larsofl. KIsscisuer. - Meether. Appellate Court Affirms iudg- Settlemet wiîis Circuit Cierk - ment Against J. Behn of O'Connor .J tat onit> rlst-W. Waukegan J. Stratton. Samson, Vercoe.. uto Settiement vits Shesif! utn Ottawa, Ill., Aps-li 28.-J. iBom mut Mey'er, Meether. psy $1500 diamages for thesetiof Setîlontont vill Cauty Tseasures-- Tetiti> Lukta, a 13.>'eas-old boy vio Paddock. Monahan, Mavman. flîppeti a ride on an auto truckavaieti Settlement vlsh State'a Altosne>- b>' Beisu. Il vas belti lu an opinion- Vosco Monaisau, Larsuus. fiet in IDlie Appeliate court o!fIlie sec- Svamp Landa-Crapo, Brown, Holti- ondi districtlies-e toda>'-, vhlcis t rige. fis-me the jutgment o! lie Laitesonu- t>' circuit cous-t. rIElIfE~ Tise suit vas brougit b>' Josephs UU'ER.AL Of ULU. Lua, atinislratos of thse astate o!f Tetiti> Luka. Il vas cias-gedti ta Bei's cisauffeus- pes-mitedth ie boy tui F. ROBERTS IIELD, ride an tise ruuuiug boarti andt ta "througis lieca-l5ft5 rei.a- T neas anti segligeice" ofthie cisaufýeurs, FA EIJ i tise boy seceived injuries from whicis___ lie dieti. Tise accitient.-9ccured Feli- ruas-> 18, 1920. Tise lunes-ai services for George F Tise evideure shavedth lat Tetiti> Roberse ere iselti Satus-da>' afies-nuon- Luat anti a bo y ithlie name of Neal ai lise home, 38 Dees-palis avenus Laite vers ounlisetsus-k ln uetiseon vIls F ea.--.Rlet deia Lae tise tuovietige of Behn'a chauffeur. Frs.M.Rbrsde tLk Luats vs on tise -uning bsoarti en Fus-est iast Tiusa-da>'aItishe age uf 76 tise rîgisI baud side anti Neal vas in Yeas-s. Dealis folloveti a iinges-Ing Il- thse bacit o!tise trucit. vilci vas go- neas. Ing eastin tlie direction o! Luka's The deceaseti vas bas-n iu Canada hsome. Luat is alioge otithlave talti usas-Toronto, Fobs-uary 21, 1846; ise tise chauffeur no1 t t foget 10 stop vas tise >ongst o! the seven chul- vien lise Luatshione vas reacheti, dren o! tise iste John C. anti Lydia butat t hie drives- vas elgzagglug lu Faulknies-Rbers-. tise streel sud as tise car got about Wlien ise vas Ivo yess lti, ise veut opposite lisebornevises-e Lua ihveti. Wiscansin vils -hie pas-ente. He thtie latters- lippeti off andtietiseSnd ,.peut ies boyisoot ties-e anti vas edu- s eel o! tise truck san oves- hlm. cti nteshoso icni.I 1 1866 lie vU unlîsti ln mas-siage 10 ?RW EAD UM Eieas Amlila Hall au n t uiIs happy' union oue son vas bus-n. hlIs Roisers, t NEW IIEADNURSE nov of Gos-tiusvlle Vis-ginia. lua y ASSUMES CUARO(E w7 a ua--s Day o! Nos-lb PrairieIlinois. To lisent of Co. H O Ik]L ane daughies- vas born. Miss Olive L. Sr W IIM Robersl, nov o! Laits Bluff. 0 For- several yess-s lis vas employeti d - ounlise Day Fas-m but lu 1880 lie toak chas-ge o! tise Z. G. Simmons fart aI Miss -cabr, Asst. Supt. of Pleasani Ps-ais-le anti conlinuei there Uiaênrs, Urin,.n outiilishe fus-m vas solti tan>' >eas 5e VictLry MemoiîaIIJI H5opial, tlaler l lte hePnvties-Miii compan>'. La- >Takes Position tes ho lived t CaI ('sis anti ai Racine )fwltes-e ise vas occapieti lu lie Is-e s- nus-ses-y business. in visicis ise bat con Mies Scisaubet - asst. sapesintenten tinueti unît 1litbs dealis. lu receut ido! tise Vîclos->' isoriai Soapital lbas yeassIe isat i vet inluLihes-yvilie, accepteti a position aus eati nurse at wvits bi ie tiletilasi Feissuas-y. tlie Coutl> iospitl, assunting Ses- new Only a few wveeks ago lie movedti 1 ýo position Ioda>'. She tatea tise place e! LaiteVosest. Miss Pasatlas vio redîgneti a few _______ da>'a ago. Miss Sciauber conmes bîghsi> Cas-i G. ChisIsensen o! Waaitegau secommetided b>' local physicis.s Salas-day fled suit las- divorce againSt In addition to acting as heeti nurse is vile Elizabeh Chsjsteiseu an >Misa Soabes- viii take chsarge af-tiselise grouds of extremie anti repeat- nhoptatbouts visicis W11irepsesent a crngtChsesn aaving o! $1800 a yeas- Whieh lbas been eti csuel>'. AcriughÀh-ltu pali ap ta nov, - is vile on divers occasions a William J. Oliver of Waajcegan sItart I"b'isaenists-uck, pincieti. choketi. etior vast e ise count>' hoapital astie Iitcitdiand ,oties-vise -Il-treateti" iseati gardunes. 1him. $1 - .A YMA01 EXTRA, Andrew Wagne.r, about 75 y.are o mg*, a w.hi known reaidient cf Lake county, fcrmerly res(ding in Fromont township, died v.ry suddeniy in Wsti- kegan Ibis morning. He, lid beon worýing In his gardon, and wenit into the houa. 10 sest. He complsined of feelng tired, and expired befors a physicien could b. surmlond. Full particulars will b. printed ini noxt week's I odependent. 0. T. LUCE BREAKIMO INTO OIL WELL GAME IN WEST Thse followlug la takien front tise Park City Pioneer, publebeti lu Park Cilty. Stilivater count>', Montana: *'G. T. Luce, of Libertyvllle. Ill., lIras ptrcisased a tiriing outflt lu Cat Cret fieldti10dill on acreage lu the Late Basin territor>'.la- cateti vest of Broadvlev." "'The above la a cllpplng f rom. the Mtontana 011 Jounat--of Great S'ala, tated April 2Otis. Whule tbis office la sot lu position ta correcUly aa Wiere Mir. Lace lutendta10drive is firet oU weH, itl ote evitient liaI h it WMh. on or near hie ranch at AnteloPe Point, about fifteen miles northvest of Park City- "Mr. Luce returnedta 10is home at LAbertyvllle, nii., about threeWvetir aga, atler a lime spent et bis ranch ai Anteloge Point, ont voek of vhioh was ripent vwsting thse Wimlett antiCat. Creek onai elds. Upoil ils rtthxnta P'as-t Ciity fraun hi, viit tothe 0o1 fieldse, Mr. Lue dlscauet vith the editor Use pudsslities o! OU aielng fausndin apaylulg qusittY' lun ii 10- cality. tisa locatiMon f ilihvt art sot at prtsent at liberty' to diseloq At that time b. GM flot vohusitee ai> lntomua$t$ht ho lied puaul axuns gerUsI »t mu.hie ItIUug,*d eJu t hb "un akat» eMaittiser. lx mawb tat of a xwAwib of en rss u etug péit 1,10 Ibis sad 515 roanding teMs"- MBT ISD13ÀD Granger Smniths, eget 72, ecceutric ta a maritet degree, dieti Sanda>' nigist at 9:30 o'ciock follovlng a three veeks' Masne ao! tidxsey trouble. Hie death occurred\at lthe home of Ms-s. James Mas-selllea o! Norths avenue wliere ho had been living for the lest nine moitis. Ms-s. Tas-selîles hati beon hie nurse for a tiambe- of yeas-s. Granger Smith vas one o! Use1 wealthlest men in Wikegan, ia estats lilg estimated ver>' con- servatlvely at betveen $150,000 aid 4affl0f. lu ad4tlna * zw" estate holdings lui Waukegan lie uvueti mucli ps-pert>', bath vacant sud improveti, ln Chicago. Ms-. Smiths vas linsn lu Buffalo, -N. Y. He came vest early lu Ufes aud became a plonees - tire insar- auce lisoker ou La Salie etreet, Ci- cago. He eugaged lu luis business unlîl twenly >'eas-s aga eluce -whicis lime lie iad iseen retireti He liedi iived in Waukegan for lhlrty-flve yense. lu 19063 lie vas stiJutgeti Insane andi since tisat lime il hati ieen necessar' lu empioy attendauts ta gua-i hm day anti nigit ta ps-e- veut hlm from commlttlug suicide. He matie furs distinct attempta. Ou une occasion lie siasise iel Iliroal vIls a razo-. Bas-el>' tvo >'ears ago be trleti ta tis-uvi imuelf lu tise swlmmlng pool at lhe Y. M. C. A. A 'a- os- ta agoalie eluded bie guas-ts in Cicago anti vas mIse- lug fes- a week. Ho fil>' Wais 10- caleti anti lisougist rack< lu Waa- kegan. Ms-. Smithi for a number of >'eas liat refusedtia10sialte iantis vit anyone, exps-esslug the belle! tisai peuple's bande Were polsoueti. HP aiso refuseti ta est anti for yeas-s It bied liegn necesa-> ta firod hlm fos-cily k6ieep hlm rn stss-vlng Hie remains viiili e heiti peniW the as-rivalishere o! hie oseter, Mss Antella - Xrrscey o! Buffalo, N. Y. Amoug tise propert>' avîstiby NuSmith lu Waukegan vwas the Wasisiurn hotel anti aIl tise other propss-yly ying veut of lt as fer at Genesee street; aiso tise buildings oceupieti b> Johnîson tise Tailar, lise Electrie shoe repaIrs- iop next doos- andth le Kekas canti>' store. Ho alan oviedth ie reltience ai 810 Nos-li Sher-idant Road anti mach vacant psapss-ty onu Cispel streel Wihie hie mind vas affected on somneaublecte Il vas as clear as oves-onaunal Uat pes-taineti ta bus. lasse maltera. c di 'w 0 a c L a a 'w c 1 fî STREET Ci AUTO; 2 One Suffers LSkujý Ths-ee Ubertyvîlle hiei studeuts vere lnjurt, tvê fatali>' visn thelr astoMoaI struck b>' a veit bon" CWt and Nos-ths Shore lune strest 2 Garfield avenue croslng, 1ý ville Mouday afteruoos about 4 Two students who wei? im the auto escaped lnury by i a second hefore the Crash eff Two of lthe victims e vestii4 tise VicIas-y Memos-li OOei Waukegaxt immediately eft« accident. Tise names of thse lhiurod 84 LUELLA' HOOK, 15ý Ye daugister of Guy 1100k ofG lake; sufesed a fractnra.-. base of the skull-coadittoa ii --Meaydie. BARiL SNYDER, 15 yeffl 0 LibertyvIlle; safrered -1' apleen, tomn klanse ad ot;w7 ual Ijures-conGti4 Mnay'dis. LUONIC WIGHITMAN, M_'A nid, daughtt~r 0fObasi l of Grayslate; suffey0f«W and bead a d suataletId Vincent psy of Pr of tbe Automobile. a4, ron of lbertyvlfleA:. b>' leapingt o &= et. Snyiera&ho vaS ou about i.aping. Misa ing tii. car aet *0 bàaedt wwâu a Mu ratUft'eA W , tisée aute4l mbomt ter latite wedIe atovniute boneasiichare idWU W Poneteof aitilsuce0f oheiauoe uled beau bad macine sUd her atte 1t momen tiste er a' eieIX ano theturno Bnyderý aiden. 4df~~si~lr, lieon !Snbuerane oefeg> arey eoenetfor adbrec whnotrîli Cisicga streleýP lio e lurnlufoff nye VA, oe fn ortis ý«kuJ4 Iitginedt tatIi.tipanf.Tb pan>'r Qls cita o!2 Buht are tnternedieote rem"u theyu r g ff o s oi o Ves hra ve rt&M L which 10 met Use uesa Tisat poceena etol 1 sue UePr etéUse aï:et 1 fàatt&rey e ryero t li aoffofey a wIoe bu begs pan' or eeCifO Xef* r 'I hach etrthtle si S Te oltacmpn tIs icue comfa!5ythe sconfia t ilht ner ls cota~ ty anctitre obr ch i se hlgsIturn ha eI off 5 yhsuti a ai oves th s o rpeyh ead eto s duatv t o 0n' Pei 'w 1permit luste keap a on mat- U ÀE DfU RS ÀI ters wlslch v. havé not beunable to do hefore. We have Isstrueted JJOUSE EEPERthe beatd nurse aht t ehisoalte BOU ER E ERAT order eil provisions Ilirougis tus concer." JIOSPITALRI3SMN JUS. PAULI3 lIS Dr. Brown, Çounty Physican, t .e an Declines to Tender His Res-1 SKIPÎIF qhUV ignation When Asked BOUN OREITED Refusai 10 compl> vils tise uew sel o!fs-aiea laid dovuhy tise 'ounu t>' iosptal committe fortise cou- Joseph Meyer, Wholesale To- duct of tise institution b>' Dr. A. E Brown' lise count>'psyslclan, resuît tbacconist ln Waukegan, ed lunlise zesîguation Frida>' allez Stung For Full Amnount noonu nitiseiseat nus-se andtihieg iousekeeper. Tise resîgnatiuns vez-e turneti oves-lutiste hospitaý seph Paule wisu. wisthisa wife, liseirvisit luie iospîtl. Mis - ai cnnducllug a bindpig aithieir Paradtse, tise bestinurse. , lssd Foui-ths Lakte sesort. kit na .; a opon being releaseti frsontses-ile -Mas-es place," anti alto was sen- ou tbe fisst o! May-;lise bouse- tencedte 10psy- a fine or $85o andi keeper agreet ta çsmaizi until lise serve eight mon *tiain lise couint>' successor. fni -known.1;55a 1101h admilteti. acqnsding lu mem Tisabecatue ituovu Saturda>' vlen bers o!tise commfttee. that lise> States Attorney A. V. Smiths ap- oikthtie consse tise>'titi afler a peareti lu Circuit court anti made a tait vIls Dr. Brovn. motion tisat Is $2000 bond bc fus-- "Drs. Brown la syîug toe uts-av feltei, Tise motion vas gîduleti eves-> possible obstacleielu ur pals," anti notice wiii be sent tu Josephs one member ufthtie coumîîîtee as Mey'er, visoiesale tobaccanlal of sested. "Hie induceti these two wom- Waukegan, viso appeas-et as suret>' su lu rsegn in tise beilef it woait ou tise baud, demautiing thiat lie lisrow us lu tlie ais-, but lie titi ul show cause ah Ithe Jane tes-m af eccomplilitbs puspose. We expect court wisy justgmeil sboultitnt ise tu bave no dffilcuit>' ln filhing tiseis- ente-eti. places." Ms-s. Paule aise vas founti guilit> Tise couuî>' physIcien vas ps-es ai tise same lime as ises- ublanti eut visen lise vomen resigueti. D. anti receiveti a senteuce neari>' as A. Hution. a membes- o! the boa- aevere as tisaI meteti out la ims. pitl commitles, naiteti about the The Paules appealedth te case s-om, anti a t ev tays ago tise Appehiate "Anyboti> else vaut te resigu," 1caurt reves-sedth ie latigment vilb bie lnuareti. "Il su let tisen step irogad ta Mss. Paule, vis asal a-: rîgisî up-we's-e readyti>e accept ahi lavedt t go free, but efffrmedtheti resîgnations nov. Tisat gues for intigment wltis regard te Josepht YeOu, lou, Doc. We's-e readti>luaite Paule. yonr sesigiatiui. Waut lu tus-n . îî Just whsen Paule disappeareti Is lu?"'nnetituuwn baitlise slate's altos-ney "Not mach," repiiedth ie cont>' acteti psomplly toda>' when hlieb- physician. "Yeu von't gel my rs- came couvinceti tisatishe formes- s-e ignaton u nulliMY lune le up sud sost keeper bas disappeareti.g ti tisatla tise lasi o! Jane." said ti tiPaule til ti n caes-e a 2Tise board of aupesvsors are ta mîrci about lise flue batl ie feas-ed 1bolti a ieetinig lu June aIlvisicis lu serve tise long sentence lu laul etime tise appolulment of a count>' kpisysiclait for te ensulng tes-m yull Fos-liwos-lb, Tex., April 17-The ecorne up. waters o! tise Trinît>' Rives-bldrsop. exrntnt Il s0 opls secpeti20 feet Ioda>' from te crest of [ords b>' memiser fo!tise cmmtîe Tuestsys floti andthie seas-cisfor ýshow tisaipDr. Brovnlias been pus-- floodi victimai egan in sas-nea. s- ciasitig a large past o!flise bospital Tiree bodies isai been recuvered esupplies, pas-ticuiSl>' ygroceries anti eas-i>' oda>', Oves- fifi> vers repos-t. meats of Chilcago fis-ms. ed xluing. ' iteief vos-t vas well "lITisaI practîce ute stop," Su- osganixeti anti aidisai liesugiven te se pes-vtsos- Mas-in sait. "lVe bave ln- about 3,000 poruans. ,s fornedth ie coutl>'pb>'aciau tisaI ________ .tise fis-ms lu Wauitegali are pa>'ing gtaxes lies-santi vs intendtelupat-OIalhMlning Supestition. rouize thenl raîbes- han cons-es-us 4.MOUXWebb i mners Itlai. a super. Le vsicli pa>' taxes lu Chicago. 'Née ~ton tint viei e novman le ta; re liave matie asrangements wIih a on ai emine h. la ney es-be le j i Wauitegau fis-m wiicb vîll auplY q>'gitted te go tiown vib thie first rahI la alilprovisions for- the hispitlifurS- e Mastgo tiowu vils hls iti - lie nexI montis aI least. Tiss vli otiserwîse migtols'inp wyul flliov. ,t~j

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