LUTYVIlLE E2IMEK[. l1LAY, MAY 4,1t922.________________ rliree sazicties uf tluverng luisac_ Cu tornisisune of the most easily- gruvu subjecta ton a striklng an'! pic- lureýsqut- pianllng eltiser in tise an- fluai bonder. amuong snrubbery un In beds by themeelves. Most alatly ut tise grop le Nîctiana sybvestris whicb giove tive feet igh is. vls uge urnamental velvety leaves an'! greai lusters of wvitie stars-y floyers on long luises robuat growtis, bot goond ton fruns Ivu to tisree teel, accortilng lu locatiun, ans tiese aeet seente'! Nlcolana Affinisansd Sander's bybri'! loisacu. Nicotiana Sandenae. Tise lasI Ivu corne in a vaniety o! conar rang- ing lisrougis varions sitades utfcati, rufw. Puk, au'!laveuden. Nicutlana Affinîs la an eveniug bloumre, npenIng lits tiovens te in te aftiînoun. BELL SVSTEM OWNED BY 186,342 STOCKHOLDERS. Tise Aluerican Tebephone anti Tele- grapis Company bas thse las-get nuam- ber ut stoctisoiders uf any corporaion in tise contury an'! alson bas lise videel distsibution ot nvnersip, accus-dingt tise annual report uft he company, la- ne'! recentiy. Tises-e are more Women ehareholdera tisan men. Tise ntsmies- o!stoctisolders ut rec- or'! on Dec. 31, 1921, vas 186,342, ai Increase o! 46,984 during tite yeas-. Of tbesee 25,700 are empinye ofthlie Bell systens. lîclu'!lug empbuyes wisn art lready stockliol'!ers o! s-sord. Iheri as-s nov over 128,000 empioyes of the Bell systens coýipanies anti their sub siduas-leo, vho ane payingftrstourkta' tise rate o! a fes doias-s pet moutli untier lie company'a empiuyea atolai puschasing plans. The average number of ahaneE ow-e'! totiay, la 29, os- au averagE holding o! $2.900. 'Peu yearss&go lis average vas 67 ahanes. O! the 186,342 stockhol'!ere toda3 176,085 avn leus Iban 100 shares, auý 147,991 bol'! 25 ahanes or lemo. SOWIN<i Of SMLL LAKE COUNTY FARM BUREAU C.A N WE LE.W1 E1 t 11, tanmyt U NIIIR WÀY IERE I tae County Far vsr .. Te tatb niesiyngsgne - MRS AN MLEPRODUCTION utlng braina, lime and money. Mem- TOO LOW bers of the faculty are servlng on the Lake County Farmers AP- A compai'laonfn the 1910 and 1920 lariouis committees, and have diatin- parently Are Two Weeks census showsouan Increase o 526,663 gujslied themselves by the zeai and Ahead.0f Others borses and M les during the tnYer ),c .ha arrÛuh hyhv u notepan - iomule cuts sfho% a deices f563 o, n ibue is share to the big event. 1)spt tefaiht i aat-agi Clîili a' o prdwtî~ Ail of the officiais of the national farin cultural department sent out word the Ithei 119 ab cpryarare abuth 1909 bureau and the entire executive con- ot0er day thatitan nhe farmerafwooltsmittee, including the presidents of 12 be unable te get loto their fields for 00 rac tsutenîme ~o' other state farm bureau federattona. Lakecouty armrs re owig esa Wyne DIsmoe, elrtt a of he i111be at l)eKalb for thse celebratioîs. and drilliing In their sprlng wheat on Herse .Asolâtion of AmerÀca. precicts Thse 1. A. A. la isaving no tone un- thWbigh grounad. At Gurnee, Orin Cr11- that tbie decrease wiil continue for thisounofed t do It iae t ise gotibu- tenden has drilled lu bis wheai and>Ila next four yeare vison thesecarcîty oflionhe i elerthngat vii g lumak neighbor. James Farrel, hast sown hIs goofi work animnala viiiraiste pricea te Other farm organizations vili have est&ansd a number of other fermsera In the. P oint Wlsare more breediug viilheteir represenlatives thers as vialtors. Warren township have made goop done, and ln tels or twelve years there î futieagntvib- l'ead way durug the past week. wlU be a period of over-production. eprtosfrheagn wlb- The continuefi vel weather, isow- 'is perlodical rise andi fali n prîces gin Imniedlately.. Tise tentative tille, ever. bas started Lake couuty farmner# l8 Well ilutrated by tise figuresisnce *Forward! Parm Bureau." bas been flgurlnt as the land la becomlng ton 1878. Tisey show on an average that a1eiected. valuabie to mise a crp or *ven a part prices lncreaaed for ten years, then de- because of beavy maine and low laund, creased for alout the aame length of LAKE COUNTV LEADS AT TESTING and they are beglnlng ta Ille on aut tme, wtb tise same increase and de- PLANT extenive bail. Mr. Farrell la putting crease durIng the succeedlng len year Frank Fowier of Lake Villa sent In a mile and a bal! of t1e and vhere perlodsi Prieas are now aithe point Ilii-e (0ws, and A. Lludskog of Gurnee the Improvement bas been jmade quick or beglnning te increase. sent one te the t#stiug plant at Dixon drainage vas 'uhovn, and otiser fan" Wlle tractors4 trucka and autonll- recently. This suakes fifteen cowai ers are enthuslastlc over thse resuits. biles have replaced isormse ho me ex- Iron Lake county. wbicb ta about There are indications that a thousan'! tent. th#qse las a very large per cent of tivce as many as any other county has mlles et 111e vil be laid In Lakte coun work that apparently wili always be -u the plant. ty this season whlch wll mare useful dune byhe srses or mules. The men wbo have cows tisere are tbuadsodcrsolan iatl o Horses are replacIng trucks foroe Lloyd titzenthaler, Prairie Vlew. two; Ide.kinda of work as haullng short ds- Albert J. Stahl, Prairie lVew, one; E. 0o 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 t 0ooo ances thirougis crowded city traflc F. ClarIk. Lake Villa, une; G. R. White, 0and baula vhere numerous stops are Aniocis. une; Earl Kane. Area, one; 0 L A KE Z UR IC H Omade, sucis as rehail ilkuI delivec:y M. H. Peterson. Liberlyvilie, one; 0O0 O0 0 0 0 0 0a 0 0 O0 0 0 O routes. delivery and express wagons. Rous Bra., Area. tvo; Ciement Bros., Attend thse Basket Social te be given i Tractors on tise average replace or Art-a. tva; A. Llndskog. Gurnee, une. by the Glmer Sebool at the Bowman 'iaplace two hiores. andi Frank Fowlor, Laike Villa, lisree. I)alry Hall on Frlday night. May tb. Tise figures and tacts an far wouid Mr. Fovler la the oniy man bavica as No admission wli be charged, and a indicate tisaIt tbse viso begln ralsing many as tisree COWB in the Plant. good tîme la asured. Vite no# vIli be jut in time lu sell Nut aIl of these cova have freaheneti Mrs. Bd Westpbal of Cicago an during a period of go price. yet;' but those tha bave are givlng a Mm. Chse Dean vIsite'! t tise Wm C. gond accoQunt of thefnselves. ]Blokuace home severai days laut eek. THE SPRING CANKERWORM 0. F. C. Chicagu Pieertje made 27.5 This la tise worm that luit Yrate pouuds of butter in seven days and in Mr. and Mm. E'! Brandlng. Emamett the leavea front many of the t1r.e5Inu 4rty daya bas given 244 pountis of but- Mm. Dn teve u vî r n this locality. ter an'! 5077 pounfiu of milk. lir.H. Branding. The caulerworin passes the winter' Joisanna Belle Spofford Korudyke Misa Ameanda Prouty o! Graasy Lake Iu the pupal stage In the groun'! under made 29.05 butter lu seven days. Both $Pent lent Saturday eveulng vlthBd '!the trees. The adult inseet energes' hese cows belong to Lloyd Uizen- ]Prouty. fro mtlse grotind. during Match or April thaler. The Misses Dietz, A. Tonne, R. Ton- an'! the feinale lay tieir eggs under Prinees Vevie Colantha, a junior ns. achoppe. Gabibeck andi Messrs. loase acales on the hark. The' males four year nId, owned by M. H. reterson Frehrn, Wevetser, Tone ne. *oW- have veil developed i vngs but tise fe- made 19.2 pountis of butter lu 7 daYs. Menu attende'! the play Siven by the1 maes are practlcaily wingless and for Of the seven cows at the plant that dputhen cucha PltnelitFl titis reasso cannot fiY to new terrltory, have mate btter than 26 pounds In day venlg.go eggs are depoalted on the trees that seven days Ivo of thein came frein Mrs. Wut. Bicimana ha, returued vote Infealie' the previaisa Y5ar. Lakte couity. C. M. Long. frous Palmyrs, Wls. Mca. Kosi came The eggs begin t0 batch about the -- to te a £ lime toluage beglns to appear andi the CET FMADY FOR THE BUGS Mimer Beckitb vas a vister here vorms becoine full grovu l ib ree or Saturday evening. four veeka. They tien 'drop or crawl Look over the weapona for wartare .Mr. an'! Ma. R. West visite'!aitishe te thse grotint, btrrov In thes oi an'! on bugs anti tungus pesta and bave Alfr'! Churcis home lu Barrlngion on remaîn there utIl the nex spring. them ready for use as sooxi as te Sun'!ay eveax«.t eljt rwh m o W. G. Hartxnan an'! tanily, Mr. and Tisey may be controlieti by spraylng Plants geto i bgowb oeo ia. Wm. Preitm, Mr. and! Mrs. Wn.. cvhs argemite o! leati at the rate of ivo the pesta are ready te vont as soon Blcknase attende'! the barn dance near poonda It powdered arsenate ta !IftY as the veather varmsa us. The eut- DundeeO Satnr'!ay evening. galoasuof ater'-wben the leaves am woir. thse meanest of ail garden pesta amal, refraby oe-furt ofan nchand te bardest te flgbt because be Mr. asd Mn. 1%«age atiendeti the ami.peebyoefpwto nlc orks lIte a subusailua. la curie'! up funerai of a cousin at Deerfiel'! Satur- 5at0osa and repest aone veet inter, Iu the grounti. biberulg. ready te day afternoosa. If thse tolas la eaten for tvo or be tiaweil ont by thse tiret early, varus N'ridy aftarnooa soerai members ltre sasccessive Bssons, the tree vtli raina and oprlRg sunibLue and cul off of the P. T. A.gave tise pupile of tise Uteiy be tille'!, no It i mportant te tise tender plant$ juai blow thse sur- LAke Zurich school a surprise lu tise detroy thls pont betore lb destroys thse face lu spadlng or boeing eariy lu foem of an lice cresin andi cake soci-L irefi. tise season lok out for s drly colore'! 'Tis. soolars vorte'! bar dor the three0 "worm" rousti Up tigist. 11111 ail sucis cotees an'! they vere rewardeti for THE FARM BUREAU DECENNIAL a<s'ey vii lI ail probabillty be eul thkatul vork. '1le chie! feature of tbe Parus BIu- vorms vaîîîng te gel mb oaction. HearY Scheminn returne'! f rom Wil. rOSiS DecelWial. llebrattofl at DeKaIb Thse plant lice appear about as sonon Uls MIi., lat veet. June 2M1in(sto be a pageant, lu vhicb as'tise Currant buabes get vel bave'! -0-- undreds of fermera vii be actors, te out an'! viii attack the lettuce. The IN 841EORIAM Illutrate thee blstory and Iideals of tse currazl worm aiso starla eariy. BC2IDER-ELIZ.ABECTH ANNA. IN farus bureau usovesuent. Miss Nia Have sume arsenical poison ready fond! and lovlug reembrano. of our LaMmklll, visa viidirect the Pageant.. te spray for htlnt or chewing iu- dear vif,,. ant motiser, visa passeet arrive'!InuIllitnis lasi veek f rom Jackt- ecla. suci as tise carrant worm sud avay one year âge, May 7. 1921. sonville, Fia., viere abs bas fluishie' nicotine preparationa for thsesBuck- Motiser. lion vas mii'! an'! lol, directing a pageant of 3000 people. bshe ngInsecte sîsci as the plant lice. Gentle as thse summer breeze, la nov conierrlug vils officIies of te Insecticides are onutise marktet Pleasat as the air t eveniug. State UniverOty ami tise Illinois Agri - rel ombine the arsenical poisons Wiseu it finals among the Irees. culturai Association. - nid sungircîdes. These are thse beattle The Parus Bureau Decenulal ceiebra- ut an'! tie easaesl te prepare. Tise Dearest Mother. lbou bast lett ne. ion la unique and differenlt roustise nicotilse Extracts may he mlie'! vith Hem tiy bm ssiw deeply feei; siale pcnic In tisai every county muet them sand lise viole range ut insecli Bul 'Ils Go' tisaI bath deeply benefite'! contrîbule ils due palt If lise lhlng iS ansd fongus outrages conînoiled vith He cals ail nut arrovs beal. to be a auccesa. 01- iiaylng. If viii do nu harm te The DeKaib local people are live U,(- suris a cumined spray even viset Yet agasu we hope lteuseet thea, vits entisulasnt over tise comllsg 1 only une clanseof pesh ls ordinarili Wieu this morl lite ls fie'!, eveul and are diug everythlng tisat a 1 e\pctt'd. gIl ywil ,cieckanvchance Then is beaven vltb love te greet tisee cornmunihy could possibly do tu pre ut thers getling lutiseir wnlk. Wiere n fareveil tears are ahedi. lare liseif as ist 1tiseIlilinois FaP Ea ln sprayiug viii save a great PROM LOVING HI.SBAND, bureau movement. No expelise or et- sitai i trouble. DAtTGHTERS AND SON. l tfort la te be apane'! to show every vis -0 o0000o0000o900O 000OO0O00O0 0 MURRAY BILL o 000000000000000000 Suday, April 23, M. ant is.s John H. Batz celebrale'!Use ftiftielsi anni- vesany o fliein vetilg. s-. Bals vas horst lu Byan. Germaný October 15, 1835, an'! Mm. Batz vas alsa Sos-n lu Gerusauy, iu Siambntg Lippe. October 18. 1854. Tbey vene marrie'! Aptil 23, 1872, lu Shaunsbung, Ill., anti have madie Ihein home since tien ou tise tarm wbere tbey nov reelde, lu Fremout township. Tisir riiltiren are Mns. Minnie Grues, ut Lakte Zurich Mrs. Sophie Smith, o! Bans-igton M's-.MaWida Snydss-, ut Ivanisue, an'! Loute Bals, vhu resides viit ieispasents un tise home tarin. TbLere are twelve grandoidren anti Ivu great-grandchiidren, ail o! vhoin vene present. Eigbty leven relatives anti frieuda aitentiedth ie cele&raton at Use home ut Mn. anti Mrs. Batz. 'Phose Who caMe trous a distance yens Palatine, Arliag-a ton Heegis. Shaumbflig and! Chicago relatives. xo0x 0x 0 x 0x 0xO0x 0xO0xO0x o PROGRESSIE SCHOL o x 0 XOx0XO0X 0X 0XOX X 0xO We receiveti ont rePort carda for the monlh or April last fritIaY. Ms. antiMss. E. Haues vielle'! the entant FsIday aftes-nct. We yl finIsh nus- bird boots nexl veet. Those perfect lu spelUing last veet are Ruth Hodnitige. Jamies Bn]. Agnea Nauta, Grace Broctin, Lawrence &marnu, Herbert GoUlt, AlIda Freud, Ruths Bs-ctsut anti Ceeule Aiuaun. Those neithes- tan'!y non abstethUe tpasl usonlis are Rut1h anti Grace Hol- tiîge, lnsseil BroclcnsLn, Alia -Fs-sun'!, Hertl oul'. Raymsond! anti Cecile Amafin, James f@u], Steveni an'! Jack Kerpan. Isahel (ireenleat, Kaths- es-ine Naula. 1'rang fleWDoaty ant i dî Ms. anti Mn .Edwsantilianti faniiy spent qîîndax veLrng vill Ms-. anti SMs-s. Rudolfsis Haake au'! tamily. Miss Elizabeths Lux ut Waunegan spent thçe wes'k endl vilh Ms-. ant iM-. 1.awrnfcl' Amants andi tamîly.* Mn. and Mn 1,PreUn'! anti daugliser, h Enuestine, spoml Tuesday lu Çhlcago. Miss Irenp Van Lauduy t of leur fiel'! vitgls]lise Amanu tamily lest eSunia)'. FOR ALI THE NEW9 0F LAKtEo o cOUN'rY, SUI38CRIBE FOR THIEE n INDEPENDÉNT-41.-W A VEAR 0 00990000 000000000 TH-E CHECKER BOARD Cc.sduclad bs' WILLIAM . .WOOD. iAil commun calions intended for Ibis oumis sioul'! be addressed 'o 0Williamn J. Wood, 202 Clark ave.. jWaukegan, Ill Game No. 12.913 2218. Prom he Cisc enhans (Englan'!> Çhrenicle. 18 il 7 16 22 18 4 8 1l 16 10 19- 24 15 3 7 29 25 28 24 16 20 31 27 7 il 26 23 il 1l 23 14 8 il 25 22 14,10 6 9 27 23 20 27 23 18 13 17 22 6 15 22 32 23 23 19 9 14 10 6 Dravu Probleus No.258. By H. Tonkin. Biaci 2 20Ka7 27. Whiie-6G 9 28 K 19 Wbite lu play au'! drav. Problesu No. 259. By R. B. Brown. Biack-13 KS 1ft3 27. Whiie--21 28 Rn 2 ô Black 10 play au'! vin. Probleus No. 260. By R. Martins. fllack-13 Ka 19 23 26 Wite-21 28 Ka 9 10 White 10 play anti dnav. Tise aisuve ths-ee proisiems troin Jet Solution 1e Probleus No. 255. Dy C: Hetter. Biack--2 4 Ks 18 19. Whte-11 13 14 K 8. White le play an'! draw. 14 9 9 6 13 6 6 2 8 12 18 14 2 9 il410 10 7 7 16 Solution 10 Prnhiem No. 256. By W. Leggelt. Blacit 3 12 Ka 27 29. While -10 20 23 K Il. White lu play an'! vin. 10 7 27 18 20 16 3 10 il 7 Solution lu Problein No. 157. Dy H. Sheas-er. Black-t 13 14 1l K 22. White- 21 32 Ka 2 15. White lueplay an'!vin. 15 19 1. 6 6 9 21 17 9 14 22 26 18 23 14 18 13 22 "gag cigaffet j Tliey a«e Goodl Bu thé s agareué and Save ÂM.W 0 00 0 0X 0 00 0 000 0 1%ARLI'NGTi . L. Stadtield eujnyed a veil ens cd vacation viii relaives lu Cicago li'OTEtS îast week. L Mr. and! Mra. George Vasey and chil- dren o! McHenry Sundayed at lise home of S. J. Wagner. Mr. and! Kra. Joe Lenzeu enteltalned relatives trous a distance Suilday. Good Me*,J Williamn C. Dillon aud sosC Arthur, atteudedthUe Fatiser anti Son banquet at Wauwnoda Frlday evenin. E~ 1W E Jay Vasey an'! daughters vwers Me- A M Henry visilors Stln'ay. Mca. Sarah Geary ot Wancontla vIS Ited a few tisys last veek ai Use home --------- of Mn. an'! Mca. Bernis eary. .Mr. and Mca. Hart Thomsson of North Chicago Chicago aud Mr. mund Mca. R. V. Fitch Of Waukegan vers Sunday viaitoca aI the home o! Mr. an'! Mrs. W. C. Dillon. -M *L Miss Martba Pelerson of HuntieY visite'! ber sser, Ruby, 1maIeet. Mca§. Fak Ris-onInusas macbh.. ~ surprise'! SatUr'!ay aflernoon, vben a Cmde w. party o!f riends and! relatives loOk possession o! ber home in banor Of ber blrUs'!ay. Aller aise ha'! ime 10 catch ber breatb. ah, rose tb he cain C ln a very bcepg&býe way, naumino- 3oye'! a verir 3IemuSlt mter»OCIL A à4 bounteous iuucbeou vWs serve'!, a .1 deparie'! vlsblug Harriet ==aY mOre W sncb Ihappy irIbisys. Tise Ladies' AI'! Sooieiy viiilsd'!a May Party aI telIL . Xcacli TridfiY evening. May 121h. Miss Ekn a ur, vhis ldolug graduate vos-t Iu rougi-A oue etiocation ai Nortisveeter Uni- Office kt a t versity. an'! vbo la al80 Our ova S=n- day SciSol vOlter, vIii isotis eaO*r of the evening. Mia sltOr 1la a vousan o! mont PlealUgprdUt an'! motInternt'!lad tu 9 ss M RIt -middle age'! foIkd and'! cItot. Tiser. viii be gaines for al aU itý & 14&Y lunch viii be serye'!. TIte 10e ex- tend lu everyone a cordi aivitatio W to couse an'! apen'! a PIeW=1t eeb. Officlu y We are trivilu 10 luake Our Il.ti churcis a couniniy cenler. Couse an' LYRLL H join us, FIRST IN LAKE COUNTV - Tisef 0xIt* ý independefit. SeEOidw DRS. MNIX &, DAVIS I4ir.opractic Phyianal apecalbt-Cebriectlon of Deformnit.Bs, Nervous and Chronlo Dissmagm Suite 10-11, New Caille Holel. LiBiRTYVILLE. ILLNois.« Shortening and Beef Bacon 1For Sale At WALROND 'S Market & GXer Our Poultry Depart- ment wants 100 hens at once. Phone Zion' 61 or drop us a card. ZION MEAT MARKET nion,IimIis P4UL MWc J. E. WAIe PHY6ICIAN A24D OSUU Diea.. 01 Wopn end- t WAUKEIGAN, UM1 W. W. JOHNSK O .DENTIBT.ý Ph ont 841. 112 Ne. WAUEGA1 WD&K0.AF. 'T ,Pdeuo* mwt*I P oSPEIT, - s J "Station to Station" Long-Distance Service Get acquainted with the money an&s time saving "ýstation to station" long-distance telephone sorrvîce. This service is a long-distance connection between anv two telephone.t (including pivate branch exchange swtchboard operator) as distinguis-hod fromn a con- nectlun between individuals. Under "station to station" rates a charge for a message is made where a connection is established with anyone ai the called station. If when giving an order for a long-distance cal you are willing to talk with anyone who answers the distant telephone, just cail by number, if you know il, or by name of subscribem or firmn if you do not, and tell the opemator yen will talk to anyone who answers. This service is quicker and about twenty-five pet cent cheaper than "person to person" service. Get acquainted with our '-station to station,' serv- ice and save trne and money. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY o EVEIETT SCHOOLo 000000000000000000, Miss; Crsmer, visu as teeu living in Chicago, &Urpzlaedlber pandfits an'! frieuds by anuouniilg lier manriage to Herol' SIsaflon Fs-l'ay mornîng. Mr' Ziemer. anc oi thesi ciool di- rectura,' pal'! us a visit iish Tisunsday attes-noon, M. Simipson visited ouer scisool la" s Fritiay. We vene al elad Io sec bis Herbent Cramer tipped over n tnlse, car vitile taking tise MiIik u Liberty- ville Wetinee'!ay Jmrning, injuring bis2 wnlst an'! leg. Tise Evertt bau hall ti-asîn isial d tise final 'gane o! the sea-son April 301h. vils Deerfiel'! at Evereti Ourtesam1 vois by a score o! 17 to 6.1 Tisose perfect lu speling in tise past vecit are: Genevieve Luberk. Robent Coiisy, William MouteY, Bt-sie Kosîlal , 'unior Verbecke. Geral'! Verbecke. Coi nebius Hiienga sud Cyril V'an Lais '!uyt. Those perfect lu attendante tur tise pasi month vere: George Lunsain, George Yore. Helen Piilip, Cyril Van Lan'!uyt anti Leonard Luberk. 1.eonarii Lubecit vas absent f ruas school Monda)'. He is workng un lise farus. Lizabeth Kastial se absenit frrns scisool onscount ut sickuesa. TIse carpenteca are isusy erecting a ne* garage an'! olI bouse on tise Bnp- kins place., L.asi Monday te 1Deerflel'!-Sbilds baud came toonr scitool, anti invite'! tise teachers an'! elgisti grade Pupila ho a concert . Mca. Hole. tisemusiac teacber frolu Deenfiel'!, organise'! a cimes for begllt- tieca lest ffldmY. l.esaans are ta Se given aitIshe sobool bouse. Saturday, irhle )Mr. VanOver vas On bis vay tu vont, thse Ia-0ov ttieti oves- a rock, frigitenie' Use colt lie vas '!siving. Tise colt JumP.'! and he bast bis balance, and! va dragge I net- Iy a quarter of a Mile. one ane slip- pe'! way an'! vilIstIse niber. hie pulie< the hsoreeseinto Use feues. When he regains'!hia fest tIse honses startti homne, an'! atter hehadu! Ueu quiele'! dovu. ie toua'! Soth bis ankles veresaptalueti. te .h Ls h ýo tn [y 'e at 2- 1