Mi More Than Money There's m mor t in. ..ya wacouilaIthe TIew', sm o f 'or m. mm y-oof ymu AuJn d dmt th âgs, tmonahe .fiuly mtermd of dis bhu hinyour ftur aud yoursac- casa Yu-éeWes more thas mouey iu au acconut Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices W. nre mahig a ,ubdtutiaredartin ser.mal lmady bua- au . famly usi srvie t. fit â ti.cdaof e«Mr liese how L« I*& vr i. eurlsevcee off or bekw, and see IL. mue ou pwor. Either service 's a dstinctmykig over My 0"er wY YouCmn PUsuhybave y.ur Iaukly 'iesnkdoue. FMIY SERVICE No. 1. Onal bunles from 7 Rn.to 229x.li 23 to 25 lbs. $2.50 Over 25 l's., 1lOc per lb. Ail flatwork ironed and wearing' apparel starched where needed and &i,& FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Yu nief aiily wash fnshed complete,18 inchling soft cuff shirts. per lb ........__..._-18 This service most indlude ail your fltwork, as well as wearmng apparel.FAMILY SERVICE No. 3. Damp Wasb 25 poun s for - ----- - ------ Over 25 Ibs., 5c per IL $1.25 Nu articles marked. each bunclie sorted as to colors and wa«sh- ed separately. One &Y service. FAMYL SERVICE NO. 4. Damp wash with flatwork ironed $ 2 25P"f. 12 Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per IL extra. One day service. The Reiable Laundry LAUNDERER, DRY MOEUES AUl DTER ilghiandn Park and LibertyviIIO Phone, Highlandn Park 178. Phoneo i.b.rtyviII. 67-R BUILD NOW-- BE PROGRESSIVE =e_ ON A HOM= := With our plans and service, our unexceiled assortment of material,= we can be of gret help to you.E See Us and Save Money Phone 47 III1NEDN--OILY $1.50.YEAR. W~J~Y~LE I~)0~<f Y, MAX 4, 1922. Glîbeit Ayeiw cf Chicago spent Sun- P~<»~jday ln Libertyle. à%à% Glbert Ayera o f Chicago apent laut I t Licrtviie eope fa I Lbrvll Mms. Anna Deithori and AIra. S. P. Mia .LIIian Kiepper le vlslting rela- lt's alrigbt to b e onomical, but1 Evilsîzor spent laut Saturday lni Wau- aiveu In Napervfle. neyer lt gour wife catch you wtb a kegan. hairvin you've icked nP. Hopkins leiauer of Chicago visit-1 Mr. and lirs. Harvey Mous and Mr. ed Llbertyville friends Saturday. Mr. Abert Meflermott and littie and Mm. J. Beirger moved to Chica-go *daght.r. Esther ,Jane, of Waukegs. Wednesday. g,-s M.pagels of Chicago vislted "Met the ve«. d at the homne of tise snnday wtb Mis. William ZZoelner. formeor'% parents, Mr. and Mms. Peter' is Violet Croobrg 'entertained Mowerm. MiseAI U e.Cs.risoof Chicago over MUn. john Abart wu the-week enld the week end. gafft of ber dssighter, Mrs. E. V. Orvin.t Mr. a" Mms. J. B. Morse entertained W. B. Cari of Deerfleld lait Thuraday Mrs. Thomnas Varney of LaIke Forat spent Snnday wltb ber zÙther, Mms Mande LuAik. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Golding and their idaughter. Luce. vislted relatives ln Wauconda Tbumday. Mr. aàd Mrs. Josepht Kohout were1 in HInsdale Sunday to attend the funn. eral of Andrew Abason. M. and Mrs. Henry Davis and Mr.q and Mms. John Lester were gueste of1 frIends at Laite Villa Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. May and daugh- ftera, Barbara and Nancy, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mms. Byron Colby. Idr. and Mrs. Charies Kaiser md daughter. Doris. and Miss Lillan 'Kiep- pet motored to IsPlaines Sunday. Lau i, : onl osoi-l or Chicago, ipent1 tile w.-k -nd witilhis brolher. Williarn and is sister, Miss Hattie L. Howell. Mm. J. S. Gridley and daught(eî. Bev.Ery return,-d home, Sunday frorli Chilcago, siter a stay of ueo weeks in the City./ Mr. and -Mris. Fiancis R. Tripp. past îew nionths. i-eurnpd home today (Thursday). H, nr>IBakr and 'amil, and Mr. and Mrms William Seble-> and daugter. .lsbFl vislteil relatiue.sa, Prairie View last Sunday. Mrs. Ida B. Green returned M onda>' to Kaukauns. Wis., after spendlnfg a le-w days wtb î-4-latives in Lîbertyville William Bader of Waukegan was boe Sunda>' to sec bis mother. Mns. *Mary Bader. who ia rec.overing frorn 1ýher recent iliness. ;-Lr .Mier, assis'ant cashier, qe F-ini National Bank, attendedil the Ie erm' Meeting at Joliet Wed- i nesda>' ai this vecIt. Rev. Earl C. Morgan and Mrs. Mor- ê.n e..W- in Cuicaugo 'i'ursday tu at- tend tbe commencement exercses oi _Lý- -iM:,,- .cougical Seminar>'. 11i.and Mrs. Joseph Miler a11noun110 -the engagement af their daugitter. Anna Mary. ta Chtarles M. Bernard. The date for ttce wedding ia June 14. Mir. and Mrs. T. A. Simpsan and dauglifer, Elinor, af Waukegan. were Sunda-y guesti at the borne af Mie. Simponsa si-,ter. Mrit. R. E. Thoi, nt Belvldexe ail Milwaukee a-\enue., jnortb 0f town. Mr. ari Mm. A. L. Johinson moved .banday :0 thel,,rew borne In Elm Court,.sud Mr. and Mms. Chares Green- wod are occupying the bouse iacated b>' the .Iobnsons, which they r' ýentIy purchaseil o. Louis Kobîman. Mms. Jacob Scbiey celebrateil ber birtbday last Sunda>' at ber borne near Aptaklsjlc' ,andl tblrty of ber relatives a-nd friends iilled baskets to averflow- lng and went la tbe Schley borne and took poesesalon, tbe affair belng a fine time was bad by the crowd. complete surprise for Mrs. Schley. Miss Alice Faulkner entertalneýda number ai fnlehdz at ber home Satur- day evening.; Among the ont of town gue-uf ewers Miss Adeline Bauman. of DesPlai nes; Misses Ktiryn and Ver- anisa Rurlgbt of Chicago; Miss Teresas Eurigbt of itenlwortb, andi Miss Mar-. garet McElroy, of Seattle, Washington. A very deigbtfui evening was aDent j.a.AA1g hlDUUJflU."a UI The Libertyville base bail team play- ed the fit game of theseason at Lake F'orest lait Sunday. and were defeated by the lads from the goid coast. 'This was in the nature of a practice game. Twenty or twenty-five men are show- lng up at the fair grounds dianiond for practice and Manager Franzen says he will soon have an aggregation of bail tossers that wlli bring horne the bacon. G. T. Luce &k Son, Llbertyvllle furni- tiare dealers ame affering some rare bargaina lA Iuraitanmd MUafor lbe coring Week. Réa4 tiieLi large asiver. timemet Mouae aym thia Issue. Miss gmrrièt ?uwm -Was hbsou t f a zwmber c0£bhW frisais at a blrthday PatY Tuuday eveelng.The svening wue MOq «mJoyabll spent playlng game and dancing. DONT FAIT ta fuait the Ray' Puni- ture and Paint Store Baturda>', May' 6. Mms. William Woniok vili ive an ex- hibition and sale 9f embroidery work, 4tmPed gooda, and titreade. 18-lt -Mr$. Pbilip Wlaiy of Round Lake, dled ibis (Thursday) anorning ati10:3 o'clock,ý at the. ageofa 41 Years. Heart trouble was the cause of her deailh. No arrangementa bave been made for thie funerai, as yet. The W. C. T. U. wii loin wit the Missionar>' Society of the M.E. church ln a Temperae-Mleslonaiy î,rogram next Thursday afternoon, May llth, li the cburcb parlors of lbhe Methodiat Epîscopal cburch. Ail friends of tihe socleties are lnvited. Don't misa tbe SUPPEIt and DANCE lo be given by tbe Ca'boiic Ladies So- ciety' of St. Josep's cbui îTiursday, May' 18, athte Town Hall. Suppe-.' willi he served froma 5:30 until ail ar1 served. Supper tickets 50 cunt- Danc ing wiii foilow the supper 1 1 Commenciag tomorrow and lastinli until Saturda>'. May 13, The- Ita>'Fur- niture and Paint Store, is conductlng a s3peclal sale on furniture and bouse- boid needs. Prices bave been aharply rç.?duced axd it le to the interesf of aur rea-dem ta reasi the full page adl- vertisemnent on page twa tluis issue. Ths management of the Auditoriumi Theser bai succeeded in se-uring for their patrons thse film, Doulas Fair-i banks ina 'Three Musketeers." for Fr1, day and Saturda>'. May' 12 and 13. On account oi thte lengtb of the perform- ance oui>' on. show wlll be givea On these dates-beginning at 8 P. m. This amous production consiesaoa 10 reelS ad lesta two and one-haif boumS. Tihis la prononced te materpiece of Po>- ular Doulas Fairbanks. a-ad eVarYOfl la the viage ahauld ses it. Watch for additional snnouncents neit -ek. Attraction@ ïï At VTe AUDITORJUE. FRIDAT and SATURDAT JACK IIOXIE "CIPID'S BRAND" 'WHOSE HUSRMANUAR YOIJ" Comedy SUNDAT KATHLEEN WILLIAMS "JUST A WIFE" "MEDIUM SPIRT" Comnedy CO0MI1N G DOUGLAS FIARBANKS -In- "ýTHE THREE MUSKETEERS"l and LILLIAN GISH -In- "ýBROKEN BLOSSOMS" W.e show only the high«et grade lpictuJres. Vou will be pleased with your oveningls entertairiment in aur lac aly ha.e ILike the Famous 'One 1 "They're Glood in I3very Way" Men's Work Shoes RAY N. SMITH Miss Violet Croonberg entertained Miss Aie. Carlson of Chicago overý the week end. Barker'a Superflue Wlavom are, non-alcoholle. Willflot bake out and are slmply deflclous. Aét ail grocerY stores. Mir. anad Mms. AI Hapke returned ta rrIFt-, hor.m in Chicago Tnssday, aXteri spi-oding about s. montti vtIsLjberty- ville relatives. Dean Beunett underwent a miflor op- eraf ion at the Vlctory Meanùriail has- »Wta Monday. Re returued to bis home la Llbertyville TuosdaY. Glsdano, Vincenzo and famly bave moved from the Jocbhelm fiat in their new bomne on BroadwaY, whicb was r.- centl>' puichased from 0. E. Churchill. FARt.E BUREAU TO EXHIBIT MOVING PICTURES ON STOCK DIPXASES MONOAY, MAY 8th Five of tbe best reels on hog cholera and cattie diseases will he aboya aft the Llbertyville Theater, Llbertyville. Monday niglit, May 8tb, at 8 o'ciock. A spstem of controlling the round v.orm, whlch ls causing heavy lasses aMoxis younig pige, wyul be sBown in ever>' ,kîail so iha' every bog ralser I Cao foilow out the plan on bis fa'rm1 Repeated trials, oi l'S systern have- proven its value, so if la piast hc ex - perimeatai stage. The systeni la simple and effec'ive. liog choiera control wiii also be pic- tured on thu sdîce-f. Ths film on cattie diaeaaes is en- tltled "Out af the Shadowe," and shows the reguit of bovine tuberciiiosis witb method of prevention and contrai. Two speakers are aiso expected, bath ta talI an diseaae preventlol. Dr. 1. M. Hobeeker, state veterinar- lan ln charge af choiera and other svine disease la the northern part af the state will talIt an diseaSe Preven- tion among bogs. H..Davidmon, fromn the Chicago Livestock Exchange. la expected to be present and spesk on tubercuio»is a-mong dair>' cattie and methode of cointrol. The pleturés af fer exceeding>' valu- abie suggestions ta swine breeders and Tlhe program la being a-rrsnged b>' the Lake Count>' Warm. Bureau. NO adimissjin wlll be charged. Wiadom Lis. in Correction. Dn't aire too much af the f 00 mmd findings of those arotns 'ý! even b. good ta yourself. and . hfir> your soul over your ou.I.;. and Suow's Auto liverv-Taxi Sr Ivice. Ph.neLibertyvfl 306-K_1 Lot yaur heat give thanks for flowers PCame ta chier your weary haurs. - ARE we tbankful for the blessings ai tbe flower Sgordens andl tie glassi sbeiteresi garden spots tbat graw for us the tend- beip.us ta live bs.o>piiy. 7 iSAFEt 'Y 7- We recommnend for iunv pmui First Mortgage LOOuS Opon d.keCou.t We are offering at this time an excellent sOIOIctIof welI aecured mortgage notes in duoeiuaioesrbf and $1,.000.00, bearmng 7 per cent interest. if you have funds avaiable for investint, this ffoRl you an excellent opportumity to place them in so'und s&- cunbtes at attractive interest rates. W. CwrdaEy invite your Iuq*iy sua Dsinou Bought Redwar BATTERIES R"* SodM. S. HAGERTY R4"r. Telephone 2i 118 EL Cook Aveu = Your luihber andbuilzg i requfrements San be filled h your financiaI odtrantage. In other words, we wil save you on these.prices. mon~ Every price alEvantage thatth ar -affordswil be yeurs if you tradewê White Dainty Checks,36-in. per yd. 2 iBleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. 5 SPure Linen Table Damask, 70-în. yd. $2. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMeAýN I lhone 29 Libertyville, III. -- -BARGAI-N àSha Iib3 -------------- 81