L~JYYULE i!PW~I. ~TIU~>AY, MAY 4,1922. L 3CO. yoIrî AT NORTIWESTRN Morris M. Wilcox 0f Area Elected To Beta Gamma Sig- ma Scholarship Frat Word tomies f roui Nnrthw-eatPrn University, Evanston, Illinois, of an honor recently conferrped upon '%or- ris M. Wlcox of Aiea,' llinois. Mr. Wllcoz la a student ln the Senior cls of Northwestern U'niversity Schocl of Comnmercie whlch cach year about this season. eleeL, It.î most progresiiae acholais 10 the Betaa (Gamma .Sigmna cholarshlp fraternity. The Lake county boy, It im announced, has been chosen ai; one of the 1922: uîrnh.ýs ofii this hopor fraternlty. This year only sryen Seniors of thelarge nuiuber attending North- western Unversity Schooi i Com- merce attaiied this hlgh place. One wa& front Washington (state), tour were fr010 llinolu. one (rom Cail- fonda. sud another from Indiana, The Beta tiema Sigma uociety laa )scholarahll> aociety ln the commerce ,dccls, anad le jnodeled slmllaa, W the phi Bota Kappa ln the oUeges Of llb- oral arts of the U. . To b. a member of Phi Bta Kappa bas for years been the goal of thouaands of American tu- ,delitsansd that only a few out of these thousandus nxual.y "make" Phi Beta > .Kappa la sîgnîficant. Thea same ta raP- Idly becoxing true of Beta Gamma 8ligmsa lu the commerce Bchools of the nation. 000009040090000000 o AREA 00Ô000000096000*000 Attend te Baske-t Soial tu be gven hi' tie Glmer School t the, Bowmau Jisiri Hall ou Friday night, Mai' th. No admission %-itli e clarged. anda goo lfimie lu assureal. Mr. aud Mrm. J, . TMitchell were Waukega.u vIitors Saaurday evening. Mmr. Wm. Kulîge andi Mms Louis Specht were Chicago xisitois Fnilday. Mr.In.sd Mmr. Albert Roder wert Pal- atlua visiitons Saturday. Mn. sud lins. Ml. R. Wells apent Sun. <aY with the lasuers parants, Mn. sud ]Ms.GOrge Groas ai Lake Zurich. Mmra J. Hl. AYn-aley rnertaiued Mr,. J J. lIuse Fridai'. Mmn. Ama Joues allent the w.ek endi ýWlU ber sont, Bd Jones, sud ismujy at Glmer. Mr. a&M s. Wm. Zeson sud lMr. sud Mn.- e W. Panner motored to Waukegsu Saturdai' avenng. lira J. C. Dorfler 'was an Evenett visiter Saturdai'. Mr. aud lirs. George Rosisand so. AYMBIeY, &Mn. and lins. J. H. A yns- Iey zPent Sunda> lu Hghland Parkli wth M. andi Mmr. iran Aynley. I ILM lUaNeson wasa aWaukegan~l sliton aturdai'.'I Mrns. Rossa entertained ber nia-ce otan thc week end - * j Mi. sud lire Tiiomas Russerll enter- Isinesi lalis Forest relativesi Tuesaai -M. an-d Mtc Wn:Zi:un sud Mnr. sud Mmr. E. W. Fanner wera guesta of1 li. nsd lir. Fred Kruager at Long Grove Suuday- Mr. sud lins. George Smtith spaent Sunday with Mn. sud Mis. E. G. Nick- oley "d tamiliy at LoAng Grove. -Townsend Smth was a Chcago vis- tor Moudsy. lir. andlira. Herman Kublank are entetainina lins. Horace King sud dasgtena of Argo, Ill. RE H-- TE _RA o-_LNOE The 111thsud sixtis grades bave comn- plalod their work on hitoni' sud viii a rite their final examinatlona for tise yeaanthia weok. DoTotIiy Dolton bau returned inbeho school wir* star a weak's absence. The egth grade bau f lnlised tisa work lu snthmetlc sud wll revlew un- tit tisa end of thea term. A actuel oxhIbit wtt! b. given soon.' Watch for tise date. Mn.sud lins. C. G. Small were vis- lIons t tise home o! tisein daugt.r. lira. Saveurs. at Ap)takîsiai Sondai'. Mrs. Henry Kane was a Lakte Forest visitor Thuiaday. Ur. Md iMss. George Bradleyansd chi-dren vialted at tise home of Mn. aud lira. Thsomas Russel! Sundsy. lira. King of Norths Chicago visited at tisa Herman Kblank home Sundai'. lire. Tihomas Russell vislted rela- tives at Wauikegau Pidai'. Mn. sud lira. George Hagan and chîl- dieu -vlited Herman Kublanit sud fam- iii' Sundai'. 0 0 00 00 00 000 00 0 00 00 0 o l MLUSCHOO0L o Oc0 o0o 0 o0 00a00 00 0o 0 0 lierman Kulgge sud son, Ernest, of Ie&rfl, visited tise L. W. Knlgge home oves tise weelt end. Opel Kaigge viattesi relativesat Grayalake Saturday. Tise Cash Mason tsmily caileil at thse Edwarde home Sundai'. Abert Knlgge visited at the LeRoi' Knlage home Thursday- lir, sud ira. Rola Griswold visitesi otd neiglissur Wedue*ia. Vincent luseir calleil ou several lu tii district Sunda'. lMr. Dusisei ne- cetti' moyed frntm er to Chicago. Mr. and lira. Martin Hiciaman sud daugisten, Ethes, MnI. and Mlra. James Towner sud Hirarn Gleason called at the HIte.m Mille home Saturday. Omiell Buasching spent Sunday with hie parents. Thse sehoot monts of Apit ended on Mondai' last week. Oniy oue of the tiiLs vias absent duiing the iponth. There were nio fallures. We ari. ail ver Suai' reviewiug for eXamlaS. Most o! tise bird books ara rompletied.' W. spet na'ery profitable aud au- joytble 01ter'nnluths 'weonde Pidai' studyig birds, teies sudpi"tig flow- ara for oui' Mai' baskets. * ÂiEFOIAFRA :;~;~:~M,00TROT t EVERY CAR 0OWNER The Ladies' Aid wili meet next week 7Lra. 11ER KruINerREislted aN, 01 lt whMm. Obrles Haml. yaaisehoWdndwafenn onre 'U yI~U LU wish more womennwoul<l vis~Jg crllyIvtste IAL OFO audymn ina a t theLA ETU SAlV L AN ZN membors and frienda of thseAMd ta lber achool hous. hoéand th Meeting. O auda- Ingwe , aeV LC N Z N Laut Sundai' the Sunday iSchool and Mrs. Genevieve con, Mother toe, chool, we found one of our eat AeTheScndCn-nmn auo e1ere i eww1s churcbhâbd tba largat attendance for tsntj ered friends inthe schoo; house r ., r heodCoiinetCn otIeaem be na ewek soute til The number in te S.S.uO Wiliam Coon, Rusiieu ilaytord hadl left tha winilow o01)nniver of Four Million Which WiIIOe i b relllebed pretti' close 10 tthe one hun-1 ta Waukegan Hospital 1 night wbere the IliGie biid made ils en ejlnt Hr dre4 nrk 'Yen, and there lua tli; trance. On of the eblidren caughrtfi- Be ___ IRE MA1ISL noore for more. The secretaries month-- i hrd and gave fi t It freedons '..biirdIR A E 1,y report aowed splendid interestan u !sGnvee(on gd ~ bOt~ hc oanlriet ,U.d tîny are tale. utwlP Inluorder te tura out a job tint wifl stand upmi loyalti' cf thes cholars to thes chool. Prairie Vlew, niothel- of Wilia'n i ii. ion vary much. Eu ,- cil>. i t linga s te cr.a. Çany trims Ernest Luke. who was deegated hi' C<on of XWsukegan. la .ufferi;t Il was flnding a warm place Io hiiîisoited n the iake off * -g the inndayS ichool to attend thse Young wtha1rctilisuhchsu e c t.TiudTeaybyfpt' aeadFiaWH N T with fracuipl MI) hihWe had a program Tusp pi usa yDpt aeadFs Peoples' conféence t iHighland Park celved when sh«. frit ln a f8aint a' 2 :h.lunmemony o! one offiet t Warden Henry Kern anaî a îrpre WW £pMU. 20. gaye a fine report of what -a oe She was hroîîght te, the patrlolc men of the cvil war, that day sentatîva ut tieseuaite f _' *týh.-i Let a tire inaker talce tare of yo.r repaiig? - he, bbdieard and seen at the confer_ hlrEhoKNOW suce. He wlI conclude his report next Vlctory Mfemorsai hospitai flu Wau- belng th. anniver9ary of the bittiiof at Sping Crne. Th' - ftonut i.nnW K Sundai'. kagan where ahe la being attenîfed Gesa. M.S. Grant. aebael wor Mayfinso m .Co il elvD.F .Kih.We have ail le.rued the AmencauauW rebrI ,oiis How te take care of Rani fneud o!Mru H.Coo wil he 'î fl. F C.Kuiht.creed and a fiag sainte, whlch we say fanai h. ver sorry 10 heur that abhe met with a The agad wonin Il as vwsTkI!r,ieveri' Morniug t the bhaignnîng ut irjt,là-!îa'-. :I. li. paInful accident while worklug. gShe f rom e o * oit,n an lu an her 1 1ai. , - ANY &INDi fait andi sustalued a fracture of brhum"ý wheîi - tic sifferetd th, jaint- Mr. and lira. Robin are building ai'nhcse pianted ou Tuesday wrre tise 0f tire work.- Hundreds of sabisfied customme hip. lng speil. fi)r lalling she trunli a 1ncet lu a Ireso Inthe. scisool yard. We 1-l caio ry t William Kuedier, Harold Tullei' andi 1 couch whlrh firîtured her~ hip. do not go near tisetrems. because we '*-- .î>aItprei. Thtodore Mauon attendesi the bal Thomas L.ynchh.sctcioun tore-aMIit nwat to frigiten the robins awaî .i. ~ .~ dp- gam1e ai wiseellng Sunday. . or] the Soi> lin'- raltrosd, a hoarder Tise fint, second und thîrd grâ.dejai opuin AL EPISF L ne'h dance gaven hi' the Royai l i the on bonie. ioîind Mis Coon puiplB have made for constriist-iOfl 5t),000i50 t a tinie îr l O il Tirslliol Nelghsisrs Pldai' night wus well at- lyifl'on the fluo sor t wr a akes eh te nen ,ý lcu ie odpsi hmi- tede ad he ralze aou $1. 1 l - Iea trpdhei, nbln.- o f111 wltisflowers and gise Io their a it ý Î!Lk Countya Tire Shop wlth er prentsoverqunda. Anexanination showed the fractuel atWe Ih it gaepp SOEdSY Sciool fext Siudsay î 1:00 of th ihanmd it was decided ,Il") asct e the sdith frand . ikeegsarve n akguue-R UN'AK.ILIOS o'clock; preachlug service at Il aud ili' lîtia-nt should ha rîîahpd I,'.t Il- lc:Pe teromfihfon ' ado "b nru RUD lAe I3L4 NOJ . 7:30. WlIIIyou worshlp wtb us uext' ioýpitAl wlîîthe îeast poasile I e, A number of UtIl leebroviû'.it -au i.'. La ,--e. Wi. -Ti l <i' Phoi 3 -J Sundai'? Dont you thlnk you ought lav. Gîî a l u a t tscisool and planted ' Y.mii-- r, lu, do so? l tracture of the tbill, i " 1 - lu the uci3ool Yard, but dutin, sciiooi e t'i t t i. tlî, , Attend the Basket Social to be given i -vpereun ataays la art-ugbuhe 1lrtsacihnuseal he îit ýb 1 , ,, - : ie aniwl hi' tise Glmer Scisool ai the Bowuîan a (Ill-- utthe dtfbctilty of retfinti bicb e.- li sil tl I--. flair' Hall ou Frlday night. May 5th hi-bokan houes lu mFi]. but Mm ---------- ----,1It!.,,.î,iii jirh-ilthe> Iste d.l TeIdpnetscremsits. Give the No admission wllhacredsua rnsrordtob eîsg iE NEEUNi"J'st -i'I-- i .1- 'tu ndouwll be convnced and awilol neyer miss tise coat.1 NLE11 Ili-1-1inC1 good imté le assurad. - va! As.cout'ilw exp.;'t,1-l! LitbCty.,Iii0fii-sl liii 0>iitV.tïladyuwl ecnlcdadwHnvrms h ot 's This is the ti me of year wheu new furniture 18 needed. Below are a few items which givej-an idea of the money-saving opportuiities at this store. These are regular stocke' flot specials. Take Advantag...e -of Theselu Prices .-aveMoney Fididge SewinWg Machine, 6-drawer; $3500 Fldidge Fiectric Sewinig Machie, 6-drawer;,$ 5O Spe cal for ............ . .... . ....... ..............$ 5 0 Pathe Phonograph, regdu price $150, Offered now for .......- .... .............. $80.OO Pathe Phouograph, regdu price, $150, $100 Yon during this alat ouly - ---------------- Three-piece overstuffed Parlor Sai, egla $125 plnce $225; now ..... ...............-............ Two-4ncb Contimaous Pest Bd $ 5 off ered now fr . ................... ........... 8 5 Bed Springs, a micc asosiment, to dicose from atfrom $3.00 teo................ 25 Mattresses, the kIdd tht briagp restful l $18.O liere from $3.00 o . ....... . .... WajlPaper, a lige tcanda fine array of 4 patteras; per roi upward from ...........- .... 4 Lihrary Tables, 'a piece of furniture you 'wilI be$2 proud o wn, at fr4s. $7 t ------- ............... 2 A $110,BUFFET'AT ............ WHITE LEAL IN 100 POUND LOTS, at .... . --------$12-60 RedRockers, a splendid assortnient; priced at from $6 ..... ..... ............ M Fibre Rugs, 30160 in ize; you must se thms to appreciate their value; offered L Diuig Chairs, the Lest chair for the momey eer showa here; per set $13.50 te. ...-... -.. ... . Gold'Seal Congoleum Ljigs: 9x12, $13.50; 6x9, $6.25 o T UE CXSON Telephone 27. North 71i~Waukee Ave. Libertyville, Illinois. or town w'r eiaa. i. pupm 0 tomd te timos th"s velai dsyoe dog r«z Wben tbe wat WIP le bit Mn stop bitta', Jourmal. M"-n- vals a. m. then 2:48 Lake me - 1 - « - / Y. ii - slip