*00 *#@@4666 00j $VTÀQÀNST 000 O Get O OO l 000 Mis., Nettie Murray Of Chicago 18 * ~ spnding a weekas vacation at heri homne lera. miss Banehe Meyer of MacHenrY ~ Drirr spent the firat of the week with her ~ ~OI~t ~ Were cusn, miss May mlmnan. johin 1). MuWray and nephew. Bud FIo"deri CîGps Lys-on, of Chicago, apent SOud&la n -~ Wanconda. g- Visber andi S EF:she. WU- 1;j, seph Gletnch of Chcago la vl5lting ril»4 suit ln county court Sa1aitthe home o! Mr. and Mrs. R. C. *çant Sidney J. Russeildrain- Kent. 14~ and Henry Pasflatd, dan Mr. and Mns. Or. J. Lee of I*Grange ~FPÀ=iiners o! District NO ! .,pent Sunday at the home o! Mr. and 1tacaWed that the d[ " es RyMupy mlOers jiected their du- r and Mrs. Josepb TomiskY spet otkeois the OtetS RI1< Tueaday at the bôme OfýMr. and Mrs. r ewaeactlties ln pi-oper 'CL Pratt. Êtind working order. Durlflg elght yeurs, avery time il ____ e-a5.vtes would rise on the 3adand wash out the crors. l ,I-' 'rmera of! minois are begin- 41Mà heaV7 rains, the vater !oýng 1, 'ike eart atermore than two ~eOver the fence posts This ýars of inancial dlfflcultiBS due to 1h. ' gl ooded the cropsa nd 'catis b ehpr!cù of !eed and the lOw manket ~WIh es greai Joasa.Tbey Pré tic or thel? products and ln Lake 1j sut aganst the cotumiation ,,.anty tie dairyluen believe ibis Year oeN770 te cover the bases caue- -11. biî moi e prosperoils. Wltb the far- fbO conditions.. ::-2 be'tpr satlMlied the prica of dalry Wk Rronimus Wauconda. a5150-s j i yadvanclng. An indice- lutaainsit the rame coni> tr": 0! 111i% *» given this week w bn SIedatng a egetdW rt owrsbip. helfi a sale at which ~ e~mlalo~rSa b thhasucor no ws bnought on an aver-age t ossamontina tO $7870 duc-".: d $85 a head, ad thena vas an 'p~ a teIght years. - e i and. flot onl y for ows but ' IveRtock. INDE g'r rom pricea obtalned ai the Mt ln LAke CountY - The INDE '. aql cows are 40. per cent ~NT.*- 7.w thnn thay wene lest fait. CLOSING NOTICE CQmmencing Wed.-esday, May 3,. the undersigned banks will ob- ý,rve a weekly hal-f-holid"ay and ývll not be open f0r busin~ess o. Wednesdays ýfter 12 %,'ScIci noon. M KECOIM« NATIONAL BANK, Làbertyvile. HM~S NATIONAL BANK, LibrtYville. Cnlffl STATE BANK, Area. BROOK STATE BANK , ntinrl STATE B«NKOF ANTIK)CH Antîocli MMIANT FARME R BNILGtyý1k MMRS STATE BANK. Round Lakt. LAKE VILLA TRUS & SAVINGS BANK Laite Villa. &Y-1 FEVER IlWy wàk util the heated daysof dm > p[clnization period when the float- - ig kstof plant life brii8oflton i8. - most exasperatmg d&tuae? Why not tait. the necessary steps for making - yourself immune now? 'Oe person out of every twe.nY iS said ta be suscept- bic ta this socalled disease; the other nineteecaWae imune. In othei- wonds, thse nerve vigon of thse air tslaçining is such that il easily throws off thse in- fecfion. Ciropractic spinal adjustments wviIl restore 4wnecessay resitauce of these flacid tissus aud in 4 yery higis percentage of cases prevent thse periodical recurrence of tuis ailmeat. FIAD IT FOR TEAIS, BUT IS FREE NO W "Our daughter. Ada. aged tblrtean.l iuffered aven>' yaar froint. a>' fevesr froin eaany lnfancy. Wa 'isbought thana wau no c<l-a until we tchad cblroPractie spnal adjosttuets. Since tisai a faw adjustments iu the cari>' pna!tofJul> bave beau sulflclent easci year to fore- atgll theilness. She was frcee o! It fer iiwo yeas entilnly. but lu each or Iths liai iwoyeam n ouSyiptotd o! ita pfssIble cecurance, adjuttauta bavtO prweanted theatack."-Mr. aud ni. W. m. Rubiali. Chropractic Raueancis Bareau, Staiemeut No. 1329P. w.' ~ ~TSMAT - AUMS DR. J. -H. HE"LI i JNUYS Chropractic Physicim BOES TOUR HEATH s Ybw 9EIIms -Whok« yor h"athStarta dependa TME i.OWERN t4Vw m whea you Telephome 26 f«omr an ' MGNFY appointment. - SASUGNE INT.E Çqrsclneft termltleu, Nrvous snd PICENVOAIO Qhronic ohusaes. TRANmIT IIEMLTMPUI. IMPULSU .CIIIRPUAC- 14uu ta 5 and 6 o t6 . Sundays TICADJUSTINO R! astI Nokidyu bY ApplhnlfI gppIgPVgJ 5~t l...NgW5i5115Notlii 1<'f 5 419BKâ"YVtI-U, ILL. UI3ÀLS ÀAU LUDMIJ Mr. aM M m off~el and éclb H0-£- DURINQ TUHE EK -tth njid TORNEYS FOR POTZ Mi-. and Mrs. George Rlclandsa 4 Records Show That Reaty vl",Sreladivver Sisu4 Counsel for Cônvioteà Murder- Business Kere StII( Con- 0 r n rc auld :dsn er Give This as Reason For tinues To Be Brisk, d.iy wili.ue latt rsi mother, Mrs- Moi- Asking New Trial garet avà.. By A. K. BOWES lMi. and MIS. Eail Shalesansd "'iii- 1 "Newly. dlsuovered evîdence" is Asi'i. See'y. Secuî'ity Titis and den of Woodâtock sment Baturday at the principal gnounids upon vhlch Trust Co. the home o! Mr. and Mns. Frank Dib. Attorneys Akntan Zeman of Chicago hie. and Lester E. Willliams of Wanke ]3isiness oftheic iecorder's oih1er Mr. tdMca W . eeeenetan gan expeetP to tain a new tr!al fo te ee eding April 2-i, 192. ~ bahr~îii for Ignatu otovlcted slayer oý the fr cieonveYauds, 14bl1.WILliam Petersen, Wlnthrop Harbor N umbro ovyne,1E Saturday sud Bunday'.mtryleplcmn Nmber of chaltel martgagi,. 34. Mr.8and Mna. Hostetten entertalned uitorcycrepocean.adl Cr Number U. S. army releases, 2. frianentf rop Springfield, Wg, aSt cannur as: fr Patz sppead b l Number or trust deedsand mort Bunday. cuait outSdayotonmornia ndwtil gages. 35. Ur. nta ariet h a ebauaa mne oinfran' ra T otal number of instrumnents quite ll the putweekg lanov m,40, i hbthey will argue lta court next [lied, 217. béiCr ' Salurday. The original moition con- Tçtal aiùount oif bans, $139,u0375 Mrs. Conad Buscbman bas beenlIl talned the uaI a](-attons that Business still continuies brlskwIhte atYe errors badl enlered int the case - oeans about the aveate i lah WM M65t et wth n 'ci sncb as Instructions to the jury. ad- The tollawlng are the mare im- dent whie at the hlgh achool une da Isabarring of ocertaievdence. e Portant deals: tstweek, herlug the tlngers on h a tti-ig onn WillamB asee eatc.da IN WAUKEGAN--C. Janet Hou- rigbî hund. ýH now carnies th-obaud hAttsone ilsad10slsete aua- stein .bouglit the Mary C. Huit two I ingmh. le1 e ed odsl h a hanes on north aide %ladison oppo- ~j Lsd ucmn b ture of the new .-vtilpnce lie bas .Site court bouse foi indicaied $7,- woingIu Waukegan, vas called 10 succe naeiting eut ieI .0. bier home the latter Part Of last week econfbtidna t vitihal ostrg eng -Msx k. Bussewltz honghit 38 feet by the 1thils of bar tuOther. ad oblin n ra or huis eient an ea t side North avenue, just ?de petersou and daughtor, Dolly, _atd foasîlegd iiprsetiio bl sou 1h or Cory avecne, being part o> spent a tew days the putI week in atdfnale~dpruY the old Bennett place, f[rom Grif- Chicago. fith MI. Evans for indicat-d $100.Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Bright are (Iller- OO00000000000000O0O in'. W. Mitchell baugbt flic Her- tainîng te ormer's 'mathes- fr045 tht [o GRIDLEY SCHOOL 01 man Schoenbengen place on -'otil scuthArfl part o! the atate- ide Bnaokside avenue [fer nominal 'Mn,- Lillian Smith, wbo bas bean.00000000000o00 000ý code'frat$3,0d00. ,,ca rot iendlug the past three week5 'withi Attend the Basket Social ta e len dl edin $ . . niae I lier aIster, Mns. Leonard Van Denaln,- by the Qlmer Bohool at the Bo9vmn Alx ei C.ln. oc ssd lsr"ufld o e hmeInG-y. lad., Dalry Hall oi Frday uigbt, Ma:' atb capital stocik frotu $5Outaýüt $75,OOtt. ,unetelrhoenGa J. Blunîbeng lne. f1usd 'ta certi- MonnOy 'tuornIflE. rmWiiDvis, wîo No admisuion wiii bie charged, and a b 1 atest reports f god tmelaWssuel fcate of incorporation î,itiî capital t Lr tndwîîh scarlet cîelu Mrood m s.asarnedt. - teran s to Heof man$n50,000.oiguit('biaga, are that lie is dolng 1 fml. ln~y visltad aitIhe Chanles Sturm H H0 Augn at S andy p glsc nEat-Mn. John Derby. o! Lamont, Ilihnois, hoein.Sunday. l sida ausbingan kypaceorndlcatdas lber vlsltin« lier aten. Mr$. C. A. Mn.. Nick GaIsten and daugliter, aide WashngavePark fr ust deed Clark, and other Antioch relatives a Leu aiAltta spent ThuMndl.l e toc,000.dgvebc rutde few dayealast weak. 'Friday and Sauiay ai the home Of! AnguatMssE aRibdSbsrtme IAIBsr. lewsky and wie bonght homie, atter satindlng some tima wlth Mn. and Mnm. Gus Stoerp spent lact e the Wm. . Strs.ng lot an east sida red ,RcnWs hraa lh iteW .BOkA ashtene,or tdSotdc 1,000. d Mim. John Clark vas taken te hoo .avn.uoe, forughi the John,000.ake Co=sty iwcplti.l Thuraday visera 1Mr,. and Mrs..Wm. Brockn an sd Oudaa a cresWolfb n 1-4tec.J3hn absieexpected to undergO au operailon. daughter Helen, spent SuI1daY ai te Wugau t3crswnpfr mn al Sc 3,,Mr. and Mra. Ly- no! Chicago mOto"- iKeller- bore. cofaeraionshp or noinled oui froin Chicago and sPesit finday Emma Tiiusvas absent ftram school = cni CHCAG-Jo.n.A- v-tlsMr. sid Mrs. Ji-es SBisai-e- da N NRTH CHCG"5o-An -ylvl*" la the oparotta to be Pre Ail the farmers libtIs viclnily are ikolaîtis boixght a lot ai nortbwest gented,4at the Autiocbh lgh SChool on t eari> doue aowlug coats. corner State sud l4ti Stsreet from Uo.ay eve.big. May' 81L It la8 cou-I L. B. Hanna for ludicatad $7.000 Sie" a more diffltlk iad a bottern y aud gave back trust deed for $4000, p Ma>'titn "beWladUii sOf EOIaUd"W IC Fraucis J. Ti-synon sud liv ifs Lsa& th11 » blutA chool 1551 755X. Be W N le bongit tise Ivanaki pacet on cuit amne sd attend. W N I~ aide Se. Jackson Street, Juat South Mi-. aUd Mra. Bon Van Duser and ____________ of 13th Streeti ton ludlcated 88,S"0Mi"se sus Smth spent 8unds>' 'hFOR SALdû-a neariy MaWv7-rome and gave bçck trust deed for $3.000. relatives at camp Lake.Wi. bousé eo f othe beet tu Ares; bot IN L&"CJI BLUFF-Olixana sd .- îi- niitof Bristtol. Wia. v-star bdst ad all oubemi luroTO- Danel B. Buj)b bouht itis Fbora Th AntIioatb b c" W~s enat t10 att OrnaUI!cash pMmat; balance M. McDo*Ilt lot ou Norith aide 1WahgotSis"y sud deféated the WU- 1ke ret. F . M. Hai-ding; Phoune 184- Scranton avenue bewesu Oak aud met isbashaltes=. The scoreW"l-5 ,M U Kyauston avenue fr nominal 0on 4 tu 2.Aio,1, slderation. FOR______am__________thb« op IN HIGHL.AND P&nj-'t îîîîam Ou t msOv elugIebu W. WAtkhn Md vifs ,ougbt lise & 000 0 010 00 *9 C0SOO* mIikls machins mado, aamelY. FrdA. Prestes pna cet flntl aide jea LAKIrE VILLA * lneaU" iajlclosemclotteI . P.av Central avenue, sit of Dote aveuý-. so00une9 4v0u Rch r, lose lenlo1 . C.6« for Indicated $3.OO0. @ S * O ê ê C RlbrsAt5fl.êt Facule Pocock Mceoiiy bonght Ms.. Jus Koeltrs h làaov-y Imprar- tise Alax Robertson propent>' on iug. FOR BALE&-Top buggy, lu fine candi- Sauth aide Central avenue, opposite Mr. and lUrs. Irving Peter bave tIcS; ued but aisort lime, villa»U Sherdan ROSAdfor lndcated $7.500 noved jaine bS ttage i-Oconly at cheap. '11,0. Cos'lett, Llbenlyville. sud gave back trust daed for $0,000. cd b>' Mn. and MUn. Frits <lie.tt Aachibald CattelI bougisi the Wm. Mn. sud Mrst. Frank NIader sansi'- H. Clifton place on uoth aide HIgN tlied K-htofrIbuzd 113 On 6'aday- WA141MI TO PIENT-O! av-uer, tcle street. sait of Waukegan avenue Walter Dotiglua er4OYed & tbrse-daY dium szed bonis, ln good ueîgbas- for indîcated $8000. vacatiotofronthis ehb-1duites at Lake isood.?Williguasaateegood care O! Ancibald Cattell bougbitishe De- Forcit ltut waeOk. pnopenly sud vill pa>' good ruai andi a Auguara place on nonili aide Sher- MIS. Pb&liu. v-ho lives vitb Mn. aud honnsinlutg-e shape of payment foi- op- Idan Road. between Lînden sud Mms. BeuHaniliU n. etuida>' snd tionn1u purchase. Addreus Renter, cars Forest avenues for- indlcated $16,- Sonada>' v-tb her sous la Kenoiba. of Indepeudeut. 15-t! 500. Mr. James Kerr- recaiveti a tele- I Carl L. Odel sud vife bougisi grum on Stsid11Y tellInu a !l.jFRSL-rsel iecniin the Patricki - Denng proPerty ao death ot bier motiier, Mis. PellulOhU., 'o! itl reasouble. Pitone Liber- eass aide Si. Johns avenue jusi Long pina, Nebraska, et this. anced tvil 220-R, on sddreea P. O. Box 342. south o! Mapie avenue for $10,500. age o! 89 years, aflen a Short 1111113813 and gave back trust daed for $6,500. Mn. and Mrs. oscar Douglas are ne- *ANTED - Man for general farm Chas. J. Watson bonght, the El- ceiving congratulations onitheb binth i work. Phone 271-4~-2. 18-41 L ier J, Scisafen place on eaat aide o! a lille daughiai', Lois Coinalia n Linden avenue, jual norih a! Beach Moinday, May lot. AIl are dolug as FOR SALE-Single Comb Anconla = street fan indicated $4.000- well as can he elpacteti.' - isatchlng eggs. Sheppard 331 p9gg Kennetis C. Bennett and wifa Mca. George Michell and daubien 'strain; frotu prise winners. A. J. bought tise han H. Pundy place on returned to ibair home lu Chica.go îast, Ga!fga. Round Lake, Ill. Phone 49-J. 'ivst aida Linden avenue, mast noth week allan a tva v-aeka visît at thae' 18-t! o! Lîncolu avenue-inn $ý700. Fr>si home of James KeqT. Hor-elaier, Mra.FRSL-5bshl emnml deed back for $1600. Wm. Weddeb Jr. accornpsnled lier and FORtSe-7 bhas.Jhanson,8ai- ta mi Clans H. Weinberg ooughi the spant tis ayaln the RY. Fbiae.Ca.Jhs 2 oth Emlia M. Streliser pace on west Mca. HarditMilens valuabla dog, Milwaukee avenue.1-4 ide Glancae avenue for- $11 1011. "Bauucer,, cama &o an untimely end onFO RN-Tourshdomat Hérman Schweitzer bouglît about Sunda>' mornlug. presumahl>' front U4B-odway. Phone 31-R. 18-t! 4.10 lad t rontage on West ide Lin- poson.__________________ coin avenue baîvean Beach sineet F. T. Fowlec madea 5 business tnip FOR SAL-Bigbi roora house th1reae- L and Cedar avenue from n . m D. te Boston lasi v-sdi. fourths acre o! aud, on Milvankea, - More>' for lndicated $16,000.. Our posimaaler, Cre Sberwood, bas about one tuile north o! Lbetyville; M Nathsan P. Colwaîl sud vifa neceîveA usw fuxtures for the gosl O!- goond barn, lheu bouse, walI. clstarn baught a 72-foot lot on east aide. fice atd bas italled than lu, th ae tc. -Iquine of E. D. Hulihard ai the Lînden avenue beween Boach moom adjolnlug the Pelai-son genaral J.B. Morse & Ca. store. Ltbertyville. Street sud Cadar1 avenue for Imdi- store. We underalnd lte room ne- -ehoe1. 82 cated $3.000. centl>' oceupied b>' the-poSiOffica v-lUlehe14 8t IN DEERFIELD VLLLAGE-Ed- bie used as a restaurnti FOR SAL»-Elgbt roam bOuse, 1ocat- vin F. sud Florence M. Weigle Charles 1100k of Graysluke v-as lun d just nanh o!Mthadsit pars- bouglit part a! tise Henry F. Piaggè towu th.e firsi oft1h v-eek demonstrat- age inluibertyvlle. Inquire of C. M. propent>' on sauth aide DeenflalulIg the Wiilys-Nnighl car. WloLbryil.Poe25W avenue. west o! Lncoln foc mndi- Mn..H. Potter spent Sattirdia> nghl icx Lhnyîle hn 12t cated $12,000. j uSnda>' wlth hen sons, Earl, sud182 Fred Cooksay and vite boaught.IIiil'-t Hibad MdFR SAL-Pan>', wagon sud haMeaU tisa Emma Jacoba place lu Oster- IMrB. Fred Hamilu spoent TuesdlLy lu ýlu fine condition sud sata for ChÎu- man'ss uhdu for .$4.300. Oak Park. dren. Carl Martias, 819 Washington IN NEWPORT TWP.-Woicieis 0 1S. ak a.Poe124M 82 Iwanski -tud wl!. bonglit the Tra>' LAK E VILLA OCHOOL NOTES S. akgn hn 24M 82 nor f'rtai 78 acres In nw 1-4 Sac.i Louis flirslb4, EdItor. i WAIN'ED - Wtll take hoardens and 25 for lndicated $3,000. TIhe Lake Villa Soit0 bs ui-chased Iroas hne35J 8S IN GAJ'M-~Waten nd itiln ~ aw pay'grouud aquuisient. Ih Con -_______________ Witte bougist tha Annie Fraser sists o! three swings, tisnee sea-Sava. ANNUONCEMENT prapent>' on' lot 10, NippecsinkitCub oua traisaze humsudtv-o sets o! flying 1 hava recently takan charge o! the subdivision bis Sec. 4, orion idicated rings. hiankemitis shop of the late Wmn. Elus- $6.000. The igisti grade pupils -are working man, ai Dlsmond Lake,- sud am pre. Lewis W. isaydgas snd ie.Ion their bIrd charts, -w'Nch wili soonI pared to do aIl kinds o! hlacksmItlng bougbt ftse Archbbaid Tutle îplacea1 ha completed. and repair work. Automobile work on Fox Laike in Sec. S for lndtcated iJames Quinn bas gue ack te ('h>.I-asd scetylane wldlng donc. $10!.cage. 18-3t. M.ARTIN HANSON. IN AVON Aîned ~. ~ andBertha Sea in bock ln sachool.________ if eN hogisiiseAlfred . CoNeyeadme ano!_lb+h-fifth gradp e LeI H orsAt. you don't bave to go far ta Bind *ut that people think of the Hup- mobile as a different kind of mDtor ma, and a greater mtor car value. Hupuiobile re=ods and reputa- ti4n for ecooomy am low-oot re- pi-s; te long DE, and Aho brillant, reg"ble erformance, undoubt- edly have led p<4bUic opinion to single ont the. Hupiaobile and cet 4t spart in a a ce by tseIfL REE MOTOR CO. Phono s LIBERTVVILILE HOUSES FOR SALE 1v-o new bouses on Fourts Street tbat we vîl ildI igisI. The.voe buil b>' us!olte bosat materilansd b>' labon on day bus. There 1u no shaus about the.nt.flty-fcol graded lots. Shade Incas sud v-als. Ionisa havc iangd living roont, kîteisen. two bed roomi. INros, clo*Ua and bath ou main floon. Tv-o bed roonts on second floor. ?14lucti cemeutad abesment. Wate, gas, elcctnicily. cisteru sud fumnace. Pric. of one $4,8W0 sud the othe- $4,200. This place bas un2nlSbsd seacsd fon and bas no baiement. FInI plynsant $1.000, babsaco sas>. WiII put la furnace foi- $150.00 extra. AàERICAN WU EFENCE CO, 'Ph... SS. LBRTVLE It WinI Pay YOU To CAli At iineLibertyvili Btte & Ekectric Service Station We Repair, Recharge and Replace AUl Makeî Batteriee Insp.cted, 'TeStedsand Watered FEUE. Gemator ad Igutio Ripairs When i trouble cati Libertyville 400 Batteries called for and delivered 551 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS WHY LÉT YOUR HOGS GET SICK O~R DIE ' ' Wc kguarantaee ur remedy to save 95% o! the slck hogs, stop zhe coughlng, and dastrciy all worms lu six days. 1!If h don'. do what ws say, mouey refuuded. Gets more warme than any other worm capsuls. Write for fres Informstion on diseas...and cure of Noqs and chickens. Evennu Stock & Pouitry Far., Gallatin e, IL 15. Guter and Spoutinig There isa...very Iow price on this material now. We, Can Do It Promptly Schanck Hardware Co. Phoe 39 LIBlT VIl 'vyý- May Nai This A Contrac aidregadu awardd Rocktai -struction ,,Laits. Fred Nul agroumon' )~TheIfig dors foif tbialss alxtean e1 35 les theis mpi ide, anu coument. Mo0nda>' unuil th sciiedule AOa.T-15 quelle il. El. '. beof -'Cb1cagc Ose. L-11 George x If . 1 rWine Fred C. quêe M.W ber e! 'Chlcagc western Eclipse Winuet George asa. Chamts Bidg., John ME Wasbiz .WIFE si - eat tsi bi ta&e . M tAttosnor A. brou-lit bac Bedkos. Il j jve, MaQue. -ouald lot hi hou 'I -fMoi vte. M ps ui-le â ime sua dueta. Bu t" .a edel itIr"v r r .»= Ü lChi' M ad laid At mci TIma 'Yos 0an or lts" No foot- and le If yon anuVl Mm. B«s turn'ed ou back ot bel sutrous be biseclothi mmStevat I. Meilc ns snd lbe et>'. Bcdkoi made no ! when Nus à CONI3