Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 May 1922, p. 9

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~VILL - IN DEEDN ake Qu *s B4 wmWe ekly ,WAUKIEGAN WEEKLY SUN L~~YVfL&LKE OUNTY, ILfLNOIS, TRTfflDÂYt MAY 4,1922. $1 .50 PER YEAR, IN ABVANCE. U'~ i%94FAM NOVELTY, SOLVES W1NUER FEEDING PROIýLM 2ETPSMEkl et1 t~PNLYAIE ISTARI DOOM FOR ÀLL UNPAID ~VNPLOW&R. TIRU NEWDEVICETAXES INCOINT- f= pli eos, ltîghwood AI- Chicago Telephone Company One Per Cent Penalty A0ddet legd Sotlggr, ocaedFirst Local Conoern To Tuesday; Another.One Per By teclveUse Metered Mail Cent On iune 2 WIFE SUPPLIES A CLIJE FIRST ARRIVED TODAY ADVERTISING COSTS ADDED chars"d vlth listing JuMPcd $9» Did you recte, your mouthly state- Waukeganites wbo bave delayd .bouds uIunid by oc00t01 ky o Wae* ment today fromn the Chlçago Tele paylng their taxes nov vu lb. peual. kegat, 30e bedkDo!Het .food, Om ai phone comnj>ny and did YOU nOtrt lzed for tbeir procrastination. Stsrt- Iqgcdbool3<er.vii paie4londe ar-anythlng unusual about the exivelope ing Tuesday a penalty of One ecnt t resm la hie b«» t . S t&SLid.uit ln which it came? lit probably vwu viii ba added. On Jime 2 au additioaai. eliet- o! bliam -Alest. ult vDe' . the fîrst pièce o!ftirat Clase mail YOU one per cent penalty yl bc addeK tec&h'e James X =_ 0)14cfft ev'er recelved tret did Blot beir the. Âter that a penalty ot one par cent os 6 Iab' cutomary two-cent samP. vlfl bc addçd eacb i"Onth BD te, the 'À&tomecTA. V. eliiws Ofce, A" *»t The Chicago Telephone Company fi time o! the delinquent tax sale. The boh bo oïakfl» o« one of the firet big insttutions n Chi- date o! the tex ae bas flot yet beau lu iAl.cago to becomle the Boera of tbe n-v docided upon definitely. Beftos. it Ai charlot!, ofered Dtot. mail mters, vblch are doing 5'WaY To those vbo did net pay tertx jire eQuesi' a bribe of $180 If ho ~wxîh postage taMPs and greatlY fadAl- os hi April 15 the. advertislng conte p.:-oult mu e80 ' rce ml.Itatlug the baudllag o! mail hi' pri- vill bc added. hoa" honicer rppie îin a git- ,vale concerne and the poatoffiedo- Wankeffl taxes muet bc Pald at Ilart-mehet.nT« p. miter agrunder vhich tbe the office ofthteI.counti' treasurer lha Bedkoa ar cwgat vThe mater undI idolào P wt ail;wtelephone Company' snt ot their the. court bonne, altbowgb tbe coatyZ te olasurvice lq et Tort shctA4a statemënts this month. prmfted in rotS treseurer statloned deputies in tari. sus* w t, aSwî e l t oal omldl», 1 the namea o! the City', $tatieDiOntb. one parts of lh. counti' for taxpayers pe arele s 5Iim arge SeBt iàelo&l 1 day. hour and year, in a circulgr lm- l I.dfeetcmult t<meand , tuealnhofs2Sad a 'ieteea ag Bedkos ltaled bis freed compag coUl- 'VIIigd pression, to the right of vblch la5 bl heeaealrg ubro ~ ~ ~ ~ Pet the oval, containe gthe iiuffle i * taxpayere 'Who have not yet paid it db'alujiMar mo t19MaIo$ -W151,circlus at eacb mide, vith "U. S oS- 5'leaseerted that on th. vbolé tbe Pub. 19deCiedas puth istago Dage" at the top, and "Two n bvCeaun Paldmp ti yu the vt entié wuEpdtoni taitelntheaS etthe hottOM of th. oval. a ece-No penalty ta' added for thocedel ies r lihicgobt biIe se been rsamter of lhe oral one finds: *"Permit 0NoiOnquent ta' te a p*y off - n laWm but i e h hm9, mter No. 1168.» ..lg 4alO V t&xeebut the»am are metSin -the- reil r.Bedkoa la ber bomne la South Ar- h ee ahn efte Ab ~ '~*~)lSpae as i misd laidialme a trap the huas1bond a detachable rmetering devicu vhich lea Wehhuomebis. Sacknowlodge Çhere for ho wss eonvlnced e fugit- . d cm taken 50 the poetoffiCe and there $ cîsg e10 eute@l E, TUhlin. . cr f reglter la et to the number o of t Pan1tu imuConceenco iWo ' At mlomight 1'uesday nlgflt. the de- ietdkr. age impresions for vhich the mater Bleu. ~~~ ÛII T lo ale tt. asultaats. aurrounded tihi pfflCE AL>ZET. aS P ilt ba of l;e >"lu 5h. - l m P has paid for in adivance. The meter la 541 IV £.IAJ bue m-h r*pcd on the door. )1100 eniv wla Wooebats, tfluit' salléTo shen aealed wtb 1V- 'igovern-Î 'Tic got a varant la ere on unra. mê- In - tn tue=!0911-bb. plsilola ment stamp on ea disk o! lead.* AlterTSA I( SA II3> N 0tse#"edi b c ailaiécit Rod athVatrlaTdR n h t bce"h d l Un. Bedkoa througa ial ?OUt fd is'ai. Th.b@aud la *dstnrlco! « k M Mt the b elng aet t e eder audken to theSÀ Os' closed dos. £~&n md h i eerv~~if mailing room o! theenrad pêIfilUI " snthee. bascI.replit ldl raifi.we UAvt sor pul 'a ~m i ti ed ln an apparatue through vbmcb thu -Wal. $cnt cibasire,» B a o ui 11014 1«amr.. n . teav. TlSftutii~OpvlaisAi«9t fedlng' iut.vbcnt the rate 0 O! à. EI NDB TE ORT(iAfEI>AUTO vea»the offici as a rue vl ont uisaL.vide- Mt on t mWu, ~ova"neo! 6.dais' output ln mnt. ie o nyla muchfut. h. ov- ~Opn btutr - n aa Wt nnoeeuv p ister tban postage stempe could hi a!-. er tat a mghtSotimid wibStfixd, u te LIERT YIL E W uk an-Police Are Asked mpnad ~~~ g"xue labut the machine'ao osuaisI~T nttueSac o for and let me tae.a look il 700- - ciadaitatoslaW Cnd a aa oui8 a an envulopus lu the. aame operation. TIDIstKIIYiLLI Fo - 111oo ThdmconesarImde o ea 1! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b you aS'tetre.e evl* utcalIbb.-bec moeten cenfourcnt, cent ImedCtzn eito o e ieHenry Wagner Mmr. Betikos upenad the. door-aud ITb@ da1y te off m tpur cn cnotr-enntouaM nbcentmptree-lCtzn eiinFrNwTm turaed on the llght.Standing right ffti' Volé"oJeaie. on the mail matter, but thea. reQuire But The Business Men TePlc eeakdtdyb backfeo beb.Was d alipeon a pard tgo!-another permit and mter. Thu pArole f er.LXked todiei eutrmi. dmd cleo n a Pan et U .As the. register on the mter de- Oppose The Change Sa« COmpani'te make an attempt bis tu'4 £'UI1I'It!hi111uni' unit. mro fialli' la -te locste faeurY Wagner vbo d.- Çib» on" ema Bi b ial uIKLviwui UN01 JO « M URTIIIILEIreached. the muter hicomfea IOCed NW ORD ISTkEI e )-esterday and er. m ako nlac m ore Im presions f o t Wl *-«ir tvclie wenlm7Srt Contai.»ris- A LqqàIBIBI untlil i laru-set b. hepostal officiels. »lI'etd, «iuarg in a, C!i"evroje e -ie lscu hoare t as idi minojit The manuf£cturera o! the. btl of 14,ertivIlie la engaged th aMOre on wI"'ithe uux Auto $#hgee~ ~ ceyandkhe 55W ho vas ae sudM S " the. machinery 0latetirer sld or leas»edor .s.bhatdbaittu udtran 5l'hliamrgg ô 50 mse o urbe tt0it e candFE E ALJUPiEft h'the pauuf&CtUrerB o! thïai. but 5he vbether or flOt the.dayight lsvlng On retluest Of Arnold tlb.I a en ieileg bribe sa i howu ra ed F DE hJD SW eltahu poilci' rf are onu' ieased, 15 scbedule ahat, bailepu t b ofcain ULbtleaet a >tâeeir #»n0l dmvdceno b rerItelaiboug«b W a net- nia> real te polu yfti>5ro! ate pOt-dBey t rstIeyver peentd iTese ligte o ew u« Vii tiLtIA~¶I5LdilConitio IsRegwed s B SentorMcKmley A, ofr t el de e. mcbSmuhmev en pthbaon sign tetShianS libershat lamnhur v ane igy 15M L13IIOIcAYVer Crî t Populaed Fr hoice aav TeBa othe poaoffiefm tar a eeldngt o!tII vllagth eluwblch me- Vare I n a vslt las hoplhmomi. mail gDIÇ N 1eoch lnreteillote fthebuMr.tey vmes eeru ekd o pas. n ord - Arnol iauuthor. yug 24114&permîttint rtMcuiheed;sA cc ud anc. pcun signit yvlIe nethesatagnevr ba... al bla ies aave attheposoffceformetrd oidnucuorattheviandetin vas P re -oa_____lathe_ oinio Loalla Hook, ' yar i rl arck-Finl .Weu o!Chicago le,&icytote tt hiT -amst b thtth hu wreukevascasoaneordpOArnll-ase h 6ngiýt craedh' she ,,t tio o c isathe net as d leuldudSu uornatheio t aetkn i i.blo 'a aeScea tBde a th@ auto crash Mondai evaaig et .Illinela eatoial choicufor the. !cd- 5F1wwone4eFL384A4 ae4acton4&A1 tb. Victori' iemorlai i(oe>ubil. Pbyii-reignation o! Judgu Laudis. sud IC Eu 'î -aAl uninutoda. This Aternoon, »StuIt-to neS regaineal odai'i . uleFild.Sutie! Eii' RS J1ELfl IVEN- Today the. merchants of lb. vil-t.WS,5 State Approval chaS have bean vorklag vlth bar COht engo, for the. newly created federal 7M CITY n lage are iy cirutei a pon- ______________ - tlauualy ud .5 hou kpo. fr berjudgesblp, acording to opinion luaUi ~ LI Unuoly ad OW bod hpes or er 11UNproval o! the nev limil sud lu - BULLETIN. recoveayr Mari Snyaler.abso 16 yoar quartera close 50to tvto UnItetS vblch thu>' sirbhe village board la Peter C. Davel,' 35, Gosheun. ld. - Contrects fer 15 miesofio! ta o age. bas improyedaornae since the State anators.marnocng.Ti eto w MryFx3,Rm. ei edaluCai.cent' acien aS sexpacted la reover. lMr. Wtten la Senator mccormmcimakuPrnoan e. this pet it iii ii'. Pox, 13, Ilm. Mlake awa,-dud thia afternoe, csubject la'The. Iuries of Leoue Wisbtmau art châlefor the Landia vacanci', andiSe nuoint rvn n upeetnxtMna'ngt yA .Wlboiluvue atote ppi-Oval, asafollava: nO olt ilereal seironsa.Jualgu Sburtleff ma Senator McKlely's t Mec YOfiiI f tnesuvhllbc5heo atire iot CInte Wl. Rockiand Aad-Eclpac -- f- The Sre are tudente o! the Liber- pick for tbe nev Seat On the federat terferencpiez Officiaussifntinual-50 bu onu o! 5h. m1aS Inter sruction C.. tyville Ilgh school and 1oroinjured -p- ech recentl' created b>' federal un- Basebali Games dents are spuculatIag on th. course Quiler Delos Nagle, 21, Baato.a Lekc Viiia cartioch bu 5k... by thuboard. Hafrboir, Mch. Le Vila - A oh Ra drlving va. bit hi anu eotrie. car la - - Comibina Their Seiectiuawhtwiib aenb h Gere A deulh. cbïRa-Uat'll iueyngt IIvr ~.hyhve combined her~Tihe City oetZMon sud litsciii'off ctals In opposing the. measure.tié mer- rhYlls J. Stols. 19, sanie. FaadNece, meafedbld by en tboir vai' 50 a acooi plai're-- and vilI make te sinlge rcomela- are made dèfendants in b~ cantis pbluttat none of the >MdO- Haroldl W. Gowers. 31, Lak e..ur h«r»al andlver. trving about the - '~ tlou to, the department o! justuCK litcircuit court todai' hi'Alexandar Ford tri' tovuala inte cu r dp-et F.are Ntn, _u ii iu nilte eesrel- v. atil pîtia crle odi. Wilson lbrough Attorney AIhurS Hall. îng the nev turne.c -2 r aThe figures of lhe successful bd b osrt. TII. brairez o! Judge Shurtlef! ranli, amuag the laoncinIe ahta ga t a mest.r 31 lo vlagene Lmbrrli' a saruae FrLauk, R. ilsonu, 22, Cicauk. dors foiiow: their automobile !alled 50 bold vhen -bestknavu figurea ln Illinois Ripubli- junction bu grnteering Zi as vlaemrhl i sli-vs PakRdWio,2,Mi-ke t.ballreî 1 I ussell, county super- they samythe, on rusbing lectre Car e an circleo, and Bva. elevated S Seofifasfrmthéfelg lh eld-icreased from $100 to $110 a Wls. o!Thai' li onto tite tracks and vrert Circuit beach la Mclienry. Lake wWb, enta of Zionjla playlng base bal. It la month. Ruth Nicholson, 23, CllntonvIlie, dot fhlghwayo,- thia after- struck. TII.-aut-o vas hurleal twenty- nebago andl Boone counties by Goy. askud also tirat a huaring bu Jtsd lor LBamuel P. Evilstzor va. reap- Wina. gareOut te> dgurea o!f te feSandl Luells Hook piuneal boeeth Lovilen Su fMI1vacanci', t50avhicb- h.*S'te Puipoau of zaking titis tempc.-arypointual aupurintendent o! the water Edw. L. Schwiciuenherg, 23. Rl& alxteen couttactars vbo bld on the. the steochg vIIesI bwurnct as aterwards elucteal b> popae Injunction permanent. It hga expected works. cîne, Wil.. 35 mules o! stase aId #toposed roai a, * uhdtoteH3I o " ao1 urAa o lPtadngh vtethat Judgu Shurtleti yull be asked Dale Colline vas appolnted city the l.imProvremeats lSu hé 18 ftet 15i0e110«ea l h iosial trvagaunas SAce. ceGênerai wu -Fre pae !Hu. paso upon the matter vhen bu comnetesr higtIpaeo ye Sadi, Crier. 23, Bartington. vdanal tb»' bide do -oSIn t medlag to rsd physcina aessbeau Pelf tl oe cara hioo For msuy yuara ho vas speakr of to Waukegan tomorrov to holalcourt os. Wm. A. OBrien, 41, Nlilwauktibk , Cimnent The bide vre alupneute g.ntn e bueeu. cn! cins Inm tr' oCi iegeee aeb> o iias ubis billWilson points out Shat on Mri._________Wn.. Monai ut outlb.t geirth,.g erléasemlasf lbiens bunco17,19 1,theCit Aunai oTai Ana2Tr ma 3, é.s luni> bt oual ltb gvnOTnearli' forty-lght bourg. Young Bny--declelonsanmd- temperameut la batAugua1712,l.ctyoucl0ZIory util lb.>' ver. tabulsaet. TI lrrgme oalneisetut togfgrem b at' !trh on paased an ordinance prohihltlng Arthur L. Kuhry, 26, Borne. Aeci T-15e0o!aie leuaschooi a: moraing and,. vbite bis condition in0ab'ngV. SMin hePaty.Alerhmre cecrtain conditions, and tua. couti- RUSSELL SoCERDte',26 N Y ct SUR regardait or crtu«j, hospital au-tiretS as speaker ho vas chosen yG.E.Dv,26N.YCi, Ecls osrctaien., dhpàtahh ilr ions ver. sucit that memhirs o o!ns >snu UIT' Liu . Alien, 18, Hartford, Wtt. Ecipt joabuqiu C., tharities boldbpeta ivl --~u JNI~ geerat demnd of Rupublucag, state- dependunt factron ver. itarred. ~3f(j~ ij~Benudlct A. Kieffer, 16. seule. Wineka li,-----11,48.4coi'er. rePreseatlves to bu the G- O. P.flbir L InShllob park. accoring 10 Wilson.,eteMG,.imre F'40 eu, 24Mr leader o! the bonne. titere la a vacant spot thatS bas houa Edv, M. Lobir, 21, Ramei. qettS . Nelsonè, Win, 12M5r- .58iE TfhI W.If Seutur Mcilnley Io aaid btee! alused for the. lest ten yuara as a hallJuiMttl.iSrvotW. Il.ttuSWhit &cm., W, 1052.8 bStM.dd Uri. ~.VUthal bis sejection voulal be popular la grounalanal play' grounal. H. soyas haOur achool observualte bundiédthJlaMtia 2,boeod I b.e.oWComre A Ou., raront tg a bat ema u lla i and t e ,rty.'and at the hst conference.and suveral othera vere arreated horue nniversari' o! the buSth o! Gen. UIie- îîî.......18442.88th&neesl>'o! dolng I t ifîia givmovur the. tvo ju gaiawlhvson Septumber lEth, test anal on Decul ses 8. Grant, on April 275h, vith tlb. *5o,gqqFIRE RAGES Chicago,1. ......PITTS278D h*nRG4gshpsOhibAYa 80. L-làf: Lakte Villa te Antiocit. tutu go tui tovard eo.tpsliot cocceum Youth Was Sentenced To Pn hel ln Chicago h asl ohv e t hywr ie 5ad'otfolovlag short progiem:ATPTSUG O Y George R.Wade, Kan. ý , trtýlm of. houbt 00attéla:1194 PO*%akétep.standl that te appointmeat for vilatlag the. ordunauce. Sae to h cainadpr ilhe. Win.............. . 79,031.70 oé o!eCtMtg$tiiOn 1ià »t_com e- tiac WFOI' iatgIn voulti bu generalli' acceptealb> b. hepseoftheo Site l Mieno!Ulyees ScPiforsfurhbou te-ir Sda>- udf- X. 1 I. Merrck, Kenoaha. - UIOW a pséO baii it i l t15 owd Attempted Thef t bar. GSkenc, Gaîte lts o a tinte8 tbf r urhOtea t daoand f.oc Win .......---------------8,6.97 tam b îbmtndedouabiu«pqtAoo la Mebourne'& Mot, rnGr el.-atm traee odto h c Ec- è Contrutioae., mose q o theu<ht ledtW*t4GEOAtemi9%,phta"Who uemembera viien eue'.asies.Granttlante civil var, Doris NeveU, tire south aileplant of lteJunes a55 on tution11 . ..... ,14.0 loir. 1fm 'a<dM e OMMUTATION W SUGO n "mi oht.paper ue o q) apCeTl'r Grant as prusîdent. Fred BonnetS. LaugAlla stole upen'wvasftaX> Aut Winneta, Iii........84,10.10 lut o! titera ' " ~ " Fuiebile sare older o u. ~ e aonem c14n:.Boyitood anal >out o!fGrant. ,Joseph uair conliol mlter dauffagiestimitet Fraid C. Nelson, 1244 Mat- feueftll'eacounteid.but peopl _______myll' Spesklng o! 54$ý, IthesagYil, tula.Kelly. 55 8250,000,hatS resulted. as ant. RcneWi.9166.0p1read than that anîrnaus, and alpe- tolal of Lord tièlIone la the ci dai's McKlneysareato a!Gn, M.M hte &Co.Racm-l.912.0do BnoS taey& tlak et!'tau mercm- EX«Ue él emenci' vas extended ina etlli'wIltS animale, bavé foreknuvl-. eetin an tllai ho hai aitnd Trtk Grante ber et ommeceo. Bohinient o! Cunoeutration. WtldegmtQdY bY Qovrnor limai Odgeo!09bab bite vuather ln Su bo, laditmeing ien ewspapur. Thaît cdlrW5FIIank eran reedJaesLan W& u eOF T FTS - omrcBd. 31270- ________ oslia Couamunteal th sentenceof «Mlfetglu;hat amounts tosu scb fot.boMulual u pp dré5r Te d tS lwua Ten etmCed ae Hn EDWT HTU Chicago, DL--------. -----------------------------Willm lOIr 'vho la .ervlng a Svelte knovlea up aman>- o! tbem d46oubtlsen -~Western inprovemunt Co,, hitening CloaisPSt L- nPeintec l StePatsereor- oscabu o ber l n rasn. oofe"Satcuia ros dourd oa eurlIdab Wllamidele RaaWl.-------9,819.65o Munnan*Ibthif0, #xtlbd. otal ache onbtieartorIpaia evere coîâ. "Ahb!" sala Lord Mel- Grant at Appomnattex, Aulisa Haie' Danvulle. IL.-liai' .--Seatod la Sece. P .4Q430: Rockland 11ud. faire aflsnet anal quee nearil * e' he ttyut o! vabarrule 'o f vbls -17n pour excuses, for aasumlag titt We vure ail ver, mait intereeteal ta Kern, 6, a jauftor. 1.ev c« lb-ctop (Tht-OUvh LlbeiYVM1, u !vravSrat l>t'aUicdm ei 0-lîlthor a a asourc, of information i=. oleara that the. Neveu chldran'a grand ur bis bea wviit,àa baiOu. M&- Eclipse Contruction Co., wièig pl oté on dabout ivo yeatsang. TheII m-..M tn O P tO ather, vWho la a civil wver vteran. Kor rt djiust heinuretrneS rom Ip George R. -Wade, Kuno- - vth a Utie ruhbilî it in IltiUYtuctive Isu O atougt ani o!apprlabxtio e> lwoUbSe ome xai abs ...........- 8141.7 tmoi rete, umuke. .or ouia.r Charles Johunn itu vas arrusted Bleu Stbc veiaotheir bureau'. pruguob %ý1ne beare, ,specialii' tho o! the We regrttted very muvi tShat Mt. for ulcera of lb. atomacb. 1405e airsdOu preu.tt81,4m8f6om70ine reset asWhitehe ouna bovvar M.. ME. White & Co., atans. Wpsh -.vtII vrm vater, anda ~t. same tite as Moir vas souento cstIoci hiescls A.tth s' tei revu_____________esn o cud c oudhoe Chamber t mec., tub wltlià asman loti.. U vilnoS t e Sl asuino!ýear» ln JolieS aiste ________about their toll.ÇL!leo r our program. andtI tlllu us about hl& Cowrc.jury fut that ha vas the intgator o! hoir vlfh titelirc-;rvsd ëCliansd 110k experleaces. DISA&TROUS Fins> SAU& BIdg.. ChAc«t, l M . -84,96076 jure the moat deicat. colar incaltes It theattempted' robberi'. TII.evidonce W.dbc ..I -s Ieaeve umlettî a hn. WB hope to have tit ipeaure 55 AT KANE. PN4YVht~- John Macier & Co... CIII- lookIlike new; andl test muci longer sitovea titat Mplr slmplvas te drit A À >lady w. - - fr aSa tte oure future time. caù ag I. 11 5529.10thae- I lnéd viii. soaandtm aS1-e of asoo>iwhfhBruit M 0 vu -.-àUr. 'Roberts of Lake Villa vho vas Iafte, lPa., X Id -T - - - - - - - - - - LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT No.l'S 1...~..] DIE top Site t-at ve capsule. hikena. 'vyý- mmumunmuma

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