Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 May 1922, p. 1

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LII LMCE RTYVLLEIND Lq*é~^wj ty BgWeekly oéWeIni onCâIe EPEN-DEN WAUKEGAN WEE1KFLY SUN -%QWEX X--97ImIý i 9 MILES 0 PVI< Exécoutve and tate Highway« Officias Annafoe Lake Govçrnor fmall Yriday nsorhng in Wun mter practicaliy au ail nigt conference witb Col. C. R. Mil- er, Ijireetor oft Public Works, and Fraok T. Seets, superintendent of hlgbways, annouflced the compietiofi of plans wblcb will rive to the state ofl"linols Ibis yaar hi@ promised 1,000 milles of bard surfaced roads at a cost of aprizmately $30,000000. Under thé plan Lake County gets 2 ie of paving. The Governor, bald In court byblas trial but determlned flot te let tbat In- terfera wtb bhis road pragram, sum- nioued Col. Miller and Supt. Sbeets; to Waukegan frein Sprngfield. Tbey worked tbrough the night vltb Ibase net results. Tbay located 362.94 miles of paving In torty-two countie of the stata. and 122 miles of beavy grading wbtcb vil! taire road buiinlg work in tbe next few montba bitto tif ty counties lu ad- ditIon ta tIss couties to vblcb work han ares4y been given.b .Contracta bave already been lt la lait faîl and early tbis sprinc for 88 mlles of pavtng, no that vlth the workk autlsorlsed this morning thse total foru 'th ear yll Mount tin I0m ilates, or c ;y Mlles more than proinised by the I Ooveruor snd 300 Mités aifIeavy grad- lut. Ail of thls work il b.eauon structed un#er thse maximum fiacre ofE $30,000 per balles, aboya vhidi thse 4»ovrnorv»IM ot eo atet by the lut G«mM Ml»mbiy. ted asa thse mysiable ledrAI& tudix. Thse wrk programmed this inos'lq viiiont over $16.000,0W. TIse Govoeeor latrucied thse bWbi1 way offilsls' tu eommemce thselet tlng. et ocoûatMs as soc. asprw ticabie, and li ln expected tIsat ail #vUl b. under cotract lu thse neztj liv veekâ. Governor Bmall. lu commeniu; t thse pragwn. said. "This completea «ur programj.or thse year. It In thse 11ggest roa ecmtruc1on ismsrama ew uadrtaken lu AmerlcaNor a"-eq boy my banda may be tied by' iÎi pUtàW lflght blingmade agaluat me, i am determined that aur peoplee shall baotheir raidsand ve are cong riglt abead witb aur vork."1 The caunties lu vblch thse roads ai-t lotted ibis mornlug vill b. bulIt area as fllovs: 1&ke. Wlnnebaga. Carroll, Cook. Kendall, Will. Kankakee, Liv- ings ton, Iroquois, LSaile. Bureau, Rock Island, Mercer, Scbuyler. Case. Greene, Jersey, Marshall, Woodford, Tazeval. Peorla. Fulton, Hancock, Logan, Sangamon, DeWitt. Chrstian, Pika. Scott, Cles. Stark, Macon, Mar-1 shall, Clark, Crawford, Bond. Clin-i ton. Marlon, Hamilton. Franklin, Wil-t lamson, - Randoîpli, Mcjienry, Jer- sey. - Grading contraets will be allotted lu thse following counties:- Wbite, Sa-1 lne, Gallatin. Pope, Johnson, Massac,à S Hardin, Macoupin, Me Donough,1 Greene, Cristian. Two bridge projects were appreved, ,on between Mat3on and Menard coun- tles, and tbe-otlier in Cloton county. Tha following le a list of thse prol. ects by Route, Sbtion, anld Couity: Pavina Route Miles 20 Waukegan, vest, Lakte to. 5 21 Lake County. balance la Wisconsin lIne-----15 5 Winnebago Couuly-........5 22 ML Carroll ta - Svanna, Cartrol C., gradiug ta ha folioveti y paviug . ....-...5 1 000kc outy . ........ 8_.8 18 Kendall County------5 e- Joiet, oeuI WIII Connty 7,25 44 itankakea anti WiIlCo. 20 4 l)vlgbl, nantis, Liv4ugalon *stbn Ce-------------... ......12 25 Clîton to flanfort> Ilto- quais Co---------------.........._10 17 Dvigist, eass,' Livlugstau Ca----------------------..... .........5 7 Depue, Bureau 10 Sprng Valley anti Princeton 10 Spt-lug Valley, LaSalle anti Buteau Counte-...--..........20 3 Rock Islandi, trast 5 Rock fasa-t-, t e ----------------- Met-cet-Couuly.---------------- 5 Rushivlle to Beatdstovn, ScIscylen anti ('asCo.s 10 Rootibouso 10 Wisleail, Green Co.--_--..... -----3.36 Perseyviîle, sauts, Jersey County------------------....... 5 17 Lacon. eass, Mat-shall Ca. 5 2 'iunnk laWanona, Wood- -Stond and Marsall Ca- .....9.5 8Fainisury, Ltvngslon Ca-. Paonta Wasington, Taze- Wall Coa.-..--_-..-... -........ 8 Peanla veet, Peenia Ca- ....6 Socor to El Paso, Woctifonti Ca. 5 9 Canton toaade Peoria, Ful- tnC,........... ..-I0 CarhMlir«es, LHausock Ca.6 _'teck.10Blopsuinn mULeeio, Ot...,.... -1 lelnIi aWl~us * 'The Board >of Etiucation of *1 ~ An"* wi'aer, 'Of no South Park *g LibRtUYMlii %qW"psip 1gb v fl1Tt "avee, WIs eOsB. eldiOdvery sudden- Io Bcso ete o% e tie O- * » RUMJIL 5 fSa 'IY t . p. ML May 4th* et is home lavlg rOilui*lPBdtlOi bfort* t " »' of t" eheait. ILt a e e ~sw,<, elatives snd * s Aie >i.d gth ig1h *CA E IN Às ite 1160 ui bea lu nfalrly good * Scisool, an& ¶i sk tiseir coop>*-'el~ * eration in «forcng sare'- *11.wamer vasbora At Fremnt * "That bo# and girls salî Perhaps Fatally Wounde, Ceer, Lske eunty, ÂUgusî 2ý4, 1850.1 * net be perOtted ta drive cars *1TifI retdAiHI 9 17,ve s a ntdl a " * lascisol, except visen usces- * Tifl retdAdHl! le-iew 1 aet n.]ot 1 a - By Chicaqo Police rnage ta MISe MrY-Muser. This union tI n hatisey b. admon- * - .ra blese.d by lie obIlîdren. Tise f aut- " lobed ualtt, taie cars troua IbO. * Robisprv of tise ItIvn C. Hoiden liy cire!. via brokeh fittfeen years lat- * scsod grnuda durng ise* drug store at 724 Tenth street, er visen th ise Ie ud motisrpasd " achoal day wtbout permission- *, Waukegan, vas frustrated early toutthe groût beyond, August 3, 1888. " f rMlu tisa office; aiea tbat they *1 Tuesday morniug by tbe unerrlng aim Lteîr 3UT. Wagner vas United lu Mar-1 " be warned flot to overload cars* of tise ownar visofliredth iree sisot, dage to Miss Ma-ry Leasie of Wads- " or t0 drive about carebepsl elvha through the' panel of tbe door, bis w&ortis. Ta tILis union vere bora Ivo " foie or after school" *afin bing directed by a flasaligist ciildren. Alter hl»s fîrat tuarriage he * **** ** ** * *Il tise possessioni of the burglar. purcsaseti a farLa lI Fremout t **** *Athougi shabt tisrougis the abdomen ship, viser. b. vas a prosperous farm-: tbe thisef matie bis escape In a or for 2à years, arter vhIch lie r"tiredi stoien automobile, sud made hi andi movedt t Waukegan, wbere he ay back tu Chicago where ise'and was active' lua ther pursuits untili tue ÂAME COMT11EES 'i opainwr:ars e ew Lime cf his deàtlî. iHe vilbe greatlý' U5È~'5N~WPW~AY Bth robisers h gave their ad-U u Job i ayfiui u drFqs as Ciago were ooe ily u l sei ay red n FO O PT LC R ,follova:eboeda neigisbars for ho vas af a genlal, an- PRRàq &m LAymfi mRIN DIXON, 193years old, a ergelti Ïpasttoan Sd very active for NIRS ON L YI4imecbnlc-kno-wn also as "'Ban a man ef bis Use. Wiliams."l He la euryived by bis wife aud tan STEVE KOVAC, 1 years oid, a ciiltiran. Ose daugiter died ln tnfaucy Ail Stores 0f City To Be Re- Pierk. andi one dauetlter, Mns. Matilda O'Bni-1 , Hoden.whosieeps ln tbe rear of. an. died lane 2. 1915. Tisa folloviug quested To Close for Two hie drug store, vas avakened are tbe remanlng cidren: i sisartly after 1:00 o'ciock tisat recru- Michael andi Mr. Carrde itauppli. o!, Hours In Atennoon ixig by tise sound of soneane trylug ADUlkisic',SylVestrOf VOIO; Edwar4j Tise arrangement comnltee for tbe Procurlng bis revolver ba lletened. Sturna, Of Prairie Viev: Mrs. Regina bigcelbrala vibci taic mak tsaThse burgiar first trled bo pick the' Zimmer. o! Ailngtou Ifeigis; lra. big eleraton wiehla u mak te locJl, Fai!ing lu thîs ha tried - ta Coaa G*laeri Mt-s. Barbara Tnuisy snd laying of tbe cannarstone of tisa $300- jimmy tise doon but IL resisteti bis [rving, ci WAnkegan; aiea a numbar of! 000 Vlctory Memral hosPitailu Wan- efforts. -Tben ha tartadti bect the grandchldre n sd tbrae brotisars, kegan on May 20, met yasterdaY mter p*"e out vllb a pockeI knlf a, George, af Waukegau. and John anti noon sud arrang4d tise variosas etisert, i 1:26 6eck HFoiden caileti the Martialo4I vauboe. committees. Thse seiectioli are AS toi- police staien sud reported tisaIThse tuxerai services ware iselti ati Ioa.: thieves ver. ta'ying tb enter hbs$t. Josepha Cathollec ciUrcis. Wauke- Master of Ceemnse-Jutige C. C. place. He vsited whatf ha tisougIst gin, 13turifay mannlng at 10 oçlak, jitiarda. vas about ten mljstes. AiU Ibis Bev. flâaler J. B. LaUerman offIciat- Publcity-Albert Hall, ciairman; Lima the burgiar Isat beau cutt1ug lig. Interment in thse tamiy lot lu W. T. Stupey sud Frankr Just. avay until hebail. one of Lthe pan- St. Mursa ometery at Premont Cen-1 Vfrnal u OrgnLtios-E. IL clin ais alinot meu t. Ht 1oldeti . decded ter. ord. ciarmat b olat no huet for ltse police. prelou f&tber. he bas lefI Us, Parad$-A. V. Smith, cissirmtan. Tukiug - 940aI. a"fbytieLt sefreemp; Commercal-Lee Mcllonougls. ch&ijýrarbises èL orai lhWee - Bt vohope t g4 a'ur lvedione nia".s15ts ro3*,', o1n Ioiat dgt 4 Uw s&bre. Deortlns-m Abatom eat- e eu >nlsé 5eand, Leuily tibd ppi504.baurs man~~ ibea le t» W iôs- Reeu ton.eâ d B. Iffler. o l: is'. Of t e mn; -C. B. Aasbrase, J. I.L uelnan. the' car moTel avty sbittly. J. C. Foley, lm. cDonougb. MaMI ci Policeman 3ufwrd MIhL"caav thse I019TUARY Talcott. A.V. Smith,.C. C. Bd'lards. 'car pessa l Un i M lffl streel ant;' Elzabths Ludaum uas hem ne29" and C R. Wiitney., XcAilter aye. . It trued sauth ]1UI., antidaertIadtis l f e May 4. Tise entire Luise calant)' board of su- iu SIerAM, »M& ..1122. attfr a llusering ilnus. On Jb pervisors, tagether vils aiu couaty' Wis ie e artIVel t thý15, 1904, »U *satei atilumarrl# sud cty Officiais are iuclu<ied teu the drug asteve toM 4thqs ha vas ta Phil la. vIsa survives isov-.uq receptios cammittee. This ta done as sure be mut -Xe it tis. raisier. sides a liait of relatives and f rlensds. a mnaous af shoing tIsaI the memorial ArMIegsln Cfticàgo. Tise tuÙerai vas lielti freua St. Jas- progrsm lau a cuty, rathar tissu mer- About M~urt-%0#» 1*er tihe Watu- ep's CatholUc cisurcis vith iutermeit ey a City propsitian. kea poli.~e Iv>rdad call froutA *1tishe Round Lake ceneenl. -We va jta extend a Ieat' invita- tbe Cicago police Iuformlflê thais Tis' you left us, preclans loveti oue, lion toa aillia residants cf Lake caun- that Ivo robliara bad beau arnestet Thso' vo hear your vaige no more, ty ta bo praseut." anaeaoflise pemoers tIsera -and coufeasati an attempt lu W an.afeteIn aur coniilg, salti laday- ~rob a local dnug store. Dixo, eTsIv~ime uyue io A request bas_ been madee 10thieof thet tbevaa, ibai beau abot tht-e Chamber of Commerce tu sanction li nae stomnaci. Ha admiltedti hat tise1 Watcis anti vait for us, beloveti, closlug of AU stres in tise clty ise- wound vas received duinng the at- por vo knov it cau't bê long, tveu thseisours of 1 and 4 p. m. on tbe' tempted robbery. Til va are agalnunuited day thse corueratona ta laid.This re- oa a teasloo wl Ialndfsuadsng QuastI L la said. vlU go forth from tbe Kayac id twrWed loo outvsl n alutisnudon ciamber 10 tise propritors of alilas- tDîxon d tu te ronfte l>xo tablisismauts. Every atampt viii be 5 tgee ote ero iedu madtI naise Iltishe biggest affair o! store and tbld Kovas be isad been tise kinti aven iseld lu tise caunîy. sot tise latter iepd him mb tiseh TRAIN Ciii.1YSAVE An appas! la madee b Lake county to auto aud rushed hlm 10 Chicago. loin lu aaaklug Ibis possible. Lake Tise Huick automobile in whicish I couuty bas tise distinction' cf being tis e îsy ere rddlug contained a .state BABI3 rLAYINQ INt fit-at "ommunîty t10 enect a bospî tal asI icenè plate wiich hail beau i.sued 'T E TC RT À K a mçmprial. ta tisasainlts misî iso to Will Murray of Wauiçeean ou a sevdin tise vonit war. - ' ord. Tise ycutisa admittedth iat - S R E A R C vt as learned today tisat anoilier they liad tolen Mr. Murrayas car ___ distinguisiset guesî -aItishe celobration lu Waukegau ou Aprîl 23. Tisey wiii be E. E. Maetcitle o! Highland said, however, tisat they liat left Express Train On West Side Park, County Counsel of tise Amont- this car iu tise ditcis near tise taval ieNa Eio or rum a ua înoIr Jojn~s station and bad rnoved tise liceuse Ln erEio or T-go Waukegan officers at once ---let for tisa naval station sud Th' watcisfuinesefthtis motarmala ville, McLan, Logan anti searched al tise vay to Lake Bluff and conductor on a south baunutiex- Sangamon County ... ....50 but werie Vnable 10 gel auy trace of press train on thse main lUneof lise 2 Deviti ouulv..........~ ise car.NortisSisore railroadiStsdyalr Pana.nCont,.C........ Co.. 5nooheacedrtise l t f a h'ey ar +' 89 -i AND, MAYPOLICE IN NO.CICAi Chief Sctiardt, And Potocky Resume Outies; Partial Street Force Also Back Aflor a heatatidobalte NorthIsscago council Manday nigist finaily loch a i la 1 vote, tb neestablisis a partiali police protection, anti a partial street 1 force vas takan vIts a unanlusous vota. Alderman Sveto refused ta cail a vole on tise police question. aaying tisai tise lep vas vnong regardless ef tise mauer lu wviicis it tuni>ad out. Several aldermen deisatedth ie ques- tion, statlug tisat il vas compuisory 1a have thea police on duty nigIsI aun day. Tise people of Nortis Chicago have beau paying taxes for tise protection anti muaI be given tiseir rtutom. A istçi came lu tise plan 10 reestabfais a nigist andi day policeman wben It vwu r.ealed tisaItishe city hati no funds vils visicis ta psy tisese men. At lhesepreent lime there le a funti of four thouzand vils visici tise police can -b. p9d Tisis, isovever, vilI Ist ap proxrmitely a year, visile lise clty la lu t1lebt ta lise police force for six or sevA en monlhal pay. Tise council lu vollt.g' t0 neetone a lgisI sud a day palicetnan ala diecuset a motorcycle bolieeman viscua tisai liougitst eould make bis salary durnug tise summar moulis lu fines. Fines voeeaiso bellevedti tab. an-, ougis 10 psy tise $245 naceasar)' ta kaep tisa proeat voluutary force. Chie! of PoliceéScsart tandi poiiaemsb Petccky lise latter a nigist policeman, vere vol- cd to dutr sud pWd ctI a lafpgyroll of tise city. A znotoroyli oliceman vas ual conidere nt h ie motion, but m Soe aken up t * se ism t eeting f tf e Mayor Deae0m statai tisI ie batinu tisoristdChie! fichardt sud Paliceums Peoaky ta remn,.uu daty oviug ta ibs foSIt isa itilwas cmpuisory ta re- ta protection cf lite and properWi' lair laie isi[ ovm honda lua rder ta saldenau mmlà reird te abêtinora * maiuaiW *bois th. City vu p ta taise motion u"on. avlu ltqt- sniasui of thse * ht8n~ maT15. t:,- vas voteditglureiaàa t tlem* force, probably an. fln, or twa mail, bots worklug the enlire plty. A materople policenbtubelleveti neceeaary la addition ta tise streel sud police force resloneti 1«t nlgIsI- Sum- mer montis, vhau motoriste pase Ibr tise city. mhakis l cessary la furmisis soins protection 10, the peopleocf tise clty. Mayor Deacan etatedtatI ven vilS the police farce partisiiy off lait Moniay, lise motonlat soon learned tisaI no man vas on tisa streals anti ho- gan naclag Ibrouth isecy. Action upon liais question vas taken up last ulgisl vitisout a favorable con- clusion. Il la beliaveti i s verai of tise fldmen t at a UntU5p.*Vt.JV non iho * Owing to the unusual demaud * " for advýertillhg l i tbbissue of * " Tihe Indepedeflt, vo are com. " pelted tao mit a great amnt * * of neva, includlng thse veékly* " 1 tt r f a number of our cuir-* * a~d[eInts lu the-4o=try dis-* *tricts. NexI yack vo vIl prit *aIl thse correspon4epce. The * *pa»er inafsaosse'daZlate thla * * eçk, duieotthebigtak of set- * *ting up thse delin4uelst tax Ilàt * *pubîisised lu this veWo aisse. * *We crave thse iadulience, ofou * * many aubscrlbert, anti next* " veek'e paper vill be 1>euk ta " normal-,The Blgeet and Best " Weekly Nevspater la, the $ * State.* BOY VICM 0 AUTO CRASH- DIIÇ4Ç IN THE JIOSPITAL Eanl Snyder, 15 Year OId Lib- ertyville Boy Suocumbs to His Iiuries Eani Snydgr, 16 year aid lberty- villa itigisscisool stutiut, ona of thse vîctiniofa u accldeat 1(ontiay. May i. in visics a NerthlisShore lhue treet car crash iset man automuobile iu vbicis tisalad vas idiug. succumbeti ta hie Injuries "ttlise Victony Maman- lai haipital la Waultegan SaturdaY m0niiing gt five o'clockt. As a resit cf tise accident lise vîcîlbti adstfferai a roptosati spleon anti oua of ieidi- Prom thse tiret bie conition isai beau regardietias ariticai but up t10 neai n an gday a&sîlgIsI lmiireves8tmt vas ielle'eel 10, have tais es lo. suddealy the",wa vs hage for the opuitsgsm yta'tebrevi SIIUMI ff OReS BL Pae.siND iG CASE resloneti vitith ie next fev tisys anti tisa pt-seut man viii continue bis de- Jud5e E. Di. Sisurtiaif lu tise Cîr-i I ies. Msesotvices vill ho requit-ad du-'cuit court Thaorstiay rl;led tisaI -tisej iug tis smmer moRts vhan be can tempotraty Injunctian in tise case o! soake at-resta enougs vilS tanesa 10 Autit-ov i oa 146f-9. Sher-idan tise motet-bat le psy bIs sala-y. Aftel. Rosi. sisouhti nemaluin tefrce util tisaI.' in tise viste-, Nantis Cicago tisa final isaaring. This means tisat risopas la Se in a better fluancisi predin lais saloon anti pool bail romains gment to cane for isis services. closed fon the pt-osant. Tva vit- asses, Imil Patet-son and John Rysu. testifleti tisaI btey b.d pur- matir cisasatsixdi-lks aIi hls Place. PAUL , A LEUThsis ruiing means thal lth, places N ia-l".ly, Anatiocis, William Schmîidt, B D.JUM4PER, Fox Laise. Arthsur Nugent, Grass CÀOLake, EtiFro.lici, P.. Laite, anti Louis Zegas. Nartis Ciscaga, muet JAIL IN CHiIC l romain cicsed entlatise Injonction matter la finally decIdd. 36 Pike & Scot Counties, east aid chilti vio vas playlng ln tbie miii- This is Information Reoeived 25anti veet o! Illînaîs erivet- 10 die et tise tracks. Thislcdant hpb n b States Attorney A. V. N H SÀ X M 26 east-.nansoti;esea Co OBJECI TO THEl ed hait a bock netlisof theiseoppn b N I IS O 30SakCcunty-- 8 Court station, Waukegan.Smt 20 filatunot -MoColas 00RAV I iT S&VINÛ nAsthe moaran soav visaronapper ia oeS ih'BARQiIN DAY, 251B 1 Marshaill, soulis, Clark Co. 5 D** L fonth h oomnSwwhtapa- Ta Paule, former proprletor Robinson, norlis, Crawford edteto e a pile o! papar lu tise midle of a vaît kuovu eat-oanti Fourtis CQ»nty----------------5 f "ÂT I>I !tise roadsesi. As ha approscistialllLake, anti visahati beau saugist an Tiseretaii section cosmllttee of 1l Bond County-------------.. . ..... 1 ON I.À I AtUMIJ nearer lise abject took fat-m anti al> a charge of isaviug jumpe iebisbond lise Chamber of Commerce namati 12 Trenlon ta Bneeae. Clînton peat- telabe a dog. of $2000 wlilch vas igneti by ,Tos- te go out among tihe mai'ciants th Cos---...-.................-.........8.85 -Tise motot-man ïlackaned hie speeti sepia Meyer et Waukegan. la helug taise fontis for the~ put-posa of adl- 12 Salem te Saxuioval, Mation Champaign Puts Question To anti low hise vistie. The oblact dld isoît in lait lu Cicago on a charge verîisîng Commuulty Bargain Day Ca-------- . a oe;7re. re s a not move. A I tis lime thse car vas of havlug stolen an automobile. 1a lu WaukegaO tJe ie'eitng with mark- 14 MeLeasboro, Hamilton C. 48 Igls tsignae. ytî ieI okt is utrsalntsIracbed lise 1o- ed succasa andtihis met-chants at-a 37 ilSuton te Matian, Frat-nk The. Plan 0f The City as If tisera vas a buudle cf rage ha- cal autisorittea Tisurday attemnoon. enîisustaatlc overtheis plan. lin anti Wiliamsou Cee- 12 Iveen thse tracks- Staleas Attor-ney A. V. Sith lm- R. R. Dunu ufthtie Globe, anti 3 Raudaipis Counîy---------......s Champaîgu, Ill., May 7.-Citizen-i Sutidenly liite iotormnsn8ias harr- i atl omnctd-ib.teJh .Aaso h xHi Woadstack,easet, McHenry of Ciampaigu vilI have a chance' fied 1e se tise buadIe et rages - e uhtieln Comuicagoatatvis tieCois . dave m o! ise Alb o-ax ei -County------------------....6....... 5 ta express tliat-vieva on dayliIgit isal! loto a huniss aninr. A lîttIe beadti rtlie 1drop tIse charges 'agaluat tion. Tise fonda viii Se usetifor 38 Jerseyville, veat, Jersey Ca 5 sving for thistcly vitisin lise nextI vas raiseti cut7iously as If tisaetret-o aeOutymnl re ht iciattgte eteiso h 10 Sprngfield te Rivetton, veekor t îo. The questionlias beau var old owuer wonderad visaI ait tise lse Laitebc ou t ma lu redersatci- cunngtisresetlatpo!stirse Sangamon .Co------------... 7 ief t ta popuiat-vote, h Tie.ttarmvas ammt lsemadetie lset-vo a jail sentendt, o! pennauls andi navapapor ativerlIlng. Toal À asApetition gn~ed by 'more tissu bThe sandtisr as brdonattoha eigst x-menheanti psy a fine of Toamls8184 Ivelva buntrine pensons was pt-e- bstop and'wtheelctr atse ou tt a$83 v hicis vas aesessed against Grading - santedtitatise Cty couniîleIst tpfwet Codu ro the chIslti. hism fon alloged i volation of lise Carie tatinetopi, WbiJohn ota-lgtsa oe etknoff lise car aud piciteti up tise uttle praibitory law. No tietalse of tise Salie, Gllatu. oP¶.John 1ontise' question If lise city counceil yongâter. A waman vas sean oula Chiscago case have teaciad isere. 11E son, Masac Counieb _80 did cftaisJeteeassasdavenuerd-home.uPaule disappearetifrram Lakte Ê D JÀ E sonHarrsurg teEliab- 80h titnotviis10p55 isai s ordi f aJferoni n venus. hoe. ls couuty abouttise lIme tise Appeliate Gocande, Saline, Pope & Tisa petition wa 'elatteti isy leati M.«HDoeo non wsaeil, ti a"court enteredat ui -hneaffirming tise Josepis Smolz af Nortis Chicago Hantilu Counties ý ..-.. 34 ors of lise Commercial Saseisali ,"Sut-e Idoi--sa's mna'as thse t-- jutigmeut aI tise Lakie County court. pleadet gsllty la vloialîng tise pro- 3 Macouplu Caunty---------......2 league anti Champaigu inercissuts. piy . A fow days ago lthe prosecuIco iibtani lsv, today ln lise CauntY -MCDoukaogb Couuîy ----6 viso fait that lise "daylîgist sas-ing" 1"You sisoulti koep hlm off tisa track,"' ask tise Court Ite forteil Psula's, Court,,- anti vas fit $100 sud lien- 'Greene CoUnty--------...... ... 3, voulti b. beneliëWalforfthe cltY. shae vas laid, $2,000 ant ibliIscourse vas, taken. tenced la serve 20 tisys'lu tise coon- -Clittian County- - . Fat-mens s. t-augb tise directioin Pf! "10v can I h lp Il if ha keepa ou Tise Court eset a date on viki Mr. ty lai hi Jutigo P. _UL Persans. 8a - tise fhrnuburau arue ohbleCtl r.a mnulag away-,' vas tise repli. Moyen, tise houtimaxa, la ta appoar anany of tisa botlegiars mmd sOOn- TotaliMMles 130 tise pt-oposiittiui. artulng t t lie i.Tise closenesa vIlS visicia. a fatal ac- anti show Cause visytise bond silens have beau tounti gullty hi Large bridge project, Mason miaidisango lu cloclis lima ull sndsn 04t1cideul bati been averteti uearly unnet-v stiotaltinot ha forft-fild. Itlai ex- jury trials tisaI o! laie a amerge Menardi Caunt4es. -Iheoy vil b. snabie ta et mIna tiesecd tisemembars of tise sîreet car crer. pectedti tisItise action vîli bV soet W.-have beau pleadlug g&UV~, Large bridge pra>eCtcftLnha (luu- oty' la ise' *lh tiOtie 1111after*t "21 ed e aaffect us varse tisanIt s I de nov tisaI Paule bas beau le- -athtr Iban stand lise cOot a ty. ' ......'hav cleseil. 0th* m othet-," Mr. Hentersan tpj< caj tisait- case. - Raymond Tombee,~ Srout vts ya i anidanmage tla aid Perhape the mailBerl" dent oceti Satrdy nÉ 0olocis hait s mile south on Sherdmu Road visa adan drivon by Raymuoui:1 baugis, ageti 42. eau of! JI Torniougis, pitinga Iinth turning turîle t-rfa. An autoiet visa iappoumm pasaing aIlise lime YWls* unconecicus victim trbale, vic vas a mass et 'fI rughsed hlm to tise V=el bospital froua v ios ebW-t; remavedte blis hem». Ilw vkýS inrattônai fil a? ,% today hid patlU senses. leVu-, t*p' over onè e" vics lakiug tsf i. tos'j tien la bI' ta b. on brake. Internai il feaneti aI firet. eause ls unib>isw4 Tiseaxa-ct cause or, 4 la tankuav alisug lae îupposed to bave gou. the steenu apparatus. An sutalt ist h a as tanle bebluti )gr. TolM tise Wsaga m mm*4m pais atier car. iat las: back mblit s nont-d carni iloa aem'1s* brangis ber t is i pa Met a tbtireaa droe troa Iluke55 yaong voa ethrl noaba, Wreck at Zle<_ A Palga, drivan' by L. 0 Milwaukee, crashed kD ýpurnn car driven by 9 eu. aIsOof mllvai*t. atreal antiShernidan Rosi,,I Sunday nigist about 9:»E Tisa Palge vas entes'i*- Roati on TbirtYly-st a crasheti lulo tise oCherm drivers tiiscoaemetithaït neigisiors ln Von Tise damaged quit. badly o brougist ttahie Haes - Waukegau for repaira pente o! tise machsine up but not uruied Tisera ara repoQrte iuih a numbet' o! mines forent Parla oi..the tise veek oui but bave beau tisa ut«te The -Datroit rffl PreM cent article namos visat % are lise ouly lattis b6 ,world.* Tiese beds &m: Sunset L&ke. Vlcksblil, ledo, Ohio, andi nemi tie3 JEgyt. Tise Vnit»r m ual bmçlV ai th~e lar0e- Lake counY l.11xi5. langeaI, if not tise aei la lacateti a I das 3* a coimty, Illinuois. Tise 4 Lake are aven tva sud cautain rmillions a MSd.Itow-blus. LIBJT1L AKE O UMT INIS, THURSAYI, MAYJ 11i1922.

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