ot *0066I. 'wre vliterret lise E wffla Relaiers at Bna'cfor JM r sev. 1hm tOpelt Sumiay t the. Henry . 11kftr êta= e t tii home pevs ha. raenti! nsed UIè ým Wbotieht othie dea&* Wa.J J lu = ald0gb ie suq ad r e aod Pktr. *wnwfla-apve a-go94y "ÀtS Oui, BU North q6Wi --y Street "ia la i DMt 11cr et7« It b. aMd yetk haveot Parted eoualy edkrda te old b. se ty vieaDag the gA lenet thse bouse of i hm laasdabe. ",Y. X eNoVhau toMotr L.4'N trn di Lit b:bW te emd of yoor m,.tt.rdayioiYOUbotll Asic operator for rates and ot.her infor- mation. "Station -to-statioe> cals are about t'wenty-five per cent less than <peronto-pertn" cails. On a "stationl- to.station" cal you qto , anyone wýho answers the distant telephone. 0f course that person can cail mother to &he telephone. Evening and night rates for "station- to-statioi'."caI1s are still further reduced. U.LI~JS BELL TELEPHONE img 1s yT cam bc done every da y by meansof the 1 ELECrRC VACUUM CEANFR, Rugi, f ur- niture, bangings, ail inlude& and there will be rio druclgery in the operation, for you imply g"id the machine. New FEDERAL Electric vacuum Cleaers sold on Moatisly Paymenta icSe rvice Colappay of 'Northern- nUinois Dr. ad mx. I.Y. Eeebe were ObLU at X08447- a, 4- ,WU8 the.anal 0040 vlattoea !tor.ay. 'P 0a 4 u t405 wb" 11 tblse = ,,d î p Vf ~ x aê eai 3qir. A. U V= Deum- sud IÀlIlsaOIzretto, 4i1tlevas t4 to a lad LodYnDeusec v lier l at 4 M e a l~o.it ][tort Tu.a. Cisri. POIles aQ P. E. Chinai vis- l Tklo I 0at. eP e ftoraTiiutadey-Ti JW1 a-scftiL pliaM e Mr. ad lrx. Cisytons Lmter aid a- a- *** «'~ s~ela )mis Adilaio Clark.Who bwre h t Wiuelarp i.. >1155g at "pi x M. ak rv4W f3r'i~.& A "aY w AP"d ttis iulmer bore,-0lN~oeii#guêo pitra 0 = ea. CIa X« 1ioa. Ou Ob-'nu gar T of ira i e Jun1thee±Glzg e &j" 5 î5li*0 play"4 et the Antiocis fov d"ys" *s eekin Cbaaag. haAP"IPt»a QuakaAU8i5f U[M . 8'a f2locor cfPaitife bo3sre ~.ti.lllPM4t10faï et t»se*Mad apenullag a fvw dan a M labar dangh. « *b 0O!M I. t Wo a ciOs~erUpp torm MrM.Artisur Maplethoris and Miss k %o~ td~W abBé a" *4e. Tii.Peromaaurait buasdeclded tai of X7 tg> Io tuf5 w 91 w bOt tli have au ..U.alght service, starting vith À large S"od vasln attendat* g Satcrd&y nl=s. C 20 and wvil con* ixt8ssdvti.MrcSt e tinule 80 iflLbr Day. Biu.k c« s.oa&yUlbe bore.. os ont au& *~a<o ee etepho a PtzixLI4 14-year-old son of Wlal NG.trsacte uls Mir. aid lra. Jobn Pacili, iile play- InCiicup ftnay lig vltb ceverel other ornai boys et Murray t n ansîY bave tb5 vrank Pardonl fer=!ais.deatally no'led frMthe rmond home on Or- mlot hiinif through tise foot. the. bol- oberd etff to tlseir nov home On, lrt eaterlng nea.r thse able, and cerne North Maà street. out thrqugh the bottosu of the foot. At ý rs. Loulse Iluff of Chicago #pont prescut hli l doing nleely and exe a &ev days this veek at thsehorne Of 1.0 hi1op thse iret of tise wek. ber daughter, Mi. Ierman Fox. The Epworth «R1eds" entertained Its members and riends at a Party lest 0000000000ooo000'0 Tuesday evening. A large number at- R S C A~- tended and all hada good tre. 0 ROSo O- S Judge Edwarde told thernembera Of 0oo006oo 0oo 00000000 the SmihiJury that tlsey migbt spend ms agrtwnes1 okn a ittle mony for autos and other enter- ieMrae inesl okn talisnent. lu addition to the $3 a day et William Bonner's in Miliburu, trou __________________________ wbere hie mother returned lest Wed- nesdaY.. Miss Mary Orith hlis returned from the borne Of Earl Lux, -wiere she hadc been vorig. mies Elle Winters. a nurse of. the Waukega boepital, intends to epeuid a three veels' 'vacation t home. Aez SmIstiSbas been ecePtedase e ejuror for tise trialof Governor Smal. ~ rmthla locality have been sumuiioised. but Mnost of theni haveP benexcused on eccount of tiseir tain i Mor. mjoMs,oeph p. Morlocis en- . tertained the Rev. L. v. Steere 1as There WvIii hoa pi0graI0 Va o! sUS. selectioli s Bu5y m-oelg, Mey 14, Il, bonor o o! .er Dat. Evoryone 18Is LetSs4tilert Wily, egricul- tarai teaches' in tii. Warren TownashPil~ (OfOo!WiaPblication) State f 0f ra u of Located et Lab tee o4Oi of Uhiolat Ipes id.1 uuiamon1 511 daycf Mq~1521 'w ulat .1.Andtor cf Pflic AcçoOSta of1 :ta =- =f08nia ugait5 A' I. 2 Loana on »Real Estata (la).......................................... . . 14,M50 0 Lmon rCoUsaI Security (lb> .............................. .... 1,67000l Otiier Louins (le) ............ .......»................................ ... 123,5602 O)verita f (2)>...- .... ................................... ............. 11 78 U. . Gvernenent Invealments (3) ................ ............. 5w380 Otier Bopla and Stocka t4) ............ ....-........................ 19,104 1 Banking Rlouie, Furniture and Fitureu (5)>.......................... ,m 09 Due ftous Banks, Cashs snd Other Çash Resoures (7, 8,9) ...... 4,4 74, Total Reaurea ......................................... .........0 LiASUJTME 1 Capita Stock (1j>........................................................$ X5000 0 2 Surplus (2) ............................................................. ,O9 8 Undivided Profits (net) (8)............................................ Z507 20 4 Tiine Depoaits (4a) ............................................ ......... 9090 6 Demand Depoits (4b) ............................................... 119%08 8 Reservé JAccounts (6)................................................... 18à M9 Total Liabilitie............................................. ... ... ..... 91Mè I, A. J. Crawford, Casiier of thse State Bak of Lako Zurleis do, 301-UÙ8Y swuc t he th ie siie statement la truc to the beat of mny kn 0l15~P 'balle,- ad tteIitems aM ainoflhsa sisws- abor or.s@ua tem u ndaisonts abowYainlathe report made to the Audt or 0fPubie A- 'counta, State of Illios, purenant to law. A. 1. CRAWFORD, 1 Cashier. STÂTE 01P ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, 30. Subecribed and s-wrn ta before me this 1th day of May, 1922. (fBNAL) I. A. FlORE. Notsry ublic. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Rfflit of theConditionof DEERFIELD STATE BANK. Located à et Wý tate offlMnois, et the.close of buiness on thse 511 day Ri May, 19=2 as -a&. to the Auditor Of Public AcCOuts Of tise. Stale of Illinois, pursuant to l1ev R930URCES 1 2 NI 8 Il 4 Ils £1 fi7 119 Loam -on Real Estate (la)............................................ 1160,000 LoausaoniCollateral Securlty (1b) .................................... 16,M 6 0 OtisrLoana (e..................................................... 61,01140_ Oveidrata (2)... ..........................................................96 U. S. <loveruirent invenlrneits(8) .. .............................. 12,000 0 OtherBoidi snd Stocka (4)........................................... 24.000 0 Baihclg ouse, Furntitere and Futures (5).................. 5,094 os Due trou Raul, Cash M Other Cash Resurcea (7, 8. 9) .. 21,004 871 Total Renourcea .......-.............................................. ",462 1 i LLABLITIES 1 Capitali stock (1) ..........»....... ...................................... $U1000 0 2 Surplus 2) ............... » . ................... . ........................ 26w00 3 Undivided Profita (net) (8) ............ ................................ 11690 4 Tinia Deposite (4a) . ...........................................70,106 39 5 Demaasd Depoaitta(4b) ..........................11.11..........Il........... 52m978, 8 Rm.rved Acconss(6) ..................... ......i ..... .....,..8-- Ol0 10 Re-iaciuta <7) ...............1................................ ........ 1.l'N0 00 18 OthbrLalM 0)................................................... 92 TOta Liabibti.............................«..................... 815462 1M I, Paul M. Dtola, Cabler o!flise Deerfield State Uaàk, do sol.emiiiY 5aee tiaI the sbove alatemellî 15 tile to the best of mi' kn@ledge and bellef. AU tIsattbe itemsandd emouats sisova above correspond wiltiste item-sad haouats sho' ta the reporte a mde te Ite Auditor of Public Acceunatà, Statt MfIliois, paoaat Ici lai. PAUL Mà. DIIETZ, Subacnhbed aswo evornb iefore m-e tisi 9th day of May,. 1922. (SEè.L) RIuo. J. KNAÂK, k#tary Public. xigt s choel, carne ta 'play tise violin $.atarday at two and elght p.- m. Ev- ceflo ln our orchestra. We enjoyed bis eryoaie iterested iita th tralnhig of presence and. bolp sud hoPe ho ÏvMoil iudliIuila thse Chriliai base of lite corne again. The morniers of the or- ma&y recelve Inspiration, idea, . metis-i chestra itised our flute player. C. oda AU a broad vliewof the need of Edvards. vso wvas treventod trous et- tht educeton as voIR as that of achoci tending because membera of tise tam- subi*Ct5. ily are 111 witis chiekeai poa. Ftalii Leabie visited achool lest Friday, May'12, tise teacher and Thtiraday. PUpil.ofuthle Rosecrens $obool Invite ««Wuld LOOfliê rented the. Murray tise mothers o! thse cornuuniti' 10 visit tandea4 oted tlsere Merc i 1. . 211 our scisool durlig tise atermeuo aee . e cam* home lait Ouaicay witb a visaI mredolin. We lare prepar- IlfibcX , lOY L0d Ken»tet o isinthe Ina i t program -.ithic h to e paents are "17 yProud. tertain you. We Winspiay te- ,«j.Ibo%.chool board bas purchssed e ous tia a"Uedurlng the yêar. A»y echot,« 48 bistorlmau&dgeomrpblel one intueree lu «I r verk la corliali map for dur school. * W. are dellgited- invlted to Join tise suotliers lnaiter villaI, Sie Itl no usetuil and are, valet gale-fuita the. diretors for pro-.1 vislt. rotng the velfae of the echool in The ighth grade pupils bave cm' Ibis manner. pleted their bird m"atad have <oio- Th, e-tve trocs viicis ver. plated mftf.dthidi ptlzWffl woY on Arbor Day aie gpoving nicely. Mma. ret LeslIe va 111lait veek- and Dlanob.e flaimd'two day, Of achOOl Thse ouI' nevapaper publlaed in oni tisaI 1CcimLt Groenland la owned by a maai named CIa"d licl;aunarebas befc absent Moefler. HOe writeà ai] the usatertal, tbre. ds.ya osacecfti llnesa. priUâtiste paverad delivera It. in Musa Pxtai 'vB ai" a ereligions, ed- aédltlo &o il tua ho bastaugitsi ev- ucahlos trA19109 C34A et EOeecraaiaoral of the natives tu read IL. Your Vacation This swnmer take that trip you have becis Iongng for. Not for years have Excursion Fares been $0 kmowas thos off ered thusseason. F or ful infozuation. ask amw ticket asent Milw»Uk..& St. Paul PotM ToiNway AK *.#..e000gte 0-0 00 f154 I * *-~ s -i, iii Enjoy a ride through the beautiful Lake.rim district on a smooth-glid&. iug electrie train. Rlolling through the- pleasant countryside, free from smoke and ojuders,, you are given an hour or so of rest and enjoyment. TI»e heavy all-steel cars are roomy and clean. The seat~s are comfortable. North Shore trains maintain a high ratelof speed They are nianned by carefufly chosen employee who are wef ftted to bear the responsibilities with whioh the' are charered. Âre you acquainted with this convenient routep NPrh-or n Trains leave LibertyiillcaItbirty-mnaute in- tervals from 5: 48a. m.to 10: 48 a. m., then at 11 :48aw.m. andeveryhalf hour thereafteï until 8:48 p. mi, then 9:48 p. M. and every hour thereafter until 12:46 a. ms. These trains make prompp connections at Lake Bluff for Chicago. Ail Linuited Traîns.-to Chicago operate through to Woodlawn. AU Trains Operate O .n Chicago DaYlight Sale~g Time Baggage Checked to AH Point Gi~cao Noth 5o! 4Mllak. PAUW IIATIOS lIse> 3 iUsuyos4er I 10 for e 0Of w adsfto.eeMn. 10 foi qc Vacuum une Of 50 45GC TELRIM 74