Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 May 1922, p. 3

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Lake N y Tire Shop -w MIÂS TO CIIICMiO Mighand Par, Gurnee And Oter Tfowns n Lake County Enter Teams ln Events, À five muteam viii raDrsu LIbertyville lu tise IlîoaBwling . esoclaUjOnin l Chicago eithtie Pater- sm allaya on tisa came date lise1 'Waukegan teama ara te roll. Tis teens viii roll under lhier ovu tovu nainesud wyUl contt of corne ef the lown's hait Pin Mou, visO are -alec rolling undar tise town nanelu theseingla avents. HilisluWlPark. rQurfea, areaiase te reprOsent Lake cty teame in thse Chiscago emots, -wlnicih take place t tise Peterseil ailsys. Chicago, May 21et. wihise hlled as *"Waukeg5in Day"> l1 lise r t . a.sertes. Tise tvq-siiau teanir from Lberty- villevilI be: . 0 Mluehlkeansd .1 wlikeiiliiS. i,. atera" e.J. DeYley,' loe Suyduiiiandl 0. Krtwirey. onal mrietakas verO Made lu print- lng of tisa namas and tiseae may net ha correct. HIlover, tise 'brea teama are roiliiug onder Llberty- vile'scolore- Oni and Nizzl. Guerri and Turei. 11,.peariflland Carali arebisllie as teassrog r*eening Highland Park and wili proheisiy roll lu tise teani avents ai diffareit ihours trom tisat in visicistise Waukegen teanis arae cisediled Waukegaaii lama will take tise alleys lu tise tvo-ifaii avants around 2:00 o'cleck SundaY' aftemlooli and the 1LlbertyvilS and otiser teamo. as weli as tisa flve mnu vents, viilcomP latar lu the- evenint. **@00 000000000 e EVERETT SCROOL 0 000500000000000 0000 Thoose visagel thair namw soutise borar ol for usîer sler iiior bu»la ds ve:uuy am Il Dorotly Yom ,cianlea Venalor, Robert verbeke, Lecourd Lubeci, Helen HUIsi llp&Reet TulleY, Nisbsil Kost14,Bonet Ccusvay, *Cyrli VandiYl Getss oIsain Osag olby, LSCOhm By, oi *Coby, Lorette 'YOMe Wen uek 'Otav Nema, Junior Verbeke, Paul L~wVuiEN~oe<RIIISOn 1 .MU 11, 1922. ~- i j- i Kessero, Genevieve" Lubeek, J~lia 6*oeoe*OOSOS *0 oses Vbk IUy Kueaa, RoI*rt <Iby, ,ÀMph VomL=duansd Edith TWosa eect lu .psllsg ortieps wes:Mare Blmme, Doris Colb> George Lunain, George Ciby, ~ale ~hllpWllIemLuheck, Junior Vereke desrd Vaiheke, Bessie Kogtat lvaCramer, Henry Huizenga, A"olisVanLanduyt, Julia Varbekeansd Thesa Lekin club held its meeting et the bome. of Ms. Josepis Yore, Thora- dy, May 4. AUl reported a very IenjoyableUime. Sa:rday eves ~Mr. sud lire. DýV der eelbr tslrtweuty-fiftis veddlng anlversary. Mauy gueste fro Ibamiliborhood, Weiilegan and> Chicago attended. Tb@e RAtubov Girls viiicive a dance1 et Hertel Park, Haif Day, Frlday,1 Miay 12. Munie by Hardinge orchestre.1 Suuday, Baty 7. thse Everett Jr,. hase hall tainplayed bhll its the Deerfield teen sud von vitis a score of ô5 W 6. Mr. sud Mrs. Anderson sud son of Fultoi couty are vletlng tise Camp- hll famlly. E. L. Pelerson, su elpent frr the Prairie Fermer, vas solictiug through the, district let vesk. Benjamin Weueski, who was falsely reported to have heen killed somtime ae came te Everett lest veek as lively as esci. Sunday nigit somebody knockad over thse stoe in tise dapot, as the steve fell it hroke trie vindow sill, but tise steve1 itselt vas uot hurt. Vincent Davson vas brought home Frlday aiteruoon. Hais suffering vitis muscular riseumetisis. Ha bas beau worklug for Paul Ray lu Lihartyvilie. i Sunday morning a Mitchiell sud a Ford ised a iead on collision lu front ofo tise Everett garage. Tise Mitchell vas trysug'tpais a truck sud did not sea tL S l For . Nooua.v.sljrad. botis cars had tW ha toved avay. 1,We reoeivad ciii nev resdlog circle >'hooks lust week sud va alil njoy rend- Iug tlem. Lest veek the Lescher sud tise upil rof the lover grades vent on a field r trip. Thay came hack very lied sud ha crrlgfloyers, aiso very mucis stuetd uetisehrds sud trees thay Merle Blomme s»d Doris Coiby visit- ed high chool lat riday. FL4t ln Lake Cunty-Tlss INDE. s& MADDE4.$CHOOL o 0000000000000 000 lirB. IL Bockuen sud darîrbler, lirm Arthsur Neula sud fsaiiy vsiled et tise homne of tiseir daughter.sud sister, lirs. Joâeph 11111r on Suudey, May 7, Tise Hîgiway Commissioner Mul- holland finishad improving tise Te. grapi road sd tarted the Lihrtyville rod Saturday. Mr. and Kra. ierman Schreck. Sr., visited et tise home of Mr. sud lire. L'mil Neumann, Suuday eveahsg. Mri. and Mre John Brixon have recantly puacised thse Roy Genuug in thse sootis vset corner of our district and bas buît a kitchen sud porch on thse soulis end of tise hôus Md paloted the bouselir. sud mn,.J. Brixon bave for several years lived Id Lherty- ville. Mr. and lira. Roy Genuug sre ifving in Lihartyville et thse present lime. . Mr. and lire. Henry Reism, Sr., bas urchased a let year modl Ford fom Cas. Bernard. Maria Schvandt spant Suuday vitis Lillisu Broya, a former pupil of Ibis school. nov living lu Lihertyville, tisey enjoyed tise day hygoigi t ha voode on tise Rocklsud roadpilug floyers. Mir. sud Mis. Georg Humansuand son, Donald and Mr. sud lra. Tom Haffman sud deugiter, Elizabeth vislted et tise home of Mr. sud lira. Albert Schvsudt on Sondey. 0oo0000000000oo0to 0 LAKE VILLA 0 00o00000000 00000000 Mrs. H. Ptter epet a day lest veek lu Ciicago. lire. Fred Haslin returued Sundayz eveulog frem sererel deys risit lunO0 Park. Lest veek vas moviug veek sud lir. sud lire. Hussey moved thir houseeiold goods luto tise cottge tbey recently purcsead uMr. sud lire. Wagner moved ilo te ls uaey bungalow eind Mir. sud lira. Cannons moved loto tise roome edjoining tlier garage visic is l nov reudy fer husiness. Mir. sud lira. Paul Avery vere in Chicago ou businoiselet Frlday. 1 -Johnu Phillipi bas a nev Orerlaud sedun sud Ray Meachain a Buîck tour- ing car. The Angola cemetery eceymet luit ve.k sud eutdthe aloi0 n officers: Praident Mlre.& aklalu Vie Preuient, lira.H. Fotter; Sacr- tarv Treuur, lirm G. Pilma 'tsiteesl, IL, otIer. Bide for thse gradjug ar" - eaïlsdfor sua yack yl ha dona soo seus o have seedct doms..ContribtbuaflB ilbhagrtefullY Mie. Kibuil svd 181MWY-a- Of Chicago,versgaàu'aof 1Ur. sud lire si««o, MMe.Oetur Watep e u ee oat f«r~ -s'~ ' ~ - . r. sud lMre. V*d Bey«et oSCrysia r&e C& culp SwAder 1 sud tisa day ftbtMkdUegiter, Ire. Irving Pester, Sbe rsturne homne wlth them for a yul at homne. lins. L. Larien of Zios, set Mon- day witis ber deisgites, lir .sa Douglas sud Alvsie Lsrsea Lait Fridiy as a oliday for the, pupils cfcOr s*sl a Wvllng dur f'or the tesehmr, Mm e~ ir.Corson speu nt piM 84su Iea at DeKuli sud MseRh" I iiFIC peut tise day in Wiukeaef. Will Fluber bas putILa"sto.e auto- mobile ires sud 1aecessriee lu the building formorly uiad ai poatoffice. 060090000950600000 10 MONAVILLE c 000000000000000000C Lloyd Atvel sud Marguerite Galiger isad e perfect veek in spalling lest veek. Lana Nelson sud Morris Wilkinson rntunied to sciso6a monday af tan a laqg absence. We ara very glad te have e~sm isack egain, Frances Martinis la racoveriug verFy uicely frosu an artack of pneumiiia, but dos not expect te attend scisool suy more Iis seasoi. lire. J. Billong and son, AIex, vise are in tise Lake c3onty boapital ara improviog. lire. Bilings la isaving bar ayes cared for whiia Aiex is tise victini of pneumionie. Tise P. T. A. of lionaville school visited the P. T. A: cf Gevin scisool last Fiday. blua iirds in is bird bouse lionday. Mrs. Lau Barnelabia vas a Chicago visiter Thursday. lire. J.J. Baruetabla and lira. B. Barnaale'vere te Waukegafl Frîday te ses Luella Hook, who la lu the isospital tisera. 000000000000000000 0 LAKE ZURICH oý 000000000000000000 lire. C. liobiman cf Waukean, ;rnI tishe putt vaek wltb ber iter. .John Hirumicus. Dr. sud Mrs. A. E. Brown, coonty doctor, risiîed Mr. and lira. Ficke. Frldey afternoon. Misa Edua Paters of Palatine, bas retuined tiste Dixie Inn te work for tisa seasoli. Kire. Win. Graber spent Tbursday et Arlington Haigisa visiting oid friands. Walter Piagge bas purcisasad e Ford ton truck te use inu-is faad sund coal 'Wm.'Bue;cblog, Sr., e al knowu- fermer ef Ela township passed avay et is home east cf towu suddanly Sunday morning after a short illuaua. Mrn. Bueschlog etended thse M, W. A. meeting Tuemay sud irainlubis usuel stateofkleeltis. Thunuday avenldg ha w as take* slck vils sth olSt ache sud MW, gnadw1aly vrsetit a dOetOavWt but stili a y'eug lad carne 10 this put vamskW1th ber emcèàsý the country a"d hred out as a farra hend nouuer'e retasmng home Snaday. to Mr. Putman. In 1870bis paents yèPo bubenquite aiek t te followed and settled neer Lake Zurich n. ilTSaeW purchaslug tise fam visere Mr Buescli-en,& 0E.k, siso. AS. aemablesua mng li v d . I n 1 8 7 2 h e v a s u n ite d i s i t p e e t w i i g marage to Miss Caroline Thies, w buptpesh rilg 5il» snrve hlm besdes fine children. Captan ad Mrs. Rohda of WaukC William of l)imxnd Lake; August, ras Salvation Army filled the pulpit Lakes Corners; Herman, Long Grove; for Rev. Fooko, Samday. Fred sd Hsur, Lake Zurih; Mrs. Mise Mary Stanley entertelned the John Flnk, Mms. Louis Knige. lrs. ladies clas of thse Sunday scisool, We- John Howe aud Mmr. George Berghorn, and one iter, lirs. Lintieman of nesday. Greshamu, Nehi. Mr. Buesching had Many frosu thîs vieinity attended thse taken su active part iu thse welfare of opertta given at tise Antioch high tise commuity for mszîy years. He school Monday night. isad servd au echool trustee, trustee f lir. ad Krs. E.' A-Matin were the village board twO years. He vas Chicago visitors tbis week. oue of the wokeru 10 bave thse village BLr. Mag *it White s nt sometine incorporsted, tie vas a eharter m emn i h Ih a m , K a r h il r ber of the M. 91.A . and one of th h e r , WiM lr i ra l oier, foandgra od t.,Pmoter's churcis, where i, os euu, illMle e elu b is iu * r b tm g s erv iee 5 ill b e g rea tly s A l ab p n i o n io e r a , t a s c minssedThe. fîmtrsi as held Thors- AlnDxno oernta ce dy t .'eàçak et tise cisurch - and busiess inl this vlciuty Suturday, hurilin in o Z4rk. cemetery. Thse TieMlhr coocoss ens- heraved fauily bva the sympathy of day, May 17. coo loesWdn the coMmuulty la thirisorrow. dy a 7 Fridy afternoonlrs. C. Wewetzer 00000000000000000 vas hstausW sevrat litte girls inlO< honor ofhber danghter, Irma, twelfth 1o DIAMOND LAKE o e tha~.Gamns. ere played and ai ocl a dinty hmebeh50fwas er Ve.ved.0OO h y r The littie'girls ptesent had a splendidj Mahel sud Florenee Hanson entered time sud after wssbiu Miss Irma man achool Thursday. happy returlis of te day tbey art The Thalero and Petereon families of o d departed for brume. Chicago, have rnoved loto lier cottages T. A. Simpson, Co. Supt. of schools for thse summer. cailed et tise sciool friday afternoon. Tise Dlainond Lake Junior basehall Mark Schallenkaxuer has beau on tise'teemwcwra defeated by Haif Day lest B sida. 1 Sundey visitera at the Frank Johnson home were tisa Foster sud Johnson Mr. sud Mms. Herman Krath and familles and lirs. Cook of Pbrast Park. blies Ros Preisniwant te Williamsli Bey, Mis.,, Saturday eveuing te aý Mr. Doolittle, Ray Westaley &and ~' Party. Jack Tisomas of Gurnee, called on the0 0 0 00 0 0 00 .Mr ad rs HrryAneronani. Krueger family Monday afternoon. o WILMOT SCHO OL o sons, Lyle and Russell attended the , o0000o00o00000000o wedding of lire. Auderso's siter,10 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Seven f tise saventis grade pupils Miss Laura Wl» Wo Earl Jackson t,ý0 MURRAY HILL 0 noed he k% ay5 et Deerfield. Barrington, Tiswday eveningr.Mr!.00000900oooooooooSids ghnol sud Me. icsuvi ak ierhm Scflool closes May 31. We are jlsu-' l E l i .T ise g u e sts th t v site d e t th e h o m e i g n e t r a m n o b g v t t John Hain bas heen confined to his of Mr. sud Ms. Dictz were: Misanius netamn1 a e ia home with su atteck of pîeurisy. Elle Dietz, Mr. Pisolman, Mr. sud lir. evrulng. Louis Batz, Mr. sud Mis. Fred Kiene The Progressive club met et the home Hengy H illmanuvs in Chicago several! sud son, Lloyd. Mr. sud Mms George of Mns. Fred Beckmuu, May 101h. deys luit veek huying a carload Of 1 Waters, Margaret Waters sud Edverd .îohunie Hagie sàet Suudy vitla!i choies mlch cown that arrived iere, Dietz. Ars J agi b S5tiiid53'. Ruth Dietz viited et the home of The Royal Neighhors sud Woodmn" Tise home of lienry Buesc iig w as O tto Fr nk, Snuda . s rp is d M . or it h h n placed under, quarsutine Mouday for, 2Hàeie csret ave, tsesix yeer old sn Mr. sud Mia. Chas. Kuser asud Saturday evenlng. SltyulX and banco Wllefor ugtise dsa family visited et the home of her were played. AU reported a good b. Wifr aig h, Weuale Dîetz. Several of the people ln u iir strkt 0 0 0 0 0 0 Te gest tht atendd te prtythse su i .glvesiby thse I D 0 0 0 0 n rt een d r e w r : E w ld a o f t hs 1 e b y t e r f n c h t r ç h 0 M IL L B U R N 9O H a ptaud uMtera, Viola, Luella sud M e 4 ntlLml r ri v g > 0000000000 0000000 Ether uretzeRaymondLey andeAgos The BI Oletz, sud Mr. sud lMrs Charle Trier are Mis JesieStru~ f Wukeafl Deuy hauon isisd iesister. movlng into thse bouse juet vacatd hy. «Îttise vek-ed th friands lu thia lMrm.CleanceBristol, Sumday. l1OcebcsenSudyvh Mir. sud lrs. Webster and cildress Mrs Gertrude Hapke sud sou visited ber parents, Mr. sud lir. O. L o1 Hilud Park spant Suaday et relatives et Wacconda, Suaday. Roekauhach. C. . nmsu~. fIU IN L i m unty - Tiiei E The Libsrtyviile tréedensst 1i0 te iseAlice Stewart ,dughter o ~ «- I.ading pqer al Lakslu t lqburn Stewart of Cisicago. spet thse r v i Schanck Hardware Co. B. Fiastead E. J. Druce you cals LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LIBERTVVILi.E, IL. GRAYOLAKE, iLi. Loc al telephone Directory Goes to Press Soon In theinterest of gooa service subscribers arc rcquested to oei The Telephone Company and give notice of any changes or corretôi -ilû h6 uld bce made ini thir listings ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COM~PANY ~g~ettee nud Save mo 'ARLINGT<1 iR OTEL C-I OffiCes J. EWALTE4S~, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGII Olseasas of Wqmen.iusd ON, s Speciaity. WAUKE -, Wash:l sto *.110 ai- 7 EVE-RY CAR OWNlER' Should pay attention to wlim he gies bis tires for repaire. VULCANIZING Cannot b. IimW tin a few veeks. 0*. mut b. a TIRE MAKER In order to tara ont a job that wili stand up under ay sgrain. WHY NOT« Let a tire uaker take care of your repairinng? WE KNOW How to take care of ANY KIND Of tire work. Huidreds of satisfied customer prove it ALL REPAIRS FREE On al i res« We Seii 1 N ý 1

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