Attorney Moitmer Of C o. Makes $=aerent to Jury SpIRACY IS CHARGED 41011. WAUKEKL&N. - A auss f !qovenon Lau $mal1 hie b4sleged conederates ln con- * tQ embazle vas the tounda- f. thtRe opeulng addrela 0f Chiot :;'?ràstecutloa Counset C. Pred Morti- "I=nl bis addreas when court mitvmed e a o'clock lu tRe mnn- JO& Aterney Mortmer only stoPPeid !,gbonexhauste-d, vorn, sud hoarse. $je asked Judge Edwarda ta recel poÔur shortly before noon. f lit lae eatde et eut su hour Mor »WShl b reqired to complte tRe opec- Iag addreass. TRie defense wiîli begln il& reply - InedistelY upeli cempletion o! the bus W n thte opnhittatemnt fot the saat forcea bas been a bitter ar- iragnment o! the defeilt governor. Yernou Curtiz, Edward C. Curtis. sud V red B. Sterling. SmaR's Co-detoud- "te on thesuit. Stop by step, carefuRRi Riinging 10 the fore the alleged shadi oparatioftz «f Leu SuaIt sud is assoclates la fbeur bandling oni stat tondu, tRie pruisecution Io laying the foundatiofl 31pou whlch they vîi strive ta buld structure of evîdence vhlch vili, %«e th1e ;overuor and is assoclates te Piso. Tracins 1the actilvites aorlimaitros «e day ho vas. woru as ltaI. Treas- ~r, the satel's chief couasel laid b. (tre the jury and the court charges #urportlng ta show that Small wu' a leader amour men wbose, icelre It -]FAIT 4 photo hy Tn*derwood end Underw'qb CIcourteoy Chicago Evening Poli. The jury wlch wlll pmas pon let tpanel waa avOru Il. SetO&djSts$h>g lertIto rlgt-Job#aI Wbà- the gult or Innocence or Oo. lto10rlght-Hans Johnson. ltalph W%--'qeone Beckmau, Wli41*U 8& Banru«.August Larson, Îa*rUIce Omal. photographed lu the court- Peter/mu. J. G. Fields, George Mar- Suu,. William C. Rapkow, John E. yard at Waukesau shortly afler lhe tin.- Frank Reardon. Alet Smith. Lareen and Bailli GeôrLa tnwsrds LIBERTY VILE CLOCKS MAY NOT BE SETAIEAD ét &J gret stpe.*p Actin 0f Merohants In Oppos- tklgsmall'a torm of office Mort!- »djr charged, checks werè tePolted img New Time May Resuit la the Tirst Dearboru National Bank l n This Action ft Chicago, credfited te tRie Grant Park I$tnk. Thon, Mortimer cbanged. thoe- lUnde vers wlhdrawn an'd takeli 10 PUBLIC ARE -".UP IN AIR" *ei lveslock Exchange Bankt of Chi-____ who.vere vhat Mortimer lerme 5'Packerà" notes voie pnrchaaed. W[th the village bourd c; Liberty- -0fa total of $1.000.,00 aken trou ville declaring that dayligRil savlng thie treaseuy of the sate ho a esit.asudime nov prevals sund vfth praca- "dsposited' lu theo Grant Park Bank. lY avery merchent lu the vRilage838=i 'fi ne n ickel vas aven remilted tu lug the -I ajnuldvern" atitude sud -I1be liste lu the namsneta the Grant aaaertlng tat lhey vlil continue te Park Bank." operale on central standard tIme, the ______________ residents et thie villgeare vunderîng vhore they roally stand. ýIVAURQÀN14ENMerchauls assume the attitude 1h01 WÀU Ii(AN ENthey depénd to a great exteul uponth - R B B y I L fererIrade sud lthe tarmers have de PRO ABL LInLIcline tetaaccept the nov isuglet" tilhe coneque tli ey plan tu keep their tonal open thes sanie as uu»inau A Wakega inu aiuiaeutî leorder that thefr fanmer customera may lt a logal taugle and bas wnten ta eoeco!sd lteb legal depatuent o! a Chicago As uearty as can b. ascerlained the --néirspapor as roîlowa: rosidets ofthtRe village are about even Waukegsu. IIL, Apnill0-(To lbe ly dlvlded on tRe subjeot. This wa. i Legal Fnlead ar the Peopej-î am dlcatod Monday nght vhen tRe board inftexed te -igu traie accaptauces f ti1i5tes too 3 ta 3 on tb. propo- la the bleuir, payable te a OrmTRe stlOu. l remnained for President Hy- £k Io l tO 011 lu as ln underatood att ta calethle decidlng vote for dey- bélveen my salcumen sud mYs llght aving. 1'Tkey have been filet lu conlrary te "O venture la aay Ihat the'cdock in ý ýfl4neeme. 1. Can tI ba coMpelled tRie tevu hall vilii ehouoli ont lu ,IQPay them wben due. especialli Libartyville Ihat goos on nevoime." when paused tu second or third par One realteul aseerted. «I bolle va t ie? 2. lea acontract goo Whem il! stay au aIt time despite the se- 9aly ome Party bas i. the secondtino evlagbar' Pàft y avin ulng' E. . A. S 1. If tRe bîsukawere filet lu hi thlb original boiter aud ihen trans- tiiet tea a urchaser vho bat u ukipmm Mrlms kvlgofo!th. rrgularlty snacb o«Mnn uh@ whfe ould Rie entitled te an- ean51u5 mui r Meos3 force the Instrument againt you. Ittees ret Ou cr av*% »d A1134 2. Y... assumlug tRal yen are ne- h51 l ioluug butaot bl obiIt.As a terrng to copies of theo coutraet. rab e i lèeetoilo anceimul h LAW DEPAITMIfT. Mareta " su laI le Vir am tle manage levey Urne mdt tee ev. I Learu. .aîhem. bcdL faiIRfally beiaetug ai à bat A choir leader buyts t"u heginWtigMarriage la baller tIanuc-Hm the tudy of a nos anthern idt àla PWBmlInaxInI.P geod pieu to go rigt tirocogheRi _jwote ple t the tirt attempt t0 gel AkRe general outllne.and the aMprt ot ,A- t the e-..t eadbing 1pau bi A O W R IC R imanmaistes such as faine note*. *1005 "em. Impruecnpbraslug. etc. lu soinS w orks lb paya ta rMu ihrough tins uhole .sntiem til way tivo or ihreec lima fuaI bRe place nnny b. gasped sou.f 00eullite arable tbe singera te amui theodelelle w1th rier.intellitent re- ltte. te the-wt'ole." The.hit vol; ...,~lraci ed a- tepîs lheu pnlnt-d nOrd a. nu oula. Elgtuslef action, for hm, la nt cou *iOid 10 the four wlils of i home or teoll tRsreel tat Re knooiAd -books lu' te rsI readiug lettre de abat tmm 1 elect comment oyen. or' -wabe aunds for lle. Thb.tle. ht Venwinds tfi inn thoîr paie. La mrs er.rM *»ba relity. Nover nysia, f or most - Ikus, vîli .ý0io 1h11 tCompeloilu »&ecelu tRe tmosphere of a story lu . enUldly inteitt - ýJ uluhu yoae aîitbave vallie ton ,«» Piccel a lrina vllb mejeter- Uisa ov& uo» o e voder. VRfalmbavaouon th e aide of tRe yRlcR Ome gnovs "tie,10hans Icanes ba* up mtb e fle Itewel TRi*-msesla afett oo tuit rgIumi bb wo. m0 dm os f Caisi. intam" ~' Wph u'êof e-éeu'gry. hgndret 5ears «ugo t ouery lu vas puntlahaby>déath. lu «C"es .111, tRi "a ulilnnas S ilut tbe IRieq. havilug lotli eut 0os bavng lhe mestrulsmi -: lviuite Rxtnesity - Pspst.-4lnee'sg ill là, ap$n;a. thillan. .-....,--~ -- 'i Rafirce Ok hava GIRL FOUND IN KENOSHA IJOTEL; Verna Johnson, Under Naine of Stays Milis, Was Em-. p!oyed as Maid in *Hostelr IS BMiUGHT BACK HERE MIvaainoucetvt'eheu accuntable da arneMna mofeilun 0f VYrmi Johnson. 19,year rid dioxhter ef John Joion. 1533 Belidere utreet. Wraokegni. vas solvet 'lata Wedneday afternooe vbes lte £enotha,-pouoe lufrmmd theb local aulluortlsa tiSI1th* gir vws be: aain- deteti Lbee oca soubonenltle atscoared lb. dCi for Ren Thie gir vent -teaIeelia Mca f u.1.m iiim1L DOR ', 1 bom beld ta Uc " VUSowik kmlag obeh« idiauda RSuldom OC(M) cbele3 u w facturor. The kifint e m"elgto poile.folloe"d a qniur e. ever 1j - ict @Ur.X oeldgf Peau. Thiee ar#l4odeiais 0ails Imola In the mma.ature 0f@Mn arties the porcelaneou &a0 the nateons, Tlm fermer art extetni ba-4 a4 can be workedod GW vithi the appa- raIna naed by thie laptdaal. Thie at-. ter arê more genemrU»4sea"sd ma b nwei, led and turned wth mt faelily. Thie pleces bould ho ronahed out Sn a eumoiudatom .Ater turaieg they diould be smpoohed vitb' puwSiMaone amd wter, a"S Padmah eltRi rotten toue wiu lti npkUrte&Md lgtydlatai W.akmu sToq o Co n. 'Dlresieck taRidu, Ut±h mid Uree.Ve% , " ofm4 er st'on1auqk of ftnse A parfot âespt « msylng wbat cornes lt. RhW bMsismpil +p Cause heu 10. lau' te IerM auylbia ne,.. -I ~.1/ Ctrauqnsponeuasens. Tb car nu"Iselie grotest appe the resuof cftslisamplIciy a e?1eaiaImceiimiev MAN;ARE, MADÉ Thne 2800e t f àlies *Ii llam V~Ntqil us o~jtY v11.1ill i~s%:li c'na Win tua-an bAcn ÙWn eb et $1» OOlu " taîe ui 1 60.000fh& lupersontipropOrti. , 1 ' -Tii thé vIdûittebequ6alhed auiLth( ouehold aete eeii liverwot., eutomRilIea ern as, bhorfcefallm- Ing l »pm- 1. iShtm.>O1 glves at10 in. plo.le, farnnI zh t 1.t 1aio t .1 monthly luatallmenit 0f $M10 each. AI, real estate ontads the sISIe 0f 1111- niet remateetl1ipr prwd fwi- o,. durinaf ber Hfe. tear I gîos te- The et. Luke's Homne at phoenix. Aie. The suni et 110,00lta te Rie placed lua atrust fund nô Ibat aLlner Of the deceased. Mys. Aile.-Norton Ofr.e- umnt;0htt, ahaillreceive the Income. tTpon ber deai tRite tnome go-e ta ber cildren. Ail lhe rust et theeestate linat 'ote la truatI ote *MarchentIdALon and -Trust Compay. Provision- la made for glrums a #f00 auiuty tRi e tôulovlung brother asiastrs: sm Cllbeth Duwùnng of Charlotte. MicRi, Rýoa H. Ames, Nil a Âmes sud James Âms aIIof Froment, 0h10. and Trrank . Âmes et Sacramento, Cal, Tbetvo grsdchildren o!flire.Dun- alngAnt are 0 'ave 5,000 aub h e they becone 30 Yea 0 14.- i Provisin ta made that vhen MMs Âmes dieseJaisMarlounJo0n", $hall receive lte lucomte on $2.000. Whounfti. Aines dia. thie estate 10 to 1. dlvlded mb tbre «,W pats. oae oft lIese parta lu te go te the Art Instituts la Chicago, anotber saae to tRie Aleudsa. AgmoMtIonandthelb Ihird part te thie et. Lukes Homes. JAC[ DEMY ioff MS STAÀRT AT p . Ine IDA dY aflennoo and obtinet a PosIà li.n ag i, migla a hh Mmsba v. le,. people ot tisnoineghbothoode bar nainm asgo ladys Miing S bahr noiimli tAl Port Shteridan adiroàs a. WiUaetkà. 1M1. - lestartluz poit of severat h= The Veman vi. eMPlIeS lir pioumbp prospecta, anog tien the vas eoi4u htte 5Pi1l00 b d WMIsonaJackIr iMPeai, Risar ruau say trou hom sd alle* 19iI vei ing e, Raflouie aresa. la the içeoalia pouce. -Vem us vasstsube . 1#17, thes hflaY xIlsfue laitea te the polioestsatica forses- tepptiie thle port sieridea ring lion&&ng. h.eedftir emafla nd msont Flynn flylng t. lte canva tRal ber »Mne va.mà III end uétad laten te tRie dressing roM. ais lived ti Winn$ka. iem ait Later, Rie va. given11harder atchs te ibis slury for an bour and4 th"Siand botter mon. He made sg»&, aMd broke owdeinglvlueg ter remi name after larlng lte Fort,. ooniauëd te and aidresa..; club untU hRiehulot a ChallengeI Patenta of thie girl ven omI e X5 Jasuwiliard, thon 'h«earyelli nouba innmedislî aiu brougiet ber Champ, tvo y""r later. ThoT melt a. liak witi lts. Ver Iosa . te- a,, folleverg or the ing paetiMekniw, ilent la. ths Bevenli grade aitRihe aItrolodo, &ad tRie bg KaSaS tfomer wesl àchool. BIte RaSdacidet teîlnrew iu the. îowsl sitar tRis Oton sit for ber"oi-9a..@site1Ri4Sbeenround. dissatîsfied 1tpr,89on.ti*. From t& th litgbt vorlth-s Mol 1 P' i!' oweS lh. ltab vu 01mai thte A Caoweui~ ediut, rin« throusgb'Lim meeting vit"4e ir ,Dn a Corulabt.00 tepe « vegit héllenaia.rnzani i pupexis vraie--M Wrcrrbe ViwtRi Georgm Crelo u i ceulud, e W t «ia». anuesicemea i 'v~ evai laBiropesui contias viere Radia des thé *àWtintimns O 151 liebas proven met a. mucit anIde, ladr ete Rer RiU Itt. WOU" 10asina Aieios. Nov 1ht h@ te ig 04 bu t he hu*nle fflé Md lmtheropeti arena 1Ilail butigmed for permit t f 1% M ' islns cu"lth e Wll. uEbl la Mouosi. Iblyll toi nio ao n ISlugi stem"«34,5s>* have son. more te tellov, andiRluth attlte thIis aeeolleta«attit o dotly, thei mai sec a te ov«-tight- Glasgow lierait.i s gelt heir at tovarda a erdW(t ________________________ nate lb or Shèdritaius. Local intsiesi Mille ~. Thore's -a>lot a oc al Initeroat el- tichoit 10 the figt ittaed for-te <Fort Sheridan ringTuerdai eeIiii, vheu mof!etthoe a ou"po=&ma gel tbelr start. Whie pnne oftht-e * are yet W .a psition te -tem ba r a thing Otf lb. pronoters of a fwgRt. lhey areneya"rlleaa, villing figRilone andsauxionaste gel a atarI. These flghts do give theun a goo4 sent off ansu ouidt tbaj iii, they are lu lins for baon Ilulut TRie bouts are a lung a saneies of thirti-Ive rouends, startIis vîit S, preliMuiq t le tur ruds belveen Deinde G0 i riSst re ho udBallon BobKItonelof lte omiret Las.naval tralnnala tlo Thiis aet 1315 poondes ad mai ses titis fermer boy jel onesgotxing experleuce, as lits oppoiit la a4rmal f1ghter. A six round route leaîlated for >'nltS Gelser, via la baeed b' Rhi Iigba Park sud sumundingtow, tei. g a saslor, figRil eufgster. GelSSr fa * meeting>a Young yens vho. aocodlmg teLli VyOUISOn. bis traou-, la 80Wh - b show t*9e ont jpme Iblur Wthlu a short lime. litntaê, b... lia oie. cr'tieee scrub-andud.<mRilthes nemI. that'slip 1the minci f tIË ho Imov hlm. Deepite the heai ottu lu - tho gdlne, ho la aaid te powsse semée itghtfl gabllty and. ia reslly vortb w bte. a semaper. Fritz miy have à ltte trouble. A CurlI.-Cater Bout Dl . tauiley, It of oWaukégiu. meets un crRPckoî Augolo of Chtcago lu tReiesx the ew 1q3l4d oemmibnsl. Titere le a lot ,Oi Tbo.ia w" Inerest lb hese ëYoun uglanSsd thoir manllng, a&l aroaset hy tbla Angelo # uy, vho bas livlted hi. Chicago fol- lointm10eses hti k. o. aur evu rima Lou. Curtis, aisé or Waukegan, meets theitCarterof tRie naval station, la tmiDs tla h f e show. This mîy ho bu4gton te 'rs .atr un go. although l la billot m&4, Va.for six, st tRie presout'Unie. TW e bu i'--Major ,N. lHorovitz, vho la ataglng of 4 antýbSàthe bi>utaunadar tRie auspices o! lhe uic*l cotoa & Ameni4can Legion. tates thaft Il la thie .~. * argest sud muet lterestlag candthIRe Fort bts had,.and vililte a hummer, tonmteri on a «* troqn 11eC op >eulhu ntil tRie fluai, e!t)»Crtr larisgo. The boule itari TUéday evenlug at 8.00 'p. ni. - Wll ltadoora ýDet a o1. o, theo L*Ra *ve, bUt Iybs Lester Partrldge's 8i Glass Plant Taret QOfLabor War Batd. ý2 POLIDEMEl ARE KILLED Two polien officra eras&hot to ieath, a third vwu perbape mortallî wounded, andti tree bombe vere ex- ploded,.«of wbieh vnaeked à mut-à W&g lIat ightlu aCbicago Rabot van. One of tlb. victins. Polceman rhonas J. Clark »ÉtRie Marveli et. atation, va. killet vbu en h Inerropt. ed tRie labor vandale la Ibeir Attempt te.k> Rio p th. bt Plant of Sharp & Partritige. glussmanufacturera, at 28U LuRier St. Oune ofUte mesabers ofth bi ru lJeLestsn Panirldge, voiR kuova former Waukegaa remuent. Thë alayers à te,. minutes preiooe. [y bail burist a dynamite hombRioto th*. gaffe of Tyler & Ifppi, 4also glama manufacturerA, t 400 W. 0h10 et. BotRt=&Ima reallieS wlth lb. CIUien CammIttso, eafncng lb. sosie of vagea prescrlbed. by former Freteral Jntge Lundis. A ftunmn Gun Fiplut Atter murdenlng Policeman Clark. the dynamitmra ieS west.At qeoksom Dtvd. agd Xarabuitd Aire tliey van overlakeet hi four West Park pollee biera uder oceaat of Acting Lient. Wbec arno t.alltbey OPOWe tire upon the. Policemen. kiled Lient. Lyro»nstsautly and probabti montai- ly voundeti Motorcycle Policemn bller. Motercycle' Polcemen Jamqe M- Clînuan sd Fred Elamk, la lb. car vith, 14oneAnsd Noder, exchatied tiftt Siota vitRi lb. alayers, but th* latter escapaul vest lu Jackson Bird. What sea aWeewf Accordwmg 1 Wenatei's Internatioal Waldonm ytRiere are Ivo, ogiftuiee a veed: I. WILd growth la tRis satur or tngu mi uudergrwth.- oS tRie 11k1e. 2. A"i plaut growil tucaRI crop or dielied, vecsiatione or te ie diagurémmi eorthle pUacsîMs tub salitl. nmems, or Injurions pismi. Thé toilo lnom e 15*dedA AS e Do tM '5 pe vu et TOx. er a 5tiinfx.m pce fvse u plantTla1 e me .n1lcam ~Te Col Fuf ifever une La aleors t rut T. Daupen the skin aid d a d etch On a board ,.lb tRie fur side dovin. -755n vitb amail vire nàrsAs easie, A. a pilu. WRien l.the kn. la lborougbliy,Mess.A une and chaM Ont(luvtRi Partot kuteiot qny klod of sharp IkUlfe SM caretoy lrvtRi ne stitches, nInt cci. vary Isiepbet nesd tdlegrapDoeit la th1e remete districts*t or N va bau te be cuantly vaîciet on accouet oflie besna, vleibae a Upul for cIIIRiIg the poteW uand ati ou lie crubM,#CI lib*k*at su torwar utta the e &U DentitryWiîthout Pain Dentlîtry a0-t idaleputml I irPred 0er mat 1et a fev years ago. Total' many tiLseasqe 0f the humai Rbody wvih formenli bafflet miedicil mon a. 10 their onigin have, flnsfly been traced bo diecased tits -of the teetb. Evrery person wiiha. defec-' tive teeth shoald'consult us et once. Be sûr.sUmat yu are mol harbotiug diseaset, teetlu -wbch m&y b. alowlý' pôtsoning your system sunnay restfltinl ohortêlinigyour lite. W. prae- ticllyelîlzlte Il- patzktr0m any opdratlon on thie teeth. - - %We( extract teetg"Bo ealy that moet people eau btrdl b«ev their ovu mnfe&ls.Our charges are. roaso nablo. and vo charge everyon. *11k.. Nothig for examiuatloi'i. Do iaaithili lios. moo, spongy pUa YOj~>iW~produclng guins. Il cal ho doue-the gum brought back to' tliebt nattinal ptuk celor. Conulgtation &e. Ou rmfor 3est Werkî ÔJ Prelan erownt $4 Brld .gework. dan looth..$I I $et et Teeth, up trom...IQ Wr WWoud ROWf ffBortWl- lavlamHs LÀSÎ*Tha 40HOîfr Tc Lîv% otosSay EXPEOT KCYAC TO TALK fiteva Rovas, ollarged wlit htliug*j been implicate luinthie attempted lmrgIA27. of the Edward Holden drus storesoau Tenth avtrel arly gond"r morntng. now occupleïaa qeil, Iu the IV-ukegan City JaIL. bar. le& been brpUgbt hers, laie Wednes- dav alter»noon by Moat, Chlet Thon. TYrreil. - curdlug teloformaloa suppliel Iii. Assistent chier b,' th. Chicagom t'rthorlties. Dort Ilim.atl x- n. the uvawnvseittrui thie abdomen bi RoMan as ho vas brying ' tu 't a panai out of the druxa store. la la A* dring condition. phvesiotans ,auffertedweaueomay ai. tPrmômo tatho coud ef i. vp more themu forty4kwbt -beurs et lotiss. Wiliam. bas umade a complete rlution t'O the police, stalîng tRiat ha ud ovas came te Wanke. a vlth thie Intention of robblair a elothlus store, but were prevamtod frrnt doixi& no by the vigiane ofa ,watchnan. Then tbey decided, te rcb th, drus store. Re ha. cou femied also 10tRite theft of Wli Mur. ray's car aud ut.o thie machina la ywhlcb lhey were riding when arreat- ed Mt. Chie! Tyrrell scout. thie thie- ory tRial there wan a tilrd bandit lu the Party. He maysa t the third man, who was under susocion at fliit. vas a Chicago garage man. but Rie ha. benu age.tloned saddhau been tound ta Rie Innocent of suY wroug dolng. 1 am Utli convlnced that Koyso eau throw ligRit ourent automo- bila thefta here,» Mr, Tyrreill .1*1. todsy. 'l have flot Questoried hlms but 1 expeet hlm to tlk Quit. fte. Wild Ueea e in &..o British la, "triie of wsud gses.of Europe Rte birtis of uymlry. TRiraitsU trouudean sd Iithuit true lames are la tRie tar mmiii, la thee wuds et Spitzbergen. sad on the laucessible ItanS et Koiguev. ltla eely manuYb& tOn& ihtihery Core te tRie m1a" lmu . or la thie reglona tOst a>. pfoack the poR lo ew noues s@re. sud tRios &U bird Met la drivest ucutRi. OeS yiog ai Ineredle spW don thé ors f tRie lortb wwesa.tli.yma"e for th* rwinter quarters la vxn ho.& pliable lanâs, oaela Loodoa? IL wculd b. bard, te ffmd an dder me *». <hellusng, lau oelma, ~ in a ui - bU4 reals, VR7y sudent dm *bm b* lie l *v»stMe eeuonest eh. lst la Mat raglan. I isbo emeu11 assied tat lie Strfabgt striais o r fa beiveu tR*s esipu homdio et Rani ve ,k» asa. nges, I tvesMt we ove tme mame ilte M c trcnm Sta tbat oie ofMme cstwffl Or MU"e wscrooketi. Tb@a IgorycftLcdont th-et marnes ha. emdleme ftbdimtlo uditeragi. Trraehu OrIgIn of Blilarde 8llilards la believed bu eM»e b have beau breught;from t mtRi sib? Io Crusdarswhilte tboiera Ran « Unglsi cuigla for il sud dm4 Il allieS t e O gmo of bowle, 8&M11dRus a» st tRiatth* rench devolaped Rt freus man muleut 3armon Came, Xitame ietty certain Ibat tRie Brot »fla te gIre foin and rule te thi e u WU su aril anmed Henelque Deriga. Who rtuve lahe reigu of OCahe" IM Dun.v er moou la billiards tRie an- c"'- or palIemaMRe played on R. 4 of on the rom.& d, kI cable aemmptlu IlnterUainod the Arcliangel. Elogllsh Piper-Il Io interne«te. remember that In the audience ou thal occasion were Dante. Gabriel. BeosettU sud Algernion Chartes Swlnburm&.p Eloslon TranscrîPt. L ý2 d, T tg p 2i u