Mr. Hein will leave soon for w, Eurp# 1 but festw pe 1» *esiim*s orsct.s tu vsted istyles tai b ises oi ti twies he prie quated la MainySPECIAL .PURÇÜA SES éon our.owli STOCK reductiens exiWl~e Attract*vely SpecWalzed For VINs (?rat Event Se Spring Suite At savingso«tA 7lsd To A Rait Modish Spring modela i fashion-. able materials, featUrmng eapeially assembled groupa- Gromp 1- Group 2- - Rodowmd t Rodiao.d do smtl tw lotednuts or tweeds, berges. euS fine trlcotlxssla Plain or rsI*tely In- Jaed Modela Na".y tan and blask.AUilugt.. i 1.@JI sharply r"uIcOqL A really reluable nndor-prictqd trsasaetion brougt us thie.. igh- cIA@., exclusvely tallured, twu und three-pisce mats 0orcoverts, twUI. and Ilotines fleautlfully .11k lino& pilu or band-embruldered. et $8950. aPnice wblic affords am extraordluarily large savng. Jersy, Sergei elr Sut. Reduced >ONE BIG To 7.75 ALE, RA CK =--- JTRAN COST Sert slOn@uelarge rack or wornu suits or wool Jersey, Tweeds, Serges 55A4 VeoI urstaOdd&ancd ends. la good colorse t about one-third thaîr regu- OcomParaive prices ae quoted but we g.araamtoe you &a. mou a.naa«*L" avànw. Tuiored SulorsTrinid Bats vsIbas-4at95 zwIar Price Ail Colors, Styles Andi Shades Tbbscoolctoa luctdes »a vIe sborimmut, of spoft Hile s-d tloleaSsaors b"tiMAU iaid anodtuMs, M.tzugt ktsroiIe4 bulus rtp5 d i 04«s «"N < eay, beb b»4 .poelviakl% ppe, 3aS"esd mppl s*alte. Aiso pnt d' S tu.. itla Uso s traoV . lme-lc i*&Vnu wr~a îit dise rbbop bows Tirdemcet <aihl sad rmc ovens with the Coe The co"blar, iamé Mad s srno*sl wherta001"tq4§r PAU Siffts WJ.npr Houe toko iDresee a dSi,.. aM StUm& U. theyre te mv. elal u 25ëc, to .49e chlldrcnshal l . a aIlulgs colore laeludtag black tlnliesu tn si1k at thesa very 10w priema GaSulim. co*wlaWa..mopl2 shopping boas la a , 4 v A"1 LIo hm5 tablaci 8 Whltc.ý aul 1u.n w« fmn, , sdbueble fatene- U Um allbaU a- Famcy B.d Gr. la aul coloreasd a 4iy Ty A Special Sit» of A spcla lot cf brae.leres la %Bout auatm good styles, 23cj now redsced tla - - F AÀ second lot of breseere. in bmoeided sud lace trlmmed styles la -wMian~d flashb h uÇepleet samch O A thlrd& lot a# brIareu e la pansNlgt GowPW, At$T», Grens r 44M and Bloomers(latR uarF1cs vau iasoves pbee ar liMv*9lag mo ta sot gal rae 1vs~a 10* Dr"es 0-0 011mm« 1AND 1.001<j- a -»W IM o't good sylai ior titis speiai eellagwIt ....25C 'tal a a»ec#üipurclisas *MgWlno 1xses a good tow iSuceS WOugII'Sau<x cAuuO~U, a !r~ iet* i, s1e4Ip1~ aieS alassa.....1 ..... .. WOENB 1111CAMIS(LlU o Lafng asbrtmeet or daîatr niv stylée tuau iii lie, vcry mach a IricLosd4o $SWc WOKBFDAWBoow2i-&yer s& MW f05wbc f"lbls us te WOUEMI 1H1 CHEmmin l prt- tr soWr tylesnad et as s$ead. usil- . latilgag vWsaS"dace Sloh Q SA1 l P4~*s «antd. Cols Are Nov, Fçor Vils Our Greatesi w,, CaJr Speial Purchass and, Our Own Stock Reductions Provéide Bndredi of Modeis At These Very Attractie Price- Aàt $10ottane- art Prouty 5$rt.cMIst 4i 1480 tiers are mu tecome&%d praty sud oucà Xklg lli.4ouansd wyaps meany bWu& ah 1Ud& &" beaatfUiy eabroidec d Strluged inlu hcoLOMs.At $19-76 and ##$i .'5time saa pspos, 'WMrl goote ad morts coats polaire clotis, v5Oxrp% Is atbviuristlo- Usas. herrigboute, pIad-bacis laa &U cla bémutfUly .11 fIneS andla iau aises. -See Our Six Bi(gWidows Sale ofSkfrts S.4..~ Dilk., Ptuswtaa ~at ~S5 WeSaea.~s *lrts cf u'ool serges .plaafr g~puualas sud lattas la s vsaiatyy £,leé seS colo~s. plats, stripel ouj ~la~sffacts. esusatiouelly reducedf8 1, Jsretaes anS I SiihShIrtaReduced lmla la WwtouS ilaneW~ edlà 'P"ai tbo a l"ifPrie. gaesare tIres wo"i«Wllpflèss *à ulffe'soai, p nl WnLit s ~ l =LtS!ASI !aaybln ARàillEmaS DOTrEO, Ilvt* W40fl isest4 1î la tm~ulEwS te »4S .q s s tel~ J ëtef<37g'es, botutiftsli. an sd trirauraiUilsixe« 1.91 snd 7 ap 5 lu i v anted colora reduced 10 Weuena jifflon aud coverall aprone ta 'ooed stylos raaluced to 60. No=ëas o vesaj aProne lu one, "mort st, 1sp llypr ta ol! t o hal purs. asu colora sud sîm up te- ' ,nov red*uCmd -te41.00. "Wou«,» - over*U. bungalow andi .Pmhe-dness-ao 1rops la, euh affects, nîce- rIus4wiri trille sud ~png and. Ft-t braiSt q '4ailcolonsra duod .19.7S49.75 An Otir IHigliGrade Coats & Iludat sluiMW""Cut*,, cape.. &ni wuaps-pwaaMdS ttrtnlmaed-otd msrve&Io.sero0s4 Suvtyx», Weldy'ks. brahSai, *mbrpM*rd.triaso; Iani yfor- $ Womeu's Toile aud orgeaidia 6louffl la many rett4y styles i l aises150 1 ta 44, veny miich uudcrpriced, et 11.0 0 and $1.99. RauSsons new frilleti blouses of French -Voiles, giughamna, plain aud fney diiitiew iu white and color e t the vary loi pries of $2.98. TIetantIae ore beautitul blouse.s oc crepa de chines. geergettes, battue, trlcoletteea nti taffetas and -pougee". embroldered sud beadeS, 1-4 te 1-2 off ai $4.P8. Then cornes s great apeclal purchase of high t clmiblouses-cçoples of- rcch import-wlth',gorheoua beading *rLd e~red.rraI bouthalf theregOle prlIçaý 7e O - i- Extra .SpacIal -x T XMTSfor vOM6n. bodice MdS baud tops. spel l- -uNIONSITSà for wornen, bond tops %Il elles. 1044,, reduced 10 du. --CO48M Tin front asdbock l5e, stylos, ' bita & flah, tery munIt r.- duced to $.O --CORSZTS-front sud baek lacs,- plain *gxd brocaded, white auS flesb, reducea te a 8.1. -S1L,71811,11SU&IPS lu uew strlp- 0d . 4 lague leltahallU at$1,00. -011.11 iiw-iîT1C a &lusgreat ave- cltl »Orbo>in j«Ur gewy nesiiuo -81LK1 ee fr' *mau--ma large au oii-8 .1 $ t e .1 * q * J * I Marks" for' the sal Crope#, Satins, E;ponge, Taffetas, lrcotlns Drèu«,sRecluced lie 24,35f e wesrla tienoColore sud bleck ta drtepe d Scape"t l ef ots. ht liC Pàriy Dresses RetWuced A wý"odrtiluicollet"Id cfgrty su" iol »V ewPastel "dad"su back.Al essi e~tuiuedaf thie v.y 1ev paie.. ~tth rese~ -3to 14of Rg rces xo*la ebelofte rtu -ma* soset vomea' samdssesglubas, 90«0e OMwlse, UOrgnIsvoléansd ga"a-pqaciblut&tm*on rOle'* 18v.~ ~~~~~~~W Praoksifena.uvgvwpn.Wccannot pralt e tss brtg iohgbi3 tadeo4 va beiteae in v! aut àor I It tai. 1- trodnr'valiues.