LMMQTYVIU LE RY, -MAYil,1922. A Word To-Farmers This is a busy season for yau f armer. A trip ta town mtans a bas in time wic onts Up big in dollars and cents. If there is anytling we can do for you ta save you the journey here and back write or tolephone us. We will glacily cvry out your requést. There ia noting a bank cmn d for its patrons wich we canot do for yau. Iake County National Bank LIBERTYVILL, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices We are uaifig a subsautialreduction àn personal Maudry hua. des and in famlIy wash sevice to fit thse oeeds of every bouse- hold-Lo.k over thse several sevices we offer bel.w, and suleci the osne you prof r. Eiier service 's a ditnctd &Yiovr u oher Wl, ye au possibly bhve y.ur laurdry Wodne.« FAMY SERVICE NO. 1. per pound~ 23 te 25 lbs. $2.50 Ilc Over 25 lls., 1IOc pçn IL AUl flatwork troned andi wearing apparel starcheti where needed andi drieti. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Youn entire f amily wash finisheti complete, i8 including soft cuf f shirts, per lb . ......18 This service most ncude allyour flatwork, as well as wearing apparei. FOMIY SERVICE No. 3. Pamrp Wash 25 pundsfor.-.-- Over 25 lbs., 5c per IL $1.25 ed separetely. One day service. F ~ AMLY SERVICENO. 4. Damp wash with flatwoi.kironed Flatwork preces ioneci 5c per IL extra. One day service. The- Re.able ULaad~ry ÀAUNDERESIDRY LEANMRSAM DYDM Hlghlsndn Park and Libertyville Phone, Hlghlandn Park 178. Phone'Libertyville 47-I ='InuhIssnhIsIIsuIIIIsuIsIsIssImIuIsflhI'sIs.sssuuis" EBUILD BEIF IWith -u àunexceiled M~ we can b% ISeeLU i .............. PROGRJ OWN rplans anc ci assortmet e of great ESSIVE A.HOME I service, OUI rt of material, help ýto you. (s aind! Save /foney Phone 47' Ttigzs & Johnson, now salles forth ln a spankIlng new Studebaker Sean, re- Localïwan Peronalceived a few days ago. Shert Items of Especial Interest to LUbertyville People aeddteitrtimn o h fi niaPrk Wednesday .ivenng., Miss Quinte Gotti was a Chicago' Mr. and Mrs. Rd Nedharn of W au visitor Saturday. kegan visited Mr'. and Mr.s. Charles 1A. Heydecker and sister, Miess m- Johnsofl Sinday ioa. o! Waduwortis; Mrs. Helen Clark; Walter Colline, ofIlîlinois L'niversit',, Mi'. and Mrs. Oscar Goiter of Chica.-o in viing Lihertyvllle friands. Mrs. W. Wlieeler and daughters, 1 were here Sunday visltlng Mrs. Philip SMarjory and Vene. vere Waukegan Bensinger. Mr. and Mrm. James S. Browni mo.,visitors Baturday. tored te, KenoSat sunslay.I Mrs. J. B. Morse and Mrs. Kennetis 1Mrg. James MeGragor arrived in Lib- Loveli, meml>ersof the Board or Edu- Misé; euie Âikofer of Highliand Park ertyvIllla Fnlday fer a visit wlth rela- cation of L. T. I. S., vlsited the War- spfetTIiurday In Libertyville. tives and friands. ren Townlship Mugh S ciool at Gurnee Mms.Mari Kaiser of Chicago lu here Mr. and Mng. pRIph PetOrson of Ch.lut fl-y visithig Mr. and Mms, Chas. Kaiser. cago spent thse W.*),,en a; the Her- Mrs Herma'n Helfer. Mrs. Henry Hel-1 ýmin Mlter hoMe on Lake Street. fer and Mns. Chas. ilepper attended ,Miss Jessie Hook of Chicago apflt thse C. N. S. & M. R . PL employas en- Sumday et the Chas. Kaiser home. Miss Moma Strsn of Waukegan tertalflment et Ravinia Park Theatal' was lnlÀLb«gtvlIe Dunaay Viiting Wednesday aitarnoon Uarry Davis and cilidren of Chicago her %jeter. M PIMUp Benaingar. ayaent Sunday witis Mr. and Mns. H. L. Mr. and Mrs. John Lester entertain- Davis. B ra'5S~ife Playors. non- ed Mr. and Mns. Clint Wtahburn and Mis Terea alienerLnd MssalcSi.givaubakhIng the real taste daughter of Grayslake; Miss Wash- Mie Thres Wal eterdne, Msatiat satlstias. At ail grocery stores. born of Chicago. and Mr. and Mns. Florence Carolan o! Deen!ield las. 1Lund, of Waukegan, lut fDnday. Thursday. 'A. . Wèbb retumred home last Charles Smala and family spent iast Satundayt sitar spendlng about four larm Âdvlsor C. E. Whealock, Prof. Sona> atlieirsumarcotag ~wd0k with har isusbsnd in New York W. J. Fraser and tise Senior Dairy Sundy e ther ammercota@ Cty.ciase of the University of Ilinois were Druc Lak. 1lns Llbertyville W'adnesday, and vlsltad Mr. nd rs.. N Gamn ad M Mn. A_. Downs. Mises Mary Gannon, a nomiser of tise fine dairy ferme ln Mr, ad rs. C . N.igemtor d Mr. land IâBo and BrucO KtlbY of Evansten Lake county. Tise parly went hy auto- Lake Sonda>'. spent Suisday et the Evilsizor home mobile from hera. % on Wright Court. Earl Klepper and Walteî MNeLaugli- ' csîe tPr Mr. and Mrm. C. E. Wiseelocli andi lin were Waukegan vnsntors on Sator- %Ir. and Mns.E.Sef- lPr famil>' have movad mb tiste Hafemanu da% venng.Ridge Ili.; Mr. and Mrs. KIti î.l and house on Second Street. Mr. and Mns. de> venng.daughter. Margaret; Mrs.- Freil Zaisnon M. Wilson and daugisten, Francis, of .Mir. and Miî,. Roy Born an] Mrs. of Saglnaw, Mlch.; Mrs. Frank Ifickel- Chicago wll move Into tise Bvilsizor Baker of Palatine motorod, to L.iberty- mais of Manchester.. Iowa. vi-itd on flat on Wrighst Court, vacated hy tise ville Sunday to výBit thse la ,er'-, enn, Tuessia> at tise home o. Mr. and Mns. MWeelock famil>'. Bake, ad 1famlY. i. launchidi ont miss thse SUPPER and DfANCE _______________Io be given by the Catholle Ladiea-ý e i R. IIII1~ E = - '5* E-' s' E :1 E E IIIIBb~- e ~ARî m'trn: TIIEES Gôopfion C foma un a.. 4w 3 w o >As"bb Phoorophgyunôor arM ur loe.ro -AWFOR.ONE.'ONE FOR ALL" ~ tthi.prduclos Dog~bas acbicvad the ambition orful bora of Dat s eazmgd clear-cut portrayal of thenoble o McSo f'DuFasanrnzi. ijatbàteMîmlOlOiS 61.. bappy culmination of a de- aikejafYom uon F.iirbaiskapartto enact wbat ta cou- ÉM L th ot striimg andiberoic figurein thse o o iteratuTc. AUDITORIUM THEATRE, Libertyvile, lM. BIG IuGY .NINE jSHOES "The Tçnnis Shoes That Wear"y - For Men and Boys RAY N. SMITH,1 LIBERYVLL, amJNis day. May' l8tlî. et tIse Town Hall. SPI" per will ise st-T ed from 5:30i unlil ai aie served. Ilupjper tickets. 50-cents. Dancing vIii foliow te suppler Ilt 1 Misses Jean Kilkcr. Etta L)tce.'., Beulfis Flrkins and V' gila Collins. o! the Teacisers' Collee., ieKalb. vis- itesi over tise wepk end with thte latter. parents. Mr. andi Mn. W. 1. Collins. MLiss Collins entertained in honor o! iser guests at a dancing part> Satur- day evening.0 Tise opening band concert of the sommer to be given b>' tie popular Lis- ertyvilîs band ln our heautiful Centrai Park has been an18uncad for Thuns- day nigist. Jonc let. Bandmastar Chas. D. Nicisolîs isopes to make tis muet successful year o! tihe hand's hia>ory, f nom a musical standpoint, anddther-wise. as well. Tisa boys have lattfuiiy dona their part and now it ramains for tisa cttizans and business mesn to co- operata as they dld lest yaar and tise concerts viii be a big success. Thse prograrn for thse opening concert wil ho prlnted next wepk. ATFENTON SHRINEkS! Pligrimage te Milwauloee. A special train over thse C. N. S. & Miwaukae R. R. wlll lue \veaukegaui Monday, Me>' iStis, at 3:15 p. m. for thse accommodation of Sisiners wiso wisis to, attend tisa Sprlng Ceremonial of Tripoli Temple. Ail Shinnrs are Invited. 19.1t Let your hcart give ., thanks for tlowera lI Comae to cheer your weary hotsns. É. ARuwetisankful for tisa blessings o91tise 'iowoi. gordeus ans tise glassý sheléed gardun spots that grow for us tise tend- er, prutty bilossoms tisat -help uOS f0 lise sa*pily. Report of the condition of l - G AR DE N N G Planting and Tree Thimming Fruit Tree Spraying Phone 227-R or w"te STEWART -SMITH LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Your Jumbei and buiIdi-gute- requirements can b le d hW your financial. advantage. Ini other words, we will save you moi on these prices. Every price advantage that the mn7rl .BAR-GAI-N'I IWhite Dainty Checks, 36-in. per yd. 2 SBleached Sheetig, 81-in. per yd. 5 fPure Linen Table Damask, 70-in. yd. $Z W. W. CARROLL & SONS'"COMPAIN Phone 29 LT Liiw.tTîu, il tu-T~LULY $LSOYI r i CRARTFR NO M14 RES.OURCES . 1. a Loan» sud Discounts, ........................ 2.,.Osrdrafta. uo.ecured. *................. 4. U.S. Qeverumeut secuiti- Zewed: a Det.ited te seou r d-niation <U. S. bonde par value> ... . iO b Ai otiser United States tieerusueut Seeurities............7. 81 Total U. S. tiovernuseut securities . ...........^ ...... ... 5i. Other bends, stock,îand scrte..................... 6. Bauking Bosse, k=.SM: Furnlisa ttu re ........... 8 LAuful r-ourse wlth ilederal itrse Bank..................... .... 10 . Ca.shbi utantsd amount. due f resu national bauks. -ý.............. 13. Chýen uother bauko in, the eau..elty or towms a reporting bank ... Total of Items 10i and 18............................. 28.*O.8 15. Bedeuiption fond with U. K Trearer aud due fi-cm P. S. Tresmer ... . L 18. Other sas. sif any-Lizsrty B,ud Coupons.................. ......... LIABILUTIE4 17. Capital stol-k paid sin . ........ . . ............. 19. 8Surplus fuud........................ 19. Undtesded t.rn0ts<uel).. ... ...-*- --421ÜN4.5 a Rsaerved for Iuterelt and taxes scrised . .. .......2.11777 b itesersed for Loues sud Di,deud, --... 2,9042 U5.13B0 cLou curreut exuees. m ienet aud taxes taid .... .... .... .911SAU 4 20. Cirulatins notes oUtatanding. . .......... ..ý................... 8.15 M Amount dus te Siate ha. Iankers snd t'ompanles ... -............hm. Demand deposits:- 25. Indtviuai depesfita sublet toeek... ............................. :': ls.f1 rd. ertficaes f depesit due lu iressilian Wi dayi ................. nm 28 tae ç t. or other munuldui deposit4 eecured by pledresofsainte of - thla bnJ.................... .... I.... ...................... Total uf desuand deposital subdect te Reserve. Itesse 27. iF .. 4.13.80 Tisse depfflita suhiesi to R,.erve 3. (lbrtlffcatff l a deposît (.,tlie -than for monev boi'iowed>............. l5f. 84. tither tine depogitl..... ........................7i5S Totlofin'd-...,t.sîlictt 15s Rve. tessfl34.>.. 198.l1M68 40, N,.t,'s sold b41'.rei..,-' incladîne itsceu otbbe bauka mjsd fomigun tilli-flui. ,,s,'draft.-Id u-lîbindorsesuntuof bhis buk.10 Total............... .................... .......'Y$~~1 t'(.t'NTY 1A'I meut151-orT"Il,' .~î'~. Soo' .i,..sos to.efJ. K. (Rlt)Lit. qtislit Snl, i..d r0- o '1 ,.'ni'I tri.. i îb r fsC -t>1=. . - ADDIESS. MILLER. Notai-y Pubia Crrecrt Attct:--i H. MILLER J.1 L. TAY LOS. ALBtERT' SAUR.Dtrectoa- ràu AdriLA "M