Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 May 1922, p. 8

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v s. t,.~# - - -Sis ÀRUAL IENÂC~Tp Cos $81AUd1"1'nn 4ulein Re- ýsP lirfi* eAp'-earing la Dailv Sun bprudlt'n maSle lr the LalY jàpt 1 ta Qt tise fanions slotus nuS Lake 1il ecomo ex- X& yvthe PO&e in visolesaile rde ilosde taithey mai' kîted ansI.esosi as home Id., 1 . la s scondeS bi'- an! article Wimd In thse ocuerat INsU Ot *teimn aBulletin. pubIlîsesiby ~1lpeI4ojz udubons octet'. de aticle quotea fs-enstisesuas Iýe quit. extensslvly. Samé 'E4Iex50d tise tisongisitisai Ibly no darnage la being doue mevlng tise podu as Il vas ;:tbàf perisaps thse *eeds irop- fOf tise podSabeore lIse sae ee,4. th ie vatez. spe soQt the case. (enrsiing b fudbuBulletin.Tise as-- exatr.ii. h - ssown tisatfs lussr, i 5005evenat"i tises are decoratbd. The. resuoval or tos of pods lait MlaIsexPected ta resinci ta a mai-kesi extent tise extensive bei of tise blooa thl s-eaqo. Lake couniy always has poLted wltl pliste te ias woîsdels51 lotflîs leds andi nssny have traveloS hundresis of miles- teoi e them. Il appears now that only 9a splrited proteit, with rsultSflt action vli save tise besis for tise counnu' Tises., ansi Ease. Flaiserof waca- da, tisrah tissir attorneys, Or-s' & rarmer on Fflday Mhes lunLise circuit court sait for $8.000 dam ageW ragainst Sidney 3. iRussell, John Hoes-ing ansi Henni' Pasfielsi. cer- issioner of tise Wauconda drain- ýý- 'dist tie,. cbarging is5a a -e- zlilt 0, 3. drainage project tises b -ltutr'. Ileir tand bas hein, fleood 1. eauala4 leas of cr00 ta tise v-est whI-h they isavihtoUght 2011. Monumfents Meniorial Day Will Soon Be Herey W. invite you to visit oulr plant and i ves- tigate our large stock of Monuments. Our stock conaiste of a vasitty of Granites and is tihe larg- et carried by any firm inLake Colnty. We have thse vemy lateat irsoved xachinery for gettiesg out this work andi empon ne lIbut strictly frst <tissa wcrkmen. , Many persona are disapponted on Memorial Day on account cf sot plaiu tei a-tirsje tmeto have thse w6rk cçlllpetd. orn erlyant isput ur stock ant yu iIlbuplasti iis urwork andi Co"in & "Doane CO. /MrI im HKAl"MT T s O. I Di'J. m . mIlall, . C.P.C When headachesareconqiteed and gooci healtli remth ie wooan of muI1 complaints and td ie clsann be- rnmes a persan of vivacity and happi- nes. Tise transformation is a natural onse, and yet many aufferers front ner- vous3 headache havé corne to believe healîh is flot for thein. ar~4~ vg~q.kioa.but-the*, acle ususiuiy is acçornpanied by nausea Ob& voriting vâffi evideusce of lives- andi stomacis disorder. Where tbd ue astr'&ornc rather than one due to temporary oe-ee1mig tisere is certain toD be fouix! a spinal con- çht'ion.inakin& chiropractij spinal adjûsimenis 4a ne-. cessity iftise cause of tse aiânent is to bc removuti apd any cegree Of P'smns otiotiid D li 1 READACKES AND NRVI "'For tismue years i suffîted wth haàdl 9ic isdadaes and uetvouoness., fisaks te chisropractic my headach»s 54s ninvousniss bave left1s>e emure1 W."-Mrs. Mary f-. Baly, chiropractie teaeecis Bureau Statement Numbir DR. J. H. HE"LI TOUR HEATH .asloe84~ifrt5It erivous ansi 'and 4 eni ys Agpentmst.- tuk»JOÂ1u««dastis Mote Baiid ê Has Been U si î t Busk; t4Aans-Not Far FrM The $ýýOO,OOb Mark' Dy A. 1K. OWERS, Assistant Secretars' SecurityTille and Trust CO. Business efthtie R.cordr's office ewhOe-ýweek en&%- Mai' 8, 9~ .N ofea ed<onvysiioes. 1lu. WNum=e, of- cisatl os-ete. 4U. ,Nnmbis of trust deess=4f mort- kaies, 17. Tofa number of lissihasielita6 fiel.215. Total, ansuni t fbans *9,4.5 Busineéss ias been vel-y briEs vus ban«s above tise average. The failovung are tise more im- portant ilealse IN4 WAUKEGÂN. Hirbert, E: Crawford ansi vite longisi fr055 tise Nelaon A. staesI.' estate tise, hait block ot vacant land' beundesi by Natis avenue, 'Giliette avenue ansi James Court for $1 ,000 Annie Cav}iey bongit tiseWm.T. Halihoru place ai sauti-vost cor- ner Catali avenue & Wasii'sgoi Park for indicatesi $5.000. ,Max Kiankavaki and Ivie, toou tilie te tise aid Lansing houai on wisi aide- N1rilsavensue, nias' GiI- lette ff Tea Godsmiths for la- dicatesi $3,000 ansi gave back * trust doiS for $1906. KathinniMoDotmiott boygisitishe Brockvas' bouse on nort-*ist cor- net Hickory ansi irsi striets tram Edsiard F. MaraisStn. for nominal cenalderation, Esivarsi F. Marais St., bongis thse l(atiserlni meDermoti bouse on souibvesi corner . Hickory andi founth Kgteets fot nominal considi- ération. Chartes E. Danils ans i vie bougfil the Boni Cossman farsm af 75 acres is Secs. 20. 29, ansi 80, Waukigan townshbip on sentisaide West Wasingtons itipit, mmi v est a! ciii' limite for Indicatesi $10,000. IN NO)RTH CHICAGO - BffIeC Ps-admts Ce. isougisi tise .riggs Chi- cage Co. plant on vest aide Mas-- I quitte street for $655.000. IN LAKE BLU"W--Hards M. 1. IBuekles ansi vite ougis tise John W. Cotton place ai 15outhwset cor- uetrSe-aton avenue ansi Siseidais lRoadi fer $7,000. IVN LAKE PFORBST.-Vlolet Pat- Iitan Wlieeler bougut tise Wayne CaielWoosTaylorvouacefor ndNcth Caiels Tlayloravlae fonNs-ise i -$$7,000 asigave back inuit deesi for $1018w. u..-u ., bonght A-Bth cror a nd cti lae o Isaut aide Green Bay roisi opposite PrIpTH WgDolNa ANNIVIERSARty tif0* of 5UVU5 si o XX. M M ieSKLWilM F pra ou Aerij Iud la Jiomor eo! btior Mf suppert.g ouWPleiry ere nadb "Re."MoallckL The.ladisdrapes I~~TITr ~ a lace (CirtAln) voon uthetsrrl 'idUe." ansi afier muci rulth. 0F SUR a " bOtIfu "groom" vas ready at her aide. Mita," Marvick niesiaa oodea Illinois B.11 Telephoss & M- 'bIble" ansd redasiawoodeu-headse vice. tiMilsiresi Faniar arriesi the pany a Ânswer te Illinoisa bride'. veil, andi Mary Farner vasthe. Ç,musaytre Convimis.on's ring bearer. thse ring bellsg a voodoii Citation s. ~ barrot hoop v *4icisthse "apinlter" Citaton S" Eqmdi- laced 0,cr bath their headu, and ture la U..warrunted pronounced tsemn- -vesdesi "voodeis 1heada." Tihe groom alippesibuo f It will cost thse substribers of thse thse ring at the tinst opportunnty. It Iluinois- Bell Telepsn Comspany la> î very evisient li need.a more prac- proximately $200= 10 o bave etie tXI icse "leV.Y Morayick presentes i hm any comply w@;thtie citation. oer of wlth an axe and to the bride lie g4ve tCe Illinois Commerce Commnission re- arligpn dMn hmt n quiring thse Company to sisov e5 ie.Z dlicthmt its ratesa in the ,Pritoy s drgounding The gffets sigsesi their nimea Chicigo shmld nt be reduced. as5 wtnesses la the vooden "bible" In reply to th ise ttion crder of thse and then thse is4ppy Couple led thse cin ,lSSiqn tise company filed wth it marcis to thse tables, viseretise salasi -às§vôrflstatemsent stirai', canspany's rate of. rcîumr for iti territory vas servesi ln a'large vooden bowli surrounng Chicago wsaless than fu wlth a wooden spoon. Sandwiches ý-sd one-hafpr cent, athough it was were pilisi ln a wooden traite and fork llowed a return of six per cent by tihe box; Pickles vere ln. vooden-trays aMd PubieUtii Commission mn tse rate each gueit ate froin a woodon plate. o en-tencd =cebier, 1920. Favors vero .clothespint dolîs., The LIeonpany took thse position that conter piece vas a wedding cake, dec- Msosstd flot be requireil to.spend orates i wth two vooden figures dreus- PUtl,OQO, the estimated, cost of valuations esi as brideNansi groom.. Araundithse andi detaiW istatemnents requestesi hy the cake shavings vere arrangesi andi viii commisson, to justf rates wiicis are five candiles burnlng la wooden Isals- esralng leu tisais tIe per <lsit. ors. The neuwlywedo voue given . psy Bill - mveg and rètaued to ent tise cake, TMseCompany set op in itsanswer that which hld a surprise for ail. XI disi it wasunjùst to ask the Comp1any to net seemto eut vary efly, and tey nake -this esipenKiltnre; hichï of Coue, tried. severai Urnes aietore reaUIzngft would have to be eimbursed by 9screa&- was made of w-oosi. Ieryone enjoycd igteiephone rates ini the territory the evenlng andsiwlise thom mani' ktewd.s te U~mor annlveriarie. To tiiose Who con- comanys boksarek tnacordncetemplate matrimon,Mr. 'Xoravick la 1(pn sbok r tb ~ rcmended as Vrni'efficient ilu tYlng vus th-- accountin 9ef!tise l'ler- statc Commerce CýmEWion, wýichthe knOt. Soxfi0e ose uislsi nemInsi mIles ure tho'se follawe<l by thse 1lliolaBilly tisat la týse custom. to kive the Commerce Commission as/reigting to Dini iter a fee.-<Cûutributed.) telephone co-aspanieg5, To forceétthc comp.iny 10 make ans 5- THE LAmi3,ftir PLAVERS counting under the*pmnvii55n of tije COMING MAY 15, 16 AND 17 commnission's citation arder wmuid coin- p-l it us spensi approxinsely 8$2W,000, which ia more tisan twenty-fivepr cent Pur Hlgl4and Park seighbôrs, tise. of thse total anouat rece1ved Wbyit as a Lambert Players, vill open their sos- returis on lise velue of to propety de- son isere May 1Sth andi tollowiig twoý vatesi ta thse public use i tise tenritori' ulghts isisser tiseir big portable cavas.- tihe citation. . II billsbuisvli "be ot tisekind ussiafli .Tise company's at5ivir décaez!s th* sien lui cty -tars ai $2 prices andi liis was an unwarrsîtnexpMenditure. given hire for igo admisoion and'10 Ccsspa,'aEpense cteeased forcoblidreu. Mondai' iiglit "(Id 1554 The cam 1y ha now -P k4 ngrder di," an excrenclaoigl' unni' farcs-: rates eaegcnlhied by tise Public Utilities comedy, Tgesdsy Victor 14m"et' Commissio s in is order of Dece ies-wnvmystîry i' 5Ct"Tie mat" type, 19It w sas estimate inluthis order tisar wilt ise given lia -rut erform nceo tihe cnrnpany would have a netsrn of any stage. îtýqbe f acpte:dfo tixper cent on its O ld <e- production fu sb Si ai evto r.4 ie public oee oc. f andi Chicago ptgdti&Mni and vilLiso rcingthie tise Cuompansys 5l¶wef playesi at $2 sa. t fpiOs, JW-r.' stîd t return bas been lmaitisaIsf=oIs- rnert ln thse oast. Wodnesday th4r and anc-hall per cent. It ase vas point, fial ill illb. Mission, àendl tisa i if tap oris theceutage a tise receipts viiib. given, funt tii-remenhe f 1 wer-embess ite tise LbertyvMlile bail iBclb of is e-'spenaesfor the iraiste m oclis anboostiug tiie. STStTwo q ai et MI;,with due rgàffita tihe inereuecm eu0sesthse poeresah.QKoX y gr~-ssnm Oe M e . a total aum ot efimalüe 4la lsa 9 cQ5wnuj~Inoi~b.oemlaIi'a p s',festa reay at 7ý 80. e(na acitwer untM eMit., u" tis' t a 4 w10 avenue fton sl:L» sêm$8,00. 9 1 0 ' X . e o rs b ous h t t helS4 a ' - inue ltIndîcaàtes I i- .000 Sul, gai'. baac 'trusi OeSfor $8.000. 1 liil .itnner andi vile, bought9 IlsM fty M. Butler place ou north 1 aId qOeveniala avenue for tadi- JMjBnale bougisi 531 1-21 teest erita t nortis-veat cotiser 146-1 coin 4 Cedür avenues frein Wb. D5. fîtaey t Indicatesi $21»500ansi ga~nt, ed Wk for l70 onAt sieutsî i4eUnden ae nueg im,±ven eech Stsre-it Sud. Ceie-ve nue for $9,000. îta*e Laundri' of Higisiaiss P Iôglht these t. Peter ps-dp4ý aIO~ tala andi iaivYay v'enues fur sà«lual conaideioli. Tise,, UselJ. Prining Ce ougis1111 thse JolmIs L.Ud lPropetyon South 5144 ijsntral avenue opposite ithe fireë MatoS aua aso property on, eaiêénI ide Green stl-eeit fr 17,f0 andi ga$ve back trust sieed for Qeo., IL Koon bougis tiseE['li lIudol* propety on seutis-veat cor- net Laurel ansiFltst streeis for lu- dicatesi $11.500. Joaephs A. Sheridan baught a lot on eut aide Lincoln avenue bo- i'-een avenue between, Beecis street and , Codai avenue for- Indicatesi 14,000. IN DEEIIFIELI) VILL.AGE.-EI- menrLU Clavîy bougiitishe Rott. Besson place in Sciseurmansa aSsi. for $3500. Harry, T. Clnsev bought tise lot adjolulng tram 'cott S. Love fol $4.000. IN EAS A.NTIOCH.-J. soes'y Grldtîy spd c;G.Cartoli -. Gelles' isought tise C- a S. Wedge fir.ilof 120 acres.iin sece 16 nd 21 is-1 dîcatesi ;21,000. IN WEST ANTIOCH-.-Lou'e Sa- lan and vite bossght tise Riceey V. Graham place la Grand Bluff subsin. on Chsannel Lake for $4,250. IN, BILA TOWNSHItP.-!-Arthur U Paytou bought tise Charles H. Pat- ton f arm gf651. 14 actes on Sec.. 17 at Lake Zurich for -*14,000. IN CUBA. - Bairringiai Hils Country' club isougisi propents lis CiicagoHgiands for $57.000 andi recSmvpyed ta oCicago TitI. & lrmst Co., trust-s fer indîftdeb IN LIlMTyVILLE. - IRaxN. Smsiths ansi vite ébongli tise lia-s'L. Luak proïeny on' eut aide Finit street for $4500 ansi reconves'ed It tar- he BrIsilSibrothers. Garnt H-. Newbare ansi- vite bouglit tise Man> iherdais place un sauts aide Division Street for a-$82004 OR se, oe o!tus e la Area; iot vater ea zt theii moetl m Imprboe monts. Small cash paLymnt; balance édy aud tîng oan hotür s drïve, , a y'M, or a. ,ontIVs tour;,,wy on the o It is'-a rerk- ne ~ peif ô m-. rwhen. Wt -new; .and the same fine REE MOTOR -CO. aWr~~Xý Lrlvet.h pla ~8 .p6W t ea 11 a h e I~Y01t~~b.X4e Via b7,igt '9e Nian buea 0 Voa bnoer tiauleOd r t'à**ettires&Z84il eqtllp»é1. Wbf. sýold very reasca- Ou. Lexlngtqei iprlg car. Booch Maga0oO9t #wt~ io-l bas bous One 1918 SuV lx tir«,; uebon ov ~igld andi reptint- es. e111be 5M- è&> eap 1 ussàe o 4WW a tolsi from new. Wue- buy, sSI ni Md Ljdk* County for layns. Mito, Cars. Open Sunsisyt and HolIisays. E9veninounti 9o'closik - ILLINOIS AUTO EXei.IAN4! Phone 1184. Lake Forest lieI. WA"W-Ilxpêence carpentera, paintcetand plumbera for immediate emplayment at Get Lakes Naval Training Station; also 50 laborers for gels-rai vork. Apply Labor Board, &dmlnistration BuilingI. 19-lt FOR SALE--Overlalsd 5-pasaenger 83 in excellent condition, $12500, Ford Sedan, $850.0; Studebaker 17 toilItng. a bargali. *$200.00; Mitchell 19 Mport, ln splendid shape, $400.00. Phsone Highland Park 1128., .l FOR SÂLE-Short Iorn young er- 19-1-M, or A. S. WILKINSON, IdkO FORllLa, A nerly ov -oom mkeret . . a- ., -» M 2I2M. FOR SALE-s r ov4 gtise-tieat milklng = -e»1n4 "flMeiX, «Tise Bull" m1ilmacbula.. bave some. - worktug close 10 tovu. C. r. Richards, Autiodi, 4n 1. 1-tf WANT2ID TO lIENT--O! owner, Ms- diien sîsesihonue, la goosi nelabSf hoSi. Win11gaante. soosid r o o Iproperty andi vili pay goosi renmasd a in ties hape cf ;ssAaat tor dO- Uion 10 purcisae. Asidruas Renter, eaue of 1ldpendent. -if FOR SALUV-Dresser. ine »condition. SF111»Ili resalohi. PbAonsLiber tvme 320-, or sMdrugp P. 0. Box M>1 WMV4W~ -Mss 'ai'guierai teu P"~ 6.hJD-S3lacle 00mb Alicosa hatchug egs. Sbespprd Ul st airain; from prlzq wlua à Gaftgs., Round Lake, Ill. PliOns 49-J. FOR SALE-75 buahels Qerman let seed& chas. Jobuson, 825 Noffi Milvanueavenue. 184f roi RENT-T*o furniishesiroom Ata 304 Broadvay. Phone 34- 18-t9 FOR SALZ-ilight rom houa-thr6b- fourthisa crof! land, mi Milwaukee, about oue mile norti of LtbertrVMilS goosi bar u housoie, vell, cîsternh etc. Inqnlre aorK B. D.ubisard aithtie j. B. morse & Ce. store. LibertyvMfe. Teleýisone 14. 18-st FORý SALE-8lght room Isouse. loca<- esi just nortis of MethOduat pawefl- age lu l4bertyvllle. Inquire of C. M. Wtlcox, Llbertyv'Vle. Phono 21-W. 18-2t FÔR SAI-Poesi' wagon and harnest in flne couffitisin ansi sate for chil- sinon. Carl Martin, 819 WVasington st., Waukegan., Phone 1244-M. 18-2t WA2OTED- Witl take boarden and .rotsmers. Phone. 82543. 114i ANNUONCEMENT I have receetly taken charge o! tise hlacksmlnth shoe of tise late Wm. BIna- »Inn, at Dlamousi Lake, ansi am pro- bu"edta -do ail kinsis o! blackamithing sud repair work. Automobile work andi acetylene weldlng doue. l"-t- - MRTIN HASON. o FOR AU. THEIliNEWS 0F LAniÇt " ÇO U N T V , su SSC R I SE FO R r EN1 P N ý N T 4 -0 ^ - ' ^tI4 * L lNDPEN 0N-p1S0E VER AT St. Mary's> of the Lake AREA,1 IiLINQIS It WM IPsy You To C&H At The Liertyville Battery & E Pctric Service Stton We Repair. Recharge and Replace 1 Ail Makes B]94tteriea I»apoctaid, Tosted and Wa.tered D'EUE Genear ma di gatioeRepair Whben i trouble cail Libertyvile 400 Batteries calleti for and deifrered 551 NORTH 'MILWAUKEE AVE. LISERTVVILLE, ILLINOIS tH LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DIE We guarantee ou- rîmedy to save 95% , ethtie slck hoga, stop lise cubing, andi destroy aIllvorms ln six days. If l t do isat vo say, money refundesi. Gîta more worms thais ani' other worm caula. tWrito for fIrae Information on disese and cure of bogs andi chiokmns. tErpum t&«à & Poo&ly FarImmI Galain Mo.' R. S. cg- Gutter anid Spouting Thereià a very Iow pri-ce on this niaterial now. We Can Do It Promnptly v w Apply ;o straSit l aieoca, *Ai ai chantcoue ofthe sud ai 9:;00ore cetper an W% ~tri A ~Brs »aI.eBEN. MarysP.It»a 14Otr àentsBrMI .5% fi-I -- »r"0-W4 Wfi. M.ryT. KIktM 20 ... . emman aMWI $ .CrwS a -r ntki %. T. AIBIe b. r». Abi W. . U - wW. T. Ij.,e.ty sý . îR em -ot OS 0f .8 * ilterti * sprnprl u NI f i,« e i;Ol4ft W. C. Po We. C. Po ,W1. 0 ice ist. g e c;,.,. 5,- Guy Wb &3.8 S' Jen s JobnB1 p'pNiî Mm.Ms HQUSES FOR SALE h"o 11;z onu Pourth Street that vo *111 sel right .TheSe wOre butb nof the bsat îAterialg and by labor on dap bai.fll là nohsbm abouit tisein.FIfty-foot graded lots. Shade trees amd WZUk Houles have largo living room, kitebeu. tWo b.d rooma.'t lemb@UI ansi bath on main floor. Tw'o bed rwO$s o second floor. Fine MI cementesi abesmnt. Water, gai, lectridty, cîstorn and , fOUSiCe Fric. or one K4800 andi tiie olier $4.200. Thîs place bai unftnlie second floor andi luas»o baseîsent. lrst PaYmeut SLOOO, b&INMi easy. WinU p u t rnade for $150. 00 extra.

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