Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 May 1922, p. 11

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-JUD4iES fOK THE BOY'S ROUNDJP Captain W. T. Evans Of The Naval Station Honorary Judge Of Electric Park Events TO GET TWO SHIELDS Wankegan, Bey 17 Cajuain Wajda T. Evans o! the Great Lakes naval training station bh« beau appointeS lianorar>. juS>. a! tiie eventa litiwitl b held SunikBoy'o veekt Kectric Park under the sus- picca of aeveral lot-ai organlzallons. Dtaiel W. Wenthwotii, Governnr-Gen- eral o!flthe IOAv-Illinolmis lents or- galatians. vw iaob. an hanorany judge o! the events. and has written a letter accepting thei Invitation o! tbe Waukegan Kiwenle Club toa4a'end Ibis uffair. vhlch le at the. Instignation o! tbe KivantaIs. Under the prescnt plane. te grade achool auSents viii taike part lu tiesle eventz anS vill h. avardeti Points fr f ual,. secondanid thinit- se- illon. there vIii h. tvoa ebirds aarSeS lthe achoîm a!fviicit one viii b for th aéhalt camplonsip and thé.aseond for the. fieiS events. à tture o! the progrmm ln tu be the cealipede tace betucen the nehools. vhh i ii h. IncluSed undet thie ld * vents. This particular event la hein>. '*jetuned andS yul require a number a! practice sesions befare the. teame arc Petected. Thraugii the coutesy of the M. H. Hinus> Lumber ComPuny. a Dumber o! polos are te, b. itrihuted ta lie achols tining the coming week Fe hit l'". . -' l.uenali s tao beane ut thé bggst Items aol tne pngnsm AtileiecDi. ectar Donaldson of the Publie Scbools Io tta ha lu charge uth a, revenueS bat- tery. This gem. Ie prlncipally tan tun aud the business taen. are ant1cipatln>. a deteal lan lhe hands oa! hei Young- clerc. viion the>. are even naw bout- lng as tiie hast ball players ln the City. Captala Dael o!ft the gi Sehoal, Eari B. Davis of lie Y. M. C. A. ad scout Executive Edgar o! lie BOY; ecouts yuIl be ln charge of tie field and track events. Entry blunke areto ho dstrbuted ta tie ebhots dSurin>. tie comm>. yod 'sund the.arrange,, menta made fr the evonts. The hiauke mustibho f150 andS teturned ta tisheudatquartens b>. the lti, neit Beturday. Rcîveen a tiausund and fltoeen-bnfl- dned boys are expected t a tko part la the et-ente anS ta attend thc round ut. A number of girls aeuaie expect- ed. althongh lie>. are not ta lako Part in tiý ronau. *L,,M SALE - Professor JýOt's modern haine at 494 N. Sheridan Road in offered for sale for the. fira tiUre through his local brokers, G. R. Green & Co. This home is the most modern and up-to-date home in the cty of Waukegan; bas 83 foot frontage with beautituli flower and vegetable garden in the rear. For price and tçrms, If intersted see G. B. Green à Go. 2 8. County St. Phone 1892-2759. 114-tz -h bils. rM.we zSon nomg rm IbUmmatdo& m *0 mm te a. mblmmt usMU*.mumlathe pt «m« t lva éeait 1Tev. li otwu mo aw peo»ucel h lit tim et lm m . fue litai mi>. menbt ba ~ .afetof oet gU"vud lia ubciemms e ta towa. l a vbiks witoiiu mrpmwmru4 Moons Of the Piaeta. À trouial a ttendaheOt ct.iclest aboutt the planet ut a aun. Itlàl tae satellite o! a satellite. The i. 51115- tiop between mion and planae la lati are ot iLe. Tw mous lu tha sotnr system-Titan of Satuum atidOaa>.' m ede <ut Jupiîen -are larger tian t "" planet Meneur>., and rivethecPlenet Mors. Mon>. ttooi5 cceeti the a- tenabfls, or tiny .pianote. A satellite 1% tetd ln ewey b>. otii $un anti end ot these the sun le lwayâ 014 AbsoIutely Not Gulft>. -Bnanger partner. tLtho EUJ>.baS beeDnset 1tulia *Dlt'5 enon anerrand ad told te cre- Hiemer»On. turm tmmediately,. DBM>.remlaeS- A colared men mid to hie minister boni. On bis retuon his mohber &U'< oe eday: "Sali, 1cole ejoy Malt OBUiy. what la jour abject l In t,.li religion bettah If ypou w J es' su> et mnt!'s wbcn 1 taIS >ou tu Conle eomething new nveSt Llnstcad ehut backr BDI .replidI Obiect. of ne-,mI)ngr d'j~l an vialdopo manObec. Ii, OYugrounlng." ' 1, !~ alight- OYCfl took l i lhss.1 le I t I oue nng."sid the inimte'r. "Itries te 40 MT f <Wttb«. malt. up In tiiunulr If You Appreciate Good Work and 24Hour Service B RING YOUR KODAK FILMS TO BRANCH WALTERS___DI in Libertyville, over Decker's Drug Store Open Daily Afternoon Sittings Made on Thursdays and by Appointment WALTERS The Photographer In Your Town Bargain. Day Sale Corne touNo. hicago May,19-20 Visit the Demonstration of Martn Senour'100% o Pure Paints, Varnishes, Stains, etc, by a Speial Factory IÈe- presentative. Free-A4 Shopping Bag to Every Lady. A Bank to Every Child Visiting Our Store. Free Samples of Varnish Uatgain'Day Specials on Broken Unes Perfecto Paint, regular $3.00 perj Auto Enaniels, standard make, ood gallon, for inside and out- $20 uaiity;qatrglr$.0 side use, per gallon - at 90c; quatsrgar$5045 Interior Enamels for Porch Fm'niture, Chairs, Beds, etc. ]Regular 80c can- 49c 35C at 18 c 25e a' 10c Remember W, Are MiIk Ca'n Hondquarters Railroad shiýping can, 8 gallons, Weight 19% to <Qf 201/2 lbs each, as ceu - . .-.... .. ... . ...... Factory close-out, while present stock lasts, S-gai. local de- V hvery eau, weight about 16 Ibs. $2.40 Regulr'$290, each .......--------------- T.H. -McKinney & Son J1. &g ffey. North Chicago MAY AUIRATE PRI3S FOR NEW PARK PROPERTY of Three Places Sug- gest This.Course Rather Than Condemnation BOARD SIL DEADLOCKED Wankegan. May 1". If the Waukeffl park board av. coptB a tentative offer tbat bas been recelved frgm the. owners of proper- ty Iylng east of the ravine an Washington etreet the prie of thia' residetice property, as well as other tiietbtat rnay b. taken over frcr.i lime tournie, may b. ftxed by the board of arbiration, theleiY obviat- lag the neceaslty of condemt'ation #froceedings. ' nhe tentative uffer came fram D. T. Webb, Mly~se Ad& iltimore and lirs. Lanra Shumwal. who own the reeldences, whicb tii. Park boarud piane totake over. -It, la uggested that the owners of lte property Be- lect a representative, the park bogrd seet one. aaid thes.e twa representativeas elect a tpird ta n'ake np the prilposeS arbitration board whoee dut>. It would b- ta Lappraise the value Of the tf* 'e. prapertiez. Frank Burke, a member af the park board, laid te tts befare the board et a meeting tast night, euying the offer bud Corne ta him trou the ownera et the. praperty. Other -members Of lhe board were Dlot read>. tu arrive ut a decisice. as 4ta 'whetber Ibis Course chOuld ho 1selected, or viietiier the price eiiould h. fze<l b>. a JurY ai the condemnatian prateedlflgs which bave been etarted andO which are scbeduled ta cdSme up early in Jufle. The board offered Mr. Webbh16,- 000 for hic praperty. He demand- Shiop at Waukegan's ForemoSt Store For Men ed $26,000; Mies Miltimore vs* 0of- if red $8,000 but demandeS $11,000;I Mrs. Shumway was offered $7,000 but k, holding ont for $11,000. Stili Deadiocked. Thte Waukegan park '.,/rdl till K<mains ln a camplete deaÜlock as ,Ie nuit of tva members oppaslng the rsatlng af James A.,Reeves, whoi w~as elected ta tireboard rectEî'itrl' the regular election but whOse etec- ta'n was deciared !euity tiiraugii a very emali technlcalily. L'nder the law, If! the board 0vtes Io "set Mr. iteeves JI, basthe paver to do sa but up Ia the precent Urne the vole stands "tva ta two" on the Last niglit vas the thîrd Urne that the matter of seatLtg Mr. iteeves came belon. ti.heurS aMd the vatoe tood the Seu.3ast t1he iast meeting. Frault % Burike and Hsrry Hayt voleS for Mr. Ree$ and Stabl and IYeofan voteS eaineft hlm. Woauck. 1theformer Plisdelt; a! lhe board merci>. continnest t px'eslde at lb. meeting but canto Do vote. Hia support Gh*ngeS. It il- recalied Ibat vhen lte mat- ter wae liraI put. 10 tbo ard smre weelcs MeoStabi and igopt yoteS for Iteeves; Witite, Burke and Yeoman opposeS hlm. Later lir. Burke as- sumeS the. stand liaf ho fj>nlSd ot cotisistel>.oppose 'the. verdict o! the votens vha. b>. a bis mujarlt>. had signifiet tiroir desire of placlifi Mn. Reeves on the board. Accord- ing>. Mr. Burke caut hig vote &aLthet naext meeting ln lavon of Mn. Reevos but when lt calme ta, Stahi ia obad meeting ho swltched his vote ageinet hlm. Thu, il stooaetic ai tbat ineet- lng and tie came situation devel- oped ai last evening's mDeetlrg. C',uulraSt la a gQ..d tinflt unt WQ mnustobàence the la%$ o! r uonlolte (nntnast. and unlees s e bave sprace enougli ta ceCýune these, It la botter ta ? be content wdth unity anud elrplielly, whi-h are always Ia bc bad.-Leigb tint. -1i '1 Let Us Supply Your Camp Needs We now have on liani a coînplete line of large Tents, Army Cotg, GoId Medal ('mivas Cots, Sini- nions Collasi Beds, Mosquito Tùiits, Pup T.ents, SiIk Floss Navy iPads, Mattresses of ail sizes and Èescriptions, Pillows, Sheets, Pillow Cases, 011 istoves, Lanterna, Navy llanm-orks,, Sra Bags, Bar- racks .Bags, Army Lockers, Fie]d Desks, Gillette and Ever-ready Safety Razorg, Mess Kits, Canteensf Pots, Ketties, Chairs, Blankets, t. We also have on band a eomipicte line of Mèn's and Boys' Shoca, Boots, Shirts, Trotîsers, Breechies, Coats, Slippcrs. Oxford-, Raineoats, Ponchios, Over- coats, etc. -We also carry a enniplete fine of arrny Rar- ness, Bridies, Feed Bags, Breast Çollars, Curry Combs, Bruses Tic Straps, Saddle Blankets, HRai- ters, etc. Conie in and look aroiuid. You are always welcorne. Waukegan Army & Navy Store 204 8. <Jenesce St. ' North End of Bridge Libertyville Army & Navy Store, 507 Milw Ave. 3 Doors North of Lake Co. Nati Bark Subscribe for The Independent This Sale Demonstrates How You Sa1ve at the Globe Just Read This Itfs the Beat News YOu'U. Read Anywhere Today! For Men's -iSits Withi 2 Pairs of Pants Every Suit as Classy and Dependable As Any Man Can'Wish For This is the Big Clothing News of the d#y-it *1~nnstrates how you profit when yéu shop W MRbi ~ig Clothing Store. The luits are just the ones you felloFs as well as the particular oider mcen are éoking for and they 'me suite you'1l 'be proud- to Wear. They're siplendidly tailored from excellent new Cash- rperes, Worsteds and Tweeds li pencI stripes and ieheýks, brownm, grays, etc. They're the product of the best Anerica and style and serve ae built right into theni. Suits for the tail maxi, the sO.rt man, the fat x= and the slim mmn %,. Extra Pair of Pants Saes You the Price. of Another Wui W. Di>lplay Other gSplendid bSuits Wit 2Pin d o Paiutsata IIý2O1125 $3O, Im TEE VIHTS A" KD U""ATA Are ail readyf or yen. Yài 'know th~ They're the standard g

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