RACE RT MwUK >reat t.akes Saîlors WiII Asist Al~gn ~dFrMm ra in Rlgging Anid Carlng Dayq $bow Forth e at For Bat bons son,-Mlm Murphy Feature-' FACE STARTS MAY 30TH To 'KEEP LOCALS BIJSY t Plota and aides to represent the P. mtiiénismier or challen.ges bfrl my and nay I the national bal.i8i idti.r~caatr on race whicb will leave-from 4l Porgg t ai te rigg a atPrf tt lwaukee May 30 and 31 were >. neot a reiy p=o0ot ig anied la ,communications, receiveti t list con. nnotsncemeftt ana int* ers tolay trom Washington, D. C., duel"Wisemadie betwemleacis bout. ~Lakeburst. N. J. G iUrbateeigbt 0 tl Nlination races were held lanrt hlar.aaltrhSI ttbi eek t various a=y stations tbrn- . ejldthe winner eft the 1Lo t lii. countr-y. Maj. Cen. Masèn ke Angelo fight. Eotb se- atrick, chiet of the army air ser- g 3 iifgt louSaniymets ce. andi Brig. Gen. William B. tMe lgt.r bsasfilledtis dit. dte1n e itcheli. assistant chiei. h ave pas- $hi% wth Md Pringle. dl upon tiie trials. Gen, Patrick. -IM iacalro ewnire lin nul be In Milwaukree fo.tise @. --0%- Heu ohaluti. ine o ventgehrwith Brig. Cen. *fl*Crtrbu. t uygt a itchleil. wlred the foiiowimg ap- Thsehappy yaspptters ai' t -te- -serimns Re4l AdnIeaaton 0aq )»im te wait util lieneXt*figJIt Voinfeces for the ramy personnel: ua gebof -an Amedm - Iew, la,$ itElf4at> f"* i îe eoltAp4e Wic-,hho ate Most;icurtis Army Names Pilote. b, I mai. Oscar Westover, pilet heI;eAdniI,ý dtbe luPeroreegî ~ ilg t a retuma'lu tise Leut.-Byron T. Burt, aid. 'Tihefamine i tii. Vçtp B"a - .ayelte D *éCmya- Lieut. James T. Neeiy, Pilot; seyere in the arl lt lu%-net!e card ve~ut. James B. Jordan, aid. f pct was fet Y elBllyinef the 11àM -iivtItithalulclime iped Byt4a 10lngi Llet. illam E. Connolly yl 'citics and a seiaarplowi n 5t blseali g 1 vtiro heFizG<PrJe$i 1ic il>. air service oprations officer 000 ciilti rationss matie. for Peii.u.hamnoog portiocs os- lse !teFrt esrJe01 jsnd alternate piot. The elimanatian gia.E-or, alut" ts Jcousevvr appeirs triai, in vhich scores or ransy bat- ,. hul-feeding stations Ue lw'ont in' ý th" 4004PrO14eJI %W ere. buthéar be mabug.f Sen officers îaok part. vas regard- 'above, reaching moret ta 3A0i00 rp naeWaitt 11* sowwihroi*"lhwod u ed asSo0e or the most keeniy con- ciiltren, and 7,000,000 daily cari rat. themfres bPoaUckunt ein, mateismaker of htirt te-itedtu i the history of free bal- tiens for adults. madie oeble tho t dan f o-&.Thse sole anti prOPejs- .n rbW, tpet bterigvt 1c.Oing. the Aer>ma Co ey for, tiat poverty 1 onnori. istee2 imes' Russell. anti Itureti a Tlh. navy lias etered officiaUs' sucls2,000ýn = 8 a 2t on struction,' and, eerency cai-~UC ievrt !bnae oo twto lsloaos. One Win be express- ai tii.e orld'rs tsifamine tuat iconnutiott>vthe.basic 5itabWs. ýso inthe audience matie the. suggs- eci frmin Pensacola, Fia., and wiii b. eh tientat Gene LeClair- b. brouglit pilited by MLeut. W. F. Ilee&ti, ts________________________________ docwagain. LeClair viPPed Stela Cich'f iigger K. Mulinix as aid. Whsau tbey met befome. Thîý second lialloon i vii have as'sent ltaV hîy te Riches' over short Tisss mon may be use in tas.h next puilo Lieut. Commander J. P. No r- St<P vhihisas pramptiy recorded Us.Jorty and Plueslty. cas-ilteubis stageet t fhé Fort Siierld- feet snd Aviation Chie! Rigger J. as a putout bt the colometi second A candidate in an eetion recelves -ai ring. This viii be Memorial dey .P. Shade ase ad. This Personnel baseman. Pester clisibeti a single a Plurility of votes vison ho obtslha visensix bouts Wii b. slated frth. repi-e.enta the pic'. o!firee balloan to,-short, but Barrtt's vhlm.ngsent morethan any ether canididateadb raadmyb nteanh-har experts lu the navy service. tse local'a 'chances tiovn ielOv Par recetsa aoif f e , aëi he 51 - at i ms' be iIn the amport tse in additiontet ibs personnel, the. Evanstosi turneti the trick la thé total la more tissu ail Ote .115 JI=Murpby antiGene Watson. bave ponnîandant or tiie Great Lattes ta- luit <0£tihe eigbtb, viien Masse luPlilty tla tis e excens et votas beessianed for the feattsre of tii. .y- >inn as ben orereti10 snti ade- tagiei thougb nort anti reteieti y anyone laaiatematchM a a atch hicl may tuht_ eachinent to report te Lieut. Commnid boal out a blinI.Phillips -alo itrWthée s-~ev ytu - P*1ih~yo hmis5 ot ja Nrfee t asIt n heriglgandthi li aisstng business letbut i asw ..î eledb té od" fte QGoné Watso te,the Pacifie Cosat ~~~~~r~~~a Nothétoaaa terUn i ng ie n0XtgMest ut er «i ' 9,0 OarPlOU Witle MurphY la tire Champu rere o! balinons. Tiiese ballonna viii gt avay viths It. boing PlIt oUt at viite tie mRlOty 14 the «Cus <c b.~eta tts iormeigu leuntier armed guard. Tise navy par-tiat. tisevits then lJet oue of bé-M ihieý-nrl tts hirmeigt ty iiibav 1h eu onMay' 35 anti bnders bit Pierce. Pierce toc'. vot-es àcvd bY tii. Canddte bathé sUfort ring le going ta pro" .au et ty il tetetheea O treait &s thebases veeé fait. i nt tise bigises iaurnser tises.traction for the. fght fans. - reci llw.uks May27.. ~ wooti ramblei ta tise plate anti réeeied les'*a1ltii. cUisistogether. poleil oui a iigu te Pester. Kaseel Thun yli.tia candidats fo&oce, OUi The carat. EVÀN9 0NuIAD gailoPet borne. vîtîti té tiecititg0f- MY 10,000votes. recéil b4,000 4114 *mio etini 3aWndard of veigisi. ab E A1M IN 11(11sun. beatiug Pester'& throv home. Iw.o ther canddates receive respen- thangli sit -0BO' la a lwioe IN atite tussie vas flnlaiedL tivels' 8,50W and 2,500, the- trt 1i, Mer mum lest.os, i. Poe- Waukegan deserve te Win s'es- aleetles' a plurelt>', thObe h ubasmus e a _t e becauisof lis SH M U SIN trdars gainseas thi.>'outpiaYetirecelveti leu tisaix ma majorty ef thse ceopect"ê 'h) r vastn ilrondtir'g hLlr tel vote. sud ho la ssld te bave a îee. I n~ fn W~Uhlifl Estages ot tise garas. Panlure te holti PlusalitY 0ft5NO votez. thlsdiSee t la I fe v tOfeu- T tu w L C tisa manling Evanatolana da* itri e, 4,00 «dS «& Ida ..oo. W hirever Coet Waukegan boie on... 1 4 1;ni FINL SANWG oint tiefeat and sent the. localae - tri t Won Losi Pr Ct tiovu te t.irdplace la tise sèctiais Saelauut id i Ot. 1 ert t et fioerfleld ......4 2 àjs-la oxSoe6h46ebUtn aX-ti*%-t Wr»nek ........... 4 3 67 EVANSTON H. B. &B PR H PO> E metropfloli f 8"0"- ÀasRà,n Ms Sti5 l Ne-w Trier---------- 2 4 .333 Bmn I u------- 280 sett'tien~U n e t, at "oubini, i--------4 1 1 a 1 rèepond vutisehétidal iom«altet nraat o 10mulgmariý ay -risedore A. Berchti. , Richey, . .........--4t>0 2 1 a th océan. Thse.-hwaIoluthie o-M$ littie hhudgen essvsk o s l......4r iJO Ot i.Ag aluodhnatl inn, ontihe gaete fa ub , f-----------4 t> O 0 wllich tises sbrustly frtrate g*%a te àastn Gb S&nd estaislsiedPierr5cf-----------...4 0 r00 oglestsebaebli *dsmu ltt th tiedown stiore Outit bl secoud Feeto, c--------- 4 1 5 1 liseir garn~ses have rco'i plc !ts etsscineitise O'Shaughnessy, P> ... a i 0 0 <sais' avllable faot surface f~nCi Subunban League. Tii. local ien ess otra*~itsons a pïrt-Uine coune-et tise thInnng. lie Wasskeaantu. WAUKEÂN IH. S. AB R H PO EBu1iscebtsdlaoii0 - has'iog a lead tite ta Tisuely J-a-, b----5 >t 1b.... 0 1 0 permaneuatli laid eut, being e ce*. IAitEvn of iatunganti a ev bon. beat i mveajsade......... 40 s tibfo .ch nab J vfl , cobtfor thee -indiycity" asunu- b- Bar e------ mg O*50.Bliil:y ii i:.a:e"ml anites. Mac Unevt . ........---1 i2 a> 0 b.conetedalo-e tue anson e ni Linevitz toiledth ie entise game' a h.l-----~ cstnecnh magtfrvsa on the-hoU anti alowedth ie Evalss- Broeeker, r! ........ 4 0 0 2 0 the Itd i, the l.'bail par'." boMea tan clublers to minele Ivelve bita Durst. c...........56 0I1S8O0putofthbePach*cqceuand tkeqa off hns. Thse yoetisul <fitgis- Opeka, -c!----------..4 01 1i.i0omuet lu caflet-Popular eaio nees ab alored on tise Petkfor thse à-- --fag*.ne. oppanents anti allovedtiotn bineles Ttl .... .4 02 ho . cmbti ffhus ls' is loal Home sun-tlnewits. Tvo base Frvauston got a 10on0 taUYIs'hher OUistne-b15y. 10; onf Unevîta, 12. Evers' ini 1er ios 'W ranc a liratture at bat. Blunt, leati OCfSacs-lice bta-Braec'.er, BMi'tt.womanevà iîitsÎ' 0.l tea be ea&- ara bit <ue for a ingle te conter SIte' Ot-By Unevita, . 7;es Boston Tranbcrpi. l1.l4. A stolon base anti Solbeints Oe8isaughnsy. 4. Bases on ball- bouc braugtitre ta Uurd. Thus t O'Sbaugiinesy 4 (Tjevlts 2, Riches' vent mItiste clouline- bus- Drynatale. Basrett * off Unevits, i tossanti vallopei a tva-base sdrive (O'Sbangbneuass'. Bills1). Bides Md 1pflis E E.P ya tefougli short. llunt cuaseIr -tsh tses-Pester, DuittBarret, BIni, Ev -die# 't 1îu tSemn ea e omms Pierce. Struc ertbyplîciieti or y7 Ai'~4 tu arn. a s- tls ubai-bs OBShaugbhsessy. (Durst) lenti aig !tje ~s~ tihe second tanra2. Msickhhlvisanketi (DBtt(More), is' tfevta. but ds iar tiie ~q'zeeqsi- idg enuetiavn pasit isai anti vent ta <Pierce). baovsexemy lf vblit msseansPj eon.Broec'ý-- sacrillceti, Mach- ipseiiab________________ lin te tiirti. Ater Durst liati vii- fed thse air -tblse l ime for nasse-ht. Opeka up anti cracks eut a jingle te thirti. scorie- Mankli for thie tueing couit. The thirt Inhuilu sas thse eparkler for the local gang. Nigit -es out ait the nine gai up te bat. Dms'daie. - first up grounieti out la Sollseims . Pester startedthte baturne; frivolils' by viackinge a single te deep.ô en- ter, Barett toilovedti ibiatothisr sigle teathéesanmespoft. Tie ie tUs S tvaoun -bue, Unewitz. tinking is tumaiat ao&Ikng home suns WUa ripe tiovp tihé ssehide oSAs-th ise~git Rleifence for a hamner, scring iao Barrett anti Pester. la Ue orts. Waukee-5n ac.,s-d o m um. ný anther Mnamkes. Dry'aa: got a val'., Pester auneled anti Bars-tII was abtrucks by a pitcheti ball, iut lhe bases. ljnevitzaiase obtaineti a aolà;anti forcet.inluDrystiaiO for d - tise Ittis score. Mackhilis' ho tg £éOIheCis5anti hiloeckes strikig Out VA titiaas witii aly more chances tvnatO i came ta bat in tuiit A n n sIjcUoIT use behisnd on a e Ct6cr. tan s ,k - * roundstaie registes-edtiwvu ares 111Ua5s.~.,~/,- I *-. DentêryWithout -pain Nnattetry cftwaas'Is e-mths'impr«ove t h st orcf a fevs'u &e-c Totit, =%saurdiseuse of!th$s* mutabots' Wh" stOeMes11 waofel médical imen as te, tlirs- ginbave tinalls' left tee ta d tii ti -a0 f th.él teeIL levers' pesea*visabau dofée- tive teeth, Ooti consuît lis aI- one. Be «e-et4at s'on are Dot- bas-borine- til*etetteetis viici ssýy lu nlcýly polsesine- seue-? ss'.lem a&i usasy' reffuit la mlisastene omr lire. We prac-I m ttican' elt»àm fil painafs-ar a»Y opergtios62 lie teetis. W, «trt to ubh e sal thIat nosi pople eau hadIs'islss' theiro senses. Our ehargs art reesonabieendtiti schate svesyqn su*t. -aluhne- forex îato. y(>Rmff~ no avas' -vlb those mre. spon" v us prelie- e-uui. Il rai be lait-tise PYMOM gur broueit bac'. te thels- naturel pitS celos-.Conutatian ires. Brîdeevr'. Ver- tooth-...6 WJE Set et Teeti,, up frout-410 I 7 f IPIhilg, Up troat....----..-.-- OMN YUUA ~ lNts U SUNJIAT JO ~ 1,WN ugoe6** h. Uusuual -motance 1* 77* sVery Sale. of Dresseim MiU«es a!deIilgitfreinaur cuatornera teamr--evfty drus li tissus We-als' umder île ac.cepteil vaine, ail arie&*atfUily elyleti andi art modela for. str eet afles-rn a"nti pots v'"e-ln &-ail e, lx se White antilack,$m t , 4Bueae uIsmpa.ohsa r llqsl vlt.g.aics-te ls bsWtt t f'bua4sl it45s e 4oing te-a 8iaatepie* . . eOne poonti...45e.O ins iaait. 1*0 ce s k..8... 100 AAis fel.-- asr i51 'itubar l~for Sie lum o 4iot ver ouil ssulei *~~~ ,* .Sfor f51.08 . ....en......-. iaS rlie #'.o-nt itand Oiers * a- 18 tue Laipt-f à.Aplriii cut Tbles -..... 3 for 26* 20o Little Lier Pilla --...2 fof 264 01.900 tuxsud Iran Tenue Tablais - ...... for $1.01 &OC Pile O1UIsment-.........2 for 510 $1.00 BSy-up ofai U' drophos- gpilateCopsa d ...3for 11.01 150TanisalisStopper ...2 for lit Suc Creaeusof Almondes..S 3for 34f $Se Shavine- Lotion-...3.2for 40. Sot lard lakine- PUila....2 for 510 25* Canbeio lelng Salve 2 for S"0J. $1.00 Dyapepala Tablets 2 for S1.0,tw ffl Mil'. ef Magnemia ...3 for Sf ýd Si.e heumatle Tablets ... 2 for 510 11le Kidnes' CompOundý__S 1fer 660 MMIZ ITMN ON DIfPLT 19 Tus t«mRai, . This etIs tise butesh quality anti casefuls elected. Standard Frics,.Oies Net....-lu5e Tht. sale, Tve Nets-.. .-.......184 STATIONZEY Sulu318 "D 011.00 Bymphoans' lov <paper anti *av)>-... 2for 1.01 $Oc Lordi Baltimore (papes- andi envi.... for lSi. 10, Wrtting Tablets _..2 for lie lot ussrs-----------I.,...... 2for Ile S0. Na. 64Dislpfectant, 146os. .. ..... ...-. for 616 10e Compoundi Licorice Povder. .................2 for il. 26C Creamu of Tartr.2 os 2 for 214 2fe Plazeasti Whole,, S os 2 for 26@ 20o Selinn i Bcarbonate le os ............--------forSie #'Sc Soda MinIt Tablais .... 2 for 140 SiceCascra Tbes....3for 940 lit Creas Tartar anti Sululsur Losengea .... ... 2 fer 200 S go fn Soda -Phosphate-. S2for S" soc Zinc Oitment-......3.2for 51* abc Mentlsolateti Tus-ca Tablets-------------......... 2for,- - lie Velaus- Povdes- Puffa 2 fer lte on* pouistiLa a pgeka4e. W. aise bas'e..nvalope ta Matcht. Standard Prie. Ont Pound.-.d0o Tatassale, Tir ouunis41 NAXXU XIOT:WATEE 3OT=L Ci 10D1TAM mîNa ne. price everyvieslà $2.26 «Ch. Pulli ta quart capaclîs'. - Guarateet fer e*year, a tandard'Prite, On. for _$.26 Tale Bale, Tva for-.... . . 22 1LL COL» 033*1 A deligliful. aklin cm. standard 'rit±e, Oas Jar -.........0 This Sala. Tva Jass .. U=M AVING 033*1 iâumatiA., cresm ani'tes-. Wili stad upon s'onr face tirongh- out tise *have. Standard Prime One~ Tube ...0 ThiasBale, TvaTue ........." TOULEZWATUR Eeautifnl pachaem of hie-h grade toilet valet, emcii eontainin th*,% truc tedor o! tise nover vicesna«e Standard Prie, Oit Botile 11I.00 ThtasBale, Tva Battues ELWNO DENALCRA A perfect dentifrice, Anti 14tL anti deodorant. Cheans ant i teno tise teeth. Comtes oui flai on' the brunis. Standard Ps-ie. On. Tub. ----.25e Tata Sale, Tvo Tubes .. ...,...- 16e During 1h15 sale vs bave a l-. lied quantits' <of tliaCantis'kio"a as the "Cicclates vlh lis Wou- desfui Centera." Standard- Prime. Ose Ponn.41.ft Tata Sale, TvaPuds....10 TOILEZGMMD 11.00 Jasteel Fac. Pàovier Compacts-...-... .. 2 for $1.01 $1,60 Dasîra cmplexion Poviter -«.. .-... ......2 for 81.51 50c Ras-nons' Massage 1. Cre .... .. -......0for i* tulietI)I ltce Tscumk-..lfer. 36e lu- e aai Tollet Boap.S,,.2for le 25a Tar Bbampoo. Soap.2 lfor 26e $o i edicatest 8bkjs Shp.-..8for Sud 60ocSyta FNeqEaWiler -.--2 3for Sie Stl.25 bubir Cisihln for 51.51 4e0enToth Esliai for, 4f'. 5eeud o Up.., . for 76 Standard fl6'ri 0'n Er-5.. 00l Bs-esui- Cmbe As. foCet è*tkei.ae- at Our- Inter TOI QI Becn gettîssi !ollav ,era: 11>in s-eados I> eeme ounti over. ne isor os i ne mon.> chèttg tmy fo averti 1 w lviste look«' mans' travel b e-e vs bu thréé elitis andis ta&m "p." 1ID able lus- wol year mie-i aboit .5 f: w lime curi tins (Ths a ci gae-* trip but Wh, per faim Wei moi A Dai has mit ,dot Cpc ma fol i-e Ire air sp, -i ab Sp *thi w: la as ta ini~