IlI FIRE'IUESDÂYi Chief 0 Farrell Caled to ChaP- poili Farm West of Ournee h The fiue large barnuou the CbaP- poli arul 3 mileS ve6t of Gunne. and loeibly the fine rosideteIttei- self, wre saved f om desitttiotiJ. by fine Titesda>' mmrlU gthrotiliet- emeteit vwon or a backei brigade compoe4 cf noibora. The lirsys- laie lire depîntuseut aise rendenedé valuablo assistance. Chie! Bars It O'yparrolil orWauiepiS nespoiided t, a Dlea for. hlp lu dýxcting theoI vonk of lire rightiug, but the fin I bad boon extlnguishod vheu ho ar rTved. lu enu uTe bagi.lirilI5 Of!aa ~i'te n glue in the Iili houge la bellevedl roapousiblle for the lire.. This a bld- iisg vas dotro3ed snd thse large SÀ c assI istance vas sent out sud a nuniben e! farmers responded» Bur'it, of vater vene pased su the tolunteer âfineet soon bad th@e satisfactiont O! getting the blaze on- jt.don contrOl. 0 9 * 0 6 0 I 1L L B U RIN e@ee0000000000000@ Miss luez Pollock of Chcg. pn thse voend vitb bier aints. theMisses Watse's. TIse lUtile 502n. bert. of Mr. and1 Mms.George vuste, vas eersosfly ili tise pait veek but t preseut vriting les botter. Ml. . E. Jantisot spet sonne tino i wltis ler diogliter wbilo the grandsoli1 lir, sud lins. W. B. Stewart enter- talned ,cmy f' ront Wsnkegat. Su- day. Mm .Peter Stranz spent soverslday. in LaIe VllaW vith obr dauglite', lira. Wm. Truax, vioseO ldet son iwver>' Miers. j. H. Bonner and L. S. Donner vene Higlsud Park viitera the Ubawybogout asl Strda>' night A ÂI>MVRR i gong" D eari>' the neit menu- ve er. lutermed that Jacob Raupp IO E E Â E ho=eh BY 1HIDDEN FIRE Mise Caroline Busch sud lira. Ray' Buch>,vent te the city Saturday mninsbb0 Overheated Woodwork Ignites Edc po vsplowing for George ro Frpl e moidr e -yl ttn eb rsi up-t-date .vra! Hours savsg¶tl vradu ts oe The.Saivaton Army botel, Gov. lir, eud ira. Chau. FltzPatrick, Lfm n iall's executive mansioi, EleebisudGetud asPeter Buach'while lu Waukegau. was meoaced Its by fire Suuday nlgbt vhen ovenheated J. N. t hlin, lu the massive oreplace lu jO1tB4*ik, r. Clarence snd the rereption room spt lire te tb,, Pred ucanidai isey attended a i 1o1i1flur beneatb it. A 'fire was dance at ShuftWodens ?lut Saturda>' buil il, thie lireplaco Suudsy atter. >igat noun. About midnigbt the ci rkde- Matis S reisbergeret ofprii tected the odor of sfifole sud dis- Vkwwasa buhwaciller et A. j. covered a thîn coltimu et vood Rmz n utWednd&7. Srolte comlug up tbnougb a radis E. . Gu lad lereutBarett~ l tor upcning soute distance formth-b f .os h s ebeenul arr latvee. eplace. mug fo i eea esltwe. A tls,îugli investigation vas grebert àuse4 po Frdseas tracter. Y n.mI,,tbut no trace o!f ire could b' llas AMieBunton epent nveraI days ounl This ¶norningai t8:30 o'cloclt lut week at tbe Max Miller borne in lthf. - smoke waa st111 corningupu Libertyvllle. througlb the floor. Then a cail ws Gere Weimer, Sr., front Chicagoe ýt , 'tothe Ore department. spn audyattse Cresmere. lI. etigation by the lire depart- spe~~sdaymec t failed to locale any heaI or Emil Geeit, Aliceansd Alexander lire near wbere the amoke was ap Bunton, Jr,, attended thse play Douglas pearing. Fairbanks at Libentyvilie iast Saturday Then ChIe! OFParrel inquired nlgbt. abolit the firepîsce sud mas lnformn On. moruiug laut week, tbe residouts -,d lh-rlad beun a lire there iSou south cf town, wel 1ust a little eut of dav ailernoun. lie felt of tbu fil tise -City limita', -woro avakouod on flue bottent and founul theyfu about four a. nt. by the meat bewilden- mu-ru ie bot. A few mln:îtces latet ing noises imaginable, aud yot those lieen eue lunflhc basemprnt. chap noises are aItfamiliar te us, ýut vo 5Y¶, tinz n holetilt) tbrougb [lhe cpiling wac&dned to bea tbenin moderaioit Thtis rutealed the lire whicb wa bore dowe on tbe tanna, at feedingtl ne.- hlu -nlng quilte fierely. The fact tbai Wel tisere more bonss, Leva. piga, îlt t,tuino draft waa whp.t puev'eute( sbeep, calves sud chickensansd ail were 1" f rom burnlng more rapidly. deing ail thein Ilireats vouid let thons The tire vas caused by tbe fac sud it being atilU tee dark to es00 h5t ibat one layer of [île lu the bul ît vag. Sowvoc5fl50te thse concitL otn cfIlIte firepl-jce had ite that tbe vorld's lii!geit cirons hbs rd ou Ihe vdod floor. corne te tevu sud more unlomdiug tisoir 'lr >animais and vo more vendernug vbat ________ tise admission tee weldiesln our- selve w" we ho ave th se tao 00000000000000000' attend; vison tis e oginer blev the 8vhltdesudwediewoerditwazacatlec0 ANTIOCH train "1proîtty veil starved animaIs" 0000000000000OO stafleon the Seo iuo Wiseube gotn 0 hiii englue lunvorking ordon hIllelet us Miss Catherine Schroder et Cisiar snd vo could yet bave a itle snoze 's i pent Saturda>' snd Sunday at tise hoi m e haven't as yot adopted deylgt etflins. D. A. Williamsa. saving lime. -Mrlis. Kubaupt sud daulihtr, MI lilas ladgo trsng speutthl.e k- end with tbhomoe fom oeO0000000000000 0 de ci M. MW mm C. aDeum ener- 0 LONG GROVE ew ta>ndcpany from Highland Pa 000@90906 0 090 SUB"y.The lvanhoo church fol"s viEpro- a The mlu lnicisool cloe Wedues- sont tisa pliay, "Dea sDabbe" nt Use t day. MA>'17, vi lsaspicle odinnerntaiTwnHall, HaitDay. Btatrereve- f nlng, May' lti. Thia pli aInsai 1 be Deèeialossdi>', liay801h, viii ho a'islm-diner" SMdVali voth seolg. obanvled b>' tse0services - . voede vflb aiIue vii be bMel is e a U2;K taUMebaildn; tn ohis =o buiesl Iuo etT'as' Mr. " m iilt.william identoci ____________ sua" tnsil>'vere LibentyVile calier.s TiseLadloe'Aid society met ath iew * APTAIISIC * Stoisien KelIer berne Tlrnsdaiy atter- Vennon Glu belk bis fina ex*rns lut M. anud Mms Charles Fisher sud daughten, Margaret, ef Libertyvlle vIs- t INUVOY.[led Sanda>' il the Hans home. Jaums ltoasel vascalled te Use cli' sri' Wdneda messigb 'the George Umabdenstoc lia been onC serlosIlnsessudlaie, delli t bis the id lHat fer severai days. tuler. We offer ounuysp±i Victor Satter andi daugistens. Liluanv Ray' Md Clarence Buscli ene ishug sud lartba. vere Laie Zurich calIonsd Wednesda>' snd lied god luck Clarse 'rburaday eveulug. caigfitira " iaIs 'early a lifaityard long. Tiis la not a fthi star>', as Rober; sud Justus galkbrenu .r, vbo Clarence loeked ired carrying it. ire attçuding college at lUluu,st MI., Zanel lemnado powder makes tise sP-ul the wuek end vlth Rev. za»INI ?r-. mont deliclous lentenade ve ever lasted. 7K.ukbretnuer. lir. N F.Busli ntetaled in Williamt Iiibdelitock snd uauglter sudlis. NLeF.euschsud linsd lin. fLtitçl called at the Charlus I lerS< Sbroeder tron Libertyville luit Satu- berger borne Suànday eveulng. day niglt sud Sunday. Vicier Saer vas a Whelus; Ca-eui Saturday. Max Miller sud tamil>' front Liberty'- Miss Emma Kallcbruuuer of Beusun- ville, spet Fnida>' athte Crostmere ville spent Suuday vîtis ber parents. tntm. Rev. sud lira. Kalkbreflher. lira. N. F. Busch spent'sevenal days Mrs. Wolf f of Chicago spunt suveral lait meek at Waukugsii. > days witb ber daugiter. lins. Richard Mmrs.A. J. Raupp entertaiued cent- Reluiers. pan>' lat Friday. Jacob RaupP Ini l ith pneutonutt NW e ailtviis hi a speedy reoe ery. Mrs. N. Busch spent lat Wednesday lP' :mau Kruegur spunt acver,î' daYs ut Libertyville. . lusf weel lu Cbica;;o. lirm N. . Busch sud son, Ray went Mr. sud lirs. Rerman Bnan t o ta Cicago lionday ntommng. Chicago aud Miss Elsa Umbde uo Tise boy s mre fising Sunday ntorn- and Louis Arns of Park Ridge ripent ing. but bad poor uck due te the toe 'uday vltb Mr. sud M,'a. Matt I"mb- froquent ywivnug tbey did, scared the den2,tocIc. i Mr. Motorist:=- Prlleeinvite us to your next Blow Out. Vours Eno'Tirely, Lake County TirelShop, Phone 34-J, Round Lake, UMino'is. dauglter, lise Esthern Stearns more Chicago shopping on Frida>' ot la week. li.n, Mmdlia.Frank Bavage recels a telognam Fnhday evu ln the serlis lUneà o Seti 'stiter, Mr. Kimg at Donville. aDl iad lirm.Savage loft Nittday morpl for»muIla lir. audXlis. Peiensaas ere lu Cli Iseleeslua e hcêle'I hZ A. B. Johin" shoule Md thai ev%* Mms Trieger attended the Zuat=ru91 neeting. lir. sud lirm W. F. Ziegler matoi ho Waukegsn, Wedneaday. John Hanm transacted business Chicago, Bat-idey'. lits M. Davis aid lias Cliei.Da viia!relatives im Chicago oerSI day.1 lia Alice Goldy sud lia Vie more lu Chicago, Satarda>'. lira. Adaline Clark la outertair ber friend, lira. Woodard of NeiIsvi Wis., for seinetinte. James Hersu speut aven Sunday Cliampaigu, Ill., mitis bis broti Charles. La8t Sunday Antiocb met thse Y chants &Savings Bank-nineof Keo It was a good gane. Antioch mon gaine again. Lait Satunda>' Antiocb's new Pu Library mas epenud lu part uf W. Cbinu's nova stand. Thatla soett that .Abtiucb bas long neýeded. On Tuesday ntomuing off last w Robent Smtart epened bis new balcet the liasonie building on Main stt Thb buidinghasbeen tborough1y mdeZed . T untire building ta de .td lu bi!. Sonda>' uveninoff last weuk the vice at tise M. E. cisurcis mas g ovun te the Epvorth League, the pi preacbhing uappropniate sermon. o . .1,%e tseEpwotb Lue iustallud sud ar asfLOr,,,;Pre Miss Susai TiiTan>'; Vice Prealu lir. W. J. licGee; second Vice P dent, Quayle Muinterd; tisird President, Missaliabel VsuDeu fnurth Vice Preint, Mise. G r.J. ling y lu reet. n e- cor- son- gven Tise wore lent, àent, 'rosi- ffen; Hu decided ntthUe oulsot toe pt lu eacb offire as if l vas t» ho ethe lait that bu ever wculd ge, sud ton nearl>' 15 years atter bu loft the legialatunu, Rtousevelt could net have tison elucted.te anythlng ln tise bo.s-nidden statu oeNw ToY Fr a long tinte bu was ehlud n tkê 1vilservice commission at Washila~b, untii a re- tenu mayer cf New York apponted i on the four-hoade 'ilPoliclcotmni> stan;- bot it vas Boots alugiehboded y> tq.r as [bu public could »se ,pd bist head was full of teoth tag po»célet ers sud lawbreaker. At Alnyelgb tise Most lie could ail otfte RepU lieau polticlanst, vlU nsu of ete- *git, vas tse assistant Çrets i Tnossure, lilas lie PanomskL 1 1 thlghed v jaen Be s3ure te attend the exhibit sud &f te lead bis IlougI Eiders. bazasr at the grade sebool Fnida>', In fivu mentbho vasw ban fro liay 19. Soa lu the far more tr;eeefle rie Mrs. Clarence Crowley mas operated eJ a popuar buro:e. fe*ov rken nIî- ou lu Wesley buapital Saturday'menu- chiné vas lu sucb nore nfed et a goods iug. M. Croly spent over Suda>' naine te pli t tb'outgh the pendini lu the cit>' vftb bis ite. elèction that it met hl-s ettise ludt' li. nsd lira.Frank Kavsuaugb sud md Ib, > ade i fo s eui daugbten et Chicago, spont Sundsy at fatofr gevernur. Bot In the om eoee Mr. sud ins. B. VanDuzer. e governotshilP, he reelzed the worst lins. Jake llrgcnsd tise lMiasses ars o! Boss Plita tiat be iarbored, Droansdlins, Clair Judd spent Sun- as the boss nalvelY vrte hlm."-van- day mllb lins. Tom Webb at Grange eus altl'istiC ldeu.. sud that ho waa Hall. g"a little leesu on the relations et capi- lins. C. A. Clak, lirs. Andrew 'à7suÏd labor, o1 n tstsad cotmbine- Harrison sud daugbten, ilirs. Jennie tiens ancd - .-. the ilgbt off e mani Sauboru sud daughter autoed te English te ru bis omu businessinlubis omu Tise ouI>' tblug 10 4d6 itIs tiis liii englue mas te tosm thee svltch and One of those ieug Grayalake 8ehol- efiunt If on te tIse side tracl ofthte 'arshop onthe.rai an say: ,oe9vice prestddëily. oooev*lt loudi>' pro- anis htpein tise tainy std asys: "flo ste ta le a ta loe re-élected horsandLibetyvlle? n ener. And *vIePlatt vas trylng "Noueovisaievr " says the condqct- ey'audon o ae i rntcet or. "This 1ta a Ibrouglisexpress- y and Mm o aen --- weugid.nt stop for auytblisg." "Tbat'B ail nlght." eayg the Ir b one. "You gcanput me off vhen met et te LibSetyvilIe. I Isavenst a7>' Marie Peterle, 23. same. Harry F. Rohde, 21,. Milwaukee. Viola J. Kroies. 18, saxpe. Anton Kloon, 32, Minneapolis. Marie Micles, 19, Chicago. Lawrence P. McGee, 23, Milwaukee. Margaret 'Ihayes, 22, same. Jas Canas, 21, Milwaukcee. Viola Kaye, 21, same. Peter Egmose, 27, Kenosha. Jutta Miller. 28, same. Ernest Buerosse. 51, Milwaukee. Ella Mechlenbui'g, 44, samfe. Wonder if Eldjon would ever feel like this: "Sir, 1 a ma poor mnuand you are a millionalre, bu.t my love for your daughter ta beyond wordg5." "But I have four datlghtersg; WhICh bfl0 do you wagh?" "Oh!" breatblessly. 'iàl leare that to you. "Iecies.rl,eatd Auto, aU ho Ate bis lnch,. "that the man, who) ralaedl this s.urlng cbicken was very tender- hearted." 1 Mos' do you mule that out,".sald Grandpa. "l3ecause' bu hesitated, Bo lon~g lefore s triklug the fatal bfbw. U 3 Black-1 4 6-R 2. White-12 14 20 K 18. Black te plai sud Wite to vin. Prebient Ne. 263. BY W. J. Wood. Black-12 21 Ks 5 31. Wite-30 HKa 10 15 19. White te play sud vin. Tbe abeve throe problemd frens J611 su's Forced Checlers, the best book0 os the market fer alI grades o! play- erg. Solution te Problent No. 259. 13Y R. Tonkin. Blgcl-2 20 Ka 7 27. White--5 9 28 K 19 -W hite te play' and dram. 6 1 7 10 9 6 2 9 19 24 Solution te Problein No. 260. B>' R. 1LBrowu. Black-13 11a 18 23 27. Wite-21 28 Ha 2 6 Back te pli>' sud vin. 18 14 23 19 27 23 23 18 13 17 61 2 6 1 5 699 36 Solution te Pnoblem No. 260. B>' L. Marti"S Blaci-13 Kasl1 I13 26 Whte-Il 28i9 10 Wlite bte ayq dla. 1014 1.40 114 si434 26 22 218 le ,le ___ Di"»ea Of of *g W. W. JO*#SI DUmm Phone 841. lt] DR. 0,. FR ED O 1 47 NORTI-I SWNaU Rerr..Ne ULiS thon à 'v e.m the 'ies ave- nirive time. NOMt lka- route, ipo , tei eafter evey liese Bluff io Fiv -m-Chais SPEED TRÂP ÀT t~ ~ ~~~LY ouO-eiens LKBLUF RE- Mr j»M X>01(1 MTOTORISTS <*.by 3s03.mogu.> Many Complaints Have Been TUE STEANUOUS LIFE Made; Autoists Tell How wtIt ber% ln New Yorkc Waukegsu Motorltsreport there la ci>'. s speed trap operating at Lake Bluff IeS-Qr*um14d roim Harvard. lu a tulu o! the Waukegan road. 182.4-tfr*V fNew YoII< This, lu other words, la waruing forf lugI~Uttati.autonioblllata te be ou the alert to 188 a etMedora, wateh their speedometers, aise te vatcb out for the «"apoed cops." N. 0.Several complaizlta have been made ing.m6-ISqmi of national civil to thse Illinois Automobile club lu ru- .*r44ecoemmission. gard tota i"tnP." 1t957-.~b~of.1New York Po- At the tom of the Waukegan road 1*U lwiinf. at Lake Bluff.,visere the road rus 18S4~AhiIItSecretary of the rallroad track fer about a Mlle Uw Vy iere la a banked turu." wrltes Clyde A year ao 1990-cownol of thse Rougi E. Tracy. '[t la quite possible te tale , a o Otâere litCuba. this turn at a higb rate of speed. As 1 went around this turu at a apeed ahnost unknown 1014-1900 - Oevfl5* 0f NeWwblcib dld net çxceed fifleen miles an bour, 1 vas balled by a man vbo rau 1900-..Elutod Vice Preaideot. ont into the rosd and stopped me. Mle 1901-sept 14 teck tise Ceis ln compelled me te acompsfly hlm into ToQd>7 - a lae t- g afll autise tveitty.fiftis the village of Lale Bluff. The per- pr*afdtt%" forty.two. son wbo srested me bad no meaus of 1904- evimbr, sleciod prou- determininig tbý speed at wblcb 1 tool dent. the tomn. luasmucb as 1 was passlug i w ep gvedc fo QU L l a car at the tinte, whlch was goiug lu A ep gvrdc fo the opposite direction, 1 certsluly W L Tl~c»~~ ROOSEVELTwas the was net traveling at atiy unreasonabit __________________________ dents. Wlth the exception of Lincoln, "hecoustable also arrested auotbh __________________________ bis as t ih e racl ot, the m et l terest- ei n If e t al hent gfe sfor up ad erng Igt lu frot hof mesfor pnd ________________ 9Ing cearacter that we bave badl i down the Waulegau road wi th four T7HE H UR B A D - ---- IS thse premldency. other ipen wbo have not the appear- Id titude whom b. led snd bu migbt have Iiug car lustead et a motorcycle." ARLING1 lived aud (died a stranger te the messes!~~itne o lI 1 e t f bel@ aso ory s apbu t feron e t ie ngl: n e of o fî1a n Aus t u co m m nict atb' ions iA M J. 0for f ofiscontrmeu ut or oe thng:0*00**00000000 this columu ehculd b. addressed HO T£ Ai )t Hie det ue wblh ee ehlm thei RA 1" F A55~D 0 tf oefa et thiCho elth oenj>'theiseate Williama J. Wood, 202 Clark ave.. birth, Rooçevelt buad to figt for bis 0 Dy A. K. BOWES very breatis la bis gasplng, ssthmatie 0000000000006000 09 cblldbCo4. Game No. 173. From the Chelten,. 0 Finaly ho 1001 a post-graduate MAY 8, 1922 baun (Englaud) Chronicle. ln pbyalcal culture lu the wlld E.W. Butterfield snd vife te Josepbh 8 2 8 2 9aD1 28 cue , .Melloy lots 4, 5 sud 6, block l Chan-9 s 218 229aO4334 West where he"tour-eyed tedrfo nel Lals Bluffs, W. D. $10. Stamp26 22 18 7 Il 302 7 si12$ ,0 bail te fight thea baffle of i youtb ai] oeî elo u let FnI$Ma 6 9 28 24 15 22 14 17 10 19 Gu90,tdlld6: aot n4 Ssd 6 26 22 12 16 26 1 22 18 24 15S hl( k 1ckChauulLSOltfa: D. 1 6 26 23 29 25 23 14 Il115 Lake00 Blaff W.0.24 20-10 14 16 i 13 27 24 $1 C.ERuepb'h RRuceu 11 15 22 1 7 913 211i 25 go ud wife lot 6 block 76 Highland Park, 18 il 13 22 6 10 4 8 24 19 inlW D. $10. Stamp $4.00. 8 15 29 26 25 22 cl 18 a812 Lift .T ovler aud vîfe te J. C. Relnta - B Win% aud .it, lotF. 4p'7, Fovlens Cedan Laie a-21-17 at this peint la stronsg. Wbat VedSub. Lake Villa W. D. $10. Stauup $1. abie critic cait show a Win? Of W . W. Warrnen sud vite te John b-10 ati once dMiva. W Shanie>' snd vile, lot 30 arriners Sub. c-2743l vould have dravru bore. Or ou Laie Catherine, W. D. $800. M.H ayei sd9 io, e lm naN ProleniNe. 261. BDy W. J. Wood- léï- P.1H. Blt t bacd i tevEma Ngb He elu block Fi. Dad $10. - m. C. eekrd vite ta Au$10. M. C. Dt*fl and te l te s ud 8 bloci 17,*asibu«*Pae, lort anb13cgo blocP 17abb= :zir forth o lot Cf -"~. D. #10.eieaIdvtet Jh (or -. ).Omo*, sandvile. lte Johnlda 1 Btmkk Md o ot ASObW. * 11$ I Sub. LakeW.F.orestaW$. .%M W.D. ldere> ad.'Iteto Payé Per-ý i inring lot il. blockI Hlg hlaud Park, [W. D. 110. tainp-.I0 L ... H arris s=4 vite etal to V. W'J4~ $ ;un- tua%*sMm. Nelson, loti 10 te 18 lu Bub ofS8part wu 12 15. i4, block 61, Highland Pari, W. 1D. $10. is 1e ly ILIstet vn over *tain. ln aIstîliige work. wt Stamp $23,50. gel «tWly *dff&wot*$Wàds d efer u& W. D. Monoy sud vif eto P. H. rbeN.-M ByW3.o& urn mBoardinan lot 17, bleck 81. Highland PbliNO33.1'W . V O MM<tfo mn Rosvet uthl « t___ l p ParkI. W. D. 10. Stamp $450. Icmg lederts the orrp a- Mary Nelson sd huaband et al toe île ica ledenhip15 he et'itp miC. R. Rice sud vife N 50 ft lot 1,p chine-nun legislatisne ot New Yok. He bleck 1 Smith sud Adams North Add. yae could net have chofen a more thet'. Waulegan, W. 1). $2,500. ler, ough school for lustrmeUon lu the bld- _ _ don. muddy springa of partiesansd 1)01- Ph=* TL Her- lUcs. RIs experlence at Albany put sha. melism into bis Idealsi n sd made 00000000000,0000000 r. l ALMa Ib ththe acadenilc reformer over luto the o MARR UC5SE D a Imtltessely praca otislp i dileooooo«ooO f il :74 ==Z== ý