Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 May 1922, p. 5

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A -'WordTo FarMei: Thisais a bwsy wpbon for you farmirs.- A trip td own toans ao in te W COD' P bis in dollmarsdau «ut. If the e4s anytins WC can do for you to Save yoii the journey bure and back write or telephone us. We wiflgladly carry mua your requeuL. There is matbing a basak cam do for its patrons wbich we cannot do for you. Lake County Naional Batk LIBERT! VILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices W. ane makig amsbtwtalreiluction in pettonal IauIy basa- a d mi l fauuly wss& sevice t. fit the îweds of every bouse- bdL Loukeyer tk. eyseer ices we offir bul.v, ad seec the SUSyes preer. liher serice is a ditind avîng wur »Y elimerway Y.« Cm .pouily bavYeus auuky work donc. FAULY SERVICE NO. 1. On lIbudsfrom 7 to 229m.is11c papoud --_ 2.3. tc 25 las. $Z.50 Over 25Ibs.. Oc perILb Ail flatwork ironed and wearie apparel starcbed where nceded and dried. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your enire f axib wash finihed canplete, - 18C induing soft cuff shirts, per lb ...... .... This service rnost include ail your flatwark, as well as wearing appael. FAMY SERVICE No. 3. Damp Wash 25 po"ndsfor $1.25 Over 25 lbs., 5c perILb No articles marked, each bundie sorted as ta colors and wasli- ed separately. One day service. FAUIY SERVIE NO. 4. Darnp wash with flatwork ironed$12 25 pou"d for -------$ . 5 Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per IL extra. One day -service. The Relabe Laiundry LAU ~DERY, ITCLEANERS AU, DYER rIghIandn Park and Li.brtyviIIC Phone, Hlghlandn Park 178.Phin. LibertyvIl, 67-R. _BUILD NÔW-- BE PROGRESSIVE OWN A HOME With our'plans and servce, Our *unexcelled azoortment of mat«îil, we cala be of great help to you.j See U and.av oney I Lberyvile uffber Col' _ Phone 47 L.ocai ana, Shrttems of Espeia Inte jolla LetVa a Chicago bUsiess vhItorftues 3y. rLeroy Helfer viited friend at Lk Zicb Saturday. - ILr. wid Ui. jacir Bradiford speut liondsy la Cblcago. Misa Efna Biere vas a Chicaso vis- i Wr on Wedn.esdaY. 1 1M. Chria Ifeder of GUMbes va iù aur Y vilagPriday. I lr. and li r red ouenerf Iin Chicago D left that évenes for a trip ta Europe f Ray Smith, Jacir To. and Dean Ben- reat to UÀbertyviUe Peope nett lefit tdsY faon for a f lahlng trip to Grass Lake. The boys expect to bebck by about aighto'clock tuis Mir. and Kira. Cbsrles Kaiser motored evening. If îhey donWt bring back the to Ripon, Wisconsin, Saturday. vbere1 fisli they promise good cigars. they are vIstiWgtbe«r son. Harry blfrest payfothbefi Kaiser, snd faI1-A l fe sa Pry.o tebee or rosectve-1m-rsW: t. ud lteia le. Av stiy.o! D- albsen dt" Mwe Ud t thOfe- T Lsugworthy bore. Lester B. Colby &M ichifdren, et su" Byrop. os oMeagq, spelit Oundar' vi"w»tbe fMOsCparet., lMr. anm lira.Byrq arlT Libertyville vWator ?uidal. ,cago, ver. hesbmgtatur jsiting lMr., TrumnuTaylor spent lba *eek MdnAsd lirM.ByreS Vç5)5y.iÀttle Barbarai lu Ares at tbe J. J. Rousé bore. j"', rmaajud for a longer vIait vith ber graudperlitL Mrs. Mary Thomnon of Cblcgovia-& Ited Libertyville fiendion. day lait lirs. TiomaS WIiflBr, vho bas been veel. spending »Mr th»s with ber parents. weelinM. and lira. OS IuaBUlkley. fola- Misa Grace Diters of Higbland Park lug a severe lJII%... atiued Tttesay vas the guest of Miesa Ada Helfer last ta ber borne lu WIý*kagsf Tuenaylir. sud ira. C. C. Gusta!son, of Edwin Blackler, o!fliadison, Wils.. Wauiiega.n sud lMr. sud lins. J. (). vititesi M. and lir$. H. W. Maxlism Carson niotoffl 10 Moasebart andi Ba- Saturday. lavias unday, viiere tliey visitesi Miess lins Ear Boden ! A letn. i isabelle Carlil, vbo la teaching at spent the- week endi vith her mother, Moest Mno. C. Spring. W. E. Deoker, the lbertyvilie dnug- John Heustessi and chidren, Doris gisi, la building a aummer cttage at and John, epent Sunda3 at the home of hi.sgLa W eauetilb adivtde E.F. Appley. hetima betv ei ietvltas E. laeewhere lie ePects ta cat<'l more Miss Katt ýaîrol vas in Deenhielsi .-xda h(- guest 01 Mr. anti IrEt liIrry Olendor!. - Misa Mabel Benneti entertained a tumben of triendsa, a: atnco pari>b luet Tltursday evening. here oven Sunday visitcng t tht- home o: Charlés Johnson. Mir. andi Mr. Norman Madole and son, James ai Milveauk(ee are visiting relatives n Libertyville. Mrs. W. V. B. Aines entertainesi beri parente. Dr. sud lire. T. L Glmen, of Chicago over the week endi. Sidney Sr ith, ecreato r o. -th p- amou s 'Andy Gump Psrnily," -a, in Liberty 1ville Saturd&Y siterùoo. "ir . itb's opinion of Lake counlY noasis are not lattening. Juat vait, Audy, until we get that'nev cernent rond! TOt- Auditorium Theatre is Iris t-tic installIng nev statlonarY theatre chairs for the added comfort o! Ibeir patrons. This la but one of a large number of improveinents wbiclit be management o! this theatreb'as made to give the theatera-golflg public the r ast ta be bsd lu bigIsclass amuse- menus sud comiort. Tbursday from an extended viit with came out victbrioualu the- track meet 1 relatives at Grand Rapidis. Mie-h. ion lbertyville Fieldi Wednesday aitt The isse J~een ichasiso an ernoan, tbeir oppouents baing the Des Thoencies agn0fRchndson.anederePlaines blgh sucl ltrae-k teame. The FlornceWagnr o Roud Lke wre fiai score of thse meet vas 69 ta 3 Libertyvife aboppers Baturday. 'Tbe vuniiof 1the lbetyville boys va Bai-ct-n' Superflue Flavors non high clasa. Oteudorf ptarring ln the alGoIsolc. give baking thse real tait$mile run. making the distance lu the tint satiafles. At ail groce:-y stores. remarksbly goo<i lime o! 4:55 1-5.'I tue pois vault Porteous cleared tie The Missas Venna Helier sud lsin a t 9fet nlches. A cosuplete Evans veut ta Chic-ago Tuesday t = lu o 0t"evaios vents Win be prt- 1 Just Marrie" ai lthe Lailalle The&ter. ed next veek. A,,eplendid.crovd vas Mn. sud lire. Water T. Marlatt of present sud the entbueàim ran ligli. Kenosaa. were bei-e Sunday vlsling G. Hoskini efetred sud Cm. Avenul fte iatten'a parents, Mri. snd lira. By- sud H. Wlson gF4limera. David non Colby. FIMgg did lthe I»Mr 'Wmok o! snui er. visile EsYmoid Llutdroth aOted iii ThomasBan. eaun of lMr. sud lir. 3E. scorekeepèr. PraukWright, IL Wlladl T. Langvaruisy, md bis tonails remeo- ansd P. Eàvk vere judges. Thie stu ed at the Hahnemannu hospital i Clii- dents are mur-h anoursged by tise cago Tuesday. Im sppmot given tbis yer'str%* s met. j Ade ---- ---- ---- --- We have a complote liue of chiid- ren's Sandais, Play Oxfords a.nd. Dress Slippers, that wil please Yol:L RAY N. SMITHI LIBERTYVMLL, MLINOIS 11e beld la the. ArMof, PrldaY. lsY 19,.. corumenebe at 8 olOOk. Tiiere vili be baxiug, stpeecbesasd a band con- I outf Ail yaaag men a»e luvlted ta at- I tend. The. PUr9O qu{ the National Guard ffii#b. expland The. Interstate ' Band & Graveý CO. bas moved the&r genweral offices la Chii- cago to the 1E.eory Udiqu Peel bidi.. at 1.2 West Madisona trest Tis ho. Scamne necesssry au account 0f thse on- Istautly 4ýcre"fig basises or the compaay, thse aid quarter being 100 crowded. Tii.. ompsla nov WWluitali- Ing a new Hydraull Dredge at- thse plat nt lUbertyrf, and ia great, àd- vaIneemtnt lu thxe production of sand sud gravel Tise company la vonklug full time tsking torpedo sausi snd gravai froin their vit justest of ibis vollage. George Anlis, star in "DIersaIl.," playiug at the Auditorium Theater. tbisveek, le one of the greatest char- acter actore the s5eaking stage has ,evei known. Hi. impensonstion of eDis-raîi.I the great Jew Prime Minister *of England. in a plot fuillof love, in- *trigue andi human emotion Is as real- iFlir and thrilling a picfbwe as may Lý iined. The power and popular-1 ýity oi lbis production may be Jusigesi y-by the- tact that it vas the first pic- 's ut tea break a long standing rule and 3run a second week et th,, Strand Tihe, ýeatt-r in Ne'w York. Thpl bol, neryve'Muscalmeetinyo Mii osy eeg, May 2,eaing oday Molgt saving, nae.2No admission le cihngeavtoi te cocertsasiotIle chaub r c ery coa nvtsiaandt-e tend. Ths vroies t hvasedidat conce. Ti r.mJaesYj.line a sndie Jonera.ders.pool vii ho e nocal Joon s. lir. Hrsg vii11 playhesvse- Sletn r.TIeHero ierepleay"ars- ltlun urmsudhe lira. L.H. Moris viii play sullergaann Ms pia.norritsudi plan orst a ndiiplaol.Anervi=i anivestpaer ol"RiaYMrd Miler."il Tuve apgrmoni consat pWaner-" o! *Wagniesvorks. Don't mise It. Roas Combnisioner j.. i uhholland bas provesi tbe promises le made as a candidate for &aection. The puit vek hb bad a force 04 aen villi s besvy roUer tractor andsi aari! 1er at výork luthe. village lmprovlUg lMilwau- kee avanue betveen thse tva rsiroad trsck#. And vbM t lmbadone f0 tht- ro u bI ou o f > t Isat t o rm tg h fa r t- b a s beuaplesi ut vafirnt tomup andi thm on opemd sud roiles until nov it, resmblea a clty boileas'd. Tbie Il fine business. Nov if the avenue ifar ouly treatesi lu tbiz a ser as fRr agl Haîf Day, a great part o! that ChIcaga' traf fie vould corne ibis vsy again.ii atad iof going .=Ab on Teiegr5Ph roed. Anyvay J. R. deserveathe com- mendation of an for thse good vork be1 IUDITORIUE THEATRE FRIDAY an& SATURDAY GEORGE ARLISS "DISRA-ELL" Another Grand Triumph Mulof Heart Interet- Thrills.-Human Interest. An ainazing true lfe love stony, deplcllng boy DISR &EIl fought the- Czar o! Russa for possession a! the Sues Can- ai. A graphie tale punctusted witb SPIES- PLOTS - COUNTERPLOTS TWO SHOWS. Adults 25c SUNDAY, MY 21 "'oNE A MINUTE" A-Paiamunt Pktuse Yowr requi ypur Lolt Y.., hCsrt gtee than.ýk. for flowers Ccoen to o cheer your ARE we thankful fon lie blêssings o! tht- tlo'5er gondens andithie glasb slieltened garden spots that grow for us tue tendj icn, pretty blossoms*a tisi help us tW lve hliplY . To the Busie8s Mu On the Faron We invite your patronage On the same bsis as does the merhant--baye soeetlg 09« wich we believe hms more value tawya cam secure elsewere. Ilic increasing number of farmers wbo use di bauk is proof that we are rmdering a valuabe service that belps thesu ta salve their farmin problemi. You'iI be cordially welcomed here GARDEN1NG Planting and Tree -Triming Fruit Tree Spraying Pholie 227-R or write STEWART SMITH, LJB1RTYVILLE, ILLINOIS b e fiNde vanta ge. - In other worda, we Wil aave you n on these prife8. Everypi advantage that;dt -mz affc rds'il be ýrmun if you trad5 wi BA RGAI White Daînty Checks, 36-in. per yl. Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. Pure Linen table Damask, 70-n., yd.ý W. W. CARROLL & SO Phono 29 L- iw i ýî*;; -dje-- « il i ;l chadren loc

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