ÀIÀYSORAUAIN re' HeIpem ril. 'jCleaners me Fearkd 1 Out li n 1 Their Wages tunions )f tailors' helpers and ers now tlirFat-n the 25 rpçr ,roduction ln the cleaning of îýeaLtles uhicb wer t Into ef- L ud6ntb ago afler a meeting e Nocrth Shlore Tallor' CkL. 9 toiociation actq as au adl- Fbody for the tailors betweers de and Waukegan Ltut monfth # taéreed ta cut down the cost ànlnb;g. and the tweneY-lv- iedoct:on went Ii{o cfjPct . liowever, the unions hsve, te. torseeing a cut ini wages tinSos say they arp at the y » et tunions, tan wh-'bc-r at hem or bas flot corne to stay léletl KVkegafltallora ln comnetiz the situation today asserted the do not kuow exartly wht ntcome wll be. They admit they wiiihave t0 be roverneI y by the demnandsa f fthe ':n MO SA it le very possible thrv &i*e te restore the 014 sca& Karges for doftgi cleanlng a!i' ji< work. Tbey are wating rvst ltheallier tais *lonlg it,4f iliorebelveen lbere and ë,ýdo About thse alter. 00000 *Moe clinreisfolkss7i"l pr DiW.i '1eaon Du.b. M a tel bmuv' anS roîl wrh ieeing prooce Iint t-f won, Loi IrPI L. NEWS ' rLEDING. GARBAGE TO SWINE When Collected Fraquently and Weill Selecte i IlWiI Make GooS Qualty of Moat. tPr.is,-d 5v the United Staise Dsnrtss4t .1 Agrlculturfi.> More thbu 40»000000POunds Of gai' bage-fod posit la produced annuaiiy 9 threwugbout thse UnteS Statea fIrOm tue1 footing oif ,table serape anS butel1 refuse. nerotofore dIfficulties bave been experionced la te ecenOet! c( and satisfbecny disposai «fctý gar bage. The Unitedi States Departineni ef Agriculture points ouItishat tue use «f municipal garbuge fo)r tise pro- ductitou of ponk offers a sultable metbod fer disposai of tuese waste producli and lias permtted tue repietimOn f ,,ur pas-k supplieslt Ea 10w Coât. G(arbage whlcb la fed 10 hogs mut ho collected wth easouabie freOueflty aud be free roni tin cans. soap, broken glass, and otiser uridesirablo or Injurions fareign maleriais. t 18 desirabie slways fer cties toi make gurbage collections anS theàs dispose of It tb Individuels,'eeoclatlOnl, Or corporations on a cotra.ct basis, un- ies.ý thse ity Operates île ewn boig- feedflig foiam. SLong-turne contracte u±'e l-kely ta b. nicet satlsfactory 10 aIl concerneS; basides they effert tue useo of a better elseof equipment ansd btter eanltany conditions. Thse pîga or munItes la ho feS may b. hougt e feeders or may lie raisinS on thse feediug fam. The latter metlieS gives usuch more satis- tactory resultÏ. Methode of feedlnig, handl ing, housing, anS car may Sifer considisnrably go long as tue essentials of eanntation anS boz comfot are ab- a w-lJi b. contrbuted serveS. aid ot tbe new- HafIt Eqiiposont for feeding should b. a ael go! adapteS te the type ot garbage avail- on ti Mr. anS Mrs. isîs andt t local conditions, cilmtle 1 Mr. aud Mn,. Mac uinSdtrmnsgetatlon. As a raie, raw- 1WEt9 Chcago over garbagi' is preterablo te cooketi gar- uise cf Mr. anS MnB. tage for tise use utfisog. luncase tue wether shoutS b. 50 coli tisaItue gar- tIzis ciènt Satundai bago freex, il ia'dvlsable tlauw- il hie pareille before feeding. GeneraliY tue use Of R bus retured trami grain ne a guppieenuary feed for tue ayi>st aIt te Hayford gar4ae -ma net an aeeoiical practbce M asti fy et Urerell but it 1ut ho previded whon t-le U*sons- aI West l <- 1ubpiy ofgarbaeeletemporarlily abol. W.Ena. whiscb are tl e b ed gsrbt-g icId le Wataeka lat 50'ttl tk- "'Imuisîceti agluticisolra by tise ouile 'Or msutmbeeea l't- pfai er dauglit-er. ui..Tensi.lE*ltljau- -Ij I"â f'i,»imire V ise IXy attended the W. O. T. 'U. tromstthe juveahie court ut- X. VWeldner w-a a PraIrIe Iiuiaea caller Monday. Md~ie I Society liaSa vyen 0 Ut lme lutsI 'm-day aItishe et Mrns.Chas. Hans, Mrs. Hiu M ierneif a n»al ent ners-. besanesel meetIn, a fine lunch i W - vtIr-e w-se alsemuit Mu er, -Al lasnfce ime. A W ubrwes-e Prsent, anS aIl L*lis tat soese ere kept away. Mlr Sur w-a a Prairie Vlew- ~Ulx M Reliua1«t1 gaturday ~a1tinee, uaon abus!- ký<rs. ýWillis.an gainer andS don . . . .. ss . ..'e , b M ll ehfr t'a Da-w-asobserveS lu thbe i spropnlale services. The Ils w-asbeaatfllly tiecorated wIt rOg lu houer of tue Christian >Ïrtood. Tise Crner Ciae ada, lésat surpri&e awaing tise motîs. , O tise entered tus cisurcis, Al d b teel a thIlil of loy Ibraugis- ý Me ervic. amy t-o ail tue ris- rdfrecm Shermesrille. Bacblow-n gpllng and oliser places, tome agalin l' we w-I alway exetend a glaS 14 t Yen. MW lorence Maetior S'pent tise 11 ed i bomse w-shonerparents. eèm os w-a ere appointeS lu tise- so eoui Ie plan anS arrange >O Ms'Day prograin. tome une *gr*aY aw-ay tue secret tisatIti ~E'avery unique ataIr. Tise dtae ssi- been definlteiy sot, but w-i li e t»sai' fuire. Watcis for tise su- nt. ~thse membrs o! tise Corner Usdat lise hbora!tueis' tuoe. Mim. L. G. Hutchiuigs. a gooS lime. ggtaiClf ft Tuesday ton a IePates. Bondai Sundmy ScisOol aI 10 » reaclslng services at 11 and, j~, et us woralilp tise Lord agadmgiy Ris 11olY naie.", c4aerot f thse Toe-Nall. l teranct diseasea know-n1 =111. QPly tour es«'ie- ég êOreS. 'T»,isoml receon ie by Dr11ros cia" et l ollage of Bab'.,,Belle UrsaIl, Il-lalut- 0< ta la- 'qelplsy, -hob.dil on tise - ~ t- geatmo. letc IN $500MFMDS SAtit-fARY HOUSE FOR DAIRY Edward Alexander, Vîotim 0f Of ~whtiS m"iila Hindled, B*- Shooting, Tells Story On t otmrain The Stand (Wi'qar,4 b7UnitedaltuestatsDputmont John 11unt, a colored Maus reuldinx »1IOMVc f the delicate nature of ln North Chicago was bonu& té bt-be mOdk ad ils enzceptiblity tu contitI- grand jury tu bonds «0, ~90wIren1 tc ýTdrtadokrdngMSt was arraigned befort Pol ce lasoe a~170- ndoo. aneof - rate Albert Gaie of North ç4ifl_ go iath*1W 4St of the consumer an l likely Friday on a charge of laiAlg MM- àrti* b e lm .ta the producer, a daU1 erously assaultedi dward Alexanider b"use dOtructed on uanllzry 0110 on the night of May 3. , l 4Ig and properly located la a nece.- Alexander who bas bea; u abte Mi j tgee*rY faim tuat tels milk. landi Park hositali atOethe aietW, ,boon f ie fe'B va pesntlucourt andti tS-ti o hîusai fsnt4h agaînst Hunt. HResad theyliad - # b 1 elue nIsbulýq g lit little quarreli esýI1er ln tue eveainigtditanéf mtebanbri t doi [but dld not'regard it as mrioua. dtà rn h an r fI He was returning baiSse about eight the-sti>e o have ORLY an outaide en- or, nine o'cloar. lhe testiftod. mnd baIl tlai& -Prnpt ruaeai or the mui te reacbed a pint near lPifte&stb tlet t t6 oigttand persent contami- andS Commonwealth avenue benlu ~a î4s eculyo. A eoncrete, company with a friand when ho met bl*k til buew-heifs or e The latter, ho salit, hbd beeis dnluk-814 Otahog coprtvl Ing, and proceeded to abuse hlm, cmii- CobtYtIy a fltf, durable and tiani- Iug hlm'many vile names. Then W10U- uuanirequires few repaire. Otuer out warnlng, Qcrding to Alexander, lflat5ii that May be used are atone. Hunt ralsed bisebotgun anS fired botb cement bleeka and wood. barrels at hum. One eye was abat out The gorof the miliiibouse 15 pgr- and he aise rece¶ved Injuries ln tih" tCWUzrY ImPortant, and concrets, b.- back of th enecit. There was other corroborative test- aelk0 f lit abllty te witistand moiS Imony. Hunt 514 flot take tbe stand. tUadcay anà wesr, ls the best ma- He was sent back to Ja11 ln defauit or Itesta., Altbough dresseS tongue.mfld- bonds. grove lumber may be useS for the ln- _______________aide wals, cernent plaster makes the beRt finis. LightliImportant, anS 0 0 O 0O0 O O O 0 0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0wiUdOw epace shouid be equal 10 et 0 ROSECRANS 0IeeSt 10 per cent of the floen space. 1TO keeP the air sweet anS dry good 0o 0000 0 0000 0 a0OOOl v tIIstOn 1l8 needed. lu soine- cil- Mrs. Alex Smith anS lier son, Tom Maite wIndows ani doorsw-i provide visited ber bualiand, Alex Smitbh ast'1 il but lu most locahties otuer Metins, 1Thursday. iliei Mas aventilating flue. w-lu be Helen Dietmeyer bas been aw-ay foUnd neeeary. P'les anS otisen f romn school on account Of a severe 111- gerin-carrYing lnecls muet b. kept .ness.1 out wlt saceens no arranged tuaItbey Among tue visltors thia week le w-M net Interfere wi tute operatiois Siasia Sith. ofthte windows and Sacre Wýe are atudyng for exsminatlôns pIehstiji fflIe of cod and bot wblch we hais. w-l b. s<on. *Ptft, tor cooIng and for cieatilng . We belS gMOther day service 1iday anti steMWang, are a necess#tY If a atternouu. , product la ta b. turneS out MY CMMUITYThse uîavoidjble apilling of mllk anti 1 O O M NI Y Ie ue -atqu a tities of w ter d e am By Efther Winters tu adequate drainage systers Ibat w-i A cosnaimity bonze was bufit la u îo. tb@ «tlocl sd st-amleth .1920 to &ie the peuple au opportuuity fiu@ýUs lclandidaeghlth ta take Part ln athietie eb.ercise anmd d l_ lbhv )elfcrglto :gamea, farra' meetilgs ralg Onia <Sf 415111 '- services. so"laiaffaire and étereoosA t rbln« * nfity gathenng. A farukeevasput 5 I5B dlunOs- ln te keep tue buýdingwat*m. . r« *are eieert wMadowa, bU thte -vtil*. #ueO ldon in not fixe- omis 011air 90 uIP. Ànotelr,4 li, ii Il 0 b~~ ~ ~ buli is 11, le '~- lhe upper Iiv0bg -set-bU t-ue940'., woulS n04 b.m-pO riS*ild& A èâtwt ý ,'atbthé ressaIt imf. Abasket Ial i lpiettwusafieS up. t-le 1buing A girls' club w-as ornsSd for at- let-ics. 'maimet eren y 1 iurdai té, ýpuy basket hall Mud e-trt supetu et lte chomet ons memsben for bdiiieg meetinga- The boys baIl a basket bali t-avmaisao. Band practia. bas bteei gelng Mu for a long time, and a gool baud le tue resulî. The achool bas beauen loed erery lime a contagions dSseelibs elie feund. Tise basement mIl fonr are ewept Saly. 'me acheol zmm f hier tsa ileS eery thneé mont-bs, andS a fn-r. nac. -mas put ln utiaw-nter. Tier. are ton wl»~dow-s lu liese eci lrecas anti aeren ln tue basement. The. coal tin Self-Psedéa'5fer O5rbap. Are, SUC- la iu eue corner of t-le baselueut. 'me eoeesUslY Us.d lin Somne tausanos, scisool cnuld beo lmpnoved by tue lm- b NerMt Qentelly Rconmessded pravemeut of tue arrangement o! ven- = of ~0<t-he Olfllcuity In Kee9- tilation of cold air golug 1tiste ceil-A io AiArndMlHua fr lIg TisornsSmnitary. -ing; ccak rooms aboulS b. buflt e odA50rudMikHu o tise.-Suat w-l nt faîl ou tueeot-boa. Daries, ., 1- fecteti hogs, whIch may be pu'm Into'd.or Iplets are supposeS ta, le un which tan be obtaInedtirfee of charge. garbage fana. Garbage-fed boga show- mentîbhe echool, w-blch la au lm. In tîis bulletin plana and picturea are ne #Teater suaceptibily 10 tubercu- pravement. lbsaipnleumonia, or inhdred diseases My3 commuulty doos ualt allow- a dia- given of nîne typez cf bouses. iuitable tlbm grain-ted as>imls. Park fronu gai-- paue o pread If l cm ho bhelped. The for farmas havlng fram ton la several iage-feti boga tu as gaod ln quallty as board o! bealtis pute up quarantiue bundred cows. foi Sainles where mihI tuaI reilt-lg frein oller feeds, and car s ln ceue o! contagions &egeases. i la ed ii caris on bottes on la maSe tise averÈgé, ganlîise-eS liote sel ut tis e people are warned oftdSm- Into butter; and for Ihose ushng banS pracUtv thrlie sin. prkcesas oedinary gos, anS eau lie prisbed for entering or power machinery. Tisose w-li are snfd umls cb a home. interested lu any particular plan may gral-feSanImis. - -obtnin bine pnints tram lise division 'Thse garbage froin. suore tuan 8.000.- ISTOftY 0F COURTNEV OCHOOL of agricultusal engineering, bureau 91 000 peoplei la fe o ahegs tu cItles --iiene usunicipal supplies of park are Courttney Scisool district No. 21 was public roasa, UniteS States Deisant- prodticoti rom waste food prodacts. oryBOhselnlx18l70, t-lB locateS in the ment of Agricuture,, Washington, D. Ci- If fd lnd suimtable condts tlt Townsisetao Wauconda, Cuba, Nun- If td unen -lion lia Sa mdàlgoquiu; &ailutw-e coula, SOYBEAN HAY AS ROUtGI'AGE garthage auppy la sufficient te praducetlies. Lake and MoReury. Thse land for ____ aipprexhrnately 80,0000(X) pounds oet aclIacihoua. andS payground w-asno, î,enk a year. Genraly, lil takes about naled hy George Johnson, aur present Tenlnessee Station Flpde lt 8u rf te j50 pounds of garbgge 10 pradoce(aise ieacher's. Miss Alice ieb48on'a grand- Gem BlaSeorin Iroducina uM 1k IpotinS o!fuanietabie park on tise ioof. father. Tise luruber was bauled troamAnd\, Butter. jThe- girbage sossdhoie llected ai Wsikegan by theua uingnsfai-mers of- I eut wirt nIlire tinses a week lanlise districtw-ho ahwaysallaSskeen Tise Tesnneseestation comparodaep. tiorttkrnT-iîisuInî issouilsersu tles and lirely Interest- lithe wehare o! beau straw and corn stovensas tout- daiiy col'-, lion sisouli ise snde Seuring Iheir chiliren.Rare ln tise production cf mik and but- hot w.eltlar. 1 18 net among lise oldet Shtricîs, ter TIse rullon coislaining oy-hear 'tiu i;,iîîsesl ut a-'isgin.u-but lise ecuiputent la qte lomodem. mran %v as found superher le tuaI con- oSs s a'ls'teiegr.. lIrouid o r-Improvement l ise way oflilgbtiIg i;îssting corn stors. Thissnation pro tonuse. - sîiiss1 - . Il (,,,1)1 piEru: Randetytisee is o cuidrhi uceS ionse paunds et milk and hutter bur le- sêruso- i-s os pss!Oras Tise name Courtney was giron ta tise1 fat and( produced tueus more -cisoaply te orereailyas-essble10 Its 5t5 chool becaUse several familles cf thaltissu ntise cornEtoVss-ratio. n. u very inss.S'e!-eeersnei utisullat- nsine lireS thare and attendeS tise case tisere Wasz16180 Idm lmlk and loution te preveut lsggiisg wlspulishe 8isoGol Wlicl bas tue distinctionsi o butter fat Surlug tue tepdîng of goy. garisrsge coutelss< O'<llu 'u<nu upplYlng mare sciscol toacisers tisai beau strawthaIbmdsnlng tue feeding af cobis, or tu5 case il r5-T'5. uogus any other achoal district ot ite ie lu corn tover. lb w-lieceiscludoti front are useful forJffelsu slîsîgethatt la the oouuty, alw-aya securlng tise best ths8 lt ta oy-bean estraw Ioa* semniliqii. il% sl: , o--tseipleodrng iiszructas- oppartunity presentod. The on In d~e th te rougisage lu eqipment muet beelepi 5lean lsud san- names of lise teachere are as follow-a: :îisl;edign ar o SIas-y. Jennie Roal. Rate'McG-avick, Phoe SI f ar cts ___________ (Cox. Pranit Cor, Maggie MeMalion. Essentiels for Hogo. Rate McMmlion, L. H. Marston, Leois PROTECT YOUJNG FRUIT TREES Plenty so! saît -lvisys - teore lise Conntnoy,j Nellie Caus'laiy, Mary Plia- lioge Io one of tise essentiels for thicfî lin, Corpesllue Courtne>' Auguata MIca Can Bi, el "«fad 4y Tram S&IBO aaises, cliemicals, (Ir' soli or ater Culei.E imrh il lO- plng DoWn Saaw-Roddest- Dur- b.e. Rosa Courtney. M&autdFenril, Maud ro îIn arase and Refuse. minerai._____Buaeiy. Mllie Norile, Caddie Smitu, Lest~Mdl~ HBlrIs-I.Warmilley. Mary tCOurtnel, NiD: protctyoung <ril treou ran i ie > m mand ss oc tee st6ei tea te , EIabelis Shiietra, Ifarlon Pas-nil, lianedaottb seeaaga ecauetualt-o raielng thse be9 bveed l ice î'hfotu Trmp tue MnO w -el about eit t I b.àgm% Too naucli teeS ilake tiensmi4aw-Iluttes dsepuras e ie i 1 M*taL a00 00 0 #0 0 9oeaea tisgs.trd t. 1!hay iketuobut - e F~R AL T19 mNSWeF A0OSOlP U'~ othér sgtousenet top f- - rSuy a usaan OaXthe1 Mia l.nW. id Sut th e. y- t Pure ye0ast now conc<1,rate t-o sacure iletgr97" h.41h-omcttve IwoPertc Il you eocm ofthdws havebmemmm- .te' idmt lil n enoes and vits evealearaordinortadvantqes. Thu s$ onect a widý;stwe dWmas Vi i dm'cenq. chat die ledi gmed- ical men-ram da"MmluIo a adisem ethzt t}souands of peuplenow-day. miRer hums, but which hieO*SOOitl been rmcoguized. Etar Unlike otiier diseuses, adan whlch n'ornafron m sm eor at o infections, vitamin deSi- FO cnccocefrom a lack lu Thse cao* odmfdaof therecersdy liY4O.-btai discoveredeiement,vitamin. 'ThV conm Its ymptoma are f ading Tedn appetile indigestion; la.. of ____becb eih , steupa nd vigor; iae unisealthy akin; nervone w-iole vese trouble.s d ochar signa of daildi -tis a run kiv ntditioi. Fchkti If you are auffarng irmn m.re Mdl a any of theme disorders, yotir em-poteneq esc acomened ecam hoy ane imode Yeast Focui be- rebu4dd -sua 100à plI» r0 ct"ia vitasubi, hiiaY topetstreigiadityfZom d ie. foodyou estand it sreild theul"ktissue d terse up the viiole body The. pur*ty and vitarmil -dlnarv poteocy of Yeser Foam Tab- lets Ia guarznteed by tise agm of wd'qexr t uufctur- es of dry yeam-the mukers mwbo1m t r45 yeam of the larnots tablet= ta.baking yeaaca.Yeoat Foam "a Do drug and iecYcat 8fra nr This guarantco le your. a. protection, so be ure yen beas for snd set Yeast Foasi suitall Tableta. They are old by donocause andrsiggiaca tSe@fd to in. Norihw- uaYegie C-, Chi-go c unUim vi. Makorci tiie iamtuantasigy Ym Foum d Maffic Yma 0 th ýti Yèast Fa.1mT*b1 NMY LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DME We gurate.Mr ruedY to «a e9%of t"e lck hotu, stw the cgsgbing, ailomtra SaUl oa m l x daya. If it d<.ll do w-bat lm paray. rno.mw'retondel. oetamoe vonu tuai»Y otbe! worm CaSmUL Write fe r i.. nffoen mdbseuesand ec.m eo »P Md ioICmiW. "IMM, ma Sh & .dty n9,A ,E. 5 ,M4MMAROWNERS who bought a 3Ox3-A "'Usco" for $10.90 Iast Fail have discovered tbis by now'- > -Nobody bel ote ever got so much tire tvaue in thle neighboihood of ten dollars. They neyer had t-o queston, the quality --with ffhe makers -of U. &Royal Cords bebind it. They couldn't help adniiirig thle price - spcrntaneously made to meet the ne&< economy tinme. A tire that- would behhaue at morothan$1O.90. A$10.90 k la Accordilul a vampffl e lug a claver lime t their gaina> sberidmA * At.180C la m fl b"d beard c anie ort, been a»kW been drivés tbey vere I ira*k home. « etuviat He reprios and tbey s u'orking o1 Mar. 11Mc several ret ghven iir" tise eohiitn No aresl 0 0 00e0 Mr'. and Junior. 'lis bits. Prebe Mr. and daughters Weel. Mia. ino guerite CI& after an a retuning. à monl en Mrs. He: ly lU Thia nurse là lm truprovel Doolîtîle c Palatins, Park and Chlcazo 'v asetier. l'ut 'l sprtag Or' ba* »0f I*ke Zuri soms of t] W>M M cident ai visen the wu m ork ftb day BIa"s-if 1 1 Ca 2 Su a Ut 4 Tii 5 De 7 Di edge am STATE LOi day 0f of Illifli UWid %-k uu"4W5S SUnIted States flr.s U~rC r W~coe LIUEitTVLLE, IL.L. LIBERTYILLtI 1. GRAVSI.AKE, IL.j 1 !Q m-- - - ê ' k- 41émm il 1 «