Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Jun 1922, p. 5

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LUS~YYLL DW~<J, MI5MAY. JUNE 2,1922. _____________________ MI Twenty Cents That's a smal amount in these days. isn't it? Most anybody can dis tbat amount out of a purse or a vest pociset. ibis is a fact however. If every one of Oulr hundred million people would save twenty cents every day for one year the amotmt would be more thmn$sixbillon dollars. an an,,unt greater tdm sosue of aur Llberty Loans.. -Don't f ailta save because the amoiuts you can Iay by are smal. What you save together withvWha al the reat of us save is gaing t. lie a slzeable auto.t This bank receives deposits of any'amount. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in 'Laundry Piices We are înaig a substantial reducion iu pers"ualIaudrY bun- les md in fauily wash serice t. fit the "eesof every bonue- hald.L .k over the severa serice we offer below, md select the me y«. rf er. Eltier service s a dis"nt saving over "mY othe way yo can posibly have yowr Imudry work dou. FAIM SERVICE NO. 1.- On albundes from 7lbs. to22Us lc * 23 to 25 Ibs. $2350 Over 25 Ibs., 1lOc per IL AU flatwark ironed and wearing apparel starched wbere' nceded and died. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Yaur entire famuily wash finished complete, 18C lindudig soft cuff shirts, per- lb. -____......._------ Thssrvice most include all your flatwork, as well as wearing Irrel.FAMILY SERVICE No. 3. Darnp Wash 25 paunds for ..-.. $1.25 Over 25 lbs.. 5c per IL No articles marked, each bundle sorted as to colors and was'- ed separately. One day service. FAMILY SERVIE NO. 4. Damp wash with flatwork ironed S12 25 pounds for . ..................------ - $ 1 2 Flatwark pieces ironed 5c per IL extra. One day service. -The Reliable Laundry LAVIN»ERERS, DRY CLUlAUE~ ( DYMR j -ilghlandn- Park and LibertyvilleO' Phonm, ilghlandn Park 178. Phone Lbertyvllle 6-a. _BUILD NOW-- BE PROGRESSIVE= OWN A HOME =With our plans and service, our= unexcelled assortment 9f maierial, we can be of great help to you.'M See Us and Save Money = =4 Phone 47 ON #M« AudS ElSUE RZUL¶SI L)cal and Personal Short Items of Fepecial lnterest to UibertyvMfl Peope tive, lu Joliet. ]iss Weet, of LoIs. Ii., 'vislted ber cousin, Mrs. III, Thursday. Mrs. l'rnk Doremues ad Mrs. S. Ruby were Chicago viitors Frilday . à q ! Mrs. Mae Snaend and Mis. H. L. Wil Mm ,.jtuie Davis of Chicago visited 1 Mr. and Mm. C. A. Dauglas of Net- son spent Thursday in Chicago. rsently lath Libertyville relatives. inaM, wle.. ere guelte of Mr. and Mot x ndMs ényDy, r ii 1Abner Tow7Ier TùsOMY. M.adM» tnyDvsaevs Relph Werenberg vlited triends In jixng e1 . te in Chicago this week. Chicago Tueeday. Mr. and Mr&. Gorge Klepper and family et Prairie Vtew motored te lb- Miss Dorotby Suydam aDpent Thurs- Mn. Ham R oges 01 Chicao so ' t ertyville smtrdai eVenins. day evening wtb frielida at Blue a te-w daye luet week at the home Of Island. ber ieter, MS. J. 8. GridleY. lra. j. p. May and t-o dauigbters have returned to Chicgo. atler a few Mrs. J. W. Bruwn and lirs. E. Zeli Mir. and IMn. Tbomnee VarnY 0of days iait wttb Mn. MaY's parents. of North Chicago, opent Wedneeday in Lake Forest, spent 1tlndeY wfth Mrs. lMr. and .Mx,. Byrc Colby. Chicago. Vaees mther. Mn. Maude Luak1-.l-R- Bankees Superfineme Ievs, nn alcoepilc, make baling SIMPlYdoIt- cloue. For sale at sIl greceY sotres. Mna. West of LOIR, Il., WUsthse gUe-t of Mrs. Mitchell near Diaznnd Lake thse letter part ot luat wftk. Mir. and Mra. li olnlited Of Higb- land Parkc spent WednesdaY evening at the home of Misa mayme Rapke. lin. GOgp Webrlàlbg e-d eblîdren, la E Sp e1fgç. Mlees Grace Ul- fersan mIi A6sh Rlrmotored te Lake Zurich TudmIbu. MW& AMna ÉLmilw» asenteMtaned at aimlcelle-neofle aboyer given at the bomne of Mms.Win O'Nell, Jr., at Lake porent Seturday eveaing. About f if- teen guests vere reeefLt 1The Ladies' Aid BSiety ef the M. E Mrs. Maude Lusk has given up ber church will hold thea regular busns position at Havthorfl Warm, and wil meeting on Tuesday atternOOn, Jue make ber home ln Loke FSret fbr the' 6tb, at 2:230, ln the. ChUrch parlors. A prefent. gond sttendance la destred. EL. A. Ble-bOi. the gjdlng band 0f Mr. and Mnr. Charles Kaiser return- mae a bt-Usie s tn le wauesu. edhome lat TisasdaY f rou RIpon. mafodaybsnss. O aBuW ,WlU., Wbere they spent two weeks wlth Monday.their son. Harr Kaiser. and amily, Mrs. Charles G. ~iwell of Highland v.hO aecompl'aned tbemn horne' for a Park made a short visît Tuesdsy iwith short visit. ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.'. Parkhurst.The Ladies of the Vernon < -tu:, ParkhurstAssociation wl boIS their snnoba h ,eilent road situation is pro zaar on JuflE 7th, ai HertelIs Pailion gressing nicely, anS hy next w.-ek it îý at Half Day. Dance tickeis 50c anS hoîsed ta bave the question of ight of 25e. Supper from 5 to 9. standard time- way settled, and lbuB pave th- w av I, Fitît and 25 cents. Ail are- cordiaiiv It ting the contract. insited. D.W GRIFFITH LOtsIC eirPakr 'Js.Qain"= r. H4ere y"u bave rpte-ausie folded - inja; uiniep1sjaego wy!ud thse maten midncao - vEt ePro- duction thinvl o AUDITORIUM THEATER FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MUE Znd and 3rd. FIRST SHOW AT 6:15 P. M. Adulte 35 cents. Children 15 cents. = h 8= We have a complete line of cbild- ren's Sandale, Play Oxfords and Dress Slippers that will plRe you. RAY N. -SMITHI LfiBvirUL£tLE, iLNOS niece, Mis. E. R. Moore, of Grayalake, lust veek. Superviser A. G. lisether of Prairie Vierw, was greetlng ieuds in Lberty- ville Frlday. Mr%. A. Huas snd daugbter, Miess 04ga, were Chicage visitera Thuraday of iast week. lirs. Heisteen, firat grade teacher in the Llbertyvflle Graminar scbool, is 111 with measles. John Van Plew of Beloit, Wl,., speni Meanonlal day with bis uielher, lira. Sarah Van Plew. M-. and lirs. George Scbeuneman of Waukegan vizited relatives in Lb- rtyville Memorial day. Charis lasy of Manistee, Micix, was called here ta attend the luneral of bis broxte--. Cazsius IRay, of Peabody, Kas. Henry Jewett and family ef Willmette 1 ais 4 -nded thp f n n ral of Mr. RaY. C. Sprini. isas ln Racine Satui. xa. s ,attend the funer..l ot Hioner Spr ng, who died in tha>: cirs aitei t short ilînetw of îsneumonia. He wa.ý a brother of Mrs. Sprxng's husband. and v.a . s11 knu'an in Lix u ilts 1 -atu- xsited hie s.on numerous occasions. \irs. J. N. 13ernaiS1 entertained 12 laisat a luncheon anS shower gPIven ln honor of Miss Ann Miller, at ber home Saturda:, afternoon,.May 27. The decorative scheme was in pink1 and wblte. The ont of town guesta were Mrs. P. P. Bernard, of Chicago, and Mrs. A. Klemp, of Highland Park. Miss Mande West lei t Isat Saturday for Southamupton, Englaud, wbere she will meet ber brother and then go on to France. Her brother bas been in France in Y. M. C. A. work for the past six years. sud hoth expect te ne- turm home ln July. They sailed on the 'Mauratana.' Safety & Service Coninued conservatiemanagemen utgd ad-. heremnce t. banldng Iaws; and 'amplecapitoàl and surplus have made ils insitue deseved- Iy known as asfe bank Unf aag coutesamdthe comtaiud eau cf officens »d employes t. mmidpate the cus- tomers' wammt have won for it &hso m n reputation for helpfal service. You'1i be cordially welcomed here I~. I_ __-- Planting and Tree Trimming Fruit Tree Sprayirig Phone 227-R or write STEWART SMITH iJBERTYVIL, ILLINOIS Memoriai day in Libertyville was ol> _________________________ served Tuesday, the exercises being In charge of the Ainerican Legion andl G. A. R. veterana. The LibertYville Band headed the procesion tol.akeside ceinetery, wbere graves of ail veterans were decerated. A firlng squad flred & volley. and tapse vere soundEd. The. ranke of the G. A. R. are becoming smaller eadh year. and ere long tbe observance of thls natIonal day wlll be entirely ln the bands of the Leglon and other veterans' organIzatiorirý. Snow's At4o Liveri-Taxi Ser~- vice. Phone Libertyvife 306-M. ~ t Your lumber and building m requirements can be fille toc your financial advantage'. Let your hcart givo thanks for flowo rs Corne te cher your weary heurs. ARE we tbankful for the blessings of lne flower gnrdens and tlhe glass shltre arden s t that grg for us the tend- er, pretty blossoms Ihat ihelp us ta live happily. In other words, we will save you on these prices. mont Every price advantage that the mari affords wilI be yours if you trade withi Phone 29 Libertyrille, IDI. - - ------------- -----------IIhh B II[ B'AR G.AIN White Dainty Checks, 36-in. per yd. 2 Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. Pure Linen Table Damask, 70-in. yd.$2 W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPAN ýl Il

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