IIUSBÂND'S FRTE SAT.Mathows lnclined to ~e" However That He lias Skipped Outt t 'Leff LwdOne; "M drownlng myseif off the 4B*f the pier tiis afternoan at ýae eticlk.»Yeua hava ouased -love Me. Dont weep. If you ente kicsame coma clown and si thse lait1, for that se whore "Akff.tionLtoly, 'A. T dTHW. opmw lai lveryetter,'potmank S auegn neceelved by lins. theS vie o!& T. Mattiesv, 24 W old* sis Asissret vsthe vltbli1 a lie bdtia iecn. $Aself-destruction. The let- received lionday atternooli .~tOwe bu turned tise mat- tov thie Waukegam, police. =4Y ,afflrdig ta lins. Mattievs, Jset kusbands blrthday. ThQre le threo pages in the letter recelv- by thee vIfs, but the text of lt le PM* ales admits tisat It la pos- t hat ier buaband mnay have *gedl blmsî,li, re. Mattisews ls 1 nln4 to thin that be bas tioed baer and their tvo-yean-od "«hor is baubeen ill of measl ,es th lait tva) or three veeke. (tbevs viso served lu tise uavy OsetLakes for tbree monthe, isa obtained is discharge about ýýa ag as b been employed at &tiUou o late as steamttter. To- i * ta have been is pay day. ilwfe bas made luquirles bow- grMd bas learned that visen Mat- ,, t«vhed tise station yeeterday 1 Mi *ha talA of iaving recelved tS__ ram bis sister ln Toted" ,g totlflg tisat sbe was lu il! isud lait been desertsd ity ber 'MIL me vas permîlted ta drRw t aarv. amountlng ta $8. Naed Boon Orinlclng àlbordb to Mlie. Matthew'. '%Fr U bs beau -drinklng moon- UItsbjkey 0f late and se hit &~n bout 1. She aye t te 'tbo on.ly tîme tbey ever hnd Sbe bsqed mne and the hbly 'jt"eday mornlng visen he s-k udA toalc &long bis 's içüal aise salA. "He diA -Malt at suicide, I dou't be- 4!9"*sed hlmsgtI. hirveai "*&Y DOvn'Eaat" aitishe Audit- ý,Xmm Lthertyvllle. Pndasy WtordaeJune 2 and 3. lu Op olf Itcous, Birgale, iad Pe~d opeung ou Decoratian day la *atteudanca af usanl>' tva OsAdlira. R. m. vat, m. Wli- Xi'* anA Mise Laura Mlît 'L Tesday at palatine. ~a r.Raymond Lord of Ras-- sed vers tise guests of lire. ull tIei Tiaasday. M Kenstelt anA dangiter, Louise, \TueOdsYai atisa Fs-ailHaggte ~ J. fliO fChiscage the veak and guests of tisais >or J" Ifloa z- Yi.Neyer and daugiten. 1,t pent - uiday aI lernoen vlth Merr t tise Presbyteran osopi- ]E 8. obiinlofti PriA>'for Ml.i *5kwer ae e vislIt bat- mth. -#iises-vices vans beld lu tisa >yalnchurcis Sunda>, 3ev. W. I-1Siit isracitg lastise mornlsg. RIssIleld Sct atIXaiM. D.,,bail WW'ftise 3 o'Cioclc meeting fos- M4. and 5.8 7:45 P. m. Dr. Hail gave IuaraaOm 'Amrusca's Future anA m Unlnsae and Soew haldlSat the MUÇUY bouse Thunsds>' attennoon ««Us netted tise Dot-ca Soclet>' o.Oa-g'aHoltin, Kansas, vas g"« of Irlinud lira. J. L. Vouter Dia>' andA ui-Ia>. r. Mdn lis-e. Peter BleimaitI snd 4ÇU*bstean sd lilsMarie Bleus- àDleA on, their aId friands boe r. and lins, George Knumbach are »991M Parent$ of altita sou, haro . «dA lirsayis'Dohiins sud Isu- t. rli$tS iee . v, ers guesis &-*CMns. lllmNalvil laut ~,anAdlira William Krnmbsch an- ýô@tiebirth of a daugiter. an ýZWjImam set Thisids> nàmvisa b as beau il for sev-- gohaolClosed a ver>' Wedadisea> wltl a pro- ri Md AplemOic. lin. L A. fl »M t4pre agatu nxi a r. jýsfIad içisol viiihlA tise l~gexercises Fida>' evasiig, w,. LBEMV w DI. DR6TROI~B POINYS BERS ARE ROUND MANY U USES 0F THERMOMETER Particularl>' Emnal ta Give Tempena tures of MiIIt, Cream and of Butter Makiig. 'IP-oxaed bthelbUnite 81.1.. DVS.tMBDt 0 At.lcltum). Hss-Aiy a useful instrument aroulsd s fatmnle sure negiected titan tise tisrmometar. ProperI>' appracialed. 18 Exact Information ou tise tesperainna cf tisa air laet at portance; ibulttanse as-e dosins af otsern uas A thiarometen aboulA e ha ie con- stant çanapanlou af tise dairyman. tlu probaiti>'no theat-dapariseut ofthet farin min a titemmoeter ha eail dta greater advautage titan lu connetiOD witis daIm>' apeations. Tise tempeatu-es ati visidtallkt, creasn, and butter are kepi, snd at vihlcb the vasloue aperattone af buttes- muklng are carried on, are ver>'fin- onrant. Witen mlIt lsta ha solA as suds 18 sbould ba lmmedateiî cooled. The. ronRon fin thiis l a lstop the lncreasq ot tucterlux ase muchtai possible. Bac- ferl iti vii eprotîice Ihemaelve es-et-y bal bons- Iltite tamparattines are favoratble. Il miilk le ta ha sepanated S>' the1 centrifugail ocess, Ih should lhave a rempeaut4re ai about 90 degrans; If by lhee eravlty metituil, Il ehanild ha moalefilueW dpgrees vas-y seau aiter milItînz. Tise tempat-atune ai viîc <reasu ta hurned la an Important Item; 52 ii 60) dagnees Fahrenhseit le con- sidered about igisi. -Butters eould ha storei lnl a cool place ta keap 18 eveet Fan MIl titse pupoases 1i lsesentlal ta have a titesmumaiter, anA une tisai cati la lepended npon for accnracy. Tîhe naceesît>' of maintalnlng cor- rect temperatune ln an Incubatornenas nuitte esephasîzed. Tise temperatmre le correct at 108 degrees, anAdIfi sonli ual go lover tissu that, esPeclalt1Y ilitin lita fIret sixdasysq. Salue Indu- bira hava an eiectric siainwviic rings a liit ivisen the taînperatnre goal hlow 103 degrees. In the mireuit lis-e stock, tecitafica et- rev*r thernoseten may ha Iouns vas-y useflîmiThte fôlloviug ans lbs normai temspiaatunes of fatm anisais: Swlna, 104; goats ors beep, 102 to 108, cava,10tOla 102; taerses, 99 ta 90.61 doga. 910 ta 100. A t-ls of 1 or 2 Testlng tIhe ,Tenperture of, Ces, - aoeCitlrhng. degree unimportaut If teuspoarr Sut if permanent 18 indIcates a sesloi conlition wvicit oaes sattention, rie af 10 ta 12 dezreea lu animales It-tusl>' tatal. Ta calllng a veterînarlan by telapisan Il if! allen Importanita ha eable ta gi t1.e exact temperatuînofuthtieanima A 'gocil linica i temmaumetet-, If as-ni ::tie, aboulA ha usail accot-dlng t ti-arty atisois. The tisermomatet- yul telvisetisi tise coller- on sto-age hous inof il igiti tempesaime for praduce. Appe are f requsoti>' stored ln outelde caitar a-hans the temaileatus-a la bau Iflt18Ca ha kept at 81 or 82 degrees; but 8 on B6 degreas vI l gs-asatlsfactor> 'r anite.ifhietsatemperatUMrela ta i iaiser, tise fruit aboulA ha placed1 sioragu' soon alter belng pickeA,t ivrestati prelimiiamv deca>'. Fan atinouupielt5nc rperature of ruas liet iIamomietr siould Se bum hf po*ssie. uîva>' tram the Wall au wvisre h a 111 ual ha afected 5>' s cntrente tram apen doors or wlu<doi or froiu toves or artificill eat ln il colA seassons. wit constant use naecOff acquainted wlti te Instrumentt,1 thilt ependeafl1 e wltl ha piicail upon i anA wvth constant Use ullvnm sucte ta openstlaus randitiatied on tamIser unie maû e itoped luit. MAKE OCHARD WORTH WI4IL TFris Nat Pruned and Sprayed Mlç ai WilI Be Out Out and Land planted ta Corn. Get test!> for spsaying tise orcha treai, Battes-psune thons diii vers <ays nov. Ans ocitas-A tt Po p anpy d d mned thsedai ggiiabou vislwtt aeutl t a] I-ars" aL -aimmeor ma et borna OVER; $2qOO0 BAIL cIIMI1LPLNT 0ODEFINITE RULE FOR FEED' Both Defendants Make a FulliE Abbott Laboratories in North When Hanus Ar* Laylng Hoiavlly They Ho Confession, Ineludîng Theft $HEEP CARE DLIRINO miflNTR Chicago Endangérod.fin a shii ounuof Math.Lre of Automobiles *rtading Ew.. Bhould Be Kept -Steam, Ether Aauntcf Msit Cisarged witis the attempted bur- Th lflyed Not Alowed te, PesA accordlng ta tise appétits of tise glary of tise Edvard Ilolden drug Losin Welght. an ohverMuws eiidnge1I rne l tirceasaodlntlly 0f gra n utie mngie store an Teuti Street, Aria fli, Ii . - eek in tise Âbbottedlab"odielsnt aueddgiveailytbegrain titeyhwllirat nluco y.earni od, aud Steve Kayac, 19 yeai-i <"pT.Pr.4 bl1thetUniIted stl I)O5nelt Norths Chicago Iu, su explosion by theatternoon lu time ta AinA it betore 1 bnids er ut o thcsernd Jhey ver At tis S eason tise fock uvuer te mixing ai team aud ether. Wiud-duArit. There should ha no grain Inth is bons o 00 eah wen heYWer piâci&)I ineratedini fait a v in. ows af the plant ver. isovu out bY lUtter at noon; *ben tound, It Lodi. o arreagged lu plice court befare Po- the blauL dtes taeersttoc sud tisehebmait-gIr tic Mgtrate Water Taylor list e. terteedioK and muaintenance. Tise Tise Nantt Ciicago Ade depant- cFaercng80mcstats ou Wednesday attertion. lu defauit 01 SistPisrd aShouid train hisisefto tads meut was sent ta tise scnne oft the lai. bail bath men were remanded ta tise tise condition of hiesbeep byý feeling explosion, but vas unable ta do Ta ganerai, food by veigbt tvo-tblrds il caunty jail. the boute ortise loin or becit. At no anything for tsar of caustag a Sec- Part 0f gr#ln ta tva )plrts Of mas. ij Neliser or the youths attemopteil ime viiile tisey are In Ismi bo11011dA sieplosion wile tise etisenfumas Wheu tise bîrda are laylulg iseavl:ihey hit any Astense. Tise>'bth made a fulliles ha ilavd ta la8e weigist. Tn wera clrculstIng about tise build- sould consum e a larger amount ofaiet confession, admitttag ou tise stand . 1 jBolnste adngri. tisat tbey bildattemplted ta break 0esuwet, fisasn ter a ane ig itt tise drug store. Thay altoad. o-f valttlng toc long ta stant feeding. R. L. Pecker, a cisemist, living at A green range of aalfa, claver, or a mittetd the theft af four automobiles Winter management ln very Impor- 1721 Lincoln avenue, wu@ birned graus funnisiies tise Idéal condition.ba in Waukegan and lttise Great Lakes tant in. its affect upon tise rtru bout tise face, arme sud ssoulîders We tsethntavlais1 a e-a station. Titres of tisses cars have fron tise fiack. Leguninous haya, lIntse explosion. He vas ilabed ta esaary ta give tise bie-lsenme kinA aof been reoee sarsl ftheS travia acraalsuulyfr the Victory Memorlal hospital succulent foodl. Itangel beets, cabs- rsisanco ve e ie hett t heminsucof uatalk alui tn wbere- isbilsum eeres sed. Hia bage, SProutedl onts or green claver areyo yetfldefeudauts. barilsm aie quite serious. yottlrations. Claver, alflfa or cowpea bay, mhe exact cause oi the explosion usually considered the best green uo Dixon vas shat lu tise body by If of good qualit>', sua> bcusd 5astise 1. unkuown, altitougis it la bslieved teedi. If tisese are not obtaaitîsl, aly lke Holdan wbile attempttag ta eut aSsole féed until near iarublng tise, from i'.at the mixture af ateam sud pies and potalues malle a valuable ta] panel oui of tbe druig-store door. He 3t %pud al en ufcetehrdrn hmol poesadto oterto.Fe tno e escapedIn luan automobile at tbe time S8 %pud al en ufcetcirdru ieia rce diint ierto.isi tuo but was arrested in Chicago. for ewes weigblng iess ta iss 3 caleda, biset and flatu wichIt n suchis uîu as tise hindi vîli cleaxi Relatives ut Dixon have interested paunde. Ont and wiseat straw are burut DecItem sud titrew bini sev up before îlgiîi. theeevesb iscas ad ae n-bettan titan rye or barlay straw. Cor-n.- mat feeltframnt t table wbere h,~ liard, slîamj1', gril la nacessary forb deavoring la aitain bande for hlm.1 taîki piacei wisere tise ewee cen est 'ali workîng wit oisumecîîetnîcals. ciudlng feetl; oyster selsl ta euppiy Up ta nov relatives ut Kayac, visaý off tise leavée may ba usafi as a part mepigbc ,dsra. h a, ie fur egg shilis. Netiser wili ne- ~ Atove tise car tan Dixon, bave nut 1 af tise rougisage ration. Ift ibis ration 10-te -enbc e t ans wfisu raf lceth th inerceded in bis bebaîf. la made up iargely af cornetalke onrethe ~pnt Iwao e. iflelt~lt ie.f - s~~ý trav, a nîtrogenous concentrats As far as hnuvu, Decker was ASN ESE FR POI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1O 0 0 0"o0O0 0 sould siea ha used. Timotby isay la woking witb a citemîcal mixtures RIIGGEEFR POI o pT Ki ic 1 not gond sesep facîl. invalving the use ut etiser aud 0 A o PoToo Ao K 1 So 1o C 0> G Stiage wyul relluceotise cot of thse steam. Anotiser wonkman lu the Oppartunities Gond hInRegions Wheme 000 00 00 000 00001ration, but 18 l e hst tu use 18 wth bey. Plant was sent 15 luru oi) the Titi> Can Be Fsttened for Emi Ges toka oa o hllfas o Fedony ilgemae ro wllma seam gradually. As thte steam came City Marktets. Emi Geat ooka lado ba fas Fed oiy liae mde romvalsa out tantas, tise explosion touk Winitetka lait Sunday. tured corn, anAdise sure that 18 laonot place. (lv.i.red by the United States Dpntmni Walter Weidan andl lady tiend vans spolted fraisa or molA>'. Titres A guard vas placed aratund tite of Âsrliliî<.> la ont sstoin lai Sundy. nds'per head a day Io the Tirait sfeosr ts btotpoerysd Gese amay b. ralsied profitabl>'onai outauoin lt Sndy. hifeail. For itreeai esa, rmots, par- evceofte syotra proaista and uy more fermanttan et presenLt Joh npe va a isterat tie tlarly turnîpe, simulA be used sail ts uldn nl is tir~ Tise United States Depantiment oa il G. M. Weidner home Sunda>'. tgyutlstr aii ie the ba uldngu. D te er fumpcIeA Agriculture points out tisaI tise ppor- -Someone sald tisat if al bis for rationls base given wili ha found satis- up sy vonrmen ai tise plant and tactisi are especially good In nagions gu keepsnig tise carin running arder vere factory. fao- aes friasM20ta 145 rushed Into anuthen unit ai tise visera rhay are fattenail comniercially cv placed sud for snd they vould reacis pouns h in weigit: paut. Tise ambulance i Wetzel for tise gnawing demanil of ities. almost to tise poor houte.sud nome1 and Petemsu vas seul sud nusited Tbey are eSlly disturbed sud sisould il tinss v are inclnai! to thikit is tile .- Ration No. 1. tise man ta tise isspital. vilie fine tiierafore e hiandled gentl. Wisen fa tiai5 aud~aI-afa rcome1- sn and emplya of tisa plant ai sated tisey are allowed ta sun in Theý * ralla play party. ai he I3panAs c Orn uflae tempted ta enter tise buldlIng. bUaciming alhkeiu 1Cla hoeltMonday evensng. là Pond shuled ot-n. The supeintendeut ai tise plant a cloy y tu fta keep tisa ganderus George Weimaer af Ciicato spent Rition Nu td- aA ie xlsinAd a ram BitIn A gandar niay be matid Saurayaitie . . 1 . 2. asaunt ta mucit anA vas t null-, îista %,t orgesbtpi Saturay etthe.J N. Bsch m. 2%potindas Xfaabal clinsA ta make au>' slat5isieut con t riont fuges btpr Esthser lieel! visited lier tasi, lins.2aounda corn llage. cerulug tise affaîr. or trio niatingla uualiy gis-e tise bet. b 2'Bd Gins laut Satorday,aise saltoattend- 1TeAbt lnsarne n t «tkFO ort illt-ia1 ad he choi iene. f te wezmu n fllwhet o ry aa senIes of nuits ta preveut tise 0flm nay bc kept ceauanacre. Un- durln tise vinter tise Pasture must "stire- place being endangensd, der- mmntCodition» tan la a fuir &ver-1, Mm'sdlia Augut Grevasu b ioplmented by nome dry or Coo- iahould a singis unît ha affected as age, r. rauge en grams «s- uibbleli g an ti vere ca»lers ai J. N. cettti feed. filiage aud rooftan w-ihs tise oualant ulgb htTts-is- b.lm advisabla. and many partouti is thée 'iliR ot desirabe viien the Dul ta 1abiy savedl a langer loaaisnd 5en- Soutb keep 811cmta M il veeda In tisefit 0 esSislhi*t tWhb . W Ui1gruem. (he-bal!poul of cttoasàsdabled tise emiployés ta go aboI'Cotton fialAs. dogl Me t% à Oa.- ,tau, o eIuZ rcia-Iutiia j cfflIiw thSe 4o111 3ftla rewsSs»Ir vont ta cearng tise place ai olutadEbo gnsw l WlokatsheiSaIp tha entes-lot ~~tisae eier fumes. Tiseexplosion awau@s sm iisi in v' th iteio git sd fev people la- NantisChi-i. reid and produite .isestocintaei ctorta aou 8 bi ,arlg ecUAyerbut do ni mature or agi rit Freid Buics W*eployed by E. J. with stise, excaeptionsai tise police Gin lait 8aiurdày4 n ioe iigl i muiediate Mn E Rels nAdasg Li!in -llInjty of thiaAbisot hplant, visicis lrl Remadduhiter, Isli;il located on Shidns Road nearp 441ldAaitisae George Vois homne Frida tisa E. J. 4 E. r[llvay tra<t15. Mina Victoria Weiuelof Chicago, a ____ hase for a short vacation. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hurbert Weidner vas a business caler ut Wiaelng last Friday evening. 19 ?RAM*êo M -00 Well nov tisainoaltof tisa faisns gai t= plaàgcornms and e, iSee 'way Dovu East:, at tise Audit- congatuatin thmnelez t haingorium Thseatne, Lbertyvilie, Pnlday0 tcopibds u hes eE.sJ.a i hansd SaturAs>', June 2 anA 3. 18 vent tism aseverai points better ha iTintees enibens of tise 'Claie in tise . IfilleA is silo laut Saturday. Sa>' %mil Canner" in tise Sunday aoo; ihava tisat corn of yours lnansu arI>' kind. pase ltieir final examissatian fias thse8 Alex Busntou, St., vas a busins A Good pature ta Range Oves- Pro- gramisar scisoal vith yln colons, - caller at Waukegan Monda>'. msvidai theBoait Exorisai for the a usai>: Ruth Wolf, Edwvin ans and 'Petr Siverscalid etthe restory lMrecaieve tisir diplosai on coin- Sunda>' afternoan. mencernent day andl are anioil liook- Io ~ LcuAmAs-so vs cîle a tse quirement for pregnant saab and 18 ing ft-yard ta antanriigi s chool naîti Lz, Anersn ws acoler t tebould ha us-ed when tisepteL rg .Cindareila Wells liai aloa passeilolos Gee Ceatmrre,Satunday. 1Hwvr uItrpuda gwihteaiaist f811. Tybu des bet e uuo aoGease. onii,! Let einsart Johinand il W l e- Hoeen i iama-pud lng tistbeaint oet. taenter bihi s chool. atrîuttiaittm12 oil, Lea, ~ sienenotier feia ionlainlag protata ma>' hb nutasWet. ect taensila Someliiuî-the isa i îIla>'thtie fnit yeuir. 1 ntenýd te 4 rneàast Soa>'Y. Yi>'eis r tit e yana mine-arenix a targes- Petar Sievena vas a Wsukegan caller amounut ofut ooead eal. e Corner aêmushomt len Fidelt ~btor.atise lts ftell >'are sssel f rt-E yýSumday, be motoned aven vith is enev xriew ~ ~ l ae a~h anrc~emtlitmA> i trat lceg iiaeuî î Dor thy ae area clssycar .,Exrcie fr te eve n wnte inE.hase af Mma.L. hutchinga, theit- iuuklnig Ienitites iisuiiily are kepi luij Dor, us>'area 'al los>' ar.r>' If stroog Iambe are taha teaiher, ta practica thi ait r st for 111tii tieei- dlii to telau îursviA, or TheA. . Ruppfamly wer gustspr .l Tisa>'con ise Induced ta Children's day, al-vers tsaeehEut ona, as long as tise> iay ieli, lut gantier, lat s dinnef lait Suraf>. ", take exancise b>' ecattarng tisair feail Art P. yau don't kno*e viat yen missed seldomu ana kept aller liey ana sixr N. E. Buschs anA Max Millet- vent aven the ground viticitvilli ndice b>' not haing prenant, basides gond or seven yams aid. Yearling gaulersa Oie isting lait Sunida>'. Sa>' foîke no nasA tisras8a do a great deal 0f wafl-'jg siuglng, tisere azas plent>' of fuilge and of the domastic brasA otten ana u-tei veta go dising fan a long tise, guase athrwy etldotsfeda sm a of otiser gooil things, ail had a ver>' tor breeinîg. but bots sexes usuailly Anoter wy lato e th4eedng smeuice ties. I. tisey caugitsi al tisa"big anes. ' distanca fs-is tiesa eelten. . Wî9tan Ju 1,l ii ae eaonridnns ue beat ton hneeding vhs» frmstimee .Alice Bunton and iCelia Poia vene Pastture viii, uf course, suive tisa Pt-c- day, ail are ver>' bus>' lit-k ta make t vyars aid. la cllers at Isabelle Wicur's lait Son- las of examcine. But tise fock ougit tisehst ChUldren'a day ai ail it vili day, and bail a splendid tisa. not ta ha ont lu natin or val auov , as a ha tise most unique ot anyting that PRBE OLR SBS îar elexBunonSÏ.,'asa; busns et flesce le a frequant cause of clAs lias'beau given lise. Tisecasmte PRERIPOL Y 5BS Colle ai iberyvile ýodayanilpnaumonta. AÀseep vill shake Of arrangements are: lins. C. 'A.. lup Tne Cik I es Frnk and Tom Matousek andî off dry snow and Ihaenons tise'wonse e nMe.L uhngmDger 1 frM d fCiagclelaMts . friavn enotluaso-. ln. Tovuer, Ploasie Kueiller and ways Command Top Priciu- uDfn dso hcgcle'tteN o aigbe u nasom Mms.W. Sisiscliffe. Scrawny Fowis As-e Lots. 34Buschs hame Sunila> evenaig. Present conditions sboulA ha u dls e. Pater Dietz anti Issu>' af Libetany- tauag nt ta a pes-sn who lIiikâ Tise Sunla cisool isai lait Sunday > vlle ves ailra ttisvicni>' ait>1stelin aflu-kio us ma vthe tia hgest attandance oaI i iear, Tisaeela aiways a good demand tor bcvlewr andai ti i nt en fsceeafitisa live sockethe ana eresclng prtt>close ta 1011)mark, lai market pamilt-> and egga, anA tiser. 1, Sudy uced ihl tokI h n us saeIt e ven 100 4y mChidrna'day. -avays vîli ta, but -lke es-aty otisen to Misses Vîtorie, Tiahelle and Herbent wbo guiaesIn eai stays lu tht-vh agtta Rev. sud Ml. otanvene ont caling cammodit>', tise prica t-sais-d by tisa Weidner spant Manda>' aveuing et the yeasnd IA ean. Ilaniaps Il le betiar itis vesk. They aloa made a business seUler depends upon tise quality of the a Cretssore. tg goIn wben pmîcesae-alow, 'or Ilien ti p a tsacitinathiat-auto. ke sod Go.plm tnr ig, Canence Buschs of Libertyville, apent it Cuats Iras tut- faundation stock. Ptasching servies- naxt Sanda>'ut a i jcdes, so. Gootd, apiump, ctene id Manda>' nighiaittise hume of N. F. Il le doubttul vtetiser a iuaitssuld a , . ansd 7;80 p. s.; Sunda>'sciiooi cisictetop pres,>witthealas us- gr Buscis sud vas a cller ut thé Ct-st- stani keeping suees-h uniess bis tainm ai 10 o'clock. . tmn tise top nic bavslo e tsscrawfor vamore Mamnorial day. Mr. ao iekeptg ta eei~ ln pisd i-. Gos Stoenp and lire. sai' aeirafbst asj o W% lisMai Ives aowthei mng ofcase 5 oTos 0Struckmsu, an ie asuglstean sd grand. visatevan Il yll brng. Tise fariner h MiaMreRiaits loseila vet->'1 wiîîsdil - otcaes6 o ior aughtae of Elmhusnt, sput Sunday wvisa ays tisane la nu profit lu tise aÙiccesoliul terza of scisoal lent li'iday wh benled etter and more aco- aftarnoon wti liss. Lueit .=.tqa poults->' business le generali>' ana of le vxtis a .picnlc at tise achool groundisfon nomicall titan a ver>' maiU fiock. OlA Miss Ruth Wof apeni sevenal daye thos faliwe visa raisesthe latter 0tise ciildren snd soinsaif tisgraduaiai ewes sîtunll e iscanded ai flive y5irsilait veak vitit ber grandmaotiter. kinA. afiletitYeual toavers înviWed. trai>- of aga. W'lea Titis la Auna andahts naticlhmsse t; boAdy hail a fine tise sud tise ainsI pue esi utRhe ae ianib5 ana salA a -. Unga m amnt iof goodie ta V"{5 t de r octvlIodithe Il> doubl ae a iza lufrom Chicago over Saturds>' and Son- GOOD FEED BEFORE ROOSTING a-siar, eepleutifu.atr ei -day. ____i ail the ice creain ta tise chool grounds uts-sa s'aars. land ve'll s>' tisai ha vas tisa polar Me_______ is. As-i Vase anA baby caUsAd on Atout One-Third of Total Amount Imsuoi tisa tima tisai. We ispe to lins. L. U liaset- on Sait-rday lifter- Fowli WilI Citait Up In Day Ia LEhave Mine Riea i us gainasti CASTORI OIL GOOD FOR SWINE ISoomi Just About Rlgit tet-a as oai a aver>' feirteouher. M r r' Ray'Busch have rt- gtSite in s-aty considrata af tise chldrn's1 Simple, Harrles and Gunerally Efla- turned ta thiit-home at Prairie Vicv Cicksns nasA a gondl fesd before velfare tpILa, as vail ' et fudy uve Reedy for Animals Witen sItar an axteuded viit viti nelativas gair ta roustet atnigbt, sud If fad viitat=vaCoigis'preciated aotbncttrda istotlaean moiles ansd fanrviicli wjeoffen aur Off Feed. ai Es-rtt. aotoetido h oa mui sincene tisan.Mi Mary Kally' vasa husinasse coller tisey -111i dean up ta a day, Inthéis POULlity nem 'w k' DY LEIIN6 t111 OMMK3EER 410 ospital Books Are PNow Seing Kept at the -Hospital,. Not in Down Town Office It developsi that the new hospital .mmlttee bas made a radi change A.lJot E. Ring, Milwaukee, 23. Ingiborg Johnson, same. 28. nissing from the couflty pay roll a ,ung woman who bas acted as office r!r for County Physician Brown for Ome yeare puit. This yuns woman starltd ont' on nominal salary as; a boalcneeper for le Coanty bospitti ibut that salary is graduaily IncrPasel until recently îe bas been pald $1Sào a year. The committep, feel that this WUs i excessive pay aud decided that the lspital Officiais confit take care of e'ý record. pertalning te the hospital 'airs as otber hospital staffs do ail )ver the country. Accordingly they dismlssed the vung womnan lu quesUion aud fromt nw on the bospital records viii b.e kepi by the head nurse at the hospi- al. However, the books bave not epn remo'.ed from Dr. lirowu's off- e to the county up to the preseflt ,'ne but n w records have been start rf4 at the toaspital. The reason the bcoks cuvei 'g the past have net beeu * t::kd for j, beraui' lthe committee tt ;eo an audit made of titas before ii .are turned over front te physi- r ttî nd fl',riresq t him tbey also -1,hinm to bnveý that privllege be- fi-uif ,-deringthem. '00000000000000000b, 0 LAKE VILLA 0 MiaMary Kerr spent a few days let week witbh tfr sister, Mrs. Spriug, ti Millhuru. Mrs. Elle Daymnout af Chicago la visiting friands ber. Meyor Thouipson of.CblCaga vUas guest at tbe Lundin bomne at FOX Lake over te vaek end. Charles White of SIOUX City. Iowa, s visiting its relatves, the HSmlIf smnillies this weeL. Mr. and Krs. George Mitchell sud laughter of Chicago Ilpent tram Bat- urday uii Monday witb thse home tolks. thse james Kerr tamily. lijr. &" Ulrg. Eari Patter of Huis Mir. and Mns. Bari Patter Of Huis- bard Woods vers Bundisy glutsisOf Mir. and 1frs. I. Patter. lirs. Phalen. visa lives St Dan Hams- IuW5. speut Saturday a"A Bunay vits ha« sans las Xengoit- Mm .J. I. Cribis.,viso la suffeiig fromn blond polsoSiifg aimPrOVliK Mr. and lKns. Tom BromPtOn et' taimsA nelativOS trom tse .Càty oVES Bunday. lin. Erom>ton bas La tar reaovered tisat the rade to Aistioci laut week. Thse rad out of tavis claad 80 Lhe public until thse cernent la @Cr- pieted. Gradinsi buas aredy bogla- Mfr. and lin. Rudolpis Weànd3 wlth ltermaa and Florenlce fspenth81e Decoration dày boUiasys vits rel*IvEO at Sand Lake and friands lIn IA» Villa. Mn. and lins. Richard Lusnd of Ciii- cage spent the veek snd ai the Jaris hotel. The pulpit viii bie suPPU.id iiext Sunday. as lMr. lcCla)skey wviiattendA thse baccalaureate sermon at Garrett Biblical institute and viii gradilats next week.' There vill lbe no evenlflg service aithtie churcis on the bill. Tise Ladies' AId Society vill meet with Mrs. Herbert Nelson WednesdaY. June 7th, and picnic dinner yull be served. yon are very veicome. wADSWORTH lieurs 01 Divine Services at St. l'a- trick Church,. Wadsworth: Masses aLi.and-9 o'clock, sts.Sdard limp. »I~ dayllght saving. for saimmer iiiontits on Sundaya and 1101Y BaYe. Christian Itoc!trine classes at 2:.30 ocloc< followrtl by Rosary and Bene- diction of the Most .Blessed Sacra-4 ment on Sunday. There wiit bereligious service and dscorating of t h e graves at Mlii Cretk Cemnetery next Sunday alter- noon at 3 o'dock.' We are giving .FREE a Rid - Jid Ii'oning Board (Retail Price $5) to every purchaser of a Sunbeam ElectricIron $7.50 $1 down-$1 a month t One of the best Electric Irons on the market-many thous- ancls in use. z~ontr s-un tii man I ahmc inAm pnsybs Nor-th tise r under it 1 lag il velig la me Uný tise I Pro vater tram tai a) A t tise i $7763 ertl vas lug t $6728 quart tise Catel tisat vais do t tise dozet It doe lion Tib tisat an t: ~fear he c vais caus tisa City Lai, and Il und- donl par grac for soin but As 1-2 ta les. cou 33 big Ing ter, uial Tit( tise ' the Mu luý ttc io 00 I me ise on cr0 ro> nIa vil cat 9es ta Ps' ka loi fli vs ta tri gli au ths i -4 dc S