1.-t' " TYVILLE INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOUME XXX.-MBER 23... Un 3VILLA MAN fowâ, kLAIR G. JSIIOT-REPORTS RE PIJYSICIAN DIES AT ODDS-- À hOLDUPI Word was receîved bore today oft the death at Nashua. Iowa, lasi night - of Dr. G. W. Ogbln. at the age of 83 W lam Snyder, WeII Known r. 1De. h ,. 1Oy '9 Lake Co. Man, in Kenosha sided at Libertyvllewhre hoprde- Hospital Following Affair ticednmedicineHe l:tt Lake county William Snyder, aged fifty-seven, residing at Lake Villa, le In the D6R tUA Kenosha hospital witb both legs pope- iAIUIII01IYV$I pered with buckshot and tbree men are in jai as a reault of a shoating IS IItLIJINII BACI( affray whicb iook place Juat before elght o'clock Sunday night ai the Ideal Inn In the town of Pleasant BELVIDERE JOB! Prairie. ____ The men unaer arrest are Romeo Can Award Contract This Morretti. proprietor of the place. wboI te ciîarged wth shaoting Synder, Month if Right of Way Can Irwin Snyder, 24 years af age. a son Be Obtained ,of the Iniured man, wbo was taken Thai the obtainlng of the right of into custody tiv Shor!! Ration o! way le al ihat Is holding up the Kenosha at Lake Villa Mdonday pavement of Seividere road from 'ho mornIug ét 3 o'clock. and Redmond Dslie ie att h ak- Cloud, also o! Lake Villa, who laDeian rerastate au- said! ta have boon a member of the gan city limit4. was the statement Snyder Party and who was arrested made Tuesday by Chas. Russell. coun- ut the Inn sbartlVafttr, the shootiig. ty superlulendent o! hlghways. Mr. Severai other mon who werc in Russell said that the contract for thc Place, at the time of the shoot- te iaylng o! thiE five mile stretch In& are being sought by the short!! of concrete road cati be awarded ai and hi* aide. metrotti dlaimus UIat the letting this month le the rigbt the party tram Lake Villa attcmpted o! way cau ho obtained at onte. ta hold up the place. The son of The people o! Antioch have receiv Snyder dlaime that the shootlug fol- cd permission tram the tate higb-. lowod an argument aver the price way department ta award the con- to, ho patd for drinks purcbaacd In tract on June 19 o! that portiuon of the place. Shori!! Eauen and4 hi$ roue 21 which runs thraugh the vil- aida are maklng a vigorous investi- lag«. The state pays for 18 foot of gallon loto the abooting and the the pavement and the village pays mon wiil ho hoid In l untl the for the rout. Antioch has asked par- 'tacts arc brought tu lt<htmno ag ha iittspr Eider Snyder Witt Recover. msint oaedwt hspr Whie Onydor la ufferIng trom tion Y!ther than vait for theo ntire more Uian ahlty buokahatwonuil route tii bo clearcd Up. in hie legs, ft vas declared at the %capiutal t1eat ho would Probably re- caver sa" Short!! laitonmlied arrn- -ed totaieshlm ta the cunuty IaU fOI3FMANTUINS as scon ma ho ln able ta lm" eUc bouîiti.L ne man vas dcosed ta b. suffauS rouxgruast pet- masa $0 T I T S clo <sets ln. Thes eider nyder basas ntroyt beau able ta give his -version of the shoing. but t vas Marks the End of the Test Case .expectod thai ho would make a $tate- nient ta Uic district attorney duriug inl Bootlegger, Stae's 0f- the day. The son of Siiydor vito was pulied tram hie bcd at Lake fi0e War for Power Villa at 3 ocack ta smorntng hy Short!! Rauen, profem,80 ignorance John Hoffiu4n Foi Lake reosrt cf the sovere wounding of his f*ther keeper who figuradilt inch test Case snd delared thai ho had been 50 thai deaIt Uic doath biow ta boot- irtghtened wbethUi shaottng taak leggors test veek. paid hie fine, that place that ho had ru away snd b5ud ho endeavorod ta, evade )ouday. zone tu hie homo. Sa feraànCol" In 'ail 1807 was turned over ta the ho ioarnod the son had nat soizght statos office. represeuîing a fine of auy Information In regard ta the 8750 and the caste. outcomeofa the ehoottng af Uic faih- Hoffmaa. through hie attorney, er. George Fild, aitempted ta get a Confiicting Storien Toid. . wrii o! habeas corpus ta aven sorv. Conflîctîng &tories were toid as ta îng oui hie fine lu the couniy Jeul Jeest what happenod at the Idoal Inn. Soverkuity of the etateoaver the Morretti assertod tu the short! f Uiat federai courte ln the couuty court the tbree mon had oul.ered the place cases was proved by the stalo's o!- and had asked for drinks and that f ice sud the writ dentod hy Judge after ho had served tbem that Une Edwards. o! the mou setzed a pop bottie and If the srti ad been grantod It struck hlmi ovor the head. Morretti wouid have meant that the state accordina la hie siory, foit ta the W4ouid have been unable ta coliect .1loor dazed tramn the blow aud whon any o! the fines imposed on boot- hg gai up ho pickod up the shot. gun Jeggors hy making tbem serve out ibiil11red ant ehot. Whon Snyuac felu jalil sntohcesý ta the floor !oliawing the sbootlng Hoffman wes raidedet ihie Foi thore seas great contusibu lu the Lake dive, chargea wlih the sale place and mot of the mon vito had of illcit lîquor. and found guiity. beon therofled. The yauuger Suy- Ho vas f ined $750 and caos an< der afler hie arreet iold the shori! f sontençed ta the couniy jail for 30 thai ho did ni know mest what Uic days. Hie 30 days were eerved out trouble vas about, but ho GiOutly but ho attempted ta, avold the pay. douied the story that the members ment o! his fine. Hie payment Mou- ,of hie party had tried ta hold Up the day marks the doom a! Uic boot- place. Ho declarod that thora had iogge accordîng ta local attorneys been an argument ovor the drinks V _______ and that Morretti got the shot gun AOSPCUET B and started shaoting. Ho 'doclarodFAOSPCUE TOB that titis was hie cue for running SHOWN AT THE AlYDITORIUM. away sud ihat ho kuew nthing o! what happonod laier. Cloud who wac fouud ai the Inn Notbing 18 too good for IAbertyville, -did not make any statomont ta the Thatit sho Conviction o! the manage sherif! and ho was ta ho quetilonod ment o! the Auditorium Theaier sfti durlug ihe day. .tue unanLimous' support given "Wa> Sherifi Cleses Place Tight. Down East," whlcb was sbown iu thE "I nalied itiai place up and it le big alry ibeater iasi week. not golng ta ho openel again," de- Frlday and Saiurday a! tii weel clarod the sherlff ibis norning. "The tbey are shOwing Mao Murray in one place bas a blsiory wbich le not ai of Paramont's best pictures, "Tbi ail compllmentary. It la recaUed that lÇeLiy Tsflmwthabul a fese years ago the romains ofa!nuGlo iy"Tisfl.wi o oid man wero fauud lu a dicb noar futiintroduction i ncolared phatogra the saloon and ht was declarod that Phy portrays the relative attitudes0 ho had beon tbrown oui. of the sa- tWo mon In ibeir love for a beautifu ioon on bie bead andi bad dlod tram daucer andi scenaria wrter-one fo bis Injuries. White many suspects ber exierlor beauiy and one for bo were examlnod lu conuectian witb soul within. Whicb viii vin? the case nu one was evor tield for Sunday, wili ho ebavu William Bre tbe kliing o! the man. dy's Production, Litfe."1 Anothor Pars The place le lu Kenasha couuty nount. but mast forth of the Illnois state Nexi veek fa three days wlll b lino and etonue urne Ih vas a gs'eat Mary Pickford lu "Little Lard îatin resari, vben thousaude 'o! sparts teroy."~ Thon Rudalph Valantino an came !rom Chicago ta attend the Agnee Ayors lu "«THE SHI!IK" an races ai Ideal Park-long a momory. the week fallowing the tamous "Th The short!! taday was seeklng G. Four Harsemen of the Apocalypse.", J. Ackley a! Uic tavu of Salem, vho Theewnderful pictares a! nattal la declaredtu t have beau In the place tianal roputatian, formerly ahow ai thc time of the shoatigsdhwtb rning andhghasho. «Pexdi ckiey ta furnlsh an un. ylhoagie an orsthe pas $f.il blasoti story of just wbat taok place. Ilb ie o h arn rt The mon n ljl are ta o be hd pend- Auditorium at popular prices. Tb ing -heUi vegatlon by Uic dis- 1W OiIet ut Uthe ter 15 cII trict atorney andtdihe shoal!!. dent lu their hope Uhat thc loyera Ai Luake -Villa ItW"sgsid that Uic good entertainmoni vM heartlly nsl members et -tcé $àÏ'lor-Darty veretortari dr f n puiiitinfg ou Uhi well kiiovnbut the sharif! vasual tproges.annaMocneni of viticitwl able ta ftd, th bat suy cf tltem had s appear lu the columtne o! The lId :Poticorecord in that -elty. pendent. LIBEMYIWLE, LAKE CO(JNT, ILLOIS. THURSDAY, JWE 8, 1922 CLOSE (iAME LOST TO NORTHI CHICAGO HERF LAST SUNDAY Libertyvilie Teami Takes Short End of 5 to 4 Sce--Wau- kegan Here Next Sunday ln a game reploe witb snappy * ilays, meesy plays and a regrettableI amount o!frag chewlng. tue Opeka Sitars fram North Chicago veut away .3unday atternoon vîith the long end of a 5 ta 4 score. At that the locale istaged an almosi garnison finish lu the lasi bai! a! thé niutb. With the counit 5.eo.2 againsi them Franzen led o!ff wlth a vitale of a tbree-hase wailop ta lot; Boehm valk- ed and Joo PortIer pughecd the man, ager acros viU a nico stugle te con- ter. Morris, wbo had beee hitiing lu bard iuck aIl afiernoon, sacni!iced. Tluy rompoti ln. Ritta's best vas a pop ta short, and Fi'tzgerald drove a Mungie rtght at WrIedbeck, wbase nice stop and throv naileti Bill ai first. andi vo lacked just one raunta île-tough iock. The oniy tîme that Lady Luck emil-I ed on lthe home team vas in the tiret o! the opening sanis, vben the vîsit- ors vere able ta caunt but once on tour bits and a valk. Wibh oui tiovn Kabsreck doubleti ta conter, Docts scoring hlm. vlth a singlo. Anderson singled aud Jeffene followcd suif, 5and Fltz's perfect play stopped Docte ai the plate. Priedbeck valkod sud Peter- swn vas ont-Tiny ta Morris. Ourn tIret ru came la the fourth. V'lt walked 1Rudy li!Od ta Potrollus aud Reld dravo the =ulli t lh li tvc-begeritéonter. Northe Chicago vas prsoted vite tue lnt ttherUtl. With ou, dovu, J. Kab.roc valkod. wvent ta seonud au-a wIld pitoli aud tatird on a paed bail.Bitta lutê DocW tel onie la the suit, sud Audersom slngled, scorlug ane. andi Xoffers smt!ed Dada acrais. Tb& am e y gag Me 8c sd ~vu rulya gin tr iS urdhaMUve fini sa*,&>r Ieesua.NEits ty-irmi - hli UùLt rmd w«rodufsay roipoueite for te isiy. .Walt sure bad su off day, but vo suppose ho vas up Uie night befare vtUiSkeickis. Our second markor came in Uic elghtb sd ud asoeauucaruiod. Bitta ILvhifted sud S. Kabarec and Audersan ecracked. lvory lu tring for Fiis's fly;, L- udy skiedti t Jeffors sud wheu Ah- don tiroppeti Held'a tiy, Pliarrace home. e That was ail except the atoremen- iftloned uinth iunlng rafly. Score: 1 LIBERTYVILLE F.j AB R H 0 A E a, Boehm s........._3 12 45 0 v-J.Dofle,2 ... -3 O 1 O 0 0 1IMrris 1b .---------3 O0 10 0 2 1Ritta, 1b ------.-----5 0 01 2 1 l' itzgerald,f. ......f ..4 2 2 O i O R1.Dortler, c f 3001iO0 tHeid r f-------------40 1 10 0 1Carltou c 0 1 62 0 te raze, -------- 4 11 11 0 ct Totale --. ------ 4 8 26 11 3 t NORTH CHICAGO lt AB RHO0A E Skis'a. 1b .. ......... 5 1 7 0 i )J. Kabarec, 3b ------ 3 2 1 2 3 t lDocs,c ------.---- 52 2 8 0 y.Anderso, 2 b -_.50 2 22 id effers, 1 f...........4A0 21 0 C 3Friedheck, as........30 1 22 ut Perovus, ct..... 3 0 O 4 O ,-S. Kaharec,r f........4 O 1 0 O 1 nOpeka, p-............4A11 141 Tolale511 27 il 1.Summary-Tvo base bite, 11014, J Kaitarec.; three hase bite, Fransen; sacrifice bits, J. Kabanec, Joffers, J M Dorfier, Marrie; stolen bases, Boehm Fitzgeraldi; struck oui, hy Franzen 4; ity Opoka. 7; bae on halle, of: e. Frauzon 3; off Opeka 6. ,e- -- er Boebmlhadt anaiber hnsy day s ELY short, wlth nine chances. li On the aiber baud, J. Darfier ai sec ek oud, bail nary a one. Fitzgerald and Boehmu carrlod of ri the bitlug honore vith twvablave etoli ho Rudy vas the champion bard lue] b1 itter, with a waik andti iree Ion M' drivee tn four limes up. of The visitors bit Frauzen bard an, il otten, anti was hies chaasy support Usa or savetil te'day on nunueraus occastonu BATTING AVERAGES TO DATE: a- AB HAv ra foet ...................... 26 il .42 J. Dorfier----.................. 19 8 4,2 te Marrie.............. 22------- 9 .AC 4t Helti..................il---- -11 4 SE id Caritan......----.......... 14 5 .81 Il R. Dorfier...............17 6 SE1 tO ltta .......................27 9 .32 Krummery . ........ .......4 1 .2t On- Fnanzen.. .......... .... 22 5 .21 wit Dashor 18 2 .1 O, Noe Suntiay, JUne 11, Uth ft tQ Barth aggrogatloa fromn WaukWg %e vill b. pittcd agaiusi UtheLibot"U «k tean ai UhePair Grôundiï. Wolitm a! tram the couitty sat have sent Wlm ü:' they are fl a pomtoix ta toa i ell "butai" tsem' a tbing or ivo, 49 da re fUi Ular big l»econtecitlaetOr a L- Our osinionle, it t e d*Îliers1 the %hors cfithe blX pond viiigo bai COIINY #EN PLAN L ON6CANOE TRIP LIBRTY VILLE TRACK 15 FASTEST Men noiua eUperultendent o! theIN TS IS OR F'ouid's Millllng compauy au Liberty-a ville, and Trtucmn Taylor a nepbew o! - Coroner Taylor, ibentyvilie. lofti ri-HsBe eufcd eet day tan Ritinelandor, Wi.. where tbey a BenRsufc ;Svnt viii einbark aon à canne trlpgdown the Horses Training for JuIy Wisconsin river ta Prairie-(du Chien.t The trip, as plsiined i., more titan 4th Programa 450> milesi, sud vîli tekp uIosý,ta'tva The fluest raclng pragram evov N weeokÈ enrpute. llroiu Prairie du Chiten o the vîi slp becane ui ato "en la Lake couaty and ane o!the t tray intll slp riyviio ndae ineet ever seen in the middle veut. f The trip la regardeui as a paru icular- viii ho preseuted as the Fourth ai ly dangcaus mie due uo the great July offorlug ai the Liberiyvllùr alf number of rapidia lu the ruser and thte nule track, accarding ta announce- sift çarrent, tment made laday. nThere are ta ('e four races, the enties for ehicit bave been closeti This mnaltes possible for the prîo- notons otaan nounu'ete nature o! RAC IELKAP EL,'i l fait that seil b:îuresenteil. COIJ TV IONE R, o!tiiese races seili be run -ie heats, bout t eot ffv i'A Jrn vRr 1ut The other lwa viii bu- runin CALLLI.D IIJ EAIII lfitmle bouts. The horses twiii uaL be marked. whicb means thatthebo ausociation vilii heable ta gel thee Lived in Vicinity of Graysiake fasteet boises tram the uig cii-culte fur their lime sel not be mîrlted For 76 Years, Moving to Up agaînsitbem and hrdivsr Wàukean 2YearsAgo viii ho permilied to exiendti ueni Wauega 2 ear A o thielilmit. The faste8t ievr seen ou tite Lakte coîuty tratk l4 Rachel Kapple, 92, died Tuesday predictod.a evenlug ai 7 octa,-t s the huome 0f Rigbt 00wse"venty horsesarae be- Mortimer Kappie e! County etreel f tng traineti aItbe ti-ack. AunonSg f tom complcations resuiting tram ad-1 the irai rs are Dr. Ashley of Ko-s vancod age. flasha, HY D. Sella, L. C. Tev'%u3 sudt Mns. Kapple had lived in Lake ceun- George Spencer, ait o! Waukegau.r ty sînce ber sixteeutb yesr. comlng 10u Mr. Tevea la ln charge o! al ar.i live near Grayalake tram Avon, Liv- rangements for the races.a tugslon county. N. Y..,sebere abe vas itla announeti today titat tet haro on hpril 22. 1830. Libertyvhlie track ia lu the beet She vas marriedt t Durham Kai>ple condition n lils histary. It bas ben vho died about 33 years ago. totraeisdbsbe ai x Serviving ber are s siater, Mis. ceetilugly f ast. A cinder track bas Marrttic 7advsy. 95, Clevelaitd, O., been huilt around thenouter etige. sud several uloces aud nephews, Sm- Twa goad bail gaines viii bhe ang thhrm helng Eugene Hendee of pisyctiilutUc afiernoon. The fis-et Grayelake. anc vbich viii atari ai 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Kapple vas prohably the aId- daylitgb aving tihe, vili be be- est vaine lu Wankegan. Groving tveen a atrud& tesis froin Keneulta 111 lu Lako wanuuy, vhlhe tItis sec.andthUcwaukcgs.nFr«ters. lTe itou of tc couury vag la tt»en- 011r scnua inp e vIii ho hoivdon Mc- brya, sie grevw t kM«hâ£UýMyadtesrv àetVU ete r*» sd Ut strsg IiertyUifl Infty of Graysa»ansd -vas keovu by uvoyom lu the regia sSiaid comtes ta Waukcgausite bas bol- btre er acqainiauce titrougb )iIDh meeting many o! the yonngor rosi- t'g denout f thecaunty. Bbc livoti tan 76 beans lu the county. FIXR D 1.v,- RY IN The funeral service viii hobeitild ai the Grayalalte Cangregatioual ll IL churcb ati 1e'clock standad treLB Thursday afternoon. Intermon:t vIlho Ginyiakecemeory.Ail Day Hearina Held Saturday 1 i. WILDER, WHIO t. id vg -3 21 *7 M7 Lil BUILT NOUSE-AUTO' DItS AT DIS5 HOME NeII Known Waukegan Man Passes Away After liliness of Few Months George L.'WilderOn i WaBhtugtan street died au 10:30 Suuday St bis hame, ut the vesi endi o! Washington street and Teiegraphi roati, voat of Waukegan. Mr. Wilder vas bora Marcit 16, 1856. in Waultegsu sud IUvot thene ail lis utc e iih lthe exception of 10 fears ha apent outinb SouthtDakota leomestesdlug. Mn. Wilder'$ vite tiot Auguet 29, 1900. The deceaseti ta survivoti hy tva chiltiren, Mrs. Frances H. Wilder ilker and Herbant G. Wilder sud tvo grantichiltiren. Clarence Flcker anti George B. Wilder. Funerai tram the home an VW>sh- Ingtan atreet andi Tohograpi r dati, Tuesday, 2:30 p. m., standard tinue, wiith hrl a Union cemetery, Spauling'a Cornons. Mr' Wilder vas a Man of coualider- ahle meaus sud vas a planonerInvon- turing lu lands a! the Pakatas. He relurnedti taWaultegan- sud hîvot bore for many years his. t i as ho vita, a !ev yearu cga, hutit a "home on vheea'" and tiilracteti vide attention, the auto-bouse being pictunet Inl the movles sud otiter places as a naveity af ifs kinti. Il' anti bis Soa . took a long trip Oactin tue bouse-auto sud rode, coolteul, .10anti eaptinluthe hause aiong th- roadld e stabisisng a record for econamy lu travel. Mi'. Wilder hiti heon eick for sanie imepasi sud lt vas kuovit some time returneti to Waultegan andi Uveti thore starteti s nov home ou hie tenue au the endi o! Washington street anti il vas bardiy comnpleteti vitn ho val talton elck. 1i-5lad iplaunet i lving thbre an thte aid tann. a satider aud vison lo. Etoryhbody panti 500 this baille. The LiriJ c -boys arc putf lak u aeplidid L :;&M.suddeserve the *mlort Of ai, Gtchurch Inthé Wo1ntdr' but se ,theo bail «gin atj"i4ýù*nNc môvy{~.i tadtauq 1* t i, cleai 00 tmrie4~tao u anl the sies AitUcFai on C'ondemnation of Peter- son Property A littlo iess titan hait an acre, 45-1Oi ta ho exact, brougiti 11500 ai s con- demnation itoaring lu Uhonlyvlhle last Salunday. Thte jury o! six mon vito lie lonedtiet evitience anti argumenuts all day long, returnedti ar verdict laIe in the afternoon. Citarles Petenson, ovn- er o!flte pnaponiy lu question, demand eti $3.000 for thte etrlp viicit lea tired as part o!flte righti of vay for statu rouie 21,. The slrlp lu question exteutis acrosa lte front o! Peterson's property vitich ýJjau' o n. m13 o nîubof Liueriyviile. iseven litauicul inaple ireeg, abàlàte't be 150 yesrs aid muet ho cut tievu. Au expert ieslifled titat tbese ireessilone vere wortit $760 sait. Tva appit tees, valuod t* I'$60 eacb, aise, must ho cul dovn. Thomas Ei!erng, John Exon and Williiam Thomas vito vere avarieu damages recentiy bave appealedtie lte couuty court. Some predici utat titis deiay wii lie up the siartlng af vork for a year. Tite contractor atarla vorl ttii veelt on te state aid roati itee ýArea suad Libertyvilie. [y s- Be BUlLD SUMNER UNOES AT LAIES Building o! sammer homes aioug theo shores of the lakes lu the Antloch db!r- niai ibis season vili prabably ho tihe largesi boom eitportenced lunroent years accordlug ta local architecte vite have been vorklng an plans for these, structures. A numben o! bouses are under vay ai lthe prosont tinte, viti tihe buidera urgiug the carpenters ta have th. vark campietei' 10 t the bouses cau ho usel iuriug tie noxt few vweeke. POTU READY TO DIE IF PUBLIC DE- MANDS liAN@iN4i $1,0 AYM m . - DEATII WIJI3 TURNS TI Wadkeg ous E) Deetit w Party or!f ltee Roati tram Guri, thte side of John PMi one e tifhe the Victor accidenlti dreutued aau home. He elitoseand Raiph E G rosi Lake Deuipite the preparatlona lit are vas t5ken belng matie hy Siteriff Green for lte Laktes oiff executian titat lui acheduiedti taket lt e ciest, Place bore June 16. Igaatz Potz, ltelte car. coademneti man. refuses ta ho vor- fatal. Lakf rieti. Sitting lu hie diugy coulu the titat his 1il Lakte county jail at Waukegan ,'ho eu pari c 'utentis mouit a! bis lime piaylug cardsecut deeply sitb bie g'uarde. Ho iaughs sud jokcs Tvo girl sud lakes matIons quhte camplaceutly. daughters a "I vas diunk vitea I kIllet Matai'- Park avec cycle Policeman Wlliam Petersenansd' lrie, vend ebouidti ua hobeitiaccountable for lion of a f tbo aci-however, If tte peopfle d The cai maudti iat 1 ho bangedti taatone for oue of the lte klhig I am rosdy ta die," Putz instructinl assoe. Anotbeten htgs vhlch bouston Upl sent the hie courage la lte assuranceof h is at- tu nng ol torneys ltai they vl ho able ta oh- Chaînei tain a nov trial for hlm If ho taseuc- pluneti ut cessful tlu ralelng U06$M80! vhch tbey îcaaod lu conolder uecessary teafappal Ucecase brother. i 1e tb ,.pr.me court. Fnlends eo!tUc cd the aoc coneuettan have rniel sufficient Tuirrus recvd. T itis record tas be ug prea toý y fohiore r theng xtde y of Whe 5510 f etds to aie te net 50 ".. i rs neausy ucode1 tainuichecontention ihat lu'uae»ms plsoed POtU lusuait a ç0".4t$ot ho vas unable ta preMâte thte killli. lua uclu a case, acberdlugta, Mr. Willanks, Use oly charge thal couaW be piacet 4iueant Mn. Pots wuhul ho tat et maitsîaughter lu the Indiat- mont. For that s-canon hosasys be teele confident titat Paotsviii net hang.~In BiebaI tact hosays ho expecle ta ses. him go fisî Lit Shorif! Green vas lu Chicago yester esters av day maktug a thorough In$poce t ha tenu the Cook colIJtly g&IleWs HOc vas su- Hes-y tei compsuied by Contractor W. C. Sam- gaine. T son vh ito t tauildti he galova O011 1 gainst vhlch Pots vili ho haffget. The local wviii -ha gallave viii ho palterneti closeiy a ton toeUthe j titose lu Chiciago,.the me e h n t ýe at PROGRAM TO BE CWEN BT LIBERTYVILLE BANI JUNE 8 Follng la the prograni 0f the reg- uhar weekiy concert ta te Siveit hy the Litentyviflo Band ai Central Park te- nigiti (Titirsaia), June 11h: Mentit. "Thetereis"-Huff. Overturo. "Fest a!Lanterma-Beu- udtt. Waitz, "Tosora Mia" -Becucci. Mercit. "Thte Pi'emium"-Hluut. Popular, "Leeve Me Wltb. a Smiie" -Jrome. Navelatie, 'Wiit Rosehud"ý-Tehaul. Mfarcit, "AIamoý-HIuuf. INTERMISSION Marcit. "Faih lln Lino" R.leter. goiectiln, "Wootiient"-Lutiers. Citeracierlatin, "Cotton Top Rag -Ha!!. Mentit, "Our' Favorie Banner"ý Keitor. Metiiey. "Soutitîru Stas"-Ascber- Mahi. Gallop, "G!"-Huf f. i haeapecialiy roquesiedth a thuei chiltron romain quiet tiuing thc plaT. lng of &al numbers andt lt a uios W'e refrain tront lcaving the concrt 1M jccpt betiveen seledtians. À lutile tbot. tuluens along these Unes yul greai caetributc ta te enJOYrneet o01al de- sîini ta bean the mUlC. 1922 CONTRIBUORS TO THE UBTYVLLE-SANDFWID. A litUe tater oue thidac Coptibtwor wtîl te clemt!lod acQ'ortilug tb mount contibutoti. and ihese amoUtins whi ho designatei. -Mail yours tedai-NOW 15- THE TIME: -The ihertyvllb Independeut Max Kobuer Peuh G. Ray Titus Brothers Fred Croker O. A. Nevsome A. R. Andrevs F. B. Lavni (Co' Trigge & Johnsont Schsak fHardwvane Ce. ies Motor Ca. H. B. Eger Ray N. SImitht Herman Schltz Docker & NOVIIlo Lake County Register Bon H. Miller Foultie Mihlng Ca. J. B. Morse & Ca. Firut National Bank J. N. Benard-i George B. Polleti Fred HL Smith Liberty-ville Lumber Co. Intorslate Sandi & Gravel Ca. Dr. J. L. Tayiar . C. Normait Miss E. W. Normuan American Wire Fonce Ca. G. T. Luce & Soit Jack Bratiford George, A. Wright Franlt C. Rase F. R. Tnlpp Dr. L. E. Golding R. J. Pre W. C. Tniggs W. W. CarraIl -D. A. Younig Mrs. A. L. Webb Loy Fiagg Mi'e. C. Sprng The Libertyville Baud taltes the op- vorttinity eai Uls Urne of erressing lis appreclation o! Ueloyal glsport >o! ail ltee aheve caniributor, s=4 vi do ail InUg ils prer te, reciprocate by continuing a faiUtul servant of titi Oonmuu±ty. Additloual cconntifl are needed and viiibe aPproclatO& Tour cltckor, %cash donatbol, cM 1o itàeelltto'T.,P. svaN5 3a" Tresu *«n %ad*1 te e 1 r odfff . ' uan Girls Have. Experience ln am'. Accident Sun4eOl" s narnovly av*u4 four materite ont 1 Sunday, a thoi neo, viten lthel -rcai1 tr sklddlng Into a 3f flhe roati. layer. 124 Falrvlc#" he occupants, vae 1 Yry Memorial hob 9 le suffenod cuits abo id mfnar bruisoe. - FI7. Chalmene a f oes Naval 'hraining M lat the fisettist 1 îerueg froue3t bbaW I whene ho vas pinied Thre injuries mtglrp oe physiciens 021021<8 te cotxfd ho savcd fr the uteens ~u [ luta the Mar=u'~ [ris Ilael iand ao! WIII Stabon tie, vto vers luit" D uutnjiked vitltÎ fev btruts«e. * mon mu thc Dgone ofthgte - nsr-tnana "cf t * adon the cas' ca4 of Wautkegea,vi aident. er &o» a »"Y tiers Maym wun Meuait msan te,,u *&Wýl 'B te 1***. sesm ara ta T ho pittlg g the etrong I siot se b Olavera ! lCet es. viE.Zrce ho -.pu eea vtll attompi tt t Four hamnos ace 8!are stnen's pasimo. ndsFUt in beaii. viU asiS 00 w4, each. Afior resurtacg Ueta oval Ia satti te hoa est su aise ln the couutry. Tt le beM on cane af dally sud vlU9 eougi rthn e cmasi. k.t the "-ingo -prs' inta ie ovu ai LtbertyvMqa. No announcement bah« as yoi as ta the outmlo6 , the four races have bcoi l are harness runs sud viii.' litile epeeti. even thaugle net cltilg race of lte derby, or ti ning race. DOUBLE WE)DIN AT Wetinstiay morie, - ion o! Mrn.sd lMrm hecame the bide o.f mies Mabel Sage, ýa sage, vasu iit1< la Prince ot Wauakegaiu. Tb*-, Betty. rectos- et techtu-rab. te cenemàony aitite. doubi. The voddla guuarch vsn= Rev, Chester 1111. Thte attendants of lte fii* couple vero Miss Voee I-à Ray Sage, sud Mis anti Henry (71807 for the, Theto abrIdes ver. lu white crepe de cle mcd vith it lvenlace. T»1 vere drirosed i luvtt 4 tnlmmed it green. The bu«S vhitoiroses sud hBimeqj wite e cbnIdesad ~ ot Pinik roses. A vadding onur van ý lte home et mi' ui3i, Wheier. anti atnted4 4 tises o! tbe nevhy are -short boueymeaee et lTé f Ttcy viii ceaide on thUe -t sauUvoesi o! Ares. LI Mrn.sd Mm .paluse y for Nevport, Kentneky LI LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Lae Oukty 's Big Weely n qt[@& les, et- Mti &et ws thpir 0. Davy