ii rYVLL wBM)E .nrTHRSAY, JUNE 8, 1922 *PA1ý hor aidîa aspendd.adirss MrkCorcoTan. Wlit cldIw - ,jelo rnceOCnnrMichael RelyPer gav a pleidad ,ka. E OUNTY FARM 9BUREAUAna DwsnMay Dyle, Mat- SEENTO URAD- wbe3isoentWng ent rong îflitifls Carroll, Ida Whooler. i-dia Horn-fc steigga fbocr cuisi eTeqatbyo afl ult rigrMlieCavaiiaugh. Frank and - W E S N ilu-ah i-tyn NeIihloi Redmond, Eddie BI3OREWA KI3 H.Nste dggsar.giii carcUltto LAECONT ULwOu e N~Te tib' d eler David Hendieberg, Cella N XOULLA I u i IN Y.M. C.A. @A UM S* t atend Win. Bobs B eorayikeh.8blUal' eSIbe nutienfithe pi ent of Hfrnberger, E ole ore oh Daw- peli ae nieSaem n t .th scaped with lis lire. ed for the Dixon A. R. 0. teting plant.) veather for maklng liay, as weil a eFrank Gibbons, James Dawson, Pearl 'Father, Son Outïng Sucoçess Mr. 'and Ms. Ir. T. Fewler Jr. are A' careful research was malle ln the 1Influence of 1the hay cr01Ofon ie SUC-ýWheeier, Agnes Zieman, Charles zie-Apa sMdtoE irSae fu; Gamne le the Feature cOclv n 5raaiCof on tebîrth East an iWscnnad Minnlesota ceediig seed crop are al' fartot swhie ii fnan. Grace Carolah, Belle Caroa, bSA c igJi cIifl of a dughtr týýt.1r.oday Ùay-3 ' 'fo 2-, bll wih suonblideredi g nd.sduld beconsidrewbe- deceinsieh WBesie Wh Richardchard titgerrldC. A WiC.Wilon State oaf theDyafie Victory Memorli ospitali jjL produ(lion record to bead the herd of te eut lover for bey. Considpring ail James Hunniford, Robert Matu, Fanuy Seed Analysist of the Day Waukegan. soute sixty Hosteli cows at the Dixon factors, the full blooma stago vvill meet ('arollanBare niod. rhr Aledl aflt v pteter Ma,*ooh 'rmadbsr.plant. One young bull vas purchaaed conditions on moist farms.-John Pie- ' 1a HrrBater. WlllleCdwoArtur u415 m aia tp-p ,promise to defeat the Waukegan Y. turned hune and isgaining rapidly af- in the East but th. commitise reluru- per, Crop Production Division, U. of t1 rdeMauHuyPrehi, Harilet u Eory ai, ,Iecte nspar abi3 ofpt lî M. C. A. tet.amyesterday on the Parle ter lher recent Illness. ed toIllinois and Lake county te fiiad ('udelirtHuglAnale ietMa, o W re e ud Iedin arane, orwi GV achooil grounds when they fell lu de- tichool loied on Friday with a pic- a senior bard sire that f11usd their re- C orh, n niuehiEdie Nan GR eoye y nd'field nconmiîîg o ilb !ct lest by a gcore of 13 to 6, Zener, the nie for 1the children, on the. school quirements. FARM BUREAU DAY BIRTHDAY ,hun u ,'leNderlde rlegory tWil1son. ritsio Asel naysw Alsndale star, provng IneffeCtive &rounds. Our scbool bas dons good King Colantha Aggle Clothilde in a j ELEnAnONth r dvorlexanderh Cudrthll, A-ie lonl, maiog satconeed asiayt- 33a Maaint the local team. The ganre wurk ail is year sud expects t,) do four-year-oid bull Just in bie prime. His (uwot. erh Zemn Cese wd iiO a iaîat w-dsm vas featured by lo"g bits and excel- heýtter next. Tih.saine teachers bave sire, one of the good transuiittlig sons Couuty Farm Bureaus in Ililinoi wilii uh .Abrose Gibbons, Frank other uoxious plants, stt fielding b>' the Waukegan nine. been.. engaged fuir next yeuan sd Mr. of Colantha Johannabad. i. alzo a son C.eerate et De Kalb June LTeOCuCnno, Ame uh.TsseDy bevton n perue o tenyea la ofFla Bueauwor lnSon' Ralpis Wheeler, Sadie Mai Lucy. communities in a trip aong the the Sane. mer Courses at DeXelis. Cornucopit Pauie. tnsrlm !FriBra okl Koch, Joseph O'Counor, Eddie Koch, higbvay during the sommer gi'.eg tbsgmu Fitch diaplayell a vonderful ablitY J. D. Buford bui a nimber of the His dam, wbo bas a 0 Ili. beifer rec- Ibis state. Clarence Petersun, Chares Ge,, Wal- a good opportlOiity to judge where in the. field and accepted flve Chances E. J. Lebman borsmeeathl. eter" ord,.la one of the tour 30 Ilb. daugiters No time or effort ls being stîared te ter Wheeîer, Helen Parrish, John Wiz- lb. niost lhîîfty and progressive GACLi@ without an error. Barrett, Who 849b shows and the. aoutb shore Country for lie Century sire, Àaggie Cornuco- make Ibis the best ever. lu the moru- 'hiski, Wilse Artenberry. Fits Rosciier, peopl. reside. W'ilson says. 1w 1 r .lyale enbfor, 1the Foreatei'a, club th. past Ivo or tire. weeks. pia Johauuahad. and Ioafrtrte a 31 Ill. lng tires of the best known speakers iLottie Wizbiski, Hazel Stanley, Vin- ' In some iocaiities you und tihe lsnded on two for halt-way journeyi Mrs. John Cr11111la Improving quite tounidation dam. AbbY Harog CIO- 'Lu Americ ii akt fr'eoî.Cnt Dawson,Clara Wizhiski, Sophie roadsides. tences along tic road- aroand the sacka. smpidly front lber receut biood polsenl- Ibilde. At tvo o'clock viii 11e tagcd tbe big- Ziensan, Aluni Heuhl. Lewis Ges, Ma- side aud through ilds hidden fronsam ]PFoilg the gains, the fthers on Ius. The herd sire and neariy 30 per cent gest agrIclSltlSl'5l pageant eer heid. 't hie Mau, Agors Carolan, Bessl, Gee, view by rani. growlh of weede and @ gI, the. outing vih the boys. cia Ofl5ed Mns. Ben Hoelln bas been quite il or the COWa et the testing plant are la bsiug deveioped by Miss Nina B. Josepb Seyl, Joseph Hansen, Corisejia brue3h which bave been nsglected" the wlnnlg team te a game Of inaOOr- and under the cars o! a trained nurse, tram L.ake ccaunty, a splendid record LaMkin, a tratued pageant director ZMemaon, Ethel Dagan, Harriet Seyi,ý Wilson saYR. "Yeu wiil also see the oudoor basebael.The game vas frotns theii. î>for aur Hostein breeders. and 1the fu- wo tiousand people ftram the Ilinois iBarbara Huehi. Joseph Moony. iFlor- buildings lu these localities vith- calod in thse firth lnning owing te Mr. and ie. James Aveli apeut a ure bailla sonse record figures on Pro-1lParra Bureausviiilitellepartinluthe suce 3itb, Raymond Vore. Joseph ont paint and lu a poor staîs of re- Makos AU dazkness, vltb the. score standing 11 fev days o! last veek viti Mrs. At-duction tram individuel covs- cast, gîving a living pIclure ot FarniYore, Irvin Zieman, Robert Luna I Pair alsO the yards surrounding qUStiWU te 11. Eal B. Davs, boys ecretarYwell'a aster, Mr. vomott irons the0 -e.iureang o1 froOscarbeCounsliy, OJeanCoPoîglaseeanMa-glasieMa- f flea utlleoeds.dailil tfvhicb 1»k.1 of te Y M.C. ., nd ho as n gfi.WHEN SHOULO WE CUT RED et ioda>'. W earse lid that eeu a tibldia Zieman, Everyn Yore and Gente detract vcry greati>' trous îiew et- charge of lb. part>', piayed vilb tie Misselluhy Leonard and friends of CLOVER FOR HAYi peep wvIiilb. taken loto he future. Scyl. tractivefless o! lbe property. dada Chicago, spet lie week eudwîh r lu corder 10tecure the lint resuls AIm5Bdy the VasIaus ioOîis who vill -O-- Tue people ofthtise localities Thse Falier sud Son oullug vas panenls wilb red clover bay il should lie cntt aire part lun11e pageant aie workiug HISTORY 0F MULLINS SCHOOL hav.e growvo up viti Ibese sur- such a success Ibat il bas been voled js si onsmbll lo.Teeout their parts audvilii lui o na comn- About 1850 a i0g scbool' louasvs-urroundings sud have becolse se te altenspt a sinilar excursion Ire-wihmk bined rebearsai Jue 24. Thme vSllius rected ou the northeasi corner o! lbe ... O O bou 75Oersoa OreOwtO 000o00o00o0 o 00 ûare conditions, hovever, wa smlt iccustmd 10 t f th lie' on t- thenllry. Aboute pers v r iedh Itadvsal10e etarier or later. To Farn Burealis over the stale viii malle Mullins fa.. Legs vere contitdeiderl Ilthe uc a tprt mo! beir est jIj f( ph. eenen aridoA RE A gel the highest per cent oI digestible up fioals iliustrating the major Faro'i y neigbbors, vho gatbered te ris. e thens le Lake Villa. OOOOOOOOOOOOS * ntiet b a'sol .clem>,Bureau ccomPllabaieuhsLate coufty lime building. people in suci localities are so WAUI xANABH I rel te frgsGamme.offedvill viii bave a float lillfstratisg file piure Schrol vas not cnud h b as shifttess 1ha1tiey doinoetrare t oTE WtAnge 5 3A-Il2HBenetit Dance given lu the DarneY vie herdargn e ateutn Te e srechmponthflOW odutimprçvc the appearance o! thib Siang se--------------- 3- Aman bar Wedusday Jun 14. he ecure fros l~etalecutîlga. he brd sie chmpionliairge rnduc A lage Sove inood he thecen urronding, coaequeîiy czlec _________________ Duit f----------63 Miss barb edneeeaviller elur.uedper cent of prolelu lu tie plant Iu- ,d b>the11ernaim bureau. The Late ter ofthle room and a plil et or od lu le impi-ove tiren. Macki, Ifb----------.......... 6 3 hoMeon R day ektos Areugusta creages up ta boioong limte, but de- Count>' Hoîtein-Friesian Assocation Cord lengîbe Vas baud>'. The teacher Marr.l, lb-----------------45 23 2homee osi a issu îAcîugsaIl. reases atter liat. Rail>' cuîîugs are ls planning a float la show the devel, or ons0f tbe aider boys acted as tire- "mv gquiekly lie viii kept îoad dM al Barrintn, p-...............--632 weeel2bsbe ta n. dillicuit te cure, because tie plant opinent o! HoIlteins in tlisacouuty. man A hucktfll uo! vater vas near s - progn rs aond uildinof Fic,21>-------------... Miss Glenn, o! Chicago, vas lie centaine 75 per cent or more of vater. The Rosecrans baud, unitcd vitil hv with ils accOmpauYing dipper. ie avsyrd su bilng ut j O Wbye, I------------- ~ we esk end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert wville lie lateecullings are squally di!- tir bands Iront northeruJIlinois, After lie bell vas rang tse valer pao i"d andhoew h baefliecpisse MeDonnell. ..............-5 tuo0Swan. ticuittela audie because oaIhle esof viI fnisb music. Twa grouils. oeevas passed about lie rmont, so 11esprto he ohaeheiu McDonough, f .......... 4 D 0 Mr. and Mr. S. E. Kuedier. a! Prair- les-mss. il should lb. remembered thal frons Diamoud Lakte and the coller Ibirel>' ones migit refresb theniseives ore of living ins ucih eautiful sur- Crawford, c ....... ......... 1o le View spent Suunday viti Mr. sud about 40 per ceul o! tie plant la the Iroin Gra>slake, viil aite part ln one î>' a drink of Adam's aie. roimdinga. The vont required te --- Mr. and Mn. M .Wls pu w.leaves, vilchinlalihe stpart o!f1the teature o! the pageant wvih iii Grades wr ntkuovu. Eacb pupldilian lscha mor tn ill>'con- 16 13 18 M. niis .R.Wls b Sn as. The leaves are ricisest lu poaein îuEtrale 1the plantera o! lie olden days adaced as raPIîdîs or slovi>' as bha o amr hn ead h ALLEINDALE AB R H day vltb Mr. and Mrs. George Grass containlng about tIo hhlmds o!11e gotng 10 thils te81 plant snd cuiti- ev as aile tea sansd cîpher îîIucesdvlsuti rpi>.~,m#s Ryder---------------------.. 4 1 1sad taml>'. total o! tise plant. Thesmaîî stemis val.1the grain and corn. Men, vomen vas ual uncommon ho ses a brigit t" Il l ropert>' aviera or accu -_________ Choir-.-............-i-..... 4 1o0 Dontil eu attend tie big benefil are nexl. ville the coars, steme are sud cildren-il fact,thie viole fanstIlte ciap reading lu a closes vii one pants o! saine ould laithie sains. Svaip--------------- o0odance ai Barne>' Amanu's barn, Wed- poorest lu tuls valnaisle part o! thels. r'.iii b. Inciuded ln Ibis graup. Oid mclre u lebtls iIdpride luin esping their properî>' free Zo4nssr------------------...4 - 4 nesda>' ingit. Jane 14. 23-lt Ieed. Isir dda o h osusd f Man> ricks vers li.d on tie new;to seda lvudsae11 x Ksllogg-----------------...4 oZ Mss. F. M. Harding vasa aChicago Tie veaibar la aise an Important lb.>' canen ou nd, isaîber boots aud leacher tea ses boy the>voald conduci pense vblci is lncurmed b>' ilghvay Dai ...........4 u ovisitor on Monda>'. factor ln decding lie lime of cutting cocu atm caps for theie nu.ogeher iieejseilves.The tecber's lisicommis, lsioners lu keepiug dovuAi Potersen-------------------.4 0 0 Mr. sud Mrs. Willam Rhoder of dover ha>'. Bath eailyspring Md late vIii old limt e !rni louisused fart>' sut vas a good sized s-witeh. vilci 11ele, groviug brs su ohe ChIaYm au ..................-4 0 oPaleine calied on Mn.rndMn. J. L. ail burniaéh porory>'c rn eather.andtty>'years ago, WIicompletse 1 sdve ccao esdd lantavhli r aush adsihes Fri.--------------- -o leseronShdaavetmnon A>'dea> i li lmeo!cullg sen. wTs asneeded mosll> durhng the "In comnunilies wbere ths road- ( g --- Misa Viola Wells vas a Belvidere lun1the sprtng siould brtng unsserer Font>' other COunliebv uatr itr obave s a- o Iades are kept mowd b>' tbe prop- C w" idi 36 6 M visier on Sunda>' thle Ideai boy vethos,. Of course the ed ticir floattansd lie serles presents w, vome~!nhehed sudeiba young on eatt> ouer, 11ehivycmi Score b> lnlunga.Dean Wls of Chicago mptent tb, reverse lain rus.for ffl cnat. Ini a ver>' inlerestIng group. o f tie nelglsborhood aasgmbled et the seouers does ual bave any expense u Ii. Wankegan -2 ô O0O0O0i1i1S2-13 18 veet end aI home, an>' Case one sghoid avoM Iv.ret -jsy Soinse Fam Bureau members are bouse of liegab. &ss.o Vers anxionsbut 1lutlie uegiecled terribor>. hiere C .&luMdal. .0 11 00 1 00 1-56 9 Mr. a"d Mn. Joe Brokaom sud tamn- veather derng tise promusao! maklug planning 1tesarrie at DeKail ~~. terlassone, vhtt leisneed for an xîseuditu e o! 8wSum a7 Tire.baa.bito, Macula hiy, of Waukegan, ver. the guensao! ha'. oneZao . rnis o follow la noeas'before tie celebration. n teloaM datne l hersoy ncs l tanmu> ichl a lsy rvd <S.kat; Ivo-ise bits, arrett (2).,lMre. Aunis Roue on Snnday. 1gu lria we ir amt. commtee, sinGer t1e guidance of 6. eesU. ne t eshw ub o mny h 4ls eIlwy5pov te et Clvel ay Wm thrte a mo >19nuiù tethey coood bave, asta W le tor ed for, cousequeubi>' wan viii find Umlre.t: White Mad LODk. M. *" Mr%. C. W. YOSoungLof t.tare on thie phan, ethéer la the form Bradt, thb. çicafrman.1 Motiilg iUfbd some «mairsieda g4m 0 1k rving golirou i tlis aht. Tva hours. poeroivhegOWltUd oiarelse i o Tisa or tote fgor C i-nyuld*a ra-ik moin hoglafrs .-..,~- ~ Forest &pont Bflnda>' vth Mr. sud Mm .of (0w or ratgp. thoieidga rlns o nh e>'o hl er. 1sn7 -tPied the=i ýW 14"I Rober camotm If th groVWbitend teelvesttfallhIton Thy tou itUt ,boul lie "11- senda faereu prt vided and «fliendu____________andth Mr. end Mms. Nimer Giowller &ud tramn the second eraga, ho ois.M eut lied a wesit la ad" wradosth ... .. ~ 5i.O!LOMOsreipfl U*ayvit l. a, 5O 5081 cntrl ie loer Othrsvii S(oute of 1he, vomit doue. 111e propeml>' ovuera @M 0(l>?.PeCI5, »Ptraina ha eitBtueTbytea4go aitu evtre Mebo lias ersta 0 0 4t PeW taidee luoh1h11en te prde lntilt *eimn uftt* 7tudi* e t liehe ha i.g su"AdMb ro r atays Ofate la0- dMUeftaMer Who iC t ils ovuexpne l e a y pjx Mr. Goad lirs. C. Dofler vore Ccr01> shonld lb.harvasled baeae limnois AgricnuaugAssocllIoS.ri Mr.a CO < l>h*.ti sstbch! is lare o! tise laxes reqnired te E.eàfi± Dance given lu lie Darne>'c agovilsiora on Satssrd#y'. tiret o fJune. Whlltht s-aries vus 35.000 la 20,000 tarinpoople -are x- FMm 4lnoor S hm r. Pene'.M taitcars of tise roadaldes vhich àmum nbau Wednaady, Juna 4.itl Mr. sud Mn, A. ILR bd1(er enter-«11e season. yet lu mool cases it vould p.cted teattlend thbe celebratloii as it Jameis IàteM'huie oc.>are uogelctedb>'thlesuprogress- Tisr. Ulb. brs anc l li tlne Elinnelti'eso-e leve.k tebelons h.elseads have cons.into lea amueis more attractive eveut than Grilce, Mitha olgOItr, lBridgat 3odr, Ive and pridelese citizeu. <Cls>to Crart bain on fldae ening. end. Nlthom.le annuel 1. A. A. Piic, 5..uRrae, ' 'The limte reqaîred te nov a bey -lus.lfti, given for lie beleftof lia Mr. sud litr. C. G. fSmuilenlertiined __________________________ Version oreaid miles of noadoide le no ver>' great rg,TmtUosb.e' Assoction. Tou a.'ral relatives on Banda>' afternoon. VMno idl«usbû.Drn n sal h okcnledn Irever>'velcame Mr.a~drs.B.E.bodoranaofl5 O OOOO, 0o0oooo.aise abended achool. Thon a men theih1h ater onespr nglthe riverau asal'1evoi ubudn ia L.K8iortoad aMr se Mra.JEiEL' o nd es0 0 0 0 oteacier vas needed. bridge vas vaahed ot; Ition î w vaut oddUimes vhuallier wvon Woo tnt hued bines inC OvrsLngGavfistns Snd>.o EVERETT SCHOOL o At tbat i.imth.ie hScol vas bi iin, ed davu te thse 014 isiflt lo eaf nsate doue. b oi ba 3W 05 F1148'. O O OO O O O O O0 oo o o o * us chaci aud ihidren sat lu lie rivei sud thon ap ta the sciool, mat- been eosatdhab>mviSW 'Inuit Elasila Vas t Cislcsgo bgooosi- pev urad s o tpattldhlgaoad5SieOaoeille a oadaide negulani>' tva on tisse, OMM cpbmêI4U aeP, s1..~ ~ ~ ,~>'. IVAIHOE enefit Duce given lu the Berann>y herlssn.Tinis iahr - ouetrp. limtes a yeam for a period o! ive lange number o! ah&de Inees ver. ooO0O00O0O0O00 O0 OO000000 Wlim Wdeda Jn 4 l Patrickt Mouahon. folioved b>'a =anman lu1868John Couva>' hIred th. men yans lotis hi e ras hs e wn ltesLEL astk on uleFve udvso 51 Mr. sud Mns. Chatles Scirsden sud moved imb hem cottage. The eariy teaciers coliecied their lie Place O!fithe log building liaI bad ed out sud lie roadshds cau lie T v j, Donralttedt helieîg beneil sous of Gayake visited at lis home Tic Green Tree tjsn ai EveretI viii psy isy passlug lie bat around smong don.snch good service. Tbia building itpî ookîng lIte a iavn or good *mne ai Banne>' Amann's bat-a, Wed- o n u ie.R .Ruas i pndJn 51.Citndn enatepeuple» Those iaviug children lu setrsed util 1913, vien lie EYereti meadov.' Ré& iicme ilà . ot nesda>' ingt. Jane 14. 23-t Reir. Wiilat-d Joues ob Chicago wiv iii 1e Lie spectai feston,. achool conîiîuted more or legsa. scioa district and Lyoua echool dis-_____________ -Dr. sud Mns. Taiboli eniemlaioed peacisd at lie Congregstional ciurci: The ERa ert hase bal ieam vas tice 'rie pupila caneIreins ail directions. trict vers conBoidated._________________ their son Orv'ils sud Ils vile sud sons,tesat Sonda>'. j laser lu a ganse Sanda>' vits a teaus Fron tic norti a distance a! lire, orotime o! lie esni pupîls ver, Wil- orignal wagon pati. Tiens ver. utM Mm>f aise Dr. Talbott's iter sud ber son, Mn. sud Mns. L. A. Huebci enter-, fron Font Sheridan, lie score ieiug tour niles; twa on tisree moiles soutlit, as James, Philip, Catherine( Marge- gralled roada tien. and is alani> ail o! Chicago, over lained relativesaIrons Laite Forestlais-t 2 2l t04. and lt-on the shores a! Laite Michigan iet, John sud Mary AnHeary. Sarah, 'rhsbions. vici the Keunledy5 Uive toe4 .a Mensorisi day. -Sanda>'. A surprise part>' vas given lu ianor tathie hanta oof1the DesPlines river. EdWand and John Noisu, Cathienl nov vas tie original' home ici IERYVLE L Mr.. and Srs. Dau n etained sev- Rat-i Riila sud Mies Emma Kueiker of Mathilda Ziensan Manda>'. May' 29. About 25 or 30 puplsall.ndell scicol Elizabeh, Margaret, Nons, Mary sud Mn. Kenned>"s faiber bulIL, TlephiSe3S& eral friende fron Chicago aven muens- vers wited lu marriage ai the home Tisere wet-e about 25 preseul, sud ail un anc acasan. In 1864 tise schooi dl- Mles Couva>', Raient. Elizabeth, Wi- Mn. Kennedy wenlta about se-mel orlal day. of the brides parents, M. sud Mms repart il good tins. reelors ordcred a train building cou- liams, Msry Janre, Michael, Rose, sud 3h li omu e e tr oluld Gertrudle Wiunls veut la DeRalb William Kueikier, on Manda>' aller J. E. ' ecool. WALMme lutl veeki, wvielse viiitalit. hem noan, Ms>' 29. Ties' ieft fan a shortlDont taîl lu attend tbe big benefit ructed aI a place caued tise close 'Si-h Boyle, Mar>, Hugl5, Margarvi tlasI a vet sud oehesr' ev mnthe. enamer course lu prepanstion for hem trio tae'Tis Dele, Wis. Thilnman>' danci-et Darncy Amanu's barn, Wed- roads. about îlree-fuli ! iei sud Janie Greeu. Rose Anu, Thornas.Tre cîmîdren valited mies tla sooal PH ICA N C trieuda visi tiens muci ispisinese., ncaday iugii. June 14. 23-lt souti of Everef t. 'rie>' 11.14 chool Joseph, Edward, sud Calienine Mc- ilu ail inde o! veabier, sud no malter Diseasea cof Womion an4 rtredseancisbidiguti 93 Siso teLnggn icalJhnMss Pal- cniin'li oletectdenl~o>~5t. Reir. sud Mrs. McClost>' attended Mn. and M-s. Clark Thinu visited rei- 1 Sunda>' a car altempted te tut-n ai tustbuildindoutil 191. Soinsaole, Ltugiln. MichaelJuin Mae lis Baccalaureste sermon b>' BhOolves lu Chicago Suadas'. lie tavu hait, sud bacted ia othe FriaciesWalen e Mn. CaortKelalasrhot,Juhin,MiarylsuDCaienlueos,- vould geal tu ltte yi n hotsdal WUEAN MeConnel for lie graduatlug clasa aof 'Tie ivania, Cemeler>' Society' yul ditcb, nscessilating tic use of thc low FJa. ain Dr. eu Robent Keaslly, ioe, CatJoephrneMi Cha rlues RoeliIvsalloi11eddayMlu achool. __Mr.________andMr. GarretBibical Institut. at Evansion beldli e annuai neetlng ai lie hanse t-ckthoputthie machine ou fie road jJmsVvn n hu bU ai a-May oeh rnts d han ie e r afn>,M.MHiisdM..JHSN Sona>' M. Pwe, o 1h BardaIMn.R. . unuThnda', on 11 aalu1. ra, John Kihion, Thonsas Cosses', John rahiti Tbornas. Margaret sda eUeCorcaran veres shool teachers via alil W. W. OD u udy r oel fteBado r.R .Dn hrdy ue1,aa Sinoder. Kate McCa.rty, Mas' McCarIs', Webb, Nons, Sussiï, Elizabeth, Jane, îîvedusas bers. 'rie chut-ch andthIe DRNTIBT -e! Sanda>' Shoolla occupied lie pulit connencingata 9:30. Misa Keougi sud Miss Suetidon, Elizabefti Donsey Rlilzabeth Bolyen, Rchard, Catherine, John Heury', Ma- scbaal vene consbined. it vas 1>0111 Phone 841. 112 No.'tlor teaciera lu lie Evenetl achool, istI 15,51 Oreilla Kelila Es a Pettils, Auna Tors, rie sud Ternace Lancaster, Anliany, o! legs and vas situalsd ans-hait mile WUEAI[» Sunda>' for DeKalb, viere lie>' -e Margaret Cairolan. Mas'me o>'ce, Isa- Michael. Rose Anu. Margaret, John, enuli af Eyerelt. S8choot vas belid AKGN LI _______________________________________________attend saimulerschaol ton six veeks. bel Bradley', GrucesCarola=, Beasie James, Frank, Thousa, Mary sud Ed- durng tie veet sud cisurcOu Sun- ITic Everelt Junior base hait teain Crolin. Beairice DufI>', Anns Hansen.. wand Coouey. James sud Catherine day. If tîs>' hall a tuerai during lie DR 0. F. BuITm liad s ganse scheduled Sonda>' viliU Sueo a- al ppl ar:pt yn twn) on hms n we colwsssedd Diarnond Lake leasu, but veresi~sp goso!le ar>' phipilanerT:hoa- Loa(vn) on ira, sudvechool as set .M nded. pointed vicu tie Laite boys ald te icit, Mary. Marge, Rlsd'in Mary Aun Farrel Elizabeth, Mary, hoihgna3a.s.ndvs show u imn s ee nerau as Doyle,. George Tare, Tom Tome, Catherine, Auna, John sud Frant Tui- disrnissed at 4 P. ns. Ninet>' scioas Assipunt Biats Vto Mithiluda Zea a enetran Michael Voie, L. A. Tome, Rosasna ley, Daniel, Ada, Adam,. Theresa, Elle- atlenllsshooi aI a iais. Tiers vers LlU Tvil lughe cosi, i lausen, nrom Ton,, James Vore, John Dawson, Mary asth. MeIntyne. Edward Reaugi. John. tva long desisth le vidthhnI the 10on1, CnghcousnAA.sC Davson. Peler Dawson, Brldget 'hmus, Clarence, James sud Annas yiîeis.ere malle trous heavy plants DLJ i Doris COubys cousin. Grecs, froin, Davson, . Dantelp Dawson, Mary A. Fane>', Nellîs, Margaret, Johin. Den- - ey Osed te laite poulry andl baller Offle. ln Frief Natioe*1 Chicago.,isas heen visîting hem for a Burns, Marlen Burns, Lucy Borns, nieansd Thomas LInshenmy, Rose Ann. once a yean te1Ccago vîit an oxen nm 1t : 4I I fcw days. ~Jane Burns, Elizabeh Burns, John Catherine, Michael, Nellile. Mary and teai. Tiser. vas nu specil place,.K il5-ho30as Nfot i c e _ _ _ __r. ele AnMihewhr h fresstydai ih, edne nBo We eneah utresed u se icyleBora, osnuaCarln, TthCnaMsbicycVns.eeiBeuArsscsae, ven li faer sîyddai niitTomdoceanro-avsauo raeheven0lvutsallC lcg Ian. Seaiat AnthonY, Mary, Rilen sud John sud Elizabeth Bolgen. William, eltien on Laite sircet on RandolPi IETVI5U on tic uew Wautegau road Decoaion Mary Meiiody. John Meliody, John, Edvsrd. Margaret and ll uia But-ns. sinset. Thie atarI yoîîld lie madle aI 4____________ To i hon itii-iy C n c rn!day. Some a! tic first crnes vent lira Ton. Nicbatas, Lsrry. Josephi Master- Peton and Mars' McHogh, John sud 'cloet lunbthe mamiug sud lravei ah llD o R To wh m it ay co cernlhene about 8 o'CIockIthle mrnsin.g. son, Join, Susaa, Mary, Noms, Kate Walsh Mulus. day. 'rie next day tiîcy would laite R D G, T o W M tW e ail e r s su pr ised te - as he su a d R ich ard L a caster, N ic ola s, P st- T h e o d chool lausé w i c i a d tiroir p ro luce . te m ark e t, sd w ou d T h S s ta o rt f , t.te hne s i u a llo us ber s W sd ssesd a y e v e in g ricke , L a rry . M are, J a m es su d M ich a el b e cu the bo n is o t h W e b is, F a rre il s la ite v iale v en o p r ie s ' eco u id g e l. A Thisis o cotif, tat 1 th undrsin- ast eek The wee minghavngFagan, Kate Caroisu, Mary Carolan, sud Pltzpalnlct vas îa favorite Pie>'- One o!. the cis!stoppiug place5s 9 A C I edRaryLtw eieo ondLkIlios tntdt1laus.rcng ailHenry Schwab. Kota' Sehysis, dîn- gound ven vacant. Every noon tliet Austin McDonal's. Tax drverlas la, hd a30x tie vlcai-As maus' as sigiteers sirplsues -vers tiana Scivals. Awelis Schvais, William chilidren rau lîsere ta dance square Es'srs'ouvas rer>' sociable. Wien rvrScivai. Fred Scivais, Mars', ena. dances. Sometimes one o! theirnunm- tiers vas a Party ail would balt eche AM~~ ized at the LAKE COUNTY TIRE SHOP, injgeerati n g ,proceediug towards Mil. Sarah, John, 1IL inuasd Mary Lamsb, her waid havre su aid flddle. ai athen obier ta the festirithes. SOI ROU D L --,And -Aid.4tire h en ini vaukee. John Tulles', Mary Tuile>. Edvand Tul-titres lie ciildnen vould clap tli rie voinscarded the vool and hall A SPECAL "eut :o. -a' D. S, INr