Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Jun 1922, p. 4

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1~ '~ - <fe.Jnependent *~ Fra" Aikoer wua aChicago ito ~ 1*eut~b. 31.. s Bosai liiiMail ridtoe. wNim iman YEANR, *iCTLY IN ADVANCU. Mass Ruda H&pke vas a Chicago me Na'ei1,UbrtVIleEmbflg. visitor Thumaa. ~K.and Mis. Jack Bradford vere _______ - Lltuf hi43tgevialtora Mondai. _______ anage. George N. Qridley 0f Chicago, in via Locl a-" ting Liberyvill relatives. Russel lagg and Walter MeLaez- ~tU5Wm m BSAIS T"E GOVEmNIR lin wero Waukepu i vsitors Satorda. Omeago paper, nmre too friendly to Governor Mr.adMrs. . adkIentertaOn ý,,, hankenougli to print today this stateanent frend rntCkg o vrtewk vé te oe of the state's, star witnesses andt hus it., Thmas Wilson o! Austin aent the i8aooâeP proe of the etaite went 46 smash in Thurs- viee end with biis brother, Joseph aeon« ~thia aot-senâ&tional trial: Wilson. 1Wauke nIll. June 1.-The sensational -George IL Cooper sent several day fmouny Xticpated by the state from State last eek vith relatives in Joliet and ~pàuer dwar lE Mui to5PPM. and bine. J. S. Broya motored l*.iNe of embezyement against Govertior to Milwaeukee Sundey and epenb tuie MýoR rébounded Vday to the benefit of the de- day vwith relatives. The ebief point madie by the present treasur- Was that the Go'vernor ti4rned over collateral w. seein'ity for $10',OOO,OOO of outstanding state Ni"s, and that all state funtis have been .ac- ýoùteti for with the exceptionof $15,000 deposit- ed 'Mthe Union State B4nk of Dixon, IBI., which aileti andi went into receivership. The $15,000 was secured by a real esta'te mortgage, lie testi- K,èd-,,wieh later was founti to be spurious. The natter is in litigation. HOSPITAL HOGGED IT ALL. Lis indeed tragie to realize that aimost $100,000) of 9 payers' money has been spent ill-advisedly in the n o variowus structures and institutions at the so- ýUnty Hospital wyhen, under the law we n0W must space for an atiditional jutige and probate clerk as is ùowhere in the present court house for theni to et 4ie business of their respective offices uniess they 1 telts.n the court hpuse square. ýWever, one A. B. Brown has been able to draw the wtutedsupervisors into diverting that money whiçh ýiIaside fr the building of a new court house or an Quto the present structure to the expanding of this g",doty hospîtql which stands in the sutishine anti U forth as a monument to the greeti and seifishness 1 Mre. Robent Plotz and Mis Mas Brovning, reslding north of tovn, vis- ted in Chicago TuesdaY. Mr. and birs. C. A. Knlgge visited in Deerfield Sunday et the h1ome Of the former's parente, bMr. and Mrs. H. H. Knigge. Harold Mason and Fred Butterfieid returned home Monday evenIng from Illinois University ut spend the aura- mer vacation. Bet Wiliams, generai manager and c hief painter et the Libertyviiie Gar- âge, vas la Chicago Tueeday night1 and Wednesday. Mrs. B. J. Siman and daughter, Mise Edith, lait lThursday for Llncoin, 111., to spend a Veek with bira. Stmne parente, M. and birs. Mthlas Stoîl. Mir. aid bire. Chrietopher and family, Mn. and birs. C13'de Canueron aid deughter, Dorotiy, aid birs. Joseph« Mentzer, of Highland Park, vers SUn- day guets et the Hsnry Elvans home. George MasQn, H. K. Robiils, Riay N. Smith and Charles Proctor made a trip to Milwaukee Monday la that fins Sals ystesnien belong:lng to Mr. -Me- son. Robbins aid Proctor are nov la the market for one of the stetin driv- on busses, but Ray contonds the hen- nery la good enough for hlm. Mr. aid birs. Hrmai Haunschiid and Mr. and MÏÏ. J. -N. Bernard drove to Chcago tuile (Thursda.y) mornng .1 $m:4itiýlte the Board of. Supervisors upon their tdtedtefnrar!Ma an-eito tcasaaaive a l, #iýi 1te 0,ndy hisgret wongandthe ca childsà mothen, birs. Ane Wetldenmil. started from the high school buiding ~$j?~~Iuyaus r~L won au .uy n l1 er, vho lIed Tueaday et thea o ro!Si oaa day this veek, and it vas evideat- C thiat thtpeople of Lake county stand squareiy isar. ' The fanerai vasoà t held lyi' the Intention of the driver to con- c e nAddison treet, wth burls. la vincs ber "guesta" luet boy fast thatfl ftewn iitheir move to bring the collnty hospital Ve va t mbne chanica q.o#The BLk upervsion of theé people of 'Lake county. ri wnwst M haezGo P 77-The LAdIes'Mdof. the LutIse=a road, and It la sai.t! y rejidents along s! churci viii ave a bakery sale Stiir- tuait tbooghfare that t>e auto Vas ÀIsi weeks of the Sma]l trial over anti witb day aternooa, Jane 10t1h et Uger'. "hftthng 'ey p t aie r.ikte of about q~,,ntiz cout buse ho1i~ wtcbei tsfc or e Tfioii2 to5 (standard tUrne). sIxty nUler ihour. In teligt of te oadniitftig ta odt osmlne "con- coagrogaton *111 be appreci .ated. AUI f certain stadents vonld he a lttie bte poe#.t oosasi theott ilh uetdt er hir contributions et Reckiees drivlng le the cause of most maSy pretty qi ek o h aeMay be thrown out of the Eger store by 2 o'clock. 2-t accidents. Â, casul rexnark of the jutige this week when, ln The audit o! the books o! the vllg The sommer session o! the Lake Ing a point for the defense anti addressing the vas flot cornpleted la time to present lc&unti' Fermera', Instituts viii ha heid to the village hoard et the regular t Hait Day on ilaturday, June-17th,l te naidi: That cannot go into evidence until you meeting laet Tuesday nigit. Ho'wever, conueI aiiin t 1:30 p. m. Among the roven that conspiracy existed," and the quick re- thes vork wIII ha dons, aad a completes peakers are C. Larsen, of Chicago, the state's counsel, Why, we have ruroven it, 1 report of the findlng o! thee enltors connected wib he Illinois Agrlcuitu- wRIl he made et the nmt meeting. No rai Association, wbo viii taik on the hniae ow thin the evidence so far seems to business o! speciel Importance vas suhject of the miik marketing plan as en. Thelre bas been a lot of testimony introduceti hrotigt up et the Jane meeting. A worked out recently by the Committos number o! bills evesslioved. o! Nine. Henry R. Rathhone, ot Chi- Ubng it aldown ini a nutsheil, about ail it amountetid edn ahesbeito o cago, candidate for Coagreseman-at- to prove that the state 's money wben Small was The Independent f nom (lrayslake. 0one Loniia cofiso a rosat, faid tak rw W Splaced in- banks,"that the banks paid in- of Oo ni re reeders seye: "I have bine. Qrace Vial Gray, well knovn td >f ani pe cnt.theeo ani hatthestte OTbad agood many counti vapersu but Lke county farm folkg, vll diseus the banks, in course of business, loaneti that sanie rather slov Inrernlttlng, but 1 in liv- the terni. A complote progreai o! the to prackers anti others; that the so-calleti bos lhg onhborrovsd tine. ThAnIrs for meeting viii ba printed next veek. r ~Ipati os . B,. F.Hendee." Here's ,t Orant Park was aàr"al going andt triving' bank- b6plng M. Rendes 'mal continue te Thbe meIng or lAbor4viDR Loe ~ier that . Len Small, when treasurer, DEMAN 1~"orvtm"frmn er r o Lodge No. 956, . 0. . F: proreb ,éler fend thetSbe ylwrem ineasmemberDMo! usibbutwenjoyeble onoylastrbionday NT) ECU ED olla fo dolar ollterl Th Inepedentfamly.night, June 6. Degrees e vre conferrod .~» ECU ED ollr fo dolarcolaterl o ai Th IndpenentfamlY.uWn four candidates, and the sai- »money HIE tepositeti-anti because big Chicago A refneehmeat stand conducted hb' a annuel election o toffîcers -vas beld.. *6ia1ti fot furnish collateral, he deait with smaller man named Gailagiier trom North Chi- Harvey Havwitt vas chosen for -N. G.. tiht DIDI. Anti thus the trial dirags on with the endi cago, et the jntion o! tue.Wenkègan and Fred H-. Smith V. G. Membare cernent roed % and the North Shore fnom Waieukaen vbo belong to the ay-unless the case blows ur. treeke, vas de4ryed hi tine Saturday Cicago Canton, the hghest hrancb nigbt. It le eald the fie vas caused o! the Odd Fallove' order, vere pres- hy gazoline linitlng front e laitorn, ont and told o! the movement on foo't ne IAke county man of whom it cannot be, said heid iby the proprietor. It la neported to orgenize e Canton In Laka cournI.' Lpleasant tiine was hati" is Jutige C. C.. Edwartis, the lies Motor Company baid a quan- On eccount o! the latenese o! the hour C11 tral. juige tobetity of tires and auto eccessurles la the discussion la regard to the Cen- ttyfair to botb aides anti yet seeking to rule strictly T1he business vas opezied up on Me- mon vil Ibe bore et a future meeting tng o la, faes jdical cisiss vry dy-a t eai day. Lest Tyesdai a nov huild- to explain the mattar flli. After the to Jlaw facs jdical cisies veryday and g vas erected on the sae location business session of the lodge, le rream aesmig wllngnssto listexi to both sides, shows sd the refnasbinont stand ln going and cake veres erved and a social Unme desires to give'ail a fair anti square deal. Bu~t, out fu ia. lntegaln. enJoyed. wol.e siatioan utsid+e~iru'uaria naone out-aowniz at both the JUIGE anti the DEFENSE -,ant ibis hing pushed along in a way that the state may not Mm any stumbling black was laid ini ls way to pro- rerywhit. of evitience t possesses. Even the de- as gone out of its way ini this matter anti the rul-' *he court frequently have been madie with that endi andi the judge hiunself bas alinost admitteti if froin, eh taso rany words. Thus the case is beingtrieti rnrita s0 far as is possible anti when it isal over M*&ads will have earned a vacation anti the ever- thianks of both sides no inatter what the termina-1 the mae. e enent rate of interest paiti on big suins by baruks te bas been for xnany years from, 2 to 3 per cent. Ul aw sayz the state treasurer MIUST deposit bis in bauk, intiznating that ho daj'es not carry it al i hivest poeket for fear he wbuld lose it. NOWI Q-Oevemroe 8n I )1)deposit tbe state rnoneY otgte treasurer) IN banks--and the banka ALL e Ouwreat rate aàid records show that rnoney a ,?" tg the lte. - AM1Bo, what more coulti Quick Repair Service We are equipped 10 take care of ail repaira on your cari nuthe shortest âine, -and guarantee satis- faction. We make "S E R V I C E" our slogan on al repair jobs. ,aet the Service that Satis fies" iÀbertyvilie Auto Repair Shop Libertyvi, flUaQi WORK A S1'EIALTY ander charge of the Sabbeth E Chldron's Day wUlHo eobservec itting exereises. The Sacram, saptiam VIIIb. a4minlsered. publieLdo ordlslly InvitaI. 'Dei Obrim Skia Zueavorud aiTm. cI Taror Blaal Idsos cami*eWL At Sp. m. the seric of thba cb=rb woU 4Set asle aid'tueitio wml vi Joa th. other ciiircbet C»ii InU3 o: Comp illa tic Deealaur «a te s e r v ic e fo ri é »wtie a s L , m 5 m ti. LII>estyilUe Tcwp4blp ElLiBOe LlbertyttileTovnsliP Ma isaol Thé top eOStiihe venlng meusage ,if b. -M'çw .O Câff47eLw TU sslIc*e vial be la diiTg CItjiai smofthe. tue.t O&OwwmLUg CbtiTObIf iaited by A Abwm 4m&- - 1307 omts Md ca» "" w.Girls vlim plamesOU TOUUadY eveaing, Jime13. Thit e utlaitmeeting Previlito* campIng. mua bpoinll. piay.r Meeting Wodundal, JUUOs 14tb. TOMle "À4 ItudiOf the Parsbls of the Prodigel 06». 'R E P-'A% SCAUTUQU IaeD. X g mave brin Great.t Com.dy >«»ni '4FRENILY ENEMIES 40TO vliatl5« ber parents, Mr. ad r ur a U e ias. H. 8. GOcoil William Weeolor and daugbtei, ST. L&*WU]5M B M PISOpàj ULise , wi ere Waukegan viSiosÉ Dti ator. J=ari vialted ty uaday. CaiPatteUaalo f Cîsco, 11., vatd Cui O0 t1 -M ro Tbursday until Monday wlth hbIs W GomUoIlon et il a. m.-I Inde, Ben J. Simen. UighttylsTitbuo. BIt ubjeot. "Worabip.1" MrO. Ben Clybourne. Mn. John Me- XtWalPrograr:- COIcflk and Mrs. Ed McCormlk ROY. Cbq8ter MU», orgalgtà ivre là Waukegan Tuesday. perl "5 1 . '4Oome, Theu. Aingbty RIzl M39es Lillian Kohout was a inernber GisidnI Of a thoater Party ln Chicago Wednes- *noly, moly. xowy"-Dykes. daY evening ta ses "Just Married" et *"ire. la Oon"-ftalner. the aSalle. ..911Y Wte"4a Jesse Porteous and feniiy lhava MI1I4OWýT ERii PAL CHUI Iive rom -he Locke property on Ci4les 1. D iey. Pautor. Lk treet ta the Hurlbutt home on Silnday Sehool 10Ia m. I tant Church atreet. The Lake stioet young, Goneral Supt. hume vas recently purchaeed by John Chldron's Dny service atil Role. The Sunday SchbC i w %ive a prograil for Cbildren'î Day i The W. C. T. U. vili hoid Memonil "The Road ta the Coldu Age. services at the home of Mrs. F. E. lion- eryone In cordlafly ietel. Ti* kine, 2 01 West Park Ave., Tuesd&ty enta of the Cradfie POU are -partic slternaon, Juais.13, at 2:30 o'clock invite& AUl parents datiliWs to (nev tîme). AUi embers are refluent- their children baptlsed ebouldii ed to brlng fiowers. them. ta ibis service. The patorb beaztifal certificats for every4 Judson Moore, a veil ltnown rosi- baptised on Chldren's Day. dent of Libertyvllle, vas the victim of ovrh Lesgue Dovotional Si a fantlng sPel vhile near the Firat etEw,.rm. T,,,,, "The Christian National Rank fest Monday morning. ventureOOt ta Every place.,, He Vas asSlSted to hie home. and med- K. Morse, leader. Ail young pooph icai aid summoned. Whlle flot fullYiy vtd recoverod Mr. bMoore je able to be Nt-i h abt evc around again. oe-l h Sbahsrie on Daylight Seving Uime. The B" A truclý. belonglng ta S. B. Clavey, League service in hait an hour of the Raviaia Nursery, and carryling than foinerly. eleven men, was struck by a fast North The evenlng service le suzpe Western passenger train last Monday for the Baccalaureate Service In morning alî a grade crossing west of Auditorium o! the &ibertyville Hghand Park. Two o! the men were School at 8 oclock. instantiy killed and three othere diedi Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'c In the Highland Park hospital. The Preparmtory Clans. other occupants of the truck were ln- Wedneaday afternoon at 8 o'c Jured. The inquest, wIll be beld byimid--wsek meeting for prayer, Coroner Taylor.some Urne next veele. tudy)ànd feUlovship. Thupsdey afternoon of last week Théirsday evening, Chir rabi neighbors and friends of Mn .Charles Ail members WÂNTED. Jack Butterfield, who resides about three fard. choir director. bine. Lyell M, miles south'west of Libertyville, geth- orge.fist. ered at lher home. and proceeded ta take possession. They reminded lber DIAMOND L-AR M. E. COMMt) the Invasion vas ta celebrate the faci CHURCII. of Mim. Buttenfield being eeventy years Sundey Sobool et 1:45 p. mn. .'yonng' on that day. Baskets and Caroline Mitchell, Supt. hainpers contelning refreshments Vers Preaching service et 2:30 P. m. produced. and ail aroceeded to make mon by the pastor. merry. birs. Butterfield vas the re- Thursday efiernoon the ma Scipient of several presents, a.nd the meeting of the Ladies' Aid Socie good vishe Sgenerally of ber friends.0 The compsiy conueisted ocf tVenty-tVo FIRST PRESBYTRIAN [adulte and sixteen oblidren. Rev. Bail C. Morgsn. Pestor ÀNash automobile fle ihhg 10:230 a m. The regilar il Sehool hour and the morne uW USED CAR S ALE 25-CA R S- 25 ~.On lot south of Wilson & Ohm, Libertyville, on Saturday, JulelO0 Five Ford Touriug Cars, Six Ford Trucks, Que Ford Speedster, Coupes, Sedans, Tour- ing and Roadster Bodies, etc. Qne "Ha.ines Six"' Touring Car, Three Dodge Touring Cars, Que Hupmobile and Que Mitchell "Six." Alcars ,are in good mechanical condition, and wil be sold. Best offer takes any car in the lot. LIRTYILLB UD Cag %1HAE PHIONE Z2--> yo Wl pf w' i w w w w E w i = Re< We art j dlu ii hold. L the on.: other vn On ail b' per POU AU l f needed i Your en' incluclini ThisE apparel. Danup 25 pow No ai ed sepa Dampu 25 POU Flat% Bi W: unl WC souI~ CentMr ameia MARIMBA BAND New England Maie Quartet Alexander Trio Zedeler Symphonic Qumntet Notable Lectures on Timely Subjects Chautauqua week here July 3rd to 7t6 5-BIG DAYS-5 Redpath Chautauqua Season Tickets $2.50 The au - 1 WP

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