FAR MERS, Your busy season in here. From uow on 'tili alter har- vegt, ime i.s money. if a letter will save you a trip to town itve worth while writing. - mueh of your bwnkiug9 business cau be transacted by nmail and we suggest that you write us whenever it wil Save yoh time. Many of our depositors transaot al their business by mail and we are equipped to give prompt attention to any;ý re- quest. you may make in this way. Let u8 serve you. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices We art nakiag a substania reduction in personal Iauudry bon- dMes suat in fauIIy wssh service t. fit the "ed of every homse-yt bwld. L.ook over the several services we off er babyw, and select thse orne you prefer. Eiter service is a dlistinct aving aver aiY other way you cao poufibly bave your lauudry work doue. FAILY SERVICE NO. 1. On al bndles from 7 Dm. to221bs.lc 3to 2 5 ib s. -$ 2 .5 0et Over 25 lbs., 1IOc per lb. AUl flatwork ironed and wearîng apparel starched where needed and died. FAM1LY SERVICE NO. 2. Your entire family wash finished complete, 1 i8C I includling soft cuff shirts. per lb ..........._ This-service most include ail your flatwork, as wcll as wearing apparel. FAMILY SERVICE No. 3. Daxnp Wash 25 pounds for - . ------------- Over 25 lbs., 5c per IL $1.25 No articles marked, each bundie sorted,as to colors and wasi- ed separately. One day service. FAIMYSEICENO. 4. Dainp wash with flatwork ironed $ 1.25 25 Po"ndfor.---- ----. ...... Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per IL extra. One day service. The Reiable Laundry' JÂJJNDM RS. DRY CI.SA4!EÀNDDYER .Mghisndn Park and LlbertyvllO [Phone, Highiandn Park 178. Phono Libertyvillo 67-R. BUILD NOW---= - BE PROGRESSIVE = OWN A HOME_ With our plans and service, our r ~ nxelled assortment of material, a we can be of g reat help to you. 33 = See Us and Save Money _ Phone 47- TheLibrtyill ba8bal tin922i hook Up at the Mar GromuStnd ay and érso al iWaukegan. An association usupire Iwill bandie the indicator. and a No.wihtesrogS1Brtsbnbo Short Items of EspecalInterest ta Ubertyv&lleP. arlbilgmanecoaeth Miss Marger>' Wheeler and Walter Dr. anid Mri. I. M. Smith left today Sage were ln Chicago Monda>'. (Thnrsday) for their usuaI suni- IL-a J.J. ilsn laconine toberVacation wtb relatives ln Kentucky. lionie on Branr Ave., b>' ilineas. Miss Elesnor Corcora entertalned! the eighth grade graduatIli clasa at a! BeeItDI given in the Banse>' bumoarty at her horne last Friday manbarn Wenesday, Juae 14. It evening. -1 )Irs. A. il of Waukegan visited Dr. an li. 8, Ms*ew and Mi. her aiter, Mirs. J. W. Êrown Tueada>. )Marclla .TbnisSflor Chicago visited James M. Woodman, of wankegau. over Isanda>' ill Mr. and Mrs. Benc visted relatives in IAbertyvifle lust C1ybo11m8. Sunda'. Miss Hattie mon of Chicago and ,Mrs. Chrles Eaux of Chicago speltM M" Lbie WjI04 tof Wankegan vis- Friday and Saturday wth Libertyville ted SUMda> at tbl emo f Mr. and fiends. Mia. EL N. M(sXham., Misa leusie Thomas in homefor ber aummer vacation f rom DeKalb Normal fichool. lira. S. Van Plow ,iaitedl ber bon, James, In Chicago f rom WridaY until Monday. Miss Hannab Meyer and Mca. P. J. Bockeinaan were Chicago visitors lat't 'Tburediy. Mns. Waters of Columbia CitY, lad..1 la bere vlsitng ber daugliter. Mca. AI- Ian Anderson. -1:. Esther Thomnas, residlng at Bel- videra road and Mi.waukee avenue. il rt poited quite ill. miss (;race tjlfera or Highland ParIr .a tije guest of Miss Ada Halfer Iat misses Ethel Titus, Utella Langworç thy snd VlrI aCoUina, studentsata DeKilb Normi ucol, have returced] homne for the ansMe MOnths. A ten-pound boy vas boril to Mr. and Mca. Warren ÀL' Nicholsi lait Friday, lune lad. "Nich" la fthe iggest man in t'owm4 and It wai necessary to clear the treets for hisa TridaY. Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mns. Harry Titus, Mrs. William fichie>', ins. Henry Ba- ker and Mrs. Charlet Kiepper vlsited Mre Wm. Rudolph at EIghland Park Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Wechsler and Miss Dorothy Schanck, of Evanston, Brent Tuesday with Reuben F Thom- as and famlly. and atended ii Su_ ,siuck school piente. iay venng.Mra. C. Spring left Tuesday unoninr. and Mrd. Clark Robinson, Ol fooi Appleton, Wisconqifl., v.lîei- sh,- N cod, Imd., spent 9unîlay al tthi "îaitlng relatives and getting acquiîn rd Disney borne. ed with lber new grandson hou n I.uý and lirs. Walter Jelly and l wîeekI r n 'g oiLio Àrold. apent the week end aithel NiMr aàn-d Mrs. Henry W and m in HeILer home. u'hldren, of Sioux Falls, Sout iu 11km, a. and A. Zebren. of Winofla. Muinn. aie Bi la Staplesi mpent Suoday add ere vislting Mir. and Mca. FredHan tin Chicago at the borne of 11 They made tbe trip frorn the c<rthba'c wClayton Staples. state by automobile. Lont fail to attend the big banal ii Ted -Mofftt. Of fthe University Of dance at Barcey Aciancef barn, Wed- llinos spent Saturday nlght and Sun- nc-aday inglit, June 14. 23-1t, day ai 'the home Of bis cousin, Mrs. Paul MacGUtffi.L ne was en route t0 Mrs. Frank Altenburg and Mrs. John 1 Si Paul. MiniL, to spend bis vacation Prusha of Des Plaines spent WedneB- with ig'isparents. day wtb Mca. W. F. Franzen. 1 Mir. and Mca. Robert Plots announca Bankar's Supanfine FLavoro for the marriage of their eldast sun. How- cakes. ice cream and puddings, simpi>' ard C. Brown, tO Miss Mary Bernice deliclous, At aIl grocetv stores. arannan, tbe marfiage taking place iu 1Chicago Tuesday, lune 6th. Both liva Mca. J. P. May' and two little daugh- n Chicago. ters, of Chicago, visited tbe former', IMca. J. Gter and ber sister, Miss parentù, Mr. and Mca. Byron Colby, j. Mickow, ýave ret.urnad f rom Good- Monda>'. hue, Mina.. wbere they were called ilait fWaunda>' to attend the 'fanerai Of Suowa Auo L~erv-azi e..thel raunt. Mca. Wre4 Henanng. The>' Smow , A ËO W M W T PM S « -report tbe prospects for farinons Ia vice.* Phone Llbetyvih 306-K Minnesota are ver>' irongilng. l 1~ lu' Livet, Victims Can- Hate Their Friends Health Ta k No. 5. J RBy J. H. HIilin, 0. C., Ph. C The victims of liver trouble are so bé mserable that it is easy ta hate their ykrJ h friends. This is not saying that every <S>lock victim of liver trouble behaves in this -way, as human nature is educated to .2surierîna" rw -Anu- ce...a,.n , misery on others.1 The liver contrais, more than any other organ, the proper actia nof the bowels. If the bowels are inact- ive and waste matter accumulates in the lower intes- tinal tract, the sufferer has what is knawnm as auto- intoxication, or self-paîsonmng. This waste matter being held in the body is re-absorbed into the blaad Streami, and misery is the natural result. The chiro- practor finds in such cases a mispiacement of the spinal bones which causes pressure- an the spinal nerves ta the liver. By chirapractic spinal adjustments this pressure is remaoved and healthful liver action naturally follows. FIVE YEARS OF SUFFERING ENDS -For ive *i ars 1 baS trouble whiCb m edical pîsysiciails diagnosed as amy- ld livar and pancreatit trouble.wtb. ot giving me an>' benefît. I bad vrac- ticaîly -givan Up bope wbeti 1 trlad Chi- ropractie spinal adjustTOSOts. I cmi trutbfully say that today I ern tuAi> rastored to healtbY"-Fraflk L. Heath. chiropractie Rasearchi Bureau State-, ment No. 113-S. DR. J. H. HESLIN Chirouractic Physician YOUR HEALTH When your heulth starta depeds on ou hen yon Telephone 26 for a» appoirniment. Correction cf Deformities, Nervous and Chronlo Discaste. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6 to 8. Sundys and Holidas by Appolntment. Suite 1-11-Newcastle Hotol LIBÇRTYVILLE, ILL. iIEALTH ' FO IIROPRACTIC CORRECT PRESSURE ON SPIAL NuEVS lm PISKAS!S THE FOLLMWNOOIMIIS -ARMS SIOMACH 8OWELS spinal ColmLWUUMP TELowER NrRve UMOER TIhE MAGNIFY* INO GLASS IS PiNCIIEO SYAMIlAL1GNE9 JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CAMNT TRANSMT> IEALTHPUL IMPULSES. CISROPRAC' TICADJUSTING RE" NOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE 13 t PUEEAM NATUMINT!NSS 'lNo. 0 se AUDITORIUM Theatre Fîidy nd Satwday, "'ADvENTURL¶ 0f ROBIPMN CRUSOE" Sanday, June 1Ilth "L 1 F E" A Paramnount Picture. lune 23, 24 and 25 Mlary Pickford in "UTILE LORD FAINlEROYY lune 30, Jmi' 1 andi 2 "THE FOUR HORSEN OF TH1E APOCALYPSE" âme16,17 mid18 Agnes Ayensandi Rudolpis Valentio in "THE SIEK" Lot you r hcart 91ve1., th. nks for f lowers Corne to cheer your .weary hours. ABE we tbankful for ibe biassings of Ime flower Sgordans and Ithe glass aheltered gas Sac spots tbhat grow for us tbe tend- help us to live ha.npily. Harmco Leonard Mr. ai son, Ha Her mai e 'iiss1 M lon day brot he, Pure Linen Table Damask, 70-in. yd. $2.4( W. W. CARROLL & .SONS' COMPANY- The Girl You Marned Keep ber youthful-free from the worry that creeps ino the hame oftdem m who fail to SaVe. Build up an account for lier in this strang bank. Yau'll neyer miss that Mite, regtdary dqiedâ . e wich bringu ler peace of minci Make a deposit here tèday- for Her. G AR DE NUN G Planting pnd Trce Trimming Fruit Tree Spraying Pho'qe 2214R or wrte STEWART SMITH IIBERTYVI.UILL INOIS Youf lumber and buildingma requirements can be fille = eet your financial advantage. In other words, we wilI save you moty. on these prices. Every price advantage that the mark. affords will be yours if yqu trade with uÛ*. BARGAI'N, 2ri soc - e i if .5 = 'E -E= .1 I OURGf mmf B E SR FSLS White Dainty Checks, 36-in. per yd. Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. .1. --l .w illiffe 1 mm-- LibertyviRe, 111. Phone 29