Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Jun 1922, p. 6

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prés e$ iér gratitude over thé obs.g ès ibat arelu éffet now, Theyélei A$,Mue oN , begfréa-1ted difréntly than évér hé TOMSforé and ail predicted that thé>' »OUld no-w get aiong bélier In vie-w of thé IED APE FROMHOSIT JD psblty ot more strict attention frol an aiiénding physiciso. A -L AlradyOvet $90,OO00Spent hm fgo ;ngetfomtecut COUNTY HOüSPITAL foIrNew Unit, Estlimated at phyecian andtbf th é ceprssos are $3500 cstgivee n thesnrmary of thé différent casés In thé adjoinina c oiiuhi- LJIIY H SPITI#~I% 1lfWe OPEN Thtté -sluluwibLk Howevér, thé committée takés thé ~¶5ED00.8 0 TH INSITUI O T ECat 'te mIntiuin win h Lape éand that bècause trtey rémoved thé TXEDOO S F T E ESTV M TOTE 0ftth u Laint inin Hosptheal pov-upénntendency of thé hospital éwa>' PO RSIK .siJU D BY RK ovm of -- theLat éxpenY spianl-la urona rom hl= that that* did not alter hies 2£D-TAPE THÂT 1SUR UNDICD IT FOR thing for thé couuty lé indlcated b>' eposiit ya ount physicar oftthee BUUB.VI8OR overY of thé fort that to date rép9iiibityo! ak n rcré outh W, bdin nder course o conatrnc- cOunY's poor. Hé wa. edudrcn ÀE1DGI ,. IN $90,000 bas beén sPent én é- tract to do that latter job and bis terni F r "n on thé hosptal tgeoundeanddos not expireutil Jul> li- How- ~~1J~O 'IONB G G R R kncvwn as thé Tubércular and Con- céer, is sudcién réinoval froni thé iùa- TB E XN ~ ~ $ ON 17 YCÂN BE tageoBunit.médiate cancellation of ihat cotract M " AO G Pff (fflIt dévélons that nUp t. thé Prea- and'Probably thé board viii 1ook aI it euttUie sincé June 21st lai yar from, that vlewpoint. ordérs have been Issuéd to thé ' cn dn ooeofteatnat 41Kske rogrm for the POOR patients of Lake county-don't crow'd the, $80000. Ading th o ris on- a ngDr. Brown bas not béen in thé coun- euif ye have ta refuse FAY patienits enuace. This hosptal vas thé' ne-wHospital Commuttepaldetbota sncé -laf atietshudave'. T me~ani t bin maiis»éd orth POR ndSICX and NEPY out $10000 more to také scaré e cutlooked aflér or exanilnéd by thé re., us *billeswiicb thé contractor1e had de- henuse o mr tban for Ihose Who are able to PaY their way l5Cyhén.'"-1bln manded sttiément for. This mares countse pyin th é nre ur vssa f it"S uva the ordtg~ issueti by Chai-iau Edward Mértin of the Leke thé total o! $90.000 to daté and ac- thcourpaing thé e guarviit.t atyHositl Cmm tte theicheat nurse Of the hOsPitg1 anti was oecriat tI uerion At hmelmber oth day taf.iste tejtItu lii requlré $20.000 or $30000 more A niéni er !tén sad madeltd Z réVoln11P1itnsxy rdewhickhbas brought a new regifle eathe l t e pa>' thé bills that ivlI finalI>' thé hospital lé veigad1aéi L. It is a part of the niew order of things wbich bas brought happinesé corne ln beforé thé construction ls a point to feel oui the pulsé of thé at-1 m wtentment érnong thé hospital staff and others enPioyed at the in.- completed- T l,1-,* Thus. wlth thé total cot i about .B OW O hlted$120.000 and wth thé récollection bnsare changlua raiher raPidlY Ihat enîwined thé hospital i, ae that whén thé plans for thé néw ths Lake Count>' hospital. - themslvés iu sending patienté there unit was submittèd to the hourd IR3IN 5 O I4 uduations are that it la going to becausé t h e>' eré afrabd Of thé last year Counîy Physician Browni R QN I M IG essier for a slck or injured patient wrath of thé count>' physician- No-w tatéd posîtivel>' that thé tital conét gt 1, t ban il uééd to hé- tés ail changd-tbé count>' board would hot excééed $35000. lu lé seeniB C editions are aise ihai t is gOing inemberé are thé umpires rather than how thîs estîiaté bas heén trebledAC TO TOWNi be possible for pour people to get one utiheir erployeéi. on thé tax-payers ci Lake County - 0 tbé bospital whereas for sonsé- ____-in rdér to carr yihrough thé ex- ke pau lu as almost a physicat tîE&IiC' UfC'flI' .J travagant ideas for tibis bospitai County Phvsician Wili Step Out ,oéaillt> to do so.IE f IU riJ< unit. Before Suuiervisors Meet, 'lie IIéwHospitalcimmttee ba investigation ot thé county ré- itont thé notice pinted aboyé in- &llIIllA'dII' crdé shows that thé éxpenditure is Current Report itld- tht tére as ~en com AIftIJ ftI IItJ~I3 on thé ne-w building as palé ut 1 cbantéaW thé bs nia o ainlng undér dicfférent dates were as ol- J That Dr. A. E. Brown, couflty phys-j its cag ithehosptal. AIlLA IOing udeicianad ué intnéio h ~ ST DI3P theLETI3B J- oué........... . ig orésnbotéhordd super-nedno h ar Cp té thé present tué thé proced- L S D P R ue2 ........16,0 oty eerlhsiatapnig poo gul.g ptint hé ~ 000 pét n té ew Juné 1---------------..,000 tI CenI>' Génrlthbotard oféplanin felowed i etbu aPtin n June 2 ........ 000 vsr eto thé 121h of this month O#U»ypi* paint, a1 ht h Wcth i»0 seto th n Sept.................... 15,000 even though i terni does ont expire mévio, udnt h aSitnthospital addition and wth the end Oct. 17................. 100)0-- until Jul>' lot, rather than have hie gSt gt Wn touch with Dr. BrowÉ. . I-ht and vç-tlh an estîmate Nov. 30..................000 ré-turing come beforé thé hourd tor s bd*ot thé hospitat, or thé Hospital ... Intnent au, thé coun- Jan. 9...................,000 vote,-tba l a report wbîch bas gain- sutead Sain is O.K. hefore ' - a quart-ir of a miii- Jan. 12 .........20,000 éd currency ingteps e as y' voaldbithéadmitteit. No niattér - -t ,nwvditvlops that 380,000tbeén unrefthé asi sévhoral w4~ thé. circtlmtanoes. ne0 mattér '" clés thii -Xravaaant outla>'. $Tha00the neclr ount hesicial whuas tt tbe casé. miaht hé. no poor. sick thr-p's anothet critical situation ln -May .......... 10000 yearsansd undén a terrtfic barrage for $bIured pahiést oouid gain admts- the hosbital flnsuelal statue. Total $ o a 0, nnI2I the supervîsor had goné té >r u.té 1500 aprpnatd _the_____pu_' tOUfldIn a révéisulous ae faéhs- t speinenen o pocr'tlb>' thé count>' huard tlait Séptém pliai, 1a planning etbér volilsiar>' ré --ber, ail but a paltry>'$200 flIrea happeite tlaphé b of m at t éid &»d * t» ame, Ume Unise. t WU ba s én spént UVp W May I7L1Ihà hUEEfl t vbu thor, oarhé ti e tvl W . r" -é'eiscasé thé repl' tIsaI and tIsane la left but $2,000 ta run eut froi he tact Ihat hé la moving go =sme bock t thé supérvisor the, placé on until Sept, Olit. Wb"t N jJI>Âit i'~Ç back to Waukegan. tb* -qe bosIital vas toc lis W hé doue for thé balance of m a IM1 SIÀ'"" The couut>' physician. lit dévelops, »WMtteptetOUdthé yéan? That's a big question the i àhieuta bstakeback là mmu nie on West hosîital comSlttebasbetfon l. f~ '~ j~~IU strèéi and la vacatuna i&bt nov tbe M ý â£&Wr m ". _ _- -J-- - . -. I aorat roi..cus swhieb hawasVu t o! $3440 hubas éé ltihin SIX ouithé f ranithé th boaM $actét upon ih. W iifgtnter théeéxtnav- te epptl Ivisons te éréét turing thé puatf yeare. 'l i héobth£4 Ieaai gulni a suitt- dacvr té Pitti  brave and loyal etain, unevhi tésiTaSM - luUvif 1q iI<5né-considéré bis réputation sut one v nel ustogm inne0as om li. - a-dn *~éP tsaplacé loves isahlp, la thé les u t Wbflé mami'cor ithe pénloat bouge-u sert It wheîf Itla1inutroublé. Ihoid afe et the ph>'Blia haboitear An I Md "t bwe L;0,- Ho-sevér, that charalteristic appar- niovét froni thé hospitesiélale mdoi tein iîi £keé enl> doés not obtatu vth raterénSc vilé thé>' bave béen pachiing op JoU*.a hoatex. tc Due Brownvo -obas beén oc t ngsfor snmeUie, tbe tact is the lu00beà *a lu- '>byiecl anmd sutrintendeut unthe faml>' eUhtla lUving ai thé hospital1 W i In luthe ctlunty LaaCut 'tial for se manrs>ersidence np to thé present Urne. WU91-ÂCOndlngy thy eauroal- vthin a fév >'ars as othér véré Vairs. For, as prer-'Ieted ln thé Sén on égbrvobaéénthboe i .tbe thec bavé bt as goat a grossi>' neglectéit. Satuuday. Pr. Brnwn p:cled up bold ect o! w a théconthe phousc WgOO tô get attntion lavon thougb Baby lashaoya thé amounta and peu sonai efféct,! and on Monda>' eli NOV.o h cutypysca *Y IMVO ni) moue>' te psy for their datés théréin mufle>'hanbas en 'éd thé lent piece, vent out o! ire Ing éhoiata home sud r ave- WMM athé, rsnWho las e d avn teoPérate thé opia for &rounds biaisait andi loft tb' attend-.n i nvt oeI uuhv ont a esn ~ éd ah oé nsru-corné tethé conclusion that hé ta hur- 94lWlllug té Ps>' thé fées lu ad- thé pasi ninp Mtttns or suggestionsa as 10eu bat should rying thinga In ordér te hé éntirél>' JA Pen n ajutteSepe ne Qt. 17, $5.000. i-a dons ln case an én.ergénc>' cal -"t" o! thé hoosplts.lhome b hi' t ine $Prvw spaia at'th maltuero N Octv. 3$3,000. c-neIé n tlhat iicbt r.'qiure thé a-- thé supervisqrs niéet on thé l2th no W. rIW osPal a that t> asumig Novy. 30. $3.000- téntion o! thé count>' physicians. theré viii hé no furthér ado about bis eyfth bospitivs etd ingin- Nqve. 2, $f,000-e n run eafwrétiremént aftérhé formait>' nancels Hé venl t aron to a té etofthé bis arrangements vith thé hoard. tie, tan pietsé urofe c tgar. pl 'b 19, $-6000. hlptlsafvt bmh as imrp A furibér*évidence that Dr. Brown C éb paone p en s e !BDthé- ce on -s d A pri t 1, $6 ,000. tl u larly ' riendl >' an d b a dle I bénigood . as hén plann in g t e qu it th é osp i- -lé ibiti psé sehaneabopas AprIl 27, $5.600.- bye, indiîctting that hée not oui>' vas. liréldépce was lndicatéd some da>'s CeeYthei n ibis cageabout ays10, 2.5$.00. meoving away frein thé hospîtai but ago vbénwcrk vas startéd on a nev en d >' té ot>' e orLthe vii oal$310, 00. thatlihé voutd leavç,Waukégan befoeégarage at bis Wet treet home In or- ilr nther than catér te thé people True, a smalî suni bas cornéIunlong for au tndelluite pero: der te caré fer bis cars. FW aemon.>'. vhlch bas beon théef rom puy patients whtch yould en And, Iiméediatll>'théreaflér aneth- Thé doctor hiniseif vas uat thé job t, so ért of'new atmosphère hegan -ap- trequenîîy and thug indicatéd that It i"é for sometilme pust. J hancs ethé i-anémié éoewhat---hut. paîgapttéhala hc . AS a veWIt of tis né-w rme, ilb lenobed>' eé~mtei know Just boy foaré out theostratédtal mémbér o!was for bis parsonal usé and hé vani Uo flatthat thé pon rPéople havé a sutejuthîé totale. f'hé Sun', llsta wb tewan Ibr unthé@d il just rigbt. Ott Obuc é1haneéibm hé> adla- thé Thé na-w coniîle taté that é,vénîng andWho sa-w thé happy' ex- That thé physician ie te rééign hé- a « UttUgg méidical attenioni. Fern tilce lt bas had chargé, about. one pressions on thé faces et thé nurses fore thé hoard monte bas béén a nom- t belon -udt t an Impossible month, lu bas 'ýcéIved freinipa>' wbo made thé rather sligbllng re or for sente days- Supervisoré cci- M1efor a, Persan who bq no mon.>' -tie-i 3uf-1. marks as pertaining ta thé ceuni>' ménting up00 it déclaréd thé>'liad attention from thé counu> Exact figuras, show that. te date physiciaft by exclaîming: "Grandftî- harý with sémi-authOrit>' Ihat sncb IiaHé vas alvays ltbén In- ý3,"0 0,o thé 335,000,o! thée>'éar'a er bas gon!"' vas thé casée. And, nov that thé>' have epPil or tee buy Wt cané ton î"proprIatIon ha ben 'peut. Thus, Wlth oe accord thé>' ail joinécl in héarci of Dr. Brownc suddIly> terminai- o~r inaisiéd liat; thé>'vêeeIL teaves $3.000 as a balancé te op- and éxpresBed théin heliét that évér>' li;g bis reIdnceat thé bospitai sud ~~eypaupara and should net hé a-te oxi up lu Sept. 6. If it hué îîung was xaovlng smoethi>' eow thal xnoving hack te to-wtt ithout fonmail>' tIVM spéitl attention.1 . takén $333,00 te non thé hoapial s clouai haidisppéaréd. netifying thé conmttée or othérs Ihat It JO nteai ibat ustder théemn oirue it niné nienthe (bétwéén Sept- 6 Thos, vhilé thé attendants are ail liéeMas léavbng thé hospital propéni>', Is l thé boead nurse ot -the husptat ,àt yéar and Mai' 10 ibis yeéSt-, glai that thé changé bas been made It seenis natural to cunctodé that suctu lia 18 inérél> 't.old" that a patient le at a golua te happent ton thé bal- névertheheéé thé suadéen désertion b>' are bis plans-to résign rathér tItan 01lutn lInteait o! havIng ItL as Wn thé e o! thée>ear? thé supéinténdént leavng thé peor pal Permît bis troublés te go héfoe thé ma, vhéne thé "Supeinténdent vas - Thlty-thréé thousand , for oins tiénté In thé Ceunty Hospital to drift buard for a complété alinn. This of 4ked i It u'ould hé pssible te ré- -> onth8 lé about 3,600 a ninth- as thé>' mlght, brougbi forth a vîgar- course vill bée avoidéd If thé résignà- eh'. a Patient." This 4hange ilé ai- îad ibère la but a ttaliet!$2:'000 eus proiesi on thé part et supervisons tien précédés thé boar'd meeting.' DMe revolutionlan> in connection vlth tefi for tbrée menthe. Who héard et Bovn's suddén action. That thé, physîcian lé ail "bat up" he, pu conduct o! thé bospital but f ilvîIi e 5oni tailiftgurn!t te Buard Cant 5.11ev.1it uand gave furthet vent te bis feelings Slivings a*6eigb o! relief te ail super- Vathout eut ibis fInantial crisîs lu Whéii thé supenvîsors board thast b>' suaidéni>' noviDZ front thé bospital "Mur Vho, bécause o! thé tight noies te bospital. Dec bad guddénii' puli e ut o! thé groundis before bis >'éar vas sctuali>' __________hospital, bsg and haggage, thé>' conldidédd la quite'évident, And, t ié sale nul bellévé that héie ulai deol vf-i l na> iarilli' hé aaéd on thé tact ---------------eut notif-viua soeiodti>u authonit>' thîie bashé ben etiippçd o! Muai of se ibat hé cooid kéep in touch ivittuthe his power at thé hoqPital. Fer, vhéré- 15 patients who are undér bié super- as béfore nohod3i dared bréathe dééts- Copyof eff r Siltto upevisrs isin a contyhyicin o! thé h eout Ibère, vîthout ft-taséking bis Copyof L tterSeatto S pervsosvion a eui' brscé bipeu nItsuion, the, fact lé no-w ordané fer Il waé Inconcéivable te suppose ta suctu personal 'liberty' do net comé Wauke~.u, a man holding a responsihie positien front thé physiciali but thé attendants ouprvlars- ' as ceuni>' physicien veuit pull ava>' are gîven a fév pérsonal ihétiés and We wish ta cali youx atteution te the lust paragraphof the froni thé ceuni>' iospital leaving 16i thé hésd nurse bandiez ibé général raWesfor the conduot of the ILako County Hospité adopted for Patienté In charge o! éthers without hospitai s taff as 'If thé>' M'aie hunian evén notifylng thé hospital staff whéré héinga. 1M bp, i lant the intention af yaur Hospital Commiltttee te lhé could hé reacbed In case hé Mas reufiethtei.varions Supervisons ini any wy foaadmitting poar nov ai eth be ospital or luan se" ptents to the hoapital. nwath opalrInu1.9è-VISIT uuN? iw' c>' peur casé that migbb core né udur- M Ion deire te admit a poor patient te the hospital, cail the ingÎ the nlght. d5 otéléa oaC > S~ i 1--IU« It- aund ativise the adNurse that you are sending a Hwvr codn ete'ia pgtUeamiii advise ber whez the. patient mt eexpecteate nurse ne notice é'ss givén 'théré thé,f« ON TA C arl- & adif he ofth naureofthedisuof h p- dectir ee4 bClfundan sd thu theé lecl irsio. lsoad-vse er f th naureot Uc dseée utthepa- cont>' physian éuddénly ténminated Miss Constane Parker o!f inc. Uw± a. themi may prepare a bcd in the Main Hospital, the bis connections vith thé heépital witb di-oppéd Into a Zién City' Sodâaraler _,Wttm @ «tçTubercttuosis Ward as- the case nia> re- oui suy formai notification. Frida>' and ,vas Indulging in a -~atou Wad o ~Thée 111> conclusion that supervis- glancé ovér thé, menu YI=- Pli,, ~~~~~~~ors conld onié tu vas thai Doc AséB iagtopci , h a -Youn ùu - hait plannéd itu restau hefure à é arnéd lher ibkt thé leé'Yé5out k tl11175boardi meeting néxi Monda>' and ibatIncs dld net reae IM baéhove sud IL XUTR ~hé blleved bis résignation vas in todhliertput ouhercat or the M M KWER ieo -gt noy insu bocaoae thé>' bal wouid hé alrret. MW SPark and som. E E, ken théenperinténdénc>' awa> tram bier coipésiauS. iaB e"a>'JNiel- p " OMte. hlm. 1on, » 0i' Brora ati IrinsMownl - EOS~Itai COendants and patiénia. lié vaikedt ulru'al lé e t»stffl -t« 4=1Qu i, 4uV ------théeyar vhéei«u severmi menu avécou lns thé>' veuxit vgo tb«ré g"%W a ui of prr nr n l li tic of wl of lr lit pr ol t' fa cc ai w Il] ai i. p -s je 12 ational and StaW iieads 'Of Iatlonlisation cftoal dépoanas 'ocated by coal innrs sanction- W thé Natioxtal WOMén's Triade ion Léagué la resolutions a""te théir convéntX0n hore toda>'. Taîks b>' JOhn Waiker, prefflent 1thé Mtiois State FédératiOn aOf abon, and b>' John Mlzpatlick. eséidént o! thé Chicago Teleation rLabor, marlied thé mohd»fg see- on loday of thé National Women'si ade Union league -whlch. le bÔid-ý itslie ight hieona1 convention 1waukégan. Thé national labor nation vas diecussed ln an Intel- lent amnnér and suggestions yere iade for ihoe béteninnt o! condi- Atice Henry ot Chicm9ao, sécrétar>' ýf thé Educational Department rhch conducté echoéle Ifon the raing o! woniensa labor leaders, ead a report ln which shé told of )fthe surcéss thatIol marking thé fforts ef thé cosomittée along this In. She pointéd out how trade tin league can P-.sist In thé orlu. A long sprirs of restitutions wa-9 .resentéd for te approval o! thé -légales ti:,i morning . Thèse res- )lotions wer - t ,er red ta commît- ýeé-, which v;: report on thém. Thé iirst,utn,! pérbapé mos lrlm portant resoluion deait wilh thé "L<inploymuenl situation- The solufion tallé alttnt!ont,)10 hý tcI that thé workérs of théetUnited Statés bas bée subjected te, conditoon o! widepreaÊ6 and zttulc unémptoynient for whlch thé>' can ln no va>' hé held reaponsthle. Congress Io cailed opon 10 éstablIsh nu adéquate émpicyniént service wtb accuraté Intormastion conIcéro ig opportutnlties for vork. Sugges- ton le madeale that fédéral, Mte and citi' governmoetts adopi a Pot- city o! outlinglug their progranfot publie vorké sévérs.i gars lu ad, 'ancé, and cf- so timing thé prc> écus that thé public déniand toi labor male lhé lncreasèd vhenéve, pivatée Mploynuént la stock- Re quéét us mode that éaruési studi bE Iirectéd tavard devlalng vays t£ rffllaUize privai. Industry'. ntithal a practiosi'systéin o! ufléIIPlo ment compensation législation bi naaugurated as the masi éftectiv neans of bringina humé tc theunia agers o! industri' their résponsibil i' for thé InvolututY ni'nMPlOY for piacing upon industri' a contti ment sutténédb>' thé vorXns, anl vous econamic incélitive tW prévet .nempboyinft in nemothér neatioa thé WOU muo s" - déTuin ls itgoos c ' ituwrt lata fa 1~ t aeé *OI buf fiersae 1lavé -èd ugge th, locsi beagués t t uh 3s16b' %»M tires ybenéver ibbtruucOd Md te further éducation Ou thé sébléoMt Bs fair as Possible. Thé Open, Sbop us cOndOnmed Il another résolutIon &nasupport1 piedgéd te the Ainericaui TéderatUC osf Labor In their camisign of édt cation and publicît>' W thé end the iabor nia>' hétiomnphatnt la th figbt for industnlal - tréedOni. Another résoittOn calta for il suhniésion 10 state législatures Of bill for an ,Anti-Injucetion Law p ohlbiting court réstrainina ordei ln cases wheré labor disputés arts Théeetablishment of a 16-yea old chld labor minimum witb commensuraté raislng o! thé col pulsor>' éducation agé b>' apprd riale legialation, ta urged lu aeth4 résolution- Protet lé régitré againet the decisIon of thé Suprpri Court of the t7. S. un holdlrtiilt Cbild Labor Law unconstittiilin' In another résoltution antl,nou ment Is made thai thé local cc véntion vishéesthé United I Workérs complète succésé bnu bb presént gtruggle. Thé miners pi gramn of nationalîzatlon e! thé Ci mines is endorséd. Pléclge lé made ln another rée ltlln te work for univéersal pea( removiog ."thé waste and uglitti and stupidlly of wR51" 1Anesty' for political prismei imediatél>' té urgéd ln a reselutic Appéal la to hé made to. thé Pré érnntt b>' the con vention bu Lnéw tracte relations vith Russia. Appeal lé trade to thé U. S. Gc dent hy thé locýal conventIOti- Reporté of thé local léagués vi on thé progrqm this atternoOti. Motlday Afiernuoon. Miss Jane Adamséf ut huHoui Chicago, spoke hriétly ai thé M( Sewing Machins a Repaired- 1 can repuir your sewiiig machines and make theni rua Iielxe;w. AIIwork dont in a first daus manner. Remoye 4 the. bead 'of your machine and bring it to me, or LOt ifym aand 1 wufl cali for mane. gd Henry Groth 317 S.oc" b Stain and Varnish at One Time, One coat f Jobuson'aSaBni- Spar Vérnish Stain gives you your colon and a beautiful, glesy, durabe finish,.lu dnaca dust-frcc in 2 hon>', and bard - - - over night. Saves tirsag.mou-. '- ey, habor aud material. Madle ini Natunal and four shades- Light Oak,ý Dark or Golden Oak, Waluut and Mahogany. WilU Not Turn White lUse Johnson',S a n i -Spar Varuiah Stalu for renewi4g ait ipteior wark-fuwrniture, woodwork aud faons. 't "a aI.cobol, stoauho water perfunie, Uto ýiet w5t e Use it aima fS t xio wo-k: etc.h it nat tuzu wbitr FREEOFFER ]Brlng couponbcotéop lf use the- coupon as 5S0 c. it ; on a l =rg e an of jo b, Sold and Recomixi=ded by j B.EGJ I -~ hi AI ~4j; 551I tee -uc 1 T Ul M1 I ........ .. . ilir- éd- te tb»'a ps~ ~r dm o by; tia >atidnàl W01OUél Tride Union league in resehings vOmen In the varions cities. She UrI JO E introduced the tbreeéWomnii uio wèe bere on a mission of worid mg&: Mrs. IntRobinson of Bug- land, Fraulien Gertrud Bser of GO"ý many and Mlle. Therése Pottécher- Up to PftuentTb'ne Have Ad- 4nold of 5'rance. vsdPtost DS Mrs. Robinsp~ toid of the spién- vu gr »4a di4 labor lavé 1lnSngiand ana me Winter Purobases effeet of which bas-héen te abolift eweatahops and rais'q thé plane et the acutenets ot the coal situtionl thé worl;ing wonian. Thé Trench in adinitted by Waukegafl dealers and delegate pointed te the I prtance thée' admit frgnkly that they do not of an exchange 0f Ideas béstwéén kzio- whé.t te advise iheir patrons W the brain-workers and thé hAïad- djo about putting ini thoir winter sliP- workera. with a recognlion of their ply of coajl nov. lrutuai 1 interestz that hus heul hrought about through the National "Wé am jbat as mucb ai sea as WaSens' TradéVision lefflue Tran- our patrons," oue dealer sdmittéd t0- lien fluer satà ibat tiii y o f daiut !lUp te the préset tmé vé Cirmany are just coômlng Into a bavé beait dvlsing patrons to watt in toiler realisation ef ibeir' nspoU-tIOs ' ebélif tlaat ibs pricé would go bilittes. All thraé delagates toid of lover. ju tact wé havé belleved thal thé International Péacé nYOIovémet it might drop asuiouch an tir oit=1*1 that ls bein& fosteréd by 'the wo ka ion. Durlng thé las iryor or b ing women in foreign counîries. daye thé deas lai Ch1cagé. howeyé1' Reports vere preséntéd by the bava 0f théir winiuto er's t ut ,tour delegates froni thé United z latai States to the Internationlal Con- greés of Working wonien held at "In advlslng our cusioniérs flot to Geneva, Switzerlandt lasi Ociobér. bu>' nowvav have beau yorking Thèse were their Miçal reprts. againsi Our Own Interéats as w. ai- ways like te keép our tearné busy Mis Emma Walder. a Swisé dornn the summer season. We u4ere- egirl who ta attending Bryn Mawr ly bave soughito proteci the publie icollege In PérlOylvanta. was près- against a possible drop ln the prlce/' entai ite'onento0 èreas hé Other Wantegan dealers admit thst traternal delezgate of the Social up te the preeent lime they bavq Stervice League of Switzéniand. fillie extrernely few orders and theeé havé beén ln Ihe 'cases of people Who in "istéd upon buylng coal regardiesé of price in order that îhéy might hé FIND 2 YOUTIIS- aipued of a suppiy next wintér _ IN STOLUN AUTO hard coul whibeine IN S OLENÀuTo have béén la bued that eth big cou -docksin he esst are É8Uéd tWover- Fred Thipi. 18 years old. 4944 Southl flowlng. Up te the présent trne but State streét. Chicago, and Charlesone boat load of coal hasn en é e ord, 16 years old, 837 West 47th ceiveýd at t1i e ilsé docks in Wauké- treét. Chicago, weré arréuted by thé gan. Ordinarily t h e r e would bavé Waulcegan police lta Monday wheul been tour or f1ve coal boats ln DY htbey vere found Wn possession of an tbis tume of >ear. eautomnobile repénted to have beéau liard coai la brlnging $1616 a ton. 1stoiff n WChicago. Thé Chicago Po- net cash.ln Waukegsn. The béat 3lic. vere notiied. Thé local Policé gradé orIlîlinois coal bnl4ng $9, o»é erecélvéd a report Monda>' noon that thé dollar clieaper than lent 'éar. Lump jcar, a Willys-Knlight. hait ehén stand- Pocabontais coal brifga $1150 whlbe ,r ing on thé rond ivo and One-hSIf mine non sell for $9. Itseem te De jý miles wést o!fPive Points for savéral conceded quit. friSly that then. vil > hours. Whou thé officérs arnivéd hé plenty of fuel nehi vlnter-tbé >r thé>' found thé boys ln thé car, abouit oni>' doubi vsens te héregarding the ,r te start uva.'-ThéY had héeausafll dprie. e. hen théir guOllit sul:ply vas ex- >e batisted. The poilé e hliéve thé apial ile. ýo >'ouffltél took thé car niarely for a w2y q g W1D5 éa t bD bd>. gt joy ridé. On. of théni l emplye1- )JO u181110r tkoat t tat bb Y. b>' M. W. Méyers, 4706 Grand botalé - fflthe méat bhécuing te ea Yard, Chicago. ovner of the machIna. Ê 1 ha *Swas.son .. h PIo n aéCény-Th Ny- ~ 0117compomIllIOd b>' afti el rENDEt.Lae ur5O» UD fruit. r- o f.o sm ri State Hi ictendént of t>', âaleca clalsa ai SP tiou o! gi-gis m sn thei - This rosit t i s s e , i t l a biseau»é thé tract. Thls vbén camp the ýHtb i ihroughLÀbb tiocli, etc. Thé rusit loatîntheo Qrayalake ai thé village taluéd. Tht Und b>' bd of thé vila .000006U Rev. and I Palatine ve ters, M ru' AI Rtuth POUlCCI M rs. M. J. vl*bliter soi ton. lirs. Clay dayé iaét w friendo. S. H . Réto id s nèv proves thé créant parle. Jac-k and sI'a ver. gsi P-écaîioa f Mra. JOB. takjrug treat Wscakesha, t lant veek. and Harod kt-lia Tuffl psnbéd lira. Ui'. Don spent thé pii tîves aidtr 11112. Wbll week wth r M.aMd il vau, lu., a& A vth Antloc: eher-ciséfKt Mira. Ad4m years. Thé «asMn. Ai Thé Fonel iniéet at tht Davis Tuent4 mrm. Jeo lth- past fiv ty Général lait véek f. churcli Mv. alunai>' tv gavé a spi8s service. amc stereopticai placés o! i work. and pialnlig th- ffida>' n sbop vas el elothing let présBét v. WsIud b>' about $10 the buildisi thé hack (Il entrancé hi éaut sisé0 'Thuréclay people of .1 hen thé>' -,Addie Shal floor In a Sghe bacl n ago Saturd thoughnoct éhé bod gg 9 r- h a >r il- d- ýg a, nt l

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