IàaU 1NSUJ M. umRe MW .11MB& 922 ATIONY lave Ad- »fIay es, jeaiers snd )ey do flot patrons t.0 inter su0- at s05 as .dmitted tg- It timo ve ste watt in roiuld go sieved that twro #ollars ro or the b., howover. ners to put rnter'i s00, aors flot to S working s as vo ai- teama bus! We inere- thse publie the price.' s admit tisat they li&vq .ansd thee people vhS 1 regardless ày might be violer. t white no d that theY the big ceal led to ovri- tnt time but as boom ne- s I Wauke- would bave boats In DY $1616 a 1055, .The boit tffs $9, 0»0 yeoar. LumP $11.50 vhiie ienis to, ho Kt tiser. Win vinter-tse megarding îthe %kt tisat owing te Mb d by pufti ....... It WiIl Pay You To Cail At The LibeçrtyvîUe Battery & Eiectric Service Station We Repair, Recharge and Replace Ail Makes Batteries Iuspeotedg Tested -and Watered FREE.- G;enerator and ignition Repairs When in t rouble cal1 Libertyville 400 Batteries ealied f or-and deliveréd 551 NORTH MLWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTVVILL.E, ILLINOIS_ JW- ZIOJanITYil WINS W. C. T. U.'S a e v 4IOLD MEDAL TEST Two-Row Cultiv - -~ WItfiUT]~i1FW i I __________ t ~~~Suasday sud Mstae dwvi flid ANIIhNJ fl¶WLI~ as aise oteit ud. it s i, d7e e by snd ts ise M st retiir5, tboyiUV'&- tigsted and foua boti scsroon door NAJIECOMEITUE book"d on tise mids. Tber tison et to tise badis door and vus the aid of a ON TA I3ft(IJU aiuWt ties h er Mtise fo topd l apitable State Klghway Officiais t &t o' eo*gm*IL Lam5e Rush pons 1s s ~ i~~sts lo e retiv da i EulIt fodorerin. nottl Reidents of Antocb are propar-*>tven t Xiffl ctonmerun ot ro?' ing te s"bd a delegation to Inter- mm cam e ft d b oming and Kenos view CbistfB Ruewi, conte super- mvdbrt tb$U nKnts ictondent of islg&57ofetLako cou.e ae eon re isA se lagettingi ty, anc am the *t4tte iigisvay ,M. alOngai-'eas offl lp xII4ted.-M 01ai8 t OW00ild, wvus tise Lue,' Nerma Petesas-benquite lu ilion 01 utgi« that tke Proposed ff. the put vqsk wtus lonsili. 1 09 0ai1 the AtWi oned ho speedea1 up. .0 00 0100 This rondi eau ho pa.rod aIi urIl th.is t la iaid, but cannot gatr lPu~ inoI* because tise stato ha.nt taken tihe 0, 0 S# 0 0 ameeesrY stopse oaward the cou. tract. Tis la the iigbvay vhicis, Thse Prairie VewBaker! Bbop vilii when complotait, vil extond front bsopen ey-"y Q» oe tise ýlthin 10tise uorth cennty llino itar. PZZ Iirough Lihorlyvillo, Osayalaise. An- 28.2 tiocis, etc. Niss Ruth Wolf &pent sevoni days Tise reidenta ot Anliocis bave jut e ini th*e City W= rO"tves, beou strOg for tishe rod tostserrrot oeTuua veliS fuel siUd 'are aizoustO have the Mis. L. L. Maetiser and Soany lftI preimiarystPo taken aI once en Thunaday morulua for Chicago, visore tisa thse Job cma ho completedhistore ~ylrmi ootio cold wieatiser. te i oansoi Ie Tisera ha boen tmrnedftlculty in Br, suad Unr. C. A. Raton mciotred locatins the proposait route througb 10 the ity on business one day lust Graysasie as thse rightot-way through vek. tise village itsolf coutld fot ho oh- Membe ofetihe C. t C. spent Friday tained. This mattor hau been set.1- evenlng at the home eft teir Sunday tled by iocating the route Ju8tst Olfcheol te.ciser, Mn. L. G. Hutchings. of the village. Tisey practiced their parts for the Chil drens Day prograus. AIl report a *000000000000iOOmost enderul tinte. A N T 0CH Tecmecmn eecsso h 0000 0 O O Ail O OO O O ended and were very interesting. Miess Rev. and Mrs. Samuel E. Pollock of, Wolfs solo and Vernon Glassa very av - Palatine were guests of their daugis- propriate address deaervve speclal tors, Mns. Arhur Maplethorp and Misa mention. They did credit 1totiseacves Ruth Polocks. ?rday oftlat veek. and te their instructors. They clatsa M rs. M. J. Muniford spent asat week - In eented a very nico appearanco. wPth lier son and daugiter at Evan'- Mrs. L.. G. Hutchigs presented in ton. t hose of ber Sunday ticiseel claie grad- Mrs. Cîsyton Leter as-nt a few uating f rom tise eighth grade a fine days test veek in tht-e ty astis ber hoquet oi roses at commencement. frieudo. How lind of their teacher te remem- S. H. Reeveas hie past week a(10 ber them ne beastifttlY. td a new soda feuntain, whihl i-a The Ladies' Aid Society gave thse Droves the appearance of bis tee churcis a genuune housecleaning laut creani parier. Fsiday. and did a fine job. One sid: Jak and Virginia Radtke of Keno- "MY, boy those pelvis hine!" yes, siaever. gueits ef their parents over tbf e Ladies believe in therough woris. r-ee<ratieu day. Corne sud set. Mrs. Jos.. Filvweher, vue bas b.en Neit Friday evening there viiibc takjlrg treatment at the mud ba'ib .t preaching services in tie churcis. at Wstakesha, returned t..nie Tuesday of 7:30 o'clock. Thse Rer. W. P. Klingbiel, lt e ee. SuPLofethtie Chicago-Freepoit district, Mir rd Mrs. A ..a, Van P-tren wlU preaeh. Aftr tise sermon the and Harold Filvweber auioed Wa Wasu qoartorly conterenco vil! conrene. Ail kt-lia Tueoday afternoon an-Irssconl., the oouterenco members are kindy re- liSfllOd UM. Filîvoher home. qoested to ho present, if possible. Uri . Donad Sw.'rt et 'Wauk ýg.in Mna. L. 0, Muciinga. Mrs. J. G. spent tise put weois vith AmUocI roi-' Cook sud Mr@. William Stanclit vwere tires aud friends. visitoraset the Labo Zurich Sunday Mis. William Monter ipent tise putSî chODl lat Soda!. waek viths relatives lu Wilmot. Win. Mien Ruth .V Wolf *Dent BundaY i. snd 1M.W. Il. Ada-Onif Dole- atter.oon iliber grandmotlior. van, M1. are spending aarers.l day Mise Ruth A. Htansen l in iting at wlth Aitiocis frienda and attendod tise the home of ber sie. UMi. EaWmind exerciseif ai the bigi semoool. Mr. aud Busch. Mns.âAds bhave bson otie thr.it Clarence Bosch vas a Prairie lVew yoane. Tise graduatingau hais year vsitai Saturday. vas Mr. Adanssa freshman cas. lr n i.LwsHlj u o Tise Foreign Misionary Society vi i MrtWhandug vsitoLetwise J. P. and eo- meet at thse home etfMis. Margaret of Wr omo n vsind aitteJyP.izn Davis Tuesday ereuulsg, June 13. thlrom ud. Mm'. Jolhn Clark, viso bus heen for li» Florence àather sud Miss the- pat five weekg i thtie Lake Cosn-, Mary Meyer returasd honnis from lait ty Generai Hosptal. returned homo 1Tisunda! evenng and attended t.he liant veek t eeàAi<mucis btter. igraduiationl exercioes at Malt Day. Sunda ymoraing at the Metiiedist Miss Ruth V. Wolf vlofted at tise cisurcis Mr. Peterseis. a returned m&. Des Plaines hlgb scisool FViday. sLionaiy tro the Phlippine I*oids, Thse Misses Olive and Irma Ritar n. gave a sqsfidd talk ait the monsinit thale returnod ihonte f rom Prophets- service, sud In thse erenins ho gave tovu. I,. Butrd&!. stereoptican viewa, showing xany Next Sunday Sunday Sciseot St 10 places eftinter*Bt along bis lineof et lock; preachig services at il and verk. and he aIso gave a tais ex- 7:30. Aller thse sermon ini the moný palning tise pictures. ing isoly commuion il yl ho observed- FrIday nigt tise Petersen taller Ailviso bave tise Lord Jeans Christ sisop vas entered, sud the enlire lot of are cerdlal. i nvited te avait them- lothlng loft there 10 ho cloaned and selves ot tise OPPertOfltY. presBed ver. taken, as velI as to Mns. john Carojansoet Deerfleld vis. 0ev suite jut fi5sbed. Tise Ioos sus- ited is. C. T. Mai00 SaturdaY after- Waned by Màr. Peterson ameunts taDon about $1,0W. In trying tel break 1815> Richard Reinsers vas a Prairie Vies the building tise thieves ft i ISIdI cahier Monda!. tise back deer, but they faled te gain________ entrance bere. Tison a wInd ouontise seitvinru n. eut nideo e bliding vas brolceoSistv Iirmft 'Piursday evenlnk'et ast week tise ise Instr'iument lmowI as tise radio> peope of eur village vere sbocked miiomneter ln se sensitive tisatI il v vhon tisey earn ed our milliner, Miss messure tise beat trom a band beld Addle Shater, was found ying on tise thIilry fot away trom il and vill floor In a semiconsclotls condition. record the tient given off by a fixai! ie hait net been seen since a veek star se reote tisat light fiom 1l ago Saturday evening. The neigihois traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles thougis ntling ef il. as tbey apoe a second, laItes many rosis te reach sie isod gone et Burlingion 10s n Mr. sud Mis. Rayanond Clausen of, Spencer, la., returned te thir home Tuesday having spent several weeks1 with * r n.- -t- L4Mr. ad f. . U, Clarence Busch sud Chas. Schley, who have been wcrking at Ares are home at present. H. Kiel. 5fXL *l Mrs. Mary Schley, Mrs. Charles Kiopper, Mne,'Henry Baker, Mrs. *Vm. F. H. Meyer in doink ai voli as can Schley sud Mrs. Frnzk Scisar attended ho expected foiiowing an eperatien for a surprise Party aItishe home of Mrs. Wetratinsg ulcer ofthtie stemacis t the Emma Rudolph at Bigisvood. A very ebhyterian isspitai at Chicagy an nice time was lad. Mis Lve Bbot tnddtise Mr. Sturmi sud daugistens from gradatiown et Naenvilieneigeise Indiania spent Suday at the home cf gradatin o NaervllecolegetheJohn Link. Walter Weidner teck theni paat vesk, back home ie the evening. Miss Bernice Knaak et Deon. He7 PoIls sudfamily visited at tise Grove, in visiting lhon grandmetherKelru ndy Mns. T. L. losas.KeersiSuay Mrs. George Soefker ins oing nSicy W-. Waehassng is remodeiire is follovlng an epenatien for appendicitis'1 barn on the ftan occnpied by Hory li tise Iigblsud Park bospital. Ptta. He hid seV"n auto truck loadi eto sand sud asie delivered there lait Mr*. Frank Peteoon vas tise gueât Saturday. et Mr. and Mrs. Ralpis Peterson of Chicago, Monday. Gas engines are 1k. smre wives th07 Miw usi Eason as he gest ofsputter sud kick a lot but you esu t Miss Edith Johnsoen et Joliet, Snday. ealnwthutèm Mis. Floyd Gonckle entertained tise Chas, Msyerxiud fanaily of Waukegin, Young Matrons club on Weduosday M oýLaiht and Tuesdsy aI aiternocu.P.B b . Uris. W. B. Kist snd Mis. BRtwUol Aix Bounton, 3Jr., attended "Way LaVelle are- spençftsg the en"s of Dovn 8F4t" et th*e auditoriim ai Joeue a thi su smmer hoorneai PavPsv IhoertyvÏihlPrlday ght. Lake. U- U i .Acm esma, John Woedmanià abaving ldv nev l hesusebult oni bis aropoty just sotli oft toiMsisicis vilI hofor xsilons compets&d'. Miss Frsuces Woodmau is home far bur anurevacation. Recenthy viie visiting aItishe home et iss Flor'ence Linduer ot Chieicag, Mins Ard" u lnehi, vise is te b. a Juno bride, vas surprised by a large gnoup et frieots vise sboeed ber wiha gresai my beautîful presents. 1$rs.Adof Henning 1isi at tisehome et lien cousin aI Wheelieg, 111. Mina Esthr Huehl attended a'iose varming in Chicage, Saturday. Miss Florence Linder vas the guset ot Misa Andelia Huehl. Sussday. 0 0 0 0 - 0 " " 0 0O G O 1 o OAPTA KI1SI1C o, Kt hon home in honor cf ie ubn brBday. A joily geed tise vas had, seeai out oet lwis guestir attended. Mma N. F. Busch, Caroline sud Donald aloo Miss Alice Bantou aîtended tise graduating exorcises at Malt Day lait Thuîsday night. Alox Storm sud Miss Merkle sud teothei spent Memoriai day at tise John Limk home. Rate Pfister visited at Henry Pfisters Memoriaiday. Peter Sievers sud taznily woie callens at Lihertyville Tueaday. G. W. Weidner spent tise pait veek in tise city, at present is again hack home on duty. Mr. and Mrs. AI Slroeder, Mi. sud Mss. Haîry Lienkans froni Liboityville seet Saturday night and Sunday at te home of N. F. IBuacir also 'tour auto1 leada from tise city spent tise atterneesi sud evening tisore. Jacob Leikam la again quité il. Yolus Bornisofon, Carence sud Fred Busch attended tise dance at Hall Day Saturday nigit. ie11 Lotue i".Efan.sd daugiter, Marie tàk Tux=nioht AI Bulon, Sr., sud AI Buton, Jr., voe. uoiuse cillersat iWhoeling luit Thoesday erening. 00000000000000000 1 VOLO o 000000000000000000l Miss Orpha Russell clesed ber sciseel year at tise Gould school Fniday vith a U ciccand is new attending Normai at Mn. sud Mis. C. E. Wheslock Zef Libertyrilie, visited at Will Dilon'a Tisursday. Mr, sud Mis. G. A. Vasey sud daugistens visited at tise home et Lloyd Benveil at Gurnee, Suday. Their som, Walter retumned hemç wvh tient after speuding a week vush bis sister, Ireno. Hialloran, Alhert Kautenherg «Snd daugister et Waakegan, Mi. aud Mis. - George Wallon sud childen of Ldbert7- ville, sud H. Kruger sud famnsfl t Sunday vitis Mr. sud Mis. John aol Frank h}irenimos and taznily spent Suda! aItishe homeocf John Hfronsmud aI Lake Zurich. The msuy friends cf Mi. sud Mis. loyd Eddy voie grieved te hear Iheïr lit1e daugister, Geneviove, passed away ai tise Lakte County hoapital Saturd4y aileinomi, Juese8. Fueral services were held aitishe home et Mr. and Mrs: Manny Passfieid, Monda! afirmion. Buti aiMcHienry. Alsnlilngratuated tfrom Wau- coedsy ton hîpiigi sachool FridsF ovenimg, Jue 2. Tis cemmunityj vas well r.presented aetishe commiencement exercisea. Mr. sud Mis. Levi Wat ire tise proud parents cf a baby bey. Suday schooi, June Ilat:0,Ms John Briner: cisurcis seric 5 1%28 p. m., Rey. James, pastor. Thore vili ho a iawe social aI lise Vole M. E. churcis Wedne dayvnn, lise Draper sud Marcella Weider June 14. There wiIIh è nai ered te Park Ridge, Sunday after- straviserniea sud cake. gaines snd an Dn. enjoyable evening for all 'vho Attend. Emil Geest, Alex Bunten, Jr., R su ad Mab Misses EsDon tisrer arnce sud Vrsed Busch attended thse tise date June 14.My.Detfge Igaine at Wiseelineg-ilst Sunday. eeling and Glenoe teama, score .1 laver et Wheeing. R A IunCAlT lis. Andyev Marinni vas a cahier ai UUPEN IEYJKI aGeorge Sturm home, aisoeat thse F i A Ire. J. N. Bosch, Emil Geest, Mr. -w.. I Mis. Max Miller frons Libertyviiie,,l Actin n an o!der trom Judge snded tise pentecostal services at Siurtli, Siseili" ;reen vent te mg Groe. j ox LaIto Tuesday and oenod 'Ihe Elmes- Harth vas a calleraet tise home WUIis Inn whils-l was chosed bv le J. N. Busch lest Sunday. - j-Jonction c,-cent] Tise court beîd Geere VlzMrs Ell Knpf nd that lnasnîucis as lýe owçers et th.- ~eegeVez, is Ela nof ndroso t isadnot b,'1)n made ds'tench su ad Mis. Frank Hercher sud *wife etsr lnsthe injonction iatter thsat ere eut auoing Sunday. they shosaid net staffer tibrougis bav- Wisat Emil needs, is a aecretary or log thir plsse closed. Thse Willia v, or several office girls te attend te Inn is une of the behst kiscyn ce à business cellsevisile ho is avay sorte ln Fox Lake. Program Given Last Night at Salvation Armny Hotel ByUnion Misa Ruth Schultz otfZMon City won thse gold modal conteat b! thse W. C. T. U1. Thursday at the gaivatien Army isotel, Wauâkogsn, smong the students of Mrs. Francia Leonard. There vgre six stodetits itise content. The win ning subjoct vas "A Plea rer tise Ciaildren" The contestants were the Misses Goldie Alyea, Gunda Abrahameon, Ethel Christian, Bernice Onenth and Pearl Reid, ln addition te thie prizo vinner. A short program vas gironi addi- tion tetise readings in thse coutest- A quartet sang several numbers. Merle liblitta sang several solos sud Mins Lilliau Leonard. vhe made sev- eral readings, vas encored four times. Sevoral addresses were made hetore the large audience ln attend- ance. Thse program was giren onder tise auspices of the W. C. T. U. Î- COPS ce COPIN Çt" rerrusisd'by RAIDSUPON FOXS LGinerW sudamil7attend.edth LAX E 3NIZVO Dspakiy, Mise Aies Eimton spent Saturday - nigbit at the Max 111)1r home. Sbe Mu8c M ng an Siin S a -d rz.Miner stteflded "Way Dw red ~pstbieYIek 0M0n - Mr. and Mm. Mathias Wickersheim an eOfficers Say spent Sunday afternom t J. N. Busch's. - MUrs. Carrne Wlckerh.lm and son, Thse law deacended on the law Chas. groi n loe ald at the Tisursday at Fox Ire ad raided 3. N. BuàcSh o4 Utsdyn ght. a constablo 1» tisoir swoP throngh the laise rotions for ficit uiquor. Mr. anà Mms.Robet Wuiand of Beeldos him a provender of jazz Ch i, a0nqthe din Qa of nua t ell In thse moh1eht orthél i. aiiUsilo %"R l¶: oàisen. cougauleof tise James Matouoeis sudCaroline ~Busch vllage of tOx = . tnt = Memorla&Wayetfthe Matousek rive am set .onhime aidsca. liWl n Çhjago. bol l ie iposession, raidersi 4arge. Max, ]Miner ad tamffy, AI Bunton tar and *11 ho wass undled tQ th sud foefy, Guos e tn Mns. Emma raldibi Car and broUght ta Walke su dstaterMrthe, were gsit viser. hie pested $2.00 bonld visi, ton tts .S.BshsIa vItis Justice ilerriey CDROnLoMu. daBsh' u case was continuodutil Jiane o John R. Sracbta, lngleeldd, who Jacob zinus of Pullman, ia visiting claims hie 18 the main PrOvidr Of' t thse homneof Bd G"as Jazzz musc in Fox, Yake orchetras. was round to have. more than 80 Peter Sievers sud tnuily attended a quarts of heer in hie resont. birtbday etri tha e bénioe of Ciem The boer, se hee declares, vas 1Smal at À=slast8unuday. This part! brewed by- leesme bis fatiser for had been potpoued one week on personal consanmptionà. accoait of ilnée of nmre of the He pald a finse of $50 and cots CiildreiL hefore Justice Coulson iWauke551 M os tHghad ak Frida mornng. ted friends and old sequaintances in 000000*00*0 000000 so svicinty last veois. 0:Ed and Chas. Schey,'Robert Weiand 0 DEERFIELD and Wrn. Frillman attended thse bal 0000000000000oO00000 gare t Wheelang Sunday. Miss Isabel Biederstadt of Highland Mr. and Mrs. Atadrew Maninui called Park, spnthe week-end atherfather's. at thbe home of George Siurm Sunday F. C. Bsdrstadt. afternoon. Caa n Bederake anti. family. Mis. Carseaugis aas fermerly Miesa Anisa Mi. sud Mia. Jahn Bedeiske, Louis Newman et Barrington,sapeet Sunday 6 sud tamily. Don' t tail te attend theobig benefit dance at Barney Amann's bain, Wed- nesday lnght, June 14.2 i Lins to u P-"me - C l uudoertaedig doublshilis cals;and he %whe profis by ao sp-risar n tner- standng raies bit powersi ase eol vifS tihé issgiiof tise supericar onder- aidng tiaIhounîtes vlth.-shsunud 3ui-be. ____________________________ 'K E M DANCING REEHÀNS PAVilON Round Lake, Ninoi SATURDAY & WEDNESDAY of eacli week Music By MoCorniick's Orchestra Basebail Game on Sunday June il Renehan'8 vs. Gumnes A 'New Barr Diamond hs ein added ta tise park. Tickets $1.00 Schanck Hardware Co. Phone 39 IBMII is & DoaQe GCo. Monuments and Mausoleuma Do" BJ fe»ecte Stei Pbone 200-I Lib«ftyvmle. flmids cw en oubemon Pt.W tre ie Oticty. cistr the" Pries of one 14,800 and the. other $4 200. Tht» pisco bu second floor and bas no basemont. 11i rat paymnt $1.000, easy. WiII put in furnace for $160.00 extra. AMMRCAN WIxEFm MIC., wue80. LIfTY&* WHY LET YOIJR HQGS GET Si- &OR D1tý- Wo guaracteq our remedy.to save 96% of thée Blok b~is coug hhng, sn4 deutroy anl vormaIA ,usIx dan .Ifl t doC do ~tw* say, money refomdod. Geota more werms tisan sny otisor vota oOuis Write for fri.e Information on diseses an d cure e of e sl &d ohkionaw Evermau Stock & Poultry Faru, "fkin, Mt.' R. 5. Premium List and Hand Book- of the Lake County Fair To be Held at Libertyville, Ilinois Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7,e 8, 1922 - Labor Day Weeià. ADVERTISING SPACE' in this book is the best publicity on earth ---or anywhere eime Mail in your copy --- you do fot need to- wait lurtia ADDRESS: LAKE COUNTY FAIR, Lîbertyvqllk i r(1 Fr* 000000000000000000 o WAUCONDA o 000000000iO0000 Benefit Dance given in thse Barxsey Aynaen barp Wednesday, June 14. it Mr. and Mrs. John ilederake and daugisters, Carolina and Verdal, Mis. Borg and Louis Newmsn of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Jcse Smith and son, Edward eof('hicago, Lr. and Mrs. Heary Kruger and his son-in-iaw from Long Grove were guesta ef Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bed-r.-ke and family on Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zinsky and son, Walter, Mrs. Vygt, Lester Lenning and Fred Jehnsen cf DesPiaines' vere guesta ef Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bederake and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Abert Cavanaugh sud daugmiton. Evelve cf Arlinston Haioehte, ime Saul- la yeu .ItifUl, t diea Made de- oldn %any. ER o0i~ WAHEN you sit comfortably on the easy ridmg VYJanesville Two-.Row, and see evéry pba*; in every row getting exactly t/w cultivation yakt want it (o have, you think what a blessing ft je that you have a machine to do ail that work The old timers would thiri'. so if they couid see vod.t getting over the fiezL so rapidly, and doing the work. better thar.11,iey ever did. ri.'e Flciating Arches solve the problein. P .'-;duums from the top bar and swing lr.;. -h a pendu.lum mnovemient. You widen or ..;:itin tiie row with your feet. Or Iock .dhdesired. .n:v~r1Iyfoilow the rows, but. you car, shift "r side so quickly and so epsily that you cmu ci ~ ihl without stopping the teamn. 'jour own weight on the seat banr actsa s a lever to turn tb6 wheels slightly up hil-this 4 gadvan!tage ta"e the dowuishil ci-eep out of side-liillI 1'M.The entire machine is ight, cu«W pact, flexible-no oiling needed except i wheel boxs.* Cultivate with a Janesville Two-Row--and you wM linrgt t1w, ther ever was hard work i cultivation. - 'IF i