Thre IS( taken lakte, Chica ThI baki: City1 and whet but car lins, sitat this at tb Co., and tions farml ering start ped! the ?rty Hie told be stati beer. II , e l'rie .taz sente tt e charge My att rwhieulal I e E dio44hef ao ieAwalant "dton-U an loway WDL TAIE 1b0 Mm "Idan OARD ffl Àbt abs yet and n promised Judgeler # rudy«LProf. Om tiofBuh #ee anager ishtn Thle,er.Cl322-OL Ewards that it would do -so lat teafTycolgv hr ak Desk EditorM-.Carotyn S tterfield, Kathryn Mortse and Ethet Hanson. a i w O O b Adtornedsom e'morelti and Ur. 0impison presented the di'plo- BABY CHißES, parce postpaid. $9anmm ue Atrny frth taemas to the cliildren. i. T. M, $., DE9,.AINES and feated, with the exception of Duba, per 100 up. Catalog telle how -to deuredosweek that the chargel l. EL MUIRST TRIANGUL.AR who won out over Case for custodfian make pullets lay. aro-lrcuC.i NOW tt0ou ai amo)ng the hardest Chicago, June 6-The Co-operative L.ast Sunday morning Mrs. W. H.'TRC ETaUNE3 Peria sinos.C2..t 0- LI cases ,to prove but they assert milk marketing movement got under Stançliff;, Mrs. J. G. Cook and Mrs. L.WHAfTESNIil¢+ OUH .,Le OverWhelm- they w i yet be able to make the way here today. G. Hutchings visited the two Sunday Lams atwtr dayan a from Dos. OFA TH E NIOR BANOQ-UT FltALrhepdsran.CA- case stand against the governor. Scores of niiddle west farmers as- S"hooli-at Lake Zurich. J. G. Cook Plaines and Mmnhurst came down toeon cores,1 ek ld0fo ing|y for Def enSe , There is, a strong feeling around sembled at a meeting Caltaed by the and C, J. Herschberger accompanied engagé wth L I. T. H . in a triangular inslit too fate for a Senior to express winnin relsto1wk. A. J. Gffga, the court room these days that the Milk Producers' Co-operative- Market- them. The party fondi the Schol tracki Meet at Liberty Field. hi$ Idea of the Junior Banquet?, Not prim Lake ig soc. . Phoe 4 2-t Ifi e following summary of the judge, at almost anly time may take ing Company to liiscuss Propoals very active and in good condition. Des Plinem wras theundWe'l alyas' rmembeo itas its no weeks of the Small "trial" the case from the banda of the jury whereby they will obtain more Mon- Th Uno Metgwhc wa pointa. Libertyvie goti wn, with "#tale- yet. We're still tauti« those W AEAHG RD PIH written Vy L. H. 41sher, a on the ground that no material evl ey fromn their cows under the ce*-sèheduled for fast Sunday evenli did 41 points and EMhurst'brought up the wonde11rfUt esp& the grapefruit VR AdV iErtye wàhewl newspaper man of wide donce has been offeredffo far, and rtive plan the producers are M A s&PaáVe er t 4pit.Coph&tae the cream, everything 1Pladi ioeiLwihv i $untu tte nd hébtria e aly thfatbringthe casead th di i t h atcent of the price PI ce tioe 'finally dffided not fav- TTheMee'%W.sathrso.Twr reonv-r it from an unblased the province of the jury. by the consumer. rrable. osr,. b thelen_11110in for te enter. tories, 3Sogo. eïb"sh Av. Ohic4-P ie4intil He has been In While this feeling existe, yet it Hleretofore the producers have re If there la anything more detestable from the old recod forusthe 440.fér10M Seniors;0 nt attindance for' some looks as though Judge Edwards ls oeived an average of 30 per cent Of than making sarcastic remark, or ges' ah adte havd tfdo osoe ai touh61ther hal odsFR A A6e 7ro ile#s past and therefors .has not likely to do anything that will the price patid by theConstiumera+treincmpnesecalyrve f 2fet di0epresto*rann»ea. Awodsflnar A -0nable to make deduct10ns prevent the case from going&as ar T Mr keigiopnyi t e (hadomthinyhat ecowalleebIf tegthrngtutecheassonsders ose n o h es nAra o an f drwtcigtigs a h taescuse eie.Thistem tingtoget the aignatures of adothank thadoMye M on lmhurst athletes showed upr-weaker itaPartyth e;astiswh the water heat and ait modern prove- a newspaper man's stand- action on the part of the Court would 16,000 dairy producers In Indiana, moreb h n d.Maybeweonnkthan was expected. They did not get _birs oat aIIqua theo et.Sales amnlblneAo pèlat.-E ITOR SUN.fore estl nritbicsth ontheCpatillinoi tndWisconsin, which must myew d t badlfeeliga first in the milole meet. which th4y *orked go hard Co n.oulike rent. . M. Harding, Phone 184.Jlon ofth grira pblc hate ab obtained before hteir contract be- so, and It Only creates a This ends athletic events for L. T. ]EL juniors wll fel the mm whenl you Areal, IIl.1 O -tf. County By L. H.f FISH ER. had not been handled to its full comes effective. . -ina company or society. Ltus cut IS.until next fall, when the padded war. are Santera. It's bocauseyou've badwek ;nrotection. The 50 per cent for the farmers thàtont, unless we have a ThSEo riors of the gridIron will carry the testsato fkoigyuwr.MNYT ONo mrvdLk uti ýy $un Staff Correspondent) Defense Wants Ai Facts In panwlno mentthcn. a 1tLi&SOleffor so doinge Tere ameo .T.Ht.hnoohr cole and ddctheo best. Couwor ounEYt FOam .uI re d bsain Nhhsxweeks of the Salln trial Gov. Stnall and is couneL are suiner will have to pay higher prices nothing more demoralizing to a &rW ORDER OF EV ad dd te bat e'S eroromé. 216, Blr Ad.-ec pas, o fa hitory the nt i -ý ue anx ues t have the cagefor milk, according eArn Sap r, of yung people, as well as the older 0 YrdDash-OtFPoeou;2nOBTARae rst, I&APhoe*=9. 21t. ec ma vorwheling degree, In is de- I one of the delegates. aefield; Sdtil .b&ns. l h o e charge of conspiracy an jury will be able to pass upon Bay, If we want to buy any peonies' Mil Run-list, Olendorf; 2nad, Ne- mRs. E. S. RITZENTF AL R FRSAEfimnwleligte besuheh e btain money froin the state. t v itoneadu adlhty0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 o fyuwn oseaculfar ges; 3rd, oison. Mr. E. S. Ititsenthaler, for many milkinie made, namte:y, klKethe midleof the wek thae cn- eto eevn."AL nbom ot m dwrs unn ihJm-sMaine; years a resIdent of Randolph, Minn., 'The B1 " ig ahine. I have a tion ple dayd Eits aer- atefi , -e most likeiy guess as to, the 0r;a 2iaodLkera, etonHld'2d ane r, andied at lher home In Randolph Thuri- some workin close to town. C. iteks rMi er Eath r E MIller,--andI nh of the trial is that It cer- 0 0 000 00 00 0 00 000 0 00 It will be worth W" eto see them. Mr- 220-Yard Dash-1st, Belber 2n day, May 4th, following a lingering RÍchards, Antioch. Il 1. 10-tr'Vire pedto take tr.He iki was up t e will no t end before July 1, Edwards la quite a florist and shipslWakefield; 3rd, Tegtmeyer' Illness. She hadl been a sufferer for te toitofcalor. conversations rell " even run somne weeks long- DeKalb, whererbertlefgataon y forn tmbl-oa oCiag vr aelnTrw1sGl;2nNu ay years. The funeral was held VWANTED TO RENTrOf ee hmslfGpv. Small ami r_ h tt roal il pn i-weeks' esummer course at the nor- mo,.gs;3d lndr.lcomn the home Sunday. May 7, and dium sized house. in good neighbok, oo iýet. Gov. Fred Sterling over mat- - xtweinpsntgisev-mlcho Next'Sunday, June 11th, will beý 120-Yard High Hurdies -Werner burial wasi made in thé Randolph cemi- ixxl. Will guarantee goodcaed dence ters relating to the state treasurer'ste adtentdfnes i.TiMlvChlrn' a.A program is being (id;2d clin rWkfed teryp Rov. J. A. Rinkel, assisted by impLerty and will pay good rent and new C mnry ; ii promise to take another two The itisses Ea and Reva Gleason' pUread.antatedSrvcsa 220-Yard lov; Hurdles - Porteous Riev. E. Gebhart, officiated at the fun- bonus in the shape of payment for op. una to Ilhe only "damiaging" evidence he weeks. , are vis tng with an aunt in Wauka-- usual--8 o'locktatn. Sm vce-a (tied); 2nd Werner; 3rd, Wakefield. ,ral service, t i,,n 'o purchase. Address Renter, Caro h gXewas that Gov. Small advised 1 "an.1ual8ockPm. Discus-1st, Englebrecht; 2nd. Gill; Ma Spi rtc asbr tal.dpedn..1-!ne by togvM "esnl b n-oe oo ci OOO 000 0 0 00 rge stancelihs serectean tce Next Tuesday, the 13th, the county 3rd, Werner' North feld, 1ll., March 27, 1858, the discov' by oe idividuoals n, thpeere oy- C Y 0 ra tadnarhsstr0ea h.convention of the Congregational, - 440-Yard Dash--st, Englebrecht; ods agtro r n r.DvdFRSL-ot ce fsadn r t, ina seuity company bnd, tefe gov. oK0 Yur corners, where lhe also keeps aa churchdwill conveneMat Waukegan.DLetd2nd, Christopher; 3rdsBuck. anMrs og ewnr telling him the comnany would 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 full line of goodies of all description- cu hveaslargnenat urnutapssiLe. Pd hsoleVut1t etee;2d Fish h aehrhm here un-c!ovruakalfaandtschy e tb ave access to the books- Call on him, as he will treat you fairly. Simons; 3rd, Porteous. til Feb. 20, 1878, when elhe was marred flichard Kennody, leake Forent1. nl ly al us T v--uuuns4.C. Bishop and sons, Th1 issAh adMlrdMKi -- alf Mile Ruu=1st, Olendorf ; 2nd, ito John Jones. This union was blessed Phone 896-Y.2ta tt o draw the Inference for thanMssGceTloo, fKnh, from Chicago were out to church ser- Nue;3d esn with .one child--Iaura Jonas WarrenBrw jury that there was something t len Ms radMsc e orge oTsn(illeotsn, oyicsSudy1vnig NeuninBrBoJup-1t Wrer who preceded her môther In death IL1L TAKE ROOMERS; 2 PLES rw oeladaexmna tio by PIsilled spe ondyate T hoome LstSunday Mr. enithah andhisnd, Wkefed, 3r, etm eer yPk,,,le pn una ttehm R YS II by only ten weeks. Upon the death or an oos Telephone 359. 23-2t ado ausiness house would restrict the ef E. W. King. Sunday School class haed a very enjoy- HafMl ea-st an;2d erhsadsemve oDefed aMios f hetrasre ounie Pickles spent last week able trip to HinBdale, returning home L. T. H. B.; 3rd, Elmhurst.1 where her parents were then living, GIFT OUR PRICES FOR FIR SILOS. i u Cha rPrves a oean aah omr oe in time for church. There were three TH._E and on Dac. 17, 1895, she was married We furnish doors and hardware. theen Insteadt the éstatement recolled oýn Alrs. H. A. Tillotson left on Tuesday cars in the Party. Thé annoual election of the Athletic to Edward 8, Ritsenthaler. Footte ei le onInst iuio) dtrieZi le 1 theè prosecution as it was explained for Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Her The Commencement exercises of the. Board of Control was held in the as. they made their home in Potril, Gen 2312Dpt ,ZIZ l. TThe ,te the Jury that too many outsidle daughter Caryl will return with he ihhgaes hc a edi h enl dymrIng, ayM s d :June 2. Thtree Mich., later moving to Stanton, Min., phone 31 or 49.'3-2tThe natnI»tIons- would Interfere with fr a nsummner vacation. 'church Thursday evening of last week, EAffl AlU4E TM tickets were placed before the stu- where they resided for a number of ther! »Wa workings of the office, a per- Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thompson was very well attendedt, the bulding denils. The "All Star Ticket": years on a farm. rn terlegItimate reasont.In addi- und daughter elen, opent S3undayi being full. A very enjoyable evening "WHY A& Y TO Burnel ca.ey pre.lident. Because of her pooirbhealth they left ordere the defense later intends to with Mr. and Mrm. Phillp Gould and was had. There were thirteen grad- Mre1inute,Àie reeen. thefarm , "m1rine their home ln North,*ro thait a security company de- fam ly of Woodworth. Wishe. - uates fromt Vernon township and three Mariel Johnson, vie'y-rese. fdi,.Mi o eea ergnr uw a as part payment forlits bond, Mrs. -E. W. King aànd children and from the Schultz school in Ela. town- ri amn idoh uiesMr ly going to one Of the southern author the treasurer deposit Certain Mrs. H A. Tillotson were Waùkegan sRhIP. The recitations given by two of SyvnDbcsoinnttes for the winter months. tien 0 incrti ans t edei-visitor%on friday. 1the graduates we ppropriate and Adte"ttCac ike" atsme te o e oRan- hd .I lyit, *a,,course of actionthat M. and Mrs. O. T. Hollenback spent 1rendered In sple --1". The piano ABurnteLtCaspeTiet do Luthwherthey have proo a bladrance to the co- Saturday evening in Waukeg an. selections by several of the girls trere Nedt edasdy: Ma» ietevc rsdn. Selae omunhrdahhroa M nk hs ben ive i oyKenne4 graduated from the aléo very good. The music which M. MabelJtoEnon Sec'y-Treasurer. husband, E. 8. Ritsenthala; her fostercut to olingupdocmetar ei. nto TownshipHihSchool on last and Mrs. Mac Mason furnished was Abr aeryso.ur.duhe, r.Gog MCrlo auppotoe te0ton Monday evening. .good and e Joyed by au. thekaresit c"TRT ABU HSAN " Vnetcayusdi.SttnMn;thegrdeae. This bhas el met by a ay Atidtce aueteredin sithe 1four brotherF-James Md Esra,. of L E ME id t cur s e"Ofobjection by 0the 0 Xe0auxa X 0 X 0 X X x x xThe address delivered by Prof. Hud- earetc" burdtiskt hdoWU 4sges eril;Jh o hrevle n dikòn'h thayfaed 'THE IDEPEMN T is -the oison, was very good, especialy so the braeuired it w al4sgelred (o5d. enr ;Ja n, of hrh1mr; eaooned GARAG i ogatc n ihat. a st .widety Mad newspaperIn x *tory of the crrae witis who did 1ng0guiMriCeu ocaz of sier, rs.. . Of Hier, of Rtais nlphGI Cha" esC.L 11org 211nsit -4Jaka-oeunity. a nt une her hi Dropr .Bi aull a tTh u trticket w»de M ute aÎ 10 th¢Court thatthe Bstate had aeX elà eX oX ,x 9 X a X 0 X a X 0a e a slet use Our not a neet h l ta»a h 11: u rse e ar etu not i and il remiai Nat in at physic brougl buti bead the ered patten SIE At rea, Hino s -SaturdyJune 10192 WestViewA ddtion -Conainng tirtybeauifulqiee lots located in the south part of town, on Seymdur Avenue. These lots are high and dry, well drained and have sewer, water and gas right along ýiAfront of theM, re gong to be sold to 'the highest b/dder, POSI-a TIVEJ1ý Y REGA RDL ESS OF PRICE. It. will be your o ýne BIG OPPORTUW to buy some choice buiddng lots at bargam 'pnces.' You. can no doubt save from 25% to, 50% -by buying lots in this sale. $50 in Gold Given A way, Free to the, cirowd. You do not have to bid or buy. Just come to the sale and fut your ticket in the box. A beautiful Rocking Chair Free to ladies only. Get a ticket at stores or Bank, at Ara Area is abeautifu litle town of about 600 population and has a very Diamnond Lake, on the south, is becoming -ýery popular as a summrer These lots will ikely double the sale price in less tha two years. They bright fmue eort. There is a splendid farming community surrounding Area. All are absolutely safe and sure to make you monety. Whether you want of these together are sure to make Area a muçh better town each year to build now, or five years hence, you should be at this sale. If you St. Mary's of the Lake University is located along the northern boun- and property,,values higher and higher each year. have some money or Liberty Bonds you w"ant to invest safely on a sure dary of the town. This University will be the greatest institution of its NOW IS THETIME TO BUY. After these developments come it wiB be to pay profit, plan to bejat the sale. Sale wM laàt only ab"t two burs. kind in the world. The completionof the buildings will require from too late.. This Auction sale wR afford you the opportunity. eight to ten years, at. an expenditure of fifteen milliondlollars. Think Remember in this Auction Sale you make the price. At private sale, TERMS-O-ýne-half cash, balance in one year, 6 per cent interest, or what this is going to mean to Area the other fellow mnakes the price. 2 per cent off deferred payments for cash. We take Libety Bonds. ,,Wle Giv Awaea odTIey a Lot of Cash Prizes. We Have GodTie. Band Will Furnish Music. Everybody Come. nom & nFG.E AUc ol .,Sping Valey, Minn *Aucioneer. THE THOMASQUl1f REA.C,, Eladeri lowa. - a - -- -- - ~~ -- -- . --nu unn n**nnni ua nunaa nainns-nnn-nu-----n---s-n-----ese -asn -gäsnnenan --. un....n..e