it- LAKE'COUNTY' IND)EPENDENT Lahe C j sBig Weekly CimW Gr«u m o« wUn n Coty ComNmed WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN PUT NIW-LOCKS ON LINCIlESIS AT Cý.»ISPITAL UoaeM-~mittefor Unex- pIIu esson, Tome Out Od, tnstal Hw, Locks f IEAD NURSE-BROWN CLASH Id. $9 22-St Gatfga, 22-tf e amaii uo Fac- 7-ram rft; bot =Provo- balance ne 184-J Xge And- îBIGg., 21-4t. the boit nmne:y, 1 bave C. mt 10 tf mr, me- »Ighbar- uLt an& t for ap'- ter, Caro est, li 23-2.1 ardware- <Wilbur Il. Telo- 2-12t 1. [I d Three Negroes Arrested Upon Suspicion; Was for Ice .Man's Union Pienlo IS 0F UNCERTAI QUALITY A truck loaded vltb Ivo kegs et beer. ltier near or reai tuf, vas takon lato eutdy ly'alilcer Ueo. itrie ot Zian Cty sbortlg afier noust toilaY. Tii. beer beer vas consigneiltea a arin nser Paddock laite.,viiene tue Ice Mm' Union et Chicago là ta give c pcolc tonner- £0*aitternoali. Three negraee vone ltuite Stuade- bakèn truck peaing through ZIon Cilty ahen ithe officen ecv the kegai andsi soppeil the car. Hg mkeil alsether hitvas bear or near baer, but!i nons ot the occupants ut the car, semed tu knuv. HRrry £-QO lina an expreesman, aise coloraci iatld thal,- ehadilrecelveti a cmii ttis. mornlug te cli for orne goas. ct the SouthhSida lee and Baverage ce..1 3709 Se. Haistoil treet. Chica- go. He liaI gons tu the allreac and eceivoil the kega vthintruc- tions ho deiver thlernta the Trissa tarin nsern Pasldoick Nt both- eIng ta Inquire tbe contents, lie stmrted onthe trip sudwame stoip- pel I Zion City. Accrdîngtetheilstory tel by the negroos, the kega vers tue pro- ?rty uf Ueo. Siaveli ut Chicago, wissj vas caleil on long ditance. Ie admItted the ovuerabi andl van toid lu conme out - teZion City and b. titictioneil. Tpie kegs dîl flt hear a label atatlng ihat they cuntainoil near beer'. - i keer ce&" teemnt cor bum> tredset iUmar et"inaFdnrsto. le itu lourderet IQWilimJ. wpêâIm. ambeet thé Uriome par-, tiameaL TuafleP»asborm tu Ton- MOTOR TOURS TO FOX LAKE ALONI THE 3NORTH! SHORE3 Thousands of Chioagoans to Pass Througti WaukeOan on Tnips Ibis Year MOTOR BUSSES ARE TO RUN' La, lait f ail th* motet watid vas ail "bot no" over a propoaed crama- te Nov Orleane. it vas pro~oet country motor caravan froat Clicago make the ru n ho large t"n paee4. log" purpafeaand vwu te b. otéiftld ger touring Ca.uod for ..Oyet'aoe for priAi. Tiie karning au«,.&bmk their h5ads and doclared It couimn't li doue. Otiiera propheaied th«eym!. the tii.y tatd they vouid get me far- tiier th» the, "end ot tiei, peeme But-vel, yowle road -te, Iom auhet th* elo tStha t taaeled tb* *tk couiI<t b. du»--.oé k, d kt. It wual Rmry.Morni t tbe8Gty u» Stter. Wh.o emc.Iuudthe %eca"t carried t te a aucemfbl arnqeisaoe me camér te that qae. vblch àanked the "*Md et1tthe pavemaent- aad b4 kept i rgit oa sei-a 1%0"~~d i- luet simillhmbuDftzle." A"d nov coeon the, beels et ibis vtctory, à* anneuncea aotiier vians Thia timeit la a aplendod da", outiag aieng the nortb mcher* te Fox làke. asling thru Evanstom, Fort BiieidAý. Waakega on the ging trip, ad re- turuiag by anothor route thrs Deer- ftld sac!biles. Whle dtacislag ti trip, Mr. Mrrs gave It as is epinioen that It veuid ho of ltereetnot enlY te mue. tii*stranger vlthout Ou gAtAa.' but te native Chicagomme asvel I. t la trirne that vqY fe reali.e tient vs hae la the. mrth shore drive a drive equai te that of eny City la tii. vend. The couatry traversd eit memate COn- tain the proper cinauntot hbis o.dval- leget and voadianit te make It picture- $que. And aivaye thons la tiie lake et our very elbav. go thua ummer Yeu need net emvyrthie nelghbur vitie hlm ittie bumt.Jut fia up yeur oua luneb bachet and phone Hans' te ' "bel& $Pace for tve." ndrflei. Nildtels eptiier-fi t h.ther 9 Another ather ensatienal de- vololmisut tuok place al, the Laka County hospitai ilhlnng the, peut vit-oh. The gun dlacovsred thht th. building oemmttoe 4-f omre, ux- idiined reelon. vent tu lhe rosi- dence et the hospta -sMd blastaiteid new locks on ait th eloset daors la vhlch la held tue limeon so'd et tile boptia al M ras hom. - lustwit vié os sdon, noiS>' vaes daesoet explainima but tue' fact le tiit an entire nov et ef igrks vere put la aind ov w keg wVere given tu the beusekepper. Take out Furniture. It develuips that dLno(Llr change to)k place et the hosplal nemi' dence a fev dsay ga vien. the nov cmmtte *ont tiiere and ho- Con. te cheek up on turniture vhlcb they bail bought nmre tiMe ago fer umeoby the.nmosos. The commtte diacoyred tht a lot of nev jutai- ture bail been baught but vas mLot belig uil bi' the norses. Accord' ingytiiey began iookiog aroundi ad eundIl 14reeiing ta the prîvat" apartunonts et Ceunir lPhysiceni Brownl. The romnmittee vit bout turtiier à do Juat. picked up tue furitare il' qusion and cari led It over irn{t tue nurses ramtas tor vhlch it had beon parchasod. Challenge Order of Brownl. The, genenal revolutiOnarY change a île hoapiti aks indicated tur- tiser hy the, tact that ih la Juet ierneil that rerently Doc Brown ordeed a poor patient diseitargeil from 'the hosptal, The bead nurse, lu whbme banda 1> row placeil tue autbority for running tihe institu- tien ebêected tlu the man'a removal. Sic' deciareil ho vms flot la fit con- dition th ouveand accordingly bai b. assume ber autbority over tue cottnty physicien andl refused te ai- bwe li.ptient tu ho dlscharged. Thait, lmail v as the frsti d- sr'c t eash belyren thebeoned utant aoc! tii. ca4aniy Phyblci&u totiovag Stihe prevoIes eder by tbohe apit5Ù csesnzitee vhich bil given abso. jute anc! unquetioiie-lauthoriti' te tise bel nurse. lautiIs Cas, th coUtY Phyiieln easareontly vanitet gel rid et the pitent la quesiotn but tho esilt naurse vhe badl audled is ce canelully. consldereil thai ho vas it lanaalt condition tle bave and tisretere muet continue at the het ptal fer treitment if he vae ta gel And tbua the patient mliii la thfe sand ih la sald ,ill probabiy bave ta rnauin about twe veeks lungos. Natuniiiy a conlict of thMp sort in autbunty between the ont>' phbysicien and! the bead nurse bruugt about a critîcal sitution. bat it la clearedailaa and the bead nurse aaumed - autbority et r- the hoipial vhicb beretafure bas bei-n domiaedsal5 arbltranhly by tic- county physicien. j Posaubly this clasb vas consul- ered suiumcient for Bruwn ho Pull j. up takes andldeîert the fdtteom patients Who vere prlmarily under j liis cae. SIEZE ÀTRUCK LOAD 0Fr-ER AS IT PASSES Z1ON NEAIýfOX LLE DemIred Mter U« in So Wier r.P. C. Reomjg Pt- Death in Aubt«Crash .MYSTERY NOTE I$ FOUND Au automobilo, ciat trou the roid and badiy battersd, vs touaS yestorday on the Aut ltFilake road, neai' the oic! Busse tacu. but a fev testt ram lhe s&ot.viioreDr. Pý C. tegmm met bis deuti in eaum- tmobile accident a. féu ge>n mV. Pools of blod, tiet huit!dried ila the. sun. and the tact -that lthe car 'ale.Satunitay. addda othe uga- t hrarudoc! aroud L A note su ta oon he i.partir demai' tsheil parts oftheiiCar, vhicii bail eein feund by a go ott ilag la the uelghborbuol shed Little llgbt ou the nmyiteryr. Ail the mUIiivo «Md' accordlnata the itoryhbe .talc! -NiicnEcen bloom vise r6PanteS l'etd hr If, vau *Tbank Qed, nobody vas burt" Liceasie piste and vehice t4m xlc hem tara traus the car .IlGOfn- blonin décared, and 0» 0of mveral carda foUndIn latii. pchotet O 02*et the. douosgave thename ut W.elt àiç»enry garage., The ça? là a Hu-uc son, nielqi -S4 and the serlal -nom- 'ber la tiidught to e ,».f. The road h litttis travoled and the yoangâtol'thut talked ta *tbe Waukegan ui mmmtflught the car bac been IynS there -%Ince Baturday. The -bey found the. note Suadar ad tore t tram the Car bnt fallod te notity the Foi Lake authorltile. giead vas amecned oer the note. le and puddles et bcOod were noticable on the. fluer ot the car. The vindabild w as broeo sudi the car va, nealy entlrely de- mo&lshed-,% Thew car vas dlcoveted fer up n -the, aide ofthtie roed, Close ta th)e raid tht tanna tovard FOI' Lake a short vag tfram the Boue farm. PLANS F<ITTO W&siingtoii. Juste 7--.orpAls.d la- boa', beeet by blovsicobtiireaten on dslinlégretom P4= Stbroagb lie nette"alcouvenlt"a-at ClneinnaU ta clear the Industriel docks far a battis for lies existence. Bmartiisg uaisr repeatel deteaie, ie bavlent hiav rectsived tramt tue suprerne court" docialen that laban unions ane amemabie ta stnike d&mag- as. the Amenîcais -Fedéation of liban entera its cuminS meeting gnLligde- termlaod ta "filgbt te the laut", accord ing to ebar leadors la Washiugton. Laber'sfuture penitîcal stansd ia ex- pocted te dîvîde attention vîqji attemp ted solution urthtei, niat momeetous eoeI problemu it has ever boom celle-i upon te face. 01 mpo'r. ta tise conven- tion vbicb begiuia Jane 1j;. 's-i eh.te doctlon vbether orgsalsec! iabor tiru eut the United States vili back a con- templated nation-vide rniirgasctilke Polittcal ana labor n terts la Wash lagtoe ,iow vlth lacreaslng alam the spectreofute amil lUe up uhicis nov bovera over the cenvefltiogp clty'm pre- liminari' meetings, latter leaders qd today. Ocîcials of the Amonican Peder- atton, et Labar decianed today tuaitue big lsueste ccame befare the meeting vili be: l. The rallroad vage- cuU cand tbel possibillty of a country vide etrlke becaifse of hhem. 2. The recent decialan of the. Unied States aupreme court holding labor. unions may b. mol for uiaiges due ta strikos uhicli strikes at the yen' vitale et orgsalzed labar. 3. Where orgenised liban vtIi stand la the camlag olectîons. Labor leaders deni' the PoesibiUty ot ftntion ut a nov labor parti'. . To date, the, best leormed labor 1fedenallon officiais gag ne oppoatlon appeans tate ire-election et Bamuel Gompers sapreeldent. Tiié coal atrike .the West Vîrgînla Goal mimors' treu- on tialel and, the Chicago buidig .trade tracas vlt be discussel by the .convention. 'CHICAGO ICEMEN LOSE. - BEER TO ZION'S MINIONS L Hav'd Ion like tu be the Ice man? tTva barrem of beure route ta Pad- dock lakte thruugb Zion City Tues- r ay for the picnt t tbe Chicago Icemen'a Union veresaeizesd by Voit- .va'@ Police. It viii be pounsd doua .a sever. Hmrry Colline, 380D Lang- loy avenue. the driver, leabal. LeavirKi .. te Hlmn. Doris vent tin the store theouther .afiornoonfur ber jînoher. Thora vas * Ut, outhe iit ut urtîcl. n. rianaven e' the storekeellere questionastthe kiwMdet-lii h hwaîîted, Doria repiielj, 1'Gillinîe an Ssh i 1h'tbe one yuu would ,pick eut to oiik-e hnu' A Word of Wsrncsg. LéY.t'ter te a Tennesseesacheol elI- irlii: 'Ir-1 heue you ore thinklag of iiitireingMims - tl eni-hLnaa - ciioui. 14Y nl 'le teaîon't bine bier. She ca-i'i Ai -ahi." TI4EYD LIKE TO KNOW Here are'some of the things whieh the new county hospita eoxnmittee are tryîrîg to decide amoug themslelves and to fathom front the records: i WhyhuAsake county paid the down town office rent of, Dr. Bro>wn,, superintendent of the hospital and couity physician? Why did Lake county pay a munifieient sal.ary to i office girl who avted b.i is per8onal office girl as wel 3 Why sbould Lakce ounty have paid bis private tele- ~>phone bill at his off ice when the number of.poor pa- tienta* who were able to use the phone was il be- cause few poor p)atients have been cared for at the hoapital? (The faet la that the comruttee, finding recentiy that the county bad been paying for the telephone in Dr. Browne office notified the Telepiiene Co. the. county wouid flot pay that bill and thereupon the phone w» ediscnnocted and the pbyican bail to pereenaiiy igu a otract for a nev phone Por is private ue.) AShould Lake county have continued to pay the bis for the county physieiati's private bouse constimption ail these years and have ail thoise household expenses paid by the eounty I <Supetvlaors declare they find that beeldes paying Doc Browa bie saaary as coaty pbyeician unde)r hie contract at se much Piet year. they have aisa been paying $60 a month for a maid who did bis hbuftweork; that the county aiso pald grocery and meat bille for the doctar'e prlvate home. whirh certainiy wae flot in hie contrart.) 5 What Part of the 1;îhvsieitn'si private automobile bills 5bas the cotmty becîî payingt 6 HIow did it happeri that the physician's old Camr 7Should the coutity of Lake pay the state licentse on the ' physician's privato automobiles and how nîany timies has it done sol 8 h a tnesayi the past, when hrwa home at the hospital, for the staff working IN the hoipital to order duplicate foodatuifs'? Why couldn't they go to the larder at thé cellar and get what they wanted theref Thesle are a few of the many things that are perplex- ing the minds of the supervisors' committee who are try- ing tg straighten out the many problems that exist at the bospital. JURORS OBJECT TO À AN(ilN(IIN THIE COURT BOUSE Raise strenuous Oblection to Plan of Sherif to Use the Attic for Such Purpose WOULD AFFECT SLUMBERS The decl-ot ofShenft .Elmer J, Green to hld the exocutien eC Ig' nts Pots, alayer of MtorYle Po- UcemSan William Petenson, là tihe attle et' the. court honte, lest aboyé the court room, has met Witts a lipiriteil pnotat tram incubera ot the Jurir hhat Isteni'ing Oovernpr Lou Sineli. The atthc in vhich the bang- li la echodulil hto take place, ad- join tue rouaI n vhlch the jury sloepsauamilives vheunout af the Jury bi. Whie the jutrons iii mt adlnt tiiet thog are supersitilons, nevertjieiees an exacution ma o r thoe bet chambers dues not cppoël tuoe tteu.I m ald they plan te mate M appeal tu tii, court, Usersmrine Pote vas .entonced to die tuee eroItftha& besu mekig' siiable place le vhlch ho hold thé banging. At first h. vas 'lacliled te use thse court rouin viene tho trial la being held. but hé vas diài- sedilttam that. ThLen h. tîgurel on building a big etockade botusen tue liii and the. court houa,, but thle promlaed to ho toc, difteli a tasek nestrict prlvacy vouhl b. net ta Impossibe. The galiovo arrîved truin Chcago Tués4iay atternuon andl ve taken to the court houe. immedlateiy, bé- lng taken te tus attic. Expert tar- pontera ver. te b. ent bers.froam 'Sherttt Petons' office In Chicago .tbta atternoon to assemble it In readtnomm ton the ozecution a week trram iexi Fniday, Shonlff Green cage that the cttic eemm te attend the best place fer the haglg. Tise celilng lea about tuent>' teet llgh whcb attende peu- ti' of rMai for erectlng tue soafald. Thon. la pienty ut roufs for the cum- mtte uhici vîli aituese the ex.- PRESIDENT SIfiNS BILL PERMflhINfi ROAD NEAR FORT. Congressman Chinblom Gets Action at Washington Long Sought for Hiqhway MEANS BIG IMPROVEMENTS The Dally Sua toil recelveil thls Iaterestlng telegram fromt Con- greeman Carl R. Chindblom under date et tbia mornlng: ,;Preaident Harding toay igned bllIntroduced by me grantlng a perpehual eaeent for railroal nigît-of-wvYand iipublie hlghvay on tue vest lInsofutFort Sheridan, making a nov* road connecting vlth McKiliey ruaI and makleg possible an cilditionai treck for the North Shore electria rallraad. Th, Mil- wankee ruaI vili Impreve the higli- vag and builî a fonce amd City ot Lake o rent viii maînWtai he high vag, accordIng ta agreemenie maie. Ail nortb h iare tovne bave been Interested.- Ami thue it meane Ibat tbe route trom Lake Foresetot Fort Sheridlan là to be shorheneil consllenabiy through the cumpietion of a pîsce of nocil vork ahich wvasetanted a feu gears cgo but vhich was held up through the tact that propertY et ,le sSam vas afiected and bpremidenil ction wasnes'essry tbetore ih celd go on. TAX MA17FERS UP INCOURT Judge Porcen% ln eeunty coulrt iodisy en tered a defasul ordî'r ln lthe case or ail pavlug tîs'eiitq 'uin Li .lertyvil, iu whîcli oblectOtHie iaie net bei-n en- tered The objectionu" wilI b, hseard o Th court a 141h. Robinsoni urumue Landi. 'n"cor" a.o ea u -1 Ptebinuan Crusoe s Imasunov eu- tax objection-; fions viriotit jarte et tain% M0 tmIlmiI, Whou auporI these. tue county but wilit nul ska up lhe selves b>' Osihng. 'loieIsand,. a big objection cases util niet weQk. isu~re mie. it he oac cs Cbf Tue paying ut Shî'i'idan ;,lin su ihn tun" iile of te castof lile.City was taken up loIsnu f ' îîay rhe in!he *W fotJup lterande-eand o)bjctorti charge t t ts-lv ai"0 ci-seR- tt m et-eMiliat. ÀA.iciander Seifkiti-l tua iniuch. Thitlosy w.îs c('iilod-t vea nreaarcii of ail lie survc>'ed for 14 t isond ul ai-itai le .suîs (tuiy la- s lra. -e- Lin ts'- ý I."5 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCj"' BLIND MAN ON 2000 MILE TRIP> TO SEEK S169lT C- J. Buggy in City on Way te I Canadiqn Shrine te Pray 1 For Return of Vision MAKING SIXTH PILGRIMAGE Undylng faith lu the Lord wiii re- ture tthe light ot day ta hie viionf la leaillng C. J. Buggy, Waukon. W,. ou bis aiatb plîgrimage 1 Sbrlne St. Ana Beaupre, Qiwebec.t te PrYa for tb. roturn et hic sigît.J TvwentY-One yeare he hasenb, J blinil; every ince an îttack of sixti2e emlnglXW. thai held hlm1 [havenlng betweýem lits and death1 fer five veeka. Speciliats taleu ta returu hie vision and lie turned1 tu vînt ho Cehistdera the gréatent cure kuGvu bellef in the Lord and1 prayer.1 Optimistlcaliy be telle Of utile1 Incidente Ihat be notices vhien à lead hilm te belleve tiiet hoe yul ru- tor.n from thie clxth pllgnlmacge vth1 perfect vigion. Hic deailened eptiei nerve, the eat ut ail hlm trouble, ieline tin lncessanliy and hrlnggc the hope that tiiere muet ho lirfeln1 that delicale organ or there veulil flot be feeling. Then, hic unrequlted beilet thal hie PraYer ai lielistened te by the gresteot et ailtireaere lendsi hl1 more hope Ibhan ail, He has talked' tu the lame, hait and l hini vho1 baye beeu cured at Bhrine St. Aun,1 another ray ef hope bcbng addell through thie. But Lu the common eye his taith1 ln the Lord h tanfer verehaduveil by biâfilghtlug spirit te regain hbj ight. Each vaek ho ernes loo a new citY. nearen the end of hie pilgimage. andl seeks vork veav. lng hammocke. vatch tube, baga,j and like woven goode. .He epurehs charity and dogediy pureuee the wOrk he bas learneil cince ho ase blinded. In Waukegan hoe appecled ta the Waukegan lCulghts of (ulumblue, et vhlch he le a meMben. ta ecune hlm vork. Thiis they are dolng. Pîver ge&aeagu h. Pasaeoilthrougb Waukegan on hieii fttbplîgnimage, ad ioday as ho îtood tauklng vith Duke Nulan, a pereanal friend of b is. he loklngly ialkec! ta ftenuls ho maie bore Atve yeare ago. -Ah. yen look uai gas ai geiP~d viiheniz avyen lagit." hoe 'ranI tOau anld friand good nattiredie. sa bis vaste-Icee centereil on blackns. "No, 1 baven'h seen a goad 100o, - lng girl la 21 years.,- o maeM'i te on, uhe aikeil hlm if,-ho vas niarrîid. That ls tue Wvagfie lents througii tisl lite. Blid. kneving aatilg but an lnky blackness. cdobliedthe greateet utorve omses. i li Ilgér- raturu et bis alght through the img under the eupreme bellot la the Lord, ho hepefully travels 2,000 miles te pray for the retlirn ot lighh i YOUTJIS ACCUSED 0f DYNAMIINGi ARE RELEASED Cuargeil vitb having blevu up whhh dynamite a large ecavatin machine at Lockport. ila.. tv Yeuibi Wbo gave ibotr Placeof es o- Idence ase Waukegan, bave been re- leasel by the police ufthiat Cty because there vwu lnsufficlent evi- dence toho 101 thom. Tbey gave their names ae flleve: Walter Freehaus, 19. Francis OBrien, mged 20. The excavatlng machine vhlch vas biqwn up vas thie proporty of the Convsy ContruÇtlon campani'. The charge of dynamite vaau large that the entire cily ot Lockr- port vas rockeil and mamy People vere throvn frein their beds. Pree- bau. and 0 Brion vere effl rnun- ning avny hrtly afler the explo- Mion huuk Place. A vchchman , m- ployed by_ the conetrucion coin- pany, bail quite a close cati. Becaume lise geuths salil theg vere employeil hr the Elgin., Jolet & Eatern raliroal at Waukegcn, tue oficere et the "Jl' delegateilChanles Moers of Waukegan, speclal effi- cen et the road, lu maire anlovs- igctiun. Thie reveaisil the tact that bath Young men vOe empioY- ed bers up te recentlY. rernaimlng i a trelght car vbicb vcaimaigneil ta the bridge building gang. EXPERT IIERE FOR HIOSPITAL WORK M.Elt ofteetLake Villa,* uho va. ln charge efthle landecapet garlenlng on tise Leiman and Peacock faria near taike Villa, arrivei la Waukegan yon- terday to hake over the lanlascape gnrdeuiug ai the nev Vlctery Momur- lai hoapîtal. Ha hae beon locateil ah Lake Villa fer sume lime aoc! ha been hn charge ot out door cecornaing thers that cot iiiousaadc et doilars. Ha ylprobabiY' decid. to remain in Waukegan for a nort lime. afier the vork et the hoapit- al se comîiieted, lu finish saine emailen cotiacis e holhuaor. NNMRES KIDNAP GCLi«OOm À*I JIOLDIIL CAFUV Verna inson, Iye4 15, SaC' -She waul4d1'Prsonin' %IDNAPED NEAR ACADEVT That eho' vaS kldnappe<l, chlore farmed and held captive la the vue-le for oer 24 heure, by t». negroon , le thae emcatlenal Stoc'F. toid the, waukegan Polie by s'orn Johinmon. li-year-old daugbter ' et JoJehneon1522BolI,,deo troof. Accardlng te the account givex the. police by the tather Tndar alglit. the girl let, horne Mund&y morula« at 10 o'cluck, bound fer Christ church. la returning aIe valked est Ga Ciaytan atreet. At the Academy theatre. accordlng te the girl, a F'ord tourlng car vas drawn up bW aide the cool>. The engin.eva, rua- nsn. The girl- noticeI that tbare vas no licence number on, the - machine. Ansehe arrived ôppoelte the car two negroes Jumped eut and eied ber. dragging ber Inelde. '.Onu of them presaed bis k44 > oVer My mouth te baop ii. f r" screanîing for bc-ip," the. girl iml 7 -One of thein pressed a tie thiag te mY' noce. It made mu dlaa*. Then 1 teet coneoueene. Wb"a 1 vuke up i vas In the wveau near the gold grouado. Tlhe twe uegrfoa were with me. 1.1 vas night, lut vbst lime I do fnot kmow. 'Pber kept me there ail mîght." At 1:00 O'celck Tueeday no- Lk*. girl aucceededIn lemaklng berse». cape. accordlng te ber atury.* sait made ber vay te theomornutC. i. Ingraham, 490 North Sheridan iMAn and askpd Permission ta use the telephone. 5h. calied ni> ber moather. When ber father rettunmed home fromn wunk lest nlght ho cailed lb. police. Anet. Chief Tyrrelilela omeiWbat cleptical about the gil»'î tory. H-e " maya It doec net em logical tiat - L uch a kidnapping couc! ta» place iu broad dayltght ln tho e elmemeo tdistrict vithout beina a»on.',HO Cplana te questionathe, girl et motre iomlegth. lu the. rnentLrme the, mornbeti à t&poi force are caadutSi amearCil fOr tiihe"Pcw of vhem, bas bea given by lie- AmtÀ v ew wetscge Verna Zeiiusa ran* away frin-P m e0 ad-w~i 1oqtd -la Komoa baviere b s gcpted a position as chamiirMa-ê la a hotol. k Barely a veek ago Blmi.amae * lithe errent et tire fleal.u > men on the charge thattio c sougbt te attaelk ber. State', AttP- mey Smith lmveetlgated the e&", > ad cenmed lie Young Men te bO A fly laya about 900,000.090OUI. Ail Sm ta hatcb. la Loendon, vemen are wvpSiag live canarles on thoîr bats. ÉljlA ut a feathnr tiock together. Health hint: tb& surent var ce live long la ta ho a nlcb relative. A man les tlylng arouad tiibeau. That won't get hlm anywhiie. Fienîda. Georgia -and Soutu-gaafO- lina bcd 102,100 acres lu vatermel- nos betores chool lotet. The greatestit mvie crime la ti vay they select thein hernez. I.oarnng the tariff ta about a easy as unmaehing a stravberi'. Ruth alinge dlrt as if ho vers fpl&yîng Politice n Itead ut bail. Detroit girl blking ta LOB Ange.> les &sa&hoe vli ride back. 14 Li utto the bother vaY. RuJOBlaaks finantial meccor but fanda ne fimanclal sucker. Ohia man vas ined $100 tar bit- ~ lng c dentiet. but i;May have bees vorth more "than that. Whou a man laya "I rua thinga at My boume" ho Ottoneu msLie - icyn moye n mdvahlng umiilee. There are very f ev thinga UBy4 George doesn't kuoav. but viiat leS comniig negt la ane ofuiiom. A bac! vay ta keep a husbanit la dobt.' Locusta are ,atlng Up p... 1 thing a la Rusai. W . do 't mo u what le eating ou the. leds. samettmuestmis la the land of the ree mmd hoeeofthe essy. works Betb W&Ya, "Ha proposeite me lant, *Wb%' mether. Wbat &hal 1 dur?"'But. MI deer deughltr, gouve OnIY khava blfl three veeks." 11 knv thet. xnotiiee but, on tue otiien bond. if i Slat-la arcepint hlm. ho nlght Oui eut menu things about me ho veis'l 1ke. too.-e lndhsnpoliiNews. . Tresmun. ln Sacrid Lakea > tt la lcnown that fer many cectUNOi tise lilans as a roilgieus rit$ hii*W J immense tressures lut* th* sacr'« lakts of lustavitg. Colembla. Pv«Wetg-ý Ion Fanabee, an AUMencan, islab that pure gol 10 he O »lu 0£N" 000,000 te 8000.0 a thrown Into mmi' Otier lue. e1 Iral andl South Asmei% LI:BERTYVILL, LkKE COUNTY, ULLNOIS, TIIURSDAY, JUNE 8,1922>. MRE WOMEN TO ASK 19. FEU. LABe' FOR FULL POWI3RS Womnen's League of New York Wires Trade Union Leaguft to Adopt. Resotion The Woman's Mqual Oiportuelty League et- New Yonk today met a vire te tue National Wamen aTrac!. Union League ta session t Wauke- tcu. as felovi: ".Wo doine taeubinit te the con1- ventile tvo propoitions for ces- sideratlon: ."fi nt-The groatest servce the Traie Union Loague eau roncier vo- mon la ta demand that &il Unions visathe Amercan Fedienation of nober acceph vomea mambere on equalltg vitk mon and te conthut c cempaiga te canvince unionsite et tue uoceaitg et tuse. Socond-Reohutions adoeteil b, the Internatioalcl onturouce ut Working Women ln Washington ne- cummeedhng a unîvoreai igut-heur day and limination ot nighh vurk viion possible ver. for puttlng men and voen ou an equal industrial bants. We urge adherance te thie pregram bg vemene organizztone. We recuimnsuultisat tise TraIe Union Leegue work for the proper regultîun of Inuuitry but favor nu legilation or reguiatione applying ta womon and net nppiyiug te mien vith wbam vomen nov coniplete or may compte la the future. Yours for' equel igt; equai responsibility; equal pmy and equmi verk. Womnas Equai Opportunlty The WOMEt'S BQUAI. OPPOiI 'rUNITs' LEAGUPI, Ms'garet Kersr. lat Pres. Elta, M. Shuehui, Cor. sac. ý-p L p