Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jun 1922, p. 1

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LIfERTV ILLE INDEPENDENT LAK C0U NTY INDEPENDENT' LkeÇe Y's Big Weekly Gmd«MISý=k Wekkuin County Combined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOWME'XXX.-NUBR24 IETYII AK ONXILIS, TI-URSDAY, JUNE 15, 1922 $I5AERN ,M____2__.______________________________o_____$1.50____ A___________IN___A àm Te DIAÀTI AT BOXE SIJNDAY Albiert Krummery, 8-year-ald son of 14rand Mns. Gus Kumery, Liberlyvilie, dled suddenly SundaY afternoon ai lhi& home from choj. ing. death camlng almost lnsai fllownL the dlscovery of hie Con- dition by, hie parents. The th(,lîad been playlng on tbe floor wth hie§ toys about 6:30 O'clock Whlft his maîher asked hlm totalle his playthlngs up-stalrs anti put them w. The boy follaweti her lddlng and dl-aî,peared tor a f ew moments. Sliortly afler lie came stumbling down Ft*irs, clutchiug ai bis Ibroat and tipe,râtely tryirig to i beaihe- thro.ghis his choklng epeis B e rau ta th sier Who trîcîl crieral methodlz aI relleslng th,- bot. a il, ism mot her summonod r.dIiiTylor l'ess IlIa. thr(ee non uta 'ai t', hW boy wa.e round ta be in the cliok lng condition h(- die I 'h-. arrîvingt 'ery 8590n aIt, t lie lia i ,!)eiiatng vt11. ;,to' ,stran. lest on tI, loo,î,îat ,ýti t t Lus raotltrý a -i hin, io put t'j piaytiing' or tiirs anîd t Lad twa smail L lulotîl imokce tunniel, ou the deck. Wihen the tay va" round ane of these tunnels was mtaalug, anti the Cillier one had appareatly been cbewed. The body of thli 111e fellow was taken ta the office of Dr. J. L. Taylor, wliere X-ray pltutres veto madie. But on ac- calant of thse trsnsparecy of thse cellu- laid materlal of wicb the lOY vas matie. Uhe pîctures falled te show any- thing in thse boy's tbroal. Dr. Taylar then perfarmeti an antopay andl round the misasng celluloïdiVart lodged in tle body Of thse boy linaâmb a mauer as ta prevent breetlslng tram etiser lung, sadas a conseqilencedea±h vi aimait lnstanl.aneaue. Tise untbseiy dat bof iitUie Albert le keenly fait by everyoe nluthse vil- lige. a=d the.Parents hAffe t00e aymw tby of everone ln th. la eof thir boay. iIheçt Wb&aaa <enfttl favrte among is pt5aymts, and &U lthse CMi- druain hWe grde st achool aftended thse finmrL 00.a.or mehaoccupa tm s a. u kSnWIM Company tu L*rtvme, Oua arim- mery ls known la everyone in tise TU- )«g, andl i pernsnity alaccoa- modatlnt maner. lias wan hlm Irienila ever»rhseae. Hisa uocates tram the Publi erVice Co. <rom W&Uksgan and allier tonslin biaSsection ver bhr ta attend the funera1. Thse fuerai services vere belti on Wednesday aflernOOan aI St. JObas Lutheran church. coatitcteal by tise pastar, Use 2ev. Buerger. Intermeul was madie ai Lakeolde CemslerY. $30,OOO WILL 0OF flEORfiE DALZJEL IS PROBÀTED8 Mrs. Elmer Hook of Gurnee is Namod Execuitrix Under $50,0000 Bond Tise wli of George Dlaziel. of1 Warren township, ivlvu bout, j $30000 worth ai' property, was ad-i- mttedtut record Moisday lu Prabateg cou rt ant is iasster, Mrs. argrel H.ok, of Gu rnoi,. vas appointed i execoîrîx untier $60.000) bond. A borthpî. Lime ,C. Daîziel, le nameti as beae-ilciî-s 10 othe otent of $5,40. Evelyn Stani, George, Jaàr anti WIllIam Tanya. chiltiren ai a deceaseti sister, are ta recelve $200 oacI.' William Bairdi. son oI a de- reaseti sister, Mrs. Bairdi leta re- ceive $1.000, as la aIea Lala B. Stewart, daugîter of a deceaseti ais- ter. BàrarasThorn 15 10 rocetyr a like amount, A ai ter. Janet Nottinghiam, Is tîi rrroelve $1.000 aud a uephew.' Wm. M. Hook. al île real ostato, amuouutlug tii about $4000. The houselolti effecta are ta le dIvideti amoug the brathers sud sîsters, Margaret l-ook, James C. aud NMat- 1ev Divziel, sud Janet Notting- ham, AIl tIc rosI goos ta Mat- thcw Hook. Tîe personai prpperty amtiints to $25.000. JUD6E EDWÀRDS LOSES BAIT BOX circuit Jodge C. C. Etwatds las l a perfectly gooti $30 fisbIug reel. anti bail box. The Jutige ant Mre. Bdvantis spent the day fiel- lng at Round Lake Manday. A boy at Reneiaus reoat accidental- ,y placedthîe judge'es hait box con- taniug tie neel, lu an auto ovued liy another Wankegau cauple. The jutge vanS! appreclale Is if tiselo- cal 'couple noulti retur tie box ai ho luay vanit ta go fisiing again ibelons 'lang. Be Golly, Here's Tha~t FeIlow An&ig Dr. Chartes.- Lieber, of akg! TISCOV TY vas usmeil as Caunly Pisyedclan anti _____ flapI. af t.he Lake Catanty Geseral Hoas- Randolph Hotel at Fol Lake pilai by tise bard of supervisars 1h15 and Blaz Machnich, No. (Tiurday) marnlng. Tise vote wasi rather closee letweeis Dr. Lien anti Chilcago Hit Dr. J. E. Walters, alea af Waukegan Oth ie firet ballot Dr. Leiber antiDr. Antinew Wiborg, vho caducts the %atr a Ieovd14vts n Randaîph hlotel, lu Nlpperiuk Club,'Vle echrcie114vts u Fox Lake, muet close tisaI establishi- Dr. Haag one vole. Tisen an tle thîrd meut, anti Blaz Macisuicli, of 1120 ballot Dr. Uieber vas given 15 votes ltaIestreet, Nortis Chicago, aIale ta Dr .Walters' 14, an dthe former was bit lu tva temporary lnjunctionus telrdeetd h aea a grsnted Monday mornlng isy Jutige C. dcae -etd h aeo e C. Edvards upon thie petitions of Brc>vss vas flot preseeted. tates Attorney A. V. Smiths. R. B. Tisomas. epecialinlvetîgator PRAIRIE VIEW GIRLAMD for Prosecutor Smith. in an affidavil, CHICAGO MINSER WERE dePoses tisaI a 1:30 a. mu., af the nigist o! June 5, lie contealed i hm-. MARRIED ON JUNE 7th self near tise Randoîpli botel where lie could wvaIn through a wintiaw, anti saw eleven nmen lileti up befare On W'edueeday noon, Jue 7, lu tise a regular bar anti that 15 drinks presence ai the inimediate relatives, at weresold Latr heand the off- le Grace Evangelical cisurch, Prairie vere alti Late le nti aler fffl,rîe viicli lad been beautifnlly dec- cers raieti the place and tilal charg- orateti for the eveut, occurreti the mar- eti tliey founti elgît whiskey glasees, raea ieOiePal lettag one o! whcl was fSle iet vlthe te o Mn.sud OlivJPrl etaler, samne liquli, taer RevM . Wdlls .1.5v etalr Off icer C. A. Brune in a . affidavit tC hago. W -s a Wilson, 0f chiarges that upun several occasions Chagdo. s tenelbyleres le fiau boze I Mchncîsplae. ter, Miss Erma, as malti of isnor. anti Miss Rose Kueke, of Buffalo Lake, I~WT~T~YaTI ~Minnesota, as lideemali. Tise groom DR0UN I GUP vs tteunieof v as atteudeti ly Orvîlle Huo.a ru À LelautIlfl., andthie Rev. T. P. Bran- DERELICTS I nulu, of Park Ridige. The wedding marcl vas playeti by M rs. Louis Hlîje, of Wlieellng. an- STECU1ÇÂ1'Io aer sister of thie bride, andthîe flo*- ci1 girls were the Misses Grace anti - Enda Ritzeuthaler, nieces of tle bride, Another nioce. Miss Shirley Ritzen- Auto Owners Who Have Not thaler, wss the ring hearer. Purchased Licenses Are The bride varo a salmon coloreti beaded geargetto govu anti carrieti a Liable to Arrest boquet of wblte rases and eveet pesa. - The maiti ni lionor ware a gowu a! tan Tise final roundup af automobile headeti georgette andthîe bridesmali avuers visa have failedti t secure a gowuni'f cerise argandie. Bath af state liceuse te being madie hers uî- tIse brides maiti sud maiti of bonar day by George Tebliene, elate lu- carrieti baqueta a! papplos sud roses. sPectar from tise office of Secreharyl The double ring céeOfotly vas reati of State Louis L. Emnierson. A pre lib' Dr. T. K. Gale,'a!ofJollet. District limlnary survey of tise local situation Superintenento f lise Methodist Eple- v as matie reecnîly andI varning was copal cburcb, assisteti by lise 1ev, C. issuedto itl those vha lad failedt t A. Katen, Iastar of Grace Evaugelicai secure 1922 license plates. cisurcis. Âfter the ceremony, tise yod- 'There le no excuse nov for any- dinig dinuer vas serveti lu tle tiiing one lu tis ity tiiviug a car vush- roam aI tle cdurcI. out a 1922 license," lheins pector Mrs. Wilson le a member of oue of sai. "Thse office of secretary ar tise ploneer familles of Lake county, stahe lias been rigis Up ltiste minute anti an accompUsiset musiclan. Fair inl seudiug out plates on applicaion, the past tva yesrs sise bas been lu- any anyoue visa appleti recelvedth ie sîructor lu Latin anti Bugilihlu tbe plates witisin 36 lionne aften maling Prapbetstovn (Ill.) h1gb echool. Tbe bis application, groom le tise pastor af tise Park Con- e ' sufficieut varniug las been ter Metisodist >piscopal dhurci, Mii >given, anti summary action will lie cago. one of tise leatlng cisurdises on Itaken lu ail cases visere cars are lise West Side. Aller July lat, tlsey ifount inlu peration vithout 1922 vîlI lie at haone at 292 Souths Sacra- plates." meula Blvti., Ciicago. NUNT wBAITLES AN INJIJNCTION TO CLOSE PIRMSES Fourth Resorter Appears Be- fore Shurtleff ln Statels War on Lake Region Arthur Nugent. Bluff Lake, the tourth resort keeçier ta dlght the wrlt of permanent injunictlon that the s tates8 attorney As attemptlng ta obtain to restrain hlm from op- eratlug, was placed an trial last Mnladay ntght before Judge Edward Shurtlef f in circuit court. But a part of the evidence bas been given, none of the wltnesses for the defense testifylng that utght. 1 _w Hendee, caunty clerk, was placeti ou the stand to testlfy that Nugent hati been convicted pre- viously for violating the lquor laws, but is testimony was entered ln the recordl sultieCitat objection by the roui't. Charles E. Jack, abstractor, testi- lied t0 show owuershlp, aud Inves- tigators front the state's s.ttorney's office prodticed the evIdence that they had obtaiued Ilirougli prevlous visits 10 the Laike Bluff resort. R. E. Thomas, fl08 of the num- ber, mtsted on the stand thal lie had been at the defendants place ou four occasions. Each lime, s0 is testimuny showed. hee bad been able ta, gel intoxlcatlng liquor. The waiter. who serveid hlm aI the table where lie was sealed wlth bis par- îy, produced the whlskey rfod.s bis hlp, so lie said. and at, one time lie went ta a smaîl building ta the rear of the barroom to gel the whlskey. C. A. Briune, constable, working in conuection witlî the stalo's attar- ney's office, climed that hie had found a quantlîr of lquor on the occasion ofQi o fthe raids. A jug and a quart af whlskey were hidden in :% w liow grave a short svas'fron tfli habose; under the floor of a sîhed was anather plot of whiekey, lhe tesifleti. Nugent had beon Ihere ut the lime of the i aid. accnrdlng 10 hini. The case w as conllnued with 1Stale's Attorney A. V. Smithi agreo- Ing to notils hle defendant's attor-. >one at least 18 haurs before the limne set for the caulinuance of the Etrial. Il wili probably lie a malter 1of threewPeicu befare It caon e c cmpleted as; Jutige Shurîleif wll have two weeks of jury trials in Boono sud \trHenry counlties. The inspector also wll round up ai persans; wha are vlolatlng the lao 1relativela, sectuing a chauftenr'i rlicense, and wlll lie on the lookon for any allier violatIonz of the auto mobile laws. POTZ REFUSES PRIIST'S SOLACE IN DEATII IOUR. Condemned Man Asks Sheriff Not to Admit is Mother to Witness Hanging ignatz Potz. co.pdemnedti 1dite on the gallows early nexl Frlday niaro- ng for the murtieî of î'lliam Peler- senr. Winihrop Harbor motai'cycle poalcemsan, last nlgbt tbld Sherliff Elnmer Greent andi Speclal Watcliman lart Tyrrell that hie does 001 wanl the servicers of a priest or preacher to pray for lis sout or comfor i ii di ing bis last lhotîrs, ant iehoalso akod the- siirilfflnot 10 permîit any of his relatives, lncluduîtg lus nînher o iIi ves Inic hlago- Thr usual record in sori cases %,as matie Iy Sheriff Green Iast night and te requireti questions asked. Poîz, who showse no signa of breakiog down, derlaredti lat hoe diti tiot know hoe killeti Petersen until the next day, when lho tecovereti fri t he effects of inioonohine. Poiz vili ho hangeti early next Frîday mornlag afler Ieing sers et wîth a good breakfast. The trap wlll he sprung probahly belweeo 7 anti 8 o'clock. Those who wlll wlt- itess the langlug wlll be the s9herliff, vho will apring the Iraçi, anti the requlred number of tieputies, lise jutige of tle circuit court. a jury of 12 men. twa physicians, the clerk of the circuit court, aud prabably a number of newspaper men. . Under the law up ta lhree prlesîs or preacisers sud relatives of lise doam- eti, aver 12 years of age aiea may attend. Meantîme every effort le belug made by attorneys for Poîz la pire- vent lise ezecullon, sud an appeal ta, tise supreme court wlll lie heard tomarrow mornlng. Thse defense f eels confident tise supreme court wiii grant a stay of executlan se tsey eau go lInto the blstory o! the case. If ther laillin iais tihe mattex wil l e brought belote thse board el Pardons and tben bel are tise <vern* or for erectetive olemep. 'Tt le hlnted tisaI 00V. lmn &safl viinat luterfere la tise casebut wM Ijet Use Ian t&ke Its course, an he lam doue iu practlcally every simlar appeai since hle vent Int office. Tise Pots Case vaS Use tiretinlu viich. Gov. B-1îl eer W&&preut visen deatis sentence was prouaunced. LOCUSTS APEa IN LAKE Go.; NOT IN CITYÀS YET Reported From Several Places0 But Farmers are flot Wor- t rying Very Much 8 Fram vai-lous-parle aI Lake caun-p ty camne reparlats aIthe tireatiot 17-year locuets are maklng tisu appearance. lU'P, la the prffene tIme lhey have net açipeanet inte large numbe rsansd farmera expressa tise lape Ilat their appearauce vili net resullt I any serions damage. From Highlandi Park cames tise mash recent repart. Iu tisaIcity lise locusts lave been appearing fan tise lasI fev tisyB but up .ta tisee preseut time lave been confiuetiz la a Emal ares. Residents of 1151 place are auxlouBly valling ta e e vIeller tley vîlI apreati ont ovel a larger terriho ry. Prom tise Fox River valley came reporte that tise locuets have ap- pearet Inbgreat evarlus. unsaluet places te sky h as been tiarkened liy île cloute of hummiag, flyingv hoppeî s.V Fariners do tiot appear ta e b greatiy agittei forti tey do nets tnticipate atiy great daîttage. They 1 say that whlle lamaits lay tliseurc eggs aithîe base,.aIflilîle Iviga vhicl plîcar lu thre prlng ant branchtes, affruit brocs, causiag theî1 tw-ig t0 die, lIatit lIs ual difficuit la cirai thte trees. The insect e do not attack grain.1 Su fat us knawii noueîofatheic loruats hase pot In an appearanco ia Waukcgan. If tise local resi-t de ntts lotir a vllrrlag saundti iat] reseaubica an automobile englue, hieN vau niake top tlîor mInds Ihat1 theiti ct hod ave arrived. Thite net fothalarmet. 10w- cicr. It fart il they are so dis- posi d tics cati go out anti gallon a bllttulanti cook 11cm. lu Mînny r otinirirs roasteti aud frieti locuestA are looketi apan as a tiellcacY. Tuey aiso malue goatifisl bail. Lewis O. Brockvay, circuit doers, totiay signeti anti placet luthIe lande [j a! Sheriff Elmer Green the certifieti * ortier la Sang Igusiz Plotz liext Fri- * day, belveen suorise anti sunset. ýt for lise murder o! William Pelersen. Tis I ltise fIrst deatis onder Cleris Bnackvay isu signet inluhie long GETS STATE JOB Lake Co. Jurist Appointed to Stuitr Pr'-rd- of Welf are Com- missiori.r-,bv Governor Len SmalI. Springfield,-. ailne '.toî Jutige Perry 1. Persons aI Wý%auke, gan, Thursday was appoînleal ly Gov- ,iot Srmailla srnmter of the state board of publie welfare commis- stoners 10ottcceéed Dr Frank P. Nnrhury oi SprlnLield, resîgueti. (This appoininient la one, not carrylug auy salary--an honorary one oaly vhereln Jîdge Persans becomes a meniber of tle commis- s ion whcl site once a mont. This commission arts lu an advlsory Ca- paclty ta the deparlluent of publie luge Itself but seldom tiaes. There are five members sud Jutige Per- sous la sali talie sialeti for chair- man but the selectlon cames by tise boardi aller il meele la organlze.l WANTED TO KNOW- TIIE OWNR 013 À S131)kN AUTO Hoipital o mtti uzÈ tOver Presence of Oviand Sedén at Hospitai The iquestion as ta visa aovnsau Ovenlanti sedan vas put *quarely up ta the supervlsora houpital'committet during lise put 1ev, dais visen Wnor- ruation vas giveu 10 tise cuswittee tisaI counly a!fbaake ovni thsedan wiih Bac Brownvu bsieau using for tise pasl year sud wviiciwu iconaïdeir- et isy membera o! tise board la lie bis personal property. Wlien Bac Brovn moveti out of tise hsopital liag anal baggage anti leftthe patients lu charge o! tise nurses vilS out any explanstion. about lise only tllug leftaven aI his reaitience vwu lise auto. leftInlutlie garage. tise door o! visicis vas left standing open anal lise key lu tise car. Tise nigit lie tieparledth îe commit- tee veut la lise haspital ta ses In vhat shape tisinge Ihat been left. Thec' vere puzzieti by tise preseuce af tise car in question liecause tliey hati always lie- Ilevet Iit ta lie ovueti by Dr. Brovn. Il lad nover been useal lysanyone else anti 80 far as tisey luew tise sup- ervisons aI tise board neyer Sien shoot its isavlng beeu purohaseti by Use caunty. Accadingly, the allier day they vere garage aud everytbiug else belonging ta Bac Brown absent, isaving been tait en avay the commiltee vas quite pua- zled as ta vhy tise car lad been lefi tisere. Andtihie machine las elayedti ters evor since, tise commitsee Intise mesu lime maklug an effort la finti ouI juet wiso il beiouged ta. Accordlngly the aller day they wetet toIt tisai the car belauget thie ceuni ly oI Lake. Tisey ansverei by asklugj 'wlen tild the Couuly of Lake buy It; ve know noliig oail?" Anti later lise present committee iuqulred ai the aid liospilal colmittee, t itoIr pretieces- sors. Thal caffmitti. ;Id tlem tbey pîersonally knew -iu;iiig -about lise cauuty ever laviîv 1,I îîht île autoi la question, that th(-' presumet il t0 lie the personal ._uperty o! Dr. TIos wtl the. aId c ee saying tley kuev nothing ai !'wn car lavlng heen bought. tle uew t .îîînitlee lmn- îîîedlately coocludeti that t here was some mistake. Itovever, i-iý commit- tee got ta loucl yul Courts Clerk Heudee antibclenluramcommîînloated wllh Brown. The latter thon iii'ornpd, hlm ta tell the commillee Ilat tlii e ir belongedtiullthe Caunty oI Lake. tn short, it appears Lvident thaitiih county baugisl 111e auto; Brown uslng it s a pereonal car aillishe time soi no oue, not even tise haspital commit- tee, knev af, or at leset caulti remelu ber, tisai tle purchase vas mate. Andti ius lise cotnty bl an auto that le nov standing Idie ah tise Con- ty Hoapîtal anti nobady kuove justi boy IL isppeno ti t le bouglit, visen 1h Wai-bougisi or visy l vas bougisi for tise Couuty of Lake visili isat uev- er maie use of it exceptlug ta Irans- part Bac Browu back antit-isfront tise iospital ta Waukegsnan s lire carnieti au bis private practice. MNIC LUMý' ATLM Supper Served o450 Many NotableshinLO dom Are resent' ?lonlay niglîl wau a grext,ý ai Lake ZurichSi whon Znriel: A. F.& A. M. was lnstlluted., bping in attentiauce ucarly praminent Masons, Iucluding a' ber of Grand Lotige oIfficers parîlcipateti lu tle cerenm:dnjeu Ten Waukegau Masous, fat Past MNaster T. Arhlur Bl presout LC haplaîn, sud Pst 1 Chas. L. Whyle, attenieti. Tite afficers luelalled veto: tari Ernst, W. M. Freîlerîck Deaclisuer, S. W Louis L, Hertel, J. W. Fred F. Hoeft, Treasorer. A rniot J. Crawford, Seo. Edward F. Young, Chapila Fn rguson Harkuess, S. D. Guy W. Farman, J. D. Walter H. Preism, S. S. William Tanne, J. S. Paul Schallenkauler, bMaS'a The Iaeitutlonal e«W started at 6 a'ciack andtifl 7:30, vheu dinner va 5é 450 at Guy Farnisam's hb=, tiluner was lnuly a wondeýM', A m ong te guesîs cf i0' t most vorshipt ,ul brother Beachi, Grand Master-f lI Wor. Bra. D. D. KIg, irV3 Wanden, aud lise lnetllUttcg Rt. War. Win. Tlnsley, lt uty grand master, Thlrd~ andl Rt. War. Bras, S. Y' A fiue apen a"ir me on tise lawu fonillvg bl Ttwelve or fifl.ea ma~ fralernity trra IAber. s Use icatiltla nDot Use report o»e of Ue omait I titis section of thse atae. Couneilmen la Norths day iligist uUMnufliy attempt Use *60f.OOO bon% tise purpame a! ayl$g 4 Tise stop vas; takesi al ance of beatty c0g9u North Chicoago Cssst lion lisethefforn tep. aver vitisout nndu% vus asurety of tise *sMl vls success. Tise banev lie lte a special publice.eiect4ai 4d anti If passeti, iib issusdi by Augut ,U3 ygar matunlty, explrÏsg-&M 1942. Wisen tise prapoaedorl reati,' Use final question isbaâ aldermn vas "Do you tidi" go cver? le there ant Wwk speudlng tva an tbree ,isb"4 lare attempting CtaPlat anti failllg?' Tise ,qei asked by Alderman BvStO seemedti t carry tise oPInkU remaintier af tise counoil. ,- IJpon tise assonance Of tIl merdiaI Asociation'% 001M lu entieavarlug tise sefilre t cees of tle Issue, tise 9 put ta a vole and al ý numous approvhsl frOMl aldermen. A discussion lhen arase M proposeti palitng plAne 5« vlsabiily o! bavlng mom e station. Upon tise 'adlIff Mayor Henry Deacon aad otisers. If vas decided tllu 1 place. the City Hall. ve4 Oln order- ta conserve e*#Off Wisile Ibis vas argite miglit bave a teudOecy tO su unfavorable opinion In parts o! Nortis Oicago. poluteti ouItishat tise Clty lu a central location andl reasan tain for al preoiM0t polliesg place ou the nOv, ho election. Withtis 1edecîdeal, aM was paseet atihorling tg pointment of! dens, judjo ither officiels fur the pin îîolling tise vole UsaI l la i tîrxl mort.l. The previoue baud Ilue In doetedtilast Aprîl isy wshelmirig majanlly. Wliei faunt tuaitishe Citv o! Nàr cago was wltbout funds ru, police anti street servis%, % lng of tise lance vas hql uev issue vîli permit t' o! tise service should Oi>* sue lie passeti oucce Several credator&W4 before tise coonliivus.- visen the ordinae= U vote anti paset u6U ibi,

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