L1MERTVMJLE2PEHMUM4, IIJRWAY, JUNE 15, 1922 F A RMERS Your busy season is here. Prom 110W 0on til after har- vest, time is money. If a letter will save you a trip to town it's worth while writing. Much of your bankixig business can be transacted by mail and we suggest that you write us wlienever it will save you time. Many of our depositors. transact al their business by mail and we are equipped to give prompt attention to any re- quest you may make in this way. Let us serve you. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS We rail for your family laundry-dresses, waists, blouses £middies, shirts, underwear, lingerie, stockings. rompers. knickers, towels, chidrens things. table and bed lnens-every- thing that needs washing. 2 Werelie'.e you of the annoyance and expense of having a laundress about the house-save you ail the fuss and steain and bother of wash day. 3 We do ail of your washing, with fresh, rainsof t water "and mild, white soa of tested purity; we rnse, blue starch and dry your clothes. 4 Then we Ir on your fiat work, without friction or wear, upon our impro% ed fiat work ironer, and we "IRON" your wearing apparel on our woderful steamheated presses, with the saine price and exacting rare your favorite laundress would use. We retura your bun"e colete- Beautifufly wasbed and ironed- Everythig ready te use or wear. Tryt this better way of washing--the cost is 18 cents per pound. (shirts extrù. Every week, you ar assured a sanitary service whose high stand- ard neyer varies. Phone today-we'il send -a reresentative promptly. The Reiable Laundry LAMEE, DRY CLENER AND DYERS Highland Park andn Libertyville 4 Phone Highland Park 178-Libertyvfle 67-R You Can Buiid Now- C CH EA PER Than You WiIl This Fali = Don't Wait MWe are in good shapq to take care of you Our Plan Serivce fi Ail You Desire Silo Time Will Soon Be Here. Get =M * Yours Now. We Seli Stave and, lile. VALDURA Libertyville SCREENS PERFECT Lumber ALL MIES M ROOF PAINTC o. DOORS LR u AW &4M)L SURE RESULTS' Local and Personal James Dalton, who was operated on for appendicil.a early fl5rday morifilg.' at the Victory Memorlal bospitâl, in Waukegan early last Frlday morIîn7 ix gel ing long nicely, accordng V, iotrs received from hlm today. bhtlten t r-CSI spLnU i V.U IIntest t a ube*nnmi n e'p. 11Inluorder to continue wltb th, LI)i.î s s 11e IBand i' becainseneCe8eîaiy foi, Misas Ullian Kohout lxs isiting Chi- Mrs. P. H. Meyer and Mise Stui Jandma.ter Nîchl oli resign Iisît( sl;- cago friends. ;Reston, of Deerfield, were In IUbei 1 y- go position for the 8ummeruons ville Saturday visltiug Mrm. Thomas a: the firas with whicbholi was cor, William Johnson spent !ast Sunday orljett. Inecced dstsired him to go on the rý lu Milwaukee.jDr ansim.E A raehaer bad h trips would necessitate at ieat F. T. Hiddleson 'sas a Waukegan îturased froni Oswego, Michigan,. wher t, ; .saseero u make tylmss vigitor on Sunday. they spest a vacation at their sucnmei 3)b L Yto niu ihtelclbn 0. Sý Klass uf Antiolui waà a Uàber- 'cottage. mork. lnasmuch as Mr. Nichollo hail ville vîsitor Mouday.d Lillian and Jerome Haines lef t lIst pre'îiously arranged for susumer con- Sat.sd.ay for Mornoe, Ill., where îbey cCl îý here, there was nothi ng foe hli C. E. Wheslock of Wauconda motor- 1 are vltlng rlatives durlug thoe eurn o <lu but reslgn dur:ng the balds. ed te Libertyville Saturday. i mer vacation. gon Pod stick ws,, tise band lise. Mire. H. H. Gsnlin bave moved toi Fred Jochelm., Mr. O'Brien and The Chicago papers the first of the Highland Park for thse suinien.1 Miss Elizabeth O'11irei of Chicago week anuouncud that "a silionaire sepent Bunday et thse Fred jochusejus angel" would finance the co-operatiVe Miss Ada Relfer eçent Weduesdayboe u betvf. grain marketing of the farm bureaux evenug wtb riens i Racne.of the state. It developx that the sald Miss Alvene Pney, eMployed ai thbc angel" lx Burton F. Hales, proprietor O. A. Newsoni las purcbaaed the Lake Counfy National Bank, Ixs Pend- of the Oiakwood Stock Farm, located Warren I)arby bouse on Brainerd lave. Iig ber vacation at AVOIR, South Da- xouthwet of Libertyvile, about twû Donald MeKay spent Tueeday and kota, visitIng relatives. miles weat of Prairfe View. Mr. Hales Weëdnesday in Chicago visiting frlendx. M C ~ u purcisased the Gridley and other farnix Mm. . Trrel an litle on amein that section of the county. and lx Ms. George Wrsgbt sud Miss Gladys Saturday frot lm Angeles, Cal. Tttey Iel known bere. The venture of thse Swan were Chicago visitans Saturday. are visitiiig Mms. Tyrrell's parents. fawersl aktn hi w ri Mrs Carls ItperanddaghtrMr. and Mrs. John Cole. aud hucking the Chicago 'sheat Pib Miss ,l.ilan, were Waukegan visitors Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Stocke, Mi,,,, men at their own ganie thix year 'silI Saturday. Winifred aud MarJorY Moore and Myr fiewss8tChed wth mch intereBt. le aud Marlory Evans vixIl'd 1l .%îi.sud Mrs. Dan Hlngts. o! Lakoelvoî, su Chicago Suuday. Forest, visited Mr. aud Mrt, Il C.Fol- g-Ar ' .-tinday zlj.r W. fro R ioy TIfuis, I, .1 \eri z1radE. eh of Waukegan llot his. i. aud Mis. Loilt Kaer penuth mnoring (Tburaday) for a 'i l ay AUD IT R U Kase om.NI r's.lilarry otain sdli ltle . îîî,s!-o Theatre_______ .î.Iîl ii.d.jacks Day of NoiiSIi lui-v, s mn visitiug her itlati- lns !*Iibîsoîmmus w,-rs' Nundaîy gucîsi ,ai b. (îu..mpaîa-u, II . for Ihe c 1 55 W F Stur a nd "d"' lo-ierBock ionie m,,nh, lisve retuneu Io1,; iSe , ria V - v st l ,,o, ý.qdoj. eeTi,. rnlirtyýville. j JIJNE 16, 17, 18. .. l'Ibis %veelsk~. Nh, meeî-,n Naik MW.Ellsworth, son o. 5 SiGEORGE MELFORDS PRODUCTION Audit oriums Thcse ' 24tIl N- EE. L.El lsworth, gradjia et I ý: inSICMassachuisetts lnstitjii. in,ý MNis ', M. Filz4o,jîald o'. CimsIl n-OtiSSOF. ith the degree o! t ai 'a 10 .1 alît Ihe isj tii lii,(Cambridge, Mass.. MondaI dîîîî 12. S H~lE I K t:rhe rî h anîle . Joh.Iln Avers aud sonu , 11î ' 'wth 11, rhri Chniher n of hicdgo v1r orning for Seattif- lied te he wo.eîcnd l viii.Mîan 1,0 lbe reseut st the graduation o Nli AGNES AVERS and FUOOLPH Nrs. ltoy Chambertin. A4<5 sdaughter, Dorothy, wlo s a VALENTINO l'aloil Kohoutui s at me for i' lu - gr.ssualt-from Washingto oif lue nTh lArbpo .nos sacation froia lits sciool iduTl et, i 1'MtCiTh er old Arab pro- Notre Dame 1Vulvei*.it.liv. veh olob.NOiýt-a rb ass " awhe Mis iaros Nwtor Ms hat- ,ployed lu the North Short- t. . Cos. * . man he wanta, he Trenner sud Mss Johsn Hasty 'sers offIces lu Libertyvilte, wllit ave Fr1 S - takes her" . . . the C'hicaugo visitors Monday. Iday for North Dakota, where hie 'siII ~purmuit ja implacable "peud ber vacation,.lier nihîei wl the capture occurs, Mrs. A. h Young ansd children of;accompslsy ber, a des'rt bandit eteala a,;nosaspet he Cî dah hthe beautiful Agnes Ayres by force, ianoMsa Stpnhe k e nd wsth MI'.iAAmalumiuum xhower 'sais giveD inlubut t h ndsome Shiek recovers ber honor of Mn. sund Mr. Fred Chapmsn np errfchn-ohn gt e We 'saut eove, ou' ho saw -Way ThuIrsday eveniug et the home of hèr Pl .mk e i n i ny t ov n Eat" to xee *»The Sbeik" amud mother. Mrx. Rse Akofer. The bride &0 emtn ak rhiadhioly bing someone wil' 'hem. 241 trscetv.ed mauY Useful gtftx, and al Also Robinsou nCrus Serial Mlisses Helen knd Ruthi Larsen of prsut badl an eisJoYable time. 7:00 P. M. and 8:50 P. M. Waukegau speni ihe week end wth Miss Marie Englebrecbt, Henry En- Children 10c Adute 35c the.r parents in L5oyii glebrecht audl Misses Viola Wells mo1- tored (o Chamupalgm, Ill., gaturday. They weaceompauled by Mr. sud June 23, 24 and 2à Saow*s Auto lierv-Taxi Ser- Mrs. Herman Englebreeht. ef Chaili- Mary Pickford in Vic. PoneLibrtyifl 30-M.paign, who have been viBiting bere for '1if TELR I"THE FOUR HORSEMNOF Snprz~kTHE APOCALYPSE"s For the Month o f June W th Every Box of JONTEEL FACE POWDER at the rs-gular jriçe o 50c, wt vli gi.. ýuu1i - ccake ot Jonteai Soap, FREE. Jonce; Fa- . 1'vd-.li as tisat wonderful Iii:. n..tt xture thai make s i, a.dhli -ruoh1y anci bend biniIi, üloi ù yodýr sain. Jon teol Soaî niAit-i 1edbý a Frencli Process fiom s .. pui' st nateria1t. and gi'o- a qusek. ..flooth, creamy 1atli. fl it> jr opportun.ity foi, ou Io ii n unusiially bigli qualitD ToiW Sionl, ivithout cost. "ýPURETEST"P ZINC STEARATE n convenuent Sprnkler Top Can sothits t-S 1i55,1 caused by pers- Isit son,.and r. t-s înî 'anima- ion îu.- b. chb ~lafine. BEST FOR BABiES' Sooiluinmm. litalung sud comorig Iîuîîng jîne e, ita 9Cf 25c, j., I..... CASCADE LINEN STATIONERY POUND P1(112 ANt LNVELL OIES iecîre .01ingreatest t-(ofom wci .îodinaiý Pruces 'iîson Oms i &-î iey cos 80c-BUT durîng thîssasie you can buy over 90 SHEETS PAPER and 50 ENVELOPES for only--- - ------ 5 C A Saving of 30 Cents. Fîrstaîd- Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster29 Usual pi ice 40c; Special, during June only Cadet Jordan Almonds 39c Usual price, 50c lb.; special....................... ..... Rexail Liver Saits 49c Regular 60c sîze; special-----............ Harmony Lquid Shamnpoo 33c Regular price, 50c; June Special ..- .......... With every Fiashlight a regular two-eell battery FREE. The Scout Flashhight îs the best you have ever seen. Selling at each .. .....................$ 1 .3 5 Dr. Tullar Whiri Spray Syringe, regulai pnice $13;9 June Speciai ... .... .....-- ................-1 9 Decker & Neville DR UG GIs T s The JYore Let your hcart gîvco thanks for fl owers corne to c heer your r 4weary hours. ARE w e t linkm ut S"ilie, blessinga of lne 1toWer gordlns andsi te glass shelimiosi gaiîlîn spsots Ihai grow for us lthe tendj er, 'put-ils llossonsia isaI . help O ust ie haýiîl Your Reputation If you're like most people, sometime you're going to want money badlly. But if you've gained a favorable reputation ai this bank, through a steadiiy growing accotait, you'il be in position to get accommodation ivihen needed. Therefore, flot oniy open an account, but make igrow. eChas. D Proctor Insurance of ail kinds Phone 154-M LIBERTY VILILE, THE INDEPENDENI --- ONUY $1A )YE&1 Your lumber and building màaterWa requirements can be filled he re to, your financial advantage. In other words, we wiliI save you money on these prices. Every price advantage that the market affords will be yours if you trade with us. B ARGAINSý White Dainty Checks, 36-in. per yd. 20c Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. 50C Pure Linen Table Damask, 70-in. yd. $2.40 W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY Phone 29 Libertyville, lu. .Teiephone 55 n-__ LIMTYVUE, RIMIS.