LMMTYVU£ PMEPEM«. nAMI m 1&,JW ý AID Of PLIR t Last Seen Near Court House Sunday Night ln Company With ,"Tali Man" Verna Johnson, 15-year-old daugh. ter of John Johnson, 1522 Belvidere treet, whose escapades have kept the local Police buy for the last two r three weeks, has disappeared gain, according to a' report made to gré police by itegirl's father. She let home at 4 o'clock Sunday after. noon and failed to return home. With two younger brothers Verna tarted out for Christ church to at.- tend a service. On the way toward home she left her brother and sister et the court houge with Instructions to go home alone. According to the children Verna met a tall stranger lna he court house square and walked lia bee seen of henc he otig Recetly the girl disappeared and on her return toi& a wild story of having been kidnapped and held cap- tive by two negroes. Poliee Investi- gation sqhowed that the girl had spent the night on the beach iln company with Wauke.gan young men. There wasi a sordid tale in connection with this escapadeý. on two other oc sions the girl told wild siories so th. poliee ýr( wondering what elhe will haive to say this time for they haie nodubihe- will come back. Thiey Ilceli ttle credence 1that she imay hav% fallfen into the hiands of white 81lvers.- Of KEN0SHA DMES Jacob Kuehl, 41, a deputy sheriff of He nosha, and well known in Wau- ke iý, was killeNel Cury,30, bot o 63 Cornela avenue, Ch a Pand boulevard, were cut and bruised when their automobile turned over ln Wîl- mot road near Liberty Corners when they tried to paso another car. When their autcombile turned over three timesi n Kenosha road, neair Lake Geneva, Roy Hunt, 24, of Ke. nosha suffered a fractured skulul and internal injtures and hie uncle, Irred Leonard, said to be an official of the Nash Motors corporation, suffe several broken ribs and internalin Jurien. Mrs. Leonard and their c dren, Dorothy, 17, and Albret, 12, were cut by flying Iglaos. Leonaird, according to the police, tost control of the car when the steering knuckle broke. sON SAppeais1i us Charging taken him t, return home, year-old son Sherwood, M appeared at rontimus, Mcl of last week. down hie che& taken in. Mr. Hironli hie home, ga and comfortet ln his automt kegan with b According 1 boy his pare and sisters w yesterday.1 rturn home ag ie ney him, accordit Policemen the Sherwoo< father to th wood denied He said! the day morning where he w a run away ir before. Geoi father. 0 FRE Ray Bros. their ne wdai chestra (now in WaukegaIn Mr1.'and Mr ed friends £r Joe Hironi called on his Monday. Mrs. Waic of lieriste overte bee 81ster Patr parochial sch from a visit t ern part of t g.or hea)th Mrs. Harr) ter are visit Mrs. Peter Id The inant eph Titus dit Misa Mari several wee F aunt. Mr@. J an. Mrs. Gi . ojor-ado. to basitreen th ; u.erate Ihis dec'rinn*foi MIr. -ndol1 wrC if ter d-w Gariga Mrs Mike 0 daughters, N Kathryn HL: t,:pperm Th Paul Ray mont busiDe Claicago viu A ýumfber eft he1lae tinoon with iSenool. 0 j0 and littlet Chicago, on Mrs.. Lou Bomne time k: home here c Mrs. Pete "'"'®e "n gers on Fruç loaty inenforigtlman d ete rSTE H NWH N e Ttn':" «Wg'c'hK e t4*m>d e of ai ihebail fans attended a bai games at ous effort along the lifte of Re-ligiou1 lsun 'l - 1 p.Tartntnc aaWh ig Sunday, Wheeling aud iligh COURC CON ER- ra-.ining, and Our hearty support of .l be*» W m0-nn o it, and Ought to n P ES L N land aurk teams,ascre18 to 1. tewrofthe Cagoe s regatioOF 00.H0SPITALwe iie"&HELPLESS LON i Ea trtea oon-a Maraailnt Sinri ENCE A SUCCESS aa te dnmntOr- --nie 0 i; afr adkenai "oi R e ove Thaivie -cl eewiiAs Result Of Overthrow ofimk9 u*e" àý oedags'e. iZon City Man, Chas. Nelsonl, andFred aeh eecalraoet Stae Ufhumes of Lake County Holdi d or to.Vhihvnsnc PrvteueaurOteaser e tu Found After Fneçnds Brake "' «n"- vIg RRnuai Meeting in Waukegan m tn g i e ed anhMedios Use It a w avdltInto His Home er lut TWuradayafterno aune Last Tuesday iM. . co.nto rylk;Ms eey h hlrabdnmru A man named Charles Nelson, aged Mr. Mary Schley was called to Deer- Caterie onnrof illur; Mss A fct f ntees an on vlluatsbo th iaSa s chtoelnur about 50 years, and residing at 2705|feld by the death of her brother, John te Laura Man, of Hait Day. forcefully shows acanencodtgheveigenetw children Kazra avenue, Elon City, was missedl by Selig. The burialwau at Deérfield on st The Cfot-fours l-ana cnuerce Resolved, That iwe herewith express. 1ions at t he Lk ont-epta awr bs Sire oDshadhis neighbors a few days ago and it Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. The th of LakelCounty11ongregauonga chrch-our appreciation of the work of Our the new amnsrto, sse aRlh iasao raGalswsfared lthat something might have Wereaved Ones have Our deep sppa- or øs as rhelfd .n ta'rtn reatin- commnittee In arranging the program h atta tlat ih otr 1aK eradAt .Snlfan apndt iAg al.hurh f WukganTueda, Jnefortoday; also the presence of those Waukegan and 0other parts Of the a beautiw duet. hed Nelsis a cretr ytae n r MaySheywsacalra thirteenth" ~~from nar, and far. who have helpled county have private patienta ta the The Balf tDay bail team matce a is twstogtta i okGlniwls rdy h ett e Th nerat theme was "Religious to make it a success, and of the gener. county hospital and they personady teLOng Gree bys atuns Grave am iht havies tkenhi t f t owkln. he ates r o as bee en ote nl dc n"(Educat ion of the Seul). ushospitality of Waukegan church. ael u ngat h on ra tpati hants at $»dY. At firetiseo stheit Asgt he daitwnt h otoevrther astnemonth asbln orten In the absence o: LJ. Wilmot, Dr. u J. H. BARNETT. bThetdi ,sc otathe pat eve r tbye were going t t roa und neAgthboras wt nxious abou t h and Mr.alendtr.EdGsenrtndas L.H. Tombaugh acted as moderator. Cb. ESCBRGR v sth tacthisurs gthatinmotha but a ei- a a b t 3 t nthey detgoudnigb emnine oustryot hdorsand nMb fr.Melatives romthercitylatt 'Teconference opened with devotiont- F. M. BROWDER. ya- M"h is ected wut asabut» Titht rssteeif they were locked. They found Sunday.frlaiesfot h Ct en e 41 service-s t1, the Rev. ac Onad The roll of the churches w as asfoi- ntttins.w hta eoun hte uir ls he key In the dooir, indicating th(.opeotpessn n hswe Are, after which Dr. Tombaugh gave laws: Area. 8; Grayslake. 8; Haitf lution has been brought about durtig ofgldmjl gieapayntte"J" Nelson hadl enteredAade the m ilbboritegieheApakacnewd .ithe address of welcomie to thit gýsiting Day, 35; Millburn. 17; Waukegan, 24; thepast ew weksIaIthe olf a Tow n al. oenc lockditateh nstis idosnou extsse) ehurches. Ivanhoe, 0. Encouraging reports were it is recalled that lunder the old re-e teHO A d TwnHas.io onc-15procu et so ta husa irsw thI u rIt18 )th lbyhaded by Ze. Ke 0aI l Haii Thefbnro allhechresenteldreenthe snr ne e hadtpnd gbrs ean 1 00000Ó000 Da_)sy He said the churCh mwit a a ie Half Day church for having the larg- things were made so unpleasant at the, title et this play is very simple, but 1hladt evidently triedi to undress and 0 FO0X L A KE - o ,ous educationail progiam i i, v one uýest delegation. hospital that only one or tWO doctorspam tsl sveygo. full of PpPwhite takingofhiclhewa sud- 00 0 000 0 00 06000 0 000 01 which will progn , z %%, ba 1e a re Miss Troy -of Wauk11egan explained in Lake county outside of Brown ad p iga nd is well worth he d eny eir witsapalthe strokei task oi getuing teachers. th w thfie work of the Y. W. C. A. Their aim ýwold takepatients to the hospit'aal mdmissiandfe ellarge. letyhe renderdvIý etzd ihimauttrlyti hrelpes f"h hi"tos aifak should have a reactwrs' ' Training class is to develop the physical side, health.i, n atteýhow sick they were,. Theyleauadi ill bfe nnc tion. PlOtYwci edrol ofhis votrl ie sthatfor"ourmey bck. off' Audtium The- with an aim to tdeelop charaiim! andLIthe mental and the spiritual sides. She ladmnitted they coutld not get along lofgood nmusic h 10 I ûnncio. lost contrlo i. ale oflteror. Libeyille, th isoeek. T24- t ht uitm at ha> hadl classes in miillinery, basketry. ,with, Brown as superintendent and Se Plan to attend and encourage t ehe cul not call for help. When the Btern ice Wyilley, ofinlsiee, is v-tf chc i rn d a larger know(Le e physical training, usefuliniifornation, ook lthe stand that he made things so chîIdren in 11ir umierta k Farmers ibor looké itirthe windo hing erite in ofIni.gliIn. ou in n lc uda co- i bible study and whatever the grls unipleasant for themi that they simply sIra W. F. P'ierce of Spring Grove hias i ima nweg fGd-eliili months on Sundays, when they get !,ict that it is a wondierfuly well beginnin;.: at ?,p.nm. lenty of good man ad1te ail r that lhe id and it job on g from tedglake to. aydenr; oinatIi eadreigiouis f ext to God through Nature. They are ,,iuipped institution, speIakers wililibe presenit and a good wa, later founI lith a fallenora Lake ]kgirogh Ruhme a ub.0 an r;t raetergtni a nJl o he girls IHoweveýr, sine the new ,mmtt (woial timi see dr n ad;,lain w . tc iat ale fr.)x an odtiogtRsnij -I fuonduct intoe reof te. dy. ofeer plann n a of the suplervisors clipped IDoc.s au- June 25th wt. will observe quarterly tive days. 11, :notioined for his rescu- n funss oesyAovnfnaue suy oferouy. .90 wstaken, and riva sudden change itook place in comunionand11,1recepition of new ers to comne i: ,71d it was found thlat Fotx Lake nov n[oasts of two riding of the bible, prayer ,etc. oui materials - An oertof $9 wase f the ititude of the other physicians in members, lhe was enfin1% '.helpless. Dr. Blanks. al -esi In ond y.l mustbe he bble natre istoy, l. ore hancoveed he epene o th,, community for you can readily Choir practice- as usual Friday evte- City Health Ofür .r was calledl in and buniadanure hc ti W edsogrpnspce. Aramaoicy and gradhconference. k see what aà different condition exists ninz.Snd Shol a :30 and he pronouncal .1if a cas'e of paralysis. edIs to ., conducted by WXill z eDr lessos. Sp.o.teChcg A sol by r. Siho a gnnow when al least eight diffe7tnt phys eve i ui(, s o'clock. The man was almiost taihled forlack S.m Sin- Mr. Burd hias c eto •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Dr ihl. uto heCia w srat noye. n r.Mer-icians have taken patients to that In-.-of water. tw ihh ossStra-ad Thensin insupiraofthinosrmongb r.erao- st0tution0 0 0 0 0 0 0oO oo0 n0 John Maralil, :bueof fthe'n'an iae wlYe olden timies; one Sciey gaio n ns terestid Exte n-nalConference.he Ilni C ngegat al Inte pa eben other doD E E sF I EL D e® ne®aad"oa ltough nhe imst an Id - Oprig ddes o te or oai aChristian is an humble student going sloKidehydclrdta te oooo0a s oho0u arl.H a os nt forand hoe drdga; Mibs, r-ain w as rco mpiedj, ?n Ci tyeMsorgnatraoiety. Tuhes orato schoo laChrithe msth im Werecntantly meeting with rebuffs; lie could for Nelson. He was a4ked ,yoUng son. F:rnci. Jr. The t-ib M is oonizr. aea am up churc e s t ant subject isdte Fathe.We Metwhich discouraged them from going' Ray Br-os. announce the opening of whether he would go to the Zion wsb:-huwekaoSna. and minister.ey have. aitde itysaalsoknowfouseve. WeO u s t there again. Oftentimes It even neces their ne wdance pavilion on the shore Home- or a hospital and he evidentlywMiss Maggtic ' eed, whgo çundp.wen huche were10,00S. . sudnt/hav avison f ervce.Ou stdysitated"their removal of patientsfrmof Diamond Lake Saturday night, June coetelte orh a ae oalais oeaion at tdhe lake l'au- Wihan e re a ttenowmpdan-c t6i st1 be continuous, and we must learn this place before the properfim. 17th. Music by Murphy's Famrous Or- Waukegan yestArday where he died t optl sgrn ln iey Whe w ralze owraidy-te itesby the examiple of Christ and by our The physicians all assumed the a ttichestra (now playing at Electric Park in he ospital lastnigh. TheLipp n hote snowbog ure gowuain,awithmorethanPrhaesan staks ems aeflosi ueta h aoptlwsBonsi akgn.2 t Nelson was a powerfully built man conducted undor new management, ur ppultio, ad ho th Prtes in the work of redeeming the world' own prviate Institution and tey evenl Mr. and Mrs. . Christenlsen spent although hiebihaia a previous attack Cnadrbeok aengonut ebarches have been strongest ln the and faith to have the heart to try thought recognized physicians Of the the week end with friends ln Chicago. f aalsi helaton, oevrt e aælephone exca eng lAnwuct iffldnyd werk of our city misslona again. We will have Courage If we county hadi no right to take their pa 1Mrs. S. Unger has returned home was fatal. He was not a memnber of thetonfswchodasbe rtled sceyarge c'ties tend to heathen- seek the aid o' Christ. 1tietsther.tromn the German hospital ln Chicago, ZMon church- aind e wtholabl s beig plnnd. t. elarge c an rliios re- The conference, which closed with I on.-thergother hand Brown always iwhere selleunderwent a serious opera- a~~ Thew ar belgin t te dry aid a.Onloecvcanregouthe Communion service. was an in- inferred that he was encouraging oth-; tiensvral weks ag. h cp ossi intehedysplad goauiblity and 70 per cent of foreign spiration toal presente physicians to brIng patients there onsv e g.0000 0 0 -0 0,, A O0 000 was stoen, or puby slae 11amth or parentae.fie ust hris-otribued. ad semingly deplored the fact that Miss iBusie Easton has completed a white the raiders were at the Kaping dahaoredcae hi vstary. e- they would not do so. However, he very successftul year of teaching at 0 A P T A K 1 S 1 c 0Hoe.Lttrprtarththe sol wrkwih he oug eoleto0 0 0 00 0 0 00t0 0 00 0 000 never would admrit that It was because Hiarvey, and will return to the same000000000 OOOOO000 villag8e marshal had located the miss, ot crime, rather than hire police- hie made it.so unplleasant for them and school next year. 00ng000 0ar.000 to puis criminals. We spend o 1.LBURN 0 their patients that they declined to Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pettis and Mr. Ray Bros. announce the opening of lir. James Hayek has moved Into more en gasoline, or chewing o o0ri o o o o o o o O Oo O 0cooperate in that respect. and Mrs. Frank Hempsted enjoyed a their ne wdance pavillon on the shore her noir home ln DeyHn's subdivision. on mihnStwatstit.oM• The Change Comes week at Three Laktes, Wis., retuning of Diamond Lake Saturday night, June Work on the water way in the Lanae »Owcilo l4ord »as. lMrllig. John Ste a bo t. Pa, Min. BtImU tl f0 gtehome this week 17th. Music by Murphy'sFamtous Or- subdivision han been halted by an in- pleuin selb am - i.seting err and.Brterrs. 1Butngeimmeiatelynfsoloingthr esdms.a ob JhsoWý estra (now playing at Electric Park junction, secured by Herman Kaping. tereasiong a the follow- . 1 , nradW .Seat hnewhri rw ssl'ato.MsdmsL on onoWni akegan). 24-lt lThe village board turnend down the Mr. and Mrs ».. A. Jack spent the Ity was removed fromt the hospital, ter, Horenberger and Mr. and MrsmpoplnooiniWteallofwp vo en jbtheir soute, Elmer and other physicians inuO h#tely began John Heubl Md daughter *pOnt $m- Caroline Buech and Aile.Bno propositon of olng the ostretsths sedigthitptins"n Awda a mhvtw erethgattendedt were business caltersaet Prairie View smes niiulpoet w- retrne e orIt becomes retliy a me lcounty teln the hecornerstone of a new laut Mondayevening' mer r ohavn theWr onery o- Jack ztfahdbm ospil" for the firet time inlits hie- dormitory for Romhurst colge. MaxsMSareandfamily ere calers inert Botcher. lan 'a* Uniqreuy ait In connection with the change of Sunday with friends in Chicago. iovcntMndy *W 'U Alwaya Paithful and Willing'affairs at the hospital it la of lanterost Mr. and Mrs. Ed wnaak and children Mr. and Mrs N. P. Buech salil et nié 1= érk1tl r plasses wMil entertain the 1to note that the hospital committ.Ç have returned to their home at Down. the Jý N. Buech homne last Monday. a onnid abrred at Xothers sA daughters at a luncheonl modidied the rules and removed oM- er's Grove, having tvisited at the home VctraeroLngGvcled g g.sidrabe athoityfro Dr Brwnof their mother, Mrs. T. L. Knaak, for at the J. N. Busch home Monday. eëed at &fddd ç .E. Denman had a thu hen n o helfpait a ropr. several days.StrMsEmatun andafer dl#d k tOhlyrenlo 5tidy'act he now goes Into the hospital on-. on ei wohs en nporadda e,Martha also Mrs. Andrew to a inpirig adres by Miss Josephine 'Bidwell spent sev~ ly occasionally whereas previously he lhealth for several monthe, passed away Marnu hre usa o okod Rweil, of the WeromanShBoard ours dyswt r.C.E emn was there several times a day ln the early Monday morning- hr.heywl pent several days. minaofth Iteio. hetod s Dr. Murphy spent Saturday with Mr, course of his duties.E.HWlmahsgoetaa James Matousek, Caroline Buech, et meetings every Friday morning in and Mrs. Oscar Neahaus. Btwt the head nurse ln charge tarium'at Waukesha for a couple Aiead lBnoorCarnead thtar oms o hc.ayon s Arthur Hedler spent Sunday at Lake1ofthe hospital and with the committeeweks..iFe d ush mooetoo Whe linan d J È i s F mmr sisom weerle is layrsn etor Delevan, Wis. having, issued orders that the attend-; Philip Rommel has§ moved i a ihadPrStraiih. tel no missionare ad inerestinget-f Mrs. Wetzel has opened an ice antse are directly under her care rath- ness shop lit the new shop he just HglnPak tudyig. terw ayfrom inres. Shd efflsoe taof stand at Millburn er thtan under the rule of Dr. Brown, completed next to his home. Clarence Busch was employd. y a Nw ayininerst ndreposetoerMany from this vicinity attended the things are movIng along more smooth1 Under the auspices of the Choir of Ma Miller the past week epresntia inissio Ans.wrdwdaynd ention at Waukegan Cnrg-l o than ever before and therefore the Presbyterian church the choir of th mercnPeFodG.ad ra lahn n thir help. nw lay n church Tuesday the presumption Is that the county St. Paul's Presbyterian church, of Chi. goo u ccess. cK 0operation and in giving. They physician does not deem It necessary cago, will give a jubilee concert at the Mr. and Mrs. August Grewe from are now sending out missionaries with (Received tooa Late for Last Week) 1 to go into the hospital as often as school assembrly hall Thusrday eye. Wheeling lvere calers mn this vcaity epecia training, perhaps as gymnastic bis o fWicni)ale nM. reviOusly. ning. June 22. Saturday evening. 1rectors, just so their hearts 'burn and Mrs. W. B. Stewart the past week. isiId that he feels the chagrin W. H. Kia tapent the week end with Fred Busch and Ed Schleg attended *M1t the Christ spir'it of helping. MiessInez Pollock of Chicagospn of the situation so keenly that he av- his family at Paw Paw Lake, Mich. the barn dance at Joe Klsler's tast The mruutes of the last conference',the week end with lr auntstheds going therer him tohen absolut- Ea ton wer H eygestaof Ms. us eSaturday night. ar =omnte reported as tolow Tt Mrs. Josephne Matthews is staying 'Corlett in Libertyvile Saturday. GJacob a 1 da visited at Jacob MotSmall, moderator; M188 Heleen with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webb. 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 ' IMrs. R. H. BStryker entertained en asser'slit r y êéwtsecretlary Mrs. Sarah Dödge ahd Mr. and Mlr,ý o H A L F D A Y 0 Tuesday afternoon ln honor of her Mr. and Mrs. Augut Grewe called S x5N N 'ltemxEeçutiv*.committee to arrange T, H. Kamper of Chicago attended the o00O0 00 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 o daughter. Romayne. the occasion being at N. F. Busch'a testFriday evening. ter tus neIt conference, which is to be funeral of Mrs. Bonner. the little girla second birthday.vst MaMilrndfmysptFiay eift al Da i Jne.198:Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bock of Wau- Ray Bros. announce the opening of AgJneo m e s - evening at the N. F. Busch home. Grugt Cook, Hlf Day, chal1tan; Mrs. kegan were Millurn visitors Satur- their ne wdance pavillon on the shore ing Mr nd Mrs.illi JaiOstemnad Wle.ede spitn h on «Wedel, rysiske; R. Radtke, Ivan- day. of Diamand Lake Saturday night, June sso Mr. Carg ill residence, afd Wa ter f spiniing thereh boe; H. Minto, Millburn; Mrs. John Relatives and friends fraim all over 17th. Music by Murphy's Famous or- daughter, Florence, wereundes her. wrill bei eploye b Eil iG eer Range, Area, and Mrs. Rachel Morton, i he county attended the funeral of Mrs. chestra (now playing at Electric Pak and rs. r enter in ed in somwl e m FREE OFFER! s fo Wanegan. Bonine omte rpre rand Mr ust and baby of Chi- PrnfW ukegan).tleftlst week for Co. honoer of their former pastor, Rev. Mr. Chas. Sauerlof Long Grove, was at Take coupon belOw to your asf a tin cmiteerprtr go, returned home Tuebday, havIng tumbas, Ohio, where he will spend his Raimage, of Evanston, tast Tuesday Henry Pott's several dys tast week. nearest dealerin pints and Whereas, This 54th Annul Confer- pet somle timte at the parsonage. vacation. eve ngan. r.GogHre ev George Weimer of Chicago, spent ta half-piüto Johnson's ence of Lake County church being ln' Mrs. FanIZnie Jamieson - and Miss Miss Antna Gerbert, who ts attending foNewYr etStudyfratoSaturday at J. N. Busch's. - oor Varmish free, or use session, we the undersigned recom-- v nie Jamieson Of Berwyn, l-, at- normal at DeKalb, alpent the week end rwees vcon Threwil e n ntetanmnt'vn ouonrs 5c reiton menddth .At.e .epeatth resolutnex-- tndyd t fu eral o Mrs Bonerlst.tM hme.Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Wlbnan return- by the school children of t. M 's a larger can of Johnson's ateonetoiCol. at V. Sourvstteo ' Saturdamy dvstdwihteD .The bazaar and dance given by the ed Monday from a ten days' visit with school at Firnback's hall at Buffao Floor Varnish. attrne, a ou lst ears cnvetin hte amiy.Vernon Cemetery Association Wednes- relatives In Waterloo, Iowa. Grove, Tuesday night, June 20, Friday heldi t Millburn June 14, 1921, end ex- Rev. Fooks and D. M' White t a- day of last week wras a decided suc- Mrs. Aug Winters entertained the night, June 23, 8 p. m. standard time.l ad to preiîW Our vote of appreciation for his delegates to the ordinaton oftemn cess. The dance was well attended Thimble Cu oMtaPu'scuch M.en rs m.Wcanno t atnafda, usayo Rc- and everybody reported ageood timte. Thursday. Palatine, were calters in this vicfnity Johnson's FloorVarii \, Ws ,an ended the funeral of Mrs. Ivisited wit friAecht of Paue e brick yard were destroye bye ateo lst Fia.and has good body. Bonner and called on old friends. adHi a audyadSna.Mna ih Ed Giss and family visited at Jacob tOhuS n a SewiyngQ,•Machines aunra o ter a rs Bn- Our -pastor, Ralph Richard Keith- Mr. and Mrs. George Ott and daugh. Gasser', Fridoy evening. beautiful, high gloss i {a, wa sordained ln the Hat Day ter spent Sunday at Riverside with James Matousek, N. F. Busch and natesl tyn churchi June 8th, and a good attend- Mcr and Mrs. Henry Walters. - famaily; Alice and Al Bunton attended Scratch. white--has gr RepairedneisatJawsph ntays ance was presont, ncluding about 40 Ms. Carl Anderson ls attending the the services at Half Day church Sun-paenCOo- dab with M1r. and Mrs. and Mrs. Archiferom Chicago and othler towns. The twelve weeks' session of sumamer day evenmng. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Busch pl nclr adas can repair your seWing Nrs. Kate Marie Bonner died Thurs- afelm . ood ola h iiosTahr'Cleehn ilittle daughter christenedSod ndR M&"e MdMakday. Mn Junt etLf v erysddenaerhome o hcg, and yas composed of the E. H. Willman is having his house The A. J. Raupp family entertained JX ScinsAR mhItem eB us efoso oes-Coirncers.'ShereamJnatIon and discussion of the can remodeled tinotwo flats. company Sunday evening. M.avJ. Gordon and Rher ,cbesill fvdidlate and the private meetin fthe Ms oieOtra fFn u Mrtn r.MxMle n he, 11e W. AUi Worh dOne in a grandchildren and a host of relatives Counil, which voted faoal. fe ac. Wis., was the week end guest of ry and LucileMwereMller n thise, t iethe ladies served supper to about Mr. and Mrs. E. H. iRmna.y ast undayeecatrai &-a ri« fnaner Reno lutanfiends btoi mour heylos. e d1fiftvY people in the Town Hall, all of Mr .and Mrs, John C. Huehl wish toa ie t clss anne. RmOve funralwas eldsatuday ,un _3r wh>m e-resed-hei prIse for the.anounc thirdugte, Adelia, A., Zanol's soft drinks are just what we à You kf1ow Johnson's Floor W ax - it's usd by housewives every- where. Ne want you to know Johnson's Floor Varnish, too. Our Varnish is jus t as govod as Our Wax. To prove this stateinent we off er you a 50C can abso- For Everythm- About the House Johnson-s Floor Var- rnish is fine for tables, chairs, furniture, wood- Work, trim, oilcloth and linoleum. It Will r'uv- enate the whole mntenor of your home. Walk On nish is very easy to apply It dries ,dust-proof , in rd over night-gives a which will not mar or reat elasticity-is very olutely waterprof. nf0 f 8 nue001"vem 50=ýSc credfit on a large .... . .................. a~ ~~ in un s0swus asa «03 551 1