ÂcK 1-Ca S of '1000 Bsd~ ff $et- LtUCUSt THREE MILLION jýt0 #hlieiat Great Lake$ or a d Sot tht Vetera' bul'ea, o«- 4"eintIte treatiuent, et heure- OW#Me Cam uttreuleet éhi itW sboffl or otbervhs men- ty duvmed lu tst gruat ver, vas ýM la on Tusdayevenlag e daciieofstPreaideailHarding sffl this hiaipiAl t Great LaIete or PÀUmerous Instittiolns scat- I elt thteeewtDy vas tracs- sIte CO. A A.& Brs.guIli chiI- te Col. Forbes by- a commIttoe t# a~ Aute'is Leglou, by Coi. asge 9, l'orbes. huaS uet tht Vet- mse bueaW u nWabtuo lEtia Twety Montb.è Piaht. heý ptacdng &,%Great Lgýes of au. Uttion te, haudle mental cases et hg t E tttfaderaI' dstric [eh hcludes Illnos, Michigan sud ititaihi. core 41ier a baille or mtI medûia' etratlon b>' .Co. mê«. Sring vbicb tinte ha liu in f otced te combat streuuoua ef- ts,.u*1 Idbmssopoltciaus, vWto 4M t tehare tht bospilal placed Çautp Cosier, at Battit Crtak, Wë mse ot aavy property ai Gret kte-veut oet he Chbicage & Noth- tars railroad trac»a, lu vbat va ep Daeey resarvatiou durnug the r-vasrecommeuded lu tbeir ne- -t teý Col. Forbest b>'a, commItiet -iitlesiay kuovu neuro-psycbia- Kt appelinteS by Col. Sprague sud ormOttee. Just.Awakening ta Dity. Europe reallied evan before thte twuce" saiS o. sprague. *"tht Il -abokutiand therwise men- 4r erangeil soldiera eculd be saï- Me mereinlu t tbeglnulug Le lsp IL ' V.e bave ald cur Mntal caes lu gdistrict saveS Avay lu varions ce&. vierever Ibe>' could bhe te&. Tht>' vre la the autoteboa. la tee fIe lassat. aitI; t the ffla 5ftmand lua à sumtgl 1nI Wisconuin, knovuxi V4-1. eci» tocure for 16 s tan aatpally atteetptlug le leto 2»gollri. "Mc eCoultetof ueurc'-pgycbia. le vas acUMPG$ed enthial, 0fe a s* wservie 'yUL combat dlvi- Ù5t in Urpe, sd'M.u vWeoItad a, ge sIUladthe rebabilîtatlon di4bOË obom off- 1W upet iom m 011 iltai h068m. 0tieta" r fthe it" ýp«nW byidiy, tueilovu e I od At the Geat 1.k etrtugastation, aid plane ame ta boetadeeWU at once, Col. l"orbes telle me, *for tb* constructiontcf 'tht boupial thera -After the comiumtteu ha"l lide lte report vitIt recommenit<l-çIfdr theplaclng cf ae $8,000,QW hSpilal lu thîs distict, certain ]Miebigm pol- ticlans started an agitation to bave thbospitl bulît on arry land at Camp Cusier. One of the sevoral oh- leetions tu tItis proposalIrvas t 11,a t there ta an qrtillery range utar the propoged site, no ane ïêr that bell- oolail patientascould bear tener letatisiho'" Both Obslte Mnd ModeM Ma- teriais fi* Na~ie Use PIace<i On, Dlsplay SHOWN AT CHICAGO ALSO Work- doue by the radio achOi tet the GrýW A± ske naval training , ts±lau..WMfhbuplaceS on exhibition t-et the Wisconsint Radio show whlcb oeffed ln Mulvaukee at uoou today. oqlpnnt showlug the evolnuiofe the radio vork for the lait 15 Years l% aigo one dlsplay, shtovug vhtat lte naval sevice bas doue to develOP 1b tepriet stage iu radio vork ln the naval service. t Sote of thet natenlahs on erhbi. ,tion la the mwlauke. show are nov 3obsolete am far as thitir naval va*Ine D l concerued. and soma la te ultra 1 modgin. This latter includes the ra- 3dio compos, a ccmparatvehy ne* in- vention ibat hu heen been devel- 1cped lun te naval radio ichoola and itiet réeâutly adipted for use. The display 0f the Muioni, craftln ln charge et Chlaf Petty Oflice P. tA. Mueller anSdturte a*.=t, as veil as a umuber cf nival reserv- lots frela the Milwaukee station. Tht materials were sept tu Mil- waukee by a Great Lakef truck, the me accomtpaing the exhlbitionai radio ituif. Thay are ta bu quar- tered on thé V. IL8. S. awk Suring their stay lu )Lluwaukee. vhlch vlil ho -util the 2th. They are ta more tbeïr maturial tItan to Chicago wItre another radie show ln te take place lu ihe Lelter bauin. laiting a week. Theéstueuts and Iheir chlef la charge vill rbu sssed by meut- bers of the Chicago naval reeerve durlng their iiay in the latter show. Chiie Poetry via. Freud. Clnom lterature could exèese a vu ietle te iend o Irovesefuor eap t-audioieontrary fuht!*0 !Ullte4 States for ta-tihe doctrine of aur "omamide *te et -Mbua cases. * l ron lawln-that a grat poetry cau MA&tIOU faf thtî coniite.eIt 1b>' eter >virtue. than Is arsual SOgthu -çor. lIai coereul the lutareaL t olctersa aresolution of Our- b7U .>'fo . 440t4t, 4teO.tvoretie etname bt$weeu se- - ~ ~as ietlsa nd, clesaielgrn, for I lÎas rKI 'for Oos0ua . lttratura ttoth- ýrnan aud humen- t ttea. reconmau, ded a a lteruture tînet le elietice be-i hospital for Iiaii trerai tvlieutitng momtified. !,;nc'tPnn " sd proposaS tht It I e poetîr -41Iem, tis tfr ' Chi- -»C upoi-gvaomehtlland 'wlclt nl' 4'lmCn--It'ly ln Overseer Sees Pair Walking q Down Boulevard; t Cives Hlm Sernion Tme M&OIERU WOMAIi ISFLAYEO * Zion. I., Laahed te fury at the aligtcf a w*a arà«dlug dcvii .MiebId«an avenue wtb bate legi se t IsdneiOvrseer Vuliva that hie =r e flapiter -and the moufler woman vith, -a verbal cat-o-inn.a MUSe sacb as he lies seldoni tnd bere lu the. City etZMon. Tbe Overseer vau vaiking do'V'n Md- Issu avenuie, c-go, accôinpsled bv W. IL Cleudlaen, Mayor etfIlou.y vben thtestigBtaight-Of a feile vlth, il-Ee htbut wearing noetccklngt. AddreZ$elug 3,000 par^ à sons at OhiloIt Tabernacle. ' ta Ovrte arued auybody whoe- tered thettabenacle , iPnPerl.Y dressaS. "Well gouard Zion vith thild G (ospel. atI the lar, aud' yul a club," he said. "Titis aserticit of the -vlghts etf voman ila aPart et the aprch cf the flotS cf 'bel uvarn britches ' and khaki suite, and go- f ing balTtnsked. la ail a er»ratIOW for the great snd terrible day Of Ged AlmtghtY. If yen vaut tea coame arouni 'where 1 amn, put ocm your clothes and cotver up your body. These dlrtY, uastY vow going areund aakbd, ruty BOsea u hn'$01 %biey' von't ear anrthflg but a evomea lier. Bne learned the su. *Ireech-elont. They are golng back tront Muerloen flersansd vii imu to harbanigim. No vondee laImmoral- pearg ta tIe tUited State .Ob Ity la lu every nooik and cornet cf ZtP5idluariuto the world. I won't have auY Of Il.,. lu iis Cburh. nor lu this Oci.., l)ceitoric .','g Reptile. etber! One of the ltlîesi forai ef tep. --i arn a Mau fity-two >ear5 <of tillin lIte whieh flourleeInlupreble. age. Refoe MYt>'God and Ibis peo- tarte times vas tht pterodactyl. thet Vie 1 amrnoagiafraild te bu tood -e ,hag flying reptile a lich, lInvlew of t as to purlty, b>' the aideoetBany Manth cuiyofbrsItoeda O aa;but -I Bay befoneGe o<i lascata cfhe d lu thset dayf admant that the Immoral drsc et h- chlt1 ttdmIInoSlt vomen j, developiug altahe bru air. A mtature pierodaefyl Domuid the evllh. ht snsua, tte.m a wing spread et 20 feet, sud a tooth. uebl. that le lu b3o ansd men. euhs beek, more tItan a yard long, aud draggfog thern dovu ta bheU. si- ta harp un a dngger. The structure of en whe hean iheln bodiea and eX- 'the ptaredactul vas of extraordinairyC pose thtem ta the gaze U den- llgbtwtsi, the entire skeletow, evant poustased, lustful, diri>'. ft>' tmen,, vben petrifi, eighlngcoly fave ori are lover de'wu tian lte demous Of aIr pouuld5,and the ecorevelgItI etj the hotonleai pit. andth Iis cbire thie living Creaure, accordIug te lead-3 vili have noua of It. snd vIii tel- log alenilut% c«mIS net have exeeqded amie noueetfil. Wear yout drusse 26Vanât.Theýrernaini efthîe lanieut vtlt beabwyoyur kuees andS cver pteredsetyhs bave beon found lu Amer. jour body, anS drpeî decenil>', orle bu «wr aPetYMo 'YOU Willibe driven eut cf bere.. ebtthyvr1parnl'm don't cane vlto you are. (Loud ap uumfrou s ad It the Most curIonsA plause) fortl't u wltat le nov Europe A nne-year-old girl kuevi more nov than My graudmother vhen DtawiSgt for Reproductions. sIte vaB seveUtY-fIve.Ilsrtas frbosadmM 'we mean business liere, and u iw steiu frtos u ae are goiu.g to malt h botter thon alues iare mode manchi Ifrgen thon t>ey heU tor anybody vit do«n nt nîtiear whien prnted. Thils methoul cOMpi>'. Mothuni, lock &fier your enableS the urtisi to work lu mort de- daugliteros ad dresa theut decently. tuil and the eut base a dellcacy lIat la 1u ibis church there le aniborit>'. Impossible wîjere dMrslugs are repro- Il vili bue eecatd lu love, but, it ducd the rame a"ets.8m. avtats vil bue zereiseed."rnatke ilratvnga muy assugRfo ______________ lte>'are ta e h4 plied, aomatmn* en i. . cy" sevea or eight tmnes aslarg;e: otl The Ln~ . i,'uiy lunlte wotild ork tivIce or three tUrne s gt. Was te w' Hareilirod Thera le neone<urenent lu regard leI huiltithte Ic l a New York cl>' siul' mdun or ltîttierlal, just - o ihey and n"' la 1832. wllreproduce. f'l e a*~ Cou* e Try te t: ! U MiY FRM4 tASU 3sue. 8:4 cftin wtit ntfonda te p«thve *Stlar t I o t , o W l .e, taxi qrlytr,, Uce et ,the pea&e<atatingiy the youngemoî lrambe look luto tI e cf the bride» .Then Came * talqe t -W006,Toua ually dinappeared. Came thte ara* tare litre thé licenle, the tas 11111te îh.*oéoFut rbous, the lUete. ci t aï Deaca the veddinç dtnner and i l".i 17 the taxi taxe >beek to tt* nation. Ali of thia bU eaten deep loto the unPle, as they tbeugbt, bank roll. BD they 4du't bave lte tare for the taxi diver &»d they wert alto, mInus the tare to Milwaukee. , This uofteued Sayle'» haart. IR. lifi dovu loto hiesoletsanad adl- raneai the dlIightud pair a $ bill. AUI tItis hayped last Sgturday and falle lu R11 wlthout the Ave spot he pamseSoui. Ail It Cout hlm waa their fare to the station, te ftve dollar bill and the lou of hi& tUme. Cnpid. no he thînks, le ottera toc fret witIt his darts. Domestle Mediey. Mether (nt Pl-ne. glving crder to 4rOCer and acikd.ug baby lunumi.- chlet)-Send me n Pound of fresh- baby !-Itutter and-stop that !-two ilOsn trfretegg.-.-or mothieri spank hiou-tIe lest you -'nt were etaie- fon naSDgitl boy!1-,. -neeript It would Dlot ho uîs,.cult for a boy te, ftron _a moqkey on tlievel, but -there la oeesels of rnonkey known Ësathe Ptsmonkey, but icaiethtmg u1e a gteyItoiund, hleh eau hope algueg et 18 mlles an heur. Aimy and Navy Goocis *,lya few deys Iefti-we must va- cate by JuIy 1t (urstock ie goig fut go .corne ery md take advan- taeof thA'~remeidouesang Liberyvk Army and Navy Store W07 Xiwauke ve. Everything Marked In Plain Figures Wlth One Price j TO AU Go. Jugt ing il ito di kg deç cmerci ýn goïm "it by people dng a Iuty id xit oif ilwill Lake e Thusl w whic wer bei ive Oom ;tance t g legisi preeial Judî ry bee. we too çeuce( iti fron fet lie is state iating ù mig dgi the st, Fely de~ kent it Mion b, Outd se >The Mmsible dyet 1 unot .i de ihand. d yet The ils to s 'aid t Ïth the 4ther t tich w ~testi Anc y au ïWte 1- The Season's Grea test Va3ues;1$15 en Values;1-2 Ten Regular Price .1 cil Purchae Sale'.C.o at Dress6es $1,5 ets 1-2Z Or Leas At $15 ncluding Regular and Extra Sizes From 14 to 49 le-ffi collection Inludes sport. coas. hohîvîs capes euh hueS.d crepe de chine capes, omits of ooIXnd wuovol poplies and cape.,vrape and coass of duvet de ainpm s lueu atiîonally toui -,A $15, a price thal repues et eird or ene-hait corlte reailîue&, Tbere art ail * lot frout 14 te 49. r -Wool Poplin -3on >ePe-Polo.i, Tweeds -M'ixtures GoIors -Navp, Tan Sport, Afternoon, Party Dresses $15 Sizes For Janiors Misses, Wmn1 o4 This extreordînar>' and diversilied'collection lucludeB dressas for tien>'ocasIon-sports, aflennoon, iuai- new &ud Party veut. There are printed erepe de chines, headed ceties and a vide variaiet 'v anteS style lu *JIl szes tlu tht varlcue mattrîsîs groupeS for tItis speciai iellng at a pries fa e lowt their real value. The sale stani tomorrov and promises tebu tse greatesi cut-prIce syttit of the tesson. .M4aeriaJs OlorS' -~ôO"wk -BRrowm -afts -Salins, -Maoon-Bt ege, Black - GrepedeChinte -4repe Kuit Libertville, MI. 1 arn pleased to inforrn you that 1 have been appointed.by S. Yondorf & Co., of Chicago, their exclusive agent for Lake County, for the sale of their tirst mortgage Real Estate Bonds, paying from 861-2 to 7% interest. 1 will be pleased to hear trorn anyone desiring to make a safe investmnent ROY W. I3RACHER, Waukegan, Illinois. iý- 1-l"';