KS#P t s z PoWm Tuien bY - im Rhmy ~ Utat bas i a4.moe r *rb b Litude ncfm mtruq Lit valmo*z. =1 F*~W*4~o F~~8#4 PUPIA4I> uaw OSITIJAiW - cotTo#4Y I~~PI.î 8CA%~ ;i ý y * aï. 4f th - I9cýý Met aý--osu Pm* Mt *4 ~ oa Pr txoy .lp<i bAw Sm VItE--Tb),A **d 11e0B4 lIel 0 O et, 01pu t-eu S il - oa 1v .l1r" ~ T k 0»- poat v«hkt o "11pl oopt 419211. eho -»at ccL a- *,yw.w t» booa et1 >al$ >~ Aaaaai <o ' atheg oce tm j..,: r 'oeS UtuO- Ig" t Itm I ce 91 -a- *-- * rudir -mroma ib a La * l au of bmi M. m n b te lu M» <h ,»etO. WIL aT< %'~~; uthe Qetrlwr thm 1115 'IV e u"ila tbe secas I COISLDi'flt MAIL M«m L Emmosonhava sodthe t s* -ee igtl& f1 d 111 Lm c agal4a i1 LIi*ýIL .Go, IPm it8 ra.Vemona 8Curtis ai th Ia s 1 Oathe Cm~usr iru d00. vLOlb. rnlln of CIrcutt ýo»eaae 10atrika tuaamais dm ai tt a=uSoi »0"o ur the f tic oaauaamotloa exept tuat @miE-0mne 260 axhibits aow baffgialei for bis _oonsdora- ne Ne i t at deais of a deal la Uigzelsy parmers s8151. bathat lvll ail, . C. ÇUi!liii i. L.~ ~ ~~e #".eu UCOLi7055e bat 111lPfl ý*tb a coetcy-lo Tbo as lubthegw lof m ilayas alootieargument 104*7 by Cldai couaaal C. C. LuT05oki for u«v. 8Sf, bofore Joua O. . EGWOOf bL aWppoirt* of f be O4emoaVa aol liaI~ ~ M aItm#ao ahbits ft. the )tàliic lbmàush e J4.itICkma trois tb. recont. ad '741 argument vai aes le 4 Atorot orIt tSi *&d' b a4*it, Eit4?e.0 bmtà*ld à»Lt (toh<hW s-Ildsud tai mWlbtgs Vbi umt- >i ed t tmklg the cmsa rom <ho 3urr. >- i a1 . 114 il ,- 1 . u to r . taob Iasti =I. SU cur ffl ý47 h peu- ouq*Î*& ta De"ab. 4U1 Wl0,à MS~ta Bornoua. at 74U ate'* us t betrip dà. testo q8 oeoavnae 0< <o tn is.aut uy ,uc ro«o(II~b XOr- y : colEi ltbaê xi; 0ata4 iqt 111 1w wuê ruuiut giç5couoob el-OwP tew ,=- 7 JM1 iw »é CtAws f mr"f bIr ba thé m »i"*sg. sj I. :a t' --0 g- jj4 or tke i 4el ob*c ataeo*a'e bd lft iguaer ZàKtaor t 8cs 5 the8»- «k7as* oirI. M I b bLMi th futMU ead b oc iuliar lit Mcluimbabil gt.m Pelp Ubqi*lhlo Land W"0 om a the<JII1 Osêar vos I Uer entn*ât- mi"« adrLe Mrtel 04 tiat.ihm wXp1tlrx ndBtb~aaHr glmuo&tdl Maausu lit .D itmdlm ut On. y, . 1di ~ I ,Dqt", a o* n mmii4 re.. Il va xam mo ~ fat tzi ad a *Ad ~ ,au *Prtu0<4,on 0 toatthochomo, »M MineIrta&HrAEvr em KlrAatto ecrb loliu tad et a otgi.u >Aia Lb. Ë? S moo#efftlrteouff mauabe*0 1 otsst Uno tn eu Iki ameilI *0 I~~mdô itt Tue- 11* lir.e tsir , OW4. *» »maff. *11 Mr. e.um e-7pbucmbcc 0Cl mMerrim"ia" oimo, fvsk.sA" daubter. »U*thm uorel tg) %4» Lut. luMr. U look% 11k. a e~rW lt~. Jay4th ciebm c t1>U* t5 a1, od. E- Keacaba sam vb11»<ha rat la golug ou1the a4a tt~ v~ adtMm Fi~l J(54 »M Md ,auabter c omM«Uet. <lui1. s Iuaday by a1ztoý hovlmg poL 41' a wk. .1'hiW vUsp4* vehs -iÈag <boitr 0.114.. e4 lu~t w0kflBlOI4 fomduu£tfrais *WOLl. e*t Tu-dy be k84~ Mrandfrreaia lu Xpada forkva nirlty lu K»~ .q.. te ebldrm - fo- lat £ml* owçIuf rt '~- #Oib e . lIwr*6ý wm- or"li usI~ëfr à qW15' .Ibo6 olIB1~*v wvau4 a dot i6 *a.. mIe4 5 * wa it p@do VI MA lmI8D R lk ifim m eh.Laesand Woods {fNofthern Michiîganý A bd1joeamcy vma. fuectric taisandLi Mcapby *ç popuw ar "al udwater route Ta. re&m~awssjhe. Ni" S5korTrains make dm117con- nections at Milutalwe.with Perýe Morquette Steamers for ooriie Milii.a ote. Check your baupag tuuIohb'limai ksteaon--no rechockang nec.nawy. 40 p ù Y-t % ý&y to Lud*ingt. Ma.htàOu,~ ad FroMkort Tram utie ~ 1'um. OpI"'-' WoeD '.sN LsjJ I ~ r MONb -W ope taro cout plidc tr mot, te" 10 Uoù plad w.. out lm] eou hi ton amo ot