CAR tN (jO wonnn-d BILDINI 1'U~ Jn.epbAkder (iica~o ia ~<N(ý>fT EPIbOAL CHUftCH OR SALE OR EN'i, juy t1h3SPoeLiePi~ '~A ILU AU ~1UR ~>~14! WlfleSçi. wo e IS ED A !ýW, C.Triggâ. l1w eteran sh" 0, tuuday Schooiul u ia. ri. D. A.hoe c15sr olaid2us pon îb,.itand. inîuflnectiofl with - was a (Chicago îîsitor Tuesday. ma . oun>ý,. supt. KIR BALE-a a&M nov selling Lhe bout aorthéiat 0cf Uberyu~ l4fO ti t) sc oi x ib ts co sI ti e os lYP b l c w o rsh ip a t i l a. M . T h e )i k in g m ac hin e , m a de, n am e iY . P ete r N Uu i , L ib e rt v l e 8 5 ofbatrecords, bocks, canceiied nsO- --o efraamà il- oe uprsircpino e-'m Stteet nuoh cek rfi adcotfiaeso d-Hospital Committee Find v .zo eiran isLUR 01-lerp sbcaa eeiio o 0 iToBall" mflklg machine. 1 have M an th atear W on't Do h ,b', rc 'msday.the defes e anfdat mýtig o prer oe In Lake Zurich TueadAY. brs X cby the choir. No ove- uOwee woriing close >t ovi. C. .' FARM $A1gSY MASTER 114 orwltD osi.edatn ntlgt njsrieAUl etW Our Youg pople ORichards, Antloc, il . 1-tAOW 15 Miles an Hour nounecdthiat outslde of argulng iMo-. Lake vi sier n WkesaY .6Dijnd rvie. urge epacal nvtr. WANTIID A MAN OR WOMAN ;WRO On Mender, JUW iy U, ai 1i tCLOCI 1Wiluld offer ont)- four documnfts and'vice. Sth arsel ai vl7eP . i ewms1o nruternm .m.dy4tsvllgtmA h u il> I 'tuwtelld 01(1 tstmol 1hrow àkilthp evidence out i. XI heilthe Laie countY hOliPita, Mrs. C. 8pring eand MS.M. SUMptuElva WiU> Leae at 7. b e ni. Misshelain L oo ftâsensS.latea rt te the lWmo. friands in Chicago Wedo-d*norTheeerminI serie«e dsyUl ty of IUre.A tiii st qý1%cin ai ýon thp_ evidence and tetIlmoDY cOnutnlt>0O submtted bsrIrt O bsile firelPhcaoWdedy.Teeeia srie uin uyb .peeilgo. itelala U eru teCotRSMl h î ou ytesaeboard of supervisore Tbursday I tvub, n«te uPm-lINS LI NoSpouRAng (~mor tsA uor w&is, th0~±et i tS io;dlws.dn.osday pf this "Week. asaist no0là il was ljearned the), laitfound. iR.R isoc hiao a> uga - b Mrti.hNIE.Nv rdcngmr bsihL c lini.te a8U5f*,R ~tiCl~ n tstgest il ~02ilt~itv~k~i ottO, b letua Jamot itns axrerd t e Owo t, uill 'wlf i.iIontunie an bour ,Vey E dw ard Pr ee O- L atirs -1 it an overdraf Mod la theld y. ha gmeSea i n d w ll bfl e t àve ni u 1o f m enU Gt h a rec -O f ee A U C i A VflT f hi ir ca l *~ W:î~tln he ort>ep ecutloia In the, tnal The dl caSe was mile In hdýbb - L C V - e>242r 0ry.uaaéx .~ iuia w a o ilb r , t dli v - n b e i ); " H ol e p f o lo * d b y A tto r n ! t " i 1 b u ld n g i ld l a o e r d r s w f l a n d m » Qaa ej e n K a i se r , D o r i a I m m v ic e .ui i Qd s ( w o lt , a ul t h è i m poer t y' o ~* fo rmie r P is teso fA tto reyr g .rl lth i o e r d ra f t e x is te> ! p r i r u ' D ro l J a s - eWuo® t r h ýec v m n , W @ b ol t a e.If y À M o r » o d I i tt l WiQ Z1 0 b 3 f taithou i$& uti-eand ihouan-y halo Coîînt. fonmer tates -J A ttthleDrororwa tiiKasr nLia KeYe notedt lcr I 1Io 1 ilvuigluypni~ f Lake ColinY. Or ThursaY assist- luBp 'erth wite.Dr. trOurWaulkleWe»ooaY. at-8àmoroct. r an>! anm bitir and aitiionsrwfite la fur- ta te Tuvr V et an.14 kd"um h i !. Iil apu t a a ,' A ttorn e 'y G n r ai W lker gon sit li ai1,rint -nden t f te hospital. d a lo a t i .2 8 p ert y.ock WO. dOf a t i ne.. Cl a r a H . OU à e cf tOC ! tl , A O aeob u it u t. k >~bnd f1- pultr anc n p ces h otg m nt . f tile ind ng of the ove rd a t l w rs al e J u n d. son k ii. e « ilng viii go te t.Îiq. th pa > rtie" r e I. F. c jb r llii i . c u u ll c h c l w u i' ti w).ay. raneAtto-np" 'Anneuhlen for the defense (eu-Id the- superybsors la voie In tas'- (f Clilo»lent theweek on>! at the 1 nechurcb Coqucl .The publilcor- Waukegau,11 ào , II4.*b>me lou 4T~Ot1 WIWIt u- tia le 5 e:. fnioed veterday , y Mr. 11)f irîe recoinniedittion of the nos1 e- nlfrhome-.-- acrs, ure o iss. uiuat Wbenil, ppSaed fr tralr. uMr. orgepelose>! the sa! dtRI comnilliee b b ol>! up final set-; edIny vte> ga 'lma"hrvfl rm ttlirido .oUi i o at the muffler o ' eloon >! r.Mortimier began lis. I-,lmiO trwluni h1 r ,i ie I.A rneetranew tlWediideenmtng a >olctGTO' IICSFRFRSL1 O!D mr iacr aadI~~ ,ar ball Reîn lard. Wl,îejrd aj >pipa for conviction shortly affer ho-eau ho fùlly audttpd and a com-1 MmueJans.Matheson an>!Vr lu.i nvtae nilek etn or bii WeInstiuibons n>!strie o. A t gract dObbCth$ 0l5OffS th, lotil >lcht bh- tai>!t vas bhnîing o'lrc,,k esterday. p.Itinventory made. hierg. o!, Chicago, Frda sitpi, frayüe nld eosh.mene ral SiantolLlOnS Ind2tr .12<lhhOf 5r..,a4JLalutebre *4nl- tel> Atoch. .%Il In 1total of 460 venirenien I% rdti> t > p tradesmen WAtOI*orsu>y 0>!T t est c-Glnn V31Oriva9. Dpi.ton &W. II. Tel(1111rlo) "1nwfo iisspedngcharge,"-o calte>!.lezn on t he building can get tbeir wag Mr.. andl Mas. W. 1. Colline andl Misa tors and e-enia. Uve-7 toplC Intert-jon 1r > A veod lot j<tim~@ebl 1t6 tiei. -aidIou)'ve got me charged T' ea ethl taxpayerq o Sngeetin-g froi.s POSITIOtN in DrohyDone ! ycmoa iiilaveln a>! uUaUe.Cone *Llb tir' x gtoStirty miles an cout' 1i, expecte>!te0 mn into, 'ne( co'mmut0eo tc aPProPiate $sol- :ripent foremWasu Wwierethy-liupyeromici.Ait board mer-c SiiNWNE-n sm 5si et mre or Mlas , ethel.t le. 1l ofe a flivver goiflg t (jingthe fe e 0'lt a the ouLqpun.ulag i ut i it.iexpctt rmana 'ok lwlgptaerbc meSU en.Alba>mm wdowi>13yrnid o.J.V th oilc etri 'bc le moV->na>' re than fifteen mles * mîli-ago 1liowaces wblch fotallcd' rpra on l is to ad>! $20,000 Luthiel ofLbe$1yvhle Loalge No. 966, I. 0. 0.; FR8SLES-SdA otmal;Jta "don day of sae. ad balance iI (lrIwoîld decide thai snime *l iv rourid $2.000. buIlding funel antd1$100n for generni Ip.F WM It«ke place at the hallnteMR l--Sd ottan UILtéP a therat. ~W 1101 ' anplaned moocy ,_______ xpeees.PAra NatonalBan buidingMondi' ilngfor a ra>! stand: cbeap. Phone teu <lYa Berat mico> bu -Q.FitNainl ak uldn Mna Ahatreia ti tie broughrt dOws te î,u!iiilfl il slmpiy eaiii, CRI CS OTNE lght, Juiy Srd. Ail memlbers ai-e urg- DIAMOND LAKI M. E t'M>NT hryll 4.2.>dt.0 otrhh> b ucsU 4tose.' CUTS AE OTNUD QU~JAUW'A PROGRAN IS e>! to-atton>!. Cnî'RTCII BABy cIlICRS. parcel postpald. $9.llPurtbr informaltio cm isb5tAVmbh P iiie 1tiasertWin- Tylr V S>f'lcas, thdefat tics aad to HIGHFST CLtASS TMISYEAR 1hr. an>!Mia. Harry Titus entorisin- Sundai Schooi ai 10 m Mr'. per 100 up. Catalog tells boy teb noagl>, rb eifhaM '"In ssorLtel yo s~iia l'l i o. tîe c'., thl ie.s~gaU5; e>!the following guestg S'Inday-: Mr.make pulletlalaai' tarrov-lrscl Co_ Mller. Attorney, ai LhhOl'tyvYli5 Mt zi- he Jd. "111thaveione:ofTthepromecutonu offi:eaino pro Wth speakers o! the ver ighest land! lrs. Broehnî, Mr. an>! lra. Witz PCarolin Mri>cl.ot :10 It l n. tedtOOlS ayo = .D ',V4eemern asie the car out fo Rft t nd thug the case goesa oer to) aider, masters of oratori' and deep ikie, ýAr. and lirs. Wintofl, Mr. an>! Pren aerc >2:0 u SrI'Eli.lîtiosMstrUNInCae. test If z> >oesiilitmakc 25 or 30 1, oferiterti, Curtis vas charged l.liflki * musical attractions hy some jMrs. Waico, lMr. and lira. Erving Serk-1111h'Oet-tr FOR Sbouse.aon.ofteasla iea; hrOo> 92Mseri hn 4i~ee su hor o btte. 'ilretil wt' ein hm cnprc il, thînie est artîisaon the platforra oft lman, Mr. an>! lrs. William Berkman WECLSEI>C aor el on>!f héatindm re 2, 2bel y4>ir in,.and ivt a-ou $10 as5 q bo i.r n Smai>. America today, an>!u play' whicb lbadt Mr. an>! Mrs, IRangs, Mr. and Mmr. B. T. ST L Baty9 Pas' twtrba ad81mdrn-ih"e 2i'1 82 e~ed O h ther han>! if I' one of te most phienomenai rnn on WoIch, ail of Chicago; Mr- an>! lra. Imonti.s.imaicash painhent. balance TiboyfBurlP.ret 9 prise. uOnerthile-anhotir we'Ill> B ~roadway- whloh ani' pay lbas ha>!in A. E Zou. of Waukcgan, an>! Mr > and da'.Jet> 2. TIlird und-'y aser w<.cent >p, M. Harding l'boune 18 >'. oyo uri .Tei 1 ,keep lat. car. Now that iz a fair o o o0 o 0a o o00 o o ite past six years, the Chautauque Mrs. J. ýW. Brown, of Lihertyvillo, rt-Aa pi,.I ni,,n Ic as1.M pootin lw dotes t t> lb.'rograrn tebich etarts I is uacti' noxt r.J W rw Tri ia 'el bliy res. oo 1 a mywo lr eni>!. in .sithé n M O' ý1 A P T M 1 ! 51IC 0Moulay afternoon la une of thtejgreat- lr.J.W1roovste!MssItela Comni onat i12a. FOR_________________________plant; r 61u-,icanc Tne s> "Tu> î-n'tgog n ot y or~ ~' oo ~ n >C> ~o cest ares of attractions whlch- ba; Hookat the Victori' Mémorial bospital , 'B',cy omialo i i.'FRSLEWmTsUi nepln; 6 he. I ,'- liaiftd atk. iN- -.)u psy flic in b t gtuclu' r-it e, r crne 0o0 be0yvi00.In Waukegan Wedneaday. 'It wili bcelThé serice viii liefothe -Lourth ous alorago btter'; 2700 klovatt>. r'otet. ilbaynlgt1tD 200vas"t- - 'zncr otn r, ondteThe editor of the.Hattieeburg. Amer- i romeinbero>l that Miss Hook vas la- O! July, Sermon subjeet 'National ty vth genevato gosetani ~vre!irdyngiotng20e baebl>nn a ai I) TaIcn Htlebrg is. jjure>! In thc auto accident at thse cross:- 1 ea.' egins.. efc Tdto. sgola f he foy wskrebet . ser >1 ltanwoAiadt<, Dsn>>Lû ii!a Lb the. tinat. prgra11"tat7 lg çfthe electric rallrca>!near ts eprsMs iih g n!thenv Bnb ee a'da np r Tbow 32vaWst g Sreetd L-. bis"maont0 e hwas gadmore score 18-6 in.iavor of Huit Day. Har- aver appearedlanthse Chutuça 1s->gb -clijol sevoral -eeks ago.wShe!tlalg ua:lina vratGrge1iee, *BOW,3 a 4"3Warst aiL t bi mahinewaf gong mre ertWpidn.r aiso belix tih oy ,tr fHMebr .ý geven aiistsuhed a fracture>! ekul. an>! vhie j"O, de>, OeaHelp"-CrOft- g vnepliebua is tvelve or itteen miles Rau bire plfflegta dy 5EOBO5HIUirEl atsaebr OiIj<e laimproreill.iL vii lie '"Our Pther'e Go&"-Atie- M AiCa.piebrdrgi Vti-O %«Xre-tste>! b future wht arcn xm it l bl t lav! 9G r thegby Iobe on fnte >! hi is sata.iInefutureveai inemybers were added te t .h e ti'i - ing ueCh an institutonl. Thte anme ime before aol bet a e 0 ?O a~ ea . O 1 .Ptered DuroJ ers e b e!r igeestgmthé O a ! enad a> dl are gensfrpuon itie ai D.vchibislitSodaseem g edsta is ben e-ngge fr ex ta iopie0 OGo>! o! Loe'-BslIei'. tir uo ire'b~ ie hols - r ib sane îro,0-tlO tley as foos: James Mateu»ek. Caroline year. ______________ __________________ ,este ta uces. uscl. ays>!ClnnctBicr.Alice 1 R. *S. Soulier, secretary ----ite--- mtedte>! Alexander Buton. Mr. a«>! Ift ria IL., Camber of Commerce. Max Miler sf Lbertyvllle, ad three Isel>!, after itearftt FrenisDixon' loc- otte-i-awer ssmes-we bavan't beard. ui-o."Ineyerhope ta hear anytlibng *'~~ê.e os o e c <>~x her ani tamly vee calere inor than FranktDlcu InIeies tAK VLL ax. N. uscb'an amlyUN.F. Bcai e Tooila of Dmomrcy.' The 20w 'tÀ1 VLA -0 tJ N Bc'aadatN .Buc' iajdMaile Quartet yeuterdasy CINSL 6 * a IF à Il0 4 ut atuday venng.perfect, splendid an>! the Alexan>er t>,Unfrdtxasacedbusnes bCarence Busch iepegqt Sunday at bis Unatertainera tc>!ay gave s delighttui trnatdbsnsinborne,. prograni. The Cliaseer of Comnmerce m b r lW Eaitnfrn< h~Zimra» ailyam ie as sireadi' taken a nov contract for UTO AL -~~~~~e NhFt ~rc n!~Grnext year. PFrom aven' towxklias %isbet alitr. lera. Liteli- Uoeu Utf la.tnd tter Ger-crme simillai-commenit, andlt la net the .net rnmnt tB"t,,atte strange ibat the circuit bas a record »«M.table bhs as guest, Frlaay nlgitt. o! 100 per cent on tovns for the ses- wbeive FI <~1~* Fred Weidner frorn Chicago, ayant Witb a varied mdan>! banoous e> kjbesL Anderson ot $undayatG. I. WeIioe boni. Lrtaient lte i<.v odIma > a-Am y ad Nv G ao o d s UedetGa's- Buscha vas a cavll # aithe NS., i050pl __4 Mai tueur reiiettoiye unrts P OMply at 92 .3Opi nt friasome rmio roU> the &Y 83111dey. great mmni' clrimnpersocations an>! UNIR Oaeest atteildeal the.bal ganteet atsilg monolonues and! attrats. Their b*ucpeaud a reft,,qfiment ~Siinday. W"iUOII an>! prillide at Uiglt viillie$fOiove>!84 by * bd tQtebaccamM7gig r teani scoe 18 te 3in *V of tthe dynamitc and>lctrt "eGm3-lUnder Ibis Pava cf0i.themr je nlbrd~ A ie and Alexancer Bunton attende>! byDr ei'* A. turday, JuIyot 1, 1922 the ampafhtConvsta. W l eture. ffnd $lrs . Paltter. F>a n~tiens of Azerica to>ay,'asuinalge>!an>! AlsI LoMen a Pent Sunday AL»u Krueger vas a business caller t I lited by Lb. BIlbeurd. a">!wlthitilLb ry ffe 1 AJ.Rappa, Saturdasy. qution la tise best intoraned Arnerl-11 au! MCoky Rn v.Kelthea 'vaacler i the ti nRsiadRut cniin =at ourStoire 507 M ilwaukee AveLb rtvle I esaiuss Mondai' Ceticefi ls aur!y tePoiish Leglon, that ba Aof 16,000 =andJ..u..m.continue..w&knti i eagq pi _ Ranaw ~~~~~~G. M. Wel>ner and! famiy entertained patriote ot of vbich 870,eacape>! vith ~al l1C.uu,~ ~ tle ey a ' Sona elaso f Chicago. , " ii.-coinpmny fromi the ity Sundai'. 1he1- lives tronm the re>! unr a! Uic t»o wella aith M".' [;imec Dorotliy Push frotta thse citi la penal- Iolsheiks an> Terroriste c! northern Laie A>! Fri ucting a veet sith ber aunt. GeorgeRussa id Palan>!. Dr. Convie a E R E IS T H R ESN Lair'Aiiociety wa l'lee 11eter. the seulofthesoloas the Pale acarce = *0e présdent Mrs. FeHlatlin knowa imaeoifan>!in lé ielecture lebcR E =TER ES Wedilmdy afîernoati, July fi5th for Clarence Busch attende>! the dance at'piesonts an ecitrelv nev an>! différent business incetinjt anti a goo!Hal f Day Sattiiday nigbt. Impr-esion o! ibat mieonderatoo>! an>! vID b ha el tet in Juli'. ttwheig auda'evnn h' the fascination o! a magnetic, ~w e must deliver possession of our premises to = ce adesîr ço>!. rer fnalGorgrWiderhse lsansacaermlne poplmHne laa bis teel a k riee~a 11two :-00 At ane tBa!th unratr o ieFred Buscb anc lady trien>! attanded orw -fnl prolty.ndHeintsa gmiast=tne a e .o l.yL IE',pI.LCA titea> oce,: s ~rcntl daceuty Day Saturday oght. j inan of lits trillng experences vithLLklu ___N tin uis fplcso! nae machinera'S-GreWelme rntmChicag'b, -n ie -h-les! Ssiptvcloi =L1= wrog therni eiog z- big itra n!Sna'a lo '. ýf ' bat tbey soona almoat ispalizedito-o a~iaoeetiyeceved ramWalar eors- 1î-u utMoiton ro as j s.tIth elilt it>ditioisal attractions, as f 1o~ n natierean>t mLa>!Le of .Ntosh caliti'. vo Weili as a froc atari' bour ovori' morn- att ites that lbe t; -W ha. au.r o i on g GsoTb: workd pi-ogi ne trt Orly an untisual appor- rp A r and NayStore : aeo-t e __ a fJUY 9 2,O h n o)nt, Del, .andibas f ou eri' Ptta lut est tniylaofeeinte_ Prte o o arrniy Nay ntfe htw aeeetdt eem=yu tui>Iid in Ftaepur-ndentertaimmente, but a vondorfal bar-I fnagm i a r erb aiidta ehv lc ad te ise Ur lase o thedituatdfJLot. 922Kcfise- wijijeinhlmisîe. IEtiil Geat inconte 1 'in th ai eofr> th rc bc n=preiies now occuped by you, being the maiddle store rocencftie0 ai er Bd. ocle. aitued tnqLt 3 adse-' i. avng ~ trrt"5a! o a radio ouLlt. * Sca>! boy cludes admitance te the ontire liet. Su"Jvision, On Milwaukee Ave., i the Village cf LbertY ville, Illinois, and you are hreyntietaqtadd- J. Muaie iithvn , .tr nil" vo ail would dearli' love te liten Sao iieaaeo sea ledu it, butfoonenagond raanc e'aysntr ets ae' on eathe omo s =liverup possessioni of thse saune to me on date aforesaid. COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Miller anc i arence w i ne. "i la agood aid scout an>! ver' Club. Buy your scason tickets eirly an>! Russell enjcycd a fshing aîcomnîodating. an>! put Llhertyvillls over the top hv Libertyville, fi. tu Lily Lake, Wis., thie paýt veek- Our agemon titssay hiaying le ton BSatuJ.drighnlght.r wbeu tbt*ol>! lady mraisthernit e BF.JWrgt ~jr..angvoIvs tarillerad witu a col>! drink of Zanolasot eeececooco0 oco0000-0 Landlord. i- yak in Chicago witb fieude.t drinkss lernonage, orangeade or root0 mreeting of te L. V. C. A. laat eider, grapa eider, traviierri', rasp- 00000000000i tue date vas net for the anuual berri', vinola, zoia cola, cherr a varlety E gM s eSl. OrEtr tc osf a tW I g Vmw d%, and! a tva day session they nevcr tire of. Thebhgîgest picture yei. "The Pour eyd plan cr a. cpth«I obese <and John Bornhotan, Jr., was a cler et Horsernen."I thnee.Ke hs ae nN. F. Busch'g Tuesday cvening Mia. A. N. Mecfonatx(1 was a (bicago - 300 PAIR BRANI NEW M'S AMl BOYS> SHOES; leu PAIRS RECL4.IMDMMOE, 500 BLAN'KETS, 200 CriVIIA ffmi smkngetm seGorge Zimmer o! Arlingtozu i-eights, Mrs. E. O. Wells an>! daugbier, Miss BDS, '"'.M ""r' uS. NuIF ILOS AMCK REHS OT ROSRWRKSIT Baalniamaî>gex.aiewas a cai«r -a A. J. Raupp's Mondai' nvl seltr turdai'. sui'rs SPauntac, Aao. S»'& L an>! improvementa on is bouse. GnveeretTurdai' witblMr.,- OYERALLS JUMPERS, JACKET, COVERAIS,COTNRYSHTWOLA YSITSMRNESRSOL tora avay tue ni>! porcb and evening. -lad>!Mm. George HostoS a Round AM -'e< O~NAAVmT anU~COT OLAM VROT RYRNOTPNCHOS CIV- inakea more nmodernoene an>! vihli ra. Eînrna Rtidoipb of Highland Lake,. I - I. eCMNAJf 5W Cs .54A*Jc 55S WOLANYOEROTS A AMA*nç list Ireauil.n. Ec.nn'W!.ar, ws cllr CAPrmthr'aliMlie.APSZse an! ir. W -RATSCAP, ISERRRVICPSCEMPCAPATSERVCECASBOOS,,OKS HADKRCIES, EE BGS _ made t oe aeutrheborynehlabout thada. =çMarynnrSchioPlatie vsitrauasda.iWaEL. EADANDCAR IIFennerBRASwereOLAP, BRnHEnCRRvisitonsE FrÊM idaER, sarli a go>!>!bit o! bonei' was Garage men an>! mratinistt-yZanol'i; Mran>! lin. H. C. lMeyei'le nt the W MLA Al AR AN S, RNS, BESTCLARS, BSHCES, CURRY COMS O SEE-S, NDERWARM Ont.ff oa asis, it removea dirt in- week end! with Mm. an>! M"s Paul i PACKS ELTS, TENTS, ARMY LOCKERTUKBCSICSS HE-LNDVSS HE-KNCASAI LuTaber seas a Chicago visiter ' ___ Ic'ya'ndveza a trgrant citer. M Ron.eatitRochelle. M OO ftfEST N ERUT O O. atbsgsdotM',MsM rndMis lmNo. C babs enmi în auegii ij cn-- -1i' r hi-i--elties in La1wo>àW- '4 it b btm a i* the ohm W*u di bt b c