* . 4' - ~ita i. um~iwm £~ . Tf#JI~>AY. Ir~Ig 30. 1922. PAGE IWOU%ý , affin bc ~~~am.red of the rfutet5nt VILUUJ*y ofth people tore CONn FAIWBURAU t NSANITY PLEA vir'lpTO g'edty.rThereole ictoy(e n the O N Y FRo1U o15 ONLY AVENUE tiAe&aek lleuthe gmenor nd ted HADING LIKES US.Th.-s recrdaAVENUE su ~atic toals that Ironsthe White Hauete VPreaident titiols with 51 praducing 044 alII., DIS SCU A<1o' ~»ad eit stand plaie .R. Howard Of the Amoricau Farai plant. L F O O Z S fes se -aUma = bye .,Bureau Fedleratioii, cames tht follow 'Lake covulaW lias 17 cows at tin-LU ! UI IL frayed the&r tflle and thelr trust, îng letter exx the signature of plant, thse laM eueL ben from the herd fWashian Toçoosian, WaukeganThOOndgll6 - tI lanOgnpeadetotth a l Risdt n. D ethid ofthiýi IAt Least This is the Opinion of Wèds Esther Pott of MmLr o In 89s1' Io dead, the ofevere -AMmost from the earlilet begInning herd at tht A. R. 0. plant. -S. H. B"oc, Assistant Grayslake striof the long trial was nodatbt1 have been quite intimatçly apprised'MNGMN FOIYCTL ttsAtre but ale dies knowlflg that ber huaband Bureau ffderatIon.l.it bas taken lifs:IN SIMMER MiajsI»ýt Terogian of Wauloegan and wa vi"dcated. and is gond trame place in anis atofiaiilng brIe! period That ignatzIl'oi.7. muhicrei of 10« 1MMter P'ott, a 10 year old girl restored* amang the mot important and influ- Keeping sal> the, MilIt flaw aed brin,-- Matorcycle Policeman William 1'.- '~ig, Gayslake vert united in ChiçaO on e4eneda ential factara ln beha » ot ouly of!ng the S400W rotsgh these amuer i tersen of Wintbrop ilarbor. Who MOIWE byr Plie.Mistrate Walter fsi AImaI Ki-eger speut sunda) ftle bat agricultural deTelpram5t4but good eotâéit are Fr0 serious prob- vas ta have hanged June 14;. but IN-IO a th Waukegan police sta- wthbIk raonthr. also otfsiaplng the causminlY senti- lemis oouh.odith e daij'men. Itla3wbo recelved a sixty day xeprievi j tite kiqda> alternoon. Paren . of thie R«. &. IMri C. A. Koea were ments of the country. Its »olclei bave flot advfa bleétIosow the dafry lierd f rom Governor Len Shail. bas an YoeagI girl vexie Preatat aS wifneases. out cailng on Tuesday. been dlrected wit.h a untmIZOU isdomte t O dowu fla ttèh. Ton> offen this exceedlngly slimi chance of escap- SAt a resit li la expected that when Mr. and Mmi. Gus 8toerp and Mr. and and breadth ci undtaldlflg vich. hapens la late splmer. The cava ing thse gallows eventually, tý the the caSeof Toroslàn cames up for blras..1. Mether and sont vert hbuai- have well earned the hlgh plane whicb freshen tu thin offltion and vilI not opinion of Asst. States Attorney S. tnal listaie Judge Taylor oset Wed net allers if Ibertyville afurda) the Fedetration baULd tri tise confidence Produce aisilOU a fllcently as H. Block. »idai la wbltb the Waskegan youag nlght. of the country. I feel tbat lit but ta ncOva that freliboltn good flesh.Acrîtt r lc<teea t"la charges with a Serians statu- Roy StaM iand Ted Kuedier attend wortbî ai especwalcommetulatlan by At tlis Urne there axe- many dairy- lsavu h.z the chance that a pardon', tory efee f vli lbe dlsntssed for ed thse banl gem. t Wheing 8unday i-asan of the brad vicer ifliths talteiimens who aré jeedlng slage or grain, g tan' mutation ni sentence may' wsn' of proiecution. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. RiLtzenthaler. of national problerstind induatrial re- or bath, and they aay it pays. If viii ca1 tbain the- tate exeocutive: Mr anmbs. Torosian are the par- Ennma and Ben visited vith Mr. and lationabips. The Iihetiife vision pay tvelanXmoe neit vinter. The fol-aside fr2 îi.b ay htp-e tgt&-a t aUtiiece vee-oad fafiat. Il Mn. Lewis Hole.cf Wbeeling Sun jta-been paruicssulr lllustrated ln lit; ioing gpilmlru ay be led a t t îcally the niy3 chance Ieft PaLz _ eindibe ri eltal chargos ta bc PlAe - Me.and Mra. Robert lDevereux and behai! of an adequate. Merabant M.%-one-haif te fisse iot1)2da of miIk produc- jthat he bho diclared insane. the- e-i .sganst hlm.1 Chiale, Moite *ere caniera at L. I_. rifle, and ifs favorable attitude te thte d per day, depenhlng ont the amfount cotirs,, taken by severalcosie 'îosaa i l aid ww iîtg' rm&'hrhine Saturas> ternoon. Great Lakes-St. LAvrence waterWaY of milk produoed and the condition oiî nî.rd., - -i Cook coulity. ta trso wif d lt girl t ar par. Lake colnty bas aone efficient ens- projec.- the cow: CO=n.5 parts: oats or bran, "I am inîineçItonbelit-s.-that eftt s tirst would flot ,contnt tathtploy at eati. if Le-w dldnt kknov vbo l'cedent lHarding wSs invlted hy ;' parts; oil isWiI,1IPart. thîs n tho- course bis attarney.- will mu-r. te.- lto-caue of the irse trem aw.,,d tbe auto at th c..,y hospital l'reaideît Hovard ta attend the Failli li ess iOpiîbI.i n El alargeta.'Nr lakaitoy.îel- ysiut#' wOndtr wbat the>' Weald have dane fBureau lecennial at DeKalb, Ili., on measure. for loy Iilk yields in sum- tifion MrlBloe d t and th'Veille If cens ha anauo fr hafplce u, 30. Beoease cangress remains la mer and thla cattle ln the faîl. Cows la granted by îth- couri il migb' a0 ooo ao0 00oooo o 000 0 0 0 0 j s'aS SOll5 5. that is w-ty its exil-session aiftisat time tise President la should lho prottd rans tbem as bave flie effee o! ullaying Vt (!DAv~~~IArr four, acA W forgotten. unable ta attend the tenfl i brliday an- rmuch as possible. One of the t aote:wci l'rl' nlversary, but he expresses lis regret mt eo nhni do flothook ti TIi.ronl,url 00 00 00 00 00 00 000 00 000 ) 00 00 lofol.ows: fo keep the cows tabled ding the Itreeaan I ~~~~~~~~I amnver>' sot-r, uaseedfor a ntim heat of itht day icoldrked nfveeaa, Mga.(Ihiita dvara lef Ssndayo E E RE T S CIl OO L0 ber of reasonts. that engagements litre- barns. Windows Omis be darkened b>' LleieIls o ileii fo S. e 'a ooosptialin Chicago, to l o ooo o0000O000 O0o00 0 tofore made rendier if Impossible for niig in >.erae hn.Gi-Sulreme court ionsepnlI tnro wbchallingckb gdy b. ang oeflaeh ra y sît i the cidnc bcaus.-Iii othe Hirold Stiulg, accom»a.nied by tev- Tàe Evereftboaselbail team won trom a-otite afford me an Qpportfinity to In suces a.marintr thatf fles viliibc decisîve usa'. thî, rui-l in a.flirni erai yaSng mn afi-ont enoeaba. apent iPalatine Sonday by a score o! 26 ta 6. prescrit same Suggestions a-hfch are hrusbed trointhe co"' back a tley iag the iudgwîý-nî i of t Crcuit 1 Sabudaay and 1Sanday ai tise Sfrangj Tht dance given isy the Raabow very promînent in ni.>' mmd.' enter thtelbtrn. Manure sbotld flot bc court. lFor tît--oa I i 1A do 'W cottage us Long 1-1, . girs vas a giet success and a large _-o--- aloved te iccamtlate ar-eud the as- t loo0k for ii. tlo ardon S)oard NO T. . eyoisa-o nv asde ls row atede. 4M BUTTER RECORDS blet. au, h tgamn ideal breedlng place te take an, actio!" Ant n-anity. FIoetds. caled on old friends bere tbf s Miss Mary Snedderl came home thse Lake caunt>' Hatoinsati tht Dizon fer flies. Poa-oderad borax sifttd over pies iteems ;tGb b.ii i f ' IRn. latter part of ltes t ek fer a mait a-ftii testfng plnt hold tii-st, second and manfure will aid la their contrai. lefi 10 Poti."- PE« 'Me body' et Wyadam Tueerroa-mrelafveo. orhpaeinbtereodfrte Bnelyeb= mxuesmti-G erIy làresldeût of this place, vii.hbp- A bii-thdY Party vie given ihonor fmohplctinbte cr oth ti e fat shorutiUntiuesa eeho Thse cow owntd b>'.R Wiel spray RuS>'lb. Prepired sa follovi' "ds Wore loiu OkLalomafor biari aofS. Hantsenci Uverett and Ham sa n l ! ' G .wllel otv trSsuttm.as bo iad =7 HOO ER ' lut 0murday. &en of Lake Iltiret Sanda>'litthefIs ist with a record of 112.27 pounds co. Dlssve eue-HiP ound of soap ln a hvit Waek spent Sanda>' a-th Chi- abme of the torinti-. butter; one ar the cova ovned b>' the galion 0f sot v"ter beated te the bail.f1IClfKR Dancing at Gibhone Park amer>' Rouie Broc, lansecond itb 11031 lbs.; hng pout, and with It combnetwtv gaI- f ebmXayft«oil, an 'd'alings. Tis Park la2on the Wauktgun a-th a r to 0.ÉPaundemad a« Msx gallons of vater. PiloftPJohnMtzge wa ,,u ru w*M Wee*Wattaded. Mr. Bnyder hid Roed, ans-baIf mile fiaitii at Everett. 1%e IReta owne-utSby Climent Durhnqfthe busy farnsing season but exanerated of blame la Chicago hu. MWW yftiM* by a-basa e a-Il be Murphy isinsseit -Uibis ftimous jazz BraS. bas second placeinaMnllk inei- thiere tga atendena> to negleet teMonda>' in connection wlth the t a dY« gtsaiy mUmed.orchestra wa-tU 5>. tiena-lit 70M pounds mllk an bar ooa-. U erguMllkng perioda should deaths of l.lr. and Mmr. William C. Mi 4Mg. at>'Rae idch- When Mr. Patier vias dririig a m iooed forMay. bo adii e ea s cloly as ponfi, Wbeeloci foi ZMon City,. lilted In an ""Mm! doz euWUi patSna'a t t the corner of the Hlghlad Park The tid inighest record a-as made as au>' w~ *s cange fin the maü«e- airpîmne accident aifthe Ashburn P. il. Kau t1 Ne. road inother car cama semiS the cor- b>' G. p td ôa llhvs i-tuet tii'ciM Lte asuBy'resaIt la dé- flylng field s-hile on the r bouse>'- Ksei~I~o4rreuredborne ner -abininr the front a-beel of tht in butter. Ber pio4ncqoui vas 2673 crusseS »Mi anS butterfat production. mon. The caroner's jury verdict ThUodor. 8.= . d gC' .Lttirh a wee vth Daliuer car. pou:Se for thse =mth of Mi'. --C. S. RiiOde. iAiy Dept. T. o! I, la part, said: re*ave W~~ Th thi-os eigith grade pipils ofthtie_______________ "We Sund that flua alite bas fia aid tatlo!EvetisciSol bave gradoLted. lava govemrng alrcrsoft. and ive if S1M Rt. BvM eat corner Sheridan Road and Flltiipassage ai a constructive law eg J~, D MU Rook am -ttt- la celelgete " mh Wag a&M tve- stareot for $16,000. uîsting tiyig. SK I b*bo hts ra. g8car ai bm At aieao ir. .Edith H. Hangea bouglit tise Zfm- it vas hrought ouI t aithe beurf ng atimnd a r e ru f eei t -vent ISSuS D10-G mer place on vest aide Gretn street tiaItise 6.54h plane, aiiglin- iO-Î 19 VM petit «uWU edatElerttM - t sSouth or Laurel avenuie for indicat- ttnded te carry ane asenger. bl Into, thet Sh.h but uno vii erlouWsy ed $86W0and gave trait deed back lutei cbanged ta accoiumodt t*o. ~~eXààdsM WrigtliuaiiedE M for $6.000. Sanie fyemid tai hUe crtsh a M a Il. ila th-esaif ase.vhbusbeen r. KsttyhiiPaul W ScbaeîIe1 and vife due tea a-ld and otisers asie oIn 111 , 8Mr. P0e9 Mg&bas returised te is e t lainChicago. R ego lt tht Mat S&ikin place on tisai Metager bad *flSpted te turu hobnmwmoitrip te _______ofD" I Uw LSanOW a-est aide FIrst Street, 'South ofa-hie t00 leilt thte grolui nS., bo a loval. otb Totalie$210,755; 270 Laurlel avenue for lndicated $5000. ual ~r Instrm ents Flied IN DEERFIELD TW.-Ferdisttfd Kr. ami M vert Kawpe of Wau- * RO0S ÉC R A XS oHotz bougt 70 acresin the nvr 1.4 kmq0bdthe faneraiof<KlIOO OOOOO 00 SO OOIO00>'A. K. SOWES Sc 5toW.H ono o s.~m 5ssft. Sec'y. Securit>' Title indicated $31.000. The âmeay$s or 0< Mrs. ykisoit Tht Bennett fanl>' held their an- & Trust Ca. I RY .K.retB waUs ms, 7te beua i tiat ihe biSbeeaj uali-tuilais SatisdaY is the Ames Itsif eâstof thtelRecorder*.,office lMoore baugith,. Paîmner aPester- takIii te a Chics-gsi hospital for trait- Grave. Seventy-ttmve rs presesit. for the week endiag Jeune 24, 1922, ProPertY il' w 1-2 Sec. 35. trakvn. ment. Aexander Smith, a-ha vas a mm- Nuolo-r of conveyancea. 171, north et pani, oad. for indicated Miss eataisLevis. accomsneied b>'berra! tise amout Govesfi(fl' Sall jury, Numtrab o f chattel iiortgages, 60.$40! ber inother aid several friendi o! Chi- retarned homne Saturda>' atternoots. Nrnibîr of trust dees and mai-a- IN Nt-'APOli I -Harry A. Robin- cage omtI caliera bore Sanda>' jOur annul Faurtis of Jiiiy plisnirgag.--. ý isottak tiflo liithe nid licydeoker Xr. and Mms. BS Wagner and fa-il 'va-il lie belSlis in es Grave Tuesday. ITotal nuî,ui-t- of n,ttumenî.filedlafat- "o'00 ascia Lun Sec. 1,8 tram attded tht picute at Milwaaukee Imt TIere vilIlie a gond speaking, a garni _>1l 71 iudreiî Il lt!iglin for nominal casn- tltuid>' -of indeor bal. music by the band,. soi Totaî l nloti of loas, .$219.755. sideration. Ki BManad Mr. Buriidge of Lib- the ladies a-il serve their usual gonîl ;u-î--la,- been vern brisk witti. I 1AT t-dKNipiad,4 - eryle vre 508f <oi our streets lait,.chfcken pie ife.A iltttn lo i. se-g Michael V. Il--binget- bought the -tu1na. .chestra a-II give a concert at fthtC011T ho. 'l olowinz at- rI.tîth-oe nti nd lak(_sid..- liiiel properi>' on Fax Tht boSdy of lim. Daigt Granger munit>' Hall. Tht orchstra las lfsot olal deals. Lake ini Ostranirs Lakealde iibdn. of Chicago waasbrongit litre tor*burfal, proveS gi-tatI>' ondes- tht able direction ,lN oW ttKKf;ANtn-ndae $s00aSgv bcl luesda>i.of Mr,.Steere.Admssion 35r hl ane ot.i, )iit iiMet t 111- t decil loi $16000 and Nlichaell ias Dorotb>' DesJardin and aiter t ien under 12, froc. cha ot lu sIliNl.. fli tt -.i COri-ttiHeclîîngî-t-bol'itht tht Walionian o! Chicago are tiheguesta o!fitir lit-.Steer e returntd rnas hi,, vaca-tl n -.ý ttl l"';' f: t or 111 ii oteli n Sec. : n lFox Lakte for ln zrandmather. r.Tomes. tion Saturda>' nlght. Ht apent tfileli,t-îî $1r.000ii it . i,,ik trustilc. sîMi uMr.Oradr R. B. Godti-ey and Kenntth licNln- ta-o wetks vi f his tamfîy in Minuse - le.. $1450 jcti. WA ii-\ TW.-Jsta- ><' - a..rspent Tuesed> nChcg vth of.Il tAît71111-biugl irii0.1 1P Ne WRE WP-a, Mi. ~ a GidntyChichr.a-ho draet Mrs. Susan Pacey. an aId Urne ftitnd -(àl. o- l;ii-isi ttt. bougt iî,irt Of the GOTo. an aperation at Lakeaide liaspital. o! Mrs. Taylor, fa visitlflg at the lat- i liii,. 1-. Gras foinînîiic1fcd - lira. E. C. Hoak and dauglter. lis ters home litre..,MeluttOUl priier i> 0$ 0W462.e $1:,00ii u>nîîI Asi a k i rîtîinî ::ilficutehi$362 Flot-ence, spefit Tuesda>' fa Chicago. lira. James tralian iii ,ntertainlngfol. Oî _____ ber mother tram Norths Dakota and Vlwatd-; hoiî ititl auto bouglit o00000 .0000000000 0 0 00 0 00 000 00 00 0 00 0 1 ler sister snd tamiW tfram Wisconsinf .-hejenouisIîiîrenîIaon tact Out-band gots f0 DeXalb FriSa>' te sidu Fultoti iStOito. îît.îsuutîî ut 0 REAL MSATE TR.AJSFERS 0 0 PRAIREV"EW O pIs>'al tht big fai-m celebraUioiita be Wasington streit for 0-~ By A. K. DOWIS0 0*000000000000 1 hld thetie. ThtboYsiwhoavtstood IRussell Il. Edm;grds ai. owuîeî 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 bv deserve a great deal ffîiraAe îIîled a n cx, subdivisi on oý Is lots on The grsatitt pirturi- ot ail, Th(- mies Glling la vîstine ielative,; i ottî eat corner Jackson, sîreef lune 19, 1922. pour Hors5emeis." ;Anlinlu flic a-tek.iî,l (lIta Bock avenue .st-SiKellotis and vite et ai. o Mr n r.Harry> Wilianm visited - j hatht-ine Nîrtiermofl boughf the Frank Belt-c an<l vite, lots il and ri r.T. i a ndfmlYo:NOTICE ui 1) Concît place -,f nnrfh-eaat 12 Resub. ot part bîk. 3 Dre>'tr's Sanda>'nuiS attendeS the baseiSSil- COU NTY ROAD LETTING con..-dl a nd Myrtie treett Sul., North Chicago, WD $10.00. ganse At Hait Day tea ste tht Hait Day- tarFJonnan'ieoEw eroget a a-aloplng b>' tht Dlausond Notice s liet-tI> gien Usat seaîed uridrtu 1000. Osea .Jhsfan iet d- [dk ane Cetor.syath>'alunt proposaist;II li e rectîved at thte niscr, l aýInd iS -e boughf one W. SteiumusluNnti14 part N E U~ anY>'beffer Uses Wheellng. office o! the underBtgnB&i, at tise n wleias dAkfsbitut i ea e 9 anSnd ~ N W%.S ati Mfr. and lira. Hart-y liason and Court Bouse. Waukegan. Ilinois.,i-sds ofI tckinnee t-ti l, . ý .SW ,NWi, QCd N 10X clilîdran o! LIberfyville, spent Satar- 1til 1 o'cîock P. M. (ýtandat-d Turne>,1G let itnek avenlie inil teWi'4et- , e. 0Feot apQ day anS Sunda>' -l it ra. EmsmaItui>' bih,, 1922, by tht BoaS and ilt-ict loi $10H2art-y Herwa-ltef0 FaiM. Bryaft. Kmreger and attendeS tht Sauce atîltrIdge Committet, for tht improve- * .iet-d ' Iloolflii-I)oîght tht lot Il k. 40 Norîli ASS., Lalte 1luff, lIai! Day Saturda>' nlghf. ment of tva sections of State Aid 1If liii ltuniîî ous -on forth W D $1000., Nlck Bock a-as a business callet- lSd Roads, a-fUi cernent concrete sd- idtanlaventueie tii-iit:unty Paul M ._at ta Fr-ancis V tt Prairie Vita-, Mon4ay a!ternaon. roada- .thiî houlders; culvetis cIr tltFiiiii f I.< iiî il gave Spors auS wite. lot 21 blk. 40 North Mac liasaf aSnd Rftztntbaler .nS.drainage.etc., as tolovil: îo ii Aifoutr .îi SLac lufDh1.0 at Use concert at Libertyviil.t Saurday SC -S - HIGHLAND AK n lIicîii.mlsioloughl Sa ah. t- b ad ua. to Antaf aisgt. TO D EFIELD: 24-foot reinforceafu ise- Iattlî o flttiiic i NIirh'i- .SrpoEi~ o l.4Li number fIrQm Prairie View at-Ironcrete paveetg e tiiI-cr îiîî ii i, t tilun 7itsul. ser- :M. Avon, WD ffl.0.J.WSOSN PIT tendeS the graduation exerclssataeo eril) 2.4 miles. lui i ritl- 2ti Margt. E. Mitchell et aI. to Ethel flttfalo Grave. Frida>' ight sud report 8730 cu. yds. EanIh Excavation 'îlc -iri liitiitri eF. Tod. lut i20 blk. 3 Everîreeze North Share Trains make daily con having a ver>' enjoyable fine. 14900 s.yd. arth Shouldera lvindet-s. Kls-lyailnd lI rolî-l.thb.,Grant Isil. WD $1000. nectiona ai Milwaukee wlth lectric lira. Mary Masof teturnd t5~ ioaa 31722 sel. yds. CoaFcrete Pavement ett>'on.-xt ulitiId urif it ir ORaJpI l-dîet al. ta Theo. ti- ines for Wiaconsinlpointa. ConVais Thteuta-a ot the efidSen Setfliof 307.8 eu. yds. Class A Concrete uîrîîieafcî $10.000 l3ower amI Wli'. lot 68 Allen Fatm lent route ta Watklit, Watertowfl, M -sàhnSiaiwas a great sh~ock to lilacellaneous Unîfli IN NRTitI I ll1'Af i Ilex sa lin gea Lake, WD 1600.00. vu Ocanamaowoc, Olafiald, Lake BoulaI, tIfs commuait>'. Tht governor nia>' SEC. W.15-LAKE VILLA-Weat l'rnltuct ut)i. liîiîi±git l,-Chicago C. A. Nia-conl Jr. Tr. to Xua Pwue ae hby ,Pr ___________________________ 3 iles- lt-foot concrefe pave- liiai Fîitîndry lo(in roîittty ot anS Dora Lîntientol, lot 8 bll. 105, Washingtonu, Plymouth, Crystal Lakte- j ment. .acres on Martquetlte t-et f otSouthi Wnukegaf. D) 59.00. Trains cvigLletyibsoes>*hl --- ------ 06969a '"S 6360 ru- yds. Earth Excavation I ý42500.. Jens Pederstit t ra. Shortand haut- tram 5:48 e. m. ta 12:48 s. m. * 21110 sq. yds. Eatth Shouldera 1HIIGHILANt) PARK George vite, lot 39,. Wlsushngtan Parýk. W50u make prompt connectlan ai Lake Bluff 00 IN G T ' :131700 sl. yds. Cotnrete Pavement 1 MeIN.rd anS others boughit 2 lots on kegan, WD $2,800-00. alteJzfrMwuk. AR IN TO a 3.4 ru. yds. Clasa A Cancrete southeast corner Rire streettaud Adams Grzegot-sewki et a.t aet MîsellnetisUnis age Wiîims vene-!ths 171 1-2 Niemitetz and WIN. lot ,13 bill. 10 AilT iraina DiYlight Saving TîMc Great Fuiql in the aeand Woods 0f Northern Michig Enjoy a teal vacation amid the una dI>s of upper Michigan. 1"ci,cm sites, noderp ho eneitainment forall the famfly. Go by way of 0 waukee-thie key fa the vacation lands of MIeb and Wisconsin. Take cemnfortable North Shore Trai ta the hearf of Milwaukee-witbin easy ruçw;h, docks. A refreshing journey on a swift gU&aelg tin train. Daily connections at ilwaukee wàk, Pere Marquette Line for Ný %i theris Michigan points. A delightful Igke an finej',' rquîpped steainahips. Taire advauMWg thls canal .uaion of rail and water travel onycu this combîie ion of rail and water travel on ym« Ifq ta Ludinton, Maisistee, Omekama and FranUàt.l Baggae checketl throgli to do.utidim14 .tXe-checldag ueceàgry. lare & Nwu TV Mi1wukéf through an&throu41 Tihe boit tires, like the. best mloit musttlie more tban lust eo ¶luyuni b.uniformd'ly Aiu the.=M,àr"aIwhico 10 Mler ïT ire mrteta-for Amy mnu""imlwiubiVan. 3/100 1 pr otsîýre=~u.u formg: « *le*g is bWit into everyi 1¶at. is why Miller Tires W'"r formly and every one gives mre .xp.eted umileage. Thei. 3-4i the-Road Tr.adilamits Prqomuiý -4ýýYa Miller rire androi certain of satisfaction. focs loer then ever'before-iuulîty. bigher. TEE MILLER RUBBER CDO. AkrOI14Ohio [RTH CH4ICAGO G,%RAGE North ObtoagO, IllInols MARTIN TH41ELEN Round Laks Illineis- £TERSON & CASPRIRSON Lake Formt, Milnois. IEO. A. 1BRANOTErtt'ER OraYulkeIllinoIs . . M.CAnNON La"e villa, liînoia d. &i lbe Ià èed se»rm& m vu b.em.vhsd aMd va mon MW H. urst relot W. smilI. mVies Ps F. W. CluhIli, leoUrstar i=4 MaumUSi. u*'Y -Trl= & TrUSt. LCTS OF TmYLE - IU oeA Caitl:$I5.OO.o 'all Good