Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Jun 1922, p. 8

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';;~- ~~t é IendependentI Io ueiS iLbaet7wa. l0, m-9 m W- sie bi * PSU TIAS, TUI~LY IN WVAUOR' Unit.. 1, Usft~lIh s. - I mcKe4l The aequittal et Govr-Siznal aý 8atun*Iayýrwas noiun- mted. We personally had feit allong that thie jury Ibe unanimous in ite"verýdict that Gov. Smal'was '1 ty of the Charges inadeaztaitutt higi. 4 -no Mage trial was there anything ta indicattbatie prose- ýi had any evidencein- connccti0n with Goy., Smal wMeate he wua crooked. Iýverythii»g pointed ta the 1htan acquittal would follo*. An4 "his redfiction td correct. Not only bas Gloy. SnUf been exonerated ,4W verdict proves to be a most 'scvere f4lap to those bave been trying ta muin hlm. It reafly wus a tremendous slap at the prosecution te bring--ln such- eedy- vehlit- -It proved F imtion of sand and that it had been erumbling âeway through, but the final erash earne when the -went'lnto its roam. Thie fact -thatý the jury was no quick to reach the ver- indieates that there was nothing on which the state reason to base its case-othcrwise it would have taken '' get a Verdict 1'%e -verdict however apparently is not the endý of the c-on Gov. Snall. For, aecording to reports about eourt house one of the counsel for the prosecution said .laye before the trial was over something like this: ê dôn't expeet ta eonvict hlm 10w, it doesn't look as gh e hve caebut we are going to rmin hlm any- *Andi then when the legisiattire convenes in January 'l irnîpeach hlm, that'à ail there is to it. We will get before we get through with hlm." .1Iia apparently shows the trend of the whole action ast Oov. SmalI. It shows that somebody is out to L» hlm no matter whether the facts were right or not. UMr tacts wer NOT.right-proved ail along by the n5.*of their case. bit tact that GLov. Sutal has been forced ta pay at- t to thi trial for the puat several months bas de- 4is effieiency as governorit bas bindered him iu Ag ont tic office aud bas Prot#ed a rnost disastrous forý tic tax-payere of flhipois because Lien Sitail, Sbnihrssman, bas not beeu able ta at- aes tor whieh purpose ie '*as elccted. Pft - on and be gets b.t thet harnes t*le ordealpeppe -wHii fot forget, they clUl- tloàfiheme in Waukegan. ,,te partlcularly pleased te think tlat A of a L&e*conntye meu was wil willing te ait' ailos and 1Jten ta tecbnical evidence wbich was "drive them ta drink." Wo are pleased ta tink, Lake county meu were fair enougi ta acquit a rowas surely thc victlm of eccintances and von- u4xeturn the-verdict as they <id. We ùre glaul that 3mJI ud4 thre Proseution agreed ta briug this big >Lakèi county because tic charges could be aired ta partial mariner s0 far as considering tic evideuce VIf at any timo thero wua any favorltism showu lui tic matter of the state getting evidonce ta the %>e desire was at ail finies not to put any atone ln tic f the state ta tryiug ta wiu its case; they wcre given qeoaiÈle leeway, wcre siowu eviery consideration de tic feeling wa8 that when it was ail over and the ctwaS acquittai (for ovorybody kue'w how it watlld ,tey did nat want the state to say they badl been a DUM n trOducing any me of, evideuce wiici would ,T euRcae. i the matter stands uow thcy bad --very chance in unit but they had nothing conclusivet t prpye their Al they had anytbjing ta introduce thcy bad every W ode so. Ùt_ the verdict of this jury ornpletely exoneratea 3mail from anything like crookeduesa and shows tiat a tic vietim of persecîrtiôn ratier than prosecution. Ve auc glad that he came ta Waukegan seetag that il to go sorne pace because as a resut of bis contact »W~ people hcre, hundredsq have coure ta realize wbitt demnocratie, lo,, aile marn Gov. SÉMUall . nre Chicago Daily News, wbich was aipoug those wia $o "get" Goveruor Smail, rairte thro>uglhei-peu of ~ .PIO and eSys that because tie jury found MuoSuudlU innocent and because cverybody about mrt roorn for wecks KNEW it wauld eud that way, 18 a taste of "jury fixing," that is, it says so0 by in- r=u O H PRJT[{»IS OWN TEBTL+ -dthey DII) 80 and convlneed the jury that 8 built on sand. . xt the News says that Win. Stratton, chief gaine n of the state, i.s chairmnan of the county board. He -ho, îs supervisor from Grant but not chairman. te News comments on the faetthat lots of folks had1 John E Larson of Wàukegan s the one man who likely vote for.gujit and that it WAS lie who did he News wonders hawthat lbbmatýion Ieaked out ,nce. Fact is it was so easily seen on Larfsen's face child could have read it. ý.JArsen was 1"Ai attention " thie prosecutiop was t~i~he was INDLFTFjR- ,when~ the othéri uror M -*P moBt intentlý a ýd to the stateinents, of the detenfte. Anybody could àici aide of the case he leaxed to-itý waq written on e. Ile couldn 't disguiise' it. .he News says the state waB surprised, that Goveruor did not go on the stand to-defend )bizseIf. The ans: cthat is plain. He did not havýe to in view of the ýw evidence the prosecution was able to present, in tg weekeof trial. Refution-by- him o1£ the - evidence"' -uri Lu 5/3 LILC J Lt e1A tO 1VtJJ. ~ILtL Lt0L cd for-there wasn't enough to, justify his giviug that utuch time to the case. The chances are he would have re-V maincd at Springfield attending ta state busine.t*t ail thet tirne the trial was on if it had l ot been absolutely essen- fiai for "a defendant" ta bc in court. Sa far as his per-l sonal refutation of the klnd of evidence put ini hY the state1î went, lie might as well have been in China. The prosecution lno doubt. WAS surprised at iîanyl moves which the defense made and on wbich they did not con suit the big ar- ay of legal lights lined up on the state 's payroil. Singular, wasn't it that the defense did not con- suit tic prosecution beforeha.nd and ask them if it wauld be 0. K. if they didso and so? Pike, ta bis article, says thc prosecution EXPE<JTFED the defense ta argure this way and that way-and beeause the defense did NOT do Bo, they hint there was somcthing wrong. Ilather hard, we presuine for tadividual lawycrs for the stato who were getting $500 a day ta reconcile tic hasty'closing of the case by the defexute after the prosecu-i trou tiought it had xvorked up suci ta case that At WOULD TAKE the defense weeks to break it dawn. No wondcr there la a feeling of deep chagrin in their hcarts ta think that tie fow, attorneys thc defense had, did not require but a few days ta counteract'ail tie etate had labored on for weeks. No wonder tiey'Ire peeveil because the defense wound thinga up lu a hurry-4t cut off th.eir big fées by several weeks. Probably thcy already had planned where to invest some of tiat fee money which they figurcd would corne as a resut of the prolongation of the case. But the defense fooled icm-and uow they baller like hblidren wha arenIt given their Sunday dime ta -take in thé movies. The News says that Govemnor Small prepared lu Ad- vance bis public statement relatiug ta the acquittai. Thist i8 au untrti because we heard thceiAporters trying to get1 the governor ta niake a statemeut after the verdict and beard himn stail theur off until he should be able to go and dictate onie. Aud, within a reasonable time it was handed out tathe press. BUT, at that, hc nght as welI have w rit- ton it'the week before-a proper 'lime ta have written it was JIUST AFTER the prosccutlon put in li evider.ce, for, that was the time when EVERYBOl$y KNEW how it would comç out. What took place in thc court aftcr that tinte was non-essential. The prosectîtion made its owfl case, it forrncd thc verdict by its own mistakès and weak cvidencc-and 110w it is trying to iniake excuse for thc fizzle by iutimating that thce.JURY 'x * - -,'est. Well, twelve Lake coumty men), ail tcsted and tried by the state itseif, reachcd tic verdict and that OUGHT ,to be satisfy- iug to anybody who is on thc square, anybody who la HONEST, even if they happen ta bc on the prosecutor's Bide. THEY OUGHT TO BE BÂTIBPIE. "We don 't expeet, to 'get' Governor now but ive'Il ruin hlm. We'l1 irpeach'hlm ithle uext session iàf che legisiature and thus wil] evcntually 'gyet' blxn1"-This is what anc of the counsel for the prosecution la said ta have declared two days before the trial cuded. Weil, they did 't 1"get" thc governor, but, their un- justifled attack on tic executive, thc long strain the fainiy ail went through was sufficient ta " get " tic govenor 's wife and she lies dead at their home in Kankakiee. ru those persecutore of the governor mnust feel satisfied with, their work. They didn't accomplish thc anc tbing tiey wcre after-but a1maigt. Experts say Mrs. Smal's stroke was absolutely traceabie ta the ordeal her husband pasecd through. There are certain men in Jilinola, who, had they convietcd thc govemnor of thc trtunpcd charges they made againat hlm would have taken great credit theref or. And s0 110W they u take the "Icredit"l with the finale ta the cae-thc passiug of tie govemnor's wifc. The Sun receuýtly. eaid that it took a 8trong men phy- WM~ 113E EV]T>ENOE whic]r caused popular sicaily aud metanlyto stand tic straiu Governor Srnafl p BC (YETAI& weeks before ticeud as ta what was put to-wee didut realize when we said it that tie ktWOUIiI)bc. TIIERE WÂSN'T A SOU-Lin trata was even worse ou hie wife wio wae not cndawed j nofot even the counsel for tic proeecution, witb tic strenXgh tic govemnor possesses. II~LY FELT that tic evideuce against the Governoi'muall won a great victory-and tien came '4O)VID convict bixn-TBEREFORE,, WASN 'T -fa.Tbey have taken bis wife's 11f e away even though qM4L, for everybody ta, FEEL THAT WAY 4"' eouldn't take bis character, bis reputation, even M VIMDIOTI JuBt because it was a faregone 4"i-u were tiwarted ta trying ta etake HIS lite, for tie ç i Nheý»ws intimates sarncbody "1got to tic jujry"1 -til e1- we tik about that ground glass affair at the gov- dt= ,istasteful tbing for a paper'ta, do even ,ilior"ta hotol, tie mare it looks very, vcry suspicions. be N.MWO. And, its special writer siowed 6jeLýi adhere td the truti wheu he risstated Vengeane'je mine, saiti tic Lord"-but He didn1l Mportaml tts. .First, ho said tic defense wiàh- mean the sort that was trumped up againet Governor e NO 0I NG ARGUMET before the jury- Srnailaud which ended iu bis wife 'e <cati. Tic governar )t the tac; -tic ditense nover desired not ta final- in plain worde blames bis palitical enenuies for the tact im rc id not deem it nccossary that lie today stands at tic uier of hie life-partner-and ýTBSTXONYbut were wiil- bis friends aven thre state quite agree'with hlm. Feed You pi amj Wiua JIsw$é varlote on Tummuaftuiaooa, sot, au isaa lulyth tody g@a .yo AMaPg Francia Covies os IlupervIlle andS dpoo&a bm Ume 'làtian KXobm uX u d ,. - tale *Mtamson,1 kt x7v rubas chomaa a ulga thom lsomelisv0a imes mu.ttKatubO as retarned ffOlI . hoee ufer se -ma weOk ut NaPer-body peOM M M tille wt ber Staomoer. lins. Ma>' the bklocS '.ob a -- , j . . . . . . tu O M *- Dr. end Mm.. et"ein nson, Robert. mInuteo orf i55t Ai,iWIM eUS »me Douait Ouldbag. of! Ing bomne ~Parà. vIstaS Mr. and lira. lermn Mo-os m a t Sa7 ANCIENT RUS$9Ad OSMET. tttbýIo Lla iru»d Tueoday !rom f a tbrea vouka'buhlntea trip 10 Mon- ta. r Mr Ie aune a large trtma 30,SPIfALINE SAVD M moiles wflosaif Jlluga Ho saye thore hua bema lot rain ln the northvoot IUMM M- thb o OT unS tbat the outlook for the. faumer la tIt section la Paiticu- Ra ht~ ' ~ U tutuy good Ibis sosoon. Word boas boa. receved f rom Judgc . basu.,,... B. H. Miner, vba,ewtbhlmi vif e unde t. M I on.â Rni., are maklng au auto trip tbroitgb lthe eat, Ibat they Bam havlng, "~Ilae SpinaleeCo.. a flueotimo. Judge Miller sonds the 1, informaionthat ha dIsposed of hîa».hîcao. fDI. Cha"dir car at Abany. N.Y.. and putotiased a nrv itchell. A large bars on the Henry Hertel: tam, nar Fremont Conter, via Se-1 stroyed by tire about 1l: 30 this mata- ire. Itoidea thoea uasilo, lion houe. and otiier outhulldlnga voe coaum- oS. At hlm of going lu proe the cause cf the fIr. bad not boa. aicer- tminod& ultlough 1lghtning la belle-ted rospouibte. H. M. Loirei of Libettyvllle bas just omploteS i@ .courue in Civil Engi-i nertg at lhe Chicago Tecbnlcsl Cot t««e. whee ho greduated vith hon;or. Thse sxoqeme efhi& work la aboya by the outolalreport. vhlch bas Jluat hem intseud. unS vhIeh etasifies hlm, in the upper ton per cent of hie cam lu nebosrshp. 1lcanot speacmo.h cf SPNAL k uImý remnecly dat brinp heam Mh.- pinme to al IwbO ek à husbead was nsary cdd wm im twenty misostafin «, m SPINALEINE le feck ,10un* to gettp anld M&diéoý M widài a few dans wm wd 10 go to work. Truly it sean io o » àela. Yours vcry TPhe managemenothelb.ÀStorium 1(Signed) PAU.N '* Thb&ptodey tus avlng instaeS a Peverfa m dlo uPP&ratuafor the ~the- IPINLNEi Md4 aior.I«w futu admt5 fM i- ey guuutc. 14 t s mm @'Uit uwaiaesfor pattas. 01 tii 00fct az mmt 5er viii b. DECKUR& MM ME t. p o r fun lal tthehesw«t q au- jay tba p grMor the bMg Chicao ,gh taw P"0u0 55 i.V WL ý ýtber unr. B" akePetrte f milwaute was berm Uwsiy vialtiflaberi-parP.ta. hrMd. unS Suyda. The mfon remai-kabte îhing about three lem e thut tbey «x U ai la ut ouce, and aot oxe of tbem wftl=mue a thing. I»a Marie Andrews, ax enboye ai tiJiee MS »en flluliUa eleUboas U- HfbL#vava t.UO"e ea»i9zlu Ci- 3Lt.and lit. Walter Scot 00 Usuhet- ville, là., returned home eunday, allai apending a week wltb 1the iiu.e,'s brother.* Charte.s cott. The ilat iWozken3 ciaâe of the. M. IL subdar.y S l i Wi n =" Frtuy aftemoc .June 80, ut the home cftXUn. Netîte Doeblor 0on Milwaukee averms. mr#. Pul lMacGulf lu satertab"e lira.. H umberg. of Cbies06Mn M the Misses Gersidno and Aika Grass. of LaCro., Raim, test Pridey. Bandmaster Cha.. D. ikh"loftje Tuesday moralng on a thre. daWm trip, -to Bowling Green, Wl.., wher e.ote organimlnx a tftlxatO&ilv ploce concert band. Mr. Nicholla le reprsentlng theDixie Mmsto Borne. of Chicago. Word bhem oa.receivec i UhAerty- ville frletts of Mis a Hnni" Bell, now realdlng ln Fort Moyrs, blo#da, that aIe bad been uvarded a prime for subxnitting the hastemy un "Our Plag," la a contest oonductd hy the WomensAiilary of the Ammea Lieglon, O! the Vianda City. Mu" Schuell la a daughter of Mr-. anSMma J1. D). Scbnell, who formoetly 111.5 ln thla village, lM. ScIIel bn usi- nss er, for a mumber of yseam. Dr. andilra. IL enh tb ehrud Sunay evonlng tem-au, auitbobue tniP through Indiana, 011e anS Kon- tackY, spendiug abolut two veekela u the blue gruMe state vitb relative. Dr. Smith reporta' one of the. moot .joY- able trip@ they' ovlr maSo. lHe eis the ooenery anS moe inl tb.e sutberu Part of In in theu . icity cetMUS- 001, alSc the .Ohio river,' Io *Werb an tmkes a tt t be fw-ff mm- taIneugaoossar. Ifie la teeS lahie jiiet f lier lso eSmmi bmotialyt sa" a" ~ heeuf ee orf idMth*e entin. trip cf mare than l1N ilaU the stretch betveen LtbertyvMte eud Rondout. ANNOUN-CEMENT We wish to announce tha1t the town of bàibertyville wi11 soon poBssss its owU General Merchandise Department Store Thls Deparimt Store w'11 carry a full Irne of Women's, Young Women'f- and Chikdren's Weaning Appardl We wull aiso carry a fulllne of Ladies' anid CHidren's Shoes. We wiIl have for your needs a fulll une of Mens and Boys' Cloting, and everithmg in Mc', and Young Mest7s Furnidhmgs. We wiIl have a Special Maire Farmeres Shoe for the purpose of hard work We will obtain our merchanclise from variait. parts of the country, to enable us to seil at the same prices as Chicago, or lower. This wIl save you train fare. time and energy to travel to the city for the same inerchandise At the present time we are gctting the best location cktainable in the vil- lage of Libertyville. We are making arrangements to build a Modm Depart- ment Store in the very near future. =.We m IYO Co* se &.se - P. S.-Your suggestions wilI ha greatly appreciated for the Betterment of its Busines Welf are. WATCH FOR OPENING DATES, Miised as a attons ei Wây*Ua Jf.r. "d Xrw. lmua maxym «0are ' T%6 Platane auprb, "'The Fouir l. SabteDitem Eae Hoimemen af 1h. APOCalYse." tsM40et w XU»aba Doyle & Ber Versas mr"t, of Mughlaa'UPark. Mr* In.A.Fl ey wa AhoItfIIIe bmaltotecallar lat ILr. WooirtdagamovridesattuWn a Monday. a neov*lvej u Jordan touring eUr. ioOt1'jieaa4 b'm. MMre.lIeue Doubler and MWsa Nefie Htfseeme m 4*oU ssof fttmin a Ampma luac UMd chicken lupii, 1taclao, Wl... 8.ueay. by a dam.. mly 4th, et Ev- e»" iHall. !tverett. 1BI. Muaic by' UM ~ LeacKIVIt amap ..wue Harding. e Nl Làke 2 eleato a 3 auardi~ Wl the sue me. Tu"t di Every 1 ar! aev fi The opening date of this mci store will ha announced nent week. We wlIl have -A No Profit ,Grand Opening Sale" to introduce aur merdwandse. Quality of tue Very Best, Pnices the Lowest and Savinga for AU. Attention. Politeness and Prompt Service will be Our Motte. Your ca-operation will le appreciated te uphold tie greatest requirement in aur locaity in tlus busmess. 1-- of , 'Il ïwrqr -rfitil*ll-; i rr 1 à O$le4lý-11- 1 a

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