rala tue yr net the~5 ý lie. the Am - P. ticu 1. 49 jutne 18. Md et tuec190. Barn a m. aety. J. f Joli, ». U.' S.tret. ON& em mau i- A"u 15, 4oi :1 Zw's Bg eeLy WAUKEGAN WEEtcLYSU avwzuu noa« urep la 4% bOMeust ' 1%18 Cham tainla a pifli avlg dIotiet,*Id bs t&j"ch Lae oune- - c«tisathe eburcli.yytu I aboss oeaaalsd for mani yeaim, su a" I& I .aotemplaitiigii.e eection ofa a ew buréh fflfSc Thie.local congremo ereto very macb te kmis a«. a" vmga. but ber Seola OUmet ie ld of endtavor iM ibe elusW, le bis aew charge. igelatm6 ffaiEtrom everal atiier ebumhms uriag tiiPeu fev yemm oit recatly decflnng thee aSer of a peuiko asimetor of Religlaiza du- ceoifer tbree eburchea mi Supeylo, 10m Utr. lirgan carne te iberti- vfle h lurcb boe.uva mrallier Deta bis muirntoSk theo bu latafsefedabot M WogM7ad the UAsSiati qiwgw th 0 fime 00f. M4i m oW kies Si oe- aiTheesl Ii of i ocu- mte 40mo tL ne ti- -.1t~be degmule tiie Bai . fte .oim u dte tà aou me Rcmsami~ue U~teetUn-wira.j ite. Invlb-Im foliavid In tuep bqaldbim tabr eoâ ai tb. lTuvoemlir e«I91iuad ter vhtch a Mli. ov«ies lhei Ithe . R oit f QOdumbua, Omboile KnlgltaetfÂneeuco mhl ~ibeOve aliare elyuntg&,the o ef pratiSfblty beta pemmou1 IL Wb dlaÇ - ttec t eii.Univenmty cf Minais.Whit emipeted t bet -2.2.a th.e couutgj4aed9ce vw ii. uhe a eo! Dilucm VIa Thes im Vn er P cauly mn oùe ~eblodkL *,Ib& -vlev havitMM tot me hO OqtoebuUidg-id igbt . ltg m the ki bodl& rd afi teiedoçniioc 1imMdm& sr*rcua t. 00f maMd Uom Ulemilo. bu tut. ete b.le jbom iffbebmemthaiiQue Md. tû.îu bLWmOs, TIu ~y, JULy,6, 1922 Ini a lire výi;h- completoly de- trbyed hie faiM a"d Many cUer à onmter narialy escapod viii his avlit 'buudy hrtly atter noon. %e ;z., blh tarted trem spa.- ta»ms couibhstIon in a bai laft M"d ii renalWsfit, cSesurned ai h ildin d am s a large quaiti of grain, tva borbes and< mnuck fenm madhineryr. Thie lose la est.lrated at about MM êor' 1MM0. .Mr. Hertel narrowly e.scaDed belng bune inth e bain as a resulit of ruahing in te save the tva horsat wich ver. burned. He bLd been ln the barn and etred back te, the bouse; about 1001 tae rame the barn he tarnecd arcund aud saw fitenvelapedlnta fames, Hie Orut tbaugbt vas of bid baiseshome ad ho rumbed ln toi try and C&tbOlC Fawi atosve thse. Ia trylseg to get to their ' enov be a ssd~a tafl and rescut tbem ho vas sur- oresters and -14 Adby flamesand finafli bd to give up the taflt.t £the arhtecJamet "Thon ho groped bis vay through ,form oecf the mmii the bumng bain and fiamil reathed W. . the 40cr but niotutiL hie clotinlg1 hapel lag&w la a h Uià" ibomsevesiy buaed snd Vrac- i. reliuseducatioc teMail U b. 90mkl Obis aima Won xne etidets $bumt ofce .Ri açe mise vasterrhbly b W u it.h la oroseei e be the mC 'i bav a s one ef unmuai ise tsit7 ~ an WlthtiJOacc"w.m vhh tgv ai beex »made vithtbe outot ait». OUbains vbloh "dbec I=SotGc# Ow.her. Desiie bsa vatu-I & esioua o eva tiier buaiase ver.boMêM Xmciigrain b"d be moim r, ia e u vaseusb*WUei inSdi TEFOX RIVER Twenty Otve millliap babymaili from the fiat. flatqoerir atSprlng haOve. , ulbe plactSd lathe l'ox river Wti f ev veeks. l'ai river *kelC nat of bere have been thOiid ii Mlins of irout. WaukkegnM Lye Proecu- boin Sug to, "Qet s*' .thignenCourt Othet Waukegam Em6ua bs iceived a fur- tâter senid0mI statemmattram a man who dlaims h. wsln a posit t knov, te-the. etect tba ths prosec- Umiln theUtreaput Omailtriailbhm detectives ln Waukegaa aIl the. lime the. case vas progremalng& thteee detective. »tat cmiifcloved Judgs, C. C Eidwards for the pLat laverai wolim. but that tbey alsoo ilavet couasel ft ti.deeus. Tii... 4tet«VI4eaacome,àg ta WLtamd e6"Offloufor tb* doembe dat =04 hiIebtad adaW&vu" t» m fat lut. u Wrtmbin I~te me wbat tbLyer È 6deit gwbm tii. verv t met emort Âemi4b th itis numau 1Il111 wus 1»» t<e a ismm - vw» tim. Omov5 i4naW t me far m te eMfflS t te iuit. b t vltbdrav ft*ie OOMOW li. i. vuseMeue. Lami Sali easca for voies. BThe i The emoleloh Plaines river on Grate atai easi or 1.#mrtTl 1A muinature el Lhe camp, la ail videi. Tisse c quartem, .for d kItchot and 1» the. tents ver. d l um o tt 1were IL A. Biob P. P. Wytabb. e, y IvItbt bu o-wx Onna *e i v an d kmev aiLi - vetdlag pblxp yal.t.'aima LdLice ou Ce' Thonam cflin91bhea c Plier lfi he a ofHen r of~~Wliaî ~~~oec iee treasurr. v1.s, C1 4 4 tbeIncz ouh, i ta uuet. mas br jii te tboelargeut VstelSlim 81.12 Maid a ebo W A Uem~dsiegten et John Books et 8111 Lànaca va* hak u lt utod1i iii tL0êff -Wb- am grooeymt, u ct 49Mogcaeue ha r t ou nShrmer Green Mta mst«MM= . IN Satunday hy a m<Ih iml~fdan rotd. tyJail vere ha be0ssRaes¶4. te hubtio=19v.The abeve stummeo. ogh»znom-iý atuwt, la JI~ftjBeurs ho la ro i ehoMot àaý *en#atlomg lurTues-ou sisis il * tore êe ' ilsMs'? - md iUn tias m re a at 4t»f etd «Mu ea*v o i ~Oh*We uSlaia* - i.TOI<Uu, mi -,- u1i gia a fine of $600'dcash or e inmio uy oom 40h4 ' et eleckokyça liapo, o i v.a m ad pis. - FIJy IN nltheam=o<ncf the f 1no 'A mîtwrin .la». amir mgot. ACas Former Lake Ce..Pian Ca*deiT eeeus0d M»m Ï& day mdta Ic * éobu beu IoeEXpenosfoS ObtaMn Jury "sw ut « u6ub@ sem a ~ r ,ihMnnAtVolaton; aise t be mua ità n xe n the ouon atempcrsry tinacttait o perq andf Services of 12 Ploked -Tm oalfu -Ub *v be#4 adi e- StU Also for Smuggling check h noaM~ut Mieplcehra b1nguiq ar ai s- M T scWc0to, S adi; ai a bc v -storage of liquor. 18 S4,4020 the Iattir trite etietbuI . Tai. pkýoli er eie<i te Wucs±e MThe puprieter taaiteptino t- 0* amatas, »e detasse. In slW40 t sét e TePlowr sete caetetain a bon for 1,0 bcih.ovW- les bave complétély turasOUi ça 1b lv itcutet vrertuueilaiforger. Justice HemryFit gerakd- Quits >e requlreii te Put UP betoro thi ae Aizce.tO7stn the ierogi -Vria>' b, iith erai mlgrand Jury it The check assied by Quatataca vs Post in Shields Town ca eh.agal. epaneê jIX\t ba _Dhers DpIte IlltctestîieS t min t e et oisse>tcS 1iii ny iO Cchaarging Max ore»eder, beu safergef sud tureed aven ta R. LU voulf be furiber AU» f h mcaei af the. trial af Goy-rolmah$1v,00-e11 a tiaau*Oum=ac on ntue ee- teron oiimre e a l XXiaittigifor=i- uoraith ei.l'dorai Bakeri. He de- ship Inquiry bubitton -liv ithboni vpq lxhors'ei laced ai LU the vay f rm$500parut e i t theaa etgle mers tint -o aue c l~Chteu miith eopolted ih Saiurday ngand t m Whva te $39,000, the. actumalcet vili bhoffclrhaba hw p~ii ~l -o onet uth e Cpaty"vMax i tola-reiimed. by the .Serit bas* ibis udr$000 ei .Bo -y ttea plt ewA h aes tmm 4LotIns f fLane and M uggllag Mo". li enry Fizgerald, îitce cf the 1 Cnlr o ecrcuiLais uctmï" Ac.aiüadateasaplyag vi---Il . 1negns a ~ flans tMnada anUitd aBlutuîu-i pence ai Laka or«t eai nodsytel.- WE<JI IfJnlg completeti tabulatia: ithe vaasx if. ______ - dIaModJng nta hetodSt atgen. tTII1 raphed bii resignation te -Gov. Lbon items of expense. vich iare ef un- by t*lie. emne grand jury, reineder bro"bt Aasu" TR Y 5.iflLWCU Omail. and aise malled I taelMartin I n IIW ~I a usual iniorestinlumani vais. lAJIIgL W1fie.rga Hermg~ n 1 yer ad Vinea gil, ~ ingdati. çbairmnn tofthe .Lake 1 IV Tii.total cont of the trial, accord- A&~~~llj~Scieffltetly, hotu tu~edSite sd ientaa fit11Ç I(f CvtlY ,Board of Suervlsoes, follev- iu'tiiMfi rs.f s k al-.pitcluug tth WeStatCscand h IA Aa5ROa'.Y ing.aitaNêstigatiUm Ito bis allegef a, a$,9336 Ja afo h AOti i te higto.! aiecetii <.-*mILvIties in operating a speed trap Tg 60RTv ,l 9,1.3.Ts o h ilaa uff mangi ms- tathe instiavno iee bro h e 11IP~f~LiUtrial on the conspracî cbarge. The IU ) V'ff~~ glengOuha .00 -60E5 FOR DInSied twshpbySat: A- I E P RTbllmdeot yCler% Bockay AMSAsYciel cnert, a Harry Plier an Anna Beoke ~ ad iiractl~edState OfficO ou iCase; Close los Dyotfo....$ .0-.b'reprtis; l recani>'autor whiae s~tid h Discover Important Lous Af ers, and lait Baturdgy Lie.prosecu: AtWî$or.........ox.p.rd.om_ ... ay.......M.ss.Mdred .loh t Retur Lak eaoty her eandfouat fl i tt tuugfi oe aatter rse q o to r oceen, Lake Before Judge Slteriff sorvlng ventres ... $03 Waukean «sore Leav- fois byd'iol ajtis..S vma .entenaed te a a aoineWhobarealigeti te bave bsen- >Ballifse as par Item fol. -2085-00 igfrCiagê and $ "0"14Oia 240 day uIntheO HarryPlier wvsmarrledi Saturdayl erating out ecf'Justice Wtgeralf's Murera auper Item ol. 4,465.0 infi- teçnmli b coct aijli. The ee caca' W pmlaed and in Chicago but uevmtiieless brlgbt anf office. A. Wlebarg, F« La» oeetr, Wtness tees palti by LakeMl MdrdWlia-Wn.a. vill1 a h vm peai*,tbo iiami tièe- asrIy.liendsyý upsi u inthe marri- The resignation appareùtli vas openodlifbief gth- eh ii cnîi counn, as per Items...._ 72.40 dangtr of th. laie JohnWý- - *tV** iez cossstt .5dira"dth 51 gllc.eeoio e h Cblggc penedjie ccalonedfolalovlng a confoeonce a of a restralnlng etki saugbt b>-Rpre.........4.0 ec. clety.Jmmm G Wluh vle seatoate If rel olao<it 907 v as standing aiUheo door wvsing te ev daye a, vian the proseeplar State's Attùaéy A , Umtibayai. eJurera' board............--- 1621.20 gudtated ai UheeUniversity' e t I-i li f ine. This i. dif and tidapueared, lea- gt astothes'lîcense. Net that lie neef callef Natice Fitzgerald miet bis Jpdgo Edvard StÏOOU, int circuit Extra janitor service ...246.00 ni etysvi aeii aa n 0 i lng fr Europe aiertl- Shoril90ae mior vantai apair af thora ta prove office. Prosecutor Smith thfs afier- curt lait voek. - zfer for Ciengin, West China, te bis doparture the appellitto court 01£- is marriage, for, ta Illinois, on. 19 noon refusef ta sêie whether he But tiree vineamver. coflered Total ....-----............ 49913-36 take up missloaary dcatirialvqrt. Té( firmedthet . uiluemtent- <of tho 10o1 quito sufficient te have a bnotci er- badasaked Justice Ftzgerald te re- b>- the stato. vafd d ties roquas Of Siiariff'o fees siovu on retterns of Miss Welaii bas luit roturueti trame Otýl ,court. . pletei tlOd. slgn and lie aise dectued to state George ll'eld, attorney ter teo defend- subptenaa Ducas tecum vilci ap- Boston viiere sba' recelve t live vMs #eh t. h v wa n Saturda>' ihat Plier 8anf viether grand Jury action vouif ant, the case vas euattianed untIl pear te be stîli (lue, but vilali have training ai Boston uinversiy. lies Lt <out.2 Miss Anun. Beskée «eldedtheY"d.lski» b, taken. The case, againsi July 18. Field advan4sed iLt ho hadl fot been pald b>- Lake county ta linasWelcb alvays han aeaie an nîtet$ se m jq ta CecaSo'and ,gsi maried. Tbey îthe tlireamotarcycle policemen. heen able ta find'Wt tIre vtuesses sherifs fe fRankakçe, Macon sud active hiMre t Indburcl UI fsM .Suie uoaP. vil 1101w~I IN didn't teil tiel\nm.k.Thoy gà 010 William Burgess,. John (Jacuil Dunn and- Liai ho beo4evod l er. varo Sangamon couniy total $49-40. teal a prominent part' ta devatioaJ amp. iibs 1lni, da ao4pnty officiai cf 400k inti Frank J. Gabala of Lake Forest. more vbo vaulti beý tf vliote issrvces ai tieliXotoilt cliurcii et Aniiaenu"il » D oniy vitne msth ceremonor erferia toiday veut set for liearlng iiy .udge case. Waukegam..Aahrma RESDENT BIJR eI> cc a justièec oten stjlte t oi- Claire C. Edvi.rds in the, Circuit Invefiulgatois fr * qitates office Xe About a Ysear age siie vas selecteci VIII.XAen- - ie vr iavy ss~a.îy'ol- rt, for next Mnnday. Unless declarîtod on uas'te S. . ams, bot 5 ear 0fanear. ueyl le an aiswer tien as te their madle tiiree so l f on baske UJam1fesat 7alfenis O io, iOne le rtaar bie. blga iisliyfor acting as traffia offi- deendantasdtoeujy,3ac innENur Stad fth anîhet reidri, orne <Wfo-Jnuthentvarinithefbrideals id lienconven-was e o!fIt of theole.. e" outer orders viii be IssueofSildurlng 1921 sud iii. lasIon Jane M RIIIj tlon toluar.coluaiieva snl- f urin the adminlisrtion mOf.D...e bluthMP&ald, «DPar, let's .Xle the iinr .II _UiJ tuoi %leer Association or ewU hafa esiln ude im s mnaernae crtflai."ageinÎt' them. qTheir vere net reus- 5, 1922. Chrisatan Wbrtike.Si sent about sr X of the employinent bureau, and viiose The groom, prend as ap a P kc, ruutt acuttdi v aln fv,.vsii il a mnithla Ebnope aitithlime. poio.The action agatasi the tbree 0111- on July i1, 1921,_4dfdlhitostates bMlles T. Laneey; publishor of! "-' .t Xote ertm eWu es t" -fdatb occirred Saturdai mrlng vwas a r fhohu aaie-uiebeareva heInitabis pltasevdecec Brnnga Rvevad aicolotr Belaesets t atrataWu- <> a> burled tibisastiernean. He yeacied, nlo 'ta h esw h osi fclPans vdne qiw n a 6trkegau a vea* tram fflay und, on of the camp.., M. J*Jme a ud beau II i ii cancer vent. urogi thom ail. - mzade b itho Chilcago Mtai club. Onthie Juno 5 raid lthe raillera of Cuba tauisbhip, titi year csrrled thefollusvlng. Snda>- vI11ispeak atl ci.st.~W ofet uii tael-tor a long lime and for Gonel, ad etiiers ta Prooecutor Smith ta vattef for ivo iiaf an thie cutside off the Palme for. calctîng pers heqi.Methiedlitcurci anf isa b«er aued thse4 setom e ha" bot viiibi s rslu Dsperd b fett~utiIoead - a !tebidng vaéàdX%#Lb.eWlebarg taxss ftam Lie largeat perconlage cf thi E pvertieaeetlaicra, amLb Canada, buh retgrnef a menti 840. Heaviami lua abapeiing -te ea"r bbite te a scng gAnf bar, tatotIfl'! A nmner eftaxpayers on bis b6oks, anf a close The iouag poapl* te Lb auntlie tr. Wllco He l gle Vedbî John. ilveretMil But, tii, train woislat stopt.ilotte <lasse tIilaries- fero >01 epevr ulO'ihkm.m u edvstrs. aufe E ali D. t&u la igMaraeptilanforthie pepu- hjayo*is téI ton.Crey and Clarece, smo, of. M tic- m_ off In&, ~mg.the sflo=' t ï iausuali>' pubrtestied, d. vi ue-hbs vscon-coIiciar cf Veruon township. lIai oSlea.Om brt I)onaldWSt> LMda;, Ovenof et home an M- à * the lhlg n up a mt if10. Itch stable GuY Mto .pt YLake.I Mrai. ëy collectai Lie Persoualit lja e htMan. W" w b, h vO ýb* ild ýor»1 ,pl 'al#r thim -Mt' This raid yllfd et v- htakûyîtaise tram ovens' taxpe tCb.aeulia1edasI Wkgn *,5m s.~~~I tar i '.$f>~ ' -à fiii the- Ioue. fbOir ad A gluas fui La« e fcuad ou vIti the exception et ive Wviab"bat oer. dt»artitçh'Chiais vlsai~ge l'netlsrv'hsAt 81re'ack itm tis theê p luda W br, iii.>' 4mcved &".'.Mms.Knoll coesaeti viiitakle up aRf vUe iuel m- e a 4euc t 0saS, biri iatii. ea t.ie $p MI1ime $l S hunulft0 oti aur unu- tilta &W i'but tires, vha &lme had vwm abau appoael un mtegy inotenolçut te -lie eor.. . tu la aiit 10md h i L moyo va vy. b à EA ETS E