,wite Wash Skirts l in nebeach sati and pli- erdines, re4uw zte $875. $298 Chie. of lot _____________ Black sateen, ilowered sat»en, white fine quaZty double pgnel Mdd olored sten 00 petticoits, values t6 $1.7.5. bie~ Cbnies presses In regular aud bloomer 'stylel, vale8 to$19, oie. $1.0o.. Àother 9 Wiodrea"svery spe" sat Blooerm<Jbldrn'sknit bloomers, pin, 19C oy, regular 35e values. Now Ladies' knit BlSnmx, pik oy29c Bu* k Iooners everd llots at 85 êe 5i, 69e and Wgasortmont waists, mmrne wlftne cheek Ing!» Mmi ttim, to$$72. Choies $100-and, Crea'blaêsatftai blomer dreàes$ fitg $35000irean feather upholwtered; *21.0. ow- 1Upholstered " s;sw t sa ..$22 *00 Now 54leh Jack Oak Quem n amidWing table.1s; *8.0û. Tow Jaek Oak quenm = diers with cane back; $9.5O. Xe __ __$* (Jupboards Golden Oak, glass doors;$1 04 $25.00. Neow 40-inch dresser, ivry; $15.00. Spalshlmiatii~upholtered "?DU*, 54 Sanlta ry Gouhs'8.50Ito 9I0. $60 suRid. idroning boards; $5.00. $375. >tahogany lihrazy table; $4500. $25.QO0 Amer=s walnut libra»ýy table; *.$ 50 100-pece set Blue, Bird dîshes, M- lO-piece set.White 1Odishes, $35.$2 5 NOW =pl.uginow 0" lée 10percet off. U~udq;Pdntgd ein04 25 percet off. L*ïa.rtainm,-25 percet off. W»Iow drapery; por yard 90t. 5 Âbig lot.ofPeanrnIBrittk amuw mae ny, gOiug at our ren'trMmed $SpdngRate now at AI y- Musc ept Secials Valubauoctiesof go music, w«rUifrom $%75 to $2 an -wr ;Very exteptionaloffer dng tids alefor $,0a Ve'àvf*mehmnd»qme Plino Scarf s9 disposof before inven- it y. willdo weIlto maik anearly eaUfor thSe.Off ered at -ë*..4d OgaMon the Aber. These we wMf let go at,.WoOder- fu edëi-. ba is--Steý>iuandsee our special offer priS on thiese. WeIi niake'it worth Ïwbie Sjoe CeaigSl ýB*f ore hwhtr Toelsèousaeprie.. ......... - - -id" Middies te * 5, oopSd, qualit , slihtly $ 2 aOlld. Choie.*1.00 and Oî8 nnet,-abg lot, aodaaPs, 10 oce veaues. choice, o Bungalow ap n ulight Percales, 0 Embroidlered linen .uinoeks, colon raae'ros or copenbagen bine; original price was 1a Ladies' bandaprons, aise 351C ebildren's aprcms. (Choies Ladies Pink cr ffl-bloomer step-ins, lace tzimmed. ________ -Ladies' kbaki ikirts. special te close ___01_____ D)ressing Sacques, $1M 0te *1.è9 wau former prie&. Choie . . $2.50,.Jap si1k waiste, biaek, white and $9 -colore. Cboïce %lov e is.m a ý ,wm»- 1 set Pie, Forks $---~ 7. x set Indiiduai Bauad 7J-rha 7.00 l set lonoupooeis .7») 1 se BenUOa p~oh ~ &65 E Sterting S$f9k 5je xrýKL5 1 set saOu~PeOss8M0 l set Tabi Soonm- 00 1( Crumb sepr6.8 i ilver CakePité ______L125 1 Silver Bread Tr-ay 15.M5 1 Silver Roll Basket 12.45 ,/Bread Board aud Kaife____ 8.75, Ai lHand-Painted China 1-3 9Xf Sale Prim. 4.67 5.77 b.43 5.74 6.67 4.19 7.49 10.00 8m2 -198 Items of Interest for Yoig -People Mon Made TV Wagonnz 2.00 values. Speeial -13 Zion Made TOY wagoui, $2ilî value. spécial Zion MLade Ilyke 13k, *1.00va1ue.~- 69e ~zon Madç EPmiVexý*225value. Mo~n Made Wheel Barrow, $1.00 value. 59 X3kox StatiouieMy,15c, 25o and upw&rd. Eihgrade Statlonery values toe$633 13of 200 pgelIeer book, just the thing toeot down t eigat rememaber; $%75 4calue. ~ 4 Speclalfor Ï4 Croquet Sets, $250 t Croquet Sets, *3.50. floite while l way vacation hour. 73-C speeW l40e,1:00 and _____ Deê' foget y 1u Psbng ,3ýekl for that oatÏug. À mi'aluneof tCoaster Wagons at very reasonable, SHion tuxedo sweaters, 2 "reet leisthau the ýMnton al lawix mowers Gs~, ~1tvsÔ420 percent off. 0 ýUpon onor House Paint towoCjered $275 Wtaper(ai la s tock), 25 percent of S. . . lner, '2 2 c Gond step ladders, per 00o * 1.50 "Usilhaummers- rai Io( prfi prIi 39e .10 b., reg I l( 65e 45e -i. Th 4ç $1. ep Pi l pri 1 t we 1it tic xýei -sel en Tii AI pri Niole JF%