ZIQ~ff INuUsm (Wdbiir Frein Soturdaye J*:~8th to Uhd-A real st TU ioNs- Voliva) Cleaance M~ENTSTOR -%earing aair at our expense and your benefit. Whfrlh!aCh JI Cla nce OUR ENTIRfSocK MMN'SAND YOUN1~G NMNS ONEANTWO PANTSSUMf! - MonasShinds and Drawers, worth 45 t» $100; a eac [ NOT $ALE CLOTHLG but our regular standd nsd HART "M s$.50Trou sers; vryIpc SCHAFFNE& MAMXCLOTHS. -Made <if 1"es fabries, better Ikw- i edçdt ~ 6'< white, worth $1.75;at each -"' Best $1.00.Work Shirts; only.. 79e ii4 up-to-the-minute styles and inoot careftu aloring, Ail1 Hart Schaffner & Mgrx Suita are absolutely guaranteeL Th range ot patteFn-is very extensive; bine, brown, tan, gray, green, hIWeSmixtures stripes, chedks and herringbone weaves, serges, dmevots, worsteds, assieres and tweeds. Ane wort to $M.0.O Men's 25e Hose, good quality; 1UI 7 pains for ..$________ 00'," SPECIAL SI%= MENS NYOKTIESB 50C value ........9 $1-00 value.......6ft $2.00 value .........9&c * f Boys' Sum ne<l Sits ReducM $10.50 values for Extraodnairy Valu es~ in the DryGos q 1 odd lot of Curtain Marquisettes in white and etru, ,' 6 dozen Glycerine Rose Water- and Witch Hazel; 19è 1i lot cf Fine Valenceines Laces; regular priees fr<jm priced-fr-oin 3e te 50e y'ard. This sale at yard -j ail seil at 25e a bottle. Tis sale at each ....~.. . j6e to e eYard. Tins sale ai 3'/2c yard suàd dozen........' 1 lot cf Curtan Marquisettes, Swisme Voiles, etc, priced from 65e to 85e yard. This sale at yard LW0de Q r 25.ý Prime 4.67 ý46710 b.43 5.74 6.67 4.19 7.49 10.00 8m2 -198 pie Ee 59e Àown "'73 73C etug. Diable . Special Kolax for shavlug, needs no brush,' no xnug and. no soap, a delightful preparation; regular 50e a jar.39 This sale each 39e_____ 3 dozen flinds, Honey & Almond Cream; regular 50e Q < each. This sale, bottle ».- -_.39e 6 dozen Lightning Stra-w and Panama Hat Cleaner, the ia beat going; priced at 15e box. This sale at box 1 sunali lot of fine al leather Ladies' Handibags; regular prices $12.00 Io $Ï5.O each. This sale cdi 7>"9 1 small lot of Ladies"16-batf on AU 5111k Gloves in $19 beaver shade only; were $2.59 a pair. Tis-sale pair ~ AU. 1 lot of Ljadies' Steel Gray Fine Ail 511k Gauntlet Gloves with peari buekle; regular price $3.00 pair. $19 Thissaleatpair...... flIot of Ladies' buif andi mole shades fine AUl 81k Gloves, with blaek andi brown stitched back; extrà good at $1 9 $1.59 pair. This sale at pair ..........$1 9 About 22 discontinuedi numnbers of Gossrd Front Lace Cor- sets, a broken Uine of sizes. Soine were $8.50, they go at $2.98 eaeh. Soins were $10.50 each, -___ 59 they go -teach.-. . ........ (These corsets not exehangeable at these prices), SA RE BÂRGAIN 1 lot of Ladies' Sanuple Collar and Vest Front Sets; al d cean stock; priced at 50e, $1.00, 2, $1.50, *.6io 2.25 each. On sale: The-N0 Oallagat each.:.».....8C The $1.00 and $1M25ohes, eaoh. ...,75e Th Iâ*.0o oes at -ach... . ...6 The $1.5 up to $S25ones.amt, «&... $1.5 4lot of Girdlea, prieed at $1.98 up to PM 25 o.h $1.0IJ o closeat each 1 . gt of iniee Wax EMle&-Pearl Beads; rogubsa 50o 15e seler. . Tis sle at the necklace 4. Necol__$Fr1.59 W nd _lei ca#Q 1 lot of Children's plain and floral ,Aâ il k lairbow1 t Ribbons; our 25e and 35e quality. This sale at yard-19" GIVEN ÂWÂY lu Dr oos Departmont, a mU lbottle of nice Pulms wit.h every $1.00 sale or over. 60, doien Ladies' Fine Mercerized Rose in black, wliite aàad brown, ail sîzesý,elightly defective; a 50e seller. This sale, at29apair or 3pair for I 1 lot of Ladies' Black and White Hosiery, broken line of stes, some were 25o and 89c and up to 50e a pair. This 5 sale to dlean up. at pair 1 lot of Corticelli Ail Silk Hosiery û brown, black an&4groy;'. regular price $3.25 and $3.50 a pair.. This sale at pair --__ w. About 50 dozen Children's Merce rized Hosiery, fiue ribbed, in blaek and *bite and brown; regularly priced at ,Qte 48 and 59 a pair. hissaleaa tpr-. 1 lot of Infants White Hose, fine ribbed, regularprie 25ecapair. This sale at 19e pair or 2for ...____ 1 lot of Misses' Sununer Union Suits, ânue ribbed, tailored S1y. le, tape neck and lace knee; regular price Nec eaëh. , (3 kit limit). This sale at suit 1 lot of Ladies' Springtex Unon Sui4s n tailored "-,iye.In tght and loeskuse, fine quality; regglar price 98è l a suit. This sale at suit 1, lot o-f Ladies Outeize «Union Suith, tailoréd style, dae l42,. ô4 ana,'66; regular price 9& a kult. This Sale, suit __________________ 1 ot 500 ards e d hongi av ehtnd Lunbu chomêTea rgi ai 2a rd.This m al eyatrdear' o 6ý 53ars fo 1 lot of Cbildren'o rnor Plate Hosiery tlu black, white se: Z bwn; were prîced at 85e and 50c pairý. ½ý&i sale- 4bout 12 -dozen more cd those 22x45 lih Revy » Wread Bleac1ied Bath Towels left; they usrfi zuoWut malue at 59o each, This sale they go at 39o eacà,-g 1 lot of 36-in. Ilowered Cretonnes, regular prie25 39e yard. This sale a yard. 10 pieces 36-in. Bleached "Black Hawk" Muslin-a fine soft- ifinish cloth; regular price 220 yard. (10 yard linilt).18 Tis sale at yard -.___________ -10 pieeei 36-im. Bleached tonadale Muslin, one of the best te be bad, regular price 25e yard. (10 yard limit). -20 This sale, yard .. . . 3 pieces Terry Cloth Heavy Floral Drapery,69 regular price $1.00 yard. JlThis sale at -yad.-.,.--9 1îlot of White Good-voiles, plain &j1&,striped-50c,39 65e and $1.00 yard. To close at Saed.9c 2 pieces White Imitation Blueher Linen, re*ular prices 9 45e yard. This sale at yard 29e.. -1 lot of 40-i. India Linons,- our 35c seller. 2 Tins sale yard-__ 4 piees mercerized Table Damask, regular price 9 $1.25 yard. (212.yaids linit). Thîs sale at yard59 ,2 pieces 72-m. Brown Linen Table Cloth, regular $19 prices $.98 yard. This sale at -__ 1îlot Serpentine Crepesin plain a.nd flowered, regular 29e pries 39e yard. This sale at yard lot of Silk and Cottcn Jap Ore esregularly sold at 49e yard; W~a dozen different Mors, awsp endid assortunent. Sale price yard 1 table of Méreerized Foulards, Voiles, Organdies, ete 9 were priced 48o up to 69e yard. This sale at yard 39 -1 table. of St f G11 36-i. Iinported ])otted Sw isses eVorydot tied and ail colora faàt, i a good range of colore iMoed c xegularl yat $1.59 yard. Our sale prise yard 1 lot of Chiffon Silks 36 luches wia'e, our 69e yard l¶9e seller.Atyr 1alj lot of Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Tuut up 2 in a box Éth sinbrcidered corners; reulr p#ce 29o box.1e Ties sale at box . .....- ...... . ... . .... Aùiother lot of Ladies' Fine, Handikerchiefs, pytu p . lu wlite with coloredi enbroidered corners; reiiai price *1.25 bOix. Tis sale stbox -«>-- --E--. à àam an the eé L50e i