Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Jul 1922, p. 4

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r$ o Ildt ee that States .Âttorney Smnith hait k,:à ttention te the opèXàthiul d c ,kkgnRoad in Lake cOuntY- D Ms 0eY- , oeney wM lnet doubt have à good resulth ýà6 quefton but that theae fspoeiopq -Ând jus"t# ii'the -unilplaces 'i o ~ntiebusiness, bofore tb» advet of the *êO- tod te b.pmticaUy nil He*ever, inOesb - lti ion t ixesachi eneir1 nUe, the jUw t,1 r & they ari meeasg th&ïr tees mlà#utOýd te take it for grantedl that. the- auto bas ýautobîlists pay the fiddler. Tii.meidt4that. -,W a car fSemis te bc justification i JE «esO tim of thse pu"c for a ilne. Thse faiùt that & mani us a rouitunit overtaltes a speeit cop or à speed 'iiià ls ail tiiat is netessiry te make it p- l t the »man ham been violating thse Iaw. Tis& auto- t's -word as compared tot the coP's is neyergivený Lsidera'tion before a justice. rording te reports these, speed cops have been 4>- automobiists alo)ng Waukegan read andt unjuat, vebeen inaposed accordingly. Therefore it la o ta Iýw that the state 's atto iiey is demanding, a "~ ond je going after the justices andt speei cOe émntne wisether they are being fair or not., a matter of tue kmxd both the automobibese andt ffl, have, righta.' The law muàt ipot, bo'nolated4 >irence te speed but ut the Unme Urne thse State law unmydrive _30 mifles an heur and many arrests M"r inuit.Where drivers have been gokk ng dor that :pýIQKd thgt thus action hy tise Statele Attorney ,f'i jui" esdunipeed ceps jôokixtgat thse w fro>m a différent angle, namely, thait it was not d f*r theIr particular beneffl an&, for Me1~ enihance- VMeIr reeeipts. wtil, after ail that'lé been hsarped by tise.w 4 (0veror Sinact sit hieoemnting o-f Potms, partimlaly on the tact tisai s '.8dylng Wisi, th-jumdam t he0f é buble-eu1wof14YPtee,1 b aW "n eye Jor an oyi" *bayarem a bagin3-they- AnE Qum UT I A vXernor prevente thtie bà g-8ud th, ot n, tisai"t 6 4110b guliemort ifh. waie killed.instantly by ham PePete;senshait been quoted i byt"one a ,94$h for vengeance" and wisen tise 8 $ituxday tisey were aiofle miueS W#tà the governor's action, confident tsat F r mpre by imprisonmedt than î f he hait b ITbey argie: "But, sec tisat he's kept in pi wolid in a few year." And, we agrce witi ti lie big tbing, keep them-IN prison. Prom 's teard, tise pardon board of-Ilinois fer some ti tomai of par-olcit prisoners "going huit" H. ,mapon the parole law anit not se mainy, n ,.leaftd 'us formerly. Thaisat tepropertli »-the parole aw hsbeen ubuiese ssgmef lime tii. lit la clamupeit on it tigistly. riy WAZT8 EEOOKP XIOREI THN]ET ýifDoe Brown itous corne baick wtin 8 or te'fact rem"anstsat h. hait been uwuay for B( Sthe telin of bis centraiet expireit andit t the eeinty .eod pertai lg toi tue isosç eu tliougise DOES ceme back wthin 8oz té1e turne over tue books 1o tise county ]àip Feefpfy illustrateit by tise tact that h. woulde pue records fer a slngle day utter hie centruet one of thoseiisngs whicis cannot b. undeïst rBrown would wisis te keep tuese records or1 pibo county auuisrities la lbard te flg out ke ternidàys," tisey hiave netuing definite on q*y or ise uay net be isere andithte meai i"'s are nt availaible andthtie isospital liast ra nov prixposion entirely. And thte col ing ng iiauditor toecone isere anitaudil - up and e*mot move amil tisus vwile Bi S posaibly, the county lu iaitià and know whetiser tise recorde areb rtisey have beendetaroyed or wisetht '*it* thot tuer.'. one friend of Doc Bi or fiàany way excuse bis refusai,'i .-àÉèwil, iqn»t tuning over the hs thée oqty 1 1iey ail wUI gir. hm crei thatbe 4torot uexider tsem wbattmust th U*k <o to it bY rxg- !een won hem ibat Ime mn 'lily 1 tIti g ~tat ' ons for wCOCA ne wSai4tb4>ý a" ils b~ ~CentAU t la a1ahts hard tg tà Iadie thu WQf* neé voppw* are th4t the barvupt g.psie i a n ,lrg »Vo befoý baà1O9b* ~ ' qa o ext"nrnv Ibo 4* reprt hfre *Oe ht to udloat :,o fme Orec«n g; ieti oe'i~fw e tfr r o iben eboughlimnsfor thu joa»i iek1 W*b »o,.Brown gong aw4 wi t 4 Iu#kxgthe records of thecm -o Jq4 -on in, W5otc~, bwe" t044 or »ot, bat- th e 0 e c sl$udIy i tes bits bq ad the b*et ~aoeouOgéie I. o f.oletat lie did, wht wtot on tbnts> .tC ever )b.a hetr* be a asra ke it inIi Lae 1 Countv ~u gte~ioy Oôt%àw ài d sucb a thing.' Ani ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýh» -.ofbdu'n to in ~e a county institutoni Who felt le . ie la-1ý w m itobiuaito sumchmiextent that lie cIddo et" a £ tb ng t a e way Mpf & t. DU1) e think he- was 80 strong with- the board of eup.rviuor. %ti b,>'wouldn't ques- tion even a" a -dolamneat? If lie 0& , besn mistaken for hie buast -ends couti flot coudonesuscb an act, sucb a treasonable act to- vwad the tax-payera of Lo Coumy>. TIxSes recorda are not Jýownà,d, te'are ot the board'-4hey are the TAXPAYERS'. Ihereforr. Brown bad'no more riglit te go away without surrcu- ,owm~g tmmn in ne woui nave i< ne waqcopunt>' treasurer 5h.d refmaui b.-tturn over the money, and records-after lie lef t office. R*tflor\ay selbback inawek or tndaya. Maybe he will and hoyb lw~on't. lu t.he muan#me the. hospita records, thse co'u 1"Ikysp*opertt, are sortieplace whire nobody but Brown knows -«id ho oWa'be found to bic auked about it 1ler in a new angle on thse question ai woaans iglta: A ' »«Wia narAurooralis.*uedto obtein b«lia h«ofbehuaband'is for-1 tuns on the groundt hat a"s lid emnumi b«t uare by workiag bis tau=S.8h. dlaims, bÏrgat. of tise bu.bsais Ws*tbs475.000 and declaecsa flsabude. worhlg in tise,,Wa ud ulkgcows, get- lng i te r05, etc, aise liasralusi liv. cisiIdrm l'bas, ah. in- sista in ber court action tbat abs in .O*utltloa 50-30 aplât wftb lier 1basand a mterauin lanid aMddouédassaWt tisat s"ons'à reasuablepomûtoai for liertwe ? tefc ltIos.usiougli the wcsiuai mis baie tahe begresterpart cg lise we* q .tlif l bhe wp- Pd til' the to1,0%1I" *6 ews, g« the tise lia* "etc, -a.4 thon, ,&$W r Omt*pW$dburing 44*-*rî*D vt ,cbM- om o the t «e pemn w hêosm e biebisapi. Me .oult to get botter tisont a s-Q>o upLt Anid a0. mter a% ,jure r uo wao a mwltb s0boartahat that pubMaeti more roidi>'thon tisheram.drle ntethe fralb7 cf UI rsm- S nim d flurai aCÀrdma mis mtmn ai thrqqgist4 $ un, Wtone$Mdy niglit to tise eifect tisbu sa tended votig -MOT GIITY ail tie tins. but voted "gufltf on one bal- J<t <'motel to holti off for a tins. no-the crowd'aoulida u ad lmts.S=Ua wodld bave a chiance to get over the osuitemlt, diauges tisewhol. situation anti result-IT I1ROVM 8TIME" W»B JJANtMOUS PROU TEE START instea4of ti» er. 'Ing 011E MM n lfvor of a vmrdict of guilty. Anti 80tthe minia tilts consolation thee tafte naglt have ba t lrougis tbs annunced votethat one inuitDID noe their. way, re tlhus efiaced fronit public record of the case--the>' ALL were for acquittai Iron the *ttm aièCrlngte o r Lareon. Anl of whicb nmes the. con. denination of tiseaButes case aul tie more deciaive. 77 l, - - Il- P. 69 4mevhê era 9 #fB -~~mNibt Joalu e at -mms. L Wèlb 04 C92n f 0Wuko tb kt t» J,~ &OWhome tea e tm m Ubo *meW tyvili bau m rhumur er*er o wo - H-mý 1 Y W* aput O.- Rom,"- mmala t B B I. o, or s: 'e i geoe muy 8I té UI5imue t m t k EnU 'et ~~ <csmias rda *Iwhee twa ao* t Th la-ed culdahepn hou i Wpayl Tisala.ter C001314 b te* lZion and h votal' i h t I 4 M 'I r' ,mn.Walter Dsulap ci DrucS oFLake 1 L -y. ie alt. Hundréeaof ~iesMm-. 4 MMs.WIII nky t amui Bail T 're. = Ctorlvely il= eat lLea 411 vuthout trasbmai MilSemt ar' vWmtlsg Mr. mthe e Gesc. t Founi aOia ae£MdaWove. alkbatli day and taie Mlx thml lira. M.Marshalli of <evllle wu 5h1 It t M ata Chilcago mas cuhwmoe of0<taie doemn*M t esu tha.iguest of Mis. Abner Taylor Wd- hall basa<laite habit of calling fr- eully do theaimre. tla ustIcNI affay. quently oni a Lbertyillle voua,. and tende*& oug&yevmnghJj, ifs *ththeir Maylaid ilbv hset=y Misn Helen Wrilgt a attenilng a six eh"=dre0ca0eto LItYytle And Albert l. Hall of Waakefan, appeai umer actool' at Rartvesterli Uni- met tihe mas a uhlof1.taihe train. The thie case U, the Circuit court, vlie versity. .1vlfe saad aplenty. Thie lt seea of thie a petition a.'r Inlunûtfon to reetratu Chicago m, ho vus 50155 tarotigl i veTand :taZMon police. Ilomin lir. Wred Herscaiberger, of Prairie thie ta»ll amut la the . ,inIY fli terferinc with l i; milk ibusinfflhlit Vlew. cafledl on Libertyvifle friends h ena p.tb1e Lanadry, headed for thie pendlnge- Wednemday.grave] pit or tie wyods beyond. Os Mmiand4Mns. Bert, Hall vere am -ed fradatCeicaga e ineor telepbou- RM ML »'M those rom liere attending taie iance si of el <ro Cao- Manlnsber tab chie M OQ M OCK liveett uesay eenLgý ýbadretunedIlothl Vinge.Conquerod Dy Thom"s moum au flw ?Mra. Jo. Beirtae,.Mrm. E. C. Becker ,lMr.andI Mri. A. R.Andrews and two tiare Ater Many vhMing Ex. and Mra. William Wyle of Chicago caili nd 4 .L LAndrews Iett early porléicO visited Mia. Carnie Bclroder luat Stslday sornn ouauanuato trip'>t heema'anSre, btia T~relat.Baisent akwe Wia.This akein i 5tairoUga -thie mytailal ty Chas. J. Hoeaebeiger, M.Tia Polk coflaty, about 65 Mlesnortaiesat tihBoothi Tarkingtos vste abMu Cook and Mise Alice Heracliberger. of of Bt. Paul. ley have rented a cet in "The Cesqsaest W< Camilleu la Prairie Vieti. viattedi Liaietty-vUe* etaies. 'éand VIII 0001>7 Xfor a i Cassas er. sosie vlo vers reet- friexda ThmradaY. vouS . taing anmoter week for the 1 ale and mine tiho tvers not. Glse. trip golug ad neturnjng lome. Dudu<.l". ePaeâl h lteagl,î Mim.P. T.. Wlnsov. of Chester, la.. taie abuenceof<Mr. Aidrews the local 1 705 vere po ssatie later clme oh returueli Wedueedgy evenlas la their office cf 'tai, DisaI el Teoplsoe.te as Ipoalle<51vlv home, after a ,iiit bers tl M. J. com 09 -) es lss f iaiAs h*Cie uugests. Mnomenla Hagerty and family. Sergeuroaes li on. ron -taie Cuar a cuqes v fti Mia.Ver Corey < Mttoo, ai ~ >< ~ tunreapeetable. Mrs. Vra Colcl o Mattoad s aaer pord. Ray sen&s u a Thie development oft tii spei Mma C. A. EnIffe Bilet Tuellldt' incard rom Tomiab iLWI.nloely embel. plot. aileai itings ont taie Eavanston at thse ome of tMeir aiter. tgiled vlta Inldiesn flaa. ilh thi el as thi etilaMU e a m e Mra. Roger E. Kllby. j Mes a se -t« aMthtai« u t satow, oIle rtidlae n Ï Mr. and lin. Vrn Corley of Mat- laiere. basins r. b Mis0l un- olciarùam or-rt1e céquemt qf aa -toon, ni., are pendlng titis vek at b aro u uiWs, 00 l lescrpmitorg" vii bi viie itdy~ l thes home of thie letter's parents, Mr. 1 rin ~ '~**l ~ hoir har audy-~8 a Mm ia .P. Evlls«or. ertyffl".. wfth'41 miléThUme MeWago. as JosT 6«mreachliais hoir deuiuatio.. er lataie pistea.. a" Dar tte m InM MxWu' a twet rtu, ManoL te ataie ;rot ftelTbo.sayleta bi*WL4 th *wàtob M&'t eventy aintai asuivsuazy cf « le srtaI. Mr. and uMn. P. P. DFmoa4 eturneli home Tueedav from, a veek'. nit vttixfrienlis l in esota a= Iova. 1 - They madIe taie-,trip In their automo- l bl mw1 .iu I t e Ma-s. Jasoni Gouid and famlr have ruturneli ironsNewi Lisbon Wsconsn' viiere they aftended thie golden we4-, ding annInersary of Mr. andI Mia Jas. O'Connor. Taie W. C. T. U. vîli hold taie regu- lai mozxihly meeting Tlaesday after- nonl, July Ilta. at the. home of Ma-a. L. H. SchaneS. Pari Place, et 2:30 oclock sadard lime>. l*r. and Mts. Walta>y Jeily and sont, Harold, et Chicago, motored la Lier tyilile Mionday la vWat thie latteesapar ente, Mr. matIKMn. Rermzu Helfer. They nettsrmd.oIse Wedieaday. Mr. and Mn. Mesry Davis are viait- iig thierdaugater. MUs._Bentley. at Mo-mia.Davis oeeebiM*dtifiteisa- W. presume Ahram ouglif te fuel ateful *M at thon m-utinei"feay <taih éir"i*a aitaie honte camm bave nlm ivade thMite liiStùtaam i r~4 'ifthée gOir- ofthuir <augater. exposa of mme enearbystatea of ii Énror eveORa&eThmair.ldred meancftahe l4th cay- >r 10 an atu*tmop kdnaP the prelist. jit b'ý r essonwM laj i 11e1<1tFoit SheiIan Tuemdsy for a atime 1o-w thi o opl-uother bandxits ot evolu naet ol srd mot ti. to ampr tse crnsuud t ho 19 filgasOut. Bure).>' tie. ini t mkte ilbaa enduranMce tie COL. A. C.-041155.Their cad &nlim - qumUM i WIMN M thç inf e reacle& .Theeditilon or dy »ihtnerHall Day. of forty, Amirich da w i iof rai p.i. off cw The North "Amulca non vii gtve Poi iu u rmittisesituation t nacute point. n, in tisoe uly Hail. for thie benufit BielaisiUCeiiS ptiug ~01fC. . aid Mia. Moa. Ail Isembs even and friends are cordlady luvited la, at- 1; ex- Witi tise jain OU & $unday Or isoliday .wbeu one goes tend. Âdmlaom24 ents. il-lt dxvni ettpdne enecone ri orO N Mr. &ad Mia. E. T. Lagvortliy asd ~ ' b* ts te ffo"i al e d i, all l mftthen it o te kfo tuke eiiwy oe e**s hxi tes hne, rwugyou mana 5montisenua cuWagpsffl-e#h suad oC tue rut t. oaont bttik Js' taw - Notaiesa WVlossln by auto before re-I wjth-' o' st*tte.e"Ieer>th tuicllm .ne the bey.wouldd iea uY1,ie ui estue Dr. mai Mm UE. OolIing sud thui dangeer.te everb dy le'h e . uqt* , Lwàl oa X a M aiue W tropd du Lact Devh'm Laie Thie te io Thait DSc l3roym f- i&MU he was bigger tban tise men Tw Ml îunty woereaitedIe job -and gave it te him le foreefiyjy ilinu- a r~~ttrie amMWtema de oI it tetrted in bis ppoitln iwitol' te hupt la =_: u ~are muclibetter tum meii~-tsé oas t hre&u u iOur ai. 5. L1mJ'e. loam ie ug toeafl exittt-4t us P$XDa f.adevidênce. - sarg MaItaie hobme , aer a nla kl- beirig de- ft l mévbu.M ter hoe SIU Al' ~veut. Ho cted 'eti. tbat thtie teis astI'loft this afiemioOn fer, 51k. u~s a 40gNorth Sbie Mnicclie spM lo,@ h i. ftaIAU wft her 5son, ACCI0EK (11 M 4mm silteai track becam mat more h ept astsiaoeu « laY for theie ep; liaI hie cm Te "Pt C ata t pet a etiser ID ~to make 4tai at m'tp'rlous=eures- dyast m T ihe AVUV D I mY are rfor thie men,. . l ectelnd -With t!>. sulagi lspita H1e six ibat Ir eviery pers0u ad sana d tise e ureu. al ir - lied ta tise«î«I',pse n- lrcrotids areattendtng. Taie Chantau- itfo fenrat M*ssger Blecis ofthte Dg taie ords: Ivi .o ad<qa as ndy corda Publie- Service Cc. &aVea &oMet uingtedy ta hr flq em slutn aai< i ianhs cub ttwr naiday iatz ti, e i nlb ii Ie m' Aijd Society of tise M.' laits noos on B tts'y'nmeamuras . Beebaelai taie metb6àm fB. clirois vil boitItaie regular huai- ho- B peluel eu tisa onu ersan I n lied anumclatlng ,eopi vbo1 nesu meeting 'ruego tayatersooli. 31117' Me 0lli bY autos ««7 ylial ni In bave 'beenu hcel '*Ier by . eb& llth. ltbh daib, Url= ir. at 12:»' tutu' c U6nt;16M b e* t asaelityi Orater aMd.sovewd- »w v ttna le><- tatoautsme-- t ea*- oftenlax lbsa 0"u ho aav"4 -Illtdts viii le f'utgI*s4take tise anall t.mdege'hsdul uiotlxsymtaaefsnei etsn fth o&lthétaiculis M loe <lmi' l-boNi The tugQr u Ms emuado With Ray Fever HIltai Tai No.. By J. H. Hoasile. . C., Ph. C If you are among thoe who bave a »date, te begin nming witI baY, forer on or about this fane of year., mk. up your mind te, break the date thia year. You neyer wanted to keeul" it anyway. To sanie it always cornes at the sanie hour on the sanie day of each bay ffvçq seson. It was never a wekoni guest. It is always a damn bore and a nuLsance. Sorne' are immunefrom dtis aihaca. 0niy about ,IS. mn twesty keep the date. Thy-aire the ocas who are susceptile To b. susceptile your air, Passage nsenbrasie andl tisanes have te b. below noralu "her funceiming power. Abot thesani day Nature floats thse infection "t statu you.r trouble and thse WndW-ion" nalcnditio nare à miakes it wekSre. Chiropractie. spmnai eustmonts will open S t way for a full tide of mental S«Ur~ to trikvelthtspinas! serve limtes th ie air passage membranes andt hay foer is congu.«ecL BAY FEVERAM WIIADACHS -pp "Foi fins years 1 suffered front atomacll trouble, headaciies and lay tarer Durn~La ie i r.soted t6 eneny mss v ocmor tissas troubles but vlitout ieutit tl i tumito oIrtaehrihooNov mriy eAtI ý "oheuandstImy isa fever,aid uiy tom i scia trouble toa, ame tailofa tu My biula bette la aery v"Y 1 an ldLed gnat9fi< lo pat -W. T. Penny. CWylopl<atte RsmaiOl Bureau Staternt No. ilea DI- T1. wAl11 of o se omiFo. ero an 1 r. ite 6 andl s te IL $und&" anal Hoidmys by, Appltmont m" Soit, et*ioi mtI 2' 3 thé "mu C"-. Tryt *à. Every m ard sent Ma w. Silo YO,

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