y'sBig Weey Wla LJKEGAN WEUKLYec V~X1UE ~28. UftY1U.LL~ siNOS TJ>Y UL 3 92* *egttrain traek a Ford delivery B aterdg niglt at LmAe 'Bluf -t~edoeosg. n me ki et JamesWsis. 19, of 4201 North Cauwfarda ceedouble fraotnre of the arm sft th rigbt .11mw, fracture eft the bouc over thse riglit eye, lo0gep c~' uwud *Pd lacorationa on ,bMbkoee, 401 stitches lieng re- Caired to sew up thée volida. De4 l in auptai Banday 8u9lLi 'Tic I nlred-43sUiel ORonrke, 19, IUn JIIwvOod AvSme.comapound frttur. et theleft Am; arasions soeclolo &Uail*ver hW, bodY., Seithe iured youtlis ver. egtta Vcory Memorlal hog- Tihe unjr4d-RiissollV.Prir. j&~ 447 M. Cratwford aveline, driver .ja"neeldIsii.21 3»2,W. Monroe treet. ybr.wn ite 1900- W-'-s vte *e SolAÊ4asittflsgIlu-thse *daSvçýq Osat, b.d a miraculous e.. OMàOee f U Li.Thse frmt ofthtie tisaiwua#$mae by thse bte heed et :UpCarom d d aruthe agin fta*. th ie m oi,"~ bs i* l itWc .toeMlb0 .u9k Ad m , .tme& vus 4eiiIt ivas vtcse ee '04w, 7m* NeaieUs.WaeiIcgsEWvo go$sg as, e urosi lrami jae0m breeglt 0110e vi.y ooVmaerlal liosplma Wamsli as brovuditu teUIN .iu jo. Petximoue amt'bu1stia A. lm. Budde sttel4m lisa. Plie body of i lii. ds*ai Y9W talon ta the. Petiflo u u ,leg eatabUlslinoit and4,so. vas remtoved la Chicago. Coroner J. kL1ýï1or ot L ville vas calleti nsu ore ln liat lhe iuquet vas t hO caSse Walul *as se mU%1Os isdea$.h a anlpic, Towftmtf us tnsi Coroner TaylorauWeda .acueo0f tha yreck SSlutday ou bis vay hoe.ad -ud vsb thec toverumtibout 50v tie dont accurmed. Accardîng t toyanmu.n tie ver. Ive alied of the ll-iatad truck, ai] mactinesSgolug uot more tIi or tfifen tailes an beaur. The '0f the Ivo lid cars Bal ~train sud gae acrasa. but Palr M"tisetrain anul ho got a fov felt o! lbhetrack. the lieing ou lie crossing vii tmucir rau inta it. Th. toi sald lia coutd sesoliBt the fi came saw the train. ' but vi itrnk kpt rwbt»1l onl= he te ringila hUtoatr' i tentièn but ti.' pi ~t1y ta hear IL. le said tisaIlie b the three youtha ver. Iying zottoin of tb. ru*-as lia aee oly their feet- promru<lz the. eud-hearil. AfDelay In Aludnq injurec Ater the. train'sud truck the. frelgt veut tow,hilrds lengtli befoTe It cAma ta a 6f cording ta Mr. Hayes. "Thea vas iurela mba <di uad gin. vas bnried a fot or n tie ground" lie satd. 'Ca ,body vas aragged a long & W'alsh vas liurlad jt a am cousiderabla distance fr0: .tp'scksand il vas oly by a tsati 'Idimcoed hini. Ho auci condition th4t I cauld n hlm ta the hospital lun IY1 bite. 80 've carrief hlm ta tI sud lait hlm forthle arriva ambulance "IWe geiid 0'oxke ot fr der thr e, ia90 aIt he car. was coù#W4eable 4elay l tie InJ«ed sud ailed hec te0k qut.e bito gel tl 3 , \Nt :S 1~ /.j ý * Tr. P. Wbewuva aChicago vi Sitr kot »0 rwdt"d uias vm e Tb Attmys1« m , Am L ts. Chelles NdWalrdoretcraed ft- Ti~ AT IUYS ~a Chicags o talou M uaar. IE>UbtI~~ Mr. asd mmra. .A. miSer sud dsih' m Wmiaomioday ter' 01 Chlcago calleiton frde&hure A, tmfpODrSI7 ll U graiited JMm, EL J. Murray snd lim. ledeun d * trday by Circt uit dge Claire C. -1 LaIe Villa vero calteraslhermon Fri- lm. M, 24vards yil preveuthIo e uinay e-e-ing. o er Chcago nert Monday of property of fCash Pester bas cptered luto bsi- ,d, one M lra. nna.L flears. executrix cfr.the àemvitli 0. L. Carfteld s a apartuer. The nov Brin beinu kuovu as Cardeil U*»10 tte of Richard U .Seam, te Ba-a' Pstr 1lery a ludgnunt for more than $1lr D5ýda"ira. niilaisuee-ntartalned a »opus M'00000for lisck ube ftaxes.ftai îtl duh Dr. Th coaty trearerof ookter on liatulrday evenhng. Tii. coca- coanty brouglil suit lu Chi-ago tao nl tte Miss G&Uihue*s blrtis. th vasarecover taxes wvifi u was charged dy gUea. the late Mr. Sears bad evaded PSY- Mira Wiliam Brandatetter euterttsin-1 «wer lng for the yeffs 1»071912 Indlu- ed St Andrew's Guld on Wedneeday 1 sve.. Ple udhinent vas eutered sud atrMI [Aery.. he e ffs a lg lA~a uChicaga, or Walter G-dfrey returned on i'ridayi ajury ai [tanpaet ftseni, as thy are from. Chicaga Where lie had been ln ai ld bce- very extensive vas t0 iavQ heen hoapital for two veeks. 1--1 ly hut 5o1< )iext Motldy morniUtig 100li lrsa.uy Branditetter entertaiued tain the 81.000. .- a number fI friands at a mîcA4ellnsp Juige 0. a. Cutttx. eresea5Otin& boyer en Friday evenng lu houer of it the lirs e. an'. tOgthOr vlth --c lire.Un. RayPester. lira. Pester vas F aght cauusl aMd attOraffl Prres.ntIUg tii.recipieut of many nice guisa. toid by tie Cooks cotutY tanittlodisa. ap- TpisPalmer family reunlon vas Sold ýar sl. peared lu Circuit court at Wau -ou 8,pdsy at the Auguat lHansen home ta the. ssii aturday. Judge Cuttl aked at Long aire. >cars the Court ta grant lu n uluctloti e- Rey. Barnett vas a Guru.. visitor I three frein selllug tise proporty liauday QIn Suuday. an ten ou the grouad that the taxcmater lira. Gardenier lip moved't ta ler d4lvera ba. beau luncontroversY lu Lake ne-w bungalovwvîiich lias recently beon w the county for the lait yve years aud completed and Mr. and lira. Ray Pe.- rdld't ne action sbald lie tarted lu CliF tel' are nicely seîtled lu, their new ,wiîhln cago untîl the local suit lias heen home which Mlra. Gandenier*vacated. angilie diapoeed of. Phare have be-a .Tii. Lou GrSavmor famuy ver. lu, en th. number of hearluga liera hafaro a waukegan ou business on Satnrday warman Spaclal master lu cbaucery. PThe evenhng. rast tv a" caseBrt came up before tie late lira. Wm. Richardson la speudivz oun the Atty. Edward L. Upton-. saine Urne t the home af lier daigli- started indge Edvwar<ls lssued th.el'e- tel' lu Ares. heir at- stratann order sudthe ILtke couutr The. Rev. B. J. Itandail, Secretary of ,failed iftigation viii have ta lie dspoed thà diocese af Chicago viS Preaah at elevedl of first. Grayetake, neit Sunday at the service lu lie 'at 4:30 lu the cougregational churail. B could 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 [L oer MYQYW'T EVERETT SCHOOLO I 'FfJi13KIDS0*OO00000000 00040 top, ac- ..U Y pdvi 'nî Th isepcnie sud <dance given on the truc perin folowag P' t ourli orf.luly vas announced a great i tw ern lu th ii. Z iCIYInd snt uccesliy anilvIastteuded. the en- eut lias caused coniffdbeo Pec Tlie Evarett baIl team liad a gamo mlore lu ulation: vith the. Vore Bras' tesi n ou Jly 4. alhoun's PFOR BALS-Pre.vite kts. 2 lthescore belng 8 10 16 lu favor af listance. weeks aId. Sali them at. ouce. In- Elvrett. iarsh a quire 2812 Pdins boulevard. The verett ball team liad a gaine ni the ________________ ili Laie Zurich let Sundy. Ithe score accident belng 7 te 3 lu avor of, Evertt. vas lu uncoupled, andi aller tht anotier On Jüly 4th a large truck turnod to ,lo taire train vent by. which dlayed us geo, att eslii.ew road sud drove inta atitouflo- ,nme mare. The. truck vas tels- a Pord sniaeihg th. front of the ca. 1ie roat scoped."1 - Tlie truck crried no Usance. Ij a au Wà1sl's father camne 1 the hoa- Tise !talnliw girls are ta giva aa liatmidulgt Ssturdy 3nd v anlace at Bey Bro pavillôn Jnly 19. roui un- tiare until th yoUth <ied. H. nover U».Lot*, Relson lbas gone ou a Tliere regalued consclouauefs. trip- 10 1New York, 'uhere aie wiU getting ORloumke's lnlur la a serous one say for tiealy tvo montha.- unie it sud ilmay blie ucessary t10 mPu, Mlra.. o. Yedk ea-isb4 the misfor- he train# tata bis r. tuas ta spralu ber ex Cas. GowlngOut o!f lse Plie fanions l"feueg flue" cameln vhicis 1.1111e idHlUgerOf lth ov of Ver»o.. brongit suit ugant bl nuighbor. Jacob s»k, fqr $10.000 for injuies vhti c aflegeit mli resciveitat hia e a. lu nto e l ied aggait .au Iudge Edvsxis Iutla# tursla grauled, the motian of UmaRed- linget'a attorneys for a nuw trial. t08 triai occnrad usarly tva yeara age. Pie Itedlugereandthle BatlIks liv. au opposite aides of the Den- plaiies river and tise dispute arome ovor lb. titia ta land wicli do- voloped vheu the river elcsnged île course. Theie adlugerk baUt a fonce on lie opposite Bide 0etc eriver on vhat lie Manka cusinted 'vas tlir property. Tbe Hanka. It la clatmed. promptly tare lha tance dovu. sud the liglit vas ou lunusuneet. Jacob Rank ls aliegedlta bave ai- taqied Misa Redlinger. bestlng her sevcmely. As a rasult of Ibis allegait beatlug Miss Hank conteudi that lier narvous aystem vas àlattered. and ah. hecame a phcyscal wredk. 8he suai Hank for 810,000 das,mages buI lie jury found il tr of 1Rank. Nov the. case la ta lie trted agalu. COURT RULESIM An Important rultpg hIn ennection vith the Highland'Park tax olijec- lion case -luidin a ita X er af Mugi- land Pariera are aei ngtheisr 1921 taxes vas made luc, ty r = Wriday afrernoon hy Judgre P. 1IL Persona. Aniong allier thlngS tii #ght la bie- Iug made on the cue*inthal lie $1,000,00 road bond leefôr Laie couuty vas. luvalld. r A lle oJtening 10 the. arguments :JtdgePerasns zuled 1ha1t the toi liclesup te tbis lime have net beenable ta show the. invalldity ai the bo»d-liane. Wie bida ver. ope4d Monday on the Lake Vlla-2'ox 'laie =d, vhlch la thal part oi Grand &.va., vest aI Lake Vlla, lettinu a- Vie, cotracl proliaily yul lie lield-up- lnddfinltely becausa lie hlghwsY ol*15251eare ha- Iug dlfflanty lu gettiui g ml»e rigil' ol.vay. Plie alate wll âflt. K. lie itulgroveMient miIl &ai l iugiit-of- Way I laitained as the don'î vaut t0 ~sto a deed 4q.tbhuu later. OVER1!SURI>100 W"bbCres t$IZOOO Car- re on OàrnlI>si worth $1,00. Why did Doc Baa deposeil former ceuuty p=iillaoavertu- sure the Lake County General lias- pital? This la a question tilat Super- vMit" --rank Webib, member of the. hi itlcmmqitte la sseoklng ta de- t rmilsýJsd thus i- sthe. reason that the. hospital commiitte. vau called togetbor at the hoopital ta- day for a conference. Accodlng ta Mr. Welb the.matter ls toalia roue lnto thoroughly lu an effort ta ffnd whal, 1; anytblng. iay back of the action of Doc. Brown. As an exsmple of the ovar-insur- anc. condition tht exista Mr. Webbi points out that the. uttle concrete, 20x36 foot buildling that served as the. original county liospital. belng the ane turned over by the old Lake Breeze' Tuberculoala saultar- juin, but vhlhibas been uaed for yaara anerely as .* atoreheuse. and -seein uarters fbr Ivo or three of the nurses, vas lusured hy Doc Brawn fer $12.000. Accqrdlug ta Mfr. Webbh the value of th*, building, dou e nt erceed $9,000 and the committeProlialY wauld lie viisg ta accet I 1, for It lu case a purcliaser could lie obtained. The. same condition,, Itla ~cliarged, la fonnd luail tihe lbuildingset 1tise County koupital. "the tre b.oUig mdtat wuW 90cM *va" if,15W ver. a"le teacileet of, tbe nuit. W'bb . «WhÏ. twIn abocut »thtie cup b'e put lb vbc cI t.' f ag a1gi w n eneo ai n.O ahi, ainut a e d«s lelaravic 40Uob guslatty ci omfl0 les IN 481MU Nmiis L Spangler, Aged 5 1-2 Years, Viotim et Gruesome Accident Morrs I.Spaugler. Byve sud a hall yoar aId son of Mr'. and lirs. E. J. Spanglar. resldlug on Grotil Bay road, just aouth af Wadsvcrth rpad, vas ru over.hy a wagon losit- ed villi rack@, sud bad hils hasi and one of hie arma cruab.d. the dlsla'eaatng -accident occurring latei Saturday aftei'noou. Me sud four brothers. and John Raisuar h"i beau lu lie field viere they plcied up s wagon laad a! atones and liadt dri-van ithte fai'm' yard. PTha boyasliad climbet aoff tle wagon. Marris iiug lie last, sud lie Reisuer boy drove ni>. Mar- ris belng pulled under lia vhael as -e haas steping dovu off tbe wagon. Plie ba'. falier and Poilas Jet>' sen ai Waukegau ver. standing nearir- Pie man sa-w tle predica- ment 6i lie boy sud oue sionteal la tiie driver ta back ni> ville thej allier toid hlm ta drive up. Plie Reaser boy drove aliead, tie front vieal crnshing Marris. Hie<ied ai 6:00 o'iocck lits moninu. lueral Wednesday afternoon at 2:80 o'ciock. froul lie residence. iti intermant lunlMt. Olivet, ZMon. M WDEPÂRTMENTSTOP£ OPENS ME SATURAY J. fimollu sud P. Spero have formedel s psrtiieishlip and, viii oPei a ne-w de- parîmeut storelu inte village af Lîi- ty-viie. and for lie presont yl lie ta caleti lu lb. Rîltuar building. oiMil- wankee avanue. Ph. grand epelingurof tie 'ne-w store yl l e ield'fSaturda?. July 15. Messra inansd Spero are bath roung mzen, sud ]lisvo had coniderable experience lathe 5.merchandising lin.. Pliey vll SýrrY a gaufral, Une tOf dry goads. aunti nuen'a, votneu'5 andi ci*il- dre'wearing appareat Phey have lutlied a Most comlete stock of goode. sud Itlais redicled lie tev store vl! aoon liecane one -0f1h loading buttoss lustltullous tof LIib. tyvillo. X laÏrge display ad of liohev tirni appepionmpage four oa lits Issue. in the. selectloxnor bis pIayerm David W. Griffith, tht master af soreen pro: ducers, lias unlver»Uly Dard the most excelent care 00 as toeaf"ur bis Pro- ductIon 0ft the mont faithutIni iiepre. tations. No better erample cf bis ex celleii udgnldent lu the choitceor fthe 1 erreers for ths cresa lovera ould lie ctte thaai la the playerd hoe tre- senti In hihual!test maqterpiece, "Thie Love Ployer." which Wtfl lesa fgatnre at thse Auditorium- Theater rlday, and Saturday of Meisweek. Amoti the rlayers lu this unusuaily dra=atlo love etory of the South Bea [awde a »nn.other than Richard Bathlem. - The6t ever popular Permotittar. Wallace aeid, la cmlng te thme teater iiext Suualay lu "Thse .11 Digger," hie latest comedy. lu whieli h.blia raie of 5990iitelidoft of a gold dredglug oorDoratlof, fufl Of po a-d as nery as ther maXk em's-.Lots Wil- son la les*llug woD=,f. FIRS1ArRUWYEJR AT TYLORLÀIJR Lake couity's firet drownlng trsg- edy of the seao 006«d > $«"Y afteriioca t S ellock ilica OW,~ ewflta _atmed-1, Ol $mmis Les coin steet. èktgffl..lent hie K *hg@e swimmbiin IiTW Or kae. lake la 40 Ntai epaIt the, PM where tii dtWfu.omire au4 AU efforts ta ro0veo tule »4 pt om bave P"ffle $lug osa Ieav =#",doa litW.n-Mma-& thse boeut m i f 1g» l *a wew~mp.~b Was One ofVr marted i L* Uved at W Mary Kennioott,-"G< the fifaI resieenti viiose fatiier *"aa mnIusters lunlai. e. lier home lu AiIlabW day night. 'HIR"sliÏ i# 2 aie vouM thave lm aId. \ , lirs. Kennlcott WU drat white vomaen te La&e county, thob s, k Henry -oeitty..ýn ed the liraIs'tll the site of Ilftg river lust Soult.tof Nearly casyelz Helig sclebraem a tenary vifs a mt Mayor, glîts and sm -9 sien of $l,0te paased lu revie* br vhite-balred euu home. "irxadma" WU 6 at Limbes.N. H- au a esPlIiX' lis lera 'fi b#r.J* ber hcover lie bod à*&butovr M 7,ILTONS0!&a ti w0o OF YOM' TO Py RT DYAMIT1140. The ta 1 o wiald $Svl*mk vont la Wsuketan Teteday atn»cu, aud made arn&neasenta 10o gel dy- a namile ta lie uaed at, Taylor lais lu ralolug lie bodyai him sou Who -wes drevned Sunday. isck.Lois. 'f tht Cty, acco«mpAUiedthle boutr- Deaiui Fd=Oy.M liraien falier 10 lie laie sud vas ta aIssW 1I exploda 1h. dynamite for Mm. Plieé use di lMinlufruit jars 11a aiso 10 lie tried as th-, explosion of liese jars vion the lime bedomeu slack- ed is vary affective many limee. Charles M. JacOliaý Ph. iodr <ifOmvald 5-wl"kl. adged itlioaday 18, CMocge, itill les at lie bottàWaalitntoaIt Uta af Taylor Lakee lu 40 test ef vater. folooea trt Ail efforts tlu recover it ir mPoMrli. Jukm*ai grapplur icoka have beeu unâm ano-ai. u cesatul sud relatives have about do- day. cided ta use dyuipmlte lu lie ho"pe Mu4 OiaqlVU tiat tuis vill raine lie 1body te lie bu~st » &" surface. Dynamite viliile used oeilabm outyk,, as a lasI reeeij. liovever. eu bi1V Pie drovnng 100k place St=udy 5xj c afternoan. Plie laie vas dragged apanulsal until dak. Early Mondar mounli prlat* the draglg vaa resumplad sud -lee tlnuad until darn but vtiont restt erveou Talia Druis, Waukogalitde guard. to vo4' n e sud Joe Lines. ;lso' o« Wauxogan. ia.sallo ver. lu charge of lith e * Moday. wuvas n t Piay vure handicappeit by lie fat 'validUý liaI the laite bottoni la fuIl oi ses- il wuwbtW veed. seif unin"m Duba s&d Lituo utumen o the iettlof, laie Pnesdar morninu sud -reaunr ati Oier their attaitpta te racovor lie liody. 'o of Viè> TheY ver. adoompanied by âJe.Sush it, e. Et» s indinler of thi local tiue deparv- bleus m' meut, sud bh a prct«aio"t ldiver hot uaend Geu frein lie naval station la IbalatVle wiere- h. lae N;àied lu, eoutructlo isMadet).' vomi on thea 5wv-piou. Becauseetci osmes %ils lhe iràdii t tla feeied lis frer vin eso. b not bd able lt omi rkte "vdanta P he parents of the Ir&wact oud arured fi'om Chicago lionda a ~ eil1 ~ and urged -htevu-hg.. lie doge. to recover lie body. 'ia ex1preaed the beitef liaI lthe boy 3s4 *' iMi ~ded ai -hest trouble. ' uoit k' ~ L e ploi 'sc ek Niand l s â <f 1âüV"