Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jul 1922, p. 11

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W~ WMM~F ~ms muios PO ~EItITt.-NOmNO OR The senate voted down SenatorM1eCormick 's motion. te inereane th«, appropiation for the ar4pat J4akes Ngval Wrrainiag statioli frein *20,000 te *8qp, ),so it could be ued for its -orignal urposet'f trainIýg neNi mm for the ,IY navy., Congress basbeen asked te a'p"" ,zlate fiv ilo dollars te -care for and pregerve severi battleMhps and tour battie cruisars whick are tý e b. cappe if andi whenever others thaei tb. UTnted States rateýrth arXM'4linlitatio timeaies, 'b hldave beenp.du for rtiatnfiabout five W.~rnebs utssed4 edration oet lhru 4e±lnUnti ifflagn Ji ma the tF. rench a and Biihdebt Ceo nae i~te the tnitedt StAîtes te diseuslite payment of-teprnpa and interestt f-th ieleven billion dollars the tUnitedStte ea Uddr- ing the war. The nqii-ratification and debt questions may have niucli butual signifleanee. Rive million dollars would certainly irain a lot ofc naval recruits at the Great liakes station. Why not charge1 the five illioen dollars te tthe French as consequeintialt dlamages -for nôu-ratificatieii f the serappifig treaties or wliy, net charege the five millions to the salaries et Hughes,t Lodge and Underwoed 1nht-Iji resppnsible for the Àmerea~inaphig hatis ÏhIv lVe l innot limiting the time fer ratification of lhe treaties. Congre«s lia enacted the 1923 naval appropriation Sbill whieh does not provide for the completion of the big I,.-hps iniquestion. rThe ÎÎjnted States navy seems between the devil and the deep, bIne st and our Statemen and diplomats have muiclite explain te the lutynen of Anierica. The ,middle -west Iseeks savings to save the Great Ldakes Naval Training station and so attention is directed le the probability of saving five nmillion dollars, if officiai Washington wakes up te the fact that the taxpayers ofv the LUmted States; have the last te say at the. ballot box wlien ittcome8 te retaining i office nien ivho may have been eaugit napping by foreigners. If five million dollars'c is te lie spent,,,ut il into completing war vessels which cant i ~alk better than "weuld-be diplomats and st*tesmen '"'whle -seem te neglect te enliat the good will and co-operation of forty odd million people in the middle wesf where the, slight to the Great Lakes NaVal Training station is deep]y resented. Millions for tribute te foreigners'seblenes and nothing for training naval reeruits i the llUddle west may prove a short-sighted poliéy for those who hope to ret-ain the direction Of the Republican ýdrty at Washington. CECK POIKNcas - Washiugton, JnJy 12-vasu!sr- Igt LigCt tuupoisolon gu aceol la llusllod île have abos t Ibt Pl>- d mflte fr ressarcis gurpomss ue ruie 10 ouistrlp tise fasiesi ~ daidlcontilmued toMy bp tbe express traius, alisoungl on tise asver- war deparîmenti lu compliance wlth age tiiey fil et the rate of onIf 34 ~the treaty o! gas approved by the miles 'i our. A Frenchs expert ex- United States as a rosait o! the arme Presses lIse opinion liai (bey can ut- conference. tain a veiucltp o! more thosn 70 miles Thse filling of ail projectiles and an bouer,- Tbey are nid tle ho un- containers with poison gai aiea vas able in0 Dp long distances lu a per,. ordored dlecotinued exemt for lhe fectl[Y alraîght lise; apparenlly lisey limited number seoded lu perfectiug are eaaly driven amide by shIlting air gaz defense appiancp. urrents. !-WW ON Tl-4 TnAIL. TO BauD, the hume pf the ls pine foot," Then. are eure-foeIed Pors. ~uhof nqd ~ ~les for thos.vse i'de, tise Alpinei *teOblte, esuier sud I pck train esrrle llauted b erimbudsexpertg hal, Amgguat sud ors s *septasubor. liassy et hem bwotns c n caper s toe ti lpin.eubof cm aada. Wsuworth aa*I%'ere's joy lu -Ametisia ud-Mi Zgudbut sunp the moutins .and BynTi.'ez viw .-sIcnet .meashert Ofi'a'paisof of Wuntlise, aOn auîp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t sll ne .n~~vlig in t ok, la a reo e luda,1 -4mr él&- d4. ý> he nj4 , *IW 5ith a dlad mof ao." l ley1 'ortidi toïte Z-isoru e* dvied.veryiod .0 Sco hse ;the CManbdienetmowi tI as blit eaveS » and Tlilà tbwerLog pak.url ,0 boteviI Led 00fIltheb t u 1mouptain cllanier'samAr-à test blb M oebiint lc.p-on upward ehan ha thle sumc :92 .mmusaid, "Itills peep o'er 1111,, andi tais', s îni eu3 a Alps ou Alps anise." As for thie pîtbedlu isl pO nt ikera, campera and climbera iseo si, b~~esali irt ro aff, Lske Louise1 la torty-four mles i lliiPt8soit or Glaclq, hey msy go as far as but nevera)l tes c155i35Wê4,I9. hey viol sd cdinhasbiclh alIse twoplaes rcb 'ise3@iiqand roslimpnsorted! Swisa guides wdll letj mgfie Il assy tfor dtbju., Âdvenpiisus anues, a-Ils pre- VIOUSeprlna aehli ak and' Otisrs cSeuI tmxwseve vu di<e-trlpa te moutlain luises snd pbm cm" life Under tise stars tbq à altitudes and thse pure mne air. Tise plmislc welklni or rldlngp tours bolveen Banfsnd Mt. 1g. slnlbpfue aent Ivice e a sir tiens Banff 4urdng July, August and Sep., tomber sud are under tb* supervi sIon of &. 0. Wlseler vIse lualso director of the Alpine Club of -Can- ada. Tise. otira, howavet, are - separaesud distipet treiu lth. au- nual camp of tise Alpi Club et Canada at PaUisser Pesa, butlaadateî ounsoretliereabouts, f resu as- auole Cmp.Luike Lous. sud Glacier, areaJi*s favorite reslorte of mountain clim'lers Whso May en- gage ttIlese relents lise serxye lng &bout foo1and kbcw "')Ue nothlug; lhe Other ksew Duotig *bout footballu andthosglit be 104w mre thing. The resimt Ws'thstt bmCouipl eaused entUese amusement a1nosat apertatorSimttng usai Ilion. *heu the. girl wbo thob ml. 10* m". tiiug md given tons et lucemate Information te .the girl wbo.kuew ah. didn't knov mue itii. Iatter poltte to thi e ld aud *e"I: "Wbat are us.a..r 'Wbat. desrT' replied ber compon- Ion. "DO 70u meanU althoue 11111. Ovsres?" Tbero nlaOofCt ourne.", "No% col 1 meanutiioft posta Mutc lu the gruad." Au*, . epoluted, 10 tise cgus. «Weil, faucy you sot kuowluîs wbat tli.y ares" ekelatl imJInKuewaL. *,Why, lhey're È5eo ttItua paed o tlicy wm Ibe w n us a gen l a London ao wlEgv. «W»o lb the. worid seusthele Iedlela- ~lewbiel. thoua~t an Amefrictu vie rend lt-sund ugulu. ¶by miiad M»n t.gke a ladder t0 b. rmuared -st à bosary mber Iba exlanatson 2x «Mmle, A "iadder" lnlu niaud ref.«s te tIsat kind of a "rua" seome. dont ffe to get for their mouey. Treasur@ ln Saered Laissa. Pifla known tIsat for many ceulti tie Indiens as a réeioz if. throw ImMenft fressure. Juto tIse aef ISba 0f Oustavlta, Colombin. Prof... Mrt F'arbee, an Amertenji, dlslosg that Pure gold 10 the value cet00$Me 00001 8000.WO0S Wý» bad bhm tbrosenluto many othe Ikes of Ou>. 21* sud lSouth iAnwrm, T«7.Uie -t lu M.* ý214,t d ebetCb le the w*t but -rances tl.bgm wS t e lta e= ut vint ospeacele, or as. or tue effeeacu ocliu.w* meemtu.teprodaca buit ueU t* l«ee ouarIthe Scttê Ct tise on IilchIsg." lYbenbarrelln e14 ut so hqs or 4arrl *utbfhegi tuU tuis or wMitseà ulnbwSe& lit YeharL I be pro"of~~be* NuWATÊI RATES Hardwmr Faotory Consumling Four ThousandGallns Eaoh Yeur REDUCE A HEAVY EXPENSE la order tu mormons ex- Pense att&ebed t10 hheir vater 1bill Il "ealasdIi oun R$ =O el thc No. Chic= 1%, mr oudr h ade larrOd«aglst 1.0*111ail eliettheir ovu and teh. uts' l vauer*oM the. North CUbage la o. ton"sa la tasl b. e gbbonboMof îo! 0 hte a" yabeen takgsb adc th1 o00. follovlug a falinre toani tiseir v ala t a cepr rat* l n n ord hié=goAt- tW &MIth thelb.Prospecta 01 tic presoût rIes blgraised ilu order tid lbe-he psymauts 0f lie contracta i' v o lI- saafl dthse systesu. 10 r lants lu Norfh Clsge Mu s.c taketlsl stop sbdyid thse mattera of th~e vater question fa» 10h. b witiu the. neit !ev dape. Pactoicu saimption nOv recelvea a aligli rd tion UP to a certain quautlty. Th. val- er commissluner of theeCity, eould not lie reacbed today la order ta flnd-o«t tbe differeuce lu price as affordedtie ludumîrlal plants. The Ciqago Nortivestern relafty vas refuse,% lover rates at lie couacl meeting lest ulgisluleeàlhep use tise reQuired amount Of waler. TO WM1E WAR ON SIiNS AND POSIS IN DO'WNTOWNDUST Numerous nnslgily algue, posteand etreet adverlluing aiong lie main lior ongifares are doomed If the Ciamiser of commerce u bng Influence en- ough 10 bear tu secure their remuval. Wlth the. Installation o! lie wvite ver llghtlug *stem thsepffles aloug Goneseeo snd Washington atreets have hecoma mure consplcuous sud decld-1 edly musthe boauly of tise ornemental lighllug: systesu. 014 wooden sigus carrylug advertim lug tha1 la past use to lie alorekeer sud valuelesa aigu. post, tdgether vîl poies owned h lie atroot car compan le are due 10 come under tie bau. A cummitte. sel ho usmed vithin Plan lie campalgu agaiuat the umalgit tIse course of the next fese veeks lu ly arilcles and viii swing leu action vili the entlreiChamber cf Commerce andO clvlc bodies cumblaed. I,. iAgamusI Waalmg Ea. Tis e rceut etorles lua(lie Compan. lun about lie diffIculies tisat mothera have lsad ln persuading ther children ho have tiseir esrs wslmed hlas led a conîrliutor Io tel) vbat happened Nhon ber amnaV boy waa asked whehis- er he sieud prefer te go to a pîclure show or lu a concert. Thse boy renily seuntedti 10go Iotahe concert but ho chose lthe picture show lâstesd. Wisen asked wsiy, ho ssld tisaI golug ho a dark room would make wsbng hie onra uuneceeaari.-louth'a Com»an- lons. ski= nsd bhl$ lauap ock te tho. ot.awzçyal 'tsZiianis dlock t0 uanar t 5c~ tu Earvary. clIp 0oficIais,0t *Wt bOeOsuPared -te theIii 5 th*e Cti»b6k&lleddoafers "osmble arouddttl * higes du sMore froants. IGroups or idl*=s o=;0 I D£rac- tie o l a ui in a streand lier. lu much -uIJg~And Coarde language uned,"the ou learucix In a complaut 1 go toda?' the ett3 are 4ev'ga lut seap ansd Iddlgthse Aowntowu atrsf.*.< I*5fl.1 'P&iul tb. 164p. rt of lthe otores vithi frasiYan sd 'Il seager V 'a1t A way," the board -as t*ld by *gru Harris. And nov Wa4cý ,ud other city om1elsa are gou., tu'ptch thse cz- Dariment, , NIASRIGJD 1 CUU SYSTEM Religious Lawa. undl Down for Centurie, ^m. fIwM tifNasI In - itloit OIii4Suao TIse rigsa gs' Brsbmanlam» divIde tihe fi1ndtt tluInsus mbt tour principal hreI* iL laseor Castes--th e »ibum (isrilàs, Rahatlîpau rd4* -gud varriors), Voolya% (<ercdsa*; a4M& uslsand. mien),.san d UbssedilOsora Or serants), t0i, *sst three belng kuuwn as "twlceboon end fthe. lest aiW'Once-bori.' Tbiée orginat four castes, bon tr, bave liecome te a grset ertent imb-dLided -the mon, belng kUdWr±bp theimwork or Irdea, s thie Cast"- of sisue- nakers sud '.he east<' ef sweeper- Me tisatI uRaays the Prabnmans alune are suid toromala as a 4dltnct carte "ade froinsait thee ane the Parilis (or oulcass) wvIse nu .50caste. Ac- cording 1tetthe Crepadi&a of India, "T-ha efeet of the totsyastisuIl tIsat Do man May ls*fmuilpeut wiîh aMY Individuel ofet arother caste, or Partake Of f004 eookad bp hlm, or marrp Imb another cafte family; but ]Ïo -&:r be hIs frlgn& hlia luter, bis serrant, bis partuer."., MAY I1 RAGEWL YES Bloomlngtoa, JIL. Zuly, 12.-Tise Impression liaI a «rMeisla at hand ln tbe r&Ualvysutnlk situatIon here waa Intenaltad btth. Imuauce of an Order tisat vtrtuafly vill dlseharge Jil trikint' abopmant of thse Cago and Alton railroa& , This order statas liaIt each stlrk- lng employa umuet Inyfs over hie an- nal railro&d ail.' lockie key snd cthar oompany propertp isefore ho recelveabils psy check<. Tomorrow la pay dey. Mes.uvhie a consignatent of 100 more mechanlcs arrlved lu Chicago sud went 10 vonk. Reports that a mabklqse rua siln lehnds cf tise stnlkera. ready te ambues vorkers aud troops on guatd couid nul ho verlded. Aboriginai Europeans. Tise Rurupean nbolnal man vas Oke Neandrthai. TIse tiree races of Caucasian stocir, As-pan, Alpine, and Besuite, are luvadert. 0f lieue o0011I thea Aryen cdaims 1talie In sny vsy EurOPesu. Tise earileet trace« of Aryeas show a race of blondsavages luhRbltlng In part ltse marshea of eaeleru Russa. 'ihey dld net dweil anttisai lime lu thse West or lun Is. Balllc basin, because these pinces were udertee, sud iooked 1k. <reeatand toe.s tud(ap. Golden Travelo- The ArnerIcýin : ti!en ployer latho greatesi long-distassce migrant kuowu 10 natliral hisltory. Hfil igit from nons lfo soutbla Isapproximaîely 4,000 miles, lihe gretest distance trarverfi by auy bird, sud 240mlles of tla lsý don. without as ingle rest. Trous SeitembeP tu Marris bc ependg on th Pampas of, Argeunsliaa sd allr bl SIX mouths' retiieece lu i e ul j1 ý hemiîphere ise tarts bis trip lu the 'ArctIc Circle. The plovers route l1, across nortbwestcrn Souths Américs, tben oxgr lise Culf of clo and lu- ho:Ibe United States slong lthe coa4 of Louisilana and Texas. Tîsence ha muras up the bMissit$sippi vailey, sud by egriY Jzme la nestlng on the "bar- rea gruund" above the ArtiecIrcis, akeo a buiipIoar,. WlteU use Contemsîsates tliait su mueli enerïy lu exerted lu lthe end o! keep. lug tfise ater oIut fa sip, il iou' lup cas an astonlstslng ftact tisaItimers. le o! necesslly a great deat o! vat Wlbln tise buillofthte vessel. A mod- ru liner bas enougi water la ber bull te make « em go-aszed luise. About 1,70 (Qui Of Ivter la carrled by n blg PaiBsenger vessel. Tise drlnkissg vater fo« li e of pasengera ainounts te 5W, anti there are about 830 tous sen watir being used for ballast. Z* Mix boliers colilain 6w touas. neh taPis ra ie tuated belveen thse double Lel meun a, t i( religion) le. mot aiere trinil sla nueolas Iing 1t be QJallled Ilt sfor aaninatant, 11la sot à thilng for a insulu cunvînco huluasl Special For Saturdaýy,,, PANTS Dreas pantis that oods-i a nymthyour For lOutiolo at 5 1 zutasnloa.s91 1.39ý-, &limei 119 1 04oe ~A A1 C Enxtfre Second Floior Corner Gro»eaW ,Mhen a Vertebra (on one segment) is even sliglitly displaced, the opening between theni is partially closed. -This results i lessen- ing the ftow of lite force te all muscles and organs supplied by the nerves eompressed at these openings.. A disorler may be slight ix itsef-but far reaching i its effeet. Consultation and spinal analysis -free. 21 N. Genese J.O0. H. LUKSSMANN Chxrpaci p J'ahne rdute e St. PHIONE 394 I KÀrk Building 't »3ANPF, B IUARTERS FOR NORTH AMERI7CA'S ALI1NISTS, A MACGN P OR MIKMR, CAMPERS AND) MOTINTAIN CLIMBERS I KEEP SMILINGI Latt News Waukegan's New Stpre TOMORRQW We wifl open a new Pants De-, partment in conuection with our Big Up-Stairs Mens Store. A~PUir- For Every MnlWuea JLa For Lare dSnial 0 e ansFitem Quaity gc 1.9

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