Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jul 1922, p. 12

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die G*» V*O q ~ Wu~n g~ $%m. nov tW».Umms the pilt <*cudtior *EBl5 t $~~Q ~Rr~"lot iNwM rhon EÈveriBii 0* 1< L&ssyto RTlz he l#mnosIprance ut Our 1 .,-wý bno4~*br~U'IW~ ~4vM~ forUUuuaie to oui? IJO. 4770~~7 Wom~s ?l1.rqk1*.~ W~lOB suit. i~tth eut kuee liii 1*U1 10. "s. -emodxnîi'a bU houe in ail ta-. Wornen's aud misses' sport coatsa lu green âail blue lu Wanted styles and sizes. About balf price lu this sale at $7.9&. Women's and misses' sports coats lu polos and other want- ed fabries.' Very much under- priced for clearance at $1195. ier3t ci of !coats, capes and *wraps axnong which thère are sports coats sud coats fý,or general wear lu. lglt.col- ors O?,avy and back; mn are button trimmed luns1zeo from 16 to 44. A great, miany of wbieh are èess than hal! price at $14.75. MI our higli pgiced eoats, wraps ,sad capçs ofrich mar, r volas, lgeronas,Èoa,' 'oU- liued vith canton creW ïü frlu9e,fané be1lso im eeveis are now ri 3** ât leâabambli at$am SAââ Ooats,a»d handsome wrsps iu £a*rouderfulSélection o! :erials, colora and sl*W many hsudsomely em~belis4t with baud embtiodery and co- ored -stitéhery. All are feU Ji»d sud lormerly sl .~ twleo the price they uow earv', W amen'. s W&sh Women's sud mismas'wash dresses in prelty ew, styles light anad darl coloriiigs. Veryr- inueh leusthan regtIlar in tb' - July Sale at $198& Wasb dresses for womeu and misses lu msuy «ÏMe- lookimg styles sud umusl clorings-lu voiles sud glug- Sains suds fcw orgsudies in al i ses up to, 44L Now redue- kdto $2.98. Womeu 's sud misses' washi %dresses of tissue gimgbams, ~voiles and orgahdies lunmany prcttystyles sud colors in &R sises. About bal pricesaI lu tbis assortment we have y" dpretty little ratine aree and dresses Iwith wash satin §blouses and. igu L kirts, snd. dresses oett y .giugham lu a wide range o! eolors sud styles lu ail amme tt are now reduced te $5J&6 Women's wash dresse&. la Ptygingbams, voiles, a- cembinations lan xari ely ietcpon Ilu il aises ar mg $ee uiwl~ude'pmie ~ 75 lu Ibis -groue eImported Singhaco, , ra = pepongea, Y OlJè, do ffl &WIin sizes up to *OOSÇa o»é-tb»rd to one- These coats were matie te o 759m euqFrflaF ç5u 5< e ffleLUP~ se11 for a Rreat deal more than .___________ _______________ the sale pice. The newest styles are included lu velours, tricotines, velour de laines, marveilas. Now reduced to, $ 3 9 0 0 .1 1 Here are coats for women lu sizes frorn 16 to 44 lu, trico- times, poplins, mixtures and novelties lu belted and pleated styles that have been reduced foi the July sale to 1.. You can.effeet a haudsome saving on sorne very desirable coate lu regulàanaudwrappy- styles in a variety of skeci-for materials aud colorings in Mosan ail zeSaItsavery reason- able price of $2t.75. This lot 'o! coats lucludes Oome of the sessoxl'a vory high- est clasa modela, all beautifly suit %eadilurich-Iokug pile n wès u i~wns, usyeîsad, blek In. the xegular coat or styl"~es lu populaz sies &tiona saig 6e aI $ lU0 The nuraber of coats AIt OÙ, rceare ver f ew, lucre are worl velours sud novelties lu wautea- styles sud colore that bave been. very -miuch reduSed for this sale to $1î.95. A remiarkabl e collection, of silk dresses includimg taffétas, geretes sud canton crepe#, e M ît dred dbeaded,ini pretty, -styles- -and-wanted col- orsansd sizes hai'ebeen reduc- od for clearance lu the- July Sale te $10. Street, afternoon sports su d party dresses'lu*a wide range o! clever styles lu ail colora, A beautiful collection o! dresses lu géorgeous be4ded werations o! georgette, crepe de Chines, cantons, crepe- ro- mkain sd ,chamois kuit in black, white sud aIl colore are offored -aI about bial price aI Rere-'are dresses for every occasion in pretty canton, georgette, crepe kuit, roshan- are crepe sud crepe de chines lu whlté, navy, black, mohawk, grey, browu, jade lu, ail aise le 44. At $19.75. Weome's. silk hose in brown, white,'black, gey; plain and fancy. Aboutubl!priée at ^$1. Women's pure OnIk bos. 'with arrows - chiffon bom :with French aeam andhIngh ;qhScd heel -sport boue lu ÏM riwinklé sud white. Reduc- e t te$1.9., Womnen's- pure thread silk hope lu brown, black, White andi coloe. Formier values to *398, now at *.9 JuIy Ciodrà'nce Of MIlin ery Amy sraw bt luinstock- thi llealdesmied bate in milau heuip, wbite,-bats, band- ed sailors lu su assortment o! colores adwhifs: straw sport hats. Your pixoice at $1.00. Felt sud rIbbon sport hats In ail the new iades-orchid, jade, tangerine, tile bIne, tan. ,=eciaily educed for this efig le *.95. NO'W cornes a clearance o! pretty black bèrouette satin hassome biving white satin facingesuad then there are other white sud .black coMbin- ations at about bal price, for $3-M5 SMl and Muslin Night- Gowns Nomen's and zui"en' igbt gewns o! crepo and inu9inl 'white, flesb, peacb, icorchid. BpeCàaly pricedaIt$1.00.- Niglit gawnfor women lu p an sd wered coel an sd white l ies. XUeh underpriced at $1.49. îWomen's rnnslin aud crepe go'wna wÎi_ pretty lace aud ernbroidery trixnming lu ail aizes. Now reduced t $1.98. Wornen's pretty silk crepe de chine sud satin gownu lu fles9honly. Rave bccn reduced bo $3.98. Env. Chenus. Woinen's.envelope chemis~e lu muilin and crepe lu white, flesh, pcach aud orchid, all sizes. Speeial $1.00. Crepe sud musliu chemise lu al sizes lu white, flesh, or- chid and peach in dainty. uew styles, at $1.49. Oinghain. muslin sud.ceepe chemise lu flesh, white, orcbid and' peach sud checcks il ui sises, at $1.98. C orgots Coven Womou'Bbrassieres iu wanted Styles and sizes, 2&. 1Brassiares in pretty .ityles afl isèes.- Reduced to n9e. W.o]en'a pretty muulinu brauiees ith ail-over.exxi- broid47 and lace trm ig Speeilly« priced at $1.00. Women's enuslin corset cov- ers l ilstyles, 49c. 811k corset covers in white and ffe8h l ail sizes, 9ke. Si1k corset covers iu flesh, n&avý, brownand black, $IL49. Pe-ttièoats- Wome's .U aln d white aatine petticoata *11, scaflop- cd or embroîeretLbttoms, lu ail sires. Special$1.0.. 'White satine petticoats,- sorne witb double pannels. specisl $149. MUaliU petticoatw~ with em- broidered flounces lu extra sizes only. Speclal $1.49. Woiucu's silk crepe de chine sud wash satmp etticoats sud ?ettecoats o! ta feta aud silk jersey In ail colors. Very sPe-- cial atIM,8 Women's and Misses" Wornen's crepe, batiste sud diinity bloomers lu regàLar aud extra aizes lun'white snd fleah. SpWGeW s ma .aw mi wbite-, atifleî sh.-WelâgUe. Womneus muain sopl bloomers lu white, fiesh and orchid. Speclal$1.0. - Satin stripe sud crepestop- lus anâ bloomersiluwbite,ý pçaeb,-flesh aud orcbid. Now repriced at -,*1.40. Womeu'as ilk crepe de chine step-ius lu flesh only. At $LM96 JtaIy..ClearAwce of Corsets lu 'wnted styles sud sBizes. Underprice at Front and back laeed cor- gets lu flesh sud white. ISpe- cialy iAè4 at $2». Womeu'a sud misses' cor- sefles sud girdles for coxfort and Style as ýwell. At $M00 Then there is su assortinent o! front sud back lace styles lu ail modela lu white sud flesb. At $5.00. JuIy Clearance ofl Cpveral Womeu s!ëee ïpo i good-stylee sudcolore. Very special airise. A wox4iefm aao! sl'ip- over sud side-buttoMing styles ini pon-dresses fe9r wear aroun th Ie boue sud- on. out- luga lu al colora, lu amal me- diuffa sud large, "Ize»,very prettily triied. At $1.00. Houdse drese-aprona lm pret- Iy giugham sud tio-bate witb ruffed and, rick rack trim- in-in lgail sHizes.At $1.49. .Women's coveral sud bung- alow aprons lun mgbam ànd black satlueis wlh cretonne trimming. SpaI W-at $1.98. [Be caret ui to buy no more thanyo re<zJy ani. 7~s.,£"y iw pricois ore md .wîh the cons fderajtisaof erhadu cpmiotbe ireturned or ,,chai»ged -.9 in-,the . Iséa xon,'s-1 ~Mrhd orImm Suitsiu serges, tricotines andi twills in- black, navy, and tan, Incliding the long, atraight-lime co.ata with or without the hairline -belta and fancy stitghery, panneled and button tiimed effeets in agood range of sizes in values worth more thau double the ---priee asked in this sale $24. Suits of serges, velours sud tricotines lu wanted uizes aud. Styles.Specisi $19.75. Women's ail wool serge suite, six lu the lot, sizes 16 to, W8, si1k lineti, .0. C Oats A few oddis and ends lu childreu's coats lu mostly al amui sizes. While they last At $a9s. Then there are children's seoats lu a lair range of salles jand colora that bave been re- duced to, onlyp ".8. Coats sud capes, in.pretty, colorsandstyles, msny beiug hmiali i .a Oes, Ma6e v.r> muehtunderptietiat- $7.I. A lew coats inbiMeclam ma- terlala beautlfuly madle md in protty styles sud colors are reduced tb $9.9L Odds' sud ends lu children'a dresses lu aises up te 14 lun goot styles and colonare" marked for clearaxicp at 790. Cldre's wash dre8ses in pretty styles iucludiug those up te 6 with bloomers, others up te 14 ,lun checks, plaida, setrîpes and plain colora.,,ÂA #1.90. : Thencornes~___ cbambrays sud glughams lu- alimes to 14 inawide variety o! styles. 'Very rnuch reduceti tb $1.98. Pretty voile and organdie dresses with sahes,ý ruflýes, in- serting, etc. lu wbite,'ftesh, or- chiti' sud canaxy lu ail aises fron 2 to 1l are now lesu than bal prico aI *1&98 sud $8.75. Middy Bmou. dirlsi..sud missesi middy blouses ini white ouly. Very speclal aI $t&0.-- Middy blouses in alaises 'with plain or colt~e collans are priced at $1.49. C&is' sud misses, nfiddr- blouseslu inplain .white ""and white with, coloreti trlmmixxg with plain- ., ud "cv9'p bot-. toms. At $*1. Play Suits Childreu!g bIui. dénim over- alls with red tlnug, 6be. Boysi' khaki playanits in Oliver Twist styles, at 79c. Childreu's black . satine, anikle eugth pîsysuita with cretonne trirmnigngsd cuif bottoms, 81.5. Cil drcu's rompers inwvaul- J before t eyou enjoyI tvna i~1o wIe ?8C ats -Every çtice in ibtis sale .s ut'tk0 -~ __On BCvegur4ntto wpriews Redýce a Foswth, -at nl lghwïslt -o omà-rie Soir, ss oe an a Hait.' gratem ever ontrdtrbJQSO -Women's pretty mAU woël tweed sulta bmatitMlYslIk liued lu copen, perinl, rose and orford grOy, lu size to 44, ulceir baud t"lr- ed. Are reduce t t about bal the real výalue, af$16. Worne'swoo eiey three- piece, suite consisting or leeveessiuMper and jacket to match, lin sea.from 16 te 38 lu heather mixtures Very rnuch under priced aet*60M Take your choice of apy high priced suit lu stock at tbe senationafly 10w price etr Wé&I#MdniSilh la eu'white wIshaekrts In watited styles ud-aisms.Of-. fered at about hall price or less for $149. ÀA pecial group of silkpop- lin, wool serges and tti clearane te*o .Sport akirts of tweeds and plait wbite baronette ats in .wanted dmse are speéially prie- e4 at *5.981 Silk, wool Mid novelty sprs kirts lu atipea, plaide, pleted effects, plain colora aud white u i aisesm. Are re- duced uminoe caues te more than bal at $7.96. Very fine skirts of silk snd' wool lu a variety of colora, sty- les and ail ames. Are reduced to $9905. (Jnd.rpriedý Wash blouses lu white and white with elored coflars lu al aizes. Specialat $1.00. S A apecial pwbgùwr pmydes handsome new dimity and, voile blouses lu plain. and b*r-à red effeets. Hall price aI Lg.M Blouses o! silk georgette, crepe de chine, taffetas,4 tricol- lettes and pongees are rednced to $2.79. Handsome blouses lu regu. lar and overblouse effe<éta in white, navy and colors lu al aises, $895. Xow cornes a specisi group. of blouses In silk. georgettes, reede chines and pongees, '.ôï WOOî ver-and, tuxedo awea ý W t bz i br alip-o-vers 1-ù a vari.wty of ol ors ond sisea, st--. W"oolslp-over, bWttou and tuxedo sweaters nlu 11eolore and aise. Speéial'at *3A6 Sil f1kibre slip-ver and lu; edo sweaters, ligbt and dzl1 coloa lu plain and- lancy weaves andlu 'aisies am underpriced at 38 5 .98 $695 and $9,95. Childrenlîj,,Slip-ove, buttoit and tuxmdôsweaterd'lu al col- ors are underprloed, aI $1.09. Boys"*and girilý00wo~Uweat- ers lu light.and da4l eolo-S in 1 the It of bat sui Ho ma Ho or PO up thi tal th, uit op. nai cil o th,1 ad, me Ch me Wb ci Wb set ta ut. ph Chi col nu wt thi oi tht ho ja en toi eS eh, tu an cc tr al w w Io 10o -A R c il t' y t t r.- 1 1 - - - , 1 1 ý 1 IF : :9 , .-ý N-4- 1-PIdn, 1 - N qrt 4

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